
What is Nargiz Zakirova doing now? Singer Nargiz Zakirova: biography, personal life, creativity. thousands of Kirov residents took part in public projects of the Volga Federal District

Nargiz Zakirova is a famous Russian singer who became popular thanks to her collaboration with producer Max Faddeev. Few people know that Nargiz is not a random person on the Russian stage, she was a singer before, and even participated in the American "X-factor". But in Russia, Zakirova "shot" not so long ago.

Several years ago she came to the show "The Voice" and sang one of the most famous songs in the world - "Still loving you" by the Scorpions. This performance immediately gained millions of views on the network, and the performer's hoarse voice, which at the same time, it seems, can soar to unrealistic heights, immediately earned many excellent reviews and ratings.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nargiz Zakirova

Zakirova went through obscurity, but, apparently, in the world there is still somewhere the highest justice, because there was definitely no such voice on the Russian stage, so the singer became a real star!

Fans are interested in the performer's life before the project, her extravagant appearance, as well as everything related to the talented singer, even her height, weight, age. How old is Nargiz Zakirova is a very popular question today, and the answer to it can be easily found on the net. The singer is 46 years old, her height is 165 cm, and her weight is about 55 kg.

Biography of Nargiz Zakirova

The singer was born in Tashkent in 1970. Biography Nargiz Zakirova has several countries where she lived all this time, before being popular in Russia.

Throughout her childhood, the girl lived in Uzbekistan, and at the age of 15, Nargiz for the first time took part in the song contest "Jurmala-86", where she sang a song to the words of Ilya Reznik. At that time, she was studying at a circus school, and already had her own group with which she performed.

In 1995, she and her parents left for the United States, where she lived for a long time. Nargiz worked in a video salon, in a store, and then in a tattoo workshop, but she did not abandon the dream of a stage, performed with her group, and then recorded a solo ethno album. Alas, there was no breakthrough, and Zakirova was also known only in narrow circles. Already an adult and successful, Nargiz does not give up her attempts, and goes to the American "X-factor", where, however, her vocal abilities were also not evaluated.

In 2014, Zakirova comes to Russia, and immediately finds out that there is also a show for young talents in Moscow. Nargiz wins on The Voice, being a student of Leonid Agutin, and then begins a solo career under the direction of producer Max Faddeev.

Personal life of Nargiz Zakirova

The singer tells a little about her private life and novels. Several years ago, he appeared on the TNT show "The Battle of Psychics", where she became a participant in one test. The performer herself then said in an interview that there were several beloved men in her life, but it did not grow together.

Zakirova does not often talk about her life in America, she only says that she had three husbands, and sometimes she feels like a witch, since fate divorced a woman with each of them. Today, the personal life of Nargiz Zakirova is shrouded in mystery, the artist's heart is free, but she is pursuing her career.

Family Nargiz Zakirova

Nargiz Zakirova was born into a family very famous musically in Uzbekistan. Zakirova is a singer already in the third generation, her grandmother sang folk songs, and her grandfather was an opera singer. Mother Nargiz, Luiza Karimovna, is a famous pop singer of the 60s, who performed a duet with her brother, uncle Nargiz. The singer's father, Pulat Sionovich, was a musician, acted as a drummer in a musical group.

It is not surprising that a truly talented girl grew up in such a family. The family of Nargiz Zakirova gave the performer a lot in terms of musical education, but "by inheritance" she got a good ear and voice.

Children of Nargiz Zakirova

In love, the singer was very unlucky for a long time, however, despite the fact that Nargiz's life did not go well with her men, the artist today has three children. The singer herself admitted that her children were born of different men. It so happened in her life that none of the fathers, except for her current husband, wanted to take responsibility for the child, so the woman raised her offspring alone.

Today, the adult children of Nargiz Zakirova live in the United States, for them life is more familiar there, but their mother is building a career in Russia. The performer misses her family very much and tries to visit the children more often.

Son Nargiz Zakirova - Auel Zakirov

The son of Nargiz Zakirova is Auel Zakirov, the second, middle child in the singer's family, and the only boy. He was born to Nargiz Zakirova from her ex-husband Yernur Kanaybekov. The guy showed a love for cinema since childhood, went to all premieres and films, and also loved to visit the theater, and dreamed that someday he himself would perform at the theater on Broadway.

