
How to summon the spirit of Charlie for real: detailed instructions. Charlie charlie are you here why do the pencils start to move

How to summon Charlie's spirit

In order to summon the spirit of Charlie, you will need two pencils and a piece of paper. You need to draw a sheet into four zones, on which you need to write “No” and “Yes”. Identical answer options should be located diagonally relative to each other.

Now in the middle of the sheet with answer options you need to put the pencils perpendicular to each other. Everything is ready in order to summon the spirit of Charlie, it remains only to say the phrase: "Charlie, Charlie, are you here?" several times and wait until the top pencil starts to move. Now you can ask questions that interest you, and see which answer option the pencils point to.

This entertainment has gained immense popularity on the Internet under the #CharlieCharlieChallenge tag. If you watch numerous videos posted on the network, then sometimes the pencils move so quickly and abruptly that it seems that someone is really manipulating them. This brings the participants of this mystical ritual into indescribable delight.

Who is Charlie

There is no consensus about who this Charlie, who is called by tens of thousands of teenagers around the world, is. Charlie is believed to be from Mexico. Allegedly, this is a boy who tragically died in childhood. Charlie during his life was distinguished by a difficult character, so he does not find peace after death, appearing to teenagers around the world at the first call. They also say that a curse was placed on Charlie and now he is simply obliged to answer truthfully all the questions that are asked of him.

It is also believed that Charlie is a demon that lives on Earth, which is why he appears so quickly, starting to move pencils.

Such legends create such a peculiar mood and cause violent feelings among teenagers. On many, it is easy to see how frightened and nervous they are, as soon as the pencils start moving.

Why do pencils move

The movement of pencils has a scientific explanation. It is believed that the structure used during this ritual is very unstable and a light breath or one careless movement is enough for the pencil located on top to begin its movement. At the same time, the friction force and the angle of inclination of the pencils are such that the upper element of this uncomplicated design does not fall, but begins to rotate.

Why this game is so popular: the opinions of psychologists

According to psychologists, the popularity of this mystical game is due to the natural desire of adolescents to get in touch with the unknown aspects of life. These kinds of games have been around for years. It's just that before, children did not have the technical capabilities to show their experiments around the world. Legends about the Queen of Spades, the Gnome Gnome and others were transmitted verbally: from one generation of teenagers to another. Now, such experiences have successfully adapted to the modern era, when the world is dominated by the Internet and social networks.

Challenge is an occult game that has captured almost the entire Internet. The essence of the fun lies in the fact that people, using two pencils, can call up a spirit that can give answers to any questions of interest. The game is rapidly gaining popularity among netizens. It is for this reason that many are interested in how to call Charlie yourself.

How to call Charlie?

  1. To call the spirit of Charlie, you need two pencils and a blank sheet of paper.
  2. The sheet needs to be drawn into four identical zones. Since we are interested in how to call in Russian, we write the words yes and no in each zone in Russian. The same options should be placed diagonally to each other.
  3. The next step is to put pencils in the middle of the sheet so that they are perpendicular to each other.
  4. The preparatory stages end there, then the very procedure for calling Charlie takes place.
  5. Since we are concerned about the question of how to call Charlie Charlie in Russian, we will have to abandon the use of the standard phrase in English. To summon the spirit of Charlie, you will need to ask the question several times: “Charlie, Charlie, are you there?” It is necessary to ask this question until the upper pencil begins to move.
  6. Only after the upper pencil begins to move, you can ask all the questions of interest and keep track of which answer option the pencil will point to.

The question of how to call the spirit of Charlie worries many users. Some of them, after a successful session, post a video with answers to their questions on the Internet. Often, in these videos, the pencil starts moving at such a speed that it really may seem that someone is manipulating it from the outside. Such quick and sharp movements of the pencil lead users to indescribable delight.

Who is Charlie?

Despite the fact that the questions “How to call Charlie?” now it’s no surprise anymore and thousands of teenagers in different parts of the world are doing this, no one can give an exact answer to the question of who it is.

Most people believe that Charlie was originally from Mexico. This is a boy who during his life was distinguished by a difficult, dirty character, because of which, after his tragic death, he could not go to another world. Now, so as not to be bored and lonely, he wanders around the world and patiently waits for teenagers to call him to ask questions and somehow brighten up his pastime. Some netizens believe that this boy was cursed for his own and is now forced to truthfully answer all questions asked of him.

Another popular opinion is that with a practical solution to the question of how to call Charlie, a demon appears that constantly lives on Earth. It is believed that this is why he appears so quickly to start moving the pencil.

