
Didula: “They say I'm stoned, but I'm just passionate about music. Valery didula - biography, photos How old is the didula

Didula: biography, interesting facts

This is a legendary Belarusian guitarist, whose work has no analogues in the post-Soviet space. The compositions performed by him in a subtle way combine the charm of instrumental music with modern treatments and unusual sound. This symbiosis gives the tracks of this guitarist some special flavor, and therefore it is very, very difficult not to admire his work.

Valery received his first guitar when he was five years old, as a gift from his mother. From that moment on, he systematically developed his innate talents, methodically fingering the strings and rearranging chords one by one. His teachers admired his performance, and he, not paying attention to anything, just improved his playing, looking at the great guitarists of his time.

As a teenager, Valery first learned about the existence of various assistive devices that allow him to work on a guitar sound. From that moment on, experimenting with gadgets, pickups, pickups and other similar elements became a real obsession for the young musician. He developed his skills, and at the same time worked on the creation of an original guitar sound.

Very soon such efforts bore fruit. Diduli's compositions began to acquire their unusual sound for the first time. However, it was still far from the real peaks. Some time later, as the third guitarist, our today's hero got a job in the vocal-instrumental group "Alye Zori", which at that time was very popular in the BSSR. The group's concerts were held almost everywhere - in cities, towns, villages, collective farms, etc. Success contributed to the ensemble, but at some point, "Alye Zori" still began to disintegrate. The reason for this was the collapse of the USSR, as well as a huge variety of opened up opportunities. Some of the musicians left for the west, someone opened their own business, and only our today's hero continued to systematically work on his creativity.

In the early nineties, he joined the Grodno collective "White Rosy", within which he worked for a long time not only as a guitarist, but also as a sound engineer. At that time, the named group was mainly engaged in the performance of Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian folk songs. Valery Didule liked the folk style so much that later on, notes of folk music were constantly heard in all of his later compositions. In addition, it is also worth noting that it was as part of the White Dew ensemble that our today's hero first went on tour in Western Europe - Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and some other countries. The young musician was especially impressed by Spain, or rather, by its characteristic flamenco guitar music. After the end of the tour, Valery Didyulya stayed for several more years in this Pyrenean state, studying guitar passages and rhythms during this time. Thus, by the end of the 2000s, the style of the Belarusian musician was finally formed. Flamenco music was subtly intertwined with Belarusian-Polish folk motives, and all this was complemented by modern house-style arrangements.

At the end of the nineties, Valery Didyulya gathered around him a good team of like-minded people, with whom he began touring Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Spain. During this period, Minsk businessman Igor Bruskin and composer Oleg Eliseenko provided active assistance in promoting the young musician. On their advice, the musician moved to Minsk and took part in several major concerts and competitions. Didulia's music made a splash everywhere, and therefore very soon our today's hero received an offer to perform at the international festival "Slavianski Bazaar".

Appearance at such a major musical forum opened many doors for Valery Didyuli. He was invited to work in Moscow, and already there our today's hero began work on his first studio album. The Flamenco record was released in 2000. Following this, the artist's debut video was released.

Soon, many famous Russian musicians began to turn to the talented native of Grodno for help. So in different years Didyulya worked with Abraham Russo, Christina Orbakaite, Dmitry Malikov and many other popular performers. In 2002, the guitarist's fame was strengthened by a new studio album - "The Road to Baghdad", followed by the album "Satin Shores". To date, there are already nine studio albums in the musician's discography. As part of the Didula group, the Belarusian tours the CIS countries, giving about 120 concerts annually.

Having earned a name for himself in the world of show business, Valery Didyulya also began working as a producer. With his support, an album of Belarusian musician Igor Dedusenko was released. And also a disc by another fellow countryman - guitarist Denis Asimovich, who lost his sight in early childhood.

Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya is a famous Belarusian musician who is the leader of the Didyulya group. Having become a popular person on the Belarusian and Russian stage, Didula found many admirers among our compatriots. Many are interested in knowing the biography of the singer and his marital status. Few people know if their favorite artist has a wife and children. We will tell everything that the press knows about this musician.

The musical performer was born in the city of Grodno on January 24, 1969. Here he went to grade 1 and for the first time picked up a guitar that his mother gave him. Then the little boy did not yet know how cool this gift would change his life.

