
What is pstr in DotA. Dota dictionary. Heroes and skills

Dota dictionary

Dota 2 has a huge gaming community that uses its own slang in communication. By and large, Dota has a separate dictionary, which is already very voluminous. It is very difficult for a beginner to navigate all these concepts and terms, so we decided to compile a Dota dictionary, in which we will give the most common words, as well as give their decoding.

In fact, it is impossible to learn the entire Dota vocabulary at one time, and it is not necessary. There are words that are used very often and you need to know them, and there are more rare terms that are not of great importance. So, our Dota 2 dictionary, which we have divided into several categories.

General terms

Art - this is the name of the game items that are bought by the heroes. Derived from "artifact", but despite the fact that in Dota 2 artifacts are only a category of several items, the word is used in a broad sense and refers to all things.

AoE is the area covered by the spell. AoE spells are able to work over a large area and deal damage to several enemies at once or impose positive effects on allies.

Abilka is the designation of an ability or spell.

Buff is a spell with a positive effect, there are buff players who specialize in supporting their teammates.

One Shot - Killing an enemy with a single blow or spell. In general, in the game it is almost impossible to kill a completely healthy character with one blow (if the levels are approximately the same), but such situations do occur.

Carrie - this is the name of one of the roles of heroes in Dota 2. They are characterized by the fact that their potential is revealed towards the end of the match (in the late stages of the game), and at the beginning their main task is to gain experience and gold.

Imba - this word in the dictionary of any player occurs very often and is used to the place and out of place. Indicates the lack of balance in any element of the game. For example: "This character is imba!" - The hero is very strong.

Caster is a character whose main specialization is spells.

CD - from the English cooldown, denotes the recharge time of the ability (spell) of the hero.

Creeps are computer controlled bots. These units move in lanes towards the enemy base (respectively, enemy creeps move towards your base). There are neutral creeps, which are called units that stand in the forest.

Pick - the choice of a playable character before the game.

A debuff is the opposite of a buff, that is, a spell with a negative effect (slow, poison, etc.).

Denai - killing your creep so that the enemy does not get experience and gold.

Dot - in our dictionary, this is not an abbreviation for "Dota 2", but a spell that deals damage over a long time, and not at once.

Farm - the process of mining gold by a character.

FB - the first kill in the match, "first blood". If you fb you will get more gold than any other kill, giving one team an advantage.

Feeder - they can also say "feed", a word that appears one of the first in the beginner's dictionary. Means a player who dies very often. This has an extremely negative impact on the prospects of the team, you need to understand that in Dota 2 it is much more important to survive than to kill. When you are killed, you yourself lose money, plus you upgrade your enemies.

Gang (or gank) - the combination of several heroes in order to attack an enemy character.

Harass - dealing damage to heroes in the lane. Haras should not be confused with ganking, since in this case, killing the enemy is not the main goal.

Megacreep - after destroying the barracks at the enemy base, you will have megacreeps instead of the usual ones, which are much stronger and give less gold for them.

Nuke is a spell that deals a lot of damage at once. Nukers are heroes that have these abilities.

A pet (or minion) is a summoned creature. Some heroes have similar abilities that allow them to summon various creatures.

A roamer or ganker is a character who doesn't stand in lane, but runs around the map, helping to kill enemies or simply saving allies in difficult situations.

Salo or silence is a type of debuff that prevents a character from using abilities for a certain amount of time.

Streak - a series of killings of enemies, while you remain alive. It is worth considering that the reward for you will also increase with each frag made. Therefore, heroes that get a long streak are often the main target.

Stun - means some kind of stun effect, when the enemy cannot move, use his abilities, and even attack. In the Dota 2 dictionary, this word is used very often.

Support is a hero role that specializes in supporting allies and other support functions.

Tank - this word has the same meaning not only in the dictionary of Dota 2, but also in other games. Denotes a character with a large supply of health and skills that help him survive in battle, even if he is dealt a lot of damage.

Teamwipe or teamkill - so they say if they managed to kill the entire enemy team.

TP is not what you thought, but a scroll of teleportation.