After school, Auel entered the Institute of Cinematography in New York, and today he is studying at the directing department. The guy plays in the theater, as he dreamed, and Nargiz is very proud of his son.

Daughter Nargiz Zakirova - Sabina Zakirova

Daughter Nargiz Zakirova - Sabina Zakirova is the singer's eldest daughter, she was born in her first marriage with Ruslan Sharipov. Despite the fact that the singer's children were born to the artist of the third generation, not all of them chose art for themselves. For example, the humanities are much closer to Sabina, the girl enjoyed reading books all her childhood, she especially loved philosophical treatises, books on psychology and cultural studies.

Today, the adult daughter of the singer is engaged in philosophy. The girl is married, and recently her son Noah was born, so Nargiz became a grandmother.

Daughter Nargiz Zakirova - Leila Zakirova

The daughter of Nargiz Zakirova - Leila Zakirova was born in 2000 in the singer's third marriage, with performer Philip Balzano. The girl has not finished school yet, as in America secondary education lasts a little longer than in Russia. Daughter Nargiz lives with her father today, learns to play musical instruments, and already sings well.

In addition, Leila goes to a dance studio, and has not yet decided who she wants to become in the future. The girl works in a yacht club, but in the future she wants to follow the path of art, like her parents.

Former husband Nargiz Zakirova - Ruslan Sharipov

The ex-husband of Nargiz Zakirova is Ruslan Sharipov, a famous Uzbek rocker and musician. They met while still very young, and already at the age of 18, Nargiz got married. Like all girls, she thought that they would be together forever, but the man did not keep his word, and very quickly exchanged the singer's love for freedom.

They had a daughter, Sabina, but even that did not stop the man from betrayal. When Nargiz began to go on tour, she found out that while she was gone, her husband had an affair on the side. So they got divorced.

Former husband Nargiz Zakirova - Yernur Kanaybekov

After a divorce from her first husband, Nargiz pretty soon met Yernur in Uzbekistan. In the United States, 25-year-old Zakirova arrived already pregnant with her second child, from her lover.

The guy remained in his homeland, and Nargiz gave birth in America, after which Kanaybekov flew to his wife, but behaved very coldly. Then Nargiz was disappointed with men for the second time: she found out that the mazhe has a mistress. The singer has already filed for divorce, but they did not manage to divorce, the ex-husband of Nargiz Zakirova, Yernur Kanaybekov, had an accident and died.

Former husband Nargiz Zakirova - Philip Balzano

Nargiz eventually introduced Yernur to her third husband. Once he called his still current wife (they were just getting a divorce) and said that he was in a restaurant where an Italian was singing, and his voice was simply amazing. Zakirova then no longer held a grudge against her husband, and came to the party.

First she fell in love with his voice, and then with a smile. After some time, they already performed together, and then got married. With him, she first understood what love is, but the ex-husband of Nargiz Zakirova, Philip Balzano, soon showed his Italian character. They divorced in 2016. Today the former spouses have normal relations.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nargiz Zakirova

Her parents did not even doubt that the girl would become a singer, because she had an incredible voice since childhood. Already at the age of 4, Nargiz performed on stage, so that the guiding star from childhood led the girl in the right direction.

After winning the "Voice" show, Nargiz Zakirova recorded many videos and sang a song in a duet with Max Faddeev. The artist tours a lot, and every year gives concerts in the CIS countries. Instagram and Wikipedia Nargiz Zakirova will tell a lot of interesting things to her subscribers and fans of her talent.

The American singer of Uzbek origin Nargiz Pulatovna Zakirova became truly famous after participating in the Voice project on Channel One. The artist amazed the viewers not only with her strong vocals, but also with her bright appearance. A shaved head with dreadlocks on top of her head, a lot of tattoos and piercings, an extravagant manner of dressing - the image of the singer is remembered primarily by her informality. At the same time, in the guise of the artist, brutality is surprisingly combined with femininity.