The teachers studying with Valery were amazed at how dexterously the boy handles the guitar. Many already then saw in him a future musician.

As soon as Valery got a guitar, he began to spend all his free time with her. The future musician learned new ways of playing, watched famous performers play and experimented.

Perhaps it was then that Valery's unusual style of performance was born. Recall that the compositions performed by Didulia are folk and fusion with the influence of the New Age style.

First professional steps

Valery decided not to give up on his dream of becoming a professional musician and tried to do everything possible to be noticed. His efforts were not in vain. The young man was invited to work in the "Scarlet Sails" group. It was led by Nikolai Khitrik. The group has toured various cities with performances. A little later, "Scarlet Sails" began to perform in a cooperative restaurant.

The ensemble broke up with the collapse of the USSR. The team members realized that a wide field for self-expression was formed in front of each of them. It is worth noting that not all the participants of "Scarlet Sails" subsequently linked their lives with music. Some started their own businesses, while others left the country altogether.

Work in the ensemble "White Dew"

Further, the future music performer "Didula" linked his biography with the ensemble "White Dew". At that time, Valery did not think about the family - he did not want to acquire a wife and children. It was important for the artist to fulfill himself professionally.

"White Rosy" - an ensemble of the city of Grodno - gave Valery a chance to try himself in a new field of activity. Here he worked not only as a music artist, but also as a sound engineer.

The band members performed folk songs of Ukraine, Poland and Belarus. In the future, Didul's folk-style play will be based on solo creativity.

The ensemble in which Valery worked turned out to be in demand in Western Europe as well. Here the musician discovered a new interesting sound in music - flamenco. When Valery became an independent performer, he began to often use these motives in his songs.

Formation of the singer's own style

In 2000, Valery acquired his own unique style of performing musical compositions. He markedly distinguished him from other musicians who play the guitar.

Valery gathered a group of like-minded people and became a solo artist. His team has traveled to many CIS countries. The audience always greeted Didula warmly. Many have found and still find his style of performance very unusual indeed.

Some sources indicate that Valery had "guardians", without whom he would hardly have been able to break into the big stage. Of course, a man has talent. However, this is sometimes not enough to become recognizable and in demand. Under the auspices of the Minsk businessman Igor Bruskin and the composer Oleg Eliseenko, Valery moved to Minsk.

Valery Didyulya with his team "DiDyuLa"

The artist was almost immediately invited to perform at the most famous venues in the city. Valery was also offered to take part in various music competitions, thanks to which he grew up as a professional artist.

Somewhat later, Didula accepted the offer to participate in the Slavianski Bazaar festival. This gave a powerful impetus to the further development of the musician's career.

How the artist's life changed after the festival

Participation in the "Slavianski Bazaar" drastically changed the biography of Didulia. Now that he was noticed, Moscow also opened its doors for Valery. Here the artist was able to find even more opportunities for realizing his musical talent.

The musician recorded his first studio album in 2000. Somewhat later, Didula released his first music video. Many Russian stars wanted to collaborate with Valery. The man understood - here he is, a real resounding success.

In 2002, Diduli's second album was released. Valeriy called it “The Road to Baghdad”. Still later, the album "Satin Shores" was born.

Music as 25th frame

Valery Didyulya is known for studying music as 25 frames. The musician is sure that the sounds heard by the audience can influence their psychological state. Valery has been studying exactly how this happens for a long time. According to the musician, listening to special musical compositions causes a surge of energy, which has a positive effect on the human subconscious. In addition, it drives away negative thoughts. This opinion was reached not only by the music performer, but also by some scientists.

Diduli's work with foreign performers

Valery Didyulya works not only with the stars of the domestic show business, but also with the stars of foreign scenes. For example, in 2010 Valery managed to establish cooperation with a Canadian partner. Especially for this he created DiDuLa Entertainment In, which is to popularize his music in Canada and the USA.

In addition, for the West, the musician re-released one of his most successful music albums.

How many compilations has the music artist released?

At the moment, the singer has released three collections, including:

  1. 2003 year. Compilation The Best (also known as "Satin Shores") (Audio CD).
  2. 2006 year. Compilation Grand Collection (Audio CD, MP3 CD).
  3. year 2013. Collection “DiDuLya. Top 100 Compositions (MP3 CD) ”.

