
What to do in order not to grow old? How long not to grow old - the secrets of longevity Is it possible not to grow old

I will not ask a stupid question: Do you want to grow old? The answer will be unanimous - No! Personally, I don’t even want to know when it begins, because I’m sure that I will become old when I myself admit this fact. For the first time, I thought about a serious age after 50, when my friends, suddenly, one after another, granddaughters began to be born. I suddenly realized that I was not as young as I thought. Then I deduced a few rules, 10 secrets of longevity, how long not to grow old and keep youth, which I will share with pleasure today.

How long not to grow old - the secrets of longevity

1. Movement. This is the advice I put in the first place. Not only because physical activity prolongs life. From personal observations, I have long understood that mobile, nimble old women live much longer. For those who first thought about old age - God himself ordered! Yes, and scientists have found that with constant active movement, the pituitary gland stimulates the production of growth hormone. I do not call for running, but for walking more, doing some sports, exercising, anyone can do it. The main condition is to enjoy the action.

2. Get rid of excess weight. Rid yourself of diseases that significantly impair the quality of life. Diseases associated with fullness: problems with veins, heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure significantly shorten life.

3. Be mindful of mental activity. The brain requires constant training. Scientists, after a series of interesting experiments, found that many people age prematurely due to the laziness of the mind. You can count in your mind, solve crossword puzzles, memorize poems and songs, get acquainted with new gadgets, learn how to navigate the Internet - this gives a noticeable rejuvenating effect. And not only psychological, mental activity improves blood circulation in the capillaries.

4. Vitamins to help. With age, the need for certain vitamins increases. Especially in vitamins of groups B, C, D, K. Attention! In vitamin A, the need is reduced significantly, scientists have found that it has the ability to accumulate in the body and you need to take the vitamin less.

5. Proper nutrition. The art of not aging, well-being and activity, largely depend on metabolism. After thirty years, the metabolism becomes more lazy. You need to outsmart him, and make him work, as in his youth.

What is necessary? Refuse red meat - the substances contained in beef, pork, lamb, after 40 years, work not for energy production, but for oxidative processes leading to diseases of the cardiovascular system, and even to oncology.

At the same time, fiber, which speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body, must be said loudly: “Yes” !!! And the first places here are occupied by cereals, oatmeal, brown (unprocessed) rice, asparagus, green beans. Eat more greens - parsley, dill, leafy salads, they are rich in vitamin K, which is important for extending life. If you want to increase immunity, use more spices. The most useful black pepper, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon.

Replace fresh dairy products with sour-milk ones, since the absorption of milk in its pure form is much worse.

6. Keep your teeth in order. Scientists at the University of Bristol conducted a study on the impact of daily oral hygiene on life expectancy. And they found out that regular visits to the dentist, daily brushing of teeth really prolong life by a dozen years. Up to 350 types of different bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity. Once in the blood through unhealthy teeth, microbes cause the formation of blood clots. A detached blood clot can cause a myocardial infarction.

7. Disease prevention. Common truth: the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. People who care about disease prevention live longer. Unfortunately, preventive medicine is not up to par in our country. We don't come to the hospital to find out about health. We turn when we can't stand it. And diseases can be recognized when they are not yet there. Recently, special “Health Centers” have been created, in which people are examined free of charge, they make a forecast of the risks that threaten them, and draw up a prevention program. Find out where the nearest "Health Center" is located and be sure to go.

8. Remember love. Regular sex is the key to powerful rejuvenation of the body! Sex strengthens the immune system, protects against diseases, tones up organs and systems, stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.

9. Common truth: if you want not to grow old for a long time, get rid of bad habits: smoking, alcohol, violation of the daily routine (healthy sleep is incredibly important) and nutrition.

10. Think positively. The next very valuable advice is how long not to age. Look at life with joy and interest. Be calm and kind. Pamper yourself with small gifts more often, take care of yourself and ... love yourself, love with all your might!

With friends on social networks, share the secrets of longevity, let them push back old age - be generous. If my 10 tips on how to not age for a long time help them, I will be incredibly happy. The song is performed by Alla Pugacheva - she knows what it takes to stay forever young.

