
Training of public instructors of physical culture (seminar programs). District seminar for teachers of physical culture Lesson in physical culture seminar lesson

Innovative forms of work

at physical education lessons

For many, the day of December 17 passed as usual, imperceptibly, routinely, ordinarily. But not for the community of physical education teachers. These days MB OU secondary school No. 1 of the Yashkinsky municipal district received guests. On the basis of an educational institution, a regional seminar was held with a demonstration of open classes for physical education teachers on the topic: "Innovative forms of work in physical education lessons."

Considering the peculiarities of modern education, the fact of a sharp increase in the level of requirements for holding a seminar becomes obvious. Preparations for it began in November. The terms of the seminar were coordinated, the topics of open events were developed, and organizational issues were resolved.

The opening of the seminar began with the speech of the director of the school, Svetlana Anatolyevna Osharina, she acquainted those present with the activities of the teaching staff in recent years, focusing on the work of Arsenyev S.I. and Krotova S.A. - teachers of physical culture of the school.

Arsenyev Sergey Ivanovich - teacher of the highest qualification category. Work experience 10 years. The main goal of his pedagogical activity is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, to educate them in the need for a healthy lifestyle. In his lessons, he promotes the beauty of sports, health and strength, teaches you to be persistent in achieving your goal.

When conducting lessons, it takes into account the age, psychological, physiological characteristics of students, uses modern forms and methods of teaching. Creative approach to business, organization, amazing efficiency, indefatigability in the search for new things, coordinating his actions with colleagues, strict adherence to professional ethics of communication, high demands combined with sociability, philanthropy and tact are his distinguishing qualities.

Krotova Svetlana Alekseevna, teacher of physical culture.

She has 34 years of teaching experience. Teacher of the highest qualification category. For 12 years, she led the district methodological association of physical education teachers. With students he studies the basics of breathing exercises, muscle relaxation skills, complexes for mental regulation, exercises for concentration of attention, manifests himself as a creative, energetic person with pedagogical and organizational talent, sensitive and attentive in relationships with colleagues, demanding of himself, loving his work and students, which has a well-deserved authority among colleagues, parents, students.

Physical education teachers at the school level annually hold traditional sports events: the Golden Autumn cross-country, a tourist rally, Merry Starts, athletics all-around, cross-country skiing, the military sports game Zarnitsa. In 2012, 2013 took part in the regional competition "Olympiad starts at school". Their students are active participants in the All-Russian action: "Sport as an alternative to addictions." Together with the branch of the United Russia party, they hold traditional biathlon competitions among the students of our school.

Pupils actively take part in the school stage of the All-Russian competitions for schoolchildren: "Presidential competitions", "Presidential sports games", sports and technical complex "GTZO". In 2010 and 2012 occupied I place on the basis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren "Presidential competitions". Every year, students of Krotova S.A. and Arsenyeva S.I. take prizes in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical culture.

The teacher of physical culture Arsenyev Sergey Ivanovich made a public report "Means and methods that contribute to improving the quality of education in physical education lessons" before the participants of the seminar.Then, within the framework of the regional seminar, teachers showed open lessons on the topics: “Posture - a slender back. Circuit training by stations. Relays” in the 4th grade and “Gymnastics and Acrobatics” in the 11th grade.

From the first minutes of classes, it was hard to imagine that these were lessons. The mood of the teacher creates the mood of the student, and this, as you know, is the best incentive for learning.

How much the guys managed to do during the lesson time, there was not a minute of downtime, not a single student was out of the game, relay race: 4th grade students perfectly “passed exams” in sections,

using blank cards, they created verbal portraits of a healthy person and a person with a curved spine;

Lesson distinguished by clarity and thoughtfulness, was interesting and exciting, went on a high emotional upsurge, which is very important for physical education.

At the lesson of Svetlana Alekseevna, after a thorough warm-up, the students dispersed to the stations they had chosen. Moreover, the order of going through the places of classes and the time for each type were not regulated, but during the lesson it was necessary to go through all types: the boys performed a set of exercises with dumbbells and stretching, the girls - the basic elements of aerobics and stretching. The guys are fluent in the terminology and technology of performing exercises.

Here are some of them: M arch - walking, Basic - step -two steps forward (feet together), two steps back (feet together) V - Step - two steps forward (feet apart), two steps back (feet together), A - step - two steps back (feet apart), two steps forward (feet together), mambo - one leg takes a step back and forth, the other in place, step touch - step to the side, put the second leg, DoubleStepTouch - two side steps Grape Vine - step to the side, with a cross step back, step to the side, attach, CurlStep - for the whip, Kick - move in any direction Heeltouch - touching the floor with the heel, Chasse - side steps with a jump. At the lessons of Svetlana Alekseevna, students strengthen not only physical, but also psychological health, classes are often performed to music.

It is not so easy to occupy the children for all forty-five minutes of the lesson. Our teachers managed to conduct open lessons with dignity, at a high level. It is important that the teachers themselves understand each other perfectly, both are passionate about their subject and their school. Thanks to the colleagues who visited the district seminar of physical education teachers in the MB OU secondary school No. 1 of the Yashkinsky municipal district.

MKOU "Babyakovskaya secondary school No. 1"


on the topic of:

"Development of physical culture and sports

in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard "

Physical culture is a compulsory course in educational institutions.

The main goal of the development of the domestic system of school education is defined asthe formation of a personality ready for active creative self-realization in the space of universal culture.

Physical education, like any other subject included in the Basic Curriculum, is also focused on achieving this goal.

In turn, specificpurpose schoolphysical education is the formation of a versatile physically developed personality, able to actively use the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and maintain their own health for a long time, optimize labor activity and organize active recreation.

The conceptual base and content of the course are based on the provisions of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including:

Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of primary general education, presented in the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education;

Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen;

Law "On Education";

Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports";

National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020;

An exemplary program of primary general education; order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 30, 2010 No. 889.

