
In which fairy tale is there a treasurer sword. Sword treasurer relic of Russia. "I will have death from Peter's shoulder"

The sword-treasurer, an assistant to the courageous heroes of many Russian fairy tales, is the dream of any warrior. According to ancient legends, this weapon helps to win in any battle. It was used by many famous heroes from Russian epics.

Only with such a sword can most of the fabulous monsters and villains be defeated, which remain invulnerable to other types of weapons.
Historians and researchers of the Russian language cannot agree on why this blade has such a name.

According to one of the official versions, his name comes from the word "treasure" and means a hidden treasure. In many legends, it really needs to be found in some secluded place or an unfamiliar country, and not everyone could get it, but only the hero who is recognized by this reasonable weapon and who can handle it.
Other researchers argue that the “treasurer” is from the word “put”, that is, such a sword is a powerful weapon capable of laying down the entire innumerable army of the enemy with just one swing.
One of the dictionaries of Russian folklore says that such a name was given to the sword for the peculiarity of its manufacture, in which the material, cheap iron, was buried in the ground for several years. Low-quality metal was eaten away by rust, leaving only wear-resistant and ageless steel, which was then used to make an expensive blade.

Perhaps the word comes from the Old Russian “ukladny”, which means steel and simply indicates the material from which it was forged, which was rare at that time. For an ancient warrior, a sword that could cut steel armor was indeed a very good helper that could save lives and decide the outcome of the battle.
Another version of the origin of the name of this sword is associated with the word "fold" and indicates the special technology by which it was forged. It is similar to the ancient ways of making damask steel and Damascus steel. The blacksmith repeatedly thinly flattened and then bent the metal blank of the blade in half. It turned out especially strong, beautiful and sharp steel with an intricate pattern, with a sword from which one could easily cut a hair on the fly.

Also, the origin of the name "kladenets" can be associated with the Old Irish word claided and the Latin gladius, translated into Russian meaning a sword.
In some legends, he is called Samosek, because he could independently fight the enemy and kill even without the help of his master.
In one of the legends about Babylon there was a blade with the name Asp-serpent, which turned into this poisonous animal.

The heroic sword is a symbol of valor and military glory. In ancient times, it was the most common type of weapon. He could not get just like that, such a blade had to be earned. In all epics, the path to acquiring such weapons was very difficult. Sometimes it was a very long search, and indeed, to find his way, a real warrior needs a very large amount of time, effort and prudence.

In other legends, in order to acquire the Sword of the Keeper, which gives invincibility, it was necessary to get it from the grave or the underworld, in other words, to defeat death. Thus, this blade was something like a bridge connecting two worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead, it itself could sow death and gave its owner supernatural power.

Eruslan Lazarevich, a fairy-tale hero, found this sword under the body of the murdered warrior Roslaney. Where to look for him, said the head of a huge hero on the battlefield. This is a symbol of gaining knowledge in military affairs from the dead to the living.

Where to look for him, said the head of a huge hero

To cope with such tasks, remarkable strength and great wisdom were required; during the search, the warrior himself gained courage and invaluable experience. After passing through such an initiation, one can truly become invincible. Tests add wisdom, without which any power loses its meaning, and prudence can defeat any enemy.
In some epics, the main character inherited it from his father, a valiant hero, but with one condition. It was possible to get a weapon only when the young man's strength was strong enough to lift a huge boulder, under which the wise warrior laid the blade. This means that every man, when learning martial arts, must have patience and try not to get ahead of events, waiting until his knowledge becomes perfect.

There is a legend about Agrik's sword, a lost artifact of antiquity. According to legend, it was made by Agric, the son of King Herod, a king known for his cruelty. This blade could cut steel armor like butter, glowed in the dark with a bright bluish light and gave such an advantage in battle that with its very appearance it could put absolutely any army to flight. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, surrounded by enemies in 1149, was able to escape death or captivity by simply raising his sword high above his head. This artifact was also mentioned in the legend of Peter and Fevronia. Adolf Hitler tried to find the invincible blade; he even sent a special expedition to the coast of the Oka River. As expected, this did not bring any results.
There were a huge number of legends about the invincible sword in Rus'. Now no one can know for sure whether this image was collective or whether there really was a great magical artifact of unprecedented power, capable of giving unlimited power.

