
The fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao. Mayweather fight - Pacquiao, results, broadcast video

03/05/2015 - 12:51

Boxing. The long-awaited fight for the world title in WBA (Super), WBC and WBO welterweight was held on the night of May 2 to 3 in Las Vegas (USA). Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao   (Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao). According to the weighing results, the 38-year-old American Mayweather showed 66.22 kg, and the 36-year-old Filipino Pacquiao - 65.77 kg.

In the main fight of the century (as they called him in the boxing world), American Floyd Mayweather won. The boxer received the largest fee in history of $ 100 million, and most importantly - the title of the strongest boxer among all weight categories.

The results of the fight Floyd Mayweather - Manny Pacquiao.

In the first round, Mayweather is clearly the leader: he punches either the right or the left, clinch, and does not allow the opponent to enter. Pacquiao failed to get to the American. The score is 1-0.

Pacquiao plays out and pinches the American into a corner. But then all his attempts to hit remain empty. Round picks up Manny Pacquiao, 1-1.

Pacquiao persistently goes to Floyd, makes several exchanges. The American still perfectly holds the defense, clinches and completes with a deuce towards. 2-1

The Filipino is active in the round, and Floyd only manages to defend himself ... and not to miss. Score 3-1.

Mayweather attacks with a quick jab, the right line. Pacquiao asks for a break, during which he decides to change the tactics of the game and stop constant attacks, to defend more. Points 48-47.

Pacquiao again took up active strikes, Mayweather again leaves them. Nothing new, only the Filipino got tired. Points 58-56.

Manny Mayweather took up the attack: punches with his right, makes several jabs. Pacquiao also makes a jab, but the enemy does not often advance. Points 67-66.

Pacquiao hits with his left, makes frequent attacks, from which the American almost always leaves. Mayweather hits again with brilliant jabs. Account 67-67.

Pacquiao lands a sharp left, trying to shorten the distance. The American does not admit, as always, a jab flies out of his hand. Filipino looks exhausted. Points 86-85.

Both fighters do not fuss, from which viewers demand more colors in a duel. Although Manny is trying to break through, Floyd still retains his defense ... but he himself doesn’t really care about the opponent. Okie 96-94.

Manny already understood what was going on, so he was not particularly motivated by good attacks. Mutual exchange of jabs, after which Mayweather makes the right uppercut towards. Filipino almost never goes on the attack. 106-103

Manny Pacquiao seemed to have decided to give all his strength in the last minutes. He attacks very quickly, punches with his left. Floyd Mayweather is publishingly calm: he holds the defense with a stone wall, he himself does not go to the opponent. Both already know who the winner is!

The result of the battle Floyd Mayweather - Manny Pacquiao was the victory of the American. Two judges scored points 116-112, one - 118-110.

Floyd Mayweather Fight Video - Manny Pacquiao

Video of the best moments of the battle

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    On June 6, 2008, Floyd Mayweather, six months after winning Ricky Hatton, announced his retirement from boxing. At this point, Mayweather was in first place in the ranking. top boxers   regardless weight categoryPacquiao second. Until Mayweather boxed, Pacquiao earned superstar status.

    In 2009, Pacquiao and Mayweather met with each other's former rivals, and won them more confidently. Mayweather confidently defeated Juan Marquez. with whom Pacquiao had fierce battles, and Pacquiao more quickly knocked out Ricky Hatton than Mayweather had done. After these fights, many observers and boxing enthusiasts have already begun discussing a possible Mayweather and Pacquiao fight.

    First negotiations

    On December 5, 2009, ESPN announced that Pacquiao had signed a Mayweather bout on March 13, 2010. Shortly thereafter, Pacquiao denied this information. saying that there are many more inconsistent clauses in the contract. A variant of the first contract offered a distribution of a fee of 50 to 50, a duel on HBO Pay-per-view at a price of $ 59.95. An Olympic testing system was also provided.

    On December 22, 2009, Pacquiao's party refused to undergo doping testing, and negotiations broke down.

