
The scenario of the entertainment program for the day of the motorist. How to spend a corporate holiday on the day of the motorist. Day of the motorist scenario of the holiday

Motorist Day is celebrated in autumn, on the last Sunday of October. In addition to the feast dedicated to the holiday, although motorists and teetotalers, it is advisable to add an interesting entertainment program for guests to this professional holiday.

To do this, you don’t need much at all - a hall decorated accordingly, a host and a fun script for the day of the motorist holding the holiday, congratulations, poems, games, humor, contests for the day of the motorist.

The room can be decorated in the style of Formula 1, a mandatory attribute of which are checkered flags. You can print funny pictures from the Internet related to motorists, cars and the traffic police. If possible, bring a few car tires that you place around the hall.

Day of the motorist scenario of the holiday

Since the script provides for all kinds of contests and quizzes, prizes are required. Buy inexpensive commemorative themed trinkets: car air fresheners, hanging toys on the rearview mirror, napkins for the interior, car shampoo, car-themed key chains, condoms (this is for the first aid kit, of course) and other little things.

You can start the evening with introductory words and congratulations in verse on your professional holiday.


Hello friends, we are glad to see you all!

But what have you all forgotten here today?

Aren't you going to have a hard drink?

For the fact that for a whole year everyone did not drink while driving!

Well, dear ladies and men!

Then I'll say a toast: we drink for friends -

For our faithful, that is, for cars,

Let's raise our glasses, ladies and gentlemen!

Then the sound of a police siren is heard in the hall and Inspector Rublevsky appears with the words:

Violating, citizens, violating. Submit your documents! (The inspector approaches each of the guests and asks to show a driver's license. Those who do not have one are taken to the center of the hall to participate in the competition).

Competitions for the day of the motorist

The competition requires men and women, at least three couples. Two chairs are placed side by side in the center of the hall - these are improvised front seats of a car. The competition is to sit in a car to the appropriate music and ride your girlfriend on it with a breeze.

As a rule, participants turn on all their acting skills - open a virtual door, drive, jump through the holes in the road, start or forget to start the car.

Young ladies at this time also try to portray their behavior as funny as possible during a car trip: they smoke, talk on the phone, paint their lips, push the driver in the side, and the like. Whoever comes out funniest wins. Everyone should have different music, but on a car theme - “And I'll get into a convertible” by Uspenskaya, “Black Boomer” by Seryoga, “Your Cherry Nine” Combinations.

After determining the winner, everyone returns to the feast, and after a few minutes in its process. Guests are invited to participate in a quiz.

Quiz Road signs

Inspector Rublevsky checks the guests' knowledge of road signs.

At the same time, the signs should be quite unusual, but such that you can guess. For example: "Caution, there is a blonde around the corner", "traffic police in the bushes" or "Entry prohibited after 3 glasses."

You can imagine and draw anything you want. It depends on the sense of humor and imagination of the organizer. Versions of the answers will be the most diverse, and this is entertainment.

Competition for women Car brands

You can hold a contest "Catch the inspector by the tail"

Four people and Inspector Rublevsky are called to participate. Everyone stands behind each other and grabs the waist of the previous participant from behind. The last is the inspector, to whom they tie a striped tail, the color of which is his working tool.

Fast music is turned on and entertainment begins: the front participant must chase the inspector, trying to grab him by the tail, and he tries to dodge. At the same time, between them in a bundle, holding tightly and not letting go for a moment, three more participants move. It's not as easy as it seems, but very fun and funny.

Motorist's Day, like any other holiday, happens only once a year, so you need to celebrate it in a fun and memorable way. The more fun games, contests, warm words and laughter, the more likely it is that the holiday will turn out well.

Day of the motorist scenario of the holiday, congratulations, poems, games, humor, competitions for the day of the motorist

The phonogram of the song “Hold on to the steering wheel, driver!”

presenter. Good afternoon Our meeting today is by no means accidental. We warmly and cordially congratulate motorists and road workers, all those whose lives are connected with the road, on their professional holiday.

For our city with its developed industrial infrastructure, the dynamic development of road transport and road facilities is of great importance. Timely delivery of goods and passenger transportation is an integral part of ensuring the smooth operation of the economy and the normal functioning of the social sphere.
We express our deep gratitude for your painstaking work for the benefit of people and the city. Health and good luck to you! And, of course, neither a nail nor a wand!

Leading. There is, perhaps, not a single person who would not appreciate all the advantages of road transport, because thanks to its mobility, its carrying capacity, the necessary transportation of passengers and various goods to the most remote corners of the country is carried out.
The work of motor transport workers is very important, responsible and honorable.

How many of them, behind the steering wheel, drivers
On the roads of the native land,
Overcome both valleys and mountains,
Knee-deep in water and dust.

How many? endless loads,
Endless nights without sleep.
Work for them is not a need, not a burden,
Labor for them is a novelty of long runs.
And they don't need another
Even if loved ones are waiting.
Dear our guys,

May God give you only bright moments.
And keep you fate and hope,
And lead you with one desire:
Stay the same as before
Do what has long been decided.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Dear friends, accept congratulations from the driving instructor

Performance ….

Leading. Happy holiday to you! Happy roads and good students to you!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. At any moment, a taxi service comes to the rescue.
Vehicles in our life
Everyone knows it's very important.
Congratulations to all who are with him

Inextricably linked.
We wish you all
Truss is always happy
And health and warmth,
And the love of loved ones
So that fate does not disappoint
So that adversity - by.
Let from your doorstep
And before God's judgment
The road will be smooth
Today, tomorrow and always!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Oh, roads, oh, roads!
Worries a lot of people these days
Your, let's say, "health",
"State of mind".
Because everything in the world
Old people, young people and children,
They don't like delays
They are better off in a hurry.

Dear road workers!
Your day is today.
Do not give up positions in this life,
Love, and create, and dare,
So that the light of hope and faith does not go out!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Now let's look at history. Who do you think broke the traffic rules first - a man or a woman? The first car driver in history was ... a woman. The judgment of the Parisian court read:

"In the Bois de Boulogne, Madame d'Uzès was driving a car at a speed of 13 km / h, which could have caused serious consequences." It happened on August 14, 1893. Maybe Madame thought that “it is better to go badly than to go well?”

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. I would like to say the warmest words to the drivers' wives. Anxious hours of waiting, excitement ... Only they know about it. Despite worries and troubles, they remain affectionate, friendly, kindness radiates in their eyes. And, if necessary, they can be funny and mischievous. You, dear women, are given songs by the following performers.

A concert number is being performed.

At the end of the song, the participants of the concert rise to the stage with glasses in their hands.

presenter(makes a toast).

Let us raise a glass
For the most tender on earth
For those creatures without which
We don't imagine life.
We drink for kind eyes
For the tenderness of a gentle hand,
For what you are in the world
For you, in short, men!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Dear viewers, you know that humor helps to live. And we are going to switch you to a fun wave.

A couple of trick questions about drivers and transport:

1. How many giraffes fit in "Zaporozhets"? (Three. Although the car is a four-seater, but one seat is intended for the driver).

2. And how many hippos fit in "Zaporozhets"? (Not a single one, because all the places in Zaporozhets are already occupied by giraffes).

Life would be boring without jokes. They did not bypass the drivers, the police, the traffic police. First, let's look at the ads in the newspaper:

1. Since 2005, cars of the largest companies have been offered in a special configuration for blondes: a powder box is mounted in the sun visor along with a mirror, lipstick takes the place of the cigarette lighter, and deodorant is hidden under the guise of a fire extinguisher.

2. Announcement. “Do not park cars at the entrance! The penalty is a shovel on glass.

3. I change "VAZ 2110" for you at 21.10. Sashik.

4. Don't trust the traffic lights - trust the traffic coming towards you.

5. Do not drive the car faster than your guardian angel flies.

6. Driving school students need scattered pedestrians.

3 concert numbers are performed.

Leading. Once two friends met. "How much do you need to learn to drive?" - "Well, seven or eight ...". "What, months?" “No, cars.”

Leading. The traffic police inspector stopped the car: “Show your documents. Bah, your photo is not in order! “How are you not okay? Here I am, third from the left.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. The traffic police inspector finally managed to stop the female driver. He is indignant: “Didn’t you see, I showed with a rod to stop and whistled?” “Why should I stop for a whistle? I'm busy tonight!"

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. We invite everyone to the car fair. How many warm words and admiring glances were given to the famous OKA car! They even wrote a song about her.

A song is performed to the motive "God invented you."

There is such a car in the world,
I will sing and play about it for you,
I saw myself, I was inside
It's a car of the past generations.
Ears in it prop up the knees,
Believe your eyes, you look.
At KAMAZ, it seems, they are produced,
And off the assembly line...

Chorus. Who invented "OKU"
Apparently he was drunk
split across,
Clearly drinking a bottle!
From "OKI" I suffer and cry,
It is impossible to get to the cottage.
Everything broke down and died at once.
Got everyone to the liver, infection,
This terrible embryo of KAMAZ
Down with OKU! Give "UAZ"!