Focusing on solving the problems of educating schoolchildren, the subject "Physical Education" in its subject content is aimed at

implementationprinciple of variability , which underlies the planning of educational material in accordance with the gender and age characteristics of students, the material and technical equipment of the educational process, regional climatic conditions and the type of educational institution.

The changes taking place in modern society require the accelerated improvement of the educational space, the definition of education goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests. In this regard, the priority direction is to ensure the development potential of new educational standards.

In the history of education, three competing approaches to the development of standards have been identified. The most developed, traditional approach can be called "ZUN". He brings educationto knowledge, skills and abilities . All previous generations of standards are based on the ZUN approach. The second approach is calledcompetence. Third -system-activity approach in education.

The system-activity approach is based on the theoretical provisions of the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, P.Ya. ontogenetic age development of children and adolescents. The activity approach proceeds from the position that the psychological abilities of a person are the result of the transformation of external objective activity into internal mental activity through successive transformations. Thus, the personal, social, cognitive development of students is determined by the nature of the organization of their activities, primarily educational. In the activity approach, the position is substantiated, according to which the content of education projects a certain type of thinking - empirical or theoretical. According to the authors, it is the content of education that makes it possible to "lead" mental development.

The system-activity approach is a transition to the construction of new generation standards with a focus on the final results of education as a backbone component of the design of standards.

The standard of education fixes not the content of education itself, although it is connected with it, but the results of education, the results of activities and the requirements for these results.

In the system - activity approach, the category of "activity" occupies one of the key places, and the activity itself is considered as a kind of system. "Any activity carried out by its subject includes a goal, a means, the process of transformation itself and its result." According to modern views, the goal of activity arises in a person as an image of the foreseeable result of creation.

Activity is always a goal-oriented system, a system aimed at results. The result can only be achieved if there is feedback. When determining the results, it is necessary to take into account the psychological-age, individual characteristics of the development of the child's personality and the inherent features of the form of activity.

The school fulfills the order formulated in the standards. Standards are a social conventional norm, a social contract between the family, society and the state:

- family makes demands on the creation of conditions for the success of personal, social, professional;

-society - to safety and health, freedom and responsibility, social justice, welfare;

- state - to the preservation of national unity, security, development of human potential, competitiveness.

In this regard, the task of the education system is not to transfer the amount of knowledge, but to teach how to learn. At the same time, the formation of educational activity means the formation of the spiritual development of the individual.

Schools have the main pedagogical task:

What to teach? (Content update)

Why teach? (Education values)

How to teach? (Learning Tools Update)

The purpose of physical education at school: to promote the comprehensive development of the personality through the formation of the physical culture of the student's personality.

Solving the problems of physical education is directed on :

    promoting harmonious physical development, strengthening the skills of correct posture, developing the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions, educating the values ​​of orientation towards a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene habits;

    teaching the basics of basic types of motor actions;

    further development of coordination and conditioning abilities.

    formation of the foundations of knowledge about personal hygiene, about the effect of physical exercises on the basic systems of the body, the development of volitional and moral qualities;

    development of ideas about the physical culture of the individual and self-control techniques;

    deepening of ideas about the main sports, competitions, equipment and equipment, compliance with safety regulations during classes, first aid for injuries;

    cultivating the habit of independent physical exercises, selected sports in their free time;

    development of organizational skills for conducting classes as a squad leader, team captain, judge;

    formation of an adequate assessment of one's own physical capabilities;

    education of initiative, independence, mutual assistance, discipline, sense of responsibility;

    promoting the development of mental processes and teaching the basics of mental self-regulation.

The forms of organizing physical education classes at school include a variety of physical education lessons. For a more complete realization of the goals and objectives of physical education in our school, physical education lessons are supplemented with extra-curricular forms of classes (physical education and recreation activities during the school day, physical education minutes, outdoor breaks, sports clubs, etc.)

For better mastering of the subject contentphysical education lessonssubdividedinto three types:Witheducational-cognitive, educational-subject and educational-training orientation :

    lessonseducational and cognitive orientationintroduce educational knowledge, teach skills and abilities for organizing and conducting independent studies, using previously learned educational material;

    lessonseducational and subject orientationare used to form training in the practical material of sections of gymnastics, athletics, outdoor games, ski training;

    lessonseducational and training orientationare used for the predominant development of physical qualities and solving relevant problems in these lessons, form ideas about physical fitness and physical qualities, teach ways to regulate physical activity, ways to control it and influence the development of body systems.

In the learning process, applymethodsphysical education:

    verbal method(explanation, instructions, command, persuasion);

    visual method(demonstration, visual aids, etc.);

    method of learning newmaterial (as a whole and in parts);

    methods of motor qualities development(repeated, uniform, competitive, game, etc.)

Moderneducational technologies:

    health-saving technologies- instilling hygiene skills, proper breathing skills, massage techniques, outdoor games for the purpose of hardening, the use of physical exercises that have a therapeutic and educational effect, corrective and corrective exercises;

    student-centered and differentiated learning- application of tests and tasks taking into account the level of physical fitness and health group.

    information and communication technologies- showing presentations to improve motivation for physical exercises and in acquiring knowledge of the basics of physical culture, creating sports sites, a site for a physical education teacher, doing research work;

An important feature of the educational process of physical education isstudent assessment. Assessment of students is provided both at the end of the study of the section, and as the current development of skills and abilities. At the beginning and end of the school year, students take six credit exercises (tests) to determine the level of physical development and physical abilities. Tests are accepted in the form of credits according to the plan at athletics lessons (September, May). In addition to tests for the level of physical development, in each quarter, control exercises are accepted for the completed sections of the program.

Control tests. Delivery of control standards for general, special physical and technical readiness.