It is worth noting that Valery Mikhailovich is known not only as a music performer, but also as a producer. So far, he has only two such works on his account:

  • 2008: Denis Asimovich - "Hommage to Cheslav Drozdievich".
  • 2012: Igor Dedusenko - "Prayer".

We add that the compositions performed by Didulia were used as soundtracks in some Russian films.

What is Valery doing now

Despite the fact that Valery has long been established as a professional musician, he continues to look for ways of self-expression in music. The artist wants to bring his playing to the possible perfection. Now Didula is engaged in writing music that has a beneficial effect on the health of listeners.

Every year Valery gives more than 120 concerts for his fans. In addition, he releases new albums and produces other music artists. His work is in demand by listeners and highly appreciated by music critics.

An interesting fact from Didulia's life - he managed to try himself as an actor. Valery starred in A. Konchalovsky's "House of Fools".

The artist is a very calm and balanced person. Unlike other musicians performing on the national stage, Valery never became a hero of gossip and discussions (not counting the case with his ex-wife). He throws out his energy in performances.

Does the artist have a family?

Didulia's fans are interested not only in his creative path, but also in the presence of the musical performer's family, namely, a wife or children.

The press interprets information about Didulia's personal life in different ways. The music performer does not like to talk about marital status. The media, most likely, are more aware of conjectures about the artist's personal life than true facts.

Some sources indicate that Didyulya was previously married to Leila Khamrabaeva. In this marriage, the artist had a son and a daughter. A little later, the couple broke up. However, Leila still cannot come to terms with the fact that the once beloved man left her. The woman wants to receive as much child support as possible. Leila spreads information that Valery did not give a penny for his son and daughter. In fact, the performer pays for a comfortable life for his children and ex-wife.

In 2016, several articles appeared in the press dedicated to Didulia's marital status. Journalists wrote that Leila was invited to take part in the filming of the program "We Speak and Show", where she told how she lives in complete poverty. According to Valery's ex-wife, the man refuses to pay child support. Leila barely makes ends meet. She lives with her children in a rented apartment and barely provides for her son and daughter. According to data for 2016, Didula must pay his ex-wife 2.3 million rubles. It is possible that today this amount has increased significantly.

The lawyers argued that Valery had fully paid off his "debt" to his ex-wife. They insisted that Didula is clean before the law. Allegedly, in fact, Leila appropriates the amounts of translations received from the musician for herself, exposing the artist in a negative light.

What is happening in Didulia's personal life now

Now Valery has a new family. His new wife is Evgenia. She sings in Diduli's group. Valery calls his beloved a muse. He says that this girl inspires him to new musical works. It is known that in a marriage with Eugenia, Valery had a daughter. Didula is happy with her new family.

It is not known how Eugene reacts to the music artist's ex-wife. Since a man has children from a previous marriage, he probably wants to communicate with them. Didulia's fans wonder if this fact from Valery's biography confuses his new wife. After all, many women do not like it when their husbands devote a lot of time to their previous family. Evgenia prefers to keep silent about this. The interview with her did not appear in the media at all. Unfortunately, the press failed to find out more detailed information about the musician's wife.

Photo: Valery Didyulya - popular musician

Now Valery is not ready to openly tell fans how he lives with Eugene, and also where he met this girl. It is possible that they were connected by a love of music and work. It is worth noting that information about the marriage of a music artist did not appear in the media. Perhaps Valery and Evgenia live in a civil marriage.

Didyulya is a brilliant Belarusian guitar virtuoso, composer and producer of his own creativity. His folk group is called "DiDyuLya", and he himself is its permanent leader. There are no guitarists like him in the whole world.

Didula: biography of a musician

Valery Mikhailovich was born in the city of Grodno, Republic of Belarus. Date of birth is January 24, 1970, according to the horoscope - Aquarius.

The musician's hometown is located on the border of two countries: from the north - Lithuania, from the west - Poland. During the years of the USSR, the so-called influence of the West was easier to drown out inside the country (which was carried out by the authorities), but not at the border. So there was a source of inspiration for the young genius.