Leading. And towards "OKE" leaves "Lada".

To the motive of the song "No need to frown, Lada."

Under the iron ringing of the jack - 2p.
Under the Zhigul, groaning, lying down,
A car mechanic once told me - 2p.
He spoke not in an eyebrow, but in an eye:

Chorus. No need to frown, "Lada",
Not a car, but a reward - "Lada".
No matter how much the master boasts,
Anyway, the medical unit will fall off,
And then the Lada will completely fall apart.
Inspection is not an obstacle, - 2p.,
Gave "on the paw" and passed,
Let it puff, but the Lada is driving,
It rattles, but the Lada is driving,
Rides "Lada" well.

Leading. A very valuable, very "cool" off-road car - "Za-porozhets". Now we will give you valuable instructions on how to keep it from hijackers.

To the motive of a song from the repertoire of V. Serduchka.

I came to the city
On your favorite "Zaporozhtsi!",
I put yoga on Lenin Boulevard,
Bіlya shop toti Zіni
Very neat and beautiful...
Shobi "Zaporozhets" was not stolen,
I spun the wheels of youmu,
I put the wheels very carefully.
I put it in my travel bag.
I from the wheel with a brake shoe.
I put it carefully in the basket.
I go with a graceful gait to the grocery store
Enakievsky for vodka.
Behind the shoulder is a basket with four tires.
And a box with a brake pad,
I glance at the men.

Serduchka. Here's what I want to tell you: “Children should follow in the footsteps of their parents. Here the teacher asks his son: “Who will you be, son, when you grow up? - The boy replies: "Teacher, dad!"
The traffic cop asked his son who he would be, he replied: “A traffic cop, dad! These are boys, these are boys who are boys above all the carriers!
But the policeman asks his daughter: “What do you want to become, Accident?” - "Disaster, dad!"
Oh, and here is our friend - Accident!

A provocatively dressed girl enters the stage.

Serduchka. Yes, the girl has grown! Now for sure - Disaster! And you, girl, are obviously interested in cars?

Are you selling or buying?
Young woman. I'm stealing.
Sings to the tune of the song "The Hijacker".
"Zaporozhets" I once stole,
But friends called it a "cart".
And since then I began to steal
Everything that drives, flies and runs.
I don't need a pager or fax
I don't want a cell phone.
Tears flow like a river from my eyes,
Where to steal a Mercedes 600?
Chorus. I drove you, I drove you so
You were a dazzling machine...
Sold you, sold you
Living with a car is suspicious.
"Hey thief!" - I hear after
"Don't drive, pick up your slippers!"
But I run a red light
I am colorblind, and everything is "do not care" for me.
I'll take you apart on the go
I'll unscrew, unscrew everything I can,
And when I leave you
You will become the twin of Zaporozhets.

Leading. We announce the competition "Real Man". But women will take part in it. We invite three representatives of the fair sex to the stage. The participants in the game should take turns listing the definitions of a real man. If the participant cannot come up with a new definition, she is out of the game. The participant who named the last definition wins. You begin your definition with the words: “A real man is that ...”
Answer examples:
- Who is always gentle and caring,
- Who brings a lot of money into the house,
- Who creates comfort in his home,
- Who has extraordinary masculine virtues,
Who can stand his ground
- Who carries women in their arms, etc.
We give the winner a prize and give a musical gift.
A concert number is being performed.

JUMPING "The Strongest"

All contestants receive a match. The winner is the participant who breaks the match into the largest number of pieces.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. I will now tell another anecdote, to some extent it concerns drivers: “A drunk falls out of a restaurant, looks, a man in a cap is standing. - Doorman! Taxi! - I'm not a porter, but a captain of the third rank! - Well, then the boat to the gangway!
And I told an anecdote not by chance. We invite you to take part in a competition-staging an anecdote or a funny story about cars.
While the organized teams are preparing, several concert numbers are performed. Spectators after watching the dramatization determine the winning team.

Leading. We once again congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good luck, health and happiness!

A concert number is being performed.

The wind behind the cabin rushes with dust.
Turn left, be careful, driver!
Somehow make it to the last miles
Your reliable friend and comrade motor.
You are not afraid of rain or sleet,
Sharp turn and slope.
So that my beloved does not have to cry,
Hold on tight to the steering wheel, driver.
And the road winds like a gray ribbon,
Sight glass filled with rain.
Let your truck break through the storms!
I want you to be lucky, chauffeur.
Let your hands smell of rain and gasoline,
Let gray whiskey silver,
It's a joy to meet you with your little son
Love and wife will come out to the crossroads.

Bezrukova L. A., methodologist of the Orlovsky RDK

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We offer a collection of games that will be especially appropriate for professional holidays, anniversaries for motorists, corporate parties, and if you change the eyeliner a little, then they can be held at any celebration and any company.

“Funny and musical games and competitions for motorists” are new thematic, very incendiary entertainments with full musical accompaniment, which, if desired, can be downloaded directly in the text. (Thanks to the authors of the ideas)

1. Competition for motorists "Love-machine"

A song is played to create the appropriate atmosphere.

Sounds 1. Project. car is love


Presenter: I offer a comic guessing game about men. They say that the car a man drives says a lot about him. Let's try to guess?

Confidently keeps his hand on the steering wheel

He does not like to show off, the driver of a CHEVROLET.

Very brutal and bold type,

Someone who drives a Jeep.

He is independent and proud by nature,

The one who chooses a FORD car.

He knows that he tried hard

Reliable man driving a SUBARU

The President drove this car

We call everyone who is on Kalina a patriot.

Will pass through the mud, in the rain and blizzard.

The getter is a man, he has a GAZELLE.

I bought a car with the accumulated rubles,

Old-fashioned, modest owner of Zhiguli.

Women are not particularly appreciated yet.

Nimble and incomprehensible OKA driver

(during the game, the host chooses two ladies in the hall who answered faster and more willingly than others)

Presenter: The winners of the quiz come to me, What is your name? Nowadays, a woman driving is no longer a rarity, but a normal phenomenon. And no matter how skeptical men are about this phenomenon, statistics show that a woman, as a driver, is more accurate and disciplined. Let's test how strong you are in driving practice. Do you have a car? Which brand? Colors? Is this the car of your dreams? Each - find in our hall a man who corresponds to the idea of ​​​​this car, and bring him here. Put your men in - this is now the car of your dreams, take care of it, wipe the headlights, the hood, look into the engine - everything is in order, open the doors, wipe the rear bumper, put things in order in the glove compartment, you need to fill the cars with anti-freeze fluid (one stack carried to cars), then they need to be refueled (snack). It’s a sin not to ride on such a clean and beautiful car, now we’ll find out which of our women is the most frisky driver - the ladies open the door, lay a napkin on the seat (a man’s knee) and “rule” to the incendiary music. The one with the crumpled napkin wins.

Sounds 2. I'll get in the car.


(Assess which napkin is more crumpled.)

Presenter: (I ask the winner) Now let's find out what the winner thinks about her car?

Sounds 3. Machine beast


Presenter: (I ask the losing lady) And now let's ask the opinion of the lady who took second place?

Sounds 4. Let the carburetor dry out.


(These ready-made phrases can be included, or you can actually ask the participants for their opinion)

Presenter: I hope your partner will not be offended, because this did not apply to him, but to the chosen brand of car, or maybe you should change your dream?

Sounds 5. Let's drink for gasoline.


(For a closer company, you can arrange a game "For safety", which can be found in this selection of games and competitions for adults)

2. Cheerful team game "Valuable cargo"

For this game, two equal teams are recruited, each of which chooses in their ranks the most accurate, in their opinion, driver who can be entrusted with valuable cargo. For the game, you need to prepare two large children's dump trucks with a long rope, plastic, preferably small, cubes (according to the number of participants) and two pencils.

Game conditions: The selected drivers stand in front of the dump trucks at a distance of 2-3 meters, next to them there is a pile of cubes, The task of the members of each team in turn (one at a time) is to take a cube and run to their dump truck, load the cube and run back when they return to the team - the next player runs. When all the cubes are “loaded”, the driver starts to wind the rope from his dump truck, trying to do it quickly, but so as not to lose the cubes.

The winner is the team whose dump truck comes first and with minimal losses.

3. Game with the audience for the Day of the Motorist "Dashing Carrier"

This fun impromptu game to activate the mood and unite the guests, it is important that the presenter conduct it with enthusiasm and artistically.

Presenter: They played a careful driver, it's time to remember about reckless drivers, of course, they don’t talk about those present, it’s clear to everyone that there are only super professionals in the hall who have never violated the rules of the road. So, let's fantasize a little. Let's imagine: a Sochi minibus at peak hours, full of passengers. For those who have not experienced this “happiness”, it should be clarified that passengers travel not only sitting, but also standing. At the same time, the driver of the minibus, as a rule, does not hear the screams heard in the cabin, because at that time he “gets high”, “dies from black eyes”, gives money” or does something similar to another very loud sounding hit. And passengers, in order to get there without injury, must sometimes hold on tightly to their neighbors.