    Second negotiations

    On May 13, 2010, Bob Arum announced that he had reserved the date on November 13, 2010, as next battle   Pacquiao, possibly against Mayweather. As in the first case, difficulties arose due to disagreements with doping testing.

    Continuation of negotiations

    On September 2, 2010, a video appeared in the network with sharp racist statements by Floyd Mayweather against Manny Pacquiao. The next day, Mayweather apologized for this act.

    On July 8, 2011, ESPN announced that Pacquiao would agree to random testing, but not the American Anti-Doping Committee (USADA). But later Pacquiao’s side announced that Pacquiao would pass the test no later than 5 days before the fight, and refused to take it on the day of the fight.

    Negotiations held

    On May 12, 2014, Mayweather offered a fight with Pacquiao on May 2, 2015, but he reluctantly stated this, citing Pacquiao’s recent defeats from Bradley and Marquez.

    On May 27, 2015, Mayweather and Pacquiao finally met each other face to face for the first time during the NBA basketball game between Bucks Miami Heat and Milwaukee in Miami. Pacquiao said they exchanged phones and will communicate with each other. Advisor Pacquiao Michael Konz said the two boxers later met at the hotel and personally discussed the details of the negotiations.

    On January 30, 2015, the contract was agreed upon and Pacquiao agreed to all conditions.

    On May 20, 2015, Mayweather announced that the match was formally confirmed and will take place on May 2, 2015 in Las Vegas.

    Three people who saved millions Only five days after the explosion, on May 1, 1986, the Soviet authorities in Chernobyl made a terrible discovery: the active zone of the exploding reactor was still melting. The core contained 185 tons of nuclear fuel, and the nuclear reaction continued at an appalling speed. Under these 185 tons of molten nuclear material was a reservoir with five million gallons of water. Water was used at the power plant as a coolant, and the only thing that separated the core of the melting reactor from the water was a thick concrete slab. The melting core slowly burned this stove down to the water in a smoldering stream of molten radioactive metal. If this incandescent, melting core of the reactor touched water, it would cause a massive, contaminated with radiation steam explosion. The result could be a radioactive contamination of most of Europe. In terms of the death toll, the first Chernobyl explosion would have looked like a minor incident. So, journalist Stephen McGinty wrote: “This would entail a nuclear explosion, which, according to the calculations of Soviet physicists, would cause fuel evaporation in three other reactors, razed 200 square kilometers to the ground, destroyed Kiev, polluted the water supply system, used by 30 million inhabitants, and for more than a century made northern Ukraine unusable ”(The Scotsman of March 16, 2011). The school of Russian and Asian studies in 2009 made an even darker assessment: if the melting core of the reactor reached water, the ensuing explosion would "destroy half of Europe and make Europe, Ukraine and part of Russia uninhabited for about 500 thousand years." The experts who worked on the spot saw that the melting core was devouring the same concrete slab, burning it - approaching the water every minute. Engineers immediately developed a plan to prevent possible explosions of the remaining reactors. It was decided that three people would go through the flooded chambers of the fourth reactor in scuba gear. When they reach the coolant, they will find a pair of shut-off valves and open them so that water flows out from there completely until the reactor core comes into contact with it. For the millions of inhabitants of the USSR and Europeans who were waiting for imminent death, disease and other damage due to the impending explosion, this was an excellent plan. What could not be said about the divers themselves. There was then no worse place on the planet than a tank of water under the slowly melting fourth reactor. Everyone understood that anyone who fell into this radioactive brew could survive enough to complete their work, but perhaps no more. The Soviet authorities explained the circumstances of the impending second explosion, the plan for its prevention and the consequences: in fact it was an imminent death from radiation poisoning. Three people volunteered. Three men volunteered their help, knowing that this was likely to be the last thing they would do in their life. These were a senior engineer, mid-level engineer and shift supervisor. The shift supervisor's task was to hold the underwater lamp so that engineers could identify the valves that needed to be opened. The next day, the Chernobyl troika put on their gear and plunged into the deadly pool. There was total darkness in the pool, and the light of the waterproof lantern at the shift supervisor was reportedly dim and periodically dimming. Advancing in the murky darkness, the search yielded no results. Divers sought to complete their radioactive voyage as soon as possible: at every moment of immersion, isotopes freely destroyed their bodies. But they still have not found the drain valves. And so they continued the search, even though the light could go out at any moment, and darkness could close over them. The lantern really burned out, but this happened after its beam had caught a pipe from the darkness. Engineers noticed her. They knew that the pipe leads to the same valves. Divers in the dark swam to the place where they saw the pipe. They grabbed her and began to rise, intercepting with her hands. There was no light. There was no protection against radioactive ionization harmful to the human body. But there, in the darkness, there were two valves that could save millions of people. Divers opened them, and water gushed out. The pool began to empty quickly. When the three men returned to the surface, their work was done. The employees of the nuclear power plant and the soldiers met them as heroes, as they really were. They say that people literally jumped for joy. Over the next day, all five million gallons of radioactive water leaked from under the fourth reactor. By the time the melting core located above the pool made its way to the reservoir, there was no more water in it. The second explosion was avoided. The results of the analyzes carried out after this dive agreed on one thing: if the trio had not plunged into the pool and drained it, millions of people would have died from a steam explosion that would change the course of history. Over the next days, three began to manifest inevitable and unmistakable symptoms: radiation sickness. After a few weeks, all three died. The men were buried in lead coffins with sealed lids. Even devoid of life, their bodies were thoroughly saturated with radioactive radiation. Many heroes went on feats for the sake of others, having only a small chance to survive. But these three men knew that they had no chance. They peered into the depths where certain death awaited them. And plunged into them. Their names were Alexei Ananenko, Valery Bespalov and Boris Baranov. Three people who saved millions.