Historical swords of Europe
Grus is the sword of Boleslav III Crooked Mouth.
Precious Sacrificial Sword (Jewelled Sword of Offering) - the coronation sword of the English kings, made in 1820.
Curtana (Sword of Mercy) is the blunt sword of Edward the Confessor, a symbol of mercy, which is still solemnly worn in processions during the coronation of British kings.
Licorne is the historical sword of the Burgundian princes.
Shois is the sword of William of Orange.
Szczerbiec, the coronation sword of the Polish kings. (The sword of King Boleslav, which was discussed above, was given to him by an angel and received the name “Shcherbets”, since he, Boleslav, having come to Russia at the suggestion of an angel, was the first to hit him at the Golden Gate, which locked the city of Kiev in Russia, and at In this case, the sword received a little damage; damage in Polish means “hole”, and therefore the sword began to be called “Shcherbets”).

Legendary and fictional swords of the European epic
Ascalon (Ascalon) - the sword of St. George (according to medieval legends).
Ishten Kardya (Az Isten Kardja, "The Sword of the God of War (Mars)") - Atilla's weapon (according to Jordan, medieval legends).
Azoth (Azoth) - the magic sword of Paracelsus (according to medieval legends).
Vorpale is the headless horseman's sword from the Dutch-American legend of Sleepy Hollow (in American folklore).
Sword of Damocles
The sword-treasurer is the sword of Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets (in Russian folklore).
Fiery sword - belongs to an angel (cherub), set to guard Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from there (in the Book of Genesis).
Tizona, Tizona (Tizona) - the sword of El Cid, the national treasure of Spain. Taken by him from King Bukar (in the Spanish epic). His second sword: Colada is a lesser known blade. Obtained by Cid from Count Raymond Berengaria the Fratricide (in the Spanish epic).
Chrysaor - the golden sword of the fairy queen, a symbol of higher spiritualization, belonged to Artegal. Another sword from the Fairy Queen, Sanglamore, belonged to Braggadochio. (Edmund Spenser, "The Fairy Queen").
Celtic swords
Caladbolg is the ghostly coiled sword of Fergus. In the original versions of the myth, it was used by Cuchulainn. Identified with Excalibur of a later time. He had enough strength to cut three hills. Another sword of Fergus was called Leohain (Leochain).
Balmung - Siegfried's sword (according to the Nibelungenlied). In the Edda it is called Gram, in the Wagner cycle it is Nothung, also called Mimung. Balmung was forged by Wayland for Odin, broken and reforged by Regin.


It is written with a small letter through a hyphen: treasure sword.

A large number of references to the sword-treasurer in fairy tales and epics relating to various characters clearly indicate that treasurer- was not a proper name for a weapon, a specific single sword, like, for example, Excalibur, but just a definition of a certain category of blades.

IN "Tales of Babylon City"- he is nicknamed "Snake Asp" and can turn into a snake. It is also called "Samosek"- because he could cut himself.

In some later dialects, it turned into a "cleaver sword" in oral speech.


In later fairy tales, which arose much later than the heroic epics, the treasurer sword becomes almost an obligatory attribute of the protagonist:

In modern culture

  • Romanov V. "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Treasure Sword"- modern "epic".
  • Julius Burkin, Sergei Lukyanenko. "Island of Rus'", where it belongs to Ilya Muromets
  • Dmitry Yankovsky. "Voice of Bulat", in which an animated sword helps a young man become a hero at the court of the Kyiv prince.
  • "Sword-Kladenets" - the name in the Russian box office of the film "Sword of the Valiant: The legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Guyven and the Green Knight), 1982
  • In Alexander Rudazov's novel "Traditions of the Deep Antiquity", swords with certain magical characteristics are called treasurers. Two such swords are mentioned: Aspid-Snake - "Kashchei's cherished treasurer", turning into a five-foot black snake, and Samosek, owned by Ivan, nicknamed the Fool, with his own will.
  • In the Soviet feature film Come and See, the main character (teenager Fleur) digs out a self-loading rifle in a covered trench, which becomes his pass to the partisan detachment.

see also


  • Dolgov V.V."Magic swords" in the context of the religious views of a man of Ancient Rus' // Vestnik UdGU. Series "History". - 2005. - S. 118–125.