Represented? We embody it in the following way, they took each other by the shoulders, as soon as you hear me say to the right, you lean to the right side together and shout: “Oh-Oh-Oh”, hear about the turn to the left, respectively, lean to the left side and shout: “ A-A-A." If I’m talking about bumps, hills, and so on, we bounce on our chairs to a cheerful: “OPA”, and when I talk about brakes and sudden stops, we lean forward and shout: “WOW.” Ready, then let's go!

You got on the Sochi minibus

How to hold a corporate holiday for Driver's Day?

On the last Sunday of October (in 2018 - October 28), our country celebrates Motorist Day. For drivers of various types of transport, engineering and technical workers and other specialists who work in this area, corporate evenings dedicated to the holiday are arranged.

We offer a variant of how you can organize a corporate party for Driver's Day, which can be held by the staff of your company. It includes poems dedicated to the heroes of the occasion, interesting quizzes, contests, etc.

Scenario of a corporate party for the Motorist's Day

Decorate the room by placing posters on the walls: “Hold on tight to the steering wheel, driver!”, “Have a happy road and green light!” and others. Prepare small gifts for the winners of the competition - these can be fragrances for cars, hanging toys on the rearview mirror, napkins for the interior, car shampoo, key rings, etc.

The corporate holiday on Driver's Day will begin with the speech of the presenters: - Dear friends! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday. It is impossible to imagine our life without cars - this is personal transport, public transport, and agricultural transport. And there are so many brands of cars and other cars that it is impossible to list!

- We warmly and heartily congratulate motorists and road workers - all those whose life is connected with the road. May there be only white stripes in the life of each of you, may your friends and relatives please you. We wish you professional growth, financial well-being, good health, personal happiness and success in all your endeavors!

- Congratulations on the Day of the motorist And we wish you, friends, good luck! So that the road is smooth, clean, And the car does not let you down. Not a nail or a wand, traffic lights Only green on your way! No traffic jams and congestion for you, Well, in life - happiness and love!

- Happy holiday, driving enthusiasts, Professionals, masters, Residents of the front seat, Unfamiliar with the word "fear"! Accept urgent wishes From friends - have a good trip! And also, so that disappointment could not enter your heart!

Contests at the corporate party for the Motorist's Day

Then the hosts will invite those who wish to take part in competitions for the Driver's Day. Participants will need to answer the following questions:

  • How is the word car translated from Latin? (A - controlled, B - moving, C - self-propelled - the third answer is correct).
  • In what year was the first Soviet car produced and what was its name? (In 1924; AMO-F-1 - Moscow Automobile Society).
  • What, according to The Driver's Song, isn't a real driver afraid of? (No rain, no sleet).
  • What truck did the characters drive in the movie "Night Watch"? (A - ZIL - the correct answer; B - URALAZ, C - KAMAZ).
  • In which city are VAZ cars manufactured? (A - Moscow, B - Tolyatti - the correct answer, C - Nizhny Novgorod, D - Samara).
  • Where are KamAZ vehicles produced? (A - Kazan, b) Kirov, c) Naberezhnye Chelny - the correct answer; Moscow city).
  • Under what name was the Zaporozhets sold in Finland? (A - Massandra, B - Yalta - the correct answer; C - Livadia).

After that, at the corporate holiday for Driver's Day, verses will be heard: - I want to wish that your guardian angel would not leave you, so that always and all the devils in spite of You are lucky and lucky in everything! Plans so that everyone comes true, And the car does not break down! What more could you wish for? Do not be bored and prosper!

- We wish motorists Good, love and all the best! Let the path be free, clean, Less traffic jams, scrapes!

Suddenly, the sound of a police siren is heard in the hall and a traffic police inspector appears: - Stop, stop! Violating, citizens, violating. Present your documents!

The inspector approaches the guests and asks to show him a driver's license. Those who do not have them take part in the following competitions for Motorist Day.

For the Parking Contest, you will need toy cars. Put them in the way you usually put cars in the parking lot. Tie a rope to one machine. Participants will have to park this car with a rope without hitting other cars.

The "Valuable Cargo" competition will be attended by two equal teams, each of which will choose the most responsible and accurate driver who can be entrusted with a valuable cargo.

For this competition, you need to prepare two large children's dump trucks with long ropes, plastic cubes (according to the number of participants from each team) and two pencils. Drivers stand in front of dump trucks at a distance of 2-3 meters, cubes are placed next to them. Team members must take turns taking a cube, run to their dump truck and "load" it.

When this task is completed, the drivers will begin to wind the ropes from the dump truck around the pencils, trying to do it quickly, but so that the cubes do not fall out of the body. The team whose dump truck will reach its destination first and with minimal losses will win.

In another competition - called "Car Brands" - only women will take part. They will need to identify car brands by badges.

The fourth competition for the Driver's Day is called "Controller". One of the team members will reproduce the movements of the traffic controller, each of which corresponds to a specific phrase. For example, if the arms are extended to the sides - “Movement without stopping”, the right arm is extended forward - “Give way”, the hand is raised up - “Stop, car!”.

Movements are performed in a different sequence, but team members must not stray and say the right phrase. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Then, according to the scenario of the corporate party for the Day of the motorist, the traffic police inspector will hold a quiz "Road signs". The signs that the contestants will need to name can be ordinary and unusual, for example, “Beware, there is a blonde around the corner”, “The traffic police are in the bushes”, or “No entry after the third glass”.

In this case, any designations and drawings can be used - it all depends on the sense of humor and imagination of those who will prepare this competition. Accordingly, the answers of the participants will be very different.

Presenters: - Happy Motorist Day, I congratulate you! I wish you to drive fast, Without a rod and a nail! Less traffic jams for you, Always a green light, Good luck on the roads Both in life and in fate!

At the end of a corporate holiday for the Day of the Motorist, a musical program can be planned by its script.

Those who wish can take part in the Guess the Melody contest and name songs about cars and motorists according to the first notes sounded: L. Uspenskaya’s “And I’ll get into a convertible”, Seryoga’s “Black Boomer”, “Your Cherry Nine” “Combinations”, etc. The winners of this music competition on Driver's Day will be presented with well-deserved prizes by the presenters.

At the end of the corporate evening, verses will be heard: - It doesn’t matter what you drive, even a Mercedes, even a tractor, You are a teacher, a director, or maybe a football player, Only one factor matters: If you have a license in your pocket, you are a motorist !

And to everyone who can drive, at least slowly, at least quickly, Who cannot imagine their life without roads, Today we congratulate you on Motorist Day. May the path be successful, and God bless you!

Games and competitions for the day of the motorist

The last Sunday in October is Motorist's Day. How to mark it? A traditional feast will be boring without an interesting entertainment program, in which not only those for whom this is a professional holiday will take part, but also those who wish to join in the fun, spend this day actively and in a good mood.

Preparation for the holiday

Creating a suitable atmosphere is the main condition for a successful holiday. In the room where the guests of the celebration gather, they hang decorations related to the theme of “motorists”. These are images of cars and road signs. If there is an opportunity to fork out, a couple of tires are placed in the hall. An alternative option is to decorate the space in the style of a la Formula 1. It is enough to get checkered flags, the main attribute of world-famous races. The festive atmosphere is an important factor that affects how successful the implementation of ideas, scenarios, competitions and games will be. Do not forget about souvenirs that are distributed as prizes to everyone who won quizzes and fun competitions. For example, key chains for car keys, napkins for the interior, fragrances, mirror toys, dashboard, stickers. The holiday begins with a musical screensaver (a car-themed song plays). An introductory word is given to a professional facilitator. After a few toasts, the competition begins.


1. Create impromptu front car seats by placing two chairs side by side (three pairs in total).2. They call a man and a woman.3. The participants are given time to prepare the scene. Their main task is to reveal their acting talent to 100%. Men are driving their girlfriends with a breeze, who sing, put on makeup, talk on the phone, distract the driver from the road, do everything possible to make the scene look more realistic and funnier. Each couple at the end of the “driving” scene performs a “car song”, for example, “Black Boomer”, “Your Cherry Nine”, “And I'll get into a convertible”. The guests of the holiday choose the winner, supporting each couple with applause. Those who clapped and shouted louder win. Road signs After a short break, when the guests communicate at the festive table, the presenter announces the start of a quiz in which he will test his knowledge of road signs. The participants are not explained the rules, so they agree to a quiz, confident and experienced drivers, they are in for a little surprise. The host thinks of non-existent funny signs that the participants need to draw using imagination and ingenuity.

Sign options:

"Caution, traffic police inspector in the bushes"; “After the 10th glass, entry is prohibited”; "Beware, the blonde is around the corner." The organizer of the holiday shows a sense of humor, making various and funny signs. The winner is the one whose picture best illustrates this or that warning. Contest for knowledge of car brands. Previously, the presenter makes a survey of who drives worse in the hall, who does not have a driver's license, is far from automotive topics and came to the event to congratulate a loved one. From such people, participants are recruited for the next competition. The main task of the competitors is to find out and name more car brands, focusing on badges-emblems. The participant who named more stamps wins.