Exp - found in any game dictionary, means experience.

game card

Now let's move on to that part of the Dota 2 vocabulary, in which we will decipher the terms related to the map, which you need to learn first of all in order to understand the very basics and what your allies want from you.

Bot - the line that is at the bottom.

Jungle or forest - actually, a forest in which there are neutral creeps, secret shops, etc.

Line or line - the direction of movement of creeps on the map, there are three of them in total.

Mid - the shortest, central line.

Top - a line that is located at the top of the game map.

Roshan is the strongest neutral Roshan monster, located by the river on the right side of the map.

The rune is an item that gives pretty good bonuses, but they do not last long. Runes appear on the river, which divides the game map into two parts.

The side shop is a side shop where you can buy inexpensive in-game items.

Wardplace is the best place to place wards that allow you to see important parts of the map.

Forest shop is the common name for a secret shop. There are two of them on the map, one on each side.


You also need to know the designations of some heroes, as well as their alternative names. The Dota 2 dictionary has alternative names or abbreviations for all characters, we will give only for the main ones that are used most often.

Apparatus or AA - ((ancient-apparation))

Gondar, Bounty or BH for short - ((bounty-hunter))

SK - ((chaos-knight))

Snow Maiden or Tsmka - ((Crystal-maiden))

Dragon or just DK - ((dragon-knight))

Magina or AM - ((anti-mage))

Drow - ((drow-ranger))

Shaker - ((earthshaker))

Balanar, Stalker - ((night-stalker))

Gandalf, grandfather or even a cauldron - ((keeper-of-the-light))

Mortred, morta - ((phantom-assassin))

Akasha or quopa - ((queen-of-pain))

Potma - ((mirana))

Nevermore or just SF - ((shadow-fiend))

Barathrum - ((spirit-breaker))

Doctor - ((witch-doctor))

Watermelon or Zeliboba (Zelik) - ((tidehunter))

Scorpio - ((sand-king))

TA - ((templar-assassin))

We have listed the main terms from the Dota 2 vocabulary that any beginner needs to know in order to understand his teammates or just understand what is written in guides, guides and forums. Of course, the Dota 2 vocabulary is not limited to this list, but the rest of the words are used much less frequently and are not of paramount importance.

“What is this, Dota 3?”, “Has Dota really become paid?” - such questions were met by the players of the Dota Plus update. Valve has introduced a subscription system that will allow players to enjoy special features in the game and purchase new cosmetic sets. According to the developers, Dota Plus has become a natural continuation of the Battle Pass idea, which will allow them to constantly replenish the store with rewards and add new quests.

The cost of a subscription for 1 month will be 240 rubles, half a year - 1350 rubles, a year - 2520 rubles. You can even gift Dota Plus to a friend. We figure out what you can get for this money and whether DotA has really become Pay to Win.

The most important part of the Dota Plus system is a set of assistants that are designed to guide players in a complex world. He will accompany subscribers at all stages of the game: from the draft to the close of the match window.

Assistant at the draft stage

Dota Plus offers players heroes that can be used in different lanes. Next to the minimap in the draft window, a list of characters for various positions will be displayed. The system will analyze both the choice of allies and opponents. True, while it works according to incomprehensible algorithms. For example, he offers to go Bounty Hunter mid or send Shadow Shaman to the hard lane. She even advises going to the mid lane with a double, just like the pros.

So that you don’t get completely confused in the proposed pick, the system will also suggest how to arrange the heroes along the lines. Moreover, useful information on lineups will be available to all players on the team, and not just to the owner of the subscription.

Build Assistant

Dota Plus will advise players on which abilities to pick up at each level. Percentages will appear above the skill icons, which you can focus on when choosing a buildup. If suddenly you decide not to use the proposed option, then at the next level the system will adjust its advice depending on the situation on the lane and the chosen order of learning abilities.

This does not mean that user guides will completely die. Players can still turn off Dota Plus tips and turn on the guides that are in the library. You can find them all in the same place, at the top of the inventory.

Dota Plus will also offer its own purchasing guides. And not just one, but three. At any time, the sequence of buying items can be recalculated or simply ignored.

