
Decline. Fortune telling using the book of changes Interpretation using aphorisms

Your current situation begins precisely from the moment you gained freedom of action and its first results. But in the future, such behavior cannot be successful, since you little by little find yourself in a state where freedom of action reaches a certain extreme, turning into chaos of actions and situations around you.
Strange as it may sound, the problem at the moment is precisely that you have simultaneously achieved very significant results in various areas of your life. And now you are simply not able to comprehend and analyze everything that has been acquired.
It is extremely important to do such an analysis, because otherwise you will not be able to find out whether much of what you have achieved is still necessary for you, what you could part with without regret, and also what is your goal for the near future.
You are now like a person who is trying to move in several directions at once. Believe me: no one other than professional magicians has ever managed to perform such a trick. And you will not be an exception either.
Do you want to act fruitfully, with the hope of getting serious results in the end? Well, in this case, you yourself will have to “cut off” some of the secondary or still little relevant interests in order to direct all your efforts to the most important tasks. But which tasks you consider the most important depends only on your choice.

Perhaps the most appropriate way for such a “selection” would be to start with your relationships with others. Isn’t it true that you’ve recently met – on business or just for fun – with a significant number of people? Answer yourself honestly: do you still want to maintain constant contact with all these people?
It is worth taking a closer look at many of your new acquaintances: remember how they appeared in your life, for what purpose both you and they continued their acquaintance. And if your intentions coincide here, then you can think about further contacts.

In progress some changes should also be made. And above all, try to take into account in your actions not only your own interests, but also the wishes of other people. In pursuit of solving the problems that concern you, you became so carried away by everything that was happening that you partially stopped perceiving the problems of those around you.
Now, having carried out a kind of “self-inventory”, try to set aside some time at least to listen to your friends when they need support and consolation.

Making your wish come true is postponed for some time. Unfortunately, now is not a good time for active action in this area. For now, you will have to remain a passive observer of everything that happens. But don’t relax and don’t let your guard down: this is the only way you’ll be able to “enter the game” at the right time.

As a rule, the appearance of the Sun hexagram in a love scenario foreshadows problems in love relationships related to the financial side of life. You may encounter the fact that a lack of material resources or problems with them will negatively affect your personal relationships. But if you shift your emphasis from the material side of life to the spiritual, then everything will go well.

Also, the appearance of the Sun hexagram in a love chart can symbolize a situation where a person with great financial resources can interfere in a love relationship. For example, your beloved may meet a richer man than you, or your lover may decide to start courting a girl with a respectable devotee. To prevent this from happening, you must now show him (her) with all your might how much you love him and that money is not the most important thing in true love.

Another important aspect that the Sun hexagram symbolizes is that during its action you should not forget for a moment that money, anyway, cannot buy real love, but only its imitation. Therefore, if now you are thinking of seducing someone or arousing a feeling of love in someone with the help of expensive gifts, then you are deeply mistaken, you will not succeed. Money cannot buy true love, only a prostitute.

If love fortune telling is carried out to find out how your love relationship has just begun, then the answer of the Sun hexagram is this: if I talk to you about feelings, yes, you have a chance for love happiness, and if they try to appease you with expensive gifts, restaurants and so on - then you are simply bought as a thing, which means that as soon as you stop satisfying them, you will simply be thrown out of life, without regret.

And finally, the last point that is worth mentioning when the Sun hexagram appears in a love scenario is that this period will not last long if it is not intentionally lengthened. Therefore, pull yourself together and be very careful and then everything will go well. And if your partner shows himself on the negative side during this period and it turns out that money is more important to him than you and your love, then draw your own conclusions...

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

According to the Chinese book, resolving a difficult situation at a previous stage of life inevitably leads to the emergence of freedom, which requires restrictions.

Hexagram 41 is an interpretation of human restraining impulses that separate freedom from chaos and arbitrariness, as well as an interpretation of the reduction of past accumulations and experience. Decoding the sign shows that a person must show perseverance and inner truthfulness, otherwise the sacrifice of the past is meaningless.

