
Violin: history, video, interesting facts, listen. String Tools: Types, Violin Names But Big

Parents going to send a child to a music school, as well as all lovers of art, you need to know that the tools on which they play are divided into several species. The mansion is electrical devices, such as a synthesizer. Wind instruments sound with air fluctuations in the hollow tube. When playing, you need to activate the hammer hitting the string. This is usually done by pressing the finger.

Violin and its options

String tools are two types:

  • bACK;
  • pedgles.

They are very popular with music lovers. Bow tools are often performed by the main melodies in orchestral plays and symphony. They found their modern appearance quite late. The violin changed the ancient Viola only in the XVII century. The rest of the brook was formed even later. In addition to the classic violin, there are other varieties of this tool. For example, baroque. It often performs the works of Bach. There is also a national Indian violin. It is playing folk music. In folklore, many ethnic groups have a sounding item similar to a violin.

Home Symphony Orchestra Group

Strings tools are very popular worldwide. The names are such:

  • violin;
  • alto;
  • cello;
  • double bass.

These tools make up the string group of the symphony orchestra. The most popular of them is a violin. It is she who attracts many children who want to study music. It is logical because violins in the orchestra are more than other tools. Therefore, art needs specialists of the appropriate profile.

String tools whose names are listed here in parallel. They developed in two directions.

  1. Appearance and physico-acoustic properties.
  2. Musicists: Performance of melody or bass, technical mobility.

Antonio Stradivari

In both cases, the violin was ahead of his "colleagues". The period of the heyday of this tool was the XVII and XVIII century. It was at that time a great master Antonio Stradivari worked. He was a student Nikolo Amati. When Stradivari began to learn the profession, the form and components of the violin were already formed. There was also a tool size convenient for the musician. Stradivari contributed to the development of art. It focused on the material from which the housing is made, and its covering composition. Master manually did musical instruments. The violin at that time was an exclusive thing. Only court musicians played on it. Often they made individual orders. Stradivari knew the requirements and preferences of all the leading violinists. Many attention was paid to the material from which the tool was made. Often he applied wood that was in use. There is a legend that Stradivarius touched the fences while walking while walking. If he liked the sound, then students on the team of Signora Antonio laid out suitable boards.

Secrets of Masters

String tools are covered with special varnish. Stradivari developed a special composition that kept secret. He feared competitors. The researchers found that the master covered the body of oil for the primer of wooden boards, which were used by painters of that time. Stradivari added various natural dyes to the composition. They gave tool not only the original color, but also a beautiful sound. Today, violins are covered with alcohol varnishes.

String instruments developed very intensively. In the XVII and XVIII centuries, violinist virtuosos were worked at aristocratic courtyards. They composed music for their tool. Such virtuoso was Antonio Vivaldi. The violin developed as a solo tool. She acquired unprecedented technical capabilities. On the violin it was possible to perform beautiful melodies, brilliant passengers and even multi-voice chords.

Sound features

String tools were often used in orchestral works. Composers used such a property of violins as continuing sound. The smooth transition between notes is possible thanks to the maintenance of the string. A typical sound, unlike the piano, does not fade. It can be strengthened or weakened by adjusting the bow pressure. Therefore, the string was commissioned to play long-speaking melodies with different volume levels.

Musical instruments of this group have about the same properties. Alto, Cello and Double Bass are very similar to the violin. They differ in size, timbre and register.

Alt larger violin. Play it with a bow, pressing the chin tool to the shoulder. Due to the fact that the strings of Alta thicker than the violin, it has a different range. The tool is subject to low sounds. He often plays accompanying melodies, pegs. Large size interferes with alto mobility. He is limited to rapid virtuoso passes.

Giants Smychka

Music under the current

Harrison was a virtuoso electric guitar. This tool does not have a hollow resonator body. The oscillations of metal strings are converted into an electric current, which is then transformed into sound waves perceived by hearing. The performer can change the timbre of his tool using special devices.

There is another variety of electric guitar, which is widely popular. It sounds exclusively in the low range. This is a bass guitar. It has four fat strings. The tool function in the ensemble is to maintain a powerful bass support.

Welcome to a brief overview of the musical instruments of the symphony orchestra.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with classical music, then perhaps you still do not know what musical instruments are played by the participants of the symphony orchestra. This article will help you. Descriptions, images and samples of the sound of the basic musical instruments of the orchestra will introduce you to the huge variety of sounds published by the orchestra.