Assistant in the game

Dota Plus will guide the player in key metrics. First of all, you should pay attention to the upper left corner, where during the match the system will compare your main data with the average for the current rank. Green and red arrows next to the counter of finished creeps and KDA will mark your level in relation to other users.

While in the tavern, you can have a good time, analyzing the damage and stun graph in your last fight every second.

Assistant after the game

To begin with, Dota Plus will analyze the played map and allow you to compare all key indicators with the average values ​​for your rank. The system offers to evaluate your network, the number of finished creeps, denies, as well as the main KDA indicators.

In another part of the table, players are given the opportunity to compare the amount of damage dealt and received by various heroes and abilities. All this is available in the final screen after the game in the tabs with graphs.

In addition, in Dota Plus, Valve implemented a long-standing idea with a global collection of information about each character. All the necessary data, the most popular builds and successful talents can be viewed in the hero tab. You can also compare the averages for each of the ranks.

Know Your Heroes

Dota Plus offers a new way to interact with characters in . Players will now be able to track the progress of each hero on their profile. He will be marked with a special badge, from a bronze triangle to a purple Aegis. Your teammates will be able to see it during the draft stage.

After each match, you will gain game experience points on the character. Additional points can be obtained for a completed game (50 experience), victory (5 experience) and completed quests (experience depends on difficulty).

In addition to a beautiful icon, players will also receive special cosmetic bonuses for their character - sound phrases for chat. After the opening of the first level, two quotes will be available to users, and it will be possible to supplement the collection with the leveling of the hero. In total, 25 levels are available for each character.

In-Game Quests

Each Dota Plus subscriber has two types of tasks available. The first is general, which can be viewed on the start screen. They will help you get acquainted with the functionality of the new system and evaluate its innovations. For example, to get started, Dota Plus offers to take the proposed hero, use the build from the guide or the new terrain, and also contact the assistant. You can earn 3,600 shards for in-app purchases by completing the six quests in the first part.

The second type is the familiar quests that the players were so in love with. Each hero in the game has three tasks for in-game interactions and the use of abilities. Each of the quests has three levels of difficulty. Before starting the game, under the purchase screen, you must select the appropriate task. For their implementation, the experience of the hero will be awarded. Keep in mind that some of them will require not only ownership of the hero, but also the builds of certain artifacts. For example, Faceless Void must acquire Mask of Madness and deal a certain amount of damage while under its effect.


A special currency available to Dota Plus subscribers. It is earned by leveling up the Hero Badge, winning the Battle Cup, and completing challenges and quests. The shards themselves can be spent in the store. More on this below.


Dota Plus subscribers have access to a store where they can purchase exclusive and out-of-sale sets, as well as relics.

The second section with sets is more extensive: 36 different popular sets. Their price varies from 2 thousand to 5 thousand fragments.

A random relic per hero (14 in total) costs 800 shards. Relics of the fourth level (heroic) will cost 10 thousand fragments.

Battle Cup

Weekly competitions for team lovers are back in the client. Since Dota Plus is a logical continuation of the Battle Pass, it could not do without the Battle Cup. As with the Pass, every week players will be able to take part in small in-game tournaments.

For the victory, users will again get icons, emoticons, and in addition, Valve will pour out 20,000 fragments that can be spent in the store on relics or sets.

But you can take part in Battle Cups even if you are not a Dota Plus subscriber. To do this, you need to buy a one-time ticket in the store. It will cost $ 0.99 or about 56 rubles.

What is being said about Dota Plus?

The first reaction of many players was unequivocal: they introduced Pay to Win. In theory, the new system offers tips that will improve both your draft and builds, and help you choose the right ability and talent.

But at the same time, no one guarantees that the collected information, even from millions of matches, will lead to victory. The game itself will not start pressing buttons, and it does not provide information that is not available in open sources (like Dotabuff or OpenDota). A sort of Battle Pass with built-in statistics without having to change the window. Its main advantage is that you do not need to spend time searching for this data. But you still have to use it wisely.

“It will only give you an advantage if you are an idiot. If you are told what artifacts to buy and what to upgrade, you will not become smarter, ”commented Alexander RobotVice Dager, an American streamer, on the innovations.