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Nargiz Zakirova (06.10.71) was born and raised in Tashkent. The maternal artist belongs to the famous musical dynasty of the Zakirovs in Uzbekistan. Grandfather Karim was an opera singer, Shoista's grandmother was a performer of folk songs. The mother and uncle of the future artist performed at the Tashkent Music Hall. His father, drummer Pulat Mordukhaev, also played in a popular pop ensemble.

Nargiz's childhood passed behind the scenes, so she always knew that she would be an artist. At the age of 4, she had a chance to perform on the professional stage for the first time, voicing a hippopotamus in a children's puppet show. Studying in high school was difficult for the girl: in the classroom it was boring. The wayward student did not show much enthusiasm even at the music school, so her parents eventually took her out of there. Then the girl tried her hand at sports: she played tennis, swam.

The schoolgirl got a chance to prove herself in the musical field at the age of 13: in 1984, the young vocalist sang the song "Understand Me" to the melodrama "The Bride from Vuadil". Two years later, Nargiz Zakirova won the Audience Award at the Jurmala Song Festival. In addition to music, the girl was also interested in dancing. In the mid-80s, she got a job teaching break dance in one of the capital's clubs, was the host of a dance competition held at the "Yeslik" arena. After graduating from high school, the girl entered the pop vocal department of the capital's circus school. By the age of 18, Nargiz was quite famous in the republic: she performed with her team, even then she was striving to go beyond the framework accepted in music.

In the mid-90s, the singer moved to the United States with her parents and husband. At first, her uncle, who had emigrated earlier, helped her to settle in New York. As the artist admits, it was difficult to start a new life in a foreign country without the usual way of life and friends. Work helped Nargiz Zakirova cope with depression. At first, the woman was a saleswoman in a video salon, then she sang in a restaurant. To survive, I had to work 12 hours a day. Performing in nightclubs, the singer has repeatedly tried to create her own musical group. It was not possible to do this for various reasons: some musicians were prevented from working well by lack of ambition, other performers, on the contrary, made excessive demands.

In 2001, the first album Nargiz Zakirova was released. The collection "The Golden Cage" includes compositions in ethnic style. The next album - "Alone", recorded together with the group The Orphans, appeared seven years later. In 2012, after seeing an advertisement for the Voice project on Russian TV, the singer decided to take part in it. Then the plan did not work out due to the fatal illness of his father. A year later, the artist came to the casting of the American show "X-Factor". At the same time, she applied to participate in the Russian "Voice-2". On both projects, she managed to pass the selection, so then she had to choose. The woman preferred the Voice. In the television show, the vocalist reached the final, in the end losing only to Belarusian Sergei Volchkov.

Zakirova spent the next ten months in the megatore, giving 25 performances every month. In the spring of 2014, the singer's long-standing desire to work with Max Fadeev came true. The artist tried to establish cooperation with a Russian producer back in 2005, but then it was not possible to contact the famous showman. Over the past two years, the performer has recorded three songs by Fadeev: "I am not your war", "You are my tenderness", "I do not believe you."

In the summer of 2014, Nargiz became the winner of the White Nights international competition held in St. Petersburg. You can often see the singer on television. So, in November 14th, the artist appeared as a test subject in one of the episodes of the mystical program "The Battle of Psychics". In the fall of 2015, Zakirova became the host of the first issues of the music show "Main Stage".

Personal life

For the first time, Nargiz married at the age of 18 a Tashkent rock artist, lead singer of the Bayt group Ruslan Sharipov. Then the singer in love thought that this marriage was forever, but it soon became clear that her husband was cheating on her. The woman learned about the betrayal when she was pregnant. For some time after the birth of Sabrina's daughter, the couple continued to coexist together, but the previous relationship between Nargiz and her husband was no longer there.

After the divorce, the artist gave vent to feelings, starting numerous novels. She met Yernur Kanaybekov, her second husband, at a casting in Tashkent. He was part of the delegation that selected participants for the Voice of Asia. Young people fell in love, began dating, then signed. When Nargiz Zakirova went to the United States, she was pregnant again. Yernur stayed in Tashkent, but on the phone he said that he was bored and loved very much. He moved to New York immediately after the birth of his son Auel. After a while, the story repeated itself: the woman found out about the infidelity and filed for divorce.

