
What types of rosary are there and what do they mean? What are Orthodox rosary beads for and how to use them?

To distinguish Orthodox rosaries from non-Orthodox ones, pay attention to the number of links. For Orthodox rosaries it is a multiple of ten: 20, 30, 50, 100, 150. The material is either leather (leatherette) or wool (knots instead of stones). Wooden or stone rosaries are also found in Orthodoxy, but they came to us from other cultures.

Before buying a rosary for prayer, it is customary to take the blessings of the priest.

Types of Orthodox rosary


Brojanica is the Serbian version of the Orthodox rosary. This is a simplified and compact version of the rope, and therefore resembles home sewing. Broyanitsa should be worn on the hand like a bracelet. Brojanica is made from wool, synthetic fabric or leather. This rosary consists of 33 knots, which symbolize the number of years of Jesus Christ's stay on earth. The main detail of the rosary is that at the junction of the ends of the cord, a small equilateral cross made of wood or metal, often precious, is attached, on which a small icon can be engraved or painted.

According to folk legend, you can only receive a broyanitsa as a gift.


Vervitsa - a rosary made of rope with tied knots. This is the main version of Orthodox rosary. They are sold in church shops and parish stores. They are woven in a special way from a single piece of wool tape. Sometimes in the form of a cross.

Unlike the broyanica, the vervitsa has 100 knots, which are separated from each other every 10 or sometimes 25 beads by a knot of a different size. There are ropes with a larger number of knots (up to a thousand) and smaller ones (33 and 10), which can be worn in the form of a bracelet or ring.


Lestovka - Old Believer rosary. They look like a ribbon connected into a ring with special bobbin loops into which rolled paper rolls are inserted. Short prayers (for example, “Lord, have mercy”) are written on paper rolls to facilitate the prayer work of believers.

The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov is often depicted on icons with a rosary. In addition to Seraphim, staircases were used by Sergius of Radonezh, Mother Alexandra, the original Diveevskaya, Ilia Muromets, Erasmus of Kiev-Pechersk, Mark the Silent of Sarov, and righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya. In the photographs of Seraphim Zvezdinsky and Seraphim Vyritsky we also see a ladder - a symbol of spiritual ascent from earth to heaven

Original Russian rosary

In Rus', Orthodox Christians mainly used rosary beads. The lestovka is a woven leather ribbon sewn in the form of a loop. The ancient staircase has 100 simple steps and 9 “great” ones. They are located in 3 steps at the beginning, middle and end of the stairs. These steps represent the nine ranks of angels. The beginning and end of the ladder are marked by intervals without steps, symbolizing heaven and earth. “Great” steps divide the staircase into 4 unequal sections.

The first section has 12 steps. These steps symbolize the 12 apostles.

The second section has 38 steps. They represent the 38 weeks that the Blessed Virgin Mary carried in the womb of the Child Jesus Christ.

Up to the third great step there are 33 steps (the years of the Savior’s earthly life).

In the last fourth step there are 17 steps, symbolizing 17 Old Testament prophecies about Christ.

The tradition of using rosaries in Orthodoxy was founded by Pachomius the Great, an Egyptian monk who lived in the 3rd century. There is also information that Basil the Great and Anthony the Great used rosaries

Previously, every pious Christian had to go through the ladder 7 times (i.e., read 700 Jesus prayers). For this counting, movements were made under the paws - seven rectangles strung on a ribbon, according to the number of 7 church sacraments. This practical significance of movements is absent in modern ladders; they are done either symbolically, or the blades are simply sewn tightly to each other.

In addition to the usual staircase, there are “Virgin Staircases” with 150 steps. They are of later origin and were made to fulfill the “Mother of God Rule”.

How to pray the rosary

The rosary is a mandatory item for monastics. Lay people can pray without rosaries. There are no strict rules on how to pray the rosary.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

“Praying the rosary is very simple. Each bead is one prayer. You hold a bead between two fingers and read a prayer with your mind and heart. Let’s say the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Or prayers to the Mother of God: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” to the Guardian Angel; to your saint - there are many options. If there are ten small ones strung on a thread between large beads, then ten prayers must be read. And for the large bead there is a special prayer. For example, Our Father, the Creed or the Fiftieth Psalm..."