Try to catch the inspector

Rules1. One of the five participants is appointed "Rublevsky Inspector", an impromptu striped tail is tied behind him, like a traffic controller's baton. 2. The remaining four participants line up like a train, each player places his hands on the waist of the next one in front of him. "Inspector from Rublyovka" becomes the last in the chain. 4. To the incendiary fast music, the first participant in the chain starts to run, trying to catch up with the traffic police inspector standing at the end of the "engine" in order to catch him by the tail. 5. The task of the "Rublevsky inspector" is to dodge, wagging his tail so that he is not caught.6. The task of the participants in the center is not to let go of the participant in front, so as not to violate the integrity of the chain. You will be surprised to learn how hard it is to win in this game, adhering to the rules. The advantage of the competition is that even those who do not participate in the competition will have fun, since from the outside the pursuit of the “traffic police inspector” looks funny. "Valuable Cargo"

This is a team type game.

1. Two teams of several participants are recruited. 2. The most responsible "driver" is selected in each team.3. Each driver is given a children's dump truck (previously tied to a rope, and there should be a pencil on the rope at the other end). 4. Prepare for the team an equal number of children's medium-sized cubes. The task of the teams. Drivers are located on the "finish" line, holding pencils in their hands, cars at this time are located on the "start" line. At the command of the leader, the rest of the team members take turns (in the form of a relay race) to load the dump truck with valuable cargo, cubes (only one can be put at a time). Once all the cubes have been loaded, the drivers start winding the rope around the pencil, making the dump truck move towards the finish line. It is important to take the car to its destination faster without losing valuable cargo along the way. The winner is the team that delivers the valuable cargo faster and whose losses are minimal.

"Brave Dashing Driver"

An exciting impromptu game that will cheer up and unite the guests of the holiday, cheer up. The host recruits two teams, each has more participants (an equal number in two teams).1. Several chairs are placed in the center of the hall for each group of participants.2. The task of the teams is to imagine themselves as a passenger of the Sochi minibus. At the same time, someone gets seats, and someone stands, tightly clinging to another member of the team.3. All members of the group hold each other tightly. 4. A reckless driver rushes through the city, turning on the song "Black Eyes" loudly.5. When the driver (leader) shouts "to the right" - everyone leans sharply to the right and shouts "Oooh". When the driver shouts "left" - everyone leans to the left and shouts "Aaaa", the driver shouts "bumps" - everyone jumps up and shouts "Uh".6. You can’t let neighboring passengers go, trying not to fall yourself and not let your “friend in misfortune” fall down. There are no winners, because the main goal of the game is to stir everyone up and give a good mood.

Musical competition "Auto Market"

Many owners are reverent about cars, but sometimes it's time to part with their "swallow" by selling it. Selling a car in the competition will have to be unusual, artistic, provocative and fun. Rules of the game.1. The facilitator selects several participants.2. Everyone randomly chooses a piece of paper, turns it over, names the brand of car shown.3. The DJ introduces the participants to musical cuts (known songs, each player has a song).4. They give a few minutes for preparation, after which the participant tries to “beat” the song by putting a text about the car on its motive, trying to praise it in order to sell it faster on the Auto Market. The winner is the one who beats the song and the story about his vehicle better and funnier.

Exam "Reverse"

This is a competition-exam.1. Two teams are recruited, 4 players are invited to each. 2. Two tracks are preliminarily prepared, on each of which skittles are placed.3. Teams line up like a locomotive, appoint a driver who looks at the road and tries to go around the skittles, carefully moving along the track with a snake.4. Complicate the task by blindfolding other participants. 5. To the music, at the command of the host, the drivers begin to move their “chain-car” so as to get to the finish line and knock down fewer pins along the way. The driver can shout out hints to his team, indicating to them the approximate position of the obstacles while the team is reversing. Win - a group of motorists who successfully passed the exam, the speed of the track, the number of pins knocked down are taken into account.

Cheerful fortune-telling “Who will leave the banquet on what?”

A fun variation of the well-known Musical Hat game. Beforehand, the presenter makes an eyeliner, warns that fortune-telling is unusual, will allow guests to find out on what they will go home after the end of the event. The host walks next to the invitees, holding a “magic microphone” in his hands. At this time, a musical screen saver sounds, suddenly the music stops and an excerpt from popular songs starts. The passage will tell the guest, next to whom the presenter stopped, on which he will have to get home from the banquet. They choose funny passages, for example, “we will rush on deer”, “I will go out into the field with a horse at night”, etc. Funny games, improvisation competitions, music competitions, quizzes - all this will make the usual feast dedicated to Motorist Day bright and memorable .

Scenario for the day of the road transport worker

Hold on tight to the wheel, driver!

The phonogram of the song “Hold on to the steering wheel, driver!”

Leading. Good afternoon Our meeting today is by no means accidental. We warmly and cordially congratulate motorists and road workers, all those whose lives are connected with the road, on their professional holiday.

For our city with its developed industrial infrastructure, the dynamic development of road transport and road facilities is of great importance. Timely delivery of goods and passenger transportation is an integral part of ensuring the smooth operation of the economy and the normal functioning of the social sphere. We express our deep gratitude for your painstaking work for the benefit of people and the city. Health and good luck to you! And, of course, neither a nail nor a wand!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. There is, perhaps, not a single person who would not appreciate all the advantages of road transport, because thanks to its mobility, its carrying capacity, the necessary transportation of passengers and various cargoes to the most remote corners of the country is carried out. The work of road transport workers is very important, responsible, honorable.

How many of them, behind the steering wheel, drivers On the roads of their native land, Having overcome both valleys and mountains, Knee-deep in water and dust.

How many? Endless loads, Endless nights without sleep. Labor for them is not a need, not a burden, Labor for them is a novelty of long routes. And they don’t need another at all, Even if their loved ones are waiting. Dear our guys,

God grant you only bright minutes. And fate and hope keep you, And lead you with one desire: To remain as before, To do what has long been decided.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Dear friends, accept congratulations from the driving instructor

Performance ….

Leading. Happy holiday to you! Happy roads and good students to you!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. At any moment, a taxi service comes to the rescue. Motor transport in our life, Everyone knows - is very important. Congratulations to everyone who is with him

We want to wish you all Always happy trails, And health and warmth, And the love of your loved ones, So that fate does not let you down, So that adversity will pass by.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Oh, roads, wow, roads! Now many are worried about your, let’s say, “health”, “State of mind.” Because everything in the world, Old people, youths and children, They don’t like delay, It’s more convenient for them to rush.

Dear road workers! Your day is today. Congratulations! Do not give up positions in this life, Love, and create, and dare, So that the light of hope and faith does not go out!

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Now let's look at history. Who do you think broke the traffic rules first - a man or a woman? The first car driver in history was ... a woman. The judgment of the Parisian court read:

"In the Bois de Boulogne, Madame d'Uzès was driving a car at a speed of 13 km / h, which could have caused serious consequences." It happened on August 14, 1893. Maybe Madame thought that “it is better to go badly than to go well?”

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. I would like to say the warmest words to the drivers' wives. Anxious hours of waiting, excitement ... Only they know about it. Despite worries and troubles, they remain affectionate, friendly, kindness radiates in their eyes. And, if necessary, they can be funny and mischievous. You, dear women, are given songs by the following performers.

A concert number is being performed.

At the end of the song, the participants of the concert rise to the stage with glasses in their hands.

Host (makes a toast).

Let us raise a glass to the most tender on earth, to those creatures without which we can't imagine life.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. Dear viewers, you know that humor helps to live. And we are going to switch you to a fun wave.

A couple of trick questions about drivers and transport:

1. How many giraffes fit in "Zaporozhets"? (Three. Although the car is a four-seater, but one seat is intended for the driver).

2. And how many hippos fit in "Zaporozhets"? (Not a single one, because all the places in Zaporozhets are already occupied by giraffes).

Life would be boring without jokes. They did not bypass the drivers, the police, the traffic police. First, let's look at the ads in the newspaper:

1. Since 2005, cars of the largest companies have been offered in a special configuration for blondes: a powder box is mounted in the sun visor along with a mirror, lipstick takes the place of the cigarette lighter, and deodorant is hidden under the guise of a fire extinguisher.

2. Announcement. “Do not park cars at the entrance! The penalty is a shovel on glass.

3. I change "VAZ 2110" for you at 21.10. Sashik.

4. Don't trust the traffic lights - trust the traffic coming towards you.

5. Do not drive the car faster than your guardian angel flies.

6. Driving school students need scattered pedestrians.

3 concert numbers are performed.

Leading. Once two friends met. "How much do you need to learn to drive?" - "Well, seven or eight ...". "What, months?" “No, cars.”