It never came to the official divorce, since Yernur died in a car accident. The funeral, the hassle of sending the body of the deceased husband to his homeland, the constant questions of the little son about his father - all this drove Nargiz crazy. Doctors and new love helped Nargiz Zakirova cope with depression and constant detachment from life. During Yernur's lifetime, the woman met Phil Balzano, an Italian with an amazing voice. She first heard his wonderful vocals when she was relaxing with friends in a club. This man literally mesmerized the singer. 18 years ago, the lovers got married, and three years later the couple had a daughter, Leila.

// Photo: Vadim Tarakanov /

45-year-old singer Nargiz Zakirova has a powerful voice and a bright, memorable appearance. Now she is successful and wealthy, but this was not always the case. The singer went through a thorny path to fame, full of difficulties. “You are so free, free, who has seen everything,” once said Dima Bilan, who first saw Nargiz after blind listening during the Voice show.

Zakirova was born in 1970 in Tashkent in a creative family. The artist's grandfather is Karim Zakirov, a well-known baritone in Soviet times, a clown and an artist Shoista Saidova, a soloist of the Uzbek Opera and Ballet Theater, an uncle is the famous Farrukh Zakirov, the leader of the popular Yalla band, the singer's mother is a pop singer, and her father is a drummer in musical group. In short, a real musical and artistic dynasty.


For the first time, Nargiz married Ruslan Sharipov, a musician and member of the Uzbek group "Bayt". The singer was 18 years old. Nargiz remembers fondly of her first wife, despite the fact that they are no longer together. They parted because of Ruslan's infidelity. Nevertheless, the breakup was not scandalous: quarreling with your soulmate, breaking dishes and suing is not in the nature of the artist.

“Something has broken in my soul. We began to work separately. We traveled around with concerts without seeing each other for several months, and when we met at home, there was no longer the feeling that there was a close and dear person next to you. Then I decided that this marriage should no longer exist, and we parted, "- this is how Nargiz recalled her first marriage.

From this marriage, Nargiz left a daughter, who was named Sabina. And in 1995, the Zakirov family moved to America, and this decision was not easy for them, because Nargiz was pregnant by her second husband, Ernur Kanaybekov. The singer was madly in love with him. They met while listening to the Voice of Asia show.

At the moment when the Zakirovs decided to emigrate to the United States, Nargiz was a fairly well-known performer in her homeland: she was called the “Uzbek Madonna” and was periodically condemned for provocative sexy outfits. The singer says that in this way she wanted to shock the audience, challenge her. In America, everything had to start from scratch. It was necessary to provide for himself and his family, so Zakirova had to work hard. She worked from 9 am to 9 pm at the lowest paid positions in restaurants, shops, pizzerias, tattoo parlors.

“America from the covers of glossy magazines is one thing, but from the inside it is quite another. Having given birth to my son, I sharply wanted to go to work: in search of a place I went from door to door. I was not embarrassed by any work. I wanted to live, enjoy what was happening, ”says Nargiz about his first years in the United States.

After some time, Nargiz, who worked from morning to evening, made her first acquaintances in the musical field. She began to be invited to perform in restaurants. At first in not very expensive, but then - in luxurious and "cool", as the artist recalled. Little by little, life began to improve.

However, in 1997, a tragedy occurred in Zakirova's life: Yernur died tragically in a car accident. Little Aul was only 2.5 years old. After the death of Yernur, Nargiz began a prolonged depression. The singer Philip Balzano, to whom her friends introduced her, helped the woman to cope with the difficult emotional state. The artists had a lot in common. In addition to their passion for music, they both emigrated to the United States in search of a better life. Balzano moved to the States from the island of Sicily.

Slowly, Nargiz began to recover from the terrible tragedy. Philip tried to support a talented and bright woman as best he could. He not only talked heart to heart with her for hours, but also studied music with Zakirova. They started an affair, and soon they got married.