Rosary beads are often used to pray according to the Rule of the Theotokos. In this case, you need to pinch one bead with your finger and read: “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice!” And so ten times. After this, download a special prayer on a large bead. We pray the same way on other occasions. For example, the Jesus Prayer.

The Monk Paisiy Svyatogorets told an interesting story about the origin of the tradition of praying the rosary. At a time when there were no clocks, one ancient monk prayed diligently using the rosary. But the evil one constantly interfered with his prayer. Every now and then, the demon untied the knots on the ascetic’s rosary, and he could not count how many prayers and bows he needed to make. Therefore, the monk bowed until exhaustion, until he fell from fatigue. Then the Angel of the Lord took pity on the monk and showed him that it was necessary to tie the rosary so that there were nine crosses on each knot. The demon was afraid of the cross and could no longer interfere with the monk in prayer. And the nine crosses in the rosary symbolize the nine ranks of angels

It is customary to take blessings before purchasing a rosary. At the same time, the priest can give instructions on exactly how many links to acquire the rosary and what prayers to read.

During prayer, the rosary is held with the left hand, turning the links with the thumb after each prayer.

It is not advisable to use the rosary for other purposes. Some people wear a rosary around their neck, hang it in their car, or even twirl it on their finger. Of course, you shouldn’t do this with Orthodox rosaries.

If you have a desire to buy a rosary, then it would be useful to learn more about the meaning behind these beads so that your personal talisman is selected accordingly.

A thread with knots closed in a circle, used for stringing beads, was called a rosary (rosary), and a wide variety of materials could be used for their manufacture: stone, wood, bone. There is information that ritual rosaries were first made in India, and the mention of this dates back to the 2nd millennium BC.

The meaning of the rosary: ​​what are they for?

Prayer. The number of knots or beads serves as a guide for the correct number of ritual actions or recitation of prayers (mantras). If you use a closed rosary, then your religious affiliation does not matter at all, because each of the existing religions - Christian, Buddhism, Islam, etc., use the rosary (rosary ring) as a symbol of the unity of spirit and body, exaltation and spiritual enlightenment. Even externally, these products are practically indistinguishable from each other, although Christian rosaries are rosaries with a cross, which is absent on analogues in other religions.

Concentration. Those many who do not know why rosaries are needed are surprised when they hear that fingering them makes it possible to better concentrate, maintain attention, and suppress a sleepy state. Therefore, if you are faced with a monotonous work or educational process, rhythmically fingering the rosary beads with your fingers is what you need to increase your productivity and attention.

Amulet- another option on how to use rosaries, because one of the most popular associations with them is cyclicality and infinity. Many believe that rosaries provide powerful protection from negative influences, allowing goodness and joy to “penetrate” the life of its owner.

Health. Various healing practices have shown that using different materials for rosaries can give them the power to cure certain ailments. For example, it is recommended to buy wooden rosaries to improve fine motor skills of the fingers, which prevents or helps in the treatment of joint diseases. Rosary beads made from natural stones are no less beneficial, since each gem has a certain set of qualities that positively influence the human body.

How to wear a rosary - application?

If you want to wear a bracelet, the rosary should be wrapped around the wrist in two turns, although it is often possible to wear them instead of beads, on the neck. It is not considered bad manners to carry them simply in your pocket or as a decorative element in your car or any part of the house. Do not forget about their unwanted contact with other people, so that the amulet does not lose its power. The rosary is suitable for both men and women

During the Renaissance, massive expensive rosaries became an indispensable attribute of a noble lady. Therefore, artists even depicted the Virgin Mary and royalty with rosary beads in their hands. Thus, the Belgian Antoinette had a rosary made of black and pink pearls, each the size of a thumbnail.