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See what the "Sword-treasurer" is in other dictionaries:

    Sword treasurer, see sword Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. sword treasurer n., number of synonyms: 3 ... Synonym dictionary

    Sword treasurer. See TIPS... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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    Nikitich. A fragment of Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Three Bogatyrs" Sword treasurer is the name of the weapon of several heroes from Russian folklore. Could be magical and give the owner invincibility. Usually they fell into the hands of the owner from which ... ... Wikipedia

The sword hoarder is a magical weapon of heroes from Russian folklore. This weapon gave strength to the courageous heroes of Russian fairy tales and helped to win in any battle. Only with such a sword can most of the fabulous monsters and villains be defeated, which remain invulnerable to other types of weapons. The treasury sword differed from ordinary swords in that there was a rune tie across its entire surface (on the blade, and sometimes on the hilt), i.e. certain spells. The rune-tie created a special energy structure, a force around the sword. That is, the sword-treasurer was a weapon of magical influence, or, as they would say now, a “magic sword”. The most famous sword-hoarder of our recent past is the sword of Bogatyr Ilya Muromsky, which he inherited from the hands of the invincible giant Svyatogor. But historians and researchers of the Russian language still do not agree on why this blade has such a name.

The most common version is that this word comes from the word KLAD and, accordingly, means a hidden treasure. In many legends, it really needs to be found in a secluded place or an unfamiliar country. And not everyone could get it, but only a hero who is recognized by this reasonable weapon and who can handle it.

Perhaps the word comes from the Old Russian “ukladny”, which means “steel” and simply indicates the material from which it was forged, which was rare at that time. For an ancient warrior, a sword that could cut steel armor was indeed a very good helper that could save lives and decide the outcome of the battle.
UKLAD - raw steel, which was obtained from iron crackers. When the cracker was heated in red-hot charcoal, surface carburization of the metal occurred; in the process of cooling the metal with water or snow, the steel layer hardened, became brittle and easily separated upon impact. The operation was repeated until the complete transformation of the chicken into leaves. The largest sheets were placed in hot coals (hence the name) and heated to welding; the red-hot mass acquired a dense structure. Cold weapons, helmets, sickles, etc. were made from WAY. With the advent of puddling (late 18th century) and the development of mass methods for producing cast steel (2nd half of the 19th century), the way of life lost its significance.

Another version of the origin of the name of this sword is associated with the word "fold" and indicates the special technology by which it was forged. It is similar to the ancient ways of making damask steel and Damascus steel. The blacksmith repeatedly thinly flattened and then bent the metal blank of the blade in half. It turned out especially strong, beautiful and sharp steel with an intricate pattern, with a sword from which one could easily cut a hair on the fly.

And here is another version. Cheap iron was buried in the ground for several years. Low-quality metal was eaten away by rust, leaving only wear-resistant and ageless steel, which was then used to make an expensive blade. The blacksmith made rods of iron of different hardness and forged them into a "braid", then he pulled this blank and twisted it again (the process could be very long). When the twists, according to the master, were enough, he gave the workpiece a slightly enlarged, in contrast to the desired, shape of the blade. Then, on a special day (then they knew this) or night, the blacksmith performed a ceremony of laying this blank (the cherished words were spoken), for which a place with special soil properties was chosen and it was there that the future sword was buried, and a huge boulder was usually erected on top. After 10 years (according to various sources, the dates vary from 5 to 100 or more years), this blank was removed and finally forged. The most difficult thing in the manufacture of such a sword is that the extracted blank had to be forged at a time, otherwise the metal would lose its amazing properties (during a 10-year burial, oxidation rid the blank of unnecessary impurities and created new chemical elements that were endowed during a single heating striking properties of the future blade). But that's not all, the freshly forged blade also had to cool down on purpose. The blacksmith mounted a horse and raced at full speed, and at that time he himself shouted the cherished words very loudly and drew magic runes in the air, calling on the soul of the blade to enter it. With such a magical rite, the sword-treasurer was "released". There were not many magic blacksmiths and such swords were extremely rare, so they were prohibitively expensive. With such swords, any steel and damask swords were easily chopped.