    7:55.   So, with a score of 118: 110 and 116: 112 (two), the judges give the victory to Mayweather, who receives the WBA, WBC and WBO championship belts with a record fee and is finally fixed in status best boxer   modernity, regardless of weight category.

    7:45 a.m. Twelfth round.   Mayweather does not try to prove his superiority in the attack, and without much risk continues to use his successful tactics. From Pacquiao, there are no new moves or attempts to pile up. Mayweather hits the exit, restrains the opponent's offensive with a jab and continues to easily move away from his attacks. Raising his right hand, he is already openly mocking his opponent, but Pacquiao at the end of the battle raises both hands just for the sake of order. He himself understands that he lost the battle. It remains to find out with what account.

    7:42. Eleventh round.   Mayweather hits the right uppercut, but does not force events. Manny can't get it in the corner of the ring. The difference in the length of the hands of the opponents is affected - Mayweather wins the duel of the jabs, and Pacquiao does not even try to storm the end of the round.

    7:40 a.m. Tenth round. The pace of the battle falls, and a disapproving hum begins in the hall. For the battle of the century, too little is happening in the ring. Pacquiao cannot change the pattern of the battle, and Mayweather is quite happy with his move. He outplayes the opponent and does not want to take risks. The Filipino explodes much less often and gradually comes to terms with the inevitability of the outcome of this battle.

    7:35 a.m. The ninth round.   Pacquiao clings to Mayweather’s casual left side a couple of times, but cannot shorten the distance. Mayweather does not fuss, throws the jab out and continues to challenge his opponent. He again meets Manny well with the right and does exactly as much as to restrain his opponent.

    7:30 a.m. The eighth round.   Pacquiao gets to the beginning of the round with the left and inspired by this he tries to build on success, but Mayweather brilliantly defends his corps and continues his successful game. The Filipino begins to stagnate, and it’s hard for him to choose a convenient distance.

    7:27 a.m. Seventh round.   Mayweather himself went ahead and delivered a couple of sweeping strikes from the right. Pacquiao tries to shoot back with a jab, but again misses more opponents. His left-handedness gives Pacquiao no inconvenience. In this round, the Filipino is not so active, and it is enough for Mayweather to keep him a jab at a distance.

    7:25 a.m. Sixth round.   Pacquiao continues to miss single shots and lose the battle. Its speed does not pose a particular threat to the American, who does not allow himself to be locked and deliver an accurate and hard blow. Pacquiao unloads his cannons in the corner all the way, but Floyd calmly defends himself. He plays while the opponent spends strength.

