
Autobiography of the Madonna. Madonna - biography. Former husband of Madonna - Sean Penn

Celebrity biographies


16.08.14 09:51

Her contributions to world culture cannot be overstated: she - living legend, evidence that perseverance and hard work can move mountains. A biography of Madonna can be published as an excellent guide for those who dream of climbing to the heights of fame.

Biography of Madonna

First loss

Residents of the provincial Bay City, which huddled on the shores of the luxurious Lake Huron, did not suspect that in 1958 (namely on August 16), a girl would be born into the family of a radiographer and design engineer Ciccone, who would glorify her town and would be called the queen of pop music.

The mother of the family, Madonna Louise, had French roots - her great-great-grandfathers came to conquer America from Europe, her husband Silvio was proud of his Italian ancestors. After two boys, God finally gave them a daughter. And to celebrate, they named her after her mother.

Probably, the profession, with its constant danger of radiation, was the reason that the mother fell ill with cancer (then she was pregnant for the 6th time, so she refused treatment). Time was wasted. And six kids were orphaned. Madonna Sr. was only 30. The future singer was never able to forgive the heavens for this loss. As she could not understand her father - he got married after 2 years of widowhood, it was difficult for him to raise such a crowd alone. The stepmother, Joan, turned out to be a real despot, she gave birth to two more children, and all the love was directed to them. So Madonna's childhood was not easy. She was bullied by her drug-addicted brothers. Having seen all sorts of horrors, she herself vowed to ever succumb to this pernicious passion.

Difficulties growing up

Catholic schools were replaced by a secular school for the girl, where she was first able to try herself in student performances (her mother sang well and knew how to play the piano, Madonna, who looked like her outwardly, also inherited a pleasant voice).

Father did not like the young Madonna's classes in ballet, he wanted a profession for her that would bring a guaranteed piece of bread. With her excellent grades (they say that the schoolgirl's aikyu was 140 - an incredibly high figure!) She could have entered any educational institution, but decided to act in her own way.

After school, the girl studied dancing at the University of Michigan. Then she left for New York. Fate continued to test the future star. The part-time job in choreographic groups brought pennies, Madonna lived from hand to mouth, huddled in closets, but did not give up.

Talent plus tenacity

In 1982, the young Madonna became a member of the Breakfast Club group (she played on percussion instruments). Ambitions took their toll: she wrote songs, performed them herself, mastered the guitar and showed herself as a leader. In general, she "pulled the blanket over herself." A contract with a producer became a great happiness for the aspiring soloist, and in 1983 she was able to release her first album.

That disc, "Madonna", did not become a very bright event in the music world, but after the release of "Like a Virgin" they started talking about her as a new star. The compositions topped the charts, they were played on the radio, they sang along, listened to countless times. The album sold 26 million copies. So she stepped onto the first step of her fame, since then Madonna's biography looks like an endless bright music video.

The disc "True Blue", born in 1986, cemented the singer's unexpected resounding success. The audience was impatiently awaiting new works, eager for concerts at which the performer gave all the best to the fullest - to the point of exhaustion.

Some argue that at first the star took outrageous - exploited sexual images, "flirted" with religious symbols. But talent, incredible perseverance and constant striving for self-improvement did their job.

Ups and downs

Were in creative biography Madonnas have their ups and downs. The Golden Raspberry anti-award named her the worst actress of the century (the tapes "Who is this girl", "Body as evidence" were failures, they spoke unflatteringly about her role in the film "Bond" screen - "Gone"). However, the musical tape about the second wife of the Argentine president, who did a lot for the country and offensively died early from cancer - "Evita" - has become a real cultural phenomenon. The song for the comic film "Dick Tracy" performed by Madonna was awarded an Oscar.

Madonna's personal life

First marriage, first daughter

The passionate feelings experienced by our heroine for Sean Penn were overshadowed by scandals, reaching fights. Madonna's personal life turned out to be an eternal "fighter". The young husband was not ready for a life together, and when two such hot temperaments collided, “scraps of shreds were literally flying around the back streets”. The singer did not endure the beatings for a long time. Having married in 1985, after 4 years she divorced the actor.