Hexagram 41, Sun, Decrease (Decrease).


To the owner of truth there is primordial happiness. There will be no trouble. Possibly good fortune telling. It’s good to have somewhere to perform. And two sacrificial vessels are enough instead of eight.

The symbol consists of an external trigram of Inviolability and an internal trigram of Joy. We can say that the new state of a person is caused precisely by internal changes, since the environment remains stable.

The process of reduction can only be useful for insignificant individuals. They really should remove unnecessary desires and unnecessary thoughts. But according to the book of fate, a noble man is destined to increase his good qualities. However, this will be discussed only in the next sign.

Now more than ever, faith in a guiding star is needed. You have to part with a lot, but there should be no regrets. It is necessary to show widespread generosity, giving to loved ones and those simply in need what will then increase. The reward will not be long in coming, because all new business will be successful and will bring an increase in finances. Fresh acquaintances will be beneficial in terms of lucrative offers.

Hexagram 41, Sun, Decline guarantees the fulfillment of desires and the exceeding of the most daring expectations in reality. But this is only possible under conditions of high dedication and even some extravagance. Do not be commercial, better think about your future plans and engage in intellectual activities.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine first. It's time to come to the aid of others by doing your own thing. Serving people creates happiness. Heaven will support the one who can help himself.
  • Second nine. You don't need independent action, but you do need persistence. You can work for others without humiliation, bringing benefit to everyone. Remember that sneak attacks are very difficult to dodge. It is easy to lose what you have gained without hard work.
  • Six third. Solving a problem as a threesome is sometimes more difficult than in a couple. The multidimensional perception of this Yao also says that one of the two friends is always suitable as a mentor. Don't forget that a win can compensate for a loss.
  • Fourth six. Gentlemen know how to admit their wrong actions. Correct all your shortcomings as soon as you realize that they exist. You yourself will be glad if your friend works on his own passivity and pessimism.
  • Six fifth. Unexpectedly, fate will send you a meeting with an ideal partner. Nowadays there are auspicious symbols everywhere. Be persistent if things are slow.
  • Top nine. The book of I Ching reduces the interpretation of this Yao to the exaltation of virtues without belittling other people. You will learn to live correctly and be able to help others prosper. Remember that your achievements should be publicly available and useful.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. Now any actions aimed at personal gain should fade into the background. Limiting yourself by reducing selfishness is the ideal option. However, you should not act too categorically and thoughtlessly: reduce your qualities gradually. At the same time, altruism towards other people will not be amiss. Complete your independent adventure and go along the road marked earlier.
  2. The main point here is balance, but the discussion also begins on the topic of the next stage - addition. Losing a strong strategy means setting yourself up for disaster. The meaning of the hexagram Decrease in this trait is tact and prudence; now there is no point in waging war and demanding what is owed back. Also think about expanding your business, but don’t get involved in adventures.
  3. At this stage, freedom of choice in activity completely ends. You need to limit yourself to actions that come from outside. The third line is weak, but it has a correspondence with the sixth line, so its beneficial effects are felt. It's time to stop being afraid of independence and responsibility, so start a separate business outside of your joint business. Soon you will find a good patron or assistant.
  4. The pictogram says that there is no haste here anymore, which means that the process of decline is proceeding without bad influence. The egoistic principle in a person decreases, and this does not in the least impair his dignity. Well-being permeates the areas of health and personal relationships.
  5. The text preserved in the Chinese book can only be interpreted as a foreshadowing of a future situation, since in general these lines should be in the next hexagram. The central image of a turtle (a sacred and even ideal animal) here is associated with the manifestation of the best qualities of human activity. But such good aspects are solely the result of the systematic suppression of selfish character traits.
  6. Now independent individuals can unite around one center without the danger of egoism. They lose their peculiarity, but gain the power of joint activity. There is also a movement towards the next situation from the book of changes. Hexagram 41 and its interpretation lead to multiplication - the main process. And the decline itself is only a transitional stage of life.