“Phil is not only my husband - he is my friend, support, brother, lover. And Phil is also my teacher! Thanks to him, I went through a unique school of rock vocals, ”Nargiz said about my third wife.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

Nevertheless, Nargiz's trials did not kill her craving for music. She created various groups, tried to contact Russian producers, because she wanted to come to live in Russia. But representatives of show business made it clear to Nargiz that it is impossible to start a singer's career without money. However, Zakirova is not one of those people who gives up everything halfway. She wanted to seriously study singing, and did not give up trying to achieve her cherished dream.

participation in competitions

In 2013, Nargiz passed several stages of selection for the American show X-Factor. But before the final audition, she decided to give up her attempts to break into American TV and preferred the Russian program "The Voice" to him. Later, Zakirova admitted that she left the United States, tired of waiting for a call from foreign producers. They promised to remind her of themselves, but they never did.

This step became crucial in the artist's life. She not only became a member of the project, but also charmed the jury of the show with her incredible energy and vocal abilities. She chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor. Under his leadership, Zakirova reached the very end of the program, taking second place in the final of the competition. Many were rooting for the charismatic singer, and were upset when she did not become the first. But Nargiz herself calmly reacted to the "silver". “I didn’t win, I won,” Zakirova said about the results of the last series of “Voices”.

After participating in the popular program, Zakirova became a successful performer in Russia. The audience really fell in love with her for her non-standard appearance, strong character and amazing voice. Nargiz became a kind of challenge to the standard of appearance of the singer existing in show business.

In 2014, she fired from her team an old friend and well-known stylist among the stars, Alisher, who until that moment had not only come up with images for the star, but also sometimes sang a duet with her. The reason for parting with a friend was the singer's new collaboration with producer Max Fadeev. One of his conditions was Nargiz's performance on stage alone, without a second vocalist. Nargiz conveyed her decision to Alisher using an SMS message.

A longtime acquaintance Nargiz was offended by her: according to him, Zakirova could have told him about it personally, because they were on very good terms. He also said that the woman never once thanked Alla Pugacheva for the fact that the Prima Donna allowed her to sing her songs. By the way, it was Alisher who introduced the "Voice" star to the People's Artist. The man is still friends with the legend of the Russian stage, choosing concert costumes for her.

“Nargiz has been singing Pugacheva's songs for 8 months. Ask her, did she somehow thank Alla Borisovna? At least a bouquet of flowers ... Pugacheva doesn't care. How many such singers and singers were in her life. For me, Nargiz no longer exists, ”the offended stylist said in an interview.

At the end of 2015, another significant event happened in the life of Nargiz. The singer's daughter Sabina gave her a charming grandson, who was named Noah by the biblical name. The kid was born in America. The artist could not see him live for several months due to her busy touring schedule. By the way, Nargiz refused to baptize the child, motivated by her pagan convictions.

Despite the fact that Zakirova became a grandmother, she continued to shock the public. In addition to the fact that she starred naked, the artist once appeared in public in a sexy dress that she wore without underwear. In this way, Nargiz appeared at the wedding of singer Yulia Savicheva. Some of Zakirova's admirers thought her appearance was inappropriate for such a celebration, but there were also those who were completely delighted with him. Almost all of the woman's tattoos could be seen through the transparent fabric of her outfit. At that party, Zakirova had a lot of fun. She danced vigorously with Lera Kudryavtseva to the song of Gluk'oZy "Dance, Russia !!!" And in the words "And I have the most beautiful ... oops" Lera vigorously clapped Nargiz on the fifth point.

“I have become a mother, I have three children. I took place as a wife. And now I can say that I have taken place ... as an artist, ”said the singer after the final of the show“ Voice ”.

We also recall that quite recently Nargiz amazed all her fans with unexpected news. After 20 years of marriage, she filed for divorce from her third husband, Philip Balzano. The couple have a common child - 16-year-old Leila. According to Nargiz, Philip turned her life into hell. He constantly demanded money from the woman, and continues to do so. The man says that he will give Zakirova a divorce if she pays his debts. In total, Balzano needs an amount equal to 118 thousand dollars. It is known that Nargiz's husband has not been working for two years. According to Philip, Zakirova herself asked him about it. “Her love broke on the money that she does not give me now. Anyone in New York can prove that I was the best husband in the city, such a loyal man is hard to find, ”Balzano was quoted as saying in the press.