The musical symphony fairy tale "Peter and Wolf" was written in 1936 for the new Moscow Central Children's Theater (now the Russian Academic Youth Theater). This narrative of Piete Pieter, which manifests bravery and a smelter, saves his friends and captures the wolf. From the moment of its creation and until today's days, the play enjoys unrelenting worldwide popularities both among the younger generation and experienced lovers of classical music. This play will help us identify various tools, because Each character in it is represented by a certain tool and a separate motif: for example, Petya - string instruments (mostly violin), a bird - a flute in a high register, a duck - Oboe, Grandfather - Fagot, Cat - Clarinet, Wolf - French Horn. After familiarizing with the tools presented, once again listen to this play and try to remember how each tool sounds.

Sergey Prokofiev: "Peter and Wolf"

Bow string tools.

All bow string tools consist of vibrating strings stretched into a resonant wooden case (deck). To remove the sound, a bow of a horse-haired is used, clamping strings in different positions on the jiff, get sounds of different heights. The family of broken string tools is the largest in the composition grouped into a huge section with musicians performing the same music line.

4-krasny jam tool, the highest sound in its family and the most important in the orchestra. The violin has such a combination of beauty and expressiveness of sound, as, perhaps, no other tool. But the violinists often have a reputation for nervous and scandalous people.

Felix Mendelson Concerto for Violin

Alt - In appearance, a copy of the violin, just a little big sizes, which sounds in a lower register and play it a bit more difficult to play than on the violin. According to the current tradition of Alto, auxiliary role is given in the orchestra. Altists are often the target for jokes and jokes in the musical environment. It was in the family three sons - two smart, and the third - altist ... p.s. Some believe that Alto is an improved violin version.

Robert Schuman "Magic Tale (Fairy Tales) for Viola and Piano"

Cello - A large violin, which is played sitting while holding the tool between the knees and resting it with the spire into the floor. Cello has a rich low sound, wide expressive abilities and a detailed work of execution. Performing qualities of the cello conquered the hearts of a huge number of fans.

Dmitry Shostakovich Sonata for Cello and Piano

Double bass - The lowest sound and the largest (up to 2 meters) among the family of broken string tools. The double bassists should stand or sit on a high chair to reach up to the top of the tool. The double bass has dense, hoarse and a somewhat deaf tone and is a bass foundation of the entire orchestra.

Dmitry Shostakovich Sonata for Cello and Piano (see Cello)

Wooden brass instruments.

A large family of various tools, not necessarily made of wood. The sound is generated by the vibration of air passing through the tool. Pressing the keys shocked / lengthens the air column and the sound height changes. Each tool usually has its solo line, although several musicians can execute it.

The main tools of the family of wooden wind instruments.

- Modern flutes are very rarely from wood, more often from metal (including precious metals), sometimes of plastic and glass. Flute hold horizontally. Flute is one of the highest tools in the orchestra. The most virtuoso and technically mobile tool in the family of winds, thanks to these advantages, the orchestral solo is often charged to it.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concert for Flute № 1

Oboe - Melodic tool with a range lower than the flute. The form is a bit conical, the oboe possesses singers, but a somewhat void timbre, and even sharp in the upper case. It is mainly used as an orchestral solo tool. Since, during the game, the gobists must pay their face, they are sometimes perceived as abnormal people.

Vincenzo Bellini concert for oboe with orchestra

Clarinet - There are several sizes, depending on the required height of the sound. The clarinet uses only one tongue (cane), and not double like flute or fagoth. The clarinet has a wide range, warm, soft voice and provides the Contractor wide expressive opportunities.
Check yourself: Karl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.

Karl Maria von Weber Concerto for Clarinet number 1

The lowest sound from wooden wind instruments is used for a bass line, as an alternative tool of the melody. The orchestra is usually three or four fagot. Play at the Fagote due to its size is harder than on the other tools of this family.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concert for Fagota

Copper brass tools.

The loudest group of tools of the symphony orchestra, the principle of extracting sounds is the same as the wooden brass instruments - "click yes". Each tool plays its solo line - a lot of material. In different epochs of its history, the Symphony Orchestra has changed a group of instruments in its composition, some recession of interest in the wind instruments occurred in the era of romanticism, in the 20th century new performing opportunities for copper tools opened and their repertoire was significantly expanded.

French horn - originally originated from hunting horn, horn can be soft and expressive or sharp and creaking. Usually in the orchestra used from 2 to 8 French horn depending on the work.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Shahryzada

Tool with high clean sound, very suitable for fanfar. Like clarinet, the pipe can be of different sizes, each with its timbre. Distinguishing great technical mobility, the pipe brilliantly performs its role in the orchestra, it is possible to execute the wide, bright timbre and the high length of melodic phrases.