Expanded interpretation of the sign

You can move towards your goal only after a significant decrease in active energy. You need to not only reduce the range of motion, but also work on mitigating your life demands. Now it is useful to sacrifice, refuse and give, and this can not only be material things, but also human efforts: emotional, intellectual, bodily. When the situation is balanced, your support will turn into profit and respect from others.

The meaning of hexagram 41 is associated with the life position of the captive. In the same way, they don’t know a newcomer at work who just has to gain trust and work with maximum efficiency. In a dependent position, all that remains is to fulfill responsibilities, hide dissatisfaction and accumulate approval from management and colleagues. Large investments and small salaries are only a temporary circumstance, because after accepting your hard work, another story begins - the story of success and rising to the top.

Personal relationships also require a certain sacrifice. You need to take into account the needs of your partner, perceive them as more important and important. Now you need to spend time and money on your loved one, giving up your dreams and turning to his affairs.

According to the book of the I Ching, business during this period of life requires serious financial investments. For this reason, you should reduce your leisure expenses. You need to change not only your habits, but also your character, so be modest and compliant. At the same time, do not forget to think about the final goal, which will warm you mentally.

At the previous stage, excellent opportunities opened up for creative forces, which were revealed in the process of implementing plans. Now freedom of action is beginning to reach the point of absurdity, so we need to immediately get rid of the chaos of actions. Significant results in a variety of areas have confused you, so it's time for rethinking and analysis. Choose the most valuable things, and then part with smaller things. Remember that you can achieve new serious results only after removing secondary interests. Solve only important tasks.

A full study of the pictogram shows that relationships with people should be reconsidered. Give up those regular contacts that were created recently or, on the contrary, have become obsolete. Do not forget that the intentions of the allies must coincide. Maintain your own interest in communication, but also help others and take into account their wishes. A kind of communication inventory stage begins.

The wish will not come true soon, and it is not worth trying to fulfill it against the will of fate. However, there is no need to go with the flow either, because the necessary moment will soon come. Don't let your guard down.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • Friends drink across from each other. Symbol of happiness and joy.
  • The characters “Zai” and “Ji” (“Luck Again”) are interpreted as the need to try again to achieve success. Victory will not come the first time.
  • A vessel intended for wine fell on the table. The Chinese Book of Changes associates the meaning of this plot with the absence of booze.
  • A ball is rolling on the floor. The personification of unrealized expectations.
  • The central symbol is that the mountain consists of a pile of grains of sand.
  • The main image is that in the process of drilling the earth you can find water.

Wen-wan's interpretation of the sign

  1. Reducing with sincerity leads to success and does not create regret. We need to act.
  2. According to the Book of Changes, the July pictogram is good in the summer, as well as in the fall. Fortune telling will be unfavorable only in winter.
  3. It is necessary to reduce your anger and bring your passions under the control of your mind in order to achieve the blessings of heaven. In other words, sometimes a couple of small bowls are enough for sacrifices, and not 8 containers.
  4. In luxury you can often feel unhappy. But you can refuse this and enjoy small blessings. Then only devoted comrades will remain nearby, a modest holiday with whom will bring incredible joy.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

  • In the business area, a loss and disruption of plans is coming. You should not start new businesses. Try to correct previous mistakes and coordinate time for work and rest.
  • Losses await a person in the public sphere and in the area of ​​politics. Here you need to be not only careful, but also insightful. There is a possibility of betrayal by colleagues or friends because of their different views. After some time, it will be necessary to begin gradual changes in strategy.
  • Interpersonal communication is built incorrectly, says Yijing. The Book of Changes interpretation of this area reduces to the loss of ideas, comrades and money. The problem lies in the fact that it is based on material values, not a spiritual connection.
  • Love relationships are in oblivion because harmony and passion are absent from both partners. There is misunderstanding and even rejection, a feeling of boredom and uncertainty about the future. In the family, relatives are not happy with little and demand extra benefits.
  • The health area suffers from accidental injuries to the body. The fire element and working with electricity pose a particular danger to humans.