Leading. The traffic police inspector stopped the car: “Show your documents. Bah, your photo is not in order! “How are you not okay? Here I am, third from the left.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. The traffic police inspector finally managed to stop the female driver. He is indignant: “Didn’t you see, I showed with a rod to stop and whistled?” “Why should I stop for a whistle? I'm busy tonight!"

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. We invite everyone to the car fair. How many warm words and admiring glances were given to the famous OKA car! They even wrote a song about her.

A song is performed to the motive "God invented you."

There is such a car in the world, I’ll sing and play about it for you, I saw it myself, I was inside, That’s a car of past generations. The ears prop up the knees in it, Believe your eyes, you look. …

Chorus. Who “OKU” invented, He was apparently drunk, Divided across, Obviously after drinking a bottle! From “OKI” I suffer and cry, It’s impossible to get to the dacha. Everything broke down and died at once. OKU! Give "UAZ"! Chorus.

Leading. And towards "OKE" leaves "Lada".

To the motive of the song "No need to frown, Lada."

Under the iron jingle of the jack, - 2r. Under the Zhigul, groaning, lying down, The car mechanic once told me - 2r. He spoke not in an eyebrow, but in an eye:

Chorus. No need to frown, “Lada”, Not a car, but a reward - “Lada”. No matter how much the master boasts, The medical unit will fall off anyway, And then the “Lada” will completely fall apart. passed, Let it puff, but the "Lada" rides, Rattles, but the "Lada" rides, The "Lada" rides well.

Leading. A very valuable, very "cool" off-road car - "Za-porozhets". Now we will give you valuable instructions on how to keep it from hijackers.

To the motive of a song from the repertoire of V. Serduchka.

I came to the city On my favorite "Zaporozhets!" I'm off the wheel with a brake shoe. I carefully put it in the basket.

Serduchka. Here's what I want to tell you: “Children should follow in the footsteps of their parents. Here the teacher asks his son: “Who will you be, son, when you grow up? - The boy replies: “Teacher, dad!” The traffic cop asked his son who he would be, he replied: “A traffic cop, dad! These are boys, these are boys who are boys above all the carriers! ”But the policeman asks his daughter:“ What do you want to become, Accident? - "Disaster, dad!" Oh, and here is our friend - Accident!

A provocatively dressed girl enters the stage.

Serduchka. Yes, the girl has grown! Now for sure - Disaster! And you, girl, are obviously interested in cars?

Selling or buying? Girl. I hijack. Sings to the tune of the song “The hijacker.” I once stole the “Zaporozhets”, But my friends called me “a cart.” And since then I began to steal Everything that drives, flies and runs. I want a cell phone. Tears flow like a river from my eyes, Where can I steal a "Mercedes six hundred"? Chorus. I drove you, I drove you like that, You were a dazzling car ... Sold you, sold you - Living with such a car is suspicious. "Hey, hijacker!" - I hear after, “Don’t drive, pick up your slippers!” But I’m rushing through a red light, I’m color blind, and I don’t care. I’ll take you apart on the go, Unscrew, unscrew everything I can, And when I will leave you, You will become the twin of Zaporozhets.

Leading. We announce the competition "Real Man". But women will take part in it. We invite three representatives of the fair sex to the stage. The participants in the game should take turns listing the definitions of a real man. If the participant cannot come up with a new definition, she is out of the game. The participant who named the last definition wins. You begin your definition with the words: “A real man is the one ...” Examples of answers: - Who is always gentle and caring, - Who brings a lot of money to the house, - Who creates comfort in his house, - Who has outstanding masculine virtues, - Who can insist on their own, - Who wears women in their arms, etc. We give the winner a prize and give a musical gift. A concert number is performed.

JUMPING "The Strongest"

All contestants receive a match. The winner is the participant who breaks the match into the largest number of pieces.

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. I will now tell another anecdote, to some extent it concerns drivers: “A drunk falls out of a restaurant, looks, a man in a cap is standing. - Doorman! Taxi! - I'm not a porter, but a captain of the third rank! - Well, then the boat to the gangway! ”And I told the anecdote not by chance. We invite you to take part in a competition-staging an anecdote or a funny story on the theme of a car. While the organized teams are getting ready, several concert numbers are performed. Spectators after watching the dramatization determine the winning team.

Leading. We once again congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good luck, health and happiness!

A concert number is being performed.

The wind rushes behind the cabin with dust. Turn left, be careful, driver! Somehow it will reach the last miles. Your reliable friend and comrade motor. You are not afraid of rain or sleet, A sharp turn and a slope. So that your beloved does not have to cry, Hold on tight to the steering wheel , driver. And the road winds like a gray ribbon, The sight glass is flooded with rain. Let your truck break through the storms! I want you to be lucky, driver. love and wife.

Bezrukova L. A., methodologist of the Orlovsky RDK

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Scenario of a corporate party for Motorist Day October 28, 2018

On the Day of Road Transport Workers, often called Driver's Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of October (in 2018 - October 28), enterprises in this industry hold evenings for employees. We offer you one of the possible options for holding such a corporate holiday.

Scenario of a corporate party for the Motorist's Day

According to the scenario, the corporate party for the Driver's Day will begin with the song "Cars".

- The roar of the engine sounds like music to us, Like the aroma we inhale gasoline. What do we need? The strip is narrow on the highway. Yes, spare parts are a cherished store. Cars, cars literally flooded everything. Where centuries-old dust lay, A car left its mark ...

Then the festive corporate party, timed to coincide with the Day of the Motorist, will be continued by the presenters:

- Dear friends! Today it is impossible to imagine our life without cars. Road transport is a link between many industries, the economic potential of the country depends on its condition. Without cars, the daily life of millions of Russians is unthinkable.

The scenario of a corporate holiday on Motorist Day can be continued by a comic quiz.

  • What, according to The Driver's Song, is a real driver not afraid of? (No rain, no sleet).
  • Where does the word headlight come from? (From the words "lantern", "fanfare", the name of the island of Pharos; the last option is correct).
  • What car did Uncle Fyodor's dad from the cartoons about Prostokvashino have? ("Zaporozhets").
  • What brand of car did James Bond drive in the films Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace? (Aston Martin).
  • In which country did Formula 1 originate? (In Great Britain).
  • What wheels do not exist? (Bald, spiked, hairy).

Then the presenters will take the floor again:

- And how many signs are connected with cars!

If you wash your car, it means it will rain the next day.

- You can’t whistle in the car, otherwise the traffic cop will stop you.

- You can not count money in the cabin: an experienced traffic cop hears the rustle of banknotes at a distance of up to 10 km.

Then, various fun competitions will continue the corporate event on the Day of the Motorist.

For the first competition, you will need toy cars. Put them in the way you usually put cars in the parking lot. Tie a rope to one machine. Participants will have to park this car with a rope without hitting other cars.

The second competition is called "Regulator". One of the participants will reproduce the movements of the traffic controller, each of which corresponds to a specific phrase. For example, if the arms are extended to the sides - “Movement without stopping”, the right arm is extended forward - “Give way”, the hand is raised up - “Stop, car!”.

The movements are performed in a different sequence, but the participants must not stray and pronounce the desired phrase. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

As prizes, contestants can be presented with car fragrances, hanging toys on the rear-view mirror, napkins for the interior, car shampoo, key rings, etc.

Scenario Day of the motorist holding a holiday comic contests

The song CARS sounds

1st student. For the first time, Motorist Day in Russia was celebrated in 1996. In the presidential decree, the holiday was to be celebrated on the last Sunday of October. This year, the professional holiday of all motorists in the country is celebrated on October 30. This holiday is celebrated not only by drivers of motor vehicles, but also by all motorists, regardless of skill and driving experience. It just so happened that the professional holiday became a national one.

Motorist's Day is considered a revered holiday, since the role of motor vehicle drivers is enormous - they provide cities and entire countries with communications, delivering people and goods to a certain locality, to a certain place. Without the devotion of these people, their sense of responsibility for the cause, the daily life of the village, the city and its inhabitants is impossible. Acquaintance with the history of the automotive industry, relevantly, is necessary for the preparation of students in the profession of an auto mechanic.

2nd student

Drivers of buses, taxis, it is not easy for you to serve now. We want to congratulate you on your holiday and wish you a happy journey.

And those who help you in your work - Repairs cars, releases them on flights - We also congratulate you on this holiday, We wish them to work conscientiously.

3rd student

And let's remember the history of the creation of the car. How it all began?

The car got its name from two Greek words: "auto" means "self", "mobile" - "movement".

The whole word can be translated into Russian as self-propelled.

The fathers of the automobile are Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz. Several hundred inventors, before them and even after them, claimed that it was they who came up with the “horseless carriage”.

And the history of the domestic automobile business begins with the first Russian cars Yakovlev and Puzyrev. Workshops and enterprises where Russian cars were born were located in St. Petersburg - the then capital of Russia.

4th student

In 1909, the "Russian Automobile Plant of IP Puzyrev" was founded. Its founder set out to set things up in such a way that Russian production would not be just a name, but would be truly Russian ": the plant produced independently all automotive parts from Russian material, by Russian workers and under the guidance of Russian engineers." The second task is to create a car that meets the requirements of movement in Russia, in relation to the features of our roads.