Physical development and physical fitness in volleyball


Content of requirements (type of tests)












Running 30 m from a high start (s)

Run 30 m (6x5) (s)

Standing long jump (cm)

Jump up, pushing off with two legs from a run (cm)

Throwing a stuffed ball with a mass of 1 kg from behind the head with both hands:

sitting (m)

standing jump (m)













Control tests (requirements for students) in basketball


Airopetyants L.R., Gadik M.A. Sport games. - Tashkent. 2005.

Basketball: Textbook for high schools of physical culture. Ed. Yu.M. Portnova. - M., F and S, 2004.

Belov S. Throws around the ring. Physical education at school. 2000.

Gomelsky A.Ya. Master's Secrets. 1000 basketball exercises. - M., "FAIR" / 1997.

Kainov A.N. Organization of the work of sports sections at school. - Volgograd, 2011.

Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M., F and s. 2001.

Shmeleva O.A.Organization of the educational process in the subject "Physical culture" in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation"article, 09.12.2012.


for physical education teachers

Seminar topic: "The use of non-standard inventory and equipment in physical education lessons"

Location: MOU "School No. 103 in Donetsk"

The date of the: October 24, 2018

Time spending: 12.00 hours

The purpose of the workshop: ABOUT to acquaint physical education teachers with the use of non-standard inventory and equipment in the classroom. Show practically the production of non-standard inventory and equipment on their own from improvised materials.

Workshop objectives :

    arouse the interest of the audience in this topic;

    to promote the development of a creative approach to providing children with an objective environment, the invention of a new one, in design, in the mode of operation of non-standard equipment;

    to form a positive motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, for physical culture and sports.

Work form: report-presentation, master class, discussion.

There are highly gifted people

but not able to dispose of their abilities wisely.

It is one thing - an innate gift, another - the ability to manage it.
Chabua Amirejibi

So much is inherent in a person by nature that even a few lives will not be enough to realize everything hidden and obvious! However, many do not look into the pantry of their abilities at all - they take what lies closer, on the surface.

And physical education teachers have abilities.

In recent years, in the struggle for the interest of the child, physical culture has many competitors: computer games, the world wide web, etc. This, therefore, reduces the motivation for muscular activity, physical self-improvement. And if, against this background, physical education lessons look monotonous, boring, then the already existing “chasm” between the child and physical education only increases.

Standard sports equipment and inventory allows solving many pedagogical problems, but limits the range of exercises used and causes students to get used to it, a feeling of monotony.

Non-standard equipment and inventory is something new that a student encounters in physical education classes. The use of non-standard sports equipment and equipment is a powerful factor in increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to study physical culture, physical improvement. Therefore, the development and implementation of non-standard inventory and equipment can be recognized as an innovative component of the activity of a physical education teacher.

I believe that new sports equipment and inventory is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health work. Therefore, it is never redundant. Is it possible to update the gaming equipment in the gym at no extra cost? If you have a desire to do something with your own hands and a little imagination, then you can easily cope with this task.

Non-standard equipment is equipment made with one's own hands from improvised means, as well as modern sports equipment that has not previously been used in physical education lessons in the educational process of schoolchildren. Why do you need non-standard equipment when there is real sports equipment in stores? And it is necessary for creativity, the development of the child's motor fantasy, the ability to find original solutions.

Practical experience shows that non-standard equipment contributes to a significant activity of students' motor activity, effective assimilation of the curriculum, as well as a more successful solution of health and educational problems. It improves the quality of teaching motor skills and abilities, promotes the development of motor qualities, helps to more accurately regulate physical activity, increases the density of the lesson, introduces an element of revitalization, makes it possible to rationally use time, forms a strong interest in physical exercises, is a good tool for the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual, educates the need for independent studies, develops such strong-willed qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, determination.

The purpose of the subject "Physical culture » is the formation of a versatile physically developed personality, able to actively use the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and maintain their own health for a long time, optimize labor activity and organize active recreation. Therefore, it is necessary to interest the majority of students in these classes, so that they regularly perform physical exercises, instill a love for physical education lessons. The solution to this problem can be the use of non-standard sports equipment in the classroom.

Funding shortages in schools are nothing new these days. Sports equipment and equipment have become very expensive. This makes us, teachers of physical education, together with students, devote a lot of time to the manufacture of non-standard equipment, to think over a storage system. Well-designed and aesthetically designed sports equipment has a beneficial effect on students, creates a cheerful mood, and contributes to successful physical exercises. The use of such equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to apply a differentiated method of working with students with different physical fitness.

Through exercises with non-standard equipment, children develop thinking and creativity. Children themselves can come up with interesting exercises with the proposed inventory.

Non-standard inventory must meet the following requirements:

Be reliable and durable;

Comply with hygienic requirements;

Comply with safety regulations;

Correspond to the physical fitness and individual capabilities of students;

Easy and quick to unfold and stow away for storage;
- provide more throughput;

Be easy to manufacture.

The advantages of custom equipment and inventory over standard prototypes are as follows:

An opportunity opens up for applying a wide variety of modified and fundamentally new motor actions;

The range of application of standard exercises in new conditions and non-standard format is expanding;

The throughput of inventory and equipment increases, which ensures high intensity and motor density of the lesson;

Prerequisites are created for the manifestation of fantasy, creativity, generation of new ideas by children. For example, in the aspect of creating new motor actions, as well as alternative ways of using exercises, including in simplified and complicated versions;

The existing factor of novelty - the use of new inventory and equipment - significantly increases the emotional background of the lesson.

Non-standard sports equipment is convenient and easy to use in the classroom, instills interest and love for the lesson, removes the psychological barrier in children. Children are more careful with inventory, the quality of education is improving. The use of non-standard inventory and equipment made it possible to more effectively use the competitive method of physical education, find ways to solve the problem of developmental education in the classroom and extracurricular activities, use a variable method of in-line duplication and organization of schoolchildren's activities in group performance of general developmental exercises.

Non-standard equipment and inventory is something new that a student encounters in a physical education lesson, and in the absence of experience, this contact may turn out to be unsafe, therefore, from an early school age, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to work with non-standard designs.