Hexagram 41 is an interpretation of the new aspiration of a person who has already received his share of success. It's time to move on to correcting some things and reviewing the mistakes caused by constant luck in all areas of life. You should learn to part with unnecessary people, interests, things. Don't feel bad about it, and very soon you will get even more.

The symbol is favorable and indicates that everything spent on others will be returned to you a hundredfold.

Don't regret what you give to others today. Your extravagance and giving to others may bother you now, but soon the impression of excessive generosity will pass. Fate will return everything to you with interest.

Everything you give to people will come back to you, and you will receive a generous reward.

Time favors mental effort and thinking about new plans. Engage in intellectual activity and planning.

Most of your wishes will come true, and the result of your efforts will exceed your wildest expectations; you will reap even more than you sowed.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 41. Decrease (Decrease)

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question is Sun - Decrease (Decrease).

The hieroglyph depicts a ritual vessel in the hand, used to make offerings to spirits.

take away, reduce, belittle; humble, weak. Lose, spoil, threaten, harm. Criticize, blame. To give, to offer sacrifice, to surrender. Concentrate, wait for quiet time.

Semantic connections of hexagram 41. Sun

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of belittlement of things. Things become smaller and lighter, becoming closer to spirits and reaching the ideal essence of things. Reduce your personal involvement in activities. Collect your energy and send it upward. Moderate emotional passions and refrain from passions. This will open the way for you.

Reflect and determine your plan, stick to it and follow it. What is needed now is a decrease that will create room for growth. An external limit is set for learning and identifying internal development. It will seem hard at first, but it will allow you to change and be versatile with the times. Don't hold on to things, free yourself from them voluntarily, otherwise you will lose the direction of the right path. Something important is coming back. Without regret, reduce what is below and strengthen with knowledge what is above. Reducing yang and strengthening yin will connect you with the spirit of the current moment.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the forty-first hexagram.

[The owner of truth has primordial happiness. There will be no blasphemy.

Durability possible. It’s good to have somewhere to perform.

What is needed [for a sacrifice]?

And two (instead of eight) bowls are enough for sacrifice.]

I. At the beginning there is nine.

Stop what you're doing and come out quickly.

- There will be no blasphemy.

Having figured out [the matter], subtract what [should be subtracted.]

II. Nine second.

Favorable fortitude.

- A trip to disaster.

III. Six third.

If three go, then they will decrease by one person;

if one person goes, he will find his friend.

IV. Six fourth.

Reduce your haste.

But even if you are in a hurry, there will be fun.

- There will be no blasphemy.

V. Six fifth.

You can also increase what [is lacking.]

The turtle is an oracle (worth ten bundles of coins. [Its] impossible to deviate from his instructions.

- Primordial happiness.

VI. Nine at the top.

Add to what you cannot subtract from.

- There will be no blasphemy, perseverance is fortunate. It’s good to have somewhere to perform.

You will gain (so many) subjects [that you will already] have [independent] houses.

The original text for this hexagram will be more understandable if it is interpreted in terms of a market economy. To make a profit, you need to invest a certain amount of effort and money into the enterprise. Otherwise, the matter will not work out.

The name, however, quite accurately reflects your mood. You don't really want to put yourself out there at this stage of your life. Don’t discard the idea completely, try to narrow the scope of your influence on the subject matter or limit your desires.


Now nothing will definitely work out.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Don't go on the offensive along the entire front line. Choose one, the most profitable strategic direction and concentrate your efforts on it.

Bottom line.

Excessive subjectivity is bothering you. Reconsider the essence of the issue, leaving only generally accepted values ​​in it.

Second line.

You won't get away with just revising your plans. You will have to give up some of your principles.

Third line.

In an effort to realize your plans, you overloaded yourself. Leave some of your luggage and continue your journey lightly.

Fourth line.

The zest that you brought to the situation may bother someone, but not you. Be bolder.

Fifth line.

More individuality - less problems.

Top line.

The question has the power to change the future of many people. Find what it has in common for everyone and don’t be shy about promoting it.

Andrey Khramov, Andrey Tsumanov. I Ching - the alphabet of fate