
Living legend: the best performances, clips of Katya Chile and interesting biography facts. Katya Chilly: who is she and why Katya Chilly came back what's wrong with her

The legendary Katya Chile became a real discovery of the project. Coming to the show as a star guest, she conquered all the star mentors with her performance, who persuaded her to stay on the project as a participant. Now they are breaking records of views, and many Ukrainians (not only fans of the vocal project Voice of the Country-7) note that a real revival of the legend has taken place. Therefore, we decided to recall the brightest video performances, as well as in general for the period of her work, recalling some of the moments known about Katya Chile's personal life.


At the next stage, the show showed again an overwhelming level of performance. Katya Chili and Narek Gevorkyan performed a bilingual song in a duet, which literally captivated the audience. Katya Chili watch online at

Katya Chili's battle turned out to be impressive, but at the same vocal competition Voice of the Country-7 in the TOP discussion and the song Bantik Katya Chili. And now Katya Chili Bantik is a hit on the Web due to the artist's eccentric performance.

We are sure that the Voice of the Country 2017 gave Katya Chili a new breath, a new round of creativity. Her army of fans is growing from air to air. Katya Chili's videos are breaking view records and we are pleased to publish a few more clips of the singer, which are very popular with the viewer. For example, Katya Chili Ponad Khmarami, which the artist sang in a duet with the Tartak group (frontman Sashko Polozhinsky).

Many people in Ukraine know Katya Chili, because her name was once heard. Her songs were often played on FM radio, on regular radio, and her performances could be seen on television screens. Katya has a special, strong voice. For me he is very strong, maybe that's why I don't take her songs very well. Katya's songs for me are not songs for every day. Such a shrill voice is good for performance folk songs, and such songs can be listened to with pleasure on holidays. Her recent performance on the Ukrainian show "Voice of the Country", which is on the TV channel "1 + 1": Katya came to the show and sang a song, of course she was left on the show. Mentors like her didn't recognize when they were listening blindly. But I would recognize her voice in their place.

Katya's real name and surname are as follows: Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko (Bogolyubova). Catherine was born in Ukraine, now the singer is neither more nor less than thirty-eight years old. Katya celebrates her birthday in the summer, on July 12. Katya is a native of Kiev. She has her own Music band, now she is working on an album that will not contain elements of electronic music. In general, the singer tried herself in different genres, but in my opinion her voice somehow leveled the songs, and her songs were always recognizable precisely because of her powerful voice. Sometimes there was a sense of wonder why such a tiny girl had such power, such a strong voice. Katya has a three-year-old son, but almost nothing is known about her soulmate. It is not even clear whether she is married or not. But it is clear that the singer's marriage was or still exists. I think the singer left the big stage precisely in order to take care of her personal life. After all, the child was born to her late enough. And now, having decided her personal affairs, Katya Chili returned to the stage. I think now her voice can be enjoyed much more often. By at least while the "Voice of the Country" show is on. By the way, her songs are very suitable for the title of this TV show.

P.S. I will supplement the answer, as I found out new details. Katya has a husband and he is a pianist in her team, Alexei Bogolyubov. There is not much information about this anywhere, you just need to compare the composition of its team and the names of the participants. And look at her full name Kondratenko (Bogolyubova).

Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko is a Ukrainian singer who performs under the pseudonym Katya Chili, was born in Kiev on July 12, 1978. Parents gave her to music school noticing the girl's ability to sing. Katya entered both the piano and stringed instruments, showed perseverance and dedication from the first grades of the decade.

The girl was enrolled in a folk singing school called "Orel" and soon she was chosen as a soloist of the choir. Thanks to her versatile talents, Katya at the age of eight very loudly declared herself.

The broadcast of the concert "Children of Chernobyl" did not go unnoticed and all thanks to Ekaterina, who performed the song "33 cows" that day.

Beautiful girl with big eyes instantly conquered the audience. Six years later, she was awarded an award at the Fant Lotto Hope competition, where the composer Sergei Smetanin drew attention to her. The fruitful collaboration of the aspiring singer and producer has borne long-awaited results - the first album entitled "Mermaids In Da House".

Then the girl decided to change her stage name and called herself Katya Chili. Stage employment did not allow the artist to pay much attention to her studies, but Kondratenko still did not forget about her. The personal life of Katya Chile was marked by a new stage in her life, as a teenager she entered the Lyceum at the National University, and then she received a philologist-folklorist diploma in one of the prestigious universities in the country.

Since the beginning of 1996, Chilly's work has been completely focused on a pop-avant-garde project, based on ritual singing combined with a modern arrangement. This unusual direction became the subject of discussion in the media and caused crazy delight among fans.