There are versions that he received such a name due to the fact that he LAYED an entire enemy army on his way.

Also, the origin of the name KLADENETS can be associated with the Old Irish word claided and the Latin gladius.

1) sword (as a cutting and stabbing weapon)
2) murder (licentia gladiorum C);
3) coulter, ploughshare
4) spatula for lifting the warp threads (in a loom)
This is where the word GLADIATOR comes from.
1) gladiator (slave, prisoner of war or civilian), circus fighter
2) thug, murderer
3) saber master, gunsmith

But in Latin there is another word similar in sound.
1) misfortune, disaster, damage
2) mutilation, loss
3) scourge, thunderstorm, destroyer
4) defeat

And here's another version!
K-LAD-ENEC. Possession of this sword meant mastery of one's body to perfection. It was correctly written that a treasure chest cannot be made, it can only be obtained (found). But you can find it only by following the wisdom of the people, having mastered the knowledge and skills of the ancestors, i.e. genetic memory hidden in the bones (bone marrow). K-ladu - the owner of the treasure aspired to harmony, wisdom and ancestral memory.

There is a female amulet - the amulet LADINETS. It is dedicated to the goddess Lada. The symbol consists of eight rays directed against the course of the sun.
And there is also a male amulet - the amulet KOLYADNIK. (It is quite possible that he could also be called KLADINETS)! The caroler carried the energy of the sun. The rays of the swastika had a right-hand movement. It is known that all men wore carols from childhood, as this sign bestowed wisdom in everyday life and ingenuity in battle. The carol-maker is considered a symbol of the god Kolyada, the main task of this god is the constant renewal of the world, which the mighty Veles once set in motion. Kolyada was often depicted with a sword in his hand, but his sword was not raised above his head, but lowered to his feet. This is a symbol of wisdom, since only a wise person is able to conciliately lay down his arms when a fool is prepared for battle. So the carol-maker first of all gives wisdom to its owner. Thus, the carol-maker is an allegory of the victory of light over darkness, because Kolyada always changes the world for the better, moving saltingly, along the sacred solar circle. At the same time, only men were allowed to wear carols, because a man is the bearer of ancestral memory and creates the impulse of the universe. Women could wear such a talisman only for a short period of time in order to strengthen the typically masculine qualities in themselves - confidence and courage. Ladinets and Kolyadnik symbolize the "heavenly family". The combination of these two Slavic amulets forms the Fiery Chariot. The combination of right-handed and left-handed vortex energy flows forms a powerful energy field that sweeps away any evil, any negativity in its path.

And now I would like to return to the first version, where the sword fell into the hands of the owner from some kind of hiding place. In ancient times, the sword was a symbol of valor and military glory. He could not get just like that, such a blade had to be earned. And he was given only to that hero who is able to wield this sword well, he could only fall into the hands of a warrior. In all epics, the path to acquiring such weapons was very difficult. Sometimes it was a very long search, and indeed, to find his way, a real warrior needs a very large amount of time, effort and prudence. In some legends, in order to acquire the Sword of the Keeper, which gives invincibility, it was necessary to get it from the grave or the underworld, in other words, to defeat death. Thus, this blade was something like a bridge connecting two worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead, it itself could sow death and gave its owner supernatural power. Eruslan Lazarevich, a fairy-tale hero, found this sword under the body of the murdered warrior Roslaney. Where to look for him, said the head of a huge hero on the battlefield. This is a symbol of gaining knowledge in military affairs from the dead to the living. The owner of the sword receives from him self-confidence and invincibility. Sometimes even a magical treasure sword was able to turn into a terrible snake. To cope with such tasks, remarkable strength and great wisdom were required; during the search, the warrior himself gained courage and invaluable experience. After passing through such an initiation, one can truly become invincible. Tests add wisdom, without which any power loses its meaning, and prudence can defeat any enemy. In some epics, the main character inherited it from his father, a valiant hero, but with one condition. It was possible to get a weapon only when the young man's strength was strong enough to lift a huge boulder, under which the wise warrior laid the blade. This means that every man, when learning martial arts, must have patience and try not to get ahead of events, waiting until his knowledge becomes perfect.