Benvenuto Cellini's "Penitent Magdalene" endowed him with large rosaries hanging from the left wrist of the historical character, and Rembrandt, who painted about a hundred of his early autoportraits, is depicted in many of them with rosaries. Maria de Medici seemed to be sleeping without letting go of her rosary; Diamond rosaries were the pride of Henry VIII, Louis XI fingered yachon rosaries even at dinner, and the British George II only hid turquoise rosaries in his pocket when hunting. Those close courtiers and some honored veteran warriors to whom the Lord of the Universe Iron Lame Timur the Conqueror presented golden rosaries with a special poiza (pass token) could come to him at any time and sit in his presence. It is known from the chronicles that the legendary Saladdin, as a sign of friendship, gave Richard the Lionheart not only an amazing “living” saber blade, but also a unique rosary made of twelve rare precious stones, alternating with large diamonds - a truly priceless gift...

Perhaps, any person, regardless of what religion he professes, whether he believes in general or not, has happened to pick up a rosary at least once in his life. Because this object not only magically attracts, but also evokes an indispensable burning desire to touch, feel the smoothness or unevenness of the beads, sort through them and at least think about the innermost...

Worry Beads

Rosary beads have many different names. So, in the Muslim East they are called mesbaha and they say that they are “beads of anxiety and peace.” Nevertheless, rosary beads have long become a mandatory attribute of traditional male attire in which a person goes to prayer.
However, the Qur'an does not say anything about "worry beads." This is due to the fact that the custom of praying with a string of beads in hands came from Northern India and Persia. After the conquest of the East by Alexander the Great, the tradition spread very quickly.
Muslim prayer beads usually consist of 33 beads. They are divided into three parts by larger intermediate balls and always end with a bead with a tassel. Sometimes there are 99 beads in the mesbah, this number corresponds to the number of features of God or, in another version, denotes the number of His names.
During prayer, the believer touches his rosary, and; Each bead corresponds to a phrase from the Koran or the number of repetitions of sentences.

The first expensive mesbahs were made from rare, precious black coral, which was mined from the Red Sea and skillfully polished. The beads were inlaid with silver and ink. Then other expensive stones and valuable wood species were used. But especially prized were rosaries made from fragrant sandalwood and amber, so rare in the East.

Seeds of insight

Buddhist rosary different from mesbah. They are called differently - mala or, in the Tibetan version, prenba. The number of grains (this is what Buddhists prefer to call beads) is usually 108. This sacred number - 108 beads of classical rosaries symbolizes 108 kinds of desires that darken the human spirit: desires associated with the six senses: sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing and mind (6); in relation to objects of the past, present and future (3); to internal objects and external objects (2); three ways of manifestation: in thoughts, in words and in actions (3). Hence the canonical numbers of Buddhism: 6x3 = 18; 18×2 = 36; 36x3 = 108.

There are other decodings of the number 108, however, this is the most common. The rosary is divided by an additional larger bead (109th), which is crowned with a cone-shaped or cylindrical bead. The large bead symbolizes Wisdom-prajna, and the cone symbolizes Method-upaya. Most often, the 36th and 72nd beads are also made slightly larger or of a different shape.
Also, 108 is obtained by multiplying the number of planets (9) by the number of zodiac signs (12) or the number of quarters of the moon (4) by the number of lunar constellations (27) that the moon passes through in a month. In addition, in yoga it is believed that in a day or night (i.e. in 12 hours) a person takes 10,800 inhalations and exhalations.

Buddhist rosaries with 108 grains most often have separators that are located on the thread after 18, 21, 27 and 54 grains. As a separator, it is usually customary to use a larger grain than the rest.
In addition, Buddhist rosaries often have 54 and 27 grains, which are a shortened version (one-half and one-fourth of one hundred and eight). There are also rosaries that have 18 grains, in honor of the eighteen disciples of the Buddha, twenty-one grains, as a symbol of the twenty-one forms of the goddess Tara, rosary beads with 32 grains, which are used to count the thirty-two virtues of the Buddha.
Classic grains of Buddhist rosary beads are always made from animal or even human bone and have the shape of small skulls. The small is separated by a large cylindrical bead, which is called a meru, from which comes a bunch of multi-colored threads. Each thread represents a vow of a particular Buddhist school. Thus, black corresponds to accepted worldly vows, red to initial monastic vows, and yellow to full monastic vows.