On the set of "Dick Tracy" she was carried away by the director and performer of the main role, the legend of Hollywood Warren Beatty, but Madonna limited herself to a novel, she did not marry the artist.

Her daughter's father was in 1996, Cuban boyfriend Carlos Leon (the diva will part with him six months later). Madonna's daughter was named Lourdes, she has already celebrated her 19th birthday, and she has a business with her mother - her own clothing line.

It was during that period that an acquaintance with Buddhism, yoga, Kabbalah took place (since then Madonna is an adherent of this teaching).

New albums, earned millions, finally won the Grammy, gave strength to the performer.

With and without Richie

In mid-1998, together with her then friend Andy Byrd, the singer attended a party at Sting's. There they met with director Guy Ritchie, a Briton who would later become her husband and change Madonna's personal life, and very much!

In 2000, Madonna moved to her lover, and the son of Rocco was born to the couple in August of the same year. She was carried away by British life, she was happy to get acquainted with the traditions of a new country for herself, but did not forget about work - in 2001, a world tour took place, which gathered sold out.

Alas, the second marriage did not become an alliance "to the grave" (although in addition to Rocco, an adopted black son David appeared in the family): in the fall of 2008, it became known about the breakup of the couple. Soon the star adopted a girl from Malawi, Chifundo Mersey, and her British husband was replaced by her Brazilian boyfriend Jesus Luz. In 2010, Madonna began dating dancer Brahim Zeiba. And at the beginning of 2017, the media started talking about the fact that Madonna and Sean Penn are increasingly seeing each other. Maybe they decided to restore the marriage that collapsed many years ago?

Her fortune is estimated at almost $ 1 billion, she has her own network of fitness clubs. The film “We. We believe in love ”, which the singer put on, was scolded to smithereens, but she still has so many new ideas! The world will be surprised more than once by the phenomenon named Madonna!

Name: Madonna (real name - Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone) Born: August 16, 1958, Michigan, USA.

Childhood and youth

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958 in a small town near Michigan into a large family. Her father was an engineer and her mother was a technician.

From childhood, the girl was very athletic and disciplined - she studied ballet, dancing, studied well and diligently.

When Madonna was 5 years old, her mother died of cancer, and the father of the family, Silvio Anthony Ciccone, took over the upbringing of all six children. It is known that he used a rather interesting incentive for his children to study well - good grades in this family were rewarded financially, which really worked because all the children, including Madonna, studied with enthusiasm. Peers disliked the young Madonna for her brilliant academic performance and the location of her teachers.

By the way, Madonna is the singer's real name, not a pseudonym, as is commonly thought. The girl was named after her mother - Madonna Louise. And the name Veronica Madonna took for herself during the Catholic sacrament of anointing - in Catholicism this sacrament at a conscious age, choosing a name in honor of the desired patron, Madonna chose Saint Veronica.

Youth and early career

Madonna graduated from school as an external student in 1976 six months before the final exams and continued dance education at the University of Michigan. The choice of a "frivolous" profession caused a crack in Madonna's relationship with her father, who wanted to see his daughter as a doctor or lawyer.

There is a legend that Madonna went to New York with 37 dollars in her pocket and after a few years she became a world-class star. Perhaps this is partly a legend ($ 37), but the fact that Madonna only with her persistence and hard work made her way to the musical Olympus is absolutely true.

Having moved to New York, Madonna worked part-time in a burger and donut shop, but she could not stay anywhere for a long time, everywhere she was hampered by her "daring" character. Madonna danced in parallel on stage in clubs and played in theatrical performances. A little later, she tried to stand at the microphone as part of one of the groups, and it became clear - yes, perhaps the girl does not have outstanding vocal abilities, but there is more than enough charisma and artistry.

Soon the bright girl was noticed by a representative of a major record label, and before the signing of the contract Madonna Ciccone for the sake of simplicity began to be called simply "Madonna", since the Italian surname Ciccone was often mispronounced in the American manner of "Siccon". In addition, the singer considered her name "rock and roll" and "well suited to the stage." True, her pseudonym (and in fact her name) still excites religious fanatics in many countries, who believe that Madonna can only be a household name for the Mother of God.