Isn't this hidden treasure within us?

In the middle of the human chest is an oblong bone resembling a dagger. Consists of 3 parts: handle, body and xiphoid process. Serves as a junction of the upper 7 pairs of ribs, inside it consists of a spongy bone substance rich in blood vessels and containing red bone marrow. The xiphoid process (lat. processus xiphoideus) is the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum, forming its lower, free end. The shape and size of the process varies greatly. The downwardly directed end, palpable through the skin, can be blunted or pointed, forked or have a hole located in the middle. It can recede more than the body of the bone, and then forms a gastric or epigastric fossa of variable shape. It can protrude forward with its end, and then it is indicated on the body in the form of a protrusion. This xiphoid process is located in the region of the solar plexus.

The solar plexus is a place where many nerve endings are located outside the central nervous system. Doctors gave it the name "abdominal brain". Thus, they emphasize that the solar plexus and the xiphoid process are one of the most important centers of nerve clusters in the human body. It is through these nodes that the control and correction of the activity of any internal organ is carried out. Studies have also shown that during strong experiences a person experiences aching pain in the anterior wall of the chest, just in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus. Thus, scientists have suggested that there is a certain area in the lymphatic system that controls our spiritual qualities. And that is why, during strong experiences, people feel a strong aching pain in the chest area. The nerve center is also located here (within a radius of 5-6 cm around the xiphoid process), which, when excited, with strong fear, gives a command to spasm, tension, contraction of a number of muscles, which causes emotions of fear, anxiety and anxiety. With a spasm, the waste products of cells and organs, the so-called slags and toxins, accumulate, self-poisoning of the body occurs, and the metabolic process is disrupted.

In the same area is the 3rd chakra MANIPURA. It is a store of energy necessary for life in this world. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for will, power, success, intelligence. Controls the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas. If the chakra works well, then the person has a strong will and high intelligence. Manipura is responsible for the assimilation, accumulation, transformation and distribution of energy throughout the human body as a whole. In the general human energy system, this chakra can be compared with the turbine of a power plant, which, due to its rotation, converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, which then flows into the general electrical network to end consumers. The strength of a person also lies in the solar plexus chakra. It is formed by developing a person's confidence that he knows who he is; creates a strong prototype of a warrior standing firmly on his feet and confidently defending his rights. There are suggestions that it is in the region of the solar plexus that the human soul is located.

And right in front of the xiphoid process on the sternum is the thymus gland. The thymus gland got its name due to its characteristic shape, resembling a trident fork. Another name for this gland is THYMUS (thymus - Greek thymos = 1. thyme; 2. soul, mood, feeling), is the central organ of lymphocytopoiesis and immunogenesis, in which maturation, differentiation and immunological "training" of T-cells of the immune system take place. The thymus is a kind of "school" of accelerated learning of immune system cells formed from bone marrow stem cells. Once in the thymus gland, newborn "soldiers" are able to fight viruses, infections and autoimmune diseases. The most intensive training takes place in the first 2-3 years of life, and closer to five years, when the defenders are recruited for quite a decent army, the function of the thymus gland begins to fade. By the age of 30, it fades almost completely, and closer to forty, as a rule, there is no trace of the thymus gland. Because it simply dissolves. But for some people it happens sooner, for others later. The reasons for this selective involution are not yet clear. But doctors are sure: the later this happens, the better, since the thymus gland is able to slow down the body's biological clock.

The thymus gland does not tolerate stress at all (noise, temperature changes, anesthesia). During stress, the gland shrinks, which leads to a decrease in vital energy. Stress requires the mobilization of all T-lymphocytes, as a result of which the thymus has to hastily prepare new defenders. Therefore, in a person who is often risky and nervous, the thymus gland wears out and ages faster.

A weakened thymus can be strengthened through the simplest method. The method consists in gently tapping the location of the gland 10-20 times with your hand. Such tapping can be done with the tips of the fingers or with a lightly clenched fist, choosing a pleasant rhythm. In this way, you can stabilize the body in a few seconds and fill it with life-giving energy. If every morning you regularly activate your thymus and repeat this procedure several times during the day, then after a short period of time you will feel much stronger. It's just not recommended to use this method if a person is already sick.