Item Build Assistant is based on stats and win rates. Therefore, he does not always give useful advice. It also doesn't explain the choice of abilities like most guides do, but only displays the percentage of popularity and success at a certain level of leveling.

However, the new system will seriously hit precisely such services that used to sell detailed information in monthly subscriptions. And with the advent of official guides, the authors of previously created guides will lose their users.

In addition, many players suggested that the presence of Dota Plus in a player would at least mean that he was serious about the game. Still, paying 240 rubles a month for the sake of a game that you enter just to get burned and ruin someone's evening is not the most reasonable way to spend money. Especially with a chance to get a ban.

However, while many people buy Dota Plus, just to see what's inside. And it is quite possible that they will not renew the subscription for the next months.

Simple, Need to know

AoE - The distance at which magic acts. Assist - The player who helped you get the kill. Aura - The ability of a hero or item that passively affects friendly or enemy heroes in a certain circle. Bot - Usually the word is used to insult, Bot is a computer controlled player, but let's say a synonym for the word noob. Backdoor - Attack enemy towers without creeps. Ganges - An attack on a hero with the intent to kill. Most often from an ambush. Gosu - Good player. Damage, Damage - damage. Dispel - The ability to remove magic from a hero. Disable - The ability to render the hero incapacitated. IAS - attack speed (insert Attack Speed). Imba - Unbalanced, unbalanced. IO, Item order - Tactics of buying items for the hero. Item, Art - a thing, an object, an artifact. Casting, Casting - Use of magic. Creeps are allied or enemy units attacking in lines controlled by the computer. Creepkill - Killing your own creeps in order to prevent the enemy hero from leveling. Crit, Critical hit - Your damage multiplied by a certain coefficient. K - can be used in several concepts! It can mean OK (k is abbreviated), or it can be a number (k is a thousand). kk - ok ok, kk - a million. It is necessary to look in what sense it is used! Last Hit - Finishing off a creep with a low amount of health in one hit. LVL, level, lvl - The level of the hero. Initially, 1. can be pumped up to 25. The level is obtained for a certain amount of experience. Experience is gained for killing creeps / enemy heroes. Also, if you are nearby, you will get experience for the fact that creeps kill each other or heroes. Leaver - the player who left the game without waiting for the end of the game. Melee (miles) - melee attack. Miss, SS - when one of the opponents, or both, with whom you stand on the line, leave it. It usually looks like ss in the chat, but if ss is written, then one enemy left the line, if ss2 - two. Mid-Central line. Nuke - An ability with a low cooldown and high damage. Neutrals - neutral creatures located in the forest, are displayed on the map as green dots. Noob (noob) - New to the game, also considered a curse or as an insult. This is what they call a person who plays badly. Nuke - A damaging ability that can be splashed or single target. Ranged (range) - attack at a distance. Push - A sharp attack along one of the lines, with the aim of destroying towers and barracks. Pooling - Transferring purchased items to allies or using the item by everyone. Regen - restoration of mana, lives. A rune is an object that appears during the game that gives one function - increases damage (Double Damage), creates two copies of the hero (Illusion), very quickly replenishes the health and mana of the hero (Regeneration), gives the hero invisibility (Invisibility). Silence, Salo, Silence - a spell forbidding the use of Magic (some heroes and items have). CO, Skill order - Tactics for pumping the hero's magical abilities. Sents, Skurges, Sourses, Sentinels - in Dota there are 2 sides Light (Sentinel) and dark (Scourge). The base of the light ones is in the lower left corner, the base of the dark ones is in the upper right. Each side has its own heroes. Skill (Skill), ability (ability) Spell - Magical or not the ability of the hero. Splash - damage that spreads over multiple targets. Stun - The ability of the hero to make the enemy hero / creep stunned for a certain time, in this state the hero cannot do anything. Top - Top line. Ult - the 4th ability (magic, ability) of the hero, available at level 6 and pumped 3 times at levels 6, 11, 16, also called the sixth. Farming - earning money on creeps, neutrals. Fast is fast. Focus - Focus on one enemy. HP, Hit points, HP - a unit of measure for the amount of health. MP, Mana points, MP - a unit of measurement of the amount of magical energy (mana).