More often it is the combination of standard and non-standard equipment in the classroom that provides the greatest pedagogical effect. Non-standard inventory can be used both in physical education classes and in any other lessons, and in extracurricular activities.

Sports games have a special attraction, the element of the game and rivalry arouses interest in physical education, cheers up. Non-standard equipment makes classes more intense, helps to reproduce elements of sports games such as basketball, volleyball, football, and other ball activities. Their use develops accuracy, eye, reaction. For example, children in grades 5-6 are afraid of the ball when teaching sports games: football, basketball, volleyball. And the use of non-standard balls from improvised materials helps to overcome fear. In this case, the balls themselves can be of different sizes. Children make balls out of paper, boxes turn into basketball baskets or futsal goals. Children can make equipment of any size to get rid of the feeling of fear of real equipment, which makes it especially effective in lessons where students practice the basic skills of sports elements. For accuracy rolls, you can use cones made of thick paper or cut plastic bottles. Exercises in pairs can be performed through suspended hoops from different starting positions.

Targets, racks with plastic 5 l baskets for hitting the target, “bilbock” made of plastic bottles and kinders tied on a cord to develop accuracy in athletics, accuracy of passes in volleyball and basketball. They are necessary for the development of accuracy of game actions, ball possession technique, peripheral vision. Such exercises develop the eye, coordination of small movements, dexterity, train the muscles of the forearm and hand.

We collect caps from plastic bottles of different colors. You can use them for different relay races: collect them in jars of the same color, carry the “who is bigger” lids, transfer in columns. The appearance of a new “toy” made of traffic jams, kinders, caused delight and fantasy among the children! Older children themselves come up with games and game exercises with them.

The inventory created by us helps children to exercise dexterity, quick reaction, develop strength, orientation in space, fine motor skills of hands and muscles, i.e. promotes comprehensive physical education!

There are many offers on the Internet to buy a miracle ladder, which is called differently by everyone: the agility ladder, the training ladder, the coordination track. But most of them are just expensive. We made the stairs ourselves.

It is used when practicing on the ground (game room, open area, grass). The simulator is located on a horizontal surface and unfolds to its full length. Students take turns doing different exercises on the stairs. Using a ladder solves another problem. A variety of sports loads and a good emotional background. Any child is “bored” with constant exercises, which means that they are performed without enthusiasm, under the pressure of “necessity”. And the lessons should give pleasure not only from overcoming difficulties, but also from the “joy of movement”. The speed ladder is designed to develop speed skills when moving over short distances, to coordinate movement and synchronize motor skills, to train fast legs, to develop speed and agility. The use of a high-speed ladder is possible in many sports, such as basketball, football, volleyball, athletics.

Using non-standard equipment, I adhere to the sequence and systematic training in accordance with the motor abilities of children, their level of training, without complicating too much, but also without underestimating the content of the exercises, and the requirements for the quality of their implementation; I take into account not only the level of motor skills achieved by children, but also provide for an increase in the requirements for them.

The development of physical qualities and motor skills is a complex process. A wide variety of movements and their variants with non-standard equipment creates conditions for the development and improvement of these qualities.

When performing movements with non-standard equipment, the emotional state of children is enriched. They experience a feeling of joy, emotional uplift from the manifested motor actions. You should have seen the guys after getting acquainted with the game "Twister".

An important result of exercises with non-standard equipment is also the education of a child's character, a healthy psyche. A strong and dexterous child who is easy to learn new movements is self-confident. He does not shy away from difficulties, he is always ready to overcome them.

The basic part includes a mandatory minimum of knowledge in the subject "Physical culture" and provides for the mandatory study of the basic knowledge of physical culture and the development of the body. To record important moments of theoretical material in the gym, it is convenient to use the tablets that we made from old tables.

In our school in 2017, the SFSC "Phoenix" was created. It consists of physicists of grades 5-11, which are part of the sports center of school student self-government. The deputy head of the club "Phoenix" and the representative in the Council of School Self-Government is a student of the 11th grade Pavliychuk Evelina.

Traditionally, at the beginning of the school year, we open the school Spartakiad, during which, according to the results of the competition, the rating of classes and athletes is kept. At the end of the school year, the results of the school Spartakiad are summed up, at which the “Best of the Best” award ceremony is held. As a reward, we use various creative awards: cups, medals, diplomas, thanks, gifts, which are made by club members during group work.

Encouraging children for any success should begin from the first days of training: as often as possible, children should be praised and encouraged. In the classroom, they should not have fear of a mistake or failure, they should be encouraged even for the smallest achievement. All children love to be praised. The only difference is that the first grader should say: “You're done, you made me happy!”, And the tenth grader - “Super!”.In the lessons in the primary grades, for encouragement, I use the badges of distinction “You are great today!”, “You are the best!”. The guys who received the badge for the correct execution of exercises, for helping a weak classmate, for being active in the lesson, wear it until the next lesson.and perform the function of a guide in the ranks.

And another side of the timely satisfaction of the child's need for movement is aesthetics. A healthy body, confident coordination allows him to continue to engage in various sports. The ability to stand and sit correctly is the basis for the formation of a natural and beautiful posture. There is a feeling of enjoyment of one's own body, a sense of beauty.

The use of non-standard physical culture equipment allows you to:

enrich knowledge about the world of objects and their versatility;

create conditions for the manifestation of maximum independence, initiative, strong-willed efforts;

teach to use non-standard sports and gaming equipment in independent activities;

increase children's interest in performing basic movements and games;

to develop in children observation, aesthetic education, imagination, visual memory.

Thus, the use of non-standard sports equipment and inventory in the school allows you to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of an individual, differentiated approach to learning, increase the level of cognitive activity of students, provide comfortable conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual, form the need for a culture of movements, optimal physical development and good health. .

The creation of non-standard equipment is always creativity, the invention of something new, in terms of design, in terms of the way it works. The originality of the equipment, uniqueness, originality - this is an undeniable advantage that distinguishes it from typical mass samples.