Dirty hands away!

A mala can be considered “real” only after it is consecrated by the teacher, the lama. In no case should they be passed on to strangers, and if the grains are slightly erased, then the rosary should be restored, and not only with the help of physical impact on them, but also with the use of a special cleansing ritual. In some cases, it is allowed to burn the mala - with the obligatory reading of all the mantras prescribed for such cases.
Buddhist pilgrims traditionally leave beads, on which they have already counted 108 thousand mantras, in holy places.

Buddhists take malas very seriously, calling them a powerful tool for controlling the mind and even “a whip that guides the mind to insight.” They believe in the magical power of mala, its ability to heal and give joy. Buddhist beads must not be touched with dirty hands.

Can't count? Sort it out

Christians also wear rosaries with a cross attached to them. Even Catholics who do not have clergy are allowed to pray the rosary.
In Orthodoxy, wearing rosaries was the exclusive privilege of monks and nuns. According to legend, the founder of Christian monasticism, Pachomius the Great, in the 4th century introduced rosary beads for non-literate monks - by sorting the beads, they could count prayers and prostrations.

The most common rosary is 30 grains. According to Christianity, they mark “Trinity Sunday” (Trinity Day), which serves as a reminder to people of the eternal nature of God, that the Lord Almighty is one in three persons - the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
And the finger rosary made of 10 beads identifies the God-man Jesus Christ.

The beneficial effects of the rosary

Rosary beads are still popular today. This is not just a tribute to fashion. Scientists have found that sorting beads helps a person relieve stress, concentrate or, on the contrary, relax, and cope with insomnia. And recently, doctors interested in the properties of rosaries advised smokers who decided to give up the addiction to take a string of beads in their hands and beat them to cope with the temptation to light a cigarette.
The rhythmicity of fingering the rosary restores the normal rhythm of functioning of all internal organs and increases the overall tone of the body.
Eastern healers recommend massaging your hands and fingers with rosary beads to relieve inflammatory diseases of the joints and give yourself a rest after a long hard work.
To better remember information, it is enough to repeat it simultaneously with the rosary, which increases concentration and concentration.

Magical properties of rosaries

The magical aspect of using rosaries is that the rosary accumulates the energy of prayers, mantras, certain texts, symbols, mental states, acquires verbal, mental and other energy, over time becomes an object of power and, coming into resonance with the “owner’s” field, positively change its field structure.
In esotericism, beads, without losing their original meaning, are used to fix complex magical programs and corrections. Anything you do is a monad that can be broken. The rosary consists of many, but they form a whole. This is something that constantly cleans, constantly pumps up energy, constantly keeps the flow, it is a talisman that is in constant motion.

Money: Green stones – malachite, jasper, maybe green garnet – uvarovite, grossular; onyx, chalcedony.
Lovers: Rose quartz, strawberry quartz, rhodochrosite, pure rhodonite, pink tourmaline - rubellite (yang color energy is a priority); garnet, pink ruby.
Marriage and family: Mix pink stones with green ones; for example, rhodochrosite with malachite for well-being in love.
Career, society: Blue – lapis lazuli, turquoise, sapphire, sodalite. Society, achievement of power - maybe dark amethyst, dark purple fluorite.
Health: Fluorite – green (rejuvenation), yellow, multi-colored; agates, onyx, chalcedony. Yellow and green stones are very good; universal from carnelian (preferably orange), for blood cleansing - carnelian.
Cacholong is used for health - women, children, old people (age-related problems).

It is not recommended to carry a rosary made of minerals with you all the time. This has been proven by the centuries-old experience of previous generations. Any stone has a so-called natural memory. Even “your” stone, from constant wear for a long time, begins to behave as an amplifier of the emotional status of its owner. You don't have to believe it, you can laugh at it. Still, it is better to listen to the experience of those who developed and perfected the tradition of making, applying and using stone rosaries. The following is known from historical examples. Monks, as well as lay people, used stone rosaries only when making important decisions. They were taken to serious meetings, negotiations, battles with the “enemy”, etc., when they played the role of a kind of guardian amulet. But after a “serious meeting”, stone rosaries were always brought to the fire with lamps, i.e. burned with fire, then poured with holy water and removed behind the “image” until the next fateful moment in life.”