Heroes Vocabulary

Heroes: * Abaddon, the Lord of Avernus: Abaddon * Aggron Stonebreaker, the Ogre Magi: Ogre Magi * Aiushtha, the Enchantress: Sheep, Encha, Dryad * Akasha, the Queen of Pain: Akasha * Anub "arak, the Nerubian Assassin: Nerub, Beetle * Anub "seran, the Nerubian Weaver: Weaver, Spider * Atropos, the Bane Elemental: Bane, Ban, Bayan * Azwraith, the Phantom Lancer: Xerox, Phantom * Balanar, the Night Stalker: Nightstalker, Vampire * Banehallow, the Lycanthrope: Lycanthrope, Wolf * Barathrum, the Spiritbreaker: Pig * Black Arachnia, the Broodmother : Mother, Spider * Bone Clinkz , the Bone Flethcer: Bonic * Boush, the Tinker : Tinker * Bradwarden, the Centaur Warchief: Kent * Chen , the Holy Knight: Chen * Crixalis, the Sand King : SK, Scorp * Darchrow, the Enigma : Enigma * Darkterror, the Faceless Void : Void * Ezalor, the Keeper of the Light : Cauldron, Cauldron * Furion, the Prophet: Prophet, Truck * Gondar, the Bounty Hunter: BH, Bounty * Harbinger, the Obsidian Destroyer: Destr * Jah "rakal, the Troll Warlord: Troll * Jakiro, the Twin Head Dragon: Jacques * Kardel Sharpeye, the Dwarven Sniper: Sniper, Shooter, Rifle * Kel "Thuzad, the Lich: Lich * King Leoric, the Skeleton King: Leoric, Leo, Skeleton * Knight Davion, the Dragon Knight: Dragon * Krobelus, the Death Prophet: Banshee, krobelus. * Lesale Deathbringer, the Venomancer : Venom, Hydralisk, Hydra * Leshrac the Malicious, the Tormented Soul: Leshrac, Doshirak, Elk, Deer * Leviathan, the Tidehunter : Levi, Anchor * Lina Inverse, the Slayer: Lina * Lion , the DemonWitch : Lion * Lucifer, the Doom Bringer: Doom * LunaMoonfang, the Moon Rider: Luna * Magina, the Anti-Mage : Magina * Magnus , the Magnataur: Magnataur, Magnus, Magna * Mangix, the Pandaren Battlemaster: Panda * Medusa ,the Gorgon: Duza * Mogul Kahn, the Axe: Aks * Morphling, the Morphling: Morph * Mortred, the Phantom Assassin: Phantom, Vardenka * N "aix, the Lifestealer: Gulya, naix * Nessaj, the Chaos Knight: Nessai, chaos * Nevermore, the Shadow Fiend : Coal * Nortrom, the Silencer : Northrom * Pudge , the Butcher: Pudge * Pugna , the Oblivion: Pugna * Purist Thunderwrath, the Omniknight : Omnik * Raigor Stonehoof, the Earthshaker : Shaker * Razor , the Lightning Revenant: Razor * Rexxar, the Beast Master: BM * Rhasta, the Shadow Shaman : Rasta, SS * Rigwarl, the Bristleback : Bristle, Donkey, Donkey * Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin: Riki, Rikimartin, SA * Rooftrellen, the Treant Protector : Wood, Trent * Rotund "Jere, the Necrolyte: Necrolite * Rylai Crestfall, the Crystal Maiden : Madeleine * Shandelzare Silkwood, the Vengeful Spirit : Spirit, Venga * Slardar , the Slithereen Guard: Herring * Slithice, the Naga Siren : Siren * Squee and Spleen, the Goblin Techies : Miner, Minesweeper * Strygwyr, the Bloodseeker : BS, Stigwyr, seeker * Sven , the Rouge Knight: Sven * Syllabear, the Lone Druid : Druid * Terrorblade , the Soul Keeper: Soul, terrorblade * Tiny , the Mountain Giant: Tiny * Traxex, the Drow Ranger : Drow, Traxa * Ulfsaar, the Ursa Warrior: Hamster, Ursa * Viper , the Netherdrake: Viper * Visage , the Necro "lic: Necrolik * Vol" Jin, the Witch Doctor : Disabled doctor * Yurnero, the Juggernaut : Jagger * Zeus , the Lord of Olympia: Zeus