The debut single "Everybody" was released in 1982 and became the first in a series of Madonna's successes as a singer-songwriter. From the very beginning, Madonna chose provocation as her calling card - and did not fail. Today you will not surprise anyone with ultra-short mini, sexy clips and shocking confessions, but in the early 80s the situation in show business was somewhat different, and that is why the appearance of Madonna had the effect of a bomb exploding and ensured her popularity for many years, which had not been knew more than one female singer in world history.

Even in the very first songs and videos there was provocation and challenge - the clips "Like a virgin" and "Like a prayer" challenged not only social norms, but also the church. By the way, Madonna will not get tired of “trolling” the churchmen all her life, so even one of the last tours of the singer “MDNA” opened with a “church” choir, after the introduction of which it turned out that it was not “monks” who were singing, but half-naked male dancers in high heels.

World fame, the book Sex and the musical "Evita"

The 1984 album True Blue marked Madonna's dizzying success at the global level - the album topped the charts in 14 countries. Like A Prayer, Erotica and Bedtime Stories followed. As the names suggest, Madonna continued to exploit the themes of religion and sex, shot provocative video clips "on the brink", shocked the public with scandalous antics, but to Madonna's credit, it should be said that these were never drunken antics, or stories "high". Madonna has always been an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, freedom of thought, sexuality and views.

In 1992, Madonna founded her own record company, Maverick, a joint venture with Time Warner. In the same year, as a promo for the upcoming album, a limited edition photo album "Sex" was released, which caused a huge scandal, but was released in limited edition and is in great demand to this day. Famous photographers, top models and well-known media personalities participated in the creation of the book, including Stephen Meisel, Naomi Campbell, Vanilla Ice, Isabella Rossellini and others.

In 1996, the singer starred in the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Evita. For this role, she received a Golden Globe. Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber received an Oscar for Madonna's song You Must Love Me.

Ray of light

Madonna's seventh studio album Ray of Light (1998) reflected the singer's "spiritual rebirth" and became the second landmark in her work after Like a Prayer, and, according to many critics, the best in her career in general. Whether this is due to the birth of a daughter, passion for yoga, bondage and meditation is unknown, but an exciting mix of electronic rhythms, ethnic motives and Madonna's crystal voice still remains a model of the ideal pop album.

Madonna then releases the commercially successful album Music, the politically oriented American Life and the well-known electronic dancer Confessions on a DanceFloor, the slightly funky Hard Candy, the dark MDNA and the latest Rebel Heart.

Madonna's personal life

The first husband of Madonna was the famous Hollywood actor Sean Penn. The marriage of the two eccentric stars was very scandalous, there were, according to rumors, even episodes of assault on the part of Penn, which caused the two artists to break up rather quickly.

The first child - daughter Lourdes Leon Madonna gave birth to the Cuban fitness trainer and novice actor Carlos Leon in 1996.

The second husband of Madonna was also the representative of the cinema world - the British director Guy Ritchie, from whom Madonna gave birth to her second child - the son of Rocco, who, after the divorce of the spouses in 2008, remained with his father.

Health and sports

Madonna has always loved sports and promoted a healthy lifestyle. The stars are especially fond of Pilates and yoga. Besides, Madonna is known for her phenomenal discipline, according to her trainer, the only workout that the star allows himself to "skip" is on Christmas.

In 2010, Madonna opened a network of her own fitness clubs, named after the Hard Candy album; there is one such club in Moscow.

Public and charitable activities

Madonna has been helping the poor African country of Malawi for many years, she founded a fund to help the citizens of this country, built several schools for Malawi's children and adopted two children from there - a boy, David Banda and a girl, Mary James.

During the last US presidential election, Madonna was a staunch supporter of the candidate Hillary Clinton. She is known for her harsh criticism of the current US President Donald Trump.

The legend of the world show business, the queen of the stage - these are the epithets that this unsurpassed woman, an outstanding personality is awarded with. She knows how to attract attention to herself and keep it. Singer Madonna is a star who needs no introduction. Comprehensively gifted with talents, she falls in love at first sight.

Star Trek

How old is Madonna? Such a question comes to mind when you look at her chiseled body, young face and shining eyes. She can be given about thirty years, no more. But facts are stubborn things, and they say that the singer was born on August 16, 1958. Thus, this year she will celebrate her 56th birthday. How old is Madonna now? 55.