Almost every religious tradition has techniques for repeatedly repeating the names of the Lord or glorifying the Almighty with the help of various hymns and prayers. This practice has significant spiritual benefits, and Christianity also has techniques for repeated and prolonged prayer. To count the number of repetitions, Orthodox beads are used; how to use this device correctly.

Nowadays, various religious movements are actively spreading throughout the world; countries are not as closed as before. Many details are known about other religions and cultures.

Almost everywhere in spiritual practices there is a monotonous prayer:

  • mantras in Buddhism and Hinduism;
  • recitation of suras from the Koran in Islam;
  • dhikrs in Sufism;
  • rhythmic breathing and repetition of sounds in shamanism.

Many can even remember the peculiar “prayer books” of the times of communism, which were repeated at party meetings and glorified the leaders and theoreticians of communism.

Thus, it is easy to draw a general conclusion from here - these prayers have an effect and allow you to work with consciousness in a certain way and strengthen faith. You just need to imagine what these practices are for. After all, much depends on whom they glorify and to whom they direct the consciousness of the believer.

Simply put, a communist who appealed to Marx throughout his earthly journey is unlikely to be helped by Marx to ascend, while an Orthodox Christian who prayed to the Savior and the Mother of God has much more favorable prospects.

Although some may not realize this or simply not pay attention, in Orthodoxy unceasing prayer is generally prescribed for all believers. It is not only hesychasts or monks who need to pray unceasingly. Ideally, even a simple person, going about his worldly affairs, can mentally say short prayer phrases (for example, the Jesus Prayer or “Hail to the Virgin Mary”) and thus work not only with his body, but also with his soul, performing simple worldly affairs.

Using Tools

Continuous prayer, for one reason or another, is not accessible to everyone. All that remains is to set aside some period during the day to read a certain number of prayers, and for this you need a rosary in order to count. For example, Seraphim of Sarov advised his spiritual children to recite (in addition to the morning and evening rules) 150 times “To the Virgin Mary”; of course, it is inconvenient to count such a number in the mind; some additional tool is required.

It is more convenient to use a rosary to measure the number of prayers said during the day. For example, some people read a certain number of “circles” throughout the day, when they can find privacy.

Note! You should not place excessive emphasis on the rosary, in particular, on the beauty of this object and some aesthetic functions.

Of course, you need to choose an accessory according to your own taste, so that it is pleasing to the eye and puts you in a positive prayer mood. You should never “show off” your rosary, consider this item as some kind of nice toy or something similar to a fashionable element of your wardrobe. This attitude is completely unacceptable; it is necessary that this object does not distract from prayer, but, on the contrary, serves as a kind of spiritual staff that helps in the prayer path.

Useful video: Orthodox rosary, why are they needed?


Some ascetics do not see any special need to use any object at all, because, as they say, there is no need for rosaries other than those given by the Lord, that is, their own fingers. And, indeed, if you count each phalanx on one hand, and each phalanx on the other hand, then for the “circle” completed on the other hand, such “rosaries” give 144 prayers - a quite convenient option for use. Therefore, in the absence of an additional object, there is always the opportunity to use your hands.

Your own rosary (which is not your own hands) can also come in handy. They are a religious item and can bring inspiration and help strengthen faith.