There are suspicions that even those celebrities who claim that they are ready to boldly face age are still cunning: it is difficult to imagine a woman who would be ready to resign herself to wrinkles on her face. But on the body ... For some reason, many are not so upset when they discover that the skin of the body has pretty much lost its elasticity. And some even completely ignore the traitorous lines on the neck, arms or, for example, on the hips. But it is they who will hand over your age red-handed, while you will demonstrate to others a well-groomed face without a single wrinkle. “The reasons for skin aging can be different: poor ecology, slow vital processes, heredity, poor lifestyle - all this affects the condition of the skin,” says L "Occitane expert Maria Shikhova. - Due to the fact that the skin does not have additional resources, in order to retain moisture, it becomes dehydrated and dry, which is what causes wrinkles.”


We will not get tired of repeating: you need to moisturize the skin daily. And not only on the face. What do you need to do after every shower. The natural ability of the skin to retain moisture becomes weaker with age. And that means that every time you use cleansers - gel and even more so scrub - the active ingredients of creams are washed off the skin. By the way, it is best to apply funds to the skin while it is still wet - so all the beneficial components are better absorbed.

“Basic care should be firming and toning. Products containing essential oils, such as mint, immortelle, palmarosa, are perfect - they stimulate blood circulation very well. To make the skin surface smooth and velvety, products with vegetable proteins, such as almond proteins, are suitable, ”advises L "Occitane expert Lyudmila Borisova.


After a good exfoliation, moisturizers penetrate deeper into the skin, and therefore work more efficiently. Do not neglect such an important stage of body skin care as exfoliation. It is necessary to use scrubs, rough washcloths and brushes once a week: they will help remove dead skin particles and make its surface smooth and soft. Plus, these beauty manipulations will prevent the appearance of cellulite.

It is no coincidence that Victoria's Secret models rub dry skin with brushes with coarse bristles every other day - in this way they improve blood circulation, dispersing lymph stagnation in problem areas.

It turns out that taking a hot shower too often and for a long time, using a large amount of cleansers, is harmful. Even this simple procedure must be carried out according to the rules, otherwise the skin may become too dry and lose its tenderness and smoothness. Get used to the contrast shower - it will improve blood circulation, and, therefore, the condition of the skin.

drink water

Why do you think experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of water a day? Reason #1: To avoid general dehydration. Reason number 2 (cosmetic): so that the skin receives the necessary moisture from the inside. Can't force yourself? Put a bottle of water on your desktop or install a motivational app on your smartphone that will remind you that it's time to take a walk to the cooler for another glass of water.

Eat Balanced

"You are what you eat." Familiar? If you really care about the condition of the skin of the body, make a balanced diet. Increase your intake of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Adjust your menu to include foods rich in antioxidants. We advise you to replace coffee with green tea, sweet dessert - with pomegranates and berries, which prevent the formation of free radicals.

Physical activity

Many believed in the rejuvenating power of sports not in vain: studies by American scientists prove that constant training helps to resist premature skin aging. Joelle Siocco, a French beauty guru whose massage techniques have an amazing rejuvenating effect, agrees with them. She is also convinced that playing sports helps the skin to remove toxins from sweat and breathe better.

Even if the first wrinkles on the body have made themselves felt, regular exercise will help smooth them out and make the skin tighter and smoother. Cycling or jogging twice a week - and in a month the stratum corneum of the skin of the body will become thinner and more elastic, and the dermis, on the contrary, will thicken.

Pay attention to anti-age ingredients in creams

“With age, the regeneration of skin cells, not only of the face, but also of the body, slows down. Cells stop retaining moisture, collagen and elastin synthesis decreases, destructive processes and the influence of negative external environmental factors increase, says Olga Krasnova, Clarins training manager. “Based on these factors, cosmetic anti-aging body care should contain products that include moisturizing ingredients (for example, hyaluronic acid), retinol or its derivatives - to regenerate and improve skin cell renewal.”

Leading cosmetologists of the world have recognized retinoids as the most effective and powerful substances to date. These are derivatives of vitamin A, which are used both in cosmetics and in pharmacological preparations.

“Retinoids are used to reduce the appearance of photoaging, wrinkles, acne, and some other dermatological problems,” explains Olga Krasnova, Clarins Training Manager. “All of them penetrate the epidermis quite easily, so they can often be found in anti-aging skin products.”

For an additional effect, you can use peelings with glycolic acid - it evens out skin color and makes it supple.

You will be surprised, but in fact, the average life expectancy of a person is constantly increasing. The UN predicts that in the middle of the 21st century, 3.5 million people over a hundred years old will live on Earth. But what if you want not only to live a long time, turning into a weak old man, but to learn how not to grow old and keep youthful?