Josef Haydn Concert for Pipe

Performs more bass line than melodic. From other copper wind instruments, it is distinguished by the presence of a special mobile U-shaped tube - the scenes, moving forward and backward the musician changes the sound tool.

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov Concert for Trombone

Impact musical instruments.

The oldest and most numerous groups of musical instruments. Often, the drums are affectionately called the "cuisine" of the orchestra, and the performers call "Master for all hands." With percussion instruments, the musicians cost rather "hard": they beat them with sticks, hit each other, shake - and all this in order to set the rhythm of the orchestra, and also give coloring and peculiar music. Sometimes automobile clickson or device, imitating wind noise (Ealphone) add to the drums. Consider only two shock tools:

- Hemispherical metal case, covered with a leather membrane, Litales may sound very loud or, on the contrary, gently, as a distant roller grommet, for extracting different sounds, wands with heads from different materials are used: wood, felt, leather. In the orchestra, usually from two to five liter, it is very interesting to watch the game on the piludes.

Johan Sabastian Bach Toccat and Fugue

Plates (pair) - Convex round metal discs of different sizes and with an indefinite height of sound. As noticed, the symphony can last ninety minutes, and you will have to hit the plates only once, you can imagine what is the responsibility for the accurate result.

Musical instrument: violin

Violin is one of the most exquisite and sophisticated musical instruments, with a charming singer timbre very similar to a human voice, but at the same time very expressive and virtuoso. It is no coincidence that exactly the violin is given the role " queen Orchestra».

The voice of the violin is similar to the human, the verbs "sings", "crying" are often used to it. She is able to cause tears of joy and sadness. The violinist plays the strings of the soul of their listeners, acting through the strings of their powerful assistant. There is a belief that violin sounds stop the time and take into another dimension.

History violin And a lot of interesting facts about this musical instrument, read on our page.


Expressive singing of violin can pass the thoughts of the composer, sense of characters operas and ballet More precisely and more than all other tools. Juicy, penetrated, elegant and energetic at the same time, the sound of the violin is the basis of any product where at least one tool is used.

The timbre of sound is determined by the quality of the instrument, the skill of the artist and the choice of strings. Bass feature thick, saturated, slightly strict and harsh sound. At the middle strings, the sound is soft, soulful, as if velvety, matte. The top register sounds bright, sunny, ringing. The musical instrument and the artist have the opportunity to modify these sounds, to make a variety and an additional palette.


Interesting Facts

  • Athira Krishna from India in 2003 for 32 hours was continuously played by the violin within the framework of the festival of the city of Trevander, as a result of which he got into the Guinness Book of Records.
  • The game on the violin burns about 170 calories per hour.
  • Inventor of roller skates, Joseph Merlin, Belgian manufacturer of musical instruments. For the presentation of new items, skates with metal wheels, he drove into a costume ball in London in 1760, while playing violin at the same time. The public enthusiastically met the graceful slip on the parquet for the accompaniment of the wonderful tool. A 25-year-old inventor was painted by success faster, and she crashed into an expensive mirror at full speed, smashing him, the violin and seriously suffered himself. There were no brakes on his skates.

  • In January 2007, the United States decided to conduct an experiment in which one of Joshua Bell was attended by one of the brightest performers. The virtuoso came down in the subway and as a regular street musician played Stradivari violin for 45 minutes. Unfortunately, I had to state that passers-by was not particularly interested in the brilliant game of the violinist, all kicked the bustle of the big city. Only seven of the thousand who passed during this time, drew attention to the famous musician and another 20 threw money. During this time, $ 32 was earned. Usually, Joshua Bella's concerts gather anchlags at an average ticket price of 100 dollars.
  • The biggest ensemble of young violinists was going at the Stadium of the city of Zhanghua (Taiwan) in 2011 and consisted of 4645 students of schools aged 7 to 15 years.
  • Until 1750, the strings for violins did from sheep guts. The method was first proposed by the Italians.
  • The first work for the violin created at the end of 1620 composer Marini. It was called "Romanesca Per Violino Solo E Basso".
  • Scrippers and violin masters often try to create tiny tools. So, in the south of China, a mini-violin was made in the city of Guanghow, only 1 cm long. The master went on this creation for 7 years. Scotman David Edwards, who played in the National Orchestra, made a violin of 1.5 cm. Eric Maisner in 1973 created a tool with a melodic sound with a length of 4.1 cm.