All that remains is to choose the Orthodox rosary according to your own taste, and there are many options offered:

  • Brojanica - most common in Serbia and other Balkan countries, are part of the Orthodox tradition, resemble a rope with 33 large knots that fit tightly to each other, the result is a kind of bracelet, in addition to the knots, in one part there is an equilateral cross made of precious metals with the image of a small icon , which is a separate central bead, looks quite nice in the photo;
  • vervitsa - also made of fabric or rope, most often from thick wool, knots are tied, between which larger knots are tied at a certain interval (10, 25) or beads are inserted, in the upper part there can be a tassel with a central bead or cross, the number of knots not regulated, but, as a rule, it is 25, 33, 50, 100, some are especially long with 1000 knots, in principle, it is not difficult to make such rosaries with your own hands, you only need a small rope;
  • ladder (ladder) - most often considered Old Believers, but even now in use throughout the monastic community, they look like a piece of material, on one side of which there are tubercles tightly pressed to each other, which symbolize, as it were, a step of this ladder, under such tubercles are often rolls of fabric are inserted for hardness and strength, sometimes the Jesus or other prayer is written on these rolled up rolls, the number of “steps” is 33, the symbolism of the number does not require explanation.

Which Orthodox rosary to choose depends on personal preference, but is not essential. It is not the object itself that is valuable, but the regular and sincere prayer of the believer to whom it contributes. In addition to these options, it is quite possible to choose any other that is comfortable to hold in your hand and that better suits your practical and spiritual needs.

In the Orthodox tradition there is no such concept as correct and incorrect rosary beads. Initially, nothing is said or given in the scriptures about this subject. Rosaries appeared later as an auxiliary tool, and all their variations are inventions of monks or ordinary believers.

How to pray the rosary

Now you need to figure out how to use this “tool” in the process of prayer. In churches, as a rule, they do not carry rosaries with them, but pray as part of the service; they simply place a candle in front of the icons and say petitions or prayers in a quiet voice a small number of times.

For the most part, Orthodox rosaries are used for cell prayer as part of individual spiritual practice. It is in the process of solitude that the believer can better tune in, disconnect from the rest of the world and spend a significant amount of time on repetitions. Moreover, in private work one should not pay attention to others and one’s own appearance.

Note! Most often, the rosary is worn on the main hand, that is, on the one with which it is fingered.

It is not particularly customary for Orthodox Christians to wear this item in public. Therefore, even if they take the rosary with them (for example, as a bracelet, so that they can always pray), they wear it under their clothes, without exposing it to other people’s eyes. After all, prolonged prayer can cause, for example, tears or great joy of tenderness. In public, such behavior is not entirely convenient, but when you pray separately, you should not worry about it.

Informative! When they read from the desecration of women

From the main point about how to read prayers correctly, the following should be noted:

  • choose a private space so that no one disturbs or distracts;
  • choose the optimal prayer, figure out why the words used in it are needed, understand their meaning, feel and accept with all your soul;
  • choose a certain number of repetitions, but do not chase the quantity, strive for mental “work”, and not for automatic repetition;
  • Prepare yourself before practice, and in the process try to cultivate faith and pray sincerely.

If we are truly sincere, then over time how to pray the rosary will become clearer and more understandable. This practice brings spiritual results, but one must constantly try and avoid in every possible way the sin of scolding, that is, mindlessly repeating words.

Useful video: priest Maxim Kaskun on how to use the rosary


So, no matter what version of the rosary an Orthodox person chooses for himself, the basis always remains faith and prayer. This is what spiritual practice is based on, and the rosary simply helps, as a kind of support that allows you to progress further and further.

In this sense, the most striking image is the Old Believer ladder, symbolizing the steps along which the believer, as it were, climbs to the Lord. Each step, that is, a spoken prayer, detaches the reader from the worldly and temporary, bringing him closer to Heaven.

Greetings, dear readers!

Today our conversation will be devoted to how to properly use Buddhist rosaries.

What do Buddhist rosaries look like?

Buddhist rosaries (or malas) are beads strung on a cord, at the end of which there may be threads similar to a “tail”.

Beads are used to count mantras during long meditations so as not to lose count. Classic malas consist of 108 beads, but they also come in 54, 27, 21 or 18 beads.

The rosary accumulates energy and begins to resonate with the energy of the wearer.

Malas are made from different types of wood, precious stones and bone metal. In Buddhism, beads are used as amulets or talismans that bring good luck and have a beneficial effect on the life of the wearer.

They can help calm you down and relieve nervous tension: to do this, you need to