
Ecovillage Ark. Ecosettlement Ark - Russia. Nearest settlements

And here is another ecovillage - the Ark. One of the most successful and populated. This is associated with the energetic and thoughtful actions of the organizers of the settlement. Curiously, this is the only settlement I know that does NOT invite new settlers. Here is some information from the main page of the site.

"The ark" - an operating ecovillage, in which about 100 people currently live, including 40 children, and about the same number are preparing to move, equipping their plots.

The ecovillage occupies 121 hectares of land, of which 78 are allocated for individual plots, one hectare each, 7 hectares - The total area in the center of the settlement, including a small pond, 21 hectares of agricultural land for general use and 15 - roads and driveways.

Where is it?
We are located 140 km. southwest of Moscow and 30 kilometers from the cities of Maloyaroslevets and Obninsk. However, the settlement is separated from the "civilization" by 12 kilometers of broken concrete plus 2.5 kilometers of a field road, which is almost insurmountable into a muddy road. A clean spring river flows along the edge of the settlement, the banks of which are replete with springs with excellent drinking water, on three sides it is surrounded by forest. One and a half kilometers away there is a huge neglected church, the second largest in the Kaluga region, a silent witness of the former crowdedness of these wonderful places.

Who are we?
People of all ages, from students to retirees, and a wide variety of professions and specialties: workers and economists, officers and teachers, musicians and scientists, entrepreneurs and programmers. Most have families and children, all had normal living conditions in the city, but decided to leave their homes and move to an "open field", starting life practically from scratch.

It is not easy to explain it in a nutshell. Probably, in modern urban civilization we have ceased to see the perspective for our own life and for the future of our children. Convenient and comfortable city life, the further, the more it deprives a person of simple and natural values \u200b\u200b- fresh air, clean drinking water, wildlife around, elementary silence, confidence in the future.

Our children are especially affected, squeezed by the walls of apartments and cramped courtyards, intimidated by the ubiquitous cars, banditry and other attributes of a modern city. And, not finding a place for themselves in this life, they more often go into the surreal world of computer games, television and drugs.

Take responsibility for your life, return the tradition of strong families and good neighborly relations, gain confidence in the future, drastically reduce the negative impact on nature, create a favorable environment for your children, restore the lost culture, covering all aspects of human life and society, regain a sense of joy and creativity is our task.

In fact, an ecovillage is an experiment, a lively and creative search for a new way of life, combining a conservative way of a simple and healthy rural life and modern knowledge and technologies used wisely and carefully. You can see how we are moving along this path, about successes and problems by studying the materials of our site.

The initiative group of the settlement started work in 2001 (8 years ago), the common house and the first houses were built in 2002 and the "oldest" settlers have been living on the earth for 7 years. In the settlement on 120 hectares, 79 plots per hectare are allocated. Now about 40 families (more than 110 people with children) have moved to permanent residence, more than 90 houses and buildings have been brought under the roof. Almost all houses (except for ordered log cabins) were built by their settlers. Experience has been gained in felling log cabins, building log houses, panel houses, frame houses, as well as frame houses made of light adobe. An ecovillage school has been operating since 2007. There is a large common house, workshops, a sawmill, there are more than a dozen baths, including a common one on a cold spring river. More than 16 estates keep bees. 11 wells and about 15 ponds were dug. The ecovillage is engaged in the improvement of the biodiversity of the surrounding forests (oaks, lindens, cedars, etc. are planted), as well as the cleaning of the areas of barbarously conducted felling in the vicinity. Experience has been gained in stopping felling. The ecovillage conducts three-day seminars for those interested in the topics: construction, beekeeping and the experience of living in an ecovillage. Several films were shot in the ecovillage ("How to build a warm house from clay and straw", "Construction of houses from a bar ...", "The third meeting of representatives of existing settlements" and others), and at our speech the film "Seminar of the ecovillage Ark in St. Petersburg ". More than 2 years ago, a choir was created in the ecovillage, in which only permanent settlers sing and which gives concerts that are memorable to people. Three circles of active settlements were carried out in the settlement: * The first circle in 2005 (12 settlements, ~ 6 active) * The third circle in 2008 (17 settlements, 15 active) (a film is available!) * The fourth circle in 2009 (25 settlements , 24 acting) (while 80 minutes are uploaded, there will be a great movie!) Attention! Since September 2008, the arrival of guests to the ecovillage is limited! Please come only for guest days (held once a quarter), or at the invitation of a specific settler who can give you enough attention and answer all your questions.