The full name of the star is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She hails from Bay City, Michigan. In the veins flows the blood of Canadian French (maternal) and American Italians (paternal). When Madonna was born, the family already had two children, after her three more were born. They lived together and piously.

The girl's relationship with those around her was difficult. Madonna recalls that she was not a favorite, but she did not allow herself to offend. The loss of her mother at an early age (she died at thirty) turned for her to expand the list of relatives. The father married again, so a brother and sister appeared in the family.

Dancing in the life of a celebrity

How old Madonna is difficult to answer looking at her body. And all thanks to fitness and dance classes. Very early, the girl persuaded her father to enroll her in a ballet. Then she went to school, the University of Michigan, but left there, as the teacher persuaded her to devote herself to a career. The future stage queen moved to New York. The city of the big apple taught her to fight poverty and for her place in the sun. She danced in several groups, took part in the world tour of Patrick Eronandez, met Dan Gilroy. Together with this musician, she creates the first rock group, and then the second. The recordings were successful, and then fell into the hands of the founder of Sire Records, Seymour Stein.

Formation of Madonna as a singer

How old Madonna was - did not matter. She set a goal for herself and confidently walked towards it. She personally distributed her notes to the right people at Dunsteria in Manhattan. Then she had an affair with the king of disc jockeys Mark Kaymins, who did his best to get Warner Bros. to promote the rising star. The first single - "Everybody" - gained immense popularity and became a real hit. The success of the song was repeated by the video for it, despite the extremely minimal budget. The second single confirmed that Madonna is popular and has a great future.

Worldwide success

The perfect figure of the Madonna, her passion for dancing determined the direction in which the girl worked. Dance compositions were close to her, and it was they who elevated her to the top of the charts. The singer's first album sold out in the amount of 19 million copies, and it is still considered the most successful. After that, the star began to be invited to act in films, she continues to perform songs and goes on her first world tour.

How old is Madonna the singer, it was interesting to people even then, because in 1986 the first nude photos in black and white appeared in men's glossy magazines. True, the star, who began a serious relationship with Sean Penn, banned their publication. The third album of the celebrity received good criticism from the outside and entered it into the Guinness Book of Records. Together with her beloved, Madonna plays in the cinema and theater, records soundtracks for them, works on remixes.

Scandalous reputation

How old Madonna can be said for sure by looking at her passport. The woman, who was erected a four-meter statue (the city of Pacentro) during her lifetime, always looks young and seductive. The break in relations with Sean Penn did not stop the singer's victorious march. And scandals fueled interest in her. The first such incident occurred during a collaboration with Pepsi. The star with the chaste pseudonym used many Catholic symbols and wore overly revealing outfits. An advertisement for a popular drink featuring Madonna was harshly condemned by the Vatican. As a result, the company breaks off cooperation, and the girl receives decent compensation. A year later, the star again shocks the public with a clip of erotic content.

Madonna and her profession

So, the world knows Madonna as an excellent dancer, a successful singer with a charming voice and a brawler. But in 1992, she founded Maverick, an entertainment company. Together with partner Time Warner, Madonna released a book with a loud title (Sex), the album Erotica, but then she changed her style. Passion for Kabbalah and Judaism bore fruit: the image of the singer became restrained and more chaste. Confirming her unofficial title "Queen of the Stage", Madonna records a variety of albums. And between all this, she starred in advertising for Dolce & Gabbana, creates youth clothing collections with her daughter, tries herself as a screenwriter and director, opens a network of fitness clubs.

Madonna's personal life

Such an attractive and charming woman has always been adored by the stronger sex. Madonna had many novels and connections, but there was also a place for a serious relationship. The singer entered into her first marriage in 1985 with Sean Penn. Their relationship was an example, but soon the couple began to compete with each other. The nickname "Mr. Madonna", given to Penn by journalists, he clearly did not like. They separated four years later. Then the star had an affair with Warren Beatty, a famous womanizer, but it did not lead to anything.