THYMUS got its name thanks to the THYME plant, due to the similarity of their forms. But ... I personally doubt that the shape was the reason for the name of this gland. Maybe the ancients had much more information about the functional features of our body organs? So, let's take another look at the etymology of THYME itself. According to one - it comes from the Greek "thymon" - strength, courage. According to another, it is translated as "breath of life, spirit." According to the third version, it is connected with the Greek "thyo" - "to make a sacrifice."

In folk culture, thyme is a symbol of military prowess, male power. They believed that if you carry a sprig of thyme with you, it will make a person bolder, reward courage, determination, perseverance and courage, bring victory in all endeavors. It was used as a talisman, placed in amulets and worn around the neck to protect oneself from evil spirits, from the evil eye, from damage caused by sorcerers. There is a belief among the people that thyme in a pillow gives health and longevity. Bouquets of thyme (thyme) were brought to the huts and placed in jugs. It was believed that as long as there was his smell in the house, there would be no evil. Especially this smell is favorable for children, it gives them strength and goodness. (By the way, incense in ancient Russian sounded TEMYAN).

And one more interesting information that I found in the book by I. Bragina and M. Bragin "Superpowers of a Warrior". “If you wave your hands very quickly, imitating the movements of wings (birds or insects), then due to a direct effect on the thymus (or the so-called thymus gland), a person activates an extraordinary reaction rate - a real overreaction, and this happens due to the production of special hormones by the body, controlling the rate of biochemical metabolic processes in the body.At the same time, there is a sharp increase in the conductivity of the nerve pathways for bioelectrical signals, which determines a significant increase in the rate of reaction to any external influences, and this is due to the psychophysiology of the human body."

P.S. A peculiar linguistic somersault is observed with the word SWORD!

SWORD in Latin sounds GLADIUS.
GLADIUS resembles the Russian word STICK, which in turn is associated with the function of the SWORD.
In Latin, there are words:
METO - reap, mow, chop, cut, cut down
METUS - fear, fear, danger, threat; object of fear
And these translations are also related to the functions of the sword!

The sword-treasurer, an assistant to the courageous heroes of many Russian fairy tales, is the dream of any warrior. According to ancient legends, this weapon helps to win in any battle. It was used by many famous heroes from Russian epics. Only with such a sword can most of the fabulous monsters and villains be defeated, which remain invulnerable to other types of weapons. Historians and researchers of the Russian language cannot agree on why this blade has such a name. According to one of the official versions, his name comes from the word "treasure" and means a hidden treasure. In many legends, it really needs to be found in some secluded place or an unfamiliar country, and not everyone could get it, but only the hero who is recognized by this reasonable weapon and who can handle it.

Other researchers argue that the “treasurer” is from the word “put”, that is, such a sword is a powerful weapon capable of laying down the entire innumerable army of the enemy with just one swing. One of the dictionaries of Russian folklore says that such a name was given to the sword for the peculiarity of its manufacture, in which the material, cheap iron, was buried in the ground for several years. Low-quality metal was eaten away by rust, leaving only wear-resistant and ageless steel, which was then used to make an expensive blade. Perhaps the word comes from the Old Russian “ukladny”, which means steel and simply indicates the material from which it was forged, which was rare at that time.

For an ancient warrior, a sword that could cut steel armor was indeed a very good helper that could save lives and decide the outcome of the battle. Another version of the origin of the name of this sword is associated with the word "fold" and indicates the special technology by which it was forged. It is similar to the ancient ways of making damask steel and Damascus steel. The blacksmith repeatedly thinly flattened and then bent the metal blank of the blade in half. It turned out especially strong, beautiful and sharp steel with an intricate pattern, with a sword from which one could easily cut a hair on the fly.

Also, the origin of the name "kladenets" can be associated with the Old Irish word claided and the Latin gladius, translated into Russian meaning a sword. In some legends, he is called Samosek, because he could independently fight the enemy and kill even without the help of his master. In one of the legends about Babylon there was a blade with the name Asp-serpent, which turned into this poisonous animal. The heroic sword is a symbol of valor and military glory. In ancient times, it was the most common type of weapon. He could not get just like that, such a blade had to be earned. In all epics, the path to acquiring such weapons was very difficult. Sometimes it was a very long search, and indeed, to find his way, a real warrior needs a very large amount of time, effort and prudence. In other legends, in order to acquire the Sword of the Keeper, which gives invincibility, it was necessary to get it from the grave or the underworld, in other words, to defeat death.