Akk - account, account on Aoe - Area of ​​effect, area of ​​effect. It is measured in conventional units. Art - an artifact, see Items. Afaik - afaik, as far as i know, "as far as I know". abuse - abuse, eng. "abuse" - use the imbalance of the game for their own selfish purposes. Also, when they say "unit A abuse", it means unit A imbalance. Also, some things that completely break the game of the opposite side can be considered an abuse. For example, abuse with a mesh of arachne chen. Or a boiler/morph strata aamof - as a matter of fact - actually afaik - as far as I know - as far as I know aka - also known as, also known as. apm - actions per minute - standard microcontrol unit asap - as soon as possible - as soon as possible

Battle - Banlist is a wonderful program created for Dota. Description of the program here ( Backdooring - when heroes attack buildings without the help of creeps. Prohibited by the rules. Bolt - see hammer. b- back ban - ban - ban - add a person to the banlist, otherwise "black list". if you are a host, then you will never meet him again. bb - bye bye, bye bye. bbiab - be back in a bit - I'll be back very soon bbl - be back later - I'll be back later bl - banlist - see the banlist brt - be right there - I'll be there buff - a useful spell bg - bad game, bad game. brb - be right back, I'll be right back. bs – 1. bullshit lies 2. backstab attack from behind (ambush) btw - by the way, by the way.

Ward is a stick. 1. the abilities that Rasta and Pugna have. 2. eyes used to track the movements of the enemy. Ward - trapping - the hero is trapped in wards. w0t, w00t - what - what? w3rk - work - work w8 - wait - wait, wait w/e - whatever - 1. anyway 2. yes, yes, of course, I agree with you! wp - well played - wtf - what the f**k - what the hell? (in rough form)

GG - gg, stands for good game (good game) and is used as a rule to state the fact of a loss (one's own or an opponent's). GZ is a building that you must protect at all costs. For the Sentinel it is the Tree of the World, for the Scourge it is the Frozen Throne Gl- gl, good luck - the standard good luck wish at the beginning of the game. Glavnyak - see GZ. Gzh - gj, good job, good job. gank - an ambush, the same as gb, but softer gb - gang bang an act of violence against an enemy hero when a superior number of heroes attack him. gn - game name - the name of the closed game gosu - cool gamer, "dad". gtfo - get the f*** out gr8 - great, great. gtg, g2g - got to go, gotta go. gf - girlfriend - gt - good try - good try

DDizable - immobilization of the hero. A state where the enemy cannot do anything. dd - 1. double damage, double damage (rune on the river) 2. damage dealer, a hero who deals damage due to his attack. def - the need to protect dl - download, download. dunno- don "t know, I don't know. dw - don" t worry - don't worry KKontra, counter - Counter, when they say: unit A counters unit B, then unit A is good against unit B in battle. Close is an indoor game, where the level of play is usually better than in public. Creeping is the process of killing creeps and clearing neutral creeps. Creep Denying - killing your own creeps in order to not give the enemy exp and money. Creeps - they are monsters, there are three types. Our own are those who howl on your side and try to carry the enemy's GC. Aliens want to demolish your GZ. Neutral - those that must be killed to gain experience and money. Or poach "Rat Frag" - see ks k, kk - ok, ok-ok. Kewl - cool, cool. kick - kick - "throw" someone out of the game. can only do the host before the start by opening/closing the player's slot. kma - kiss my ass - kiss my ass ks - kill steal - “steal a frag”. If A gets B to low-hp and still kills the hero, then "stealing a frag" means nuke at the last moment and take the gold.