  • In the world, there are masters that make violins from stone, which are not inferior to wooden analogues on sound. In Sweden, the sculptor Lars Videnfalka during the finish of the facade of the building with diabase blocks came the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a violin from this stone, because surprisingly melodic sounds were pulled out from under the chisels and the hammer. He called his stone violin "Black Drozd". The product was surprisingly jewelry - the thickness of the walls of the resonator drawer does not exceed 2.5 mm, the weight of the violin is 2 kg. In the Czech Republic, Jan Roerich makes the tools from marble.
  • When writing the famous "Mona Lisa", Leonardo da Vinci invited musicians playing strings, including violin sounded. At the same time, the music was different in character and timbre. Many consider the ambiguity of the smile of Joconda ("Smile or an angel, or the devil") consequence of a variety of musical accompaniment.
  • The violin stimulates the brain. This fact has repeatedly been confirmed by the famous scientists who were able to play and enjoyed the violin. So, for example, Einstein since six years old played on this tool. Even the famous Sherlock Holmes (the prefabricated image) always used her sounds when he was thinking over a complex task.

  • Among the most difficult for the performance of works are "Caprirs" Nikolo Paganini and other writings, concerts Brahms , Tchaikovsky , Sibelius . As well as the most mystical work - " Sonata Devol "(1713) J. Tartini, who himself was a virtuoso violinist,
  • The most valuable in the monetary equivalent is considered violins Guvarinery and Stradivari. The highest price was paid for the violin Guardarry "Vietan" in 2010. It was sold at auction in Chicago for $ 18,000,000. The most expensive violin of Stradivari is considered "Lady Blanche", and it was sold for almost $ 16 million in 2011.
  • In Germany, the largest violin in the world was created. Its length is 4.2 meters, 1.4 meters width, bowl length 5.2 meters. Three people play it. Such a unique creation was created by Masters from Fogtland. This musical instrument is a large-scale copy of the violin of Johann George II Schonfelder, which was manufactured at the end of the eighteenth century.
  • 150-200 hairs are usually tensioned on a violin bow, which can be made of horsehair or nylon.
  • The price of some bows reaches tens of thousands of dollars at auctions. The most expensive is considered to be bowing the work of Master Francois Xavier Turhat, which is estimated at about $ 200,000.
  • Vanessa May is recognized as the youngest violiner who wrote viypical concerts Tchaikovsky and Beethoven At the age of 13. Vanessa Mei made his debut with the London Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of 10 in 1989 at the age of 11 years she became the youngest student in the Royal Music College.

  • Episode from the Opera " The Tale of Tsar Saltan » Roman Corsakov "Bumblebee flight" is technically complicated and played at high speed. The violinists of the whole world arrange competitions for the speed of execution of this work. So in 2007, D. Garrett got into the Guinness Book of Records, fulfilling it in 1 minute and 6.56 seconds. Since then, many performers are trying to overtake it and get the title of "the rapid violinist in the world." Some managed to fulfill this work faster, however, it was very lost as execution. For example, the TV channel "Discovery" believes Briton Ben Lee, who performed "Bumblebee flight" for 58.51 seconds, the fastest not only violinist, but also a person in the world.

Popular products for violin

Camille Saint-Sans - Introduction and Rondo Capricichiosis (Listen)

Antonio Vivaldi: "Seasons" - Summer thunderstorm (listen)

Antonio Baccini - "Dawn Dwarf" (Listening)

P.I. Tchaikovsky - Waltz-Scherzo (listen)

Jules Masinka - "Reflection" (Listen)

Maurice Ravel - "Gypsy" (Listen)

I.S. Bach - "Chacon" from D-Moll Pupits (Listen)

Application and repertoire of violin

Thanks to the diverse timbre, the violin is used to transfer various sentiment and characters. In the modern symphony orchestra, these tools occupy almost a third of the composition. Violins in the orchestra are divided into 2 groups: one plays the upper voice or melody, the other is lower or accompanied. They are called the first and second violins.

This musical instrument sounds perfectly in chamber ensembles, and solo execution. The violin easily harmonizes with wind instruments, piano and other string. The ensembles are most common string quartet, which includes 2 violins, cello and alto . For the quartet, a huge number of works of different eras and styles are written.

Almost all ingenious composers did not go to the violin with their attention, concerts for violin with orchestra were composed Mozart. , Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky , Brahms, Dvarak , Khachaturian, Mendelssohn, Saint-Sans , Craisler, Veavavsky and many others. The violin also trusted solo parties in concerts for several tools. For example, U. Baha - This is a concert for violin, oboe and string ensemble, and Beethoven wrote a triple concert for violin, cello, piano and orchestra.