I want to say that it was not even a factory, but a workshop where 98 people worked in 1912. However, from 1911 to 1914, 38 cars were produced on it. Ivan Petrovich Puzyrev himself designed and manufactured the transmission, engine, suspension, body of his cars, trying to create a particularly hardy structure for Russian roads.

Host: Consider the chronology of the appearance of the car. Slides.

After the presentation is shown, a scene is performed (several people participate):

EMTT, keeps up with the times.

Cars now, more and more to become.

Which means they are needed. More and more needed?

Who? Auto mechanics.

We present our dream to your judgment.

A dream, what brand?

Which one can be driven on our roads?

Did you come to the Technical School in your car?

You still need to buy your own car.

And so about the dream. What are you dreaming about?

About red diploma.

About the red Mercedes.

About profitable place.

And I want to get married!

What are you?! I must say I want to learn. In general, Mendelssohn's March is a reworked funeral march.

And I want!

Fix the deuces first!

Yes, on whom to marry in our group, only guys!

And how many beauties.

And what do they understand in the car business?

Yes, you need a partner

A girl comes out: - Yes, what is it done! You, yes without me! And they say you don't have girls! Will you take me to study? Bypassed, I'm a white light, there is nowhere better than EMTT!

And so that you stay to study at our TECHNICIUM, we will ask you questions about the car!

And I suggest riddles.

This strong car rides on huge tires. Immediately removed the floor of the mountain Seven ton: .. (dump truck)

There are many cars of special services, You must live with them in friendship All your assistants, Even strict:. (GAI)

This technique is familiar, But so that you do not have troubles. Then ride near the house until the age of 14. (bike)

Host: Well done, I guessed all the riddles. A good companion. Who wants to get married, take it!

5 - student. Look around and you will see how a car flashed down the street, another, a third. One is bigger, the other is smaller, but this one is just huge.

Motorists love to talk about the merits of their cars. And everyone praises his iron horse.

Cars are not just made to be driven. A lot of smart and useful machines help a person in his activities: in life and work. Let's take a look at them.

Presenter: And now the song "Trucker" sounds for you

Motor transport in our life - Everyone knows: it is very important. Congratulations to all who are inextricably linked with him.

We want to wish them all always happy trails, And health, and warmth, And the love of loved ones.

Cars rush on the ground, Bogatyrs are driving, You are no stranger to road dust, Today Peter, tomorrow you are in Tver.

We congratulate you on the Day of the Motorist, We say neither a nail nor a rod. Happiness, health and good luck We want to wish you today.

There will be no place for anxiety And sadness and grief go away, May safe roads Always be found by your car!

How many of them, behind the steering wheel of drivers, on the roads of their native Earth, who have overcome valleys and mountains through snow, water and dust?

How many? Endless loads, endless sleepless nights. Work for them is no longer a burden, work for them is a novelty of long routes.

May you always be happy in life, May the years last up to a hundred years, May illness and old age never knock on your door.

Latitudes lie under your wheels, And life chooses steep directions ... Accident-free work for all, Masters of the road!

And they simply do not need another (even if their loved ones are waiting). Dear you, our guys, God give you only bright minutes.

Fate and hope save you, and lead you with one desire: to remain the same as before, to do what has long been decided.

Lead 2

Allow me to present scenes from the life of students of auto mechanics

1) On a driving test:

I give an introduction. You are driving a moving vehicle. In front of you, two human figures suddenly appear - an old woman and a girl. Who will you pressure?

Um… Well, this is… An old lady.

Brake. You need to apply the brake!

2) Our student, during a driving lesson, complained to the instructor sitting next to him:

Look at those pedestrians! They don't know basic traffic rules. Such negligence: some run in front of the car, others climb under the wheels.

Calm down, my boy, - interrupted his instructor. Let's get off the sidewalk...

3) At the exam for obtaining rights.

Alas! the instructor says. - You didn't give it up.

How could I pass it if I didn't even move?

And how could you move if you climbed into the back seat?

I'm hearing you.

I sleep and dream that I am answering the lesson “Cars”, the audience is huge, the people are making noise, as luck would have it, I got stuck, I can’t remember the material

Excuse me, where do you study?


Well, my friend, it's from overwork, it's hard to study in this technical school. Have a drink, have a good rest.

Doctor! This is not the nightmare

And in what???

I wake up, really answer the lesson.

Presenter 1

The accordion plays well, the harmonist plays well. If I could play, I would replace him.

Lead 2

Stretch the accordion wider, Let the students sing along, To know everything in the world, How students live here.


And for the holiday, we will sing ditties to you now. If there are children in the hall, Then plug your ears. Do not go girls to marry economists, But let us, for motorists.

My sweet little boy will sit at the wheel early in the morning. He will be taxiing all day, To repay my loan.

Although it smells of it Sometimes diesel fuel, There is a lot of fire in me, Well, hot passion.

He loaded the pasta with a full body. But the balloon could not stand it, it was torn to shreds.

Came out of the cabin in the morning After a sound sleep. There is no half of the load, Oh, Russia, mother, dear!

I congratulate you on your soul, Happy holiday, drivers, Let the troubles go away, So that you do not see them!

Cars are one of the most important achievements of modern civilization.

And an important professional achievement that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker.

And our TECHNICAL CUM will help everyone who wants to connect their lives with cars and get the profession of a car repair mechanic.

Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward.

A lot has been said about the car, its invention, its benefits and applications.

But one thing is indisputable - the car is one of the most common technical structures and is constantly being improved.

Since the invention of the first car until today, it has undergone many changes.

How could Daimler and Benz imagine that a car (for example, a racing formula - 1) will have an 850 hp engine, reach speeds of up to 320 km / h, and it will take an average of 2 seconds to change a wheel.

If the car has gone through such a path of technical changes and improvements, then what cars will be in the future is up to us.

Good luck in your studies and life.

The anthem of auto mechanics sounds for you.

The song is sung by all participants of the evening

Since childhood, I have been in love with pieces of iron, Maybe I was born in a car, And there was a mountain of designers, It's time to start with them.

I didn’t really recognize the bike, Because there was a simple moped, And now for many I am an ambal. And the moped replaced the Urals for me.

I am studying for this specialty, Because I am fiddling with equipment, Because the yard is littered with it, Because I scattered the motor!

And my girl is far away, And it’s not easy to get to her on foot, And I love to feel the speed, You need to get a specialty!

We are not philologists, we are not botanists, We are real auto mechanics, And those who are far from mechanical engineering, We are talking about them, these are teapots!

We know that lawyers, financiers, managers, economists, marketers, accountants are definitely masters in their business, but if transport needs repairs, and repairs need their own approach, then it’s better to call specialists in this matter without any extra words.

We are not philologists, we are not botanists, We are real auto mechanics, And those who are far from mechanical engineering, We are talking about them, these are teapots!

Presenter 1: We once again congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good luck, health and happiness! May all dreams come true, all plans come true. Joy and happiness to all of you.

Presenter 2: We wish you that peace and happiness will always be in your home, that joy will always be in your life, and all misfortunes will bypass. We wish you joyful smiles and cheerful wishes on this beautiful day. Let only wonderful people surround you who love and appreciate you.

Riddles for motorists.

A car will quickly become a true friend for you. Black paint will eat into your hands. Rust, fuel oil and dust. Just remember: there is no place on the road for a bungler!

1. The path ended in a ditch? Why was it so unlucky? You, my friend, did not even notice How it went down ... (Wheel.)

2. Does the car not start? Call a tow truck. You won’t go anywhere, If you sat down ... (Battery.)

3. He sneezed, stopped, As if he didn’t have the strength to go. He didn’t stop at the gas station - So it ended ... (Gasoline.)

4. Suddenly, look, steam went out from under the hood With a quiet whistle. Work is waiting for you again: It boiled away ... (Tosol.)

5. And in the winter, on a cold morning, I just couldn’t open the door. Yes, it happens like this: It froze ... (Lock.)

6. You fly like a rocket - So that the noise is in the ears of you and your neighbors? It is rusted ... ("Glushak".)

Competition "Dashing Carrier"

This fun game is an impromptu game for activating the mood and rallying the guests, it is important that the host spend it with enthusiasm and artistically.

Presenter 1: It's time to remember the reckless drivers, of course, they don’t talk about those present, it’s clear to everyone that in the hall there are only super-professionals who have never violated traffic rules. So, let's fantasize a little. Let's imagine: a minibus at peak hours, full of passengers. For those who have not experienced this “happiness”, it should be clarified that passengers travel not only sitting, but also standing. At the same time, the minibus driver, as a rule, does not hear the screams heard in the cabin, because at that time he “gets high”, “dies from black eyes” or does something similar to another very loud-sounding hit. And passengers, in order to get there without injury, must sometimes hold on tightly to their neighbors.