Thank you for viewing my dictionary

Once again I will say Thank you and remember that there are many words associated with DotA In addition to the mat, use my dictionary Good luck I will update the guide soon :-)


distant battle
Support - Nuker - Disabler - Jungle



close combat
Support - Initiator - Durable - Disabler - Escape

Phantom Assassin


close combat

Vengeful Spirit


distant battle
Support - Initiator - Disabler - Nuker - Escape

Crystal Maiden


distant battle
Support - Disabler - Nuker - Jungle

Phantom Lancer


close combat
Carry - Escape - Pusher - Nuker



distant battle
Carry - Pusher - Nuker - Disabler



distant battle
Carry - Nuker - Escape



close combat
Carry - Initiator - Durable - Disabler - Nuker

Dragon Knight


close combat
Carry - Pusher - Durable - Disabler - Initiator - Nuker



close combat
Carry - Initiator - Disabler - Escape - Durable

Bounty Hunter


close combat
Escape - Nuker



distant battle
Support - Pusher - Disabler - Nuker - Initiator

Troll Warlord


distant battle
Carry - Pusher - Disabler - Durable


distant battle
Support - Nuker - Disabler


distant battle
Carry - Nuker


close combat
Carry - Disabler - Durable - Pusher - Initiator


close combat
Carry - Durable - Jungle - Escape - Disabler


close combat
Carry - Pusher - Escape - Nuker


distant battle


close combat
Carry - Disabler - Jungle - Nuker - Initiator


distant battle
Support - Jungle - Pusher - Durable - Disabler


close combat
Carry - Durable - Initiator - Nuker


close combat
Support - Initiator - Disabler - Nuker


close combat
Carry - Pusher - Nuker


close combat
Support - Durable - Nuker


distant battle
Support - Nuker - Initiator - Pusher - Disabler


distant battle
Carry - Pusher - Jungle - Durable


close combat
Carry - Support - Pusher - Disabler - Initiator - Escape


close combat


close combat
Initiator - Durable - Disabler - Nuker


close combat
Initiator - Disabler - Nuker - Escape - Jungler


close combat
Carry - Escape - Nuker


close combat
Support - Nuker - Disabler - Durable - Initiator


distant battle
Carry - Escape - Durable - Nuker - Disabler


distant battle
Carry - Support - Disabler - Initiator - Nuker

Today I will try to decipher all the incomprehensible words found in DotA.

It is somewhat difficult to structure what I will call a dictionary, so of course I will try to follow some logic, but I do not promise that it will be clear to everyone. Let's start.

Creep- units that are not heroes and buildings. They walk along the lines or stand in the forest. Just mobs.

Neutrals- creeps in the forest.

Denai- killing your creeps. Does not give the enemy money, reduces the experience gained by 2 times, pushes the lane.

Push- in the most general sense - an active attack on the enemy line. In the initial game, there are also two concepts: the line “pushed out” and “pushed out” - this indicates how far the creeps have gone from their tower. Pulls and denies push, and creep auto-attacks push.

Haras- hits on enemy heroes in the lane in order to interfere with their farming, deprive them of some of their health.

Ganges- a secret sortie to another lane, or into the forest in order to kill the heroes located there.

Mid, top, bottom- lines. Read previous guides.

Ulta, ult, ult. - The last ability of the heroes. Unlocked at levels 6, 11 and 16. Usually has a big effect on the game.

Pharm- making money. It implies killing creeps, both in the lane and in the jungle.

Last hit- the last hit on the creep, bringing gold.

Feed, feeder- deaths from enemy heroes give them a lot of money and experience. You feed them. Hence these terms.

Liv, liver- The player who left the game.

Miss, ss- The enemy hero left the lane. Its location is unknown and the rest of the lanes should be wary of ganking.

Public— game through DotA matchmaking.

Backdoor - defense of towers from heroes. The towers have a large health regen and you need to try hard to break through it. Works if there are no enemy creeps near the tower. Tier 1 towers do not have a backdoor.

regen- mana and health regeneration rate.

Mill- an ability that stops the enemy. In the camp, the hero cannot use items and abilities (most often). There is a microstun - a mill for a very short time. He knocks down castes, etc., and generally interferes very much.

Abilka- ability.

Tp- teleport.

Kura- courier.

Cast- use of the ability.

Procast- the use by the hero of all his abilities and items.