Go ahead, experiment and the result, a good result, will not keep you waiting!

In fact, each of us is capable of very, very much!

The main thing is not to forbid yourself to dream and force yourself to act!




MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"




To teach children to consciously relate to the performance of certain physical exercises, to know their body - these are the tasks of modern physical education lessons. Ultimately, the future physical activity of a person also depends on this. Will he be able to play sports on his own, will physical education take root in his family life. This is a new approach to this subject.

Physical education is one of the foundations of our health. And where, if not at school, to build this foundation. It is in the lessons that we need to help the children get rid of stooped shoulders and hollow chests, develop their strength, speed, flexibility, and dexterity. Schoolchildren need a full-fledged physical education lesson - extremely active, well-equipped with modern technical means. Our pets must master physical culture. This is especially important.

Modern society is inextricably linked with the process of informatization. There is a widespread introduction of computer technology. At the same time, one of the priority areas of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education. This trend corresponds to the changed goals of secondary education, which require updating the methods, means and forms of organization of education.

Computer technologies have long been widely used in the educational process of a modern school. But, despite this, the existing developments in the field of using interactive means in physical education are, as a rule, of a private nature and are not widely used in school practice. I believe that a modern physical education lesson benefits significantly with the right combination of new information opportunities and the traditional teaching system. The computer expands the possibilities of providing information. The use of color, graphics, animation, sound - all modern means of video technology - allows you to recreate the real environment of the activity (for example, put the student in the position of a participant in the competition).

The introduction of the course of computer science and computer technology has led to the equipping of educational schools with computer classes and the creation of a prerequisite for the use of computerized technologies in the teaching of other subjects, in particular, physical education. Increasing information flows require a new level in the processing and comprehension of information, fast and effective assimilation of new methods of its presentation.

One of the priorities of our work is to improve the quality of education through the use of information technology in the classroom and extracurricular activities along with traditional forms of education. Schools have all the conditions for conducting lessons with computer support: an interactive whiteboard, a multimedia projector, a computer, so lessons with computer support are included in our practice. The most popular areas of application of information technologies in education are the acquisition of new knowledge, knowledge control and self-education. A lesson using electronic presentations and computer tests requires adherence to certain didactic principles and scientific and methodological provisions formulated in traditional didactics, and which are filled with new content when using information technology.

On this issue, the material on the use of ICT in the classroom was studied. We mastered computer technologies and the Microsoft Power Point program, which made it possible to create a system of lessons using ICT for the assimilation of theoretical material in physical education lessons. This allowed us, when using computer technology in the educational process, to make the lesson more interesting, visual and dynamic. Many explanations of the technique of performing the movements being learned, historical references and events, biographies of athletes, coverage of theoretical issues in various areas cannot be shown to students directly. Therefore, demonstration tools (slides, pictures, animations, videos) can be used in the lesson, which contributes to the formation of figurative representations in children, and on their basis - concepts. Moreover, the efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if they are supplemented by showing diagrams and tables. The problem of creating electronic textbooks on physical culture, which include educational presentations, is very relevant today. This creates conditions for obtaining and activating theoretical knowledge in physical culture based on the use of electronic presentations and computer tests and increasing the dynamism and expressiveness of the material presented. The proposed forms lead to an increase in motivation, an increase in the emotional expressiveness of the lesson.

Theoretical lessons on the subject are and remain the main form of obtaining knowledge by students. Physical education lessons include a large amount of theoretical material for which a minimum number of hours are allocated, so the use of electronic presentations and computer tests allowed us to effectively solve this problem.

Electronic presentations at theoretical lessons in physical culture are designed to solve a number of pedagogical problems. Their use allows us to significantly increase the productivity of training, since the visual and auditory channels of perception are simultaneously involved. The presence of abstracts in the form of thematic electronic presentations provides an opportunity to organize independent work of students with such resources. An obligatory condition for an electronic presentation is the presence of illustrative material. The choice of textual material is not possible without the involvement of additional reference literature.

The electronic presentation contains extensive theoretical material for the study of physical culture. But no less important is the incentive that carries the process of preparing an electronic presentation for an in-depth study of the subject. In addition, concepts and abstract propositions reach the minds of students more easily when they are supported by concrete facts, examples and images; and therefore, to reveal them, it is necessary to use various types of visualization. That is why in educational presentations it is necessary to reduce textual information to a minimum, replacing it with diagrams, diagrams, drawings, photographs, animations, fragments of films related to physical culture and sports. The topics of the lessons must be built in accordance with the main sections of the program on the basics of knowledge of the subject of physical culture. Information technology of education is a new methodological system that allows us to consider the student not as an object, but as a subject of education, and a computer as a learning tool. It is practically undeniable that the design of presentations has the most direct impact on the motivation of students, the speed of perception of the material, fatigue, makes the material more acceptable and accessible to students.

The use of testing computer programs in physical education lessons allows you to objectively assess the theoretical knowledge of students. The computer program itself will give many examples, count the correct answers and give an objective assessment. Not only the teacher will benefit from this, who will be exempted from checking notebooks on physical education, in addition, such a computer program is useful primarily for students. The computer is always unbiased, it is an independent expert.

Traditional tests are good for control, as they are an exclusively objective way of control. In a computerized form, a self-learning option is possible, which is 2-4 times faster than with the traditional collective analysis of test results. The self-service option makes it possible to understand such a volume of material that cannot be done in another case - this is the advantage of computerized tests.

The use of computer tests in theoretical lessons of physical culture makes it possible to:

to carry out real individualization and differentiation of training;

make reasonable changes in the teaching process,

Reliably assess the quality of training and manage it.

Only the use of really good thought-out questions in automated control can have a positive impact on the learning process. The well-known innovative teacher I. N. Ilyin said that students do not remember answers, but questions and their reaction to them - the solution found.