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Settlement wall

Free information

Status Developed settlement Positioning Ecovillage, consisting of ancestral domains Updated May 13, 2013 On the site since April 21, 2009

Terms of entry

Join our team!

Strict. Details on the website.


Russia, Kaluga region,

Possibility to come

No, it's forbidden!

How to get to the settlement?

Attention! Access of guests to the settlement is limited! Please come only if you have an invitation from a specific settler who will answer all your questions. You can come freely only on a guest day (follow the announcements on the settlement website -

Please, if it is possible not to indicate accurate coordinates of the settlement! Thank you in advance for your tactful behavior!

About the team



Roads to the settlement

Roads inside the settlement

Nearest settlements


Cellular communication Yes Water Has public springs Gas pipeline Electricity Yes, most


In "Kovcheg" there is a shop for an hour a day (where everything is purchased at the wholesale base), significantly reducing the need to wander into the city.

Common Home

There is a common house

Educational institutions


Has its own school (established in 2007)

Distance to school


Areas with what forest cover are present

  • With individual woody plants up to 5-7 years old

Yes, significant

Types of forests

  • Coniferous forest
  • Mixed forest

Terrain relief

  • Small hills

Water bodies (less than an hour's walk)

  • Shallow pond not suitable for swimming
  • Small stream suitable for bathing people

Kaluga region
Ecosettlement ARK (NP)

Kaluga region (border with Moscow region), Maloyaroslavets district, 130 km south of Moscow (just over 2 hours from MKAD along Kiev / Kaluzhskoe / Varshavskoe highway), 25 km from Maloyaroslavets. From the highway about 10 km of concrete, pretty beaten. There is a common house. Two rivers - small 0.5 km. and large 4 km. You can swim in both rivers and both ponds (large common and small personal). On both sides there is a forest, springs. Strawberries, nuts, mushrooms are abundant.

In Maloyaroslavets, the Non-Commercial Partnership "ARK" was registered with the main statutory goal of organizing an ecovillage.

Ark website

The latest hot news from "Ark" - the creation of a settlement!
Look here:

Seminars held in the settlement "Kovcheg" (Kaluga region).

The science of imagery and emphasized awareness of spiritual processes.

The discovery of A.V. Boyarshinov.

Moderator: Alexey Gornaev (Ecological settlement NP "Kovcheg")

Science of imagery and tradition of Russian and world culture. The discovery of the phenomenon of accentuated awareness by A.V. Boyarshinov. Since its inception, art and religion have consciously and unconsciously used the process of creating and broadcasting images. An image is a brightly colored, emotionally powerfully concentrated thought. This art reached its greatest flowering in the European cultural tradition in the activities of the outstanding reformer and theatrical figure K.S. Stanislavsky. The art of Stanislavsky's theater shocked the whole world (even when people attended performances without knowing the language). The successor of the tradition of creating truthful and creative images in art was Alexey Vasilyevich Boyarshinov, who brought the mechanism of creating images to a new conscious level and scientifically substantiated their influence on the psyche, health and all activities of the human community.

Practical experience in implementing the discovery in an ecovillage.

A story about the work of Boyarshinov and the practical application of his work in an ecovillage (Alexey Gornaev - a student of A.V. Boyarshinov, 25 years of experience in this area). Many of the tasks that the ecovillage sets itself are very effectively and harmoniously solved through the practical study of this science.

In our settlement, four practical courses were held, six lessons each. Classes serve to develop a sustainable creative outlook of a person personally and create a friendly climate of relationships.

Beekeeping. The experience of conventional and alternative beekeeping in modern Russia.