At the age of five, my mother presented her son with an amazing gift - a six-string guitar. In combination with gramophone records, which were in abundance in the Didul family, the guitar became a decisive factor in the boy's fate. Together with friends, they tried to reproduce the sound they heard from the speakers, experimented with pickups, and connected homemade gadgets. Valera plunged into music.

Didula did not look like his musicians of the same age: it was not enough for him to just strum the guitar, the boy wanted to achieve more. To learn the perfect guitar playing technique, the young guitarist signed up with a tutor. He strove to understand sound, how it spreads, and how it can be changed. To do this, he crammed musical notation, chords and practiced various techniques of sound production.

Didula: creativity

Valery Didyulya was not going to enter the music school, instead he studied at home for eight hours in a row. It got to the point that the young musician collapsed from his weakness. Not every professional guitarist can boast of such a craving for music and love for the instrument. The rejection of the conservatory in favor of practice was also due to the possibility of receiving "real" money.

The musical path of the Belarusian nugget began with performances at local events. After a while, the young talent was noticed by adult musicians and invited the guy as a guitarist to VIA "Alye Zori". The ensemble was engaged in touring the nearby towns and collective farms with concerts. Also, the team did not miss the opportunity to earn money for a musical evening in a restaurant.

It is not known how much more Didula would be engaged in hackwork if the team had not broken up. The young talent gladly moved to the position of sound engineer in the White Dews song and dance ensemble. The collective consisted of dancers from different peoples of the USSR. His dream came true: he was able to fully concentrate on the sound. During the performances, Valera observed how music affects the audience in the hall.

With the team, Valery Didyulya left the USSR for the first time. Unlike the previous restaurant business, here the musician really did creative work. The White Dew troupe has traveled to many countries, including:

  • Germany.
  • France.
  • Italy.
  • Switzerland.

A stay in Spain radically changed the understanding of music in the soul of a Belarusian guy. In the homeland of bullfighting, he first heard how real flamenco sounds - a traditional Spanish style.

On tour in Spain, Didula gave more than one impromptu concert together with local musicians. The technical base, which the young guitarist gained during hours of rehearsals, allowed him to quickly master the Spanish style. Flamenco has become a key trend in the composer's author's music. Having collected demos and enlisting the support of choreographer Dmitry Karakulov, Valery Didyulya decided to conquer the capital.

He grabs any opportunity to perform and gathers his own group "DiDuLya". Together with the band, the virtuoso guitarist takes part in the country's largest gala concert. There he was noticed by pianist Igor Bruskin and invited to move to Minsk. To pay for living in the capital, Didula got a job as a salesman in a music salon. On weekends, he continues to travel to Moscow and wear demos to the studios.

The performance at the Slavianski Bazaar festival brought the not young musician much closer to his goal. The guitarist showed himself from the best side, and overnight they started talking about him. His space music took the audience on a magical journey. Many were eager to get a recording of that performance on a disc. After the "Bazaar" Didul decided to move to Moscow and faced financial problems.

The guitarist already wanted to go to his native Minsk, when musician Sergei Kulishenko came to the rescue. With his help, Valery Didyulya recorded about a dozen high-quality compositions at a recording studio. The tracks could be safely considered professional, unlike the previous recordings. Producer Sergei Migachev listened to them and suggested recording a full-length album "Flamenco".

The first pancake turned out to be lumpy: Valery Didyulya still did not have a permanent producer, and no one was in a hurry to sign a contract with him. Even the release of the video for the song "Isadore" did not give any result. After months of wandering, he nevertheless signed an agreement with the studio "Global Music". However, their specialists were unable to promote the guitar virtuoso among the masses.

The series of failures was stopped by Timur Salikhov, a competent and talented producer. Since he took up the musician, his career has rapidly taken off. Having signed a long-term contract with Knox Music, Didula records a professional video with the show ballet Todes. Salikhov methodically promotes the guitarist and organizes his concerts throughout the country. With them came fame, and after it the people's love.

The apotheosis of the musician's career was the participation in the Belarusian selection for Eurovision 2014. Guitar virtuoso Didul and R "n" B-performer Max Laurens have prepared a joint number. This action could not be called a song, because it was something more. Despite the sympathy of the audience, the duo did not go to Denmark due to the decision of the jury. Even complaints to the President of the Republic of Belarus did not yield any results.