Why we age and how to stop it

The famous virologist, Professor Viktor Zuev, who studies the mechanism of age-related death of brain neurons, knows what provokes age-related changes in the human body. It turns out that nature has a biological program in us, aimed at bringing the body to the maximum of its capabilities in order to obtain offspring, and then to complete its life. At this stage, aging proteins are involved in the work.

The aging protein causes the proliferation of connective tissue cells, which leads to the death of nerve cells. It appears in the blood of mice at the tenth month - this is the end of the first third of the average life span of mice. ( Victor Zuev)

The same pattern was found in human blood. This protein structure begins to work when a person turns 25 years old. Based on this, the secret of youth may lie in preventing the appearance and growth of these proteins.

How not to get old - what science says

According to scientists, it is too early to say whether it is possible to completely stop aging, but there is already hope for its slowdown.

Professor Zuev and Sergey Postnov have developed a program to slow down aging, the main goal of which is to maximize the period of active working life. One of the ways to not grow old and keep the brain working is the so-called boundary water.

It is obtained by this processing method, when water is attached to a thin boundary layer that forms around any body immersed in water. This water allows you to regulate the parameters of fluids in the human body: blood, lymph, intercellular and cellular fluids.

Experiments conducted by Postnov on two groups of mice proved that after a year of using boundary water, the first group did not have aging proteins in their blood, in contrast to the second group, which took ordinary artesian water. And observations on a group of pensioners showed that after six months of drinking such water, the blood formula of older people was updated, reducing their biological age by 6-8 years, relieving them of some health problems.

However, many scientists are rather skeptical about this method of slowing down aging, referring to the lack of specifics in the development, so it is not yet possible to say unequivocally whether this is an elixir of youth or a “dummy”.

While scientists have not yet found the right way to not age, can we ourselves slow down age-related changes, so as not to age prematurely? Of course, we can, the main thing is to take care of the state of not only your body, but also your soul.

How to stay young: start now

The most prone to premature aging are people who:

  • move little;
  • stopped in development;
  • do not get satisfaction from life.

Accordingly, it is on these aspects that you need to direct your efforts in order not to age so quickly.

Keep track of your physical health

Movement is life, and it's not just kids who should spend time outdoors. In order not to grow old, you need to allocate time every day for walking on the street - this is a minimum program. And in order to preserve youth to the maximum, you need to additionally go in for sports, give up bad habits, sleep well, drink enough water and remember about a healthy balanced diet. Watch the video below about which products will help you learn the secret of how not to age:

Don't stop learning

The functions of the brain die off when movement ceases, both physically and intellectually. It turns out that as soon as a person stops working on himself, he immediately begins to turn into a ruin - will you need a life of a hundred years in this state?

It is necessary to constantly develop the brain, set new tasks for it, especially long-term ones. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that those who have crossed the retirement line learn foreign languages ​​and other completely new areas of knowledge, as well as memorize poetic works.

Change your attitude towards life

It has been proven that the psychological attitude has a strong influence on what biological age a person has, so all “whiners” should start to relate differently to what is happening around. If you continue to hate your job, your relationships, your home, etc., you will begin to notice your own age-related changes more and more.

Look for the positive aspects of things and events and enjoy them, be optimistic, be friendly and kind to others.

Take it, tell your friends!

Read also on our website.

The purpose of modern biotechnology stop human aging at the age of 20-30 years, which, as studies show, seems quite possible.

Let's consider a curve of probability of the person to die depending on his age.

In infancy, mortality is known to be high, since the immune system is just being formed. In this graph, a person who is 15 years old has the brightest prospects. Then the probability of death begins to rise. In 30-40 years, the probability of dying is still very small. And that would mean that if stop human aging at this point, then the average human lifetime with such a probability would be of the order of 1000 years or more - ad infinitum. Oddly enough, there are hints of such a possibility in mortality statistics. So on the red curve you can see that the probability of death over the years is growing at a very high rate. But it turns out that somewhere in the region of 100 years, the curve turns into the so-called "PLATEAU". People who live up to 100 years, after 100 years, as it were, stop aging. Unfortunately, the probability of surviving to the next year during this plateau is very low. But, nevertheless, the fact that this curve does not always grow, and sometimes it can be horizontal, shows that there are mechanisms in biology that are capable of stop human aging . The good news is that it's ending aging maybe even among people who were lucky enough to live up to 100-110 years. The bad news is that it's ending aging occurs only at age 100, when the probability of surviving to the next year is small. And such a person feels really bad. The task of modern biological engineers is to learn how to intercept this "PLATEAU" at an earlier age, when a person is more active, healthier. And also how to conserve a person in this state.