Represented? We embody it in the following way, they took each other by the shoulders, as soon as you hear me say to the right, you lean to the right side together and shout: “Oh-Oh-Oh”, hear about the turn to the left, respectively, lean to the left side and shout: “ A-A-A." If I'm talking about bumps, hills, and so on, we jump up to the cheerful: "OPA", and when I talk about brakes and sudden stops, we lean forward and shout: "WOW." Ready, then let's go!

You got on the bus

So for you a sports minute.

Passengers are unfamiliar here with boredom -

Hold on tight to each other!

Let's go to the song "Black Eyes".

Oh, another one is running - sharply BRAKES! (guests lean forward and "Wow")

We set off: honor and glory to the driver,

The route is known - everyone to the RIGHT (guests tilt to the right and "Oh-oh-oh")

And then suddenly abruptly and vice versa,

Attention LEFT, we have a turn! (guests lean to the left and "ah-ah-ah")

Now, oh-oh, take care of the kidneys,

In this place - not a pothole, but a Bump! (guests jump up and down and yell "Oops")

Belatedly swerved to the RIGHT,

Masterfully, though late, bravo! (guests lean to the right and "Oh-oh-oh")

The driver is driving, no worries

Again quickly LEFT turn! (guests lean to the left and "ah-ah-ah")

Rides, sings, presses on the gases,

Soon stop, abruptly BRAKES! (guests lean forward and "Wow")

Drives under 100, oh, BUMP! (guests jump up and down and yell "Oops")

Someone has already prayed for the images,

Crossroads! And ... on the BRAKES! (guests lean forward and "Wow")

Our driver is a brave guy:

Turn right, then LEFT, (guests lean to the right: "Oh-oh" and to the left: "Ah-ah")

Waved to a friend at the beer barrel

So, I didn’t notice this MUCH, (guests jump up and shout: “Oops”)

Strange atmosphere in the salon

It's time, STOP! (guests lean forward and "Wow")

Scenario of the holiday Day of the motorist

Nowadays Man and car are two components inextricably linked together. And it doesn't matter where they are in a small town or a huge metropolis. It is not surprising that every car owner or person whose work is connected with a car celebrates Motorist Day every year, despite the fact that this is an exclusively professional holiday. And the main difference between the current holiday and the holidays of the last century is that it is now celebrated by the main part of the beautiful half of society. It is impossible now to imagine our roads without female drivers.

At first glance, it may seem that the motorist's holiday has been around for centuries. In fact, its history is only about 30 years old.

In Soviet times, this holiday was celebrated by all road transport workers. And this means that not only drivers, but also all employees who worked in the road sector were related to him. On October 1, 1980, the Legislative Body of the USSR issued a decree in which it was noted that the last Sunday of October is a professional holiday for all drivers. It is called Motorist's Day. With the collapse of the USSR, many republics moved some holidays, and some completely abandoned Soviet holidays. Motorist Day is officially celebrated in only a few former republics of the USSR, including: the Russian Federation and Belarus.

In the Republic of Belarus, Motorist Day is celebrated in autumn, on the last Sunday of October. In 2014 it is October 26th. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 438 of October 20, 1995 "On the establishment of a holiday - Motorist's Day", Motorist's Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. This day has become a national recognition of the merits of transport workers in the development of the Belarusian economy. In addition to solemn meetings, a feast dedicated to the holiday, although motorists and teetotalers, it is advisable to prepare an interesting entertainment program for guests on this professional holiday.

For this you need: a festively decorated hall, a host and a fun scenario for the day of the motorist. The room can be decorated in the style of Formula 1, a mandatory attribute of which are checkered flags. You can print funny pictures from the Internet related to motorists, cars and traffic police. If possible, bring a few car tires that you place around the hall. With the help of them and flowers, you can arrange flower beds. Since the script provides for all sorts of contests and quizzes, it is necessary to buy inexpensive memorable themed trinkets: car fragrances, hanging toys on the rearview mirror, napkins for the interior, car shampoo, car-themed key chains, and other little things.

You can start the evening with introductory words and congratulations in verse on your professional holiday.

Hello friends, we are glad to see you all! But what have you all forgotten here today? Aren't you going to have a hard drink? For the fact that for a whole year everyone did not drink while driving!

Well, dear ladies and men! Then I'll say a toast: we drink for friends - For our faithful, that is, for cars, Let's raise our glasses, gentlemen, soon!

Glasses and glasses are filled, everyone drinks. Then the presenter gives the floor to the head of the automobile enterprise. The results of the year are summed up briefly, the best employees can be noted and words of congratulations with best wishes are sounded.

Presenter: Happy holiday, driving enthusiasts, Professionals, masters, Front seat residents, Unfamiliar with the word "fear"!

Accept urgent wishes From friends: have a good trip! And one more thing, so that disappointment could not enter your heart!

The floor is given to the chairman of the trade union committee or one of the deputies

Host: We wish motorists Good, love and all the best! Let the path be free, clean, Less traffic jams, scrapes!

Let the traffic lights not fail, Let them slow down less often on the way. Well, in road, complex disputes Let friends always support!

And now a little warm-up for the beautiful half of our company, those who drive a car or just accompany it. Let's see if they know the brands of cars they drive. Competition for women "Brands of cars", in which only women participate, and men watch and have fun. The point is to guess the brands of cars by the icons. The smartest lady will get the main prize. The winner says a toast.

For a flat, not beaten road! For rare breakdowns along the way! So that the DPS were not too strict And I was able to find my fellow traveler!

So that there are fewer traffic jams, stops! For the fact that you do not exceed the speed! So that you are focused behind the wheel, dexterous You never broke the rules! ..

The sound of a police siren is heard in the hall and a traffic police inspector appears with the words: - We are violating, citizens, we are violating. Submit your documents! (The inspector approaches each of the guests and asks to show a driver's license. Those who do not have one are taken to the center of the hall to participate in a quiz).

Road signs quiz A traffic police inspector checks the guests' knowledge of road signs. At the same time, the signs should be quite unusual, but such that you can guess. For example: “Caution, there is a blonde around the corner”, “traffic police in the bushes” or “Entry prohibited after 3 glasses”. You can imagine and draw anything you want. It depends on the sense of humor and imagination of the organizer. Versions of the answers will be the most diverse, and this is entertainment.

Host: If we learned the traffic signs, now we can relax and have fun. The dance program begins. Leading:

Motorist's Day is coming And on this holiday, let your car rest under the porch until tomorrow, After all, you need to drink a hundred grams today!

And now friends, before drinking a hundred grams, we will hold a small contest.

The competition requires men and women, at least three couples. Two chairs are placed side by side in the center of the hall - these are improvised front seats of a car. The competition is to sit in a car to the appropriate music and ride your girlfriend on it with a breeze.

As a rule, participants turn on all their acting skills - open a virtual door, drive, jump through the holes in the road, start or forget to start the car.

Young ladies at this time also try to portray their behavior as funny as possible during a car trip: they smoke, talk on the phone, paint their lips, push the driver in the side, and the like. Whoever comes out funniest wins. Everyone should have different music, but on a car theme - “And I'll get into a convertible” by Uspenskaya, “Black Boomer” by Seryoga, “Your Cherry Nine” Combinations.

After the winner is determined, everyone returns to the feast. The winners of the competition are presented with souvenirs and given the floor for a toast.

Host: Friends! We danced, played, drank, ate, and now we sing. To do this, we will conditionally divide into two teams "White" and Black, like stripes on the baton of a traffic police inspector. And in turn, each team should sing a few lines from a song about drivers, about the road, about cars. The team that remembers the most songs wins. Its participants are given small gifts, and the representative of the team makes a toast. Host: According to the wishes of the “led”, the Parliament established the holiday. And on this day, drivers, - Do you want - do not you want - But we will take three hundred grams For a motorist! So that all the devils in spite of You are always lucky, driver! So that the dream always comes true, And so that the car does not break down! And so that your driver-brother is healthy and rich. Let there be no traffic police problems on winter or spring flights, - the traffic cop will be fat, kind, the Driver - sober, smart, peppy! The word for a toast is given to the traffic police inspector. Host: After such kind and warm words, the inspector invites you to hold a competition called "Catch the inspector by the tail"

Four people and a traffic police inspector are called to participate. Everyone becomes one after another and is taken from behind by the waist of the previous participant. The last is the inspector, to whom they tie a striped tail, the color of which is his working tool.

Fast music is turned on and entertainment begins: the front participant must chase the inspector, trying to grab him by the tail, and he tries to dodge. At the same time, between them in a bundle, holding tightly and not letting go of each other for a moment, three more participants move. It's not as easy as it seems, but very fun and funny. If the tail cannot be caught, the inspector will be the winner.

Host: And now everyone is dancing! The dance program continues. Motorist's Day happens only once a year, so it should be fun. If desired, games and competitions can be added. The holiday will turn out funny and interesting and will be remembered for the whole year.

A professional holiday - the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers has been celebrated in Russia since 1996 on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1435 of October 14, 1996 "On the Establishment of the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers" on the last Sunday of October.