In the 20th century, the violin began to use in different modern directions of music. The earliest mention of the use of violin as a solo instrument in jazz is documented in the first decades of the 20th century. One of the first jazz violinists was Joe Venuti, who spoke with the famous guitarist Eddie Lang.

The violin is assembled from more than 70 different wooden parts, but the basic difficulty of manufacture is in bends and processing of wood. In one instance, up to 6 different types of wood may be present, and the masters were constantly experimenting, applying all new options - poplar, pear, acacia, nut. The best material is the tree that has grown in the mountains due to its resistance to temperature and moisture drops. Strings are made from lived, silk or metal. Most often, the master is manufactured:

  1. Upper deck made of resonant fir.
  2. Neck, bottom deck, curl of Clean.
  3. Wrappers from conifer, alder, linden, mahogany.
  4. Cloths from conifers.
  5. Griff from black tree.
  6. Children, splocks, buttons, samshet, black or rose tree.

Sometimes the master applies other types of wood or changes the variants of the above on their discretion. Classical orchestral violin has 4 strings: from "Basket" (salt of small octave) to "Quinta" (second octave). Some models can add the fifth alt string.

Various masters schools are determined by clots, hoops and curls. Especially highlighted curl. It can be figuratively called the "author's painting".

Considerable significance is lacquered, which are covered by wooden parts. It gives the product a shade from golden to a very dark with a reddish or brown reflections. It depends on the lacquer, how long will the tool "live" and whether his sound remains unchanged.

Do you know that it is the violin that is shrouded in many legends and myths? Even at the music school, children tell ancient legend about the creamian master and wizard. For a long time, tried to solve the secret of the sound of the tools of famous Masters of Italy. It is believed that the answer lies in a special coating - varnish, which was even washed off the violin of Stradivari to prove it, but everything is in vain.

On the violin, we usually play a bow, except for the Pizzicato reception, which is performed by the string twee. The bow has a wooden base and tightly stretched on it, which rubbed the rosin in front of the game. Usually it is 75 cm long, and it weighs 60 grams.

Currently, you can meet several types of this tool - wooden (acoustic) and electroscripting, the sound of which we hear thanks to a special amplifier. One remains unchanged - it is amazingly soft, singered and fascinating with its beauty and melodiousness sound of this musical instrument.


In addition to the standard full-size whole violin (4/4), there are tools of smaller sizes for children's learning. Violin "grows" along with the student. Start training from the smallest violins (1/32, 1/16, 1/8), the length of which is 32-43 cm.

Sizes of full violin: length - 60 cm. Length of the case - 35.5 cm, Weight about 300 - 400 grams.

Violin games

It is famous a violin vibration that penetrates the listeners of a saturated wave of sound. A musician can only slightly raise and lower the sounds, bringing even greater variety and latitude of the sound palette into the music series. Also known, the reception of Glyssando, such a player of the game allows you to use the absence of the lands on the jiff.

Pressing the string is not strong, slightly touching, the violinist removes the original cold, whistling sounds, resembling the sound of the flute (flag). There are flags where 2 fingers of the artist are involved, placed on a quart or quint from each other, they are particularly complex for execution. The highest category of skill is the execution of flags in the rapid pace.

Also, violinists use such interesting game techniques:

  • COL LEGNO - BUT WANDS WARNING ON STRUARTS. This technique is used in "Dance of Death" Saint-Sansa To simulate the sound of dancing skeletons.
  • Sul Ponticello - a sinister, hissing sound characteristic of negative characters.
  • Sul Tasto - the game of a bow on the jiff. Reproduces gentle, ethereal sound.
  • Ricochet - executed by throwing a bow on a string with a free rebound.

Another admission is the use of Surdine. It is a scallop of wood or metal that reduces the vibration of strings. Thanks to Surdine, the violin publishes soft, muted sounds. This technique is often used to execute lyrical, mental moments.

On the violin, you can take double notes, chords, perform polyphonic works, but most often its multipoint voice is used for solo parties, since a huge variety of sounds, their shades - its main advantage.

History of creation of violin

Until recently, it was customary to consider violin aunt viola However, it is proved that these are two completely different tools. Their development in the XIV-XV centuries went parallel. If Viola belonged to the aristocratic class, then the violin came out of the people. Preferably, it was played by peasants, stray artists, minstrels.