Thus, this blade was something like a bridge connecting two worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead, it itself could sow death and gave its owner supernatural power. Eruslan Lazarevich, a fairy-tale hero, found this sword under the body of the murdered warrior Roslaney. Where to look for him, said the head of a huge hero on the battlefield. This is a symbol of gaining knowledge in military affairs from the dead to the living. Where to look for him, the head of a huge hero told. To cope with such tasks, remarkable strength and great wisdom were required, during the search the warrior himself gained courage and invaluable experience. After passing through such an initiation, one can truly become invincible. Tests add wisdom, without which any power loses its meaning, and prudence can defeat any enemy. In some epics, the main character inherited it from his father, a valiant hero, but with one condition.

It was possible to get a weapon only when the young man's strength was strong enough to lift a huge boulder, under which the wise warrior laid the blade. This means that every man, when learning martial arts, must have patience and try not to get ahead of events, waiting until his knowledge becomes perfect. There is a legend about Agrik's sword, a lost artifact of antiquity. According to legend, it was made by Agric, the son of King Herod, a king known for his cruelty. This blade could cut steel armor like butter, glowed in the dark with a bright bluish light and gave such an advantage in battle that with its very appearance it could put absolutely any army to flight. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, surrounded by enemies in 1149, was able to escape death or captivity by simply raising his sword high above his head. This artifact was also mentioned in the legend of Peter and Fevronia.

Adolf Hitler tried to find the invincible blade; he even sent a special expedition to the coast of the Oka River. As expected, this did not bring any results. There were a huge number of legends about the invincible sword in Rus'. Now no one can know for sure whether this image was collective or whether there really was a great magical artifact of unprecedented power, capable of giving unlimited power. Historical swords of Europe Grus - the sword of Boleslav III Crooked Mouth. Precious Sacrificial Sword (Jewelled Sword of Offering) - the coronation sword of English kings, made in 1820 . Licorne is the historical sword of the Burgundian princes. Shois is the sword of William of Orange. Szczerbiec, the coronation sword of the Polish kings. (The sword of King Boleslav, which was discussed above, was given to him by an angel and received the name “Shcherbets”, since he, Boleslav, having come to Russia at the suggestion of an angel, was the first to hit him at the Golden Gate, which locked the city of Kiev in Russia, and at In this case, the sword received a little damage; damage in Polish means “hole”, and therefore the sword began to be called “Shcherbets”).

Legendary and fictional swords of the European epic Ascalon (Ascalon) - the sword of St. George (according to medieval legends). Ishten Kardya (Az Isten Kardja, "The Sword of the God of War (Mars)") - Atilla's weapon (according to Jordan, medieval legends). Azoth (Azoth) - the magic sword of Paracelsus (according to medieval legends). Vorpale is the headless horseman's sword from the Dutch-American legend of Sleepy Hollow (in American folklore). Sword of Damocles Sword-treasurer - the sword of Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets (in Russian folklore). Fiery sword - belongs to an angel (cherub), set to guard Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from there (in the Book of Genesis). Tizona, Tizona (Tizona) - the sword of El Cid, the national treasure of Spain. Taken by him from King Bukar (in the Spanish epic).

His second sword: Colada is a lesser known blade. Obtained by Cid from Count Raymond Berengaria the Fratricide (in the Spanish epic). Chrysaor - the golden sword of the fairy queen, a symbol of higher spiritualization, belonged to Artegal. Another sword from the "Fairy Queen" - Sanglamore (Sanglamore) belonged to Braggadochio (Braggadochio). (Edmund Spenser, "The Fairy Queen"). Celtic Swords Caladbolg - Fergus' ghostly coiled sword. In the original versions of the myth, it was used by Cuchulainn. Identified with Excalibur of a later time. He had enough strength to cut three hills. Another sword of Fergus was called Leohain (Leochain). Balmung - Siegfried's sword (according to the Nibelungenlied). In the Edda he is called Gram, in the Wagnerian cycle - Nothung, also called Mimung. Balmung was forged by Wayland for Odin, broken and reforged by Regin.