Contests for Motorist Day are cool short, toasts, corporate party script: congratulations in verse

The professional holiday of Russian drivers has a rather long history - this year it turns 42 years old. Conceived as a holiday exclusively for professional drivers, over time it has become one of the national holidays celebrated by all motorists, including amateurs.

Anyone who knows a lot about cars
Behind the wheel who is just an ace
Who is accustomed to long roads,
Happy holiday to you!

Don't let your car let you down.
Neither a nail nor a wand for you!
Sun - in any weather
And in spite of any winds!

Happiness to families, strength, good luck,
Friendship, joys, victories.
Close let dreams loom
Let the green light burn.

Who has been driving for more than a year,
Who knows every turn
Congratulations today
And we wish you well from the bottom of our hearts.

May the path be easy.
We wish you much health.
Good luck will always be.
Well, no wand, no nail!

I wish you only green light
Excellent road in winter and summer,
Breakdowns do not know, accidents do not know
Never meet the traffic police on the route,
Fair wind, comfort on the way.
Always in the mood to turn the steering wheel!

May the road be easy and joyful,
Let them wait for the return to the house at the threshold,
Let the green shine everywhere and always
Any trouble is bypassed on the route!

Let your iron horse not know fatigue,
Let the Angel take away the slightest dirty trick,
Let the traffic police baton wave only forward
And the oncoming one will blink a light on your way!

Let everyone who has a car and a license
They will not turn off the path for anything, never.
Always achieve all goals, routes,
To be friendly every morning!

Early in the morning, early in the morning
You sit down at the "steering wheel",
You press the pedal
And in the car you rush into the distance!

Difficult track winner,
Great driver
Accept congratulations,
Have a fun holiday!

And let on the Day of the motorist
The track will be smooth and clean.
Let good luck be the abyss.
Not a nail to you, not a wand!

The roads are smooth - without convolutions,
The weather is clear - no rain.
So that the DPS does not slow down.
And true, devoted friends!

To look forward to at home
So that there are no traffic jams around,
To with a great mood
You were driving, my friend!

Nowadays, Man and car are two components, inextricably linked together. And it doesn't matter where they are in a small town or a huge metropolis. It is not surprising that every car owner or person whose work is connected with a car celebrates Motorist Day every year, despite the fact that this is an exclusively professional holiday. And the main difference between the current holiday and the holidays of the last century is that it is now celebrated by the main part of the beautiful half of society. It is impossible now to imagine our roads without female drivers.

At first glance, it may seem that the motorist's holiday has been around for centuries. In fact, its history is only about 30 years old.

In Soviet times, this holiday was celebrated by all road transport workers. And this means that not only drivers, but also all employees who worked in the road sector were related to him.
On October 1, 1980, the Legislative Body of the USSR issued a decree in which it was noted that the last Sunday of October is a professional holiday for all drivers. It got the name - Day of the motorist.
With the collapse of the USSR, many republics moved some holidays, and some completely abandoned Soviet holidays. Motorist Day is officially celebrated in only a few former republics of the USSR, including: the Russian Federation and Belarus.

In the Republic of Belarus, Motorist Day is celebrated in autumn, on the last Sunday of October. In 2014 it is October 26th. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 438 of October 20, 1995 "On the establishment of a holiday - Motorist's Day", Motorist's Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. This day has become a national recognition of the merits of transport workers in the development of the Belarusian economy.
In addition to solemn meetings, a feast dedicated to the holiday, although motorists and teetotalers, it is advisable to prepare an interesting entertainment program for guests on this professional holiday.

For this you need: a festively decorated hall, a host and a fun scenario for the day of the motorist.
The room can be decorated in the style of Formula 1, a mandatory attribute of which are checkered flags. You can print funny pictures from the Internet related to motorists, cars and traffic police. If possible, bring a few car tires that you place around the hall. With the help of them and flowers, you can arrange flower beds.
Since the script provides for all sorts of contests and quizzes, it is necessary to buy inexpensive memorable themed trinkets: car fragrances, hanging toys on the rearview mirror, napkins for the interior, car shampoo, car-themed key chains, and other little things.

You can start the evening with introductory words and congratulations in verse on your professional holiday.


Hello friends, we are glad to see you all!
But what have you all forgotten here today?
Aren't you going to have a hard drink?
For the fact that for a whole year everyone did not drink while driving!

Well, dear ladies and men!
Then I'll say a toast: we drink for friends -
For our faithful, that is, for cars,
Let's raise our glasses, ladies and gentlemen!

Glasses and glasses are filled, everyone drinks.
Then the presenter gives the floor to the head of the automobile enterprise. The results of the year are summed up briefly, the best employees can be noted and words of congratulations with best wishes are sounded.

Happy holiday, driving lovers,
professionals, craftsmen,
Front seat residents
Unfamiliar with the word "fear"!

Accept urgent wishes
From friends: Bon voyage!
And yet, to disappoint
Your heart could not enter!

The floor is given to the chairman of the trade union committee or one of the deputies

We wish motorists
Kindness, love and all the blessings!
Let the path be free, clean,
Less traffic jams!

Don't let the traffic lights fail
On the way, let them slow down less often.
Well, in road, complex disputes
Let friends always support!

And now a little warm-up for the beautiful half of our company, those who drive a car or just accompany it. Let's see if they know the brands of cars they drive.
Competition for women "Brands of cars", in which only women participate, and men watch and have fun. The point is to guess the brands of cars by the icons. The smartest lady will get the main prize.
The winner says a toast.


For a flat, not beaten road!
For rare breakdowns along the way!
So that the DPS are not too strict
And I was able to find my companion!

So that there are fewer traffic jams, stops!
For the fact that you do not exceed the speed!
So that driving is concentrated, dexterous
You never broke the rules!

The sound of a police siren is heard in the hall and the traffic police inspector appears with the words:
- Violating, citizens, violating. Submit your documents! (The inspector approaches each of the guests and asks to show a driver's license. Those who do not have one are taken to the center of the hall to participate in a quiz).

Quiz Road signs
The traffic police inspector conducts a check on the knowledge of road signs by guests.
At the same time, the signs should be quite unusual, but such that you can guess. For example: “Caution, there is a blonde around the corner”, “traffic police in the bushes” or “Entry prohibited after 3 glasses”.
You can imagine and draw anything you want. It depends on the sense of humor and imagination of the organizer. Versions of the answers will be the most diverse, and this is entertainment.

If we have learned traffic signs, now we can relax and have fun.
The dance program begins.

Motorist's day is coming
And on this holiday, let your car
Until tomorrow, resting under the porch,
After all, you need to drink a hundred grams now!

And now friends, before drinking a hundred grams, we will hold a small contest.

The competition requires men and women, at least three couples. Two chairs are placed side by side in the center of the hall - these are improvised front seats of a car. The competition is to sit in a car to the appropriate music and ride your girlfriend on it with a breeze.

As a rule, participants turn on all their acting skills - open a virtual door, drive, jump through the holes in the road, start or forget to start the car.

Young ladies at this time also try to portray their behavior as funny as possible during a car trip: they smoke, talk on the phone, paint their lips, push the driver in the side, and the like. Whoever comes out funniest wins. Everyone should have different music, but on a car theme - “And I'll get into a convertible” by Uspenskaya, “Black Boomer” by Seryoga, “Your Cherry Nine” Combinations.

After the winner is determined, everyone returns to the feast. The winners of the competition are presented with souvenirs and given the floor for a toast.

Friends! We danced, played, drank, ate, and now we sing. To do this, we will conditionally divide into two teams "White" and Black, like stripes on the baton of a traffic police inspector. And in turn, each team should sing a few lines from a song about drivers, about the road, about cars. The team that remembers the most songs wins. Its participants are given small gifts, and the representative of the team makes a toast.
According to the wishes of "led"
Parliament established the holiday.
And on this day, drivers, -
Do you want - do not you want -
But let's take three hundred grams
For the driver!
To spite any hell
You are always lucky, driver!
So that the dream always comes true
And the car doesn't break down!
And so that your driver-brother
He was healthy and rich.
Let on winter or spring flights
There will be no traffic police problems, -
The traffic cop will be fat, kind,
The driver is sober, smart, peppy!
The word for a toast is given to the traffic police inspector.
After such kind and warm words, the inspector invites you to hold a competition called "Catch the inspector by the tail"

Four people and a traffic police inspector are called to participate. Everyone becomes one after another and is taken from behind by the waist of the previous participant. The last is the inspector, to whom they tie a striped tail, the color of which is his working tool.

Fast music is turned on and entertainment begins: the front participant must chase the inspector, trying to grab him by the tail, and he tries to dodge. At the same time, between them in a bundle, holding tightly and not letting go of each other for a moment, three more participants move. It's not as easy as it seems, but very fun and funny. If the tail cannot be caught, the inspector will be the winner.

Now everyone is dancing! The dance program continues.
Motorist's Day happens only once a year, so it should be fun. If desired, games and competitions can be added. The holiday will turn out funny and interesting and will be remembered for the whole year.