This unusually diverse tool on sound can be called with its predecessors: Indian Liru, Polish Creepy (Rebab), Russian Syrridge, Arab Rebab, British Mole, Kazakh Koby, Spanish Fidel. All these tools could be the progenitors of the violin, because each of them served the birth of the family of strings and rewarded them with their advantages.

The introduction of a violin into the highest light and the rank towards aristocratic tools begins from 1560, when Karl Ix ordered at the string master Amati 24 violins for its palace musicians. One of them has been preserved to this day. This oldest violin in the world, it is called "Karl IX".

Creating violins in the form in which we see them now, challenges two houses: Andrea Amati and Gasparo de Solo. Some sources claim that the palm of the championship must be given to Gasparo Bertolotti (Teacher Amati), whose musical instruments were later brought to perfection by home Amati. It is only known that it happened in Italy in the XVI century. Their successors later became Gvarnery and Stradivari, which slightly increased the size of the violin hull and made larger holes (ephs), for more powerful tool sound.

At the end of the 18th century, the British tried to add to the design of the violin of the Lada and created a school on learning a game on a similar tool. However, due to the essential loss in the sound from this idea, they quickly refused. The most nearest supporters of the free style of the game with a pure virtue spoke virtuosos: Paganini, Lolly, Tartini and most composers, especially Vivaldi.


In the bow musical instruments, the sounds are extracted by friction of a wing of a bow of the string; In this regard, the sound characteristic is largely different from pinch tools.

The brook tools are distinguished by high sound quality and endless possibilities in the field of performance and therefore are leading in various optesters and ensembles and are widely used for solo execution.

This subgroup of tools includes violins, altas, cello, double bass, as well as a number of national instruments 1 (Georgian Chianuri, Uzbek hydraulic, Azerbaijani Kamandach, etc.).

Violinamong the bow tools is the highest tool on the register. The sound of the violin in the upper case is light, silver, on average - soft, gentle, singers and in the lower case - tense, thick.

Customize violin on quints. The range of violin - 3 3/4 octaves, from salt of small octave to notes of the fourth octave.

Release solo violins, size 4/4; Training, size 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 1/4, 1/8. Educational violins in contrast to solo have a slightly worse finish and reduced sound quality. In turn, training violins depending on the quality of sound and external decoration are divided into training violins 1 and 2 classes. Grade Violins differ from the violins of 1 class with the worst sound quality and exterior trim.

Altosomewhat more violin. In the upper case, it sounds stress, abruptly; In the middle case, the sound is dull (bent), the singers, in the lower case of Alto sounds thick, somewhat rude.

Strings of Alta are configured by the quints. Range - 3 octaves, from notes to a small octave to notes to the third octave.

The alta is divided into solo (size 4/4) and training 1 and 2 classes (size 4/4).

Celloalmost 3 times more full violin, sitting on it. The tool is installed on the floor, pre-inserting the focus.

The sound of the top register of the tool is light, open, chest. An average register sounds singement, densely. Lower register sounds full, thick, tight. Sometimes the sound of the cello is compared with the sound of a human voice.

Cello cello is configured, an octave below alta. The range of cello z1 / 3 octaves - from to large octaves to the second octave.

Cello are divided into solo and training:

♦ Solo (size 4/4) are made according to one of the "Stradivari" models, they are intended for solo, ensemble and orchestral execution of musical works;

♦ Training cello 1 (size 4/4) and 2 classes (size 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 1/4, 1/8) differ in between sound quality and product view. Designed for learning music of students from different ages.

Double bass- the largest family of brook tools; It is almost in Z1 / 2 times more full-time violin. Playing on the double bass standing, installing it on the floor similar to the cello. According to its form, the counterbasks retained the features of an ancient viola.

Double bass is the lowest sound tool of a bow family. The sound of it in the middle case is thick and rather mild. The upper sheet music sounds liquid, sharply and tense. Lower register sounds very tight and thick. Unlike other string instruments, the double bass is built in quarts and sounds the octave below the yothic. The range of double bass 21/2, octaves - from the counter-shirt to the Si-Be-mall of the small octave.

Double bass are divided: solo (4/4 size); Training 1 class (size 4/4); Training 2 classes (size 2/4, 3/4, 4/4).

Solo double bass are also available (4/4 size), the range from the note before counterfeit to the note to the second octaves.

By its design, violin, alt, cello and double bass is the same type. The difference between them is mainly in size and strictly. Therefore, this article describes the design of only one brood tool - violin.

The main design nodes of the violin are: housing, neck with a vulture, head, stripper, stand, shank box, strings.