Anyway, we can enjoy his greatest hits:

  • Didula "The Way Home".
  • Didula "Flight to Mercury".
  • Didula "Wind in the Steppe".

The guitarist has already released 11 studio albums, here are the latest ones:

  • "Ornamental" (2012).
  • "One day today" (2013).
  • "Aquamarine" (2017).
  • The Seventh Sense (2019).

Didula: personal life

The musician's family life is sealed. Valery Mikhailovich is a very hidden personality. However, we know that the guitarist's personal life has developed as rapidly as his creative one. There was no time for Didula to remain completely calm. What are they talking about only the showdown with the ex-wife in front of millions of viewers.

In a young family, everything started very well: his wife is a beautiful woman, her husband is a talented guitarist. Nature also rewarded Valera with a calm and balanced character. Without the slightest reproach, he agreed to adopt a child from his wife's first marriage. It would seem that you live and rejoice, but not everything is so smooth.

Leila (this is the name of her ex-wife) gave birth to a joint son, after which the couple broke up for unknown reasons. Since then, Didula refused to see the children and plunged headlong into musical activity. Something happened that the musician completely redefined his attitude towards Leila. He flatly refuses to know her and diligently avoids her.

In 2016, a serious scandal erupted. The woman came to the television show "Speak and Show", where she accused the ex-husband of not paying alimony. Leila complained that while her husband was bathed in money, she and her children could barely make ends meet. The family lives in miserable conditions in a rented apartment and does not know what home comfort is.

The children are categorically against their father and demand to pay them about two million rubles of the accumulated debt. For this, the eldest son even made a demarche with a poster: "Dad, pay alimony!" Nobody expected such pressure from relatives, including the guitarist himself. His lawyer and friends rushed to help the poor dad.

The reaction to the transfer from the musician's entourage was unequivocal - everything was slander! His lawyer assured that Valery Didyulya transfers funds to children on a monthly basis, and there is no debt. The artist's friends also did not stand aside and wrote a bunch of comments about how he wants to participate in raising children.

After the scandal, Didul did not want to hear about marriage, but still love knows no barriers. The second chosen one was his colleague from the creative team named Evgenia. The couple had a daughter and they look happy. Didyulya loves the girl, he loves the baby as ardently as the most dear girl of his life - the guitar.

Didula is the most talented guitar virtuoso in Eastern Europe. His music is admired by millions. We hope that the musician will delight his fans with a new album in the near future.

Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya is known for his virtuoso guitar playing. Valery created the DiDyuLa group, he tours the world. Musician Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya was born on January 24, 1969 into a Belarusian family living in Grodno. This glorious city is located on the border with Lithuania and Poland, so their culture had a great influence on the formation of a guitarist.

At the age of 5, Didula receives an original gift from her mother - her first guitar. This helped to reveal his love for music. In the city where the musician lived, teenagers in the evenings gathered in large noisy companies in the courtyards and sang songs with a guitar. Musical records had a great influence on the development of Didulia's creativity.

He was bored with strumming the guitar, so the future star began to experiment. The guitarist used special sensors, amplifiers that he created, and other gadgets to get a new sound. During his school years, Didula studied with a teacher on guitar courses. The musician studied chords, guitar playing techniques. Learning was the first conscious step towards music.


Music captured Didula from the first chords. With friends, the young guitarist often went to concerts, invented original melodies. Valery joins the vocal-instrumental ensemble Alye Zori. The group performed with concerts in front of residents of the city, collective farms. Performing in a cooperative restaurant brings Didule's first earnings.

The ensemble is falling apart, so Valery had to look for a new job. He was invited to the "White Rosy" collective as a sound engineer. Didula admits that this subsequently had a great influence on his work. The guitarist developed an understanding of the psychology and desires of the audience. With the ensemble, the artist travels the world. On a tour in Spain, Didula gets acquainted with the flamenco style.

Until that moment, the guitarist was in no hurry to delve into the sound of Spanish music. The team spent a lot of time in Spain. Valery even managed to take part in several impromptu street concerts. The work in the ensemble pushed Didula to creative experiments. He had the necessary technical base that allowed the guitarist to record compositions. Together with dancer and choreographer Dmitry Kurakulov, he goes to conquer television.