Etymology is an amazing science that allows, on the basis of comparative historical linguistics, to easily and quickly determine the origin of a word. However, according to scientists, amateurs often interfere in its laws and try to establish connections according to their own understanding. Even for specialists who have studied changes in the morphology of a word, it is sometimes difficult to establish a semantic component, and even more so for those who are ignorant in this matter. This is where all sorts of myths are born.

Versions from the field of folk etymology


However, any of the versions has the right to life. The most common is the comparison of the word "treasury" with the verb "put" or treasure. The first arose from an association with the power of the sword, which puts (cuts) the heads of enemies to the left and right.
The version about the treasure has several explanations:

A sword adorned with precious stones, but in Rus' jewelry was not called a treasure, and there were no decorations on it;
- a sword, in the steel of which some impurities were added;
- the sword itself is so rare that possessing it is tantamount to a treasure, since high-quality steel weapons were not known in Rus'.

But scientists consider all these options to be nothing more than an etymology invented by the people. Although the version with additives in steel is considered close to the truth. It is also accepted by science that the steel blank for the sword was previously laid by the blacksmith in the ground. But this just indicates that Russian blacksmiths were able to make weapons of a special quality.

To make a treasure sword, the craftsman took steel rods of different strengths and twisted them together. Then the workpiece was stretched and flattened, after which it was twisted several more times. When the master believed that he had made a sufficient number of twists, the future sword was immersed in the soil with a special composition.

The laying of the sword was a real ritual, and a hill with a boulder was erected on the surface of the earth. According to various sources, the blank for the sword could be stored in the ground from 5 to a hundred years, after which the sword was subjected to final forging.

What does the Old Russian dictionary testify to


If you turn to the Old Russian dictionary, you can find the "way" - steel. And "stacked" - respectively, steel. They called "Kladenets" in Rus' not only the warrior's sword, but also a large steel knife for butchering cattle. Some specialists in linguistics are trying to find a connection between the appearance of this word in Old Russian from other languages. So, there is some consonance with the Old Irish claided and with the Latin gladius, but these versions are quite controversial.

Experts are sure that in Rus' there were blacksmiths-gunsmiths who owned the technology for making special, durable swords from welding damask steel. To do this, they alternated the laying of steel on iron several times, and then forged, repeatedly twisting. If, after firing, some pieces of steel broke off, then the master laid them in a special way and performed the forging operation again and again. It took a lot of time and effort, but the treasure sword turned out to be excellent.

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The treasure sword is the name of the formidable weapon of several heroes from Russian folklore. As a rule, it was an ancient sword of truth and retribution, which was not given to everyone, only to those who could master it. The frequent mention of the sword-treasurer in fairy tales and epics, where different characters appear, indicates that the word "treasurer" is not his own name, but the definition of a certain category of blades. There are several versions of the origin of this word.


The root “treasure” has to do with the word “put” and the idea of ​​something safely hidden, taken from a hiding place or burial. The sword could be buried in the ground, immured in a wall, hidden from prying eyes under a heavy slab. It is necessary to note the cases when the hero digs out the treasure-sword from or the grave. The weapon that belonged to the dead acquired supernatural power and became the bearer of death itself. An example is Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Wanting to try on a coffin for the sake of a joke, the hero Svyatogor lay down in it, and could not go out into the world. Feeling the approach of death, the hero bequeaths his sword to Ilya Muromets.

Another owner of the treasure sword, a hero named Eruslan Lazarevich, was in search of a weapon with which he could defeat the king of the Fire Shield. Arriving at the battlefield, he found a gigantic talking head there. The head told him that the sword he was looking for was under it. This event is also reflected in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". There, the head is set up aggressively and attacks Yeruslan (Ruslan).

Prince Peter of Murom, compatriot of Ilya Muromets and husband of Fevronia, the hero of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia, killed a snake that was trying to seduce the wife of his brother Pavel. Peter found the treasurer's sword hidden in the monastery. Previously, this weapon belonged to Agrik, the son and successor of the King of the Jews Herod.