These legends evoke in teenagers a peculiar mood, violent feelings and a desire to repeat what they saw on the video on the network.

Some older users looking for an answer to the question "How to summon Charlie Chaplin?" also call his spirit, believing that the ghost of a great actor helps them.

What to do if the pencil does not move?

However, along with the popular question "How to call Charlie?" often there is bewilderment about the fact that the pencil never set in motion.

In fact, there is a scientific explanation for the movement of pencils. It is believed that when using the created structure, it is absolutely easy to set it in motion. A careless movement or light breathing is enough for the top pencil to start moving.

At the same time, the existing as well as the angle of inclination allows the entire structure not to fall apart, but to rotate.

What is the popularity of this game?

Most psychologists believe that all the popularity of this game is due to the frenzied desire of teenagers to get in touch with the unknown side of the world. Games of this kind have been around for hundreds of years. From one generation to another, stories are passed around the world about how to correctly call the Queen of Spades or the Gum Gnome.

This story about Charlie is one of them: just a desire to join the mystical, but modernized for our era.

If you want to get an answer to a question that concerns you, then you can use the services of a Mexican spirit, who is usually called Charlie. As a rule, his summoning is not dangerous, so if you don't mind tickling your nerves in a small, close company, then you should like this kind of entertainment.

Who is Charlie? An unequivocal answer to this question has not yet been found. According to old Mexican legends, Charlie was a little boy who liked to lie and had a bad temper. Having died under tragic circumstances, he never managed to find peace. Therefore, now his soul is doomed to wander around the world and come to the call of people who want answers to their questions.

There is also a version that Charlie was an evil demon, who, as a punishment, fell on the shoulders of a difficult duty - to answer all the questions asked by people. Some experts argue that Charlie was a deity among the pagans and served the forces of evil. Actually, there are really a lot of versions about the origin of Charlie, so everyone will be able to choose the story that he likes more.

No one really knows how exactly the spirit looks like, since it appears before people in a disembodied state. But those who called him repeatedly claim that they saw a little boy with a displeased expression in the reflection of the mirror. In addition, there is another version about the appearance of Charlie. Some experts in the field of paranormal phenomena tend to believe that it appears in the form of a dark shadow, so there is no way to see it.

How to call Charlie for real?

Many cases are known when Charlie did not come to the call, but, as a rule, this was not due to the invalidity of the ceremony, but rather due to the incorrectness of its conduct. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the instructions below exactly:

How to call Charlie in the daytime?

Charlie is usually called at night, but during the day it can also be done if certain rules are followed. Before starting the ceremony, do not forget to close the curtains to create a mysterious atmosphere in the room. When summoning a spirit, follow these rules:

What if Charlie doesn't want to leave?

Specialists in the field of paranormal phenomena claim that if the spirit is not summoned correctly, then it can stay with the person, making it difficult for him to live. To prevent this from happening, after the session, Charlie should be thanked and politely say goodbye to him. When calling a ghost, be sure to follow the instructions, and also be friendly so as not to inadvertently offend your otherworldly guest.

Actually look at such "fun » can be absolutely from different sides. Someone will take seriously the possibility of knowing something about their future. Others, on the contrary, will be skeptical, citing the fact that the pencil structure itself is rather wobbly and can be set in motion by the vibration of one random exhalation. But still everyone will be on their own Decide for yourself whether he believes in it or not.

“Fortune telling with pencils“ Charlie, Charlie ”became a hit on the Internet” - this and similar headlines are often found on the pages of quite serious and respected print and electronic publications. Under these catchy headlines, there is usually a half-joking story about a new online hobby that has swept Internet users around the world. This hobby is calling Charlie's spirit and talking to him using two pencils. What it is and how it is done can be seen on numerous videos that have filled the world wide web. These videos are posted with the hashtag #CharlieCharlieChallenge. By the way, such a hobby, judging by the video on the Web, captured a variety of segments of the population: from schoolgirls to quite adult women.

The essence is simple: a sheet of paper is divided into four parts so that there are two columns "YES" and two columns "NO". Two pencils are placed on top in the shape of a cross and the call of Charlie's spirit begins. They say "Charlie, Charlie, come," then they ask "Charlie, Charlie, are you here?" Pencils begin to move either towards the "yes" squares or towards the "No" squares.

"Rational" explanation

On some sites I met a "rational" explanation of what is happening. For example, “Although no one moves the pencils in this game, gravity and awkward placement of some of the pencils can cause them to move. The fact is that the pencils are in such a position, balancing on each other, that even a slight movement from breathing or a slightly tilted surface can push them.