The qualifying round was a success. Valery's skill made it possible to move to the next stage and take part in the gala concert. Didulé no longer enjoy being a sound engineer. At this moment, an invitation to move to Minsk comes from pianist Igor Bruskin. First, Valery works as a salesman in a music salon, regularly visits Moscow, gets to know the owners of recording studios, concert halls, and music organizations.

Didula took part in the "Slavianski Bazaar" festival. The event made it recognizable in the CIS countries, Bulgaria, the Baltic States and Poland. For Valery, a new stage of life begins. The musician tries to combine electronic and folk music. Moving to Moscow was difficult for Didula: it was necessary to quickly get used to local traditions and principles of life. He was having serious difficulties. Valery would have had to return home if not for the help of Sergei Kulishenko. He helped make the guitarist a professional recording in the studio. The musician has recorded 8 compositions. Soon, together with Sergey Didyulya, he creates a home recording studio.

Valery meets sound producer Sergei Migachev. Thanks to his influence and help, Valery creates his debut album, shoots the video "Isadora". Despite this success, major record companies were reluctant to collaborate with the musician. Over and over, Didula worked on the perfect guitar sound. Soon he signs a contract with Global Music, but this did not help in furthering his career as a guitarist.

Timur Salikhov appears in Valery's life. He still works as the director of the musician. The contract with Global Music was terminated and cooperation with Knox Music began. After signing the contract, Didula starts filming a new video with the participation of the ballet "Todes". Gradually, the guitarist's recognition begins to grow, the tours become more and more, new ideas appear, embodied in the album "The Road to Baghdad". Didula collaborates with renowned musicians, including. They create the composition "Satin Shores".

In 2014, Didula and Max Lawrence in a duet applied for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest from Belarus. They prepared a large-scale performance that surprised the jury and the audience. The lyrics to the song were composed by the lead singer of the group "Deep Purple". In addition to the musicians, there were dancers on the stage. The choreography included elements of sign language translation.

Despite the fact that the audience chose them, the solo artist Theo went to the competition. The musicians tried to overturn the jury's decision by sending a letter, but all attempts were in vain. Some of Didulia's works become hits - “The Way Home”, “Flight to Mercury”. He actively shoots video clips for songs such as "The Cave City of Inkerman" and "Arabica", "Wind in the Steppe".

Personal life

The biography of guitarist Valery Diduli contains not only creativity, but also family scandals. The man was married to the girl Leila. They had a son, and the musician also adopted the wife's daughter from his first marriage. A few years later, Leila and Valery divorced. Didula practically does not communicate with children.

The girl came to the program "Speak and Show" to talk about what a guitarist is like in real life. It turns out that the man does not pay child support for a long time. Because of this, Leila and two children are forced to live in a rented apartment in poverty. The amount owed exceeds 2 million rubles. The former family of Didulia is in such a desperate situation that his son came out with a poster "Daddy, pay alimony" on the street.

Didula categorically disagree with this. His lawyer said that the musician regularly transfers money to children. Valery has no debt on alimony. The artist's friends came to his defense, saying that the guitarist would gladly take part in raising older children, even sending them to study abroad. True, this will happen if he is allowed to communicate with them. Valery is currently married for the second time. My wife works in the musical group "DiDuLya". The couple had a daughter.

Didula now

In 2016, the album "Music of Unfilmed Cinema" is released, and in 2017 - "Aquamarine". Experiments with the guitar were not stopped.

Now the touring activity of the group "DiDyuLa" goes on as usual. The team travels to cities in Russia, the CIS countries and the USA. The artist actively collaborates with Russian and foreign stars, athletes and creative teams.


  • Flamenco (2000)
  • Road to Baghdad (2002)
  • Legend (2004)
  • Cave city Inkerman (2006)
  • Colored dreams (2006)
  • Music of the unfinished movie (2007)
  • Scent (2010)
  • Ornamental (2012)
  • Once today (2013)
  • Aquamarine (2017)
Valery Didyulya is a legendary Belarusian guitarist, whose work has no analogues in the post-Soviet space. The compositions performed by him in a subtle way combine the charm of instrumental music with modern treatments and unusual sound. This symbiosis gives the tracks of this guitarist some special flavor, and therefore it is very, very difficult not to admire his work.

