
Free workshops

Inline skating is a sport that appeared relatively recently, in the 90s of the last century, but, nevertheless, it is developing very quickly and can already boast of a large number of fans.

Today there are a huge number of its varieties, for example, freestyle roller skating, roller hockey, speed skating, various team views and so on, but where can I start? If you have never tried anything like this before, it doesn’t matter, because you will really learn to do this at the amateur level in just a few days!

But all other variations, such as speed skating or performing tricks, can be tried only with time, having learned to confidently stand on skates.

So, you decided to join the world of skaters and their active leisure? We congratulate you, this is really the right choice towards positive emotions, a healthy lifestyle, and even, possibly, new and interesting acquaintances! But how to quickly learn to skate, because you don’t feel like disgracing yourself in a crowded place with constant falls and not too aesthetic poses on the pavement?

Do not worry, despite all the apparent complexity, in fact, with the right training, you can learn to ride in just 2-3 days, and on the 4th, you will already feel quite confident. The main thing is to know where to start. And you need to start by buying everything you need for a comfortable and safe learning.

Choosing videos and equipment

Before getting up on rollers for the first time, you need to take care of your own comfort and, importantly, safety, because nobody needs any broken arms and legs, abrasions covered with abrasions. But all these troubles can be easily avoided.

The choice begins directly with inline skates: Remember, it’s important that they are the right size for you.

If you’ve heard somewhere that you need to choose one size larger clips, then know that this is only suitable for those who still have a fast growing foot. Of course, it’s unpleasant to buy roller skates at the beginning of summer, and at the end they can’t fit in anymore.

In all other cases, the skates must be chosen strictly in size, because in the rollers for growth you can feel uncomfortable. It is better to buy them in specialized stores, immediately give preference to expensive and professional models does not make sense, because during your training you will wear more than one pair.

If you, of course, are determined, then it is up to you to decide, of course, more expensive and high-quality skates will last longer. Among the variety of varieties, you will need universal clips, they are great for beginners and for comfortable learning.

Next, you will have to measure a few pairs and choose the one that is most convenient for you. During the fitting, pay attention to the fasteners - they must be reliable and strong, fasten the rollers, stand on them and feel: they should not hang on your leg, heels and ankles should not stagger, but they should not sit tight so that you unable to move even toes.

Good roller skates should be fitted with a dense and soft padding inside, which may have an extra seal in the thumb area. Make sure that the wheels on the skates are removable, this will extend the life of your rollers.

Further we do not forget to get equipment: many scooters do without it, but, nevertheless, if you want to feel more confident, and do without extra abrasions, you should take care of gloves for wrists, elbow pieces and knee pads.

A helmet can also be purchased, but, in principle, if you ride on a flat road and know how to fall correctly, then your head is unlikely to reach the asphalt. Take care of comfortable clothes that will not hinder movements, it is better to choose such things that cover the body as much as possible, which will help protect the skin from various drops and abrasions.

Where to start training?

After you have completely acquired all the necessary skiing kit, the question immediately arises, where to find a suitable place for training? The first steps and the ability to become in the right position (which is also very important!) Can be practiced even at home!

Of course, the specialized venue for such sports would be the ideal venue, but if one isn’t available, then an ordinary flat area, for example, in a park, square, on the promenade or free parking lots, will do.

For the first time it is better to avoid crowded places, beware of roadways, here with minimal riding skills you risk your own safety.

Where to begin?

Of course, the easiest option is to go to a specialized arena where an instructor can teach you everything.

He will explain how to put his feet correctly, how to fall and how to perform minimal stunts, in addition, he will always be somewhere nearby, which, in case of failure, helps well and morally supports.

On the other hand, self-study is much more interesting, you can call friends with you, which will make the process even more fun and exciting.

Do not worry, most of the skaters are self-taught, so you can master this sport yourself.

So, you came to the site, put on your skates (you need to do this while sitting and, preferably, on a tight sock), got up and found that, despite the flat surface of the wheels, it’s quite convenient to stand on rollers. In the Upright position you will be held by hard shoes, so you can relax and exhale a little.

Now you need to learn how to take the right pose, it is it that will allow you to get used to the rollers, as well as protect against incorrect falls. The rollers should be parallel to each other, legs at a distance of 30-40 cm, all joints are slightly bent, arms put forward in front of us, also slightly bent at the elbows.

Legs should be level, not fall inward (X-shaped) and on the outside (O-shaped). Always make sure that your knees do not straighten, avoid a strong bend forward.