    7:20 a.m. Fifth round.   Mayweather takes the opponent with a jab into the cut, and then goes on the attack and gets on the right. Pacquiao takes a break in this round and refuses to swiftly attack, but even in tactical confrontation he cannot beat Mayweather and looks confused.

    7:15 a.m. Fourth round.   Pacquia continues to throw a series of punches, but Mayweather in every action is ahead of him a step forward and manages to get away from all attacks. He rarely hits towards and takes on the defense the next series of Pacquiao, which the audience greets with animation. At the end of the round, Mayweather turns on the right again.

    7:10 a.m. Third round.   Pacquiao continues to move forward, but he cannot drive the opponent into a corner. Several times Floyd is clinching. Pacquiao’s attempts to swing the pendulum do not lead to success and he almost misses Mayweather’s dangerous strike from the right. Round American ends with a sweaty two towards.

    7:08. Second round. Pacquiao activates and pinches the opponent into a corner. Mayweather demonstrates a brilliant reaction, avoiding blows and meeting an opponent. Pacquiao explodes again, but cannot hit a flexible opponent. Floyd lowers his hands and challenges his opponent, continuing to act on counterattacks.

    7:05 a.m. First round.   Mayweather tries to keep the opponent at a distance and sometimes connects the right to the meeting. Pacquiao has not yet managed to get close to Floyd. Mayweather leaves about the Filipino's attacks and clinches in the end when he is in the corner.

    7:00.   Now Lennon has given way to the ring to Michael Buffer with his crowned “Let's get ready for a fight!” Buffer introduced Pacquiao, and Lennon introduced his channel’s ward, Mayweather. All is ready! The battle begins!

    6:15.   Results of other preliminary fights:

    Up to 76.2 kg. Jis Hart (17-0, 13 KOs) (USA) - Mike Jimenez (17-1, 11 KOs) (USA) - Hart won by technical knockout in the sixth round.

    Up to 69.6 kg. Christopher Pearson (12-0, 9 KOs) (USA) - Said El Harrack (12-3-2, 7 KOs) (Marroco - Pearson's victory by unanimous decision.

    Up to 66.7 kg. Brad Solomon (25-0, 9 KOs) (USA) - Adrian Granados (13-4-2, 9 KOs) (Mexico) - Solomon's victory by a separate decision of the judges.

    6:00.   In Las Vegas, the main battle lingers a bit on the already heated and crowded MGM Grand Arena. In one of the preliminary fights, a two-time Olympic champion, Ukrainian Vasily Lomachenko (4-1, 2 KOs) successfully defended his WBO lightweight world champion title by knocking out Gamalie Rodriguez (25-3-3, 17 KOs) in the ninth round.

    The approximate start of the battle is at 06:55 (Moscow time).

    On weigh-in, Mayweather showed a weight of 146 pounds (66.22 kg), and under Pacquiao scales   indicated a mark of 145 pounds (65.77 kg).

    Grigory Drozd, WBC World Heavyweight Champion: “The whole world is waiting for this fight, and not just the boxing world. Fees, status and popularity, they interested all sectors of the population. My sympathies in this confrontation have been and remain on the side. A very open, kind person who went through a lot, experienced both defeats and a terrible knockout. All this has sympathy. His human qualities and cool boxing style are of great respect, but from the point of view of boxing, I would call Mayweather's favorite, with a probability of 60 to 40. I think he will win on points. He has a very important property - the ability to enchant opponents, to make them convenient for him. This magical property influenced even the most serious fighters. On the side of Pacquiao - legs, manual speed and multi-series. Pacquiao - very fast on his feet, changes sides, maneuvers, angles. All this will be for him, as well as a blow. Pacquiao has it. I look forward to the fight, I want to see Pacquiao as the winner, but I think Mayweather will win. ” .

    Quote of the Day: “Amazing amount of public. I am so glad that so many fans have gathered to support me and Manny. I am focused on what remains to be done tomorrow. I have devoted boxing to over 20 years of my life. I'm ready, ”said Mayweather.