There were rumors that Madonna loves women, and actress Sandra Bernhard, a model, was called her partners. But the stage queen herself refutes this, speaking out in favor of traditional relationships. Her marriage to a British director lasted seven years, and after that she met Jesus Lusa, a Brazilian young model.

Children of a successful woman

Madonna has four children: two relatives and two adopted. The eldest is the daughter of Lourdes, whose father was the singer's personal sports trainer, but did not become her husband. How old did Madonna give birth for the first time? The girl was born on October 14, 1996, which means that the newly-made mother was 38. In 2000, that is, at the age of 42, the woman gave birth to a son, an adopted daughter (Mercy James) and a son (David Banda) from Malawi.

Parameters and other interesting facts

Madonna is an icon of beauty and style, the image of a confident and successful woman, a strong and purposeful person. Of course, the parameters of her figure are of interest to both fans of her work and the stronger sex. We will please both those and others by revealing a few interesting facts about the singer.

The star's virtually unchanging appearance is the subject of controversy among her fans. Some argue that Madonna uses the services of plastic surgeons, others believe that sports, proper nutrition and anti-aging procedures support natural beauty. The singer herself denies rhinoplasty and other interventions of doctors, claiming that she uses high-quality cosmetics, does hardware lifting and chemical peeling, and loves Thai massage. She also tries to avoid stress, adheres to the correct regime of work and rest.

Madonna weighs only 55 kg, and all due to the fact that she does not have excess fat accumulations, but consists mainly of muscle tissue, which is heavier. Daily fitness, yoga and a special diet, as well as rehearsals of new show programs, help to keep fit. In addition, the celebrity is engaged in Pilates, karate, boxing, tennis, horse riding.

The growth of the queen of pop music is small, only 162-164 cm. But, as we can see, this did not cause complexes to appear. A high stiletto heel or platform always accompanies Madonna (except for sports training). The star easily wears a heel about twenty centimeters high and looks down on everyone.

Here she is, Madonna, an inimitable symbol of the sexual revolution, emancipation and femininity!

Often the price of success is so high that on the way to it you have to sacrifice almost everything and lose the most valuable. Madonna's biography is an example of how not to deviate from the intended goals and leave opponents behind.

Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in a family where, in addition to her, there were 4 older brothers. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone - the real name of the singer - completely repeats the name of her mother. The girl was brought up in a religious family, but she was never an ideal daughter - on the contrary, she was considered strange and uncontrollable.

The future singer lost her mother very early, who at the age of 30, a couple of months after the birth of another child, died of breast cancer. This was a big blow for the girl, and for a long time, already as an adult, the singer fell into hypochondria, as she was sure that she had the same disease.

It became difficult for my father to cope with family difficulties, and two years later he married a second time. Madonna immediately disliked her stepmother, since she could not forgive her father for letting another woman into his heart. In addition, she was jealous of his half-brothers and sisters, believing that they were given more attention.

Despite the fact that the girl studied very well, she could not build friendly relations with her classmates: they envied her academic performance and considered her an "alien". After all, the future world star could not hide his shocking character.

To prove her originality, at the school talent competition 14-year-old Madonna Ciccone shocked everyone: she sang a song, went on stage in a revealing top and short shorts, her face was painted with bright makeup. This event seriously affected the reputation of the future star and her Catholic family. The schoolgirl was put under house arrest, and offensive inscriptions about Madonna often began to appear on the door.

At the age of 15, the singer begins to seriously engage in ballroom dancing. After graduating from high school, in 1976, she entered the university to continue her dance education. This caused a serious scandal between Madonna and her father and further ruined their relationship, because his dreams of seeing his daughter as a lawyer collapsed. After studying for only six months, the girl realizes that in the provinces she cannot achieve world heights, and decides to leave for New York.

Musical career

The young girl arrived in the city of contrasts with a small budget (only $ 40), with a small suitcase, extraordinary creativity and a great desire to become a dance queen. She lived in a criminal area, often worked only for food, and even posed for photographers as a nude model (later these photos would “pop up” and end up on the pages of Playboy magazine).

Soon Madonna begins to go to auditions for musicals. On one of them, she grabs luck by the tail and gets into the troupe of the artist Patrick Hernandez. While working there, the girl often hums different melodies. One day the directors notice this and ask her to perform a simple song. She sang "Jingle bells" and did not fail: she was invited to Paris to make her a vocal star. True, Madonna did not like this idea and, after working for a very short time, she returned back to New York.