The housing having the shape of the eight increases the sound oscillations of the strings. It consists of the upper and lower Dec (14, 17), which are the most responsible resonant parts of the violin, and the shells (18). The upper deck has the greatest thickness in the middle, it gradually decreases to the edges. In the context of decks have a shape of a small arch. The upper deck has two resonator holes that have the form of the Latin letter "F", from here their name - ephs. Decks are connected by shells.

The tool's shell consists of six parts and are attached to six housing racks (16, 19). A cervix (20) is attached to the top housing rack, on which the neck (10) is mounted. The vulture serves to press the strings during execution, has a conical shape in length, and in the end - a small curvature. The continuation of the neck and its end is the head (3) having a barn box (12) with side holes to strengthen the rings. Curl (11) is the end of the oscil box and has a different shape (often shaped).

Rings have the shape of cone-shaped rods with a head and serve to tension and adjust strings. The threshold (13) at the top of the grind limits the sounding part of the strings and has a curvature of the grid.

Stringger (6) is designed to secure the lower ends of the string. To do this, in its wide part, it has the appropriate holes.

The stand (15) supports the strings at the necessary height from the griff, limits the sound length of the strings and transmits the vibration of the decam strings.

All broken tools are four-stand (only double bass can have five strings).

To remove the sound, the beds are used that differ in size and shape.

The bow consists of canes (2) having a head on the upper end, tension screw (5) and hair (6) (6). The cane of the bow, on which evenly located hair stretches, is slightly curved. It has a head (1) on the end and springs in the opposite side of the hair. To fasten the hair, it serves a pad, and on the other end, the bow of the hair is fixed at the end of the cane in the head. The pad moves on canes by rotating the screw (4), which is from the end of the cane, and provides the hair of the desired tension.

Bows are divided into solo and training 1 and 2 classes.

Spare parts and accessories for brood tools

Spare parts and accessories for brood tools are: Strine holders and vultures, stands, sings of moraine wood solid rocks or plastics; Surdi from plastic or wood; Machines for adjusting the string tension from brass; chinels are violin and altoves from plastics; strings; buttons; Cases and covers.

Violin - Artifact in the world of music, this is a real magic wand. Violin is known to everyone. With the memories of it, no one begins to argue as other strings: "And the cello, is it a big one? Or double bass bigger? And what kind of viline then? ".

Everyone knows what a violin is and how it looks like. But this is if you are not going to play on it. But if you are going to, learn much more about it, because the violins are very and very different.

So, the violin is a string tool of a high register, is considered to be intended mainly for solo parties. It has an oldest history, the modern species received in the 16th century. Violins always did the violin masters, the work of Stradivari and Guardari are very valued.

The tool has four strings according to quintams G, D1, A1, E2, (there are five-string, with - "to" small octave). The timbre of the tool is thick in the low register, mild on average and shiny in the top.

Components and types of modern violins

The body has a pear-like shape, calculated strictly mathematically.

Decks corps - The top and bottom are connected by shells. They form violins, their thickness and form are important for strength and timbre of sound. The higher the shell of a solid tree, the more deaf and soft sound, the lower - the more stronger and the weights of the upper notes.

The corners on the shell are needed to position the bow. In the case there is a cutle, which transmits vibration from the stand through the top deck at the bottom, thanks to which the violin sounds thick and ringing.

The lower case is made from a whole piece or two identical halves of wood solid rocks. The upper half is made of ate, and has resonator holes - ephs. In the middle of the decks, the stand for strings is fixed, the spring is attached under it, the plank, due to which the upper deck is better resonated.

Strength and sound are very dependent on the material and less from the layout of the tool. Varnish plays a big role in protecting the tool from the external environment, and gives it the color from golden to nut.

Poddront Holds strings, previously was made from a red or black tree, now often - from plastics or alloys. The tomb has a loop and chumier butter for strings. Now in the holes often put lever-screw mechanisms that facilitate the setting.

Also, the violin includes a loop of a thick string or wire, and the button, screwed the rod, it keeps the tomb and withstands the load of about 24 kg.

The stand has a support for strings and transmits fluctuations from strings on the deck, so its location determines the sound - if it is closer to the tumor - the sound of the shower, and then - brighter.

Vigra It consists of a whole shelf of solid wood (black ebony or rosewood), curved so that the bow does not cling to the game other strings.

Brodek - Plate of wood, into which strings were held.

Neck - Half-round item for which the performer holds a violin. The silent box is part of the neck, where there are two pairs of the flasks that set the strings.