    Quote of the Day“I saw concern in Mayweather’s eyes,” Pacquiao said.

    The 1 of May

    The refereeing team that will serve the upcoming battle has been determined. The third person in the ring will be an experienced American referee Kenny Bayliss . The duties of the side judges will be performed by Burt Clements, Dave Moretti and Glenn Feldman. The fee of each of the side judges for this fight will be $ 20 thousand. The referee of the match will earn $ 25 thousand.

    Famous actor Jamie Foxx performs US anthem before the fight   Mayweather - Pacquiao. Fox had previously performed on the eve of Shane Mosley's bout in 2011. The actor is known for his love of boxing: he starred in the film about Muhammad Ali “Ali”, and now plays a major role in the biographical film about Mike Tyson, which is filmed by Martin Scorsese.

    The other day Pacquiao helped his compatriot Mary Jane Velos, sentenced to death on charges of involvement in drug trafficking, to avoid the execution of the sentence. Veloz is charged with transporting 2.6 kg of heroin in 2010, but many believe that the 30-year-old woman is an innocent migrant who was deceived by drug traffickers. The Philippine government sentenced Velos to death. The sentence was to be executed on the morning of April 29th. However, Pacquiao sent a letter to the president of the country, Joko Vidodo, asking him to have mercy on Veloso. "Mr. President. On May 2, I will fight in Las Vegas with Floyd Mayweather, who is considered the duel of the century. I’ll experience a moral upsurge if I can save my life with my little act. I dedicate this battle to my country and to the entire Asian people. Thank you Mr. President, ”Pacquiao wrote. When the execution of the sentence seemed already inevitable, the government granted Veloza a postponement for an additional court hearing.

    Tickets for the fight were sold out about a minute after they went on sale. In total, on April 23, 500 tickets with prices ranging from $ 1,500 to $ 7,500 were received for free sale. Note that the MGM Grand arena is designed for 16,700 spectators. Just 45 minutes after the end of the free sale, resellers began to put up for sale tickets. The cheapest ticket from dealers costs $ 5796 The most expensive ticket (place in the ringside) - $ 1 41 575 .

    Quote of the Day: « This is an easy fight. I just tell you how I see him. I do not see anything important that Pacquiao has. All his fights with Marquez were so equal, and Floyd beat him easily. I will not say what the battle will be like. But Pacquiao will receive real hits and can give up. I mean, he will kneel down and say: “I do not want to continue the fight“, Said Floyd's father and trainer Floyd Mayweather Sr..

    April 30

    The name of Freddie Roach is known to almost every boxing fan. This little man in glasses and with a narrowed look regularly appears on TV screens during big and not very fights of world-class professional boxers. In the past few years, various associations, federations and the media associated with boxing, with enviable regularity, recognized him as the best coach of the year. Under his leadership, many leading boxers of the world want to train. And even some famous fighters mixed martial arts resorted to his services during the preparation for the fights. In March 2015, Freddy celebrated his 55th birthday. But, despite such a pretty young age for the coach, he already secured a place in the most honorable world halls of boxing fame. And, despite a serious ailment - Parkinson's disease - which he earned during his intense performances in the ring, Roach does not even think about stopping his coaching activities for the foreseeable future.

    Famous rapper 50 Cent intends to make a big bet on Mayweather's victory over Pacquiao . Curtis Jackson, aka 50 Cent, announced his intention to put $ 1.6 million on Mayweather’s victory on the air of one of the radio shows. In the event of the victory of the invincible Mayweather, nicknamed The Money, the singer will win $ 2.3 million. It is still unknown in which bookmaker 50 Cent is going to bet.