Why scientists think it's possible. Consider an animal called the naked mole rat, who lives in Somalia. It is actually a mole or a blind rat that digs tunnels. This animal represents one of the first functionally non-aging animals known to science. Typically, a mouse-sized creature lives for several years. A naked mole rat in captivity lives 40 years or more. He does not functionally age in the sense that he lives on this very “PLATEAU” of the survival curve. That is, it has, like all animals, a high infant mortality rate, then it gets a little older up to 2 years,

and then the probability of surviving the next year stabilizes, and this animal lives every next year as if it never had any past years of life. Thus, this animal can live a very long time and never get cancer. Looking at a naked digger, it is impossible to determine how long he lived. It was very difficult to imagine that such a small animal can live so long and functionally not age - until recently (until 2005) it was very difficult. The naked mole rat is actively studied, because its closest relative, the mole, lives only 5-6 years. By comparing the genome of the mole and the naked mole rat, one can understand what has changed in the genome of the naked mole rat in comparison with the genome of the mole, which allowed not to functionally age, and its closest relative, the mole, to age.

If it was one animal, it would be something strange. In fact, a number of such animals are known to science. Until 2005, people simply did not search for such animals. Since childhood, each of us has become accustomed to the idea that everything in this world inevitably grows old and dies. For many years, we took it as the norm that everything is aging, and did not notice that many animals live around us that do not know what old age is. Recently, the efforts of scientists have discovered a whole group of animals that either do not age at all, or almost do not age. Many of them die without growing old, and some are generally immortal (they themselves do not die - they can only die):

Hydra - lives indefinitely. Hydras have been found that are over 10,000 years old. The hydra dies not by its own death, but only from a change in environmental conditions. At the very end of the 19th century, a hypothesis about the immortality of the hydra appeared. This hypothesis was tried to prove or disprove during the 20th century. And already in 1997, the hypothesis was confirmed in an experiment by Daniel Martinez. The study was carried out for about 4 years. The absence of mortality of hydras as a result of aging has been proven.

Mollusk Arctic Icelandica lives on average about 400 years. Never functionally ages. It dies of hunger when it grows so big that it no longer holds on its leg, falls, and it is covered with silt. In 2007, an analysis of the layers of the shells of mollusks living off the coast of Iceland, by drilling and counting the layers, showed that their age was more than 500 years.

Carp and sea bass live for about 200 years and do not age at all functionally. It is worth noting that their relatives live only two years.

The maximum lifespan of the Galapagos tortoise is 177 years. She dies not from old age, but from the fact that she becomes cramped in her shell. Its dimensions reach 1.8 meters in length, and its weight is more than 400 kg.

The Asian elephant lives to be 90 years old and functionally barely ages, but starves to death when the sixth set of teeth falls out. The elephant is a mammal, just like humans. The elephant's body is much closer to the human than that of fish, molluscs, birds and reptiles. Adult elephants have no enemies in nature at all (except humans).

Some whales live up to 211 years or more and do not functionally age. They only cloud the lens of their eyes, and they break from blindness on reefs, or are thrown ashore, since they do not have a developed echo location.

The sea urchin is practically immortal. Individuals tagged about 250 years ago are still growing and reproducing, and show no signs of functional aging. Virtually no enemies.

As well as many other animals: crocodiles, sharks, many species of birds, etc. also functionally do not age in the usual sense for humans - that is, the probability of their death does not depend on age, and they live a very long time (theoretically, with proper care in ideal conditions , can live indefinitely).

A number of animals (mammals, reptiles, molluscs, and other species) do not functionally age, which means that this is not the only unique genome that a naked mole rat has. Almost every animal species has this opportunity. And evolution has repeatedly found this combination of genes for different animal species.

It is useful to think about where such animals come from? Why did evolution at some point want some of these animals to stop functionally aging. If you look at all the examples of animals that do not functionally age, then these are examples of animals that are not affected by natural selection in the usual sense. This is a turtle that is difficult to eat after it has grown to a certain size. This is a bowhead whale, which has no animal enemies at all. This is a naked digger who has learned to dig tunnels where no one can dig him. And so on. Each of these animals has lost the chance of dying at an early age. This means that those of them who lived for a long time and left many offspring began to survive. Thus, as soon as the possibility of early death for any reason for an animal disappears, evolution creates a pressure in the direction of increasing life expectancy. A longer-lived individual produces more offspring, which means more longevity genes remain in the population, and more animals will have a genome similar to that of their long-lived counterpart.