Now the name Katya Chilly is associated with a new musical alternative that has become a symbol of Ukrainian music. The unusual ethnic material attracted the attention of even those people who did not consider themselves fans of folklore.

There is little information on Wikipedia about Katya Chile's personal life. It is known that the singer had an army of fans who were completely different people.

Adult fans of Ukrainian music, representatives of Generation X and lovers of non-standard compositions gladly attend her concerts. Katya needed less than a year to become a star, and she confidently continues to defend her status. She gives interviews, takes an active part in various television programs and speaks at the largest venues in the city of Kiev and the country. One of Chile's main victories was the prize at the Chervona Ruta festival.

The Western community became interested in the work of a fragile and unusually petite girl, and in 1997 Bill Rhodey (MTV president) invites her to take part in one of the channel's programs. A photo from Katya Chile's personal life can be found on the Internet in her young and mature years. In the arsenal of awards, the girl has an honorable first place from the "Fringe" festival, which took place in the Scottish town of Edinburgh.

Numerous viewers compare Catherine's style of performance with “the singing of a beautiful elf,” during her performances she creates unique vibrations that more resemble a whirlwind. From the outside, it seems that Chile is plunging into a state of nirvana, becoming a medium who tells the story of the ancient world.

Archaic material allows her to present unique works to the public in a modern way, here it is a new embodiment of the spirit of the people.

Life after injury

She does not like to tell details about Katya Chile's personal life and health. At one of the performances, the singer fell from the stage and received serious brain and spinal damage. First aid was provided by a colleague Alexander Polozhinsky, who helped Ekaterina during her rehabilitation.

For a while, the artist disappears from the TV screens, her condition worsens, and Chile begins to fall into a state of depression, which is accompanied by despair.

Despite her feelings and mixed emotions, the girl continued her work on the album, entitled "Dream". She traveled with him to forty cities in Great Britain. After a concert in London, she was offered to shoot a video for the BBC channel. In 2000, the singer collaborated with many composers, then recorded an album called "Dream".

It was never published, even though the program was successful abroad. In 2005, the maxi-single "Piwni" was born, on the creation of which famous Ukrainian and Russian DJs worked. Nice bonus for Katya's many fans, the track "Ponad Khmarami" became, which she performed together with Alexander Polozhinsky, and the work was presented to the public in 3D technology. New stage creativity became the next step for Catherine.

Katya Chile's albums

2006 presented the album "I am young", which included the famous tracks of the performer, the video of the same name was presented on the air of the music channel in 2006. Katya Chile's songs and her personal life are of interest to many people.

A unique combination of modern electronic music and folklore is the diamond of her work. The soulful voice of the singer literally penetrates to the depths of the soul. Since 2007, Katya has been performing with a group called "Solominbend", which included famous musicians: Victor Solomin, Konstantin Ionenko, Alik Fataev and Alexey Bogolyubov.

The new program is a combination of jazz and folklore in a modern, unusual arrangement. The audience warmly welcomes the team, which becomes the headliners of numerous festivals that take place throughout Ukraine.

2008 - presentation of an acoustic program, in which there is not a drop of electronic music. Since 2010, work continues on a new album, completely acoustic. Katya Chili continues to draw attention to her person, the audience is delighted with her unique voice.

At the end of 2016, the singer took part in the “People. Hard Talk ”, shared her plans for the future, talked about the sources of inspiration and once again surprised her fans. More than once, the artist admitted that she herself writes poetry for songs that are born in the process of deep shocks and experiences that are sometimes impossible to cope with.

Katya Chili in the show "The Voice"

On January 2, 2017, the 1 + 1 TV channel began broadcasting the seventh season of the popular show “The Voice”. The jury included: Tina Karol, Potap, Jamala and Sergey Babkin. Katya Chili came to the blind auditions and struck outright not only all the spectators, but also the jury, all four people turned to her. The musical composition "Svetlitsa" was performed, a combination of folk motives.

Chile chose Tina Karol as her mentor, who was very happy. The artist, who sings with her soul, has managed to conquer millions of hearts and will fight for the main prize - the victory in the "Voice" show.

She said that she just came to sing and did not even hope that she would pass such a tough selection, but she stayed. A talented, sincere and incredibly charismatic singer who sings with her soul.

The recent performance of Katerina Kondratenko, known to all music industry not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe and the former CIS countries under the stage name Katya Chilly, plunged the public into a state of total emotional shock. The video with her performance gained more than 600 thousand views on the YouTube channel per day. Music critics are vying with each other about the enchanting "return" of ethno, folk, rock, trance performers after some absence from the music arena.