Soon she meets Seymour Stein, the founder of the label “Sire Records”, who saw great opportunities in Madonna and signed a long-term contract with her. The very first album was a success and after 30 years it was even recognized as the best debut album in America. The track "Holiday" climbed to the top of all the US music charts and entered the top 20 best singles in America.

The second album, which was recorded in 1984, received a Diamond Certificate. The singer becomes the queen of the world stage. Almost all of her tracks take first places in the charts' ratings.

In total, Madonna has released 13 studio albums, 8 of which were at the top of the US charts, namely:

  • 1984 - "Like a Virgin" (1st place).
  • 1986 - "True Blue" (1st place).
  • 1989 - "Like a Player" (1st place).
  • 2000 - Music (1st place).
  • 2003 - American Life (1st place).
  • 2005 - "Confessions on Dance Floor" (1st place).
  • 2008 - "Hard Candy" (1st place).
  • 2012 - MDNA (1st place).

Over the years musical career the singer tried herself in many styles and directions. She is not afraid to be shocking and not like anyone else. The artist's costumes and dresses surprise the viewer with their uniqueness and extravagance. Singer Madonna was never afraid to appear to her fans a being “out of this world”, for this sincerity they loved their idol.

The star's acting career was less successful than the musical one. There are more than 20 films with Madonna's participation, but most of them have not even been released. Here are some facts:

  • In the early 90s, a documentary was released about the life of the singer.
  • After 4 years, she starred in the film adaptation of the musical "Evita".
  • In 2000, the actress got a role in the film "Best Friend".
  • In 2004, the second documentary about the singer appeared on the screens.
  • In 2015, she tried her hand at being a director.

Madonna's personal life

Madonna in her youth was not deprived of male attention, while she was not at all embarrassed to demonstrate her intimate life in public. The singer had many novels, about which there were various rumors.

The first man in the singer's life was actor Sean Penn. This love was born very beautifully: the young man saw his future wife going downstairs in a beautiful long dress. In 1985, Madonna and Sean Penn exchanged rings and became husband and wife. But their union did not last long.

After that, the singer had affairs with many famous and respectable men from the field of show business: among them, for example, Lenny Kravitz, Anthony Kids. All this continued until she fell in love with her fitness trainer Carlos Leon, whom she offered to become a father. Madonna asked her lover to be tested and lead healthy image life for the birth of a healthy child. Soon they had a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon (at that time the singer was 38 years old).

The next relationship - with director Guy Ritchie - began unusually romantic. At first, Madonna took her future husband for an ordinary provincial boy. But soon all the cards were revealed, and the singer could not resist the courtship of the young director. Their wedding took place in December 2000.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie have lived together for 8 years. The fruit of their love was a son named Rocco, and an adopted boy from an African family appeared in the family. Soon Madonna adopted another girl - Mercy Jame, and in 2017 - two African twins: Stella and Esther. This became known after the singer shared photos with children in social networksin which she hugged her daughters.

Madonna's children are the main pride and joy in the singer's life. Thanks to them, the singer even tried herself in the role of a writer and in 2004 released the children's book "English Roses". Madonna's eldest daughter Lourdes decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and at the age of 19 she is already the media face of various advertising companies.

In 2013, the star began an affair with basketball player Denis Rodman. Madonna wanted to give him a son, but this did not happen, and their union soon collapsed.

Today, every inhabitant of the world knows the name of Madonna, her image is an icon of pop music, the personification of sexuality, shocking and creative originality.

How old is Madonna and how does she manage to look so young? Everyone asks this question, seeing the chiseled figure of a star and her energetic dances during performances. Any girl can envy her external beauty - with a small height of 164 cm, the singer's parameters are ideal: 90-60-90. The personal account of the queen of pop music on Instagram has a lot of photos that give fans the opportunity to see their favorite in different looks and decorations. Author: Anastasia Kaikova

Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica, Madonna, Louise Veronica Ciccone) was born in 1958, in the month of August, on the 16th in Bay, Michigan. At this hour, he is 162 cm tall, weighing 54 kg. Parameters and measurements (girth) of the bust (figure): bust 92 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 87 cm. Footwear size 39. Green eyes. Hair color is light brown. She is a Kabbalist by religion, formerly a Catholic.