Stop human aging after 1500

In a sense, maybe these very "DIGGERS" are already among us. It's just that the process of human evolution as a functionally ageless species has not yet been completed due to the fact that humans are still a very young species. Those citizens who live up to 100 years old go to the "PLATEAU" of functional non-aging somewhere after 90-100 years. Since the beginning of the 20th century, natural selection has also no longer acted on us (people), since we have protected ourselves from infectious diseases (vaccinations, antibiotics) and from predators. And if we allowed ourselves to wait until about the year 3500, then people, like naked diggers, would stop functionally aging. Already today, scientists have recorded that every 10 years it grows by 3 years. It all sounds nice, but we just can't wait that long. We need today to get the opportunity to preserve youth and health for as long as possible. This is what this work is about.

Note: One of the main dogmas when researched human aging was Gompertz's law (Gompertz, 1825). In the early 19th century, Benjamin Gompertz showed that the likelihood of a person dying grows exponentially, and suggested that this property is inherent in all living organisms. This phenomenon is called the "law of mortality". But in the early 21st century, a huge amount of data on the lifespan of fruit flies, the Mediterranean fly Ceratitis capitata, and humans has been studied. And it was revealed on the mortality curve that very “PLATO” or even “REDUCTION”, when the probability of not surviving until the next year in the post-reproductive period stops growing and even begins to decline. (

April 23, 2013

The question of whether how not to get old, are asked daily by millions of people around the world, which in principle is not even surprising, however, the exact answer to this question has not yet appeared. Nevertheless, on the World Wide Web, many options for diets and health prevention appear daily, thanks to which, according to the so-called experts, it is possible to maintain youthfulness of the skin of the face and body for many years. And everything would be fine, but not every one of these methods is really effective, which, in other respects, is not surprising.

Well, now it's time for our site to think about such an important issue, which is why, in fact, we decided to start looking for answers and writing this article.

At the moment, there are many rules that, according to most, will help women and men keep their youth, however, most of these rules are simply fiction. We, on the other hand, collected all the most truthful information, conducted several questions in the “Contact” network known to most, and as a result, based on the experience of the majority. We have compiled a list of so-called commandments that will allow you to maintain youth for a long time, and by the way, not only skin, but also mind.

How not to grow old mind and body? - TOP commandments and rules

Actually, let's not waste precious time on empty chatter, and immediately get straight to the point.

Rule #1

How not to age is discussed in many online food magazines, and this is no accident. The fact is that it is our way of eating, our diet and its elements that have a special impact. The main rule is to never overeat, because every time you overeat, the cells of your body work at elevated tones and require more energy, which is why they actually begin to wear out (age) faster.

Rule #2

For each age, a special menu should be drawn up, which, in principle, is not surprising, because at certain points in a person’s life, his body needs certain nutrients. For example, women over the age of thirty are advised to add elements such as liver and nuts to the diet, and men at the same age are advised to eat more cheese and cooked kidneys. Try to contact a nutritionist who may be able to correctly formulate the menu that should be present at your particular stage of life.

Rule #3

Work should bring pleasure, because only in this case, the body will respond less to various kinds of stress, and therefore, it will age much more slowly. Be careful in choosing a place of work, and then eternal youth will smile at you with its beautiful smile.

Rule #4

This rule, probably, will not be a secret to anyone, because it lies in the main thing, in love and relationships. It is the right choice of the second half, good and warm relationships, love and desire for devotion, that will play a very important role in the process of preserving youth.

Rule #4

Don't forget about rest. Even if you are overweight, do not be shy, let's often rest your body in the fresh sea air. Women's clothing in large sizes is not a problem now, so go shopping, and immediately go to rest, so that your skin and the whole body in general. rested and recharged.

Rule #5

Your own point of view, the correct assessment of your “I”, resistance to depression and awareness of your importance for society - all this will help you and your body to preserve nerve cells, and therefore the very state of both body and soul.

Rule #6

Sleep plays a very important role, which, by the way, is probably not a secret for anyone, and therefore, one of the most important rules is exactly calm, sound sleep, which is possible only at an optimally cool temperature (17 ° -18 ° C ), in the absence of stress and a good perception of the world around.

Rule #7

Violation of certain dietary rules, deviation from the doctor's recommendations and other minor joys also play a very important role in creating a good mood, which in turn has a positive effect on your entire nervous system, preserving all the cells of your youth.

Rule #8

The basic rule of preserving youth is the constant training of mental abilities. Remember, any work, and even more so mental, has a positive effect on the whole life of a person, in general, so do not neglect it.

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