Another advantage of computer testing programs compared to traditional methods of testing knowledge is the rapid testing of students' knowledge. Teachers and students need such programs. The educational material implemented in computer training constantly controls and maintains the motivation of the learner in the ways of cognition at the required level.

Tests have a computer shell. The process of testing with the help of a computer test program prepared by us together with the programmer of the school is quite simple for students and does not require special knowledge. The program runs in full screen mode. Computer tests provide for both work with a hint of answers, and without them. When finished, the results window opens. This window displays the score on a five-point system.

Tests can be used at any stage of learning. Some of them are designed to assess the readiness of students to master a new course of study, others help to identify specific gaps in students' knowledge and plan the necessary targeted corrective work, and others make it possible to predict the further learning process and its results.

Theoretical lessons in the form of electronic presentation and computer tests increase the level of knowledge of students in the subject of physical culture.

When you hear the phrase “a computer in a physical education lesson”, then immediately there is bewilderment and the question: is this compatible? After all, physical education is, first of all, movement. However, in the modern world, it is obvious that even in a physical education lesson it is impossible to do without information and communication technologies.

The specifics of each subject are varied, but the general task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, the teacher's task is to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity, to activate the student's motor and cognitive activity.

Modern pedagogical technologies, in particular, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources allow the teacher to achieve maximum results in solving such problems as:

Intensification of all levels of the educational process through the use of modern information technologies:

– improving the efficiency and quality of the learning process;

- increasing the activity of cognitive activity;

– deepening of interdisciplinary connections;

– increase in the volume and optimization of the search for the necessary information;

– individualization and differentiation of the learning process;

The development of the personality of the student, the preparation of the individual for a comfortable life in the information society:

– development of communication skills;

- the formation of skills to make the best decision or offer solutions in a difficult situation;

– aesthetic education through the use of computer graphics, multimedia technology;

- the formation of an information culture, the ability to process information;

– formation of skills to carry out experimental research activities.

Work to fulfill the social order of society:

– preparation of an information literate person;

- user training by computer means;

– implementation of career guidance in the field of physical culture.

One of the priorities in the work of physical education teachers is to improve the quality of education through the use of information technology in the classroom and extracurricular activities along with traditional forms of education.

Consequently, computer support makes it possible to bring a modern lesson to a qualitatively new level, to raise the status of a teacher, to use various types of activities in the lesson, and to more effectively organize the control and accounting of students' knowledge. The use of information technology is the future. Sooner or later, the use of a computer in educational activities will become a mass, commonplace phenomenon.

Based on my work experience, I believe that when organizing and conducting a modern physical education lesson, it is necessary to use ICT, which allows you to successfully combine not only physical, but also mental work, develop the intellectual and creative abilities of the student, and expand the general outlook.

Firstly, using ICT, you can demonstrate the techniques of performing an exercise, etc.

Secondly, with the help of ICT, you can check the level of theoretical knowledge of students, and with little time, for example, a test, and immediately the student can review the test result.

Thirdly, using ICT, the teacher can easily track the dynamics of the development of physical abilities if he enters all the data into the program.

Fourthly, project activity.

Fifth, the use of distance learning.

The use of ICT dictates modern requirements for teaching the subject.

In two years, the Olympic flame will be lit in the city of Sochi.

The Olympic Games have always been the most effective tool for promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle. After each Olympiad in the host country, a real sports boom begins - and, fortunately, we can’t get away from this.

The Olympics is a dream, the pinnacle of a career for every athlete. We need it to spark interest in sports not only on the part of the state, but also on the part of every boy.

The White Olympics in 2014 will be an impetus for the development of sports not only in the city of Sochi, but throughout the country. Thanks to her, someone will find their way in life, go in for sports.

Without sports, it is impossible to grow a healthy strong generation.

The growing generation cannot do without good gyms and stadiums.

In our small republic, physical culture and sports have long become mass. The movement "From sports grounds to Olympic records" was widely developed. It was from youthful starts that many famous Olympians began their journey to the podium. Today, dozens of our athletes are among the winners of the Olympic Games, world and European champions.

Perhaps the students of our schools are their worthy replacements. They must grow up healthy, strong and hardened people. Adygea needs these records and victories!



Seminar: "Modern lesson of physical culture, the use of highly motivated technologies."

"Introduction of information and communication technologies

At the theoretical lessons of physical culture through the use of electronic presentations and computer tests"




MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"





To teach children to consciously relate to the performance of certain physical exercises, to know their body - these are the tasks of modern physical education lessons. Ultimately, the future physical activity of a person also depends on this. Will he be able to play sports on his own, will physical education take root in his family life. This is a new approach to this subject.

Physical education is one of the foundations of our health. And where, if not at school, to build this foundation. It is in the lessons that we need to help the children get rid of stooped shoulders and hollow chests, develop their strength, speed, flexibility, and dexterity. Schoolchildren need a full-fledged physical education lesson - extremely active, well-equipped with modern technical means. Our pets must master physical culture. This is especially important.

Modern society is inextricably linked with the process of informatization. There is a widespread introduction of computer technology. At the same time, one of the priority areas of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education. This trend corresponds to the changed goals of secondary education, which require updating the methods, means and forms of organization of education.

Computer technologies have long been widely used in the educational process of a modern school. But, despite this, the existing developments in the field of using interactive means in physical education are, as a rule, of a private nature and are not widely used in school practice. I believe that a modern physical education lesson benefits significantly with the right combination of new information opportunities and the traditional teaching system. The computer expands the possibilities of providing information. The use of color, graphics, animation, sound - all modern means of video technology - allows you to recreate the real environment of the activity (for example, put the student in the position of a participant in the competition).

The introduction of the course of computer science and computer technology has led to the equipping of educational schools with computer classes and the creation of a prerequisite for the use of computerized technologies in the teaching of other subjects, in particular, physical education. Increasing information flows require a new level in the processing and comprehension of information, fast and effective assimilation of new methods of its presentation.