Ciccone's father Silvio is an engineer at Chrysler and General Motors. After the death of his wife (Madonna Fortin), the citizen of Ciccone took the maid Gustafson Joan as his wife, who, subsequently, gave birth to two children.

Ciccone's mother Madonna Fortin (Madonna Fortin Ciccone, born in 1933) is a technical engineer in the X-ray room. She is French from Canada by nationality. Jansenist by confession (French Catholic movement). She died in 1963 from breast cancer (probably due to radiation at work).

There are five brothers and sisters.

Studied at the schools of St. Andrew, St. Frederick, West high school (West), at Adam High School in Rochester (Adams), at the University of Michigan. Since 1973 she has been engaged in ballet and choreography.

Since 1978 she has lived in New York. She worked as a dancer for Pearl Lang. She worked part-time in diners and as a model for filming. In 1979 she was noticed by producers Perrelin and Van Lie and she collaborated with them in Europe for a year.

She was the drummer in the Breakfast Club. Then, in 1980, she founded her own group "Madonna and the Sky", later "Emmy". Since 1981, she collaborated with Camilla Barbon, who became her manager.

Since 1982 he has been collaborating with Stan Seymour. As a result, cooperation with Warner Bros. continued right up to 2009. The first album entitled "Madonna" was released in 1983. Received all sorts of Grammy (as many as 7 pieces!) And golden globes. Not without golden raspberries. The song of the same name, from the second, in a row, album, "Like a Virgin" entered the two hundred most iconic songs of the Rocknroll Hall of Fame. "Like a Prayer" from the third album of the same name, the British magazine "New Musical Express" put on the 3rd place in history popular music, and VH1 to the 2nd.

And always a song from her subsequent albums like Bedtime Stories, Ray of Light, Music, American Life, Confessions on a Dance Floor, Hard Candy and MDNA won honorary a prize-winning place in some chart.

She starred in "A Concrete Victim", "Vision Search", "Desperate Search for Susie", in "Who Is This Girl", in "Dick Tracy", in the documentary "Madonna. Truth or Dare "(in our box office" In Bed with Madonna "), in" A Dangerous Game ", in" Body as Evidence "," Best Friend ".

In 2007, she shot "Dirt and Wisdom" with the vocalist of the group "Gogol Bordello" Nikolayev Evgeny Alexandrovich, better known under the pseudonym Evgeny Gudz (his mother's maiden name). In 2010 she shot “We. We believe in love. " In 2013, the short film "SecretProjectRevolution".

In 1973, she met with Long Russell (born 1956).

In 1979 she cohabited with Dan Gilroy (head of the little-known rock group Breakfast Club).

In the same 1979 she cohabited with Stephen Bray, drummer.

In 1983 she cohabited with Benitez John, nicknamed "Marmalade".

From 1985-08-16 (this is her birthday, by the way) to January 1989, she was married to Penn Sean.

According to unconfirmed information in 1988, she had a connection with Bernhard Sandra (Sndra Bernhard, 1955-06-06).

In 1990 she cohabited with Beatty Warren (Henry Warren Beatty, 1937-03-30, director), but refused to marry him.

In 1992, she had a relationship with Van Winkle Robert Matthew (1967-10-31), better known as Vanilla Ice.

In 1996, in October, on the 14th day from the actor and fitness instructor Leon Carlos, the daughter of Leon Lourdes, Maria Ciccone, was born (if it's simpler, then Lola Leon).

In 1998 she cohabited with Andy Bird, an actor and screenwriter from Great Britain.

From 2000 to 2008 for Richie Guy. In 2000, in August, on the 11th day, she gave birth to her son, Richie Rocko. There is also the adopted 2008-05-28 son of Richie Ciccone David Banda (born 2005-09-24) and the adopted daughter of Ciccone Chifundo Mercy James (born 2005) on 2009-06-12.

Since 2010, she has been cohabitating with break performer Zeba Brahim.