Chanel cast- an ability that needs pronunciation for a while. Gets off the camps, for example.

buff- aura.

def- the opposite of pushing - protecting your buildings.

AoE- area-based abilities.

Nyuk- High damage ability. Hence the nukers - heroes with nukes, capable of inflicting a huge amount of damage in a short time.

keels- murders.

Assists- help in killings.

disable- An ability that disables enemies. Hence the Disablers.

Tank- a hero that can withstand a lot of damage often has a large amount of HP.

Kerry— heroes who farm and then win DotA.

Supports— heroes that help farm carry and then help him win DotA.

Start (early game), mid, late- stages of the game.

miles, range— heroes with melee/ranged attack.

Salo, silence- An ability that prohibits the use of abilities.

Style, style- Steal creeps and hero kills from carries.

nerf- the weakening of something.

Up- Strengthening something.

Peak— the choice of the hero at the beginning of the game.

Repik- repeated choice - gold is lost.

Random peak- choose a random hero.

Golda, exp money, experience.

This is the main thing that came to mind. Now for some logic. Dota has a lot of heroes and items. Therefore, pronouncing or writing their full names and titles is long and uninteresting. Mass abbreviations came from here, most often in the first letters.

KoTl— Keeper of the light

CK Chaos Knight

QoP— Qween of Pain.

BKB— Black King Bar

MKB Monkey King Bar

And so on. Just if you are advised to buy or utter something incomprehensible - try to decipher the first letters. But there are times when this is not easy to do. For example, no one will be able to find Lotar, Buriza, Ezolor, and so on in DotA 2. For reference, I named Shadow Blade, Daedalus and Cauldron. These discrepancies are connected with the first DotA, some heroes and things had other names there. In principle, this is not critical, and over time everyone gets used to both options. In addition, other beginners are unlikely to guess about the “lotars”.

That's all, if I remember other terms, I will definitely add them.

Abuz- excessive use of something. For example, turning the armlet on and off, with practically no health, will help to survive for a long time. This also includes sending a bottle in kure to the base, for the sake of replenishing it, as well as a bunch of chen + puja, in a combination of tf-hook-enemy under the fountain.

Mansovaniya- dodges from the enemy or his abilities. For example, dodging a hook at the last second, or a pack hiding from enemy stuns or ults in shift, and so on. This also includes all kinds of escapes with the help of hatchets, tango, force staff and so on.

Hi all! Since the release of the game, every doter has been dreaming of dressing up their favorite heroes in cool clothes, of which countless have accumulated in the Dota 2 catalog. you can get absolutely free. So, today we will talk about the Dota 2 Changer program. How to get the coveted Dota 2 Changer? Follow these instructions and you will have everything in a couple of minutes:

1) Go to
2) Click on "Download Dota 2 Changer 13.6" in the list of links (on the right, under the column Members of the group)

3) After downloading, open the .exe file, set the installation path and languish for the next couple of seconds in the corrosive anticipation of the New Year's miracle.

4) Finally, after waiting, open the folder and see the .exe file Dota 2 Changer

5) We poke and wait, the launch will take no more than 1 - 3 minutes
6) Next, we get into the tabs with different buns and, at our choice, poke on the pictures of sets, maps, load screens, music, wards and huds, etc. All good things are automatically added to the list on the right, and after you have finished the backbreaking work of choosing goodies, click the "Install Mods" button

All mods should turn green, if something turned out to be highlighted gray-brown-crimson - go to the discussions of the VK group to read the logs and gouge into the PM of the odmen
7) We cut the dotan by pressing the "Start the game" button on top. We check the changes for the heroes in the equipment tab, the rest in the lobby.

1.VAC account ban or some other restriction in Steam you won't get, since the program does not change the source code and the engine of the Rakovalni itself.
2. You don't need to pay a penny for using it, but the developers themselves give you the opportunity to pay for premium access, which allows you to use more goodies.
3. For the program to work, you need to have Windows Vista or higher (Win 7, Win 8, Win 10), Net.Framework 4.5.2 or 4.6.1 is also required (available in the group links). Dota 2 launch options should NOT say "enable_addons" and "override_vpk"