“I made the decision to divorce through the courts, because Phil's peaceful options are not satisfactory. For the past year, all of my royalties have been used to pay off his many debts. My ex-husband turned to blackmail and threats. He demands from me about 40 thousand dollars for a divorce. I am very grateful to the lawyers of Maxim Fadeev, who help me with the divorce procedure, "Nargiz told StarHit.

In her interview, Nargiz said that Leila would stay with her father. According to Zakirova, the girl worries about her father and worries that he might make some serious mistake. She has every reason for this, because Philip, Nargiz said, threatened his family, blackmailed, extorted money. The Italian musician also threatened to shoot everyone with a pistol if something went wrong, as he would like. During one of the last quarrels with the singer, he began to rush at 20-year-old Auel, Zakirova's son from a previous marriage. According to Nargiz, Balzano initially disliked the young man. Once a man grabbed Auel's throat and tried to strangle him.

In light of recent events, the press wonders what else, in addition to financial disagreements, could have caused the collapse of such a strong union. So, for example, "Express Gazeta" believes that the singer just got another man. According to this publication, the artist has an affair with a 34-year-old technician from her team. However, representatives of Nargiz do not confirm this version.

Magic in the life of Nargiz

It is interesting that Nargiz Zakirova is fond of astrology, esotericism, occultism and other supernatural things. “I myself am magic, mysticism and magic,” sometimes Nargiz says, meaning that her life is closely intertwined with various incredible things. It is interesting that the artist decided to participate in the "Voice" spontaneously. She accidentally saw an advertisement for this project and thought: why not try your hand? As a result, everything worked out for Zakirova. And she sincerely considers her triumph on the program to be something more than just the result of hard work on herself. Once the artist even called herself a witch.

Interested in magic, she attended the 15th season of the Psychic Clash. During the filming of the program, Zakirova met and made friends with the medium Tatyana Larina and the clairvoyant and witch Natalya Banteeva. According to Nargiz, she is generally constantly surrounded by interesting people who have unusual abilities. Perhaps they are attracted by the aura of the artist. It's no secret that many people who get tattoos say that they influence their destiny. Nargiz Zakirova has many tattoos with a deep, mystical meaning. Probably, they attract non-standard personalities to the artist.

By the way, all the drawings on Nargiz's body did not just appear. The artist said that she did each of them in memory of the event that changed her life. So, Zakirova always dreamed of working with Fadeev. Once she tried to contact representatives of a famous producer. A few years later, the singer finally managed to achieve what she wanted. This is mysticism, not otherwise. Therefore, two years ago, a woman stuffed her entire back with an embryo in her mother's womb, which resembles the globe. Around the unborn baby there is a strong guard in the form of a black circle and sharp peaks. In the picture you can also see the initial "MF", under which the name of the producer Nargiz Maxim Fadeev is hidden. According to Zakirova, he has an incredible talent from nature, given to him from above.

“I have been connected with mysticism and magic since early childhood. Many take it with caution, but in fact the word "witch" comes from "leading woman." I guess I was born that way. And, perhaps, starting from the age when I remember myself, to this day, some incredible things happened to me every now and then. Life brings me together with people who are also directly connected with some kind of mysticism and with some incredible abilities, ”Nargiz confesses about magic.

Based on materials from,,,,

Irina Tatiana

Irina Tatiana wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

I don't understand, such a talented one in America worked in a tattoo parlor and so on. Almost the best voice of Russia snuggled up here. She swore at the MUZ TV awards and like water off a duck's back. She generally had to be expelled from the country. I don’t see the voice, or rather I don’t hear it, Russian singers sing much better, and let Uzbeks sing and swear at home. Didn't call 1 channel and did the right thing. And in general I do not understand why I came to Russia. Although it is understandable for the money

Mikhail Timokhov

Mikhail Timokhov wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Anatoly Borovik

Anatoly Borovik wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Let it pour out of the true ITS pleasant SHE is charm. There are no similar talents now, except for barum ba, you will not hear anything. even if she pleases us with something pleasant. Well done in Mom's plan, three kids and looks so good. At 47 years old, not everyone can pull such a voice. Give her GOD all the best in a life of love in a family and her children to continue their colorful world of singing talent of a good kind of singers and musicians.