They need to be lubricated by triotherapy paste. Curl - Violin Decoration, "Corporate Sign" of the Master.

Strings: 1-meters of the second octave, sounds ringing and brilliantly, 2-member the first octave, soft sound, 3rd - re first octave, soft matte timbre, 4th - salt of small octave, thick sound.


Bow, wooden cane with a block and hair from a horse tail with scales. The chin is a device for holding the violin. Bridge - plate for the holding of a violin on the clavicle.

Also, a "muffler" rely on the violin, thanks to which the violin barely sounds - heard by the performer and silent others (for study), as well as a machine - a means for configuring, which depends on the size of the violin.

Types of violin

Violins are:

  • Acoustic. In other words, this is an ordinary wooden violin, which sounds due to the body and its features.

    Acoustic violin is designed to play in the orchestra or solo.

    This is the best option to learn from playing on the violin, because only on a natural tool you can learn to fully remove sounds, it is impossible on other types of violin.

    Only after fully learning the game on the violin of acoustic type can be played on other tools.

  • Elektroscipca . Its sound is distinguished by material - steel, ferromagnet, electromagnet, as well as punishars with piezoelectric or magnetic.

    The electronic violin is very similar to the traditional violin, but the sound is more sharp and closer to synthetic, it is easy to understand, having listened to Vanessa Mei or Lindsay Stirling.

    The violin can have up to 10 strings and a resonant or frame case. Unfortunately, the violin is not suitable for the orchestra, it will be very highlighted with sound, and also will not give the purity and uniqueness of the sound.

  • Semicastic violin - Combining cabinet sound and pickups.

Also isolated, factory or factory violins.

Masters are very expensive and made under a specific musician, factory - old, made by hand by masters of small factories up to the 20th century, as well as the factory - basic option for any musician - they may sound no worse than the author, but do not have material value.

Violin - Main sizes

The size of the violins depends on the length of the hand of the player. So, the violin is the main dimensions:

  • 4/4 - four quarters (whole) - the largest violin, intended for the highest school students and adults. 4/4 Violin in Chisinau is purchased mainly for a confident game on the instrument.
  • 1/2 is one second (half) - for children of 9-10 years, as well as for younger, but high.
  • 3/4 - three quarters (three-fourth) - something average between (1/2) and (4/4), for children about 12-15 years old, but this is an optional option, you can move from half to the whole violin.
  • 1/4 is one quarter (Quaterna) - for age from 4 to 9 years.
  • 1/8 and 1/16 (octoushki and sixteenth) - for the smallest. Children's violin 1/8 in Moldova uses consistently high demand, basically such a size is bought for the guys who are still in the learning process.
  • 7/8 - a little more three-fourth, usually such a size had the violin of the famous masters of Amati and Stradivari.

From a small violin it is impossible to extract high-quality sound, because they are intended for study. To understand how the violin is needed by a musician, you need to measure the length from the bottom of the curl to the deck (excluding the "button" on which the subgruter is fixed.

We look at the table data:

Size of violin

Violin Length Case / Total (see)

Sample age (years)
4/4 35.5 cm / 60 cm 11 - 12 / adult
7/8 34.3 cm / 57.2 cm 11+ / Adult
3/4 33 cm / 53.3 cm 9 -12
1/2 31.75 cm / 52 cm 7 - 9
1/4 28 cm / 48.25 cm 5 - 7
1/8 25 cm / 43 cm 4 - 6
1/10 22.9 cm / 40.6 cm 4 - 5
1/16 20.3 cm / 36.8 cm 3 - 5
1/32 19 cm / 32 cm 1 - 3

Using this table, you can select the approximate size of the tool.

You can choose a scope for a violin using the following parameters:

Size of violin Length hand Bow size (See Length) Sample age (years)

58 cm and more

11 - 12+ / Adult

56 cm and small hand brushes

11+ / Adult

less than 35.5 cm

Basically, all adults play full-sized violins. The most important thing in the choice is to make sure the instrument is comfortable for the fourth finger in the intonation conveniently.

Violin is a living being, with character, emotions and soul. Her voice is able to play on the strings of our soul and make them thinner, discover new, previously unknown depths. You can purchase these wonderful tools on our website.

In our store available violins of different sizes, including a learning tool for the smallest. The price of violins in Moldova in our store fully corresponds to the declared high quality!

In our online store you can. We have the lowest prices for violins in Chisinau. Acoustic violins 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 3/4, 4/4 in stock. Delivery is carried out throughout the country.