In the first and subsequent steps, do not typical mistakes: When riding, never push off with just the front toe, as we do when walking, but always make repulsive movements with all four wheels.

Never forget about the correct position of the body! After the steps have become more confident, you can try to slide: we put the foot slightly at an angle, push off and try to slide on it for as long as possible, then the next leg’s turn and so on.

It is very important to learn how to slow down, you will feel much more confident when you learn to do it yourself, without the help of a friend, a tree or the nearest fence. To do this, you can use the roller brake, which is located behind the ridge in the form of a special lining.

In order to brake, just put your foot upright, resting against this pad. There is another way, it is more suitable if you are moving slowly: just put your legs at an angle and start to reduce them (V-stop).

  • Learn the bends, because it is not as easy as it may seem. Remember that you will always turn in an arc, so you will need more time and space to make the maneuver.
  • If you still feel that you are starting to fall, then try to bend your knees and sit on the cards, round your back, and hold your hands to yourself. Thus, you will definitely not break anything, but, in extreme cases, you will cost a couple of abrasions.
  • And finally: remember, not a single theory is able to educate you 100%, the main thing, of course, is practice. Therefore, the more you ride, the faster you can feel as confident as possible.

Instruction manual

Make it your rule: always wear protection. Do not rely on the strength of your arms and legs - the asphalt is still stronger. During skating lessons, frequent falls are unavoidable, which can affect bones, ligaments and muscles, causing big problems in the future. Experienced roller lovers are not immune from falls. Even serious professional athletes cannot ride without knee pads, elbow pieces, gloves and a helmet. Do not forget to tighten your skates too, but not tightly. A weak fastener of fastenings increases the load on the muscles of the legs, distracts attention, and impedes the development of skiing techniques.

Take the correct stance: put one leg forward half a ridge, slightly tilt the body forward, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and bend your knees slightly. Tilting the body forward will allow you to fall on your hands in case of loss of balance. Correct positioning of the legs will help to maintain balance and avoid falling after a random object gets under the wheel. Bent legs will not only soften road bumps, but will also allow you to quickly respond to unexpected situations, control the progress of the skates and avoid falling to the sides.

Do not be afraid of falls. Young children learn to ride faster than adults because they are less afraid of falling. Fear, excessive relaxation or enslavement - the main causes   falls from the rollers. If you fall, try to fall forward. Falling forward is most convenient from the point of view of protection from its consequences, and the equipment is designed specifically for this type of fall. Falling back creates a big threat. for the spine   and heads.

Friends, we are waiting for a steady warm weather to announce the date of our first master class in the new season of 2017. Follow our announcements on the school website, as well as in facebook   and in contact with   . Information about the master class appears 3-5 days before it!


1. Roller skates and protection. A few words about roller equipment.
2. Skills of safe riding, the main rack of the scooter. Roller Skating Technique.
3. The main ways to brake on casters.
4. Useful exercises for balance, balance and leading exercises for braking.

Skating in Moscow, as in any other city, requires good braking and coordination skills. We want roller skating to be as safe as possible for you. Come to class, ask questions and learn to ride with us!


Who can take part in the lesson?

  • For the lesson, we invite adults and children from 5 years old with any level of skiing, even from scratch. The goal of our lesson is to show how to roller skate, so we are waiting for everyone! If the master class is intended only for adults or only for children, then this is indicated in the announcement additionally.

How is the lesson going?

  • The lesson is conducted by several instructors. We divide all students into several groups based on the level of skating. As a rule, these are 1-2 groups for adults and 1-2 groups for children - beginners and continuing. The duration of the lesson is 1.5 hours.

Where do the classes go?

  • Classes are held in Moscow parks, convenient for roller skating (Luzhniki, Poklonnaya Gora, etc.). Information about the venue for a particular workshop is indicated in the announcement.

How often do master classes take place?

  • 1-2 times a month, depending on the load of instructors.

How can I take part in a master class?

  • Just come to class. No prior appointment needed.

What to do in case of rain?

  • In case of unforeseen bad weather, the lesson is canceled or can be moved to the subway (only possible for Luzhniki). It is necessary to follow the announcement on the eve of the lesson or to call the school phone.

The most important condition: for the lesson you need your own roller skates and a set of protection. Adults - on their knees, elbows and hands. Children - additionally having a helmet. Children without a safety kit and helmet are not allowed to attend.