One of the priorities of our work is to improve the quality of education through the use of information technology in the classroom and extracurricular activities along with traditional forms of education. Schools have all the conditions for conducting lessons with computer support: an interactive whiteboard, a multimedia projector, a computer, so lessons with computer support are included in our practice. The most popular areas of application of information technologies in education are the acquisition of new knowledge, knowledge control and self-education. A lesson using electronic presentations and computer tests requires adherence to certain didactic principles and scientific and methodological provisions formulated in traditional didactics, and which are filled with new content when using information technology.

On this issue, the material on the use of ICT in the classroom was studied. We mastered computer technologies and the Microsoft Power Point program, which made it possible to create a system of lessons using ICT for the assimilation of theoretical material in physical education lessons. This allowed us, when using computer technology in the educational process, to make the lesson more interesting, visual and dynamic. Many explanations of the technique of performing the movements being learned, historical references and events, biographies of athletes, coverage of theoretical issues in various areas cannot be shown to students directly. Therefore, demonstration tools (slides, pictures, animations, videos) can be used in the lesson, which contributes to the formation of figurative representations in children, and on their basis - concepts. Moreover, the efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if they are supplemented by showing diagrams and tables. The problem of creating electronic textbooks on physical culture, which include educational presentations, is very relevant today. This creates conditions for obtaining and activating theoretical knowledge in physical culture based on the use of electronic presentations and computer tests and increasing the dynamism and expressiveness of the material presented. The proposed forms lead to an increase in motivation, an increase in the emotional expressiveness of the lesson.

Theoretical lessons on the subject are and remain the main form of obtaining knowledge by students. Physical education lessons include a large amount of theoretical material for which a minimum number of hours are allocated, so the use of electronic presentations and computer tests allowed us to effectively solve this problem.

Electronic presentations at theoretical lessons in physical culture are designed to solve a number of pedagogical problems. Their use allows us to significantly increase the productivity of training, since the visual and auditory channels of perception are simultaneously involved. The presence of abstracts in the form of thematic electronic presentations provides an opportunity to organize independent work of students with such resources. An obligatory condition for an electronic presentation is the presence of illustrative material. The choice of textual material is not possible without the involvement of additional reference literature.

The electronic presentation contains extensive theoretical material for the study of physical culture. But no less important is the incentive that carries the process of preparing an electronic presentation for an in-depth study of the subject. In addition, concepts and abstract propositions reach the minds of students more easily when they are supported by concrete facts, examples and images; and therefore, to reveal them, it is necessary to use various types of visualization. That is why in educational presentations it is necessary to reduce textual information to a minimum, replacing it with diagrams, diagrams, drawings, photographs, animations, fragments of films related to physical culture and sports. The topics of the lessons must be built in accordance with the main sections of the program on the basics of knowledge of the subject of physical culture. Information technology of education is a new methodological system that allows us to consider the student not as an object, but as a subject of education, and a computer as a learning tool. It is practically undeniable that the design of presentations has the most direct impact on the motivation of students, the speed of perception of the material, fatigue, makes the material more acceptable and accessible to students.

The use of testing computer programs in physical education lessons allows you to objectively assess the theoretical knowledge of students. The computer program itself will give many examples, count the correct answers and give an objective assessment. Not only the teacher will benefit from this, who will be exempted from checking notebooks on physical education, in addition, such a computer program is useful primarily for students. The computer is always unbiased, it is an independent expert.

Traditional tests are good for control, as they are an exclusively objective way of control. In a computerized form, a self-learning option is possible, which is 2-4 times faster than with the traditional collective analysis of test results. The self-service option makes it possible to understand such a volume of material that cannot be done in another case - this is the advantage of computerized tests.

The use of computer tests in theoretical lessons of physical culture makes it possible to:

  • to carry out real individualization and differentiation of training;
  • make reasonable changes in the teaching process,
  • to reliably assess the quality of training and manage it.

Only the use of really good thought-out questions in automated control can have a positive impact on the learning process. The well-known innovative teacher I. N. Ilyin said that students do not remember answers, but questions and their reaction to them - the solution found.

Another advantage of computer testing programs compared to traditional methods of testing knowledge is the rapid testing of students' knowledge. Teachers and students need such programs. The educational material implemented in computer training constantly controls and maintains the motivation of the learner in the ways of cognition at the required level.

Tests have a computer shell. The process of testing with the help of a computer test program prepared by us together with the programmer of the school is quite simple for students and does not require special knowledge. The program runs in full screen mode. Computer tests provide for both work with a hint of answers, and without them. When finished, the results window opens. This window displays the score on a five-point system.

Tests can be used at any stage of learning. Some of them are designed to assess the readiness of students to master a new course of study, others help to identify specific gaps in students' knowledge and plan the necessary targeted corrective work, and others make it possible to predict the further learning process and its results.

Theoretical lessons in the form of electronic presentation and computer tests increase the level of knowledge of students in the subject of physical culture.

When you hear the phrase “a computer in a physical education lesson”, then immediately there is bewilderment and the question: is this compatible? After all, physical education is, first of all, movement. However, in the modern world, it is obvious that even in a physical education lesson it is impossible to do without information and communication technologies.

The specifics of each subject are varied, but the general task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, the teacher's task is to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity, to activate the student's motor and cognitive activity.

Modern pedagogical technologies, in particular, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources allow the teacher to achieve maximum results in solving such problems as:

Intensification of all levels of the educational process through the use of modern information technologies:

– improving the efficiency and quality of the learning process;

- increasing the activity of cognitive activity;

– deepening of interdisciplinary connections;

– increase in the volume and optimization of the search for the necessary information;

– individualization and differentiation of the learning process;

The development of the personality of the student, the preparation of the individual for a comfortable life in the information society:

– development of communication skills;

- the formation of skills to make the best decision or offer solutions in a difficult situation;

– aesthetic education through the use of computer graphics, multimedia technology;

- the formation of an information culture, the ability to process information;

– formation of skills to carry out experimental research activities.