    Australian sports channel Fox Sport reports that there are a lot of big bets on the upcoming fight in Las Vegas. One of the big bookmakers of Las Vegas, Jimmy Vaccaro, who accepted bets on all high-profile fights over the past 40 years, said that in the first days after the announcement of the fight, 150 bets were made in his office on Manny and only 10 on Floyd. After several bets of $ 10 thousand each were made during the weekend, the bookmaker had to change the odds in order to attract more bets in favor of Mayweather Jr. “If Pacquiao wins right now, we’ll suffer a six-figure loss” - said Vaccaro. Initially, a coefficient of 1.33 was offered for the victory of the American, and 3.50 for the Filipino. However, at the moment, Pacquiao’s victory ratio has fallen to 2.70, while the American is already given 1.50. Jimmy Vaccaro does not rule out that if this continues, PakMan will enter the battle on May 2 as a favorite.

    The sums that are called by various media outlets regarding the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight are impressive. First of all, this concerns the amount of boxers' fees for the fight, which is $ 200 million. Under the terms of the contract, Floyd Mayweather will receive $ 120 million for participating in the fight, and $ 80 million. The cost of tickets for the fight is also very high - from $ 1,500 to $ 7,500, but quickly enough a certain amount of tickets fell into the hands of resellers, who began to sell them for $ 100,000 or more. Of particular interest are bets on the battle. Back in early March, the bookmakers assumed that in total about $ 80 million will be bet on this match, today, according to unofficial data, they are already talking about the $ 400 million accepted by the bookmakers.

    April 29th

    Duel between top boxers   regardless of the weight category - American and Filipino - the dream of every fan who is fond of martial arts, and not only. The potential opposition of some of the highest grossing athletes of our time has been spoken about over the past eight years. And from year to year, various circumstances arose that hindered the achievement of consensus in the negotiations between these fighters. And at the same time, His Majesty boxing risks being left without one of the main fights of our time, which promises to give an answer to the seemingly eternal question: who is stronger - Mayweather or Pacquiao? A dream fight, the interest in which can be compared without exaggeration to the super finals of the world championships in football and hockey, is simply obliged to take place ... This material was written in early January. A month later, the contract for the duel of the century.

    May 3, Las Vegas (USA). Champion welterweight title fight: WBA super, WBC, WBO, The Ring.

      (USA, 47-0-0, 26 KOs) - (Philippines, 57-5-2, 38 KOs)

    Fight Mayweather - Pacquiao will be a record for each of the boxers in terms of earnings. According to Forbes magazine, Mayweather will earn $ 150 million in this fight, while Pacquiao will earn $ 100 million . Floyd’s total earnings for the year may even exceed $ 200 million, taking into account the fact that he will have one fight under the contract with Showtime, which he can hold in September. At the same time, Mayweather will break the record of American golfer Tiger Woods, who in 2008 earned $ 125 million adjusted for inflation.

    WBC President Mauricio Suleiman announced the organization’s intention to prepare a special championship belt, which will be awarded to the winner of the match. Recall that earlier the WBC has already established a “diamond” belt, which marked the most significant fights. There will be four championship belts at stake : WBA super, WBC, WBO and The Ring.

    Upcoming the fight promises to be the highest grossing in boxing history . Showtime and HBO had to agree on a joint broadcast of the battle, since each of the fighters has an exclusive contract with one of the networks: Mayweather works with Showtime, and Pacquiao works with HBO.

    Pacquiao demanded include a penalty clause in the fight contract   for the fighter who cannot pass the doping test. Thus, in case of failure of the doping test, the athlete will lose $ 5 million.

    Famous rapper Pi Diddy and actor Mark Wahlberg bet on the upcoming fight . Sean Coomes, aka Puff Daddy, aka P. Diddy, puts Mayweather on the win, but Wahlberg believes Pacquiao to win. At the same time, Widberg was not satisfied with the bid of Diddy at $ 100 thousand for this fight, as a result, the sum of $ 250 thousand was chosen for betting. It is worth noting that bookmakers Mayweather remains a favorite, bets on his victory are accepted with a coefficient of 1.50, Pacquiao can bet with a coefficient of 2.88.

    Quote of the Day: "We agreed that we would sign the final contract, and then they sent us a draft agreement that completely excludes us. They do not want our word. So they came up with an agreement between Mayweather and MGM before or after our agreement. Somehow they committed a scam"said Top Rank CEO Bob Arum, who represents Pacquiao one week before the scheduled date of the fight.