For the first time Katya got on television at the age of eight, when in 1986 the concert “Children of Chernobyl”, which took place in one of the pioneer camps, was broadcast on one of the national channels. Katya performed with a song from the musical about Mary Poppins "Thirty-three Cows".

Throughout the training in high school Katya carefully attended the school of folklore vocal, sang in the choir "Orel", studied piano and cello, later adding to her professional hobbies and folklore art school.

Having received the Grand Prix of the Fant Lotto Hope competition in 1992, fate brought Katya together with the talented composer Sergei Ivanovich Smetanin, who supports the work of talented performers, so her full-scale started musical career, which on May 30, 1996 resulted in a meaningful and clear avant-garde pop project under the name Katya Chilly with an unforgettable debut album "Mermaids In Da House".

Then there was a series of festival performances and participation in music competitions ranging from “Song Vernissage” to “Yalta”, “Chervona Ruta”, and a tour of Eastern Europe with performances in Poland, Germany, Sweden and the USA.

The second album of the singer "Dream", prepared and successfully presented in 40 cities of Great Britain and Russia, unfortunately, was never released due to the desire of the performer to complete her education at the Taras Shevchenko University and continue her studies in graduate school. Nevertheless, a clip from Katya's live performances, filmed by the BBC television company, was rotated on the channel for another year.

In 2006, the long-awaited second album "I am Young" was released, which became a unique and daring combination of folklore and electronic music for that time. 2007 passes for Katya in an experimental project with the famous Ukrainian jazz band Solominband, and in 2008 a completely new acoustic program crystallizes without a single hint of electronics with a completely renewed lineup of Katya Chilly, which includes pianist Maxim Sidorenko, violinist Ksenia Zadorskaya, rhythm section - Alik Fantaeev, double bass player Yuri Galinin and Valentin Bogdanov on darbuka.

At the moment, the performer is working on new material, in the formed stylistic sound that distinguishes Katya Chilly from the general monotony of the Ukrainian stage. The release date of the new album, as well as its name, has not yet been disclosed, however, the appearance of Katya on the stage of the talent show “Voice of the Country” gives hope for very soon official announcements.

Text: Tatiana Savleva

Katya Chili returned to the stage again last week. Someone has known her since the distant 90s, someone has heard her voice only now. What kind of singer is this and what made her return to the big stage - see the following facts.

The beginning of creativity

Ekaterina Kondratenko, later - Katya chilly, appeared on the stage quite by accident, at the age of 8, when she performed and got on television in 1986 during one concert. As the singer said: "All this was accidentally filmed on television, and I felt the stage virus enter my blood, which, in principle, cannot be removed."

Later in 1992, Katya received the Grand Prix in one song competition. There, the singer found her future composer and mentor Sergei Smetanin.

The singer's concerts and albums

Katya's success in show business made itself felt. In 1997-1999, the singer released her first album "Mermaids In Da House" and has made a name for itself in Germany, Poland, Sweden, Egypt, USA and other countries. And already in March 2001 Katya Chilly performed with a concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. The artist's performances were broadcast in live on the BBC.

In the early 2000s, Katya, together with other group members, created a joint album "Dream", however, it was never published.

In 2003, the hit "Ponad Khmarami" was released, recorded together with the leader of the "Tartak" group Sashko Polozhinsky. In 2005 he presented a new single "Pivni", and in 2006 he released another studio album "I am young".

The beginning of the "lull"

In 2008, Katya decides to create a group Katya Chilly with other musicians. Since in 2007-2009 the singer was the headliner of the festivals "Jazz Koktebel", "Golden Gate", "Chervona Ruta", "Rozhanitsa", "Antonych-fest", "Junior Eurovision" there was a slight lull in her work.

Since 2010, the singer has delved into work on solo acoustic material and began to appear in public less and less. However, the singer did not "disappear" and remained at the hearing. Only in March 2016, in the studio of the M2 channel with Sashko Polozhinsky, the singer performed the old hit "Ponad Khmarami".

Return to the big stage

It became a real sensation. According to the singer, she did not plan to stay on the project, since she came only as a guest. But the judges convinced her to choose someone from her mentors and continue to sing on the show. Katya unexpectedly changed her choice and chose Tina Karol. The singer was amazed at Katya's choice and touchingly commented on this event: "How much Ukraine needs you."

Despite her vast experience in Ukrainian show business, Katya Chilly appeared on the stage again and perhaps this time she will again win the attention of her loyal listeners.