Hosts: Alexey Gornaev and Fedor Lazutin.

The workshop is divided into three parts:

1. A brief excursion into history. Borting, keeping bees in logs, traditions, customs, laws related to this. The invention and implementation of the frame structure, the fundamental differences between the deck (board) and the frame hive (Lazutin Fedor, Alexey Gornaev).

2. Generally accepted modern beekeeping.
Dadanovsky hive, lounger, multi-hive hive as the most common hive structures in Russia and the peculiarities of beekeeping associated with these structures.
A story about his personal experience of keeping bees in the Dadanov hive for many years, an overview of the experience of several familiar beekeepers.
Pros and cons of these systems (Alexey Gornaev).

3. Alternative, still poorly used bee keeping systems.
- The experience of the residents of the eco-settlement "ARK" and our friends in keeping bees in logs. How we make decks - designs and manufacturing methods;
- Experience in keeping bees in non-traditional frame hives. A story about similar hives and related frame designs;
- Personal experience of keeping bees in a sunbed - a deck on a high frame;
- Criticism of modern beekeeping and the generally accepted design of the frame as the main element of the hive (Lazutin Fedor).

Since the seminar is held in a classroom, showing real hives with their inhabitants is not feasible. Therefore, photographs, episodes of video filming, as well as real frames with foundation and rebuilt honeycombs will be used as demonstration material.

Experience of natural childbirth and the first years of life of children in the space of the Family Estate.

Hosts: Katkova Elena, Chumachenko Anna

The history of the development of home childbirth in our country (since the 80s).

Creation of clubs, schools for preparing for childbirth, a positive experience of giving birth to a very large number of children in apartments with the help of a future father, sometimes an invited midwife (Elena Katkova).

A story about a personal experience of home birth (Katkova Elena, four children born at home).

The great importance of this experience for the transition to a new level - bearing and giving birth to children in the family estate.

The role of the family estate in the formation of the unborn child and the preparation of the mother for childbirth. New opportunities for the birth and development of perfect, healthy, developed children.

Our experience. In the ecovillage "ARK" over the past three years, six children were born, in addition, five more children were born at home (in apartments) to parents who have estates with us, but still do not live in them.

All parents are very happy about the fact that their children were not born in the hospital.

A story about this, as well as about my personal experience of giving birth to children at home and in the Family Estate (Chumachenko Anna)

Write [email protected]

The ecovillage is located in the Kaluga region, 14 kilometers from the highway. About 40 families (more than 110 people with children) live permanently in the settlement on 120 hectares, more than 90 houses and buildings were brought under the roof by the forces of the settlers themselves.

A school has been operating in the eco-village since 2007. There is a large common house, workshops, a sawmill, there are more than a dozen baths, including a common one on a cold spring river. More than 16 estates keep bees.

The ecovillage is engaged in the improvement of the biodiversity of the surrounding forests (oaks, lindens, cedars, etc. are planted), as well as the cleaning of the areas of barbarously conducted felling in the vicinity. Experience has been gained in stopping felling.

The ecovillage conducts three-day seminars for those interested in the topics: construction, beekeeping and the experience of living in an ecovillage.

You can come to the ecovillage for guest days (held once a quarter), or at the invitation of a specific settler, who can give you enough attention and answer all your questions.

How to get there

Getting to the ecovillage is not easy. By car, about 120 km along Kaluga, Varshavskoe or Kievskoe highway to Maloyaroslavets. From Maloyaroslavets in the direction of Medyn to the village of Ilyinskoe. In Ilyinsky, turn right towards the village of Mosolovo and drive along the concrete road for about 10 km. Attention! The concrete is in poor condition.

When the concrete road ends, continue along the road covered with rubble along the birch alley. At the end of the alley, a view of the restored church will open, and the road will turn right. We must follow it to the settlement. In spring and autumn, on muddy roads, the road from Ilyinsky becomes very bad, and after the end of the concrete road it is practically impassable. You can leave the car at the end of the concrete road and walk to the settlement - 2-3 km.