In general, the general direction of the comments is jokingly condescending. They write that teenagers have different hobbies, various flash mobs are now in vogue, including summoning spirits. Children play and play. As they say, no matter what the child amuses, if only the spirits do not cause. And that's just what it calls.

Who is Charlie

Charlie is "the restless soul of a Mexican boy who was once murdered. ... Charlie, like any child, albeit incorporeal, loves to play, so they call him to answer questions of interest. Whether it is dangerous to summon Charlie when Charlie is a demon is unknown, ”reports one women's website.

Of course, everything can be reduced to a joke. You can remember how in the Soviet pioneer camp they guessed on cones and told scary stories around the fire. You can blame everything on a flash mob, on an innocent hobby of young people who summon spirits today, and tomorrow they will pour water at 6 in the morning. Could be so. And you can look at all this seriously and call a spade a spade.

By their names

Charlie is a demon, it's a demon. This isn't just some weird, disembodied boy to play with. These are the real forces of evil that wish a person precisely evil. They wish him spiritual, and sometimes bodily death. Demons are servants of the devil. And in the Orthodox tradition, the devil is called "the enemy of the human race." Therefore, demons are the servants of the enemy of the entire human race.

Imagine a picture. Children are playing in the sandbox, a strange uncle comes up to them and starts talking, trying to play. As a rule, parents, even from the window of the house, will immediately look at this strange person. After all, it could be a maniac! Or maybe just a passing uncle. Then why do parents not pay attention when a servant of the enemy of all mankind approaches their children?

They do not pay attention because they see the situation through another window - the “Overton window”. There is such a very interesting principle of manipulating public consciousness. Its essence is simple: first they start talking about some phenomenon, then it becomes acceptable to society. With this technology, you can try to make acceptable, for example, cannibalism, same-sex marriage and much more.

In the modern world, we see how everything related to the occult and mysticism has fallen into the Overton window. Everything related to the occult ceases to be evaluated negatively. Halloween is a "fun holiday", "Psychic Battle" is an exciting show. Calling Charlie's spirit is an innocent game. Only all this innocent and exciting game deprives a person of caution, fear of dark forces. But if a person is not afraid of these dark forces, if he gets used to them, then he will listen to them. They're not terrible. This is also the Overton window.

Satanism Light

For two millennia, the Church has been against summoning spirits, against communion with them. And now it still reminds us what dangerous consequences communication with fallen spirits can bring. There are a large number of stories about the sad consequences of turning to demons. As a rule, those people who are engaged in the occult and magic are unhappy in their lives. The family breaks up, happiness leaves. And this is understandable, since the devil destroys it all. And here is an equally interesting story about the experience of communicating with spirits. I also advise the story of the former sorceress, who, to the question of the demon “Who are you?” received the answer "Evil". It is evil that such experiments are. No matter how jokingly we treat such things, the invisible world exists. There are both angels and demons in this invisible world. And there is a struggle going on in it for man, for his immortal soul.

The essence of things does not change from my attitude towards them. If I jokingly pick up a piece of radioactive uranium, then its radioactivity will not change from my attitude. And if a person summons demons, even jokingly, then he must be prepared that they will, in all seriousness, remain in his life.

Summoning Charlie's Spirit is the light version of spiritism. Spiritualism as a serious doctrine of communication with the spirits of darkness. There is such a wonderful saying among the Russian people: "Call the devil, he will appear." And indeed, the one whom we call there comes into our life. If we sincerely call God into our lives, if we strive to live with him, then the Lord comes to this person. Even if he is sinful. And if a person calls the forces of evil into his life, then they gladly come and take their place. By the way, the video has a very symbolic ending. When asked if Charlie would leave, the answer was "No." And indeed, demons do not want to leave a person’s life so easily.

Priest Alexander Yermolin

Charlie Charlie Are You Here is an exciting simulator in which you can have a lot of fun. Here you will not have any opponents and enemies who want to deal with you. In this game you will have a conversation with an unusual interlocutor. They become a computer bot that is able to answer any of your questions. But do not forget that if you want Charlie to be able to give an answer, then you must definitely formulate the question correctly. He will not be able to understand incorrect questions, which means that you will not be able to get the right answer.

After you open the game, you will find yourself on the playing field, where there are only two yes or no answers. Using the bottom panel, you must ask your question. After you enter it, then click on the button on the right. The pencil will start spinning and stop at one of the options. When you wait for the long-awaited answer, you can ask the next one. This game is endless and will continue until your questions run out. If you want to talk to such an unusual but interesting virtual friend, then visit the site as soon as possible and come up with your first fun question.

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