Work to fulfill the social order of society:

– preparation of an information literate person;

- user training by computer means;

– implementation of career guidance in the field of physical culture.

One of the priorities in the work of physical education teachers is to improve the quality of education through the use of information technology in the classroom and extracurricular activities along with traditional forms of education.

Consequently, computer support makes it possible to bring a modern lesson to a qualitatively new level, to raise the status of a teacher, to use various types of activities in the lesson, and to more effectively organize the control and accounting of students' knowledge. The use of information technology is the future. Sooner or later, the use of a computer in educational activities will become a mass, commonplace phenomenon.

Based on my work experience, I believe that when organizing and conducting a modern physical education lesson, it is necessary to use ICT, which allows you to successfully combine not only physical, but also mental work, develop the intellectual and creative abilities of the student, and expand the general outlook.

Firstly, using ICT, you can demonstrate the techniques of performing an exercise, etc.

Secondly, with the help of ICT, you can check the level of theoretical knowledge of students, and with little time, for example, a test, and immediately the student can review the test result.

Thirdly, using ICT, the teacher can easily track the dynamics of the development of physical abilities if he enters all the data into the program.

Fourthly, project activity.

Fifth, the use of distance learning.

The use of ICT dictates modern requirements for teaching the subject.

In two years, the Olympic flame will be lit in the city of Sochi.

The Olympic Games have always been the most effective tool for promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle. After each Olympiad, a real sports boom begins in the country hosting it - and, fortunately, we can’t get away from this.

After all, these are our children, having seen - some live, some on TV - the performances of the best athletes, they will force them to take them to sports schools. And one of these guys will definitely become a new sports star - the generation of the Moscow Olympics - 80 gave its medal harvest in the early 90s, the generation of the IGR - 2014 will grow its fruits already in the 20s of the 21st century.

The Olympics is a dream, the pinnacle of a career for every athlete. We need it to spark interest in sports not only on the part of the state, but also on the part of every boy.

The White Olympics in 2014 will be an impetus for the development of sports not only in the city of Sochi, but throughout the country. Thanks to her, someone will find their way in life, go in for sports.

Without sports, it is impossible to grow a healthy strong generation.

The growing generation cannot do without good gyms and stadiums.

In our small republic, physical culture and sports have long become mass. The movement "From sports grounds to Olympic records" was widely developed. It was from youthful starts that many famous Olympians began their journey to the podium. Today, dozens of our athletes are among the winners of the Olympic Games, world and European champions.

Perhaps the students of our schools are their worthy replacements. They must grow up healthy, strong and hardened people. Adygea needs these records and victories!

Surname: Silbisal

Name: Alexander

Surname: Anatolevich

Date of Birth: 11.10.1988

Family status: married

Place of work: MBOU Kara-Khaak secondary school

Job title: physical culture teacher

Work experience: 7 years

Favorite dish: dumplings, meat

Hobby: I like to play sports, sing

A feature of the activity of a teacher of physical culture.

Compared with teachers of other specialties, a physical education teacher works in specific conditions. In the psychology of physical education, they are divided into three groups:

  • Conditions of mental stress
  • Conditions of physical activity
  • Conditions associated with external environmental factors

In my work as a physical education teacher, I strive to use:

  • Technologies that in the process of activity gave a positive result and are close to me.
  • Consistency, consistency, continuity.
  • An educational environment in which everyone would have the opportunity for creative self-realization.
  • The possibility of a child's free choice on the values ​​of modern universal culture.

Theme of self-education: Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons

“Health is a treasure, and, at the same time, the only one, for the sake of which is worth not spare time, strength, labor and great blessings " Michel de Montaigne


  • Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. Recently, the catastrophic deterioration in the health of students has become more obvious. Along with unfavorable social and environmental factors, the negative impact of school on children's health is also recognized as a reason.


It is optimal to implement the health-improving, educational and educational direction of physical education, taking into account the individual developmental opportunities of the child in all periods.


  • To ensure the quality work of the teacher to strengthen and preserve the health of children.
  • To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health.
  • Involve parents in the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children.

Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child.

  • The teacher's activity in the aspect of the implementation of health-saving technologies in physical education lessons should include familiarization with the results of medical examinations of children, their consideration in educational work; assistance to parents in building a healthy life of students and the family as a whole
  • Avoid excessive debilitating physical, emotional, stress during the development of educational material.
  • Ensuring such an approach to the educational process that would guarantee the maintenance of only a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Among the health-saving technologies used in the education system, there are several groups that differ in different approaches to protecting health and, accordingly, in different methods and forms of work. Physical culture teachers are close to sports and health technologies. They are aimed at the physical development of students. These include: hardening, training of strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and other qualities that distinguish a healthy, trained person from a physically weak one.

By the nature of the action, the following technologies are distinguished:

  • Stimulants.
  • Protective and preventive.
  • Compensatory-neutralizing technologies.
  • Information-training technologies.

Means of health-saving technologies.

  • means of motor orientation;
  • healing forces of nature;
  • hygiene factors.

To analyze my activities, I conduct an annual monitoring of the state of physical fitness of students in order to:

  • To identify the state of physical fitness and health of schoolchildren.
  • Develop recommendations for individual work to improve the physical fitness of students.
  • To analyze the effectiveness of work on physical education, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students at school.

Physical Education Results Chart for 2014-2017 academic year

Dynamics morbidity of students at the beginning of the year

Dynamics morbidity of students at the end of the year

Analyzing the results of my work, I note that the introduction of a system of work on health-saving educational technologies made it possible to:

  • Improve academic achievement.
  • To increase the dynamics of the growth of physical fitness of students.
  • To increase students' interest in physical education and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Improve student health dynamics

Health-saving technologies should undoubtedly be used in the process of improving the health of schoolchildren, in particular, in physical education lessons.