Early years, childhood and family of Valery Diduli

The future guitar virtuoso was born in the city of Grodno, located in the west of modern Belarus. Here he attended a comprehensive school. It was here that he first began to comprehend the basics of guitar music.

Didula received his first guitar when he was five years old, as a gift from his mother. From that moment on, he systematically developed his innate talents, methodically fingering the strings and rearranging chords one by one. His teachers admired his performance, and he, not paying attention to anything, just improved his playing, looking at the great guitarists of his time.

As a teenager, Valery first learned about the existence of various assistive devices that allow him to work on a guitar sound. From that moment on, experiments with gadgets, pickups, pickups and other similar elements became a real obsession for the young musician.

He developed his skills, and at the same time worked on the creation of an original guitar sound. Very soon such efforts bore fruit. Diduli's compositions began to acquire their unusual sound for the first time. However, it was still far from the real peaks.

Some time later, as the third guitarist, our today's hero got a job in the vocal-instrumental group "Alye Zori", which at that time was very popular in the BSSR. The group's concerts were held almost everywhere - in cities, towns, villages, collective farms, etc. Success contributed to the ensemble, but at some point, "Alye Zori" still began to disintegrate. The reason for this was the collapse of the USSR, as well as a huge variety of opened up opportunities. Some of the musicians left for the west, someone opened their own business, and only our today's hero continued to systematically work on his creativity.

DiDuLya - The Way Home

In the early nineties, he joined the Grodno collective "White Rosy", within which he worked for a long time not only as a guitarist, but also as a sound engineer. At that time, the named group was mainly engaged in the performance of Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian folk songs. Valery Didule liked the folk style so much that later on, notes of folk music were constantly heard in all of his later compositions.

In addition, it is also worth noting that it was as part of the White Dew ensemble that our today's hero first went on tour in Western Europe - Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and some other countries.

The young musician was especially impressed by Spain, or rather, by its characteristic flamenco guitar music. After the end of the tour, Valery Didyulya stayed in this Pyrenean state for several more years, studying guitar passages and rhythms during this time.

Thus, by the end of the 2000s, the style of the Belarusian musician was finally formed. Flamenco music was subtly intertwined with Belarusian-Polish folk motives, and all this was complemented by modern house-style arrangements.

The Star Trek of guitarist Valery Diduli

At the end of the nineties, Valery Didyulya gathered around him a good team of like-minded people, with whom he began touring Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Spain.

During this period, Minsk businessman Igor Bruskin and composer Oleg Eliseenko provided active assistance in promoting the young musician. On their advice, the musician moved to Minsk and took part in several major concerts and competitions. Didulia's music made a splash everywhere, and therefore very soon our today's hero received an offer to perform at the international festival "Slavianski Bazaar".

Didula Satin shores

Appearance at such a major music forum opened many doors for Valery Didyulia. He was invited to work in Moscow, and already there our today's hero began work on his first studio album. The Flamenco record was released in 2000. Following this, the artist's debut video was released. Soon, many famous Russian musicians began to turn to the talented native of Grodno for help. So in different years Didyulya worked with Avraham Russo, Christina Orbakaite, Dmitry Malikov and many other popular performers.

In 2002, the guitarist's fame was strengthened by a new studio album - "The Road to Baghdad", which was followed by the album "Satin Shores". To date, there are already nine studio albums in the musician's discography. As part of the Didula group, the Belarusian tours the CIS countries, giving about 120 concerts annually.

Having earned a name for himself in the world of show business, Valery Didyulya also began working as a producer. With his support, an album of Belarusian musician Igor Dedusenko was released. And also a disc by another fellow countryman - guitarist Denis Asimovich, who lost his sight in early childhood.

Sound in Sound: Experiments by Valery Diduli

In the late 2000s, Valery Didyulya began a new experiment, which he called "sound in sound" or "musical 25th frame". According to him, this technology allows you to create an additional background for the composition, as well as make it deeper and more saturated.

Didula is sure that this kind of music has an absolutely special effect on listeners, giving them an additional boost of energy. This fact was later even confirmed by doctors and psychologists. That is why the music of the Grodno musician is often called healing.

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