Alena Alena

Alena Alena wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Wonder-yudo-fish-whale. Who might like a woman who looks like don’t understand what. No femininity, no sophistication. Freak and only, a worthy match for Merlin Manson. She has a good voice, that's all you can say good about her. I'd rather listen to Taisiya Povaliy, and a beauty and a singer with the data of a classical singer.

Tatiana Lipatova

Tatyana Lipatova wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Good girl. When Nargiz sings, goosebumps creep through the body ... A worthy generation of their parents. I lived in the 70s in Tashkent and saw the queues for concerts with their performers ... Bravo Nargiz !!! When she's on stage, it's a real show and it's nice to listen to .... It's a pity. that such talents come from abroad ...

Raisa Pirmatova wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

It doesn't matter what appearance a woman is, but if a positive is rushing from her insides, love and tenderness from her eyes, and a sincere smile on her lips, especially since she is talented, then the appearance is perceived as a single component of the above. Personally, I accept her beautiful, harmonious woman. After all, such a woman no longer exists.

Maria Voronova

Maria Voronova wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Awesome, talented, incredible woman! Unusual, not like everyone else, this is what it takes, not to mention the cool, taking to the living, just tearing vocals! For some reason, we believe that everything should look within a certain framework. But this is a creative person! Everyone expresses themselves in their own way, but in addition to a bright unusual appearance - Nargiz has an amazing voice, has charisma, and she is worth something. There is no need to drive everyone into certain frameworks that are familiar to a common man in the street!

FULL NAME: Nargiz (Nargiza) Pulatovna

DATE OF BIRTH: 10/06/1970 (Libra)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Tashkent, Uzbekistan


HAIR COLOR: brunette


FAMILY: Parents: Pulat Sionovich Mordukhaev, Luiza Karimovna Zakirova

GROWTH: 167 cm



Singer of Uzbek-American origin.
Born into a family of musicians; her grandfather Karim Zakirov was an opera singer, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR; Shoista Saidov's grandmother is a singer, soloist of the Tashkent Musical Drama and Comedy Theater named after Mukimi; uncle Batyr Zakirov - Uzbek singer and composer, People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR; mother Nargiz Luiza Zakirova was a popular pop singer in the 60s.
The peviza herself also followed in the footsteps of her relatives and over the years her interest in music only age. From the age of 4, she began to tour with her mother, and also take part in performances. She studied at school without much desire and effort, Nargiz was always drawn to the stage.
At the age of 15, the girl for the first time takes part in the music competition for new talents "Jurmala-86". Having gotten loud applause for the performance of "Remember Me" Nargiz received the Audience Award.
From that moment, her active, creative, musical work on herself and her voice and image began. The young singer has always been distinguished by her epic style in clothes and makeup. She now and then performed in outfits shocking to the audience, took men to dance and dyed her hair in all colors of the rainbow.
On the Rodina Nargiz very quickly achieved mass popularity, she was even dubbed the "Uzbek Madonna". Her career did not prevent her from building her personal life - the singer was in her second marriage and was expecting a second child (the first was a daughter from Ruslan Sharipov).
In 1995, the Zakirov family immigrated to the United States, where no one had heard of the singer and the girl had to start her career from scratch. In New York, Nargiz starts working in a tattoo parlor and at the same time performs in restaurants.
In 2001 she recorded her first album in the ethno style, the Golden Cage, published by Sweet Rains Records on the Web.
The singer gained wide popularity in 2013 after participating in the Russian talent show "The Voice", to which she auditioned after a failed attempt to become a member of the American project "X Factor". Then Nargiz got into the team of Leonid Agutin and took second place under his leadership, losing to Arkady Volchkov. Although the singer herself believes that this was her victory.
It is noteworthy that during the project, Pelageya offered Nargiz to sing a duet, but it turned out that the singer had practically forgotten her native language.
Among the awards, Nargiz already has several awards from the MUZ TV channel for the best rock project and breakthrough of the year, the Golden Gramaphone, as well as the MUSICBOX 2016 Award for the best duet.
In connection with the development of her career, Nargiz is rarely at home in the United States. At the same time, the singers' relatives relate to this with understanding. Now she is in her third marriage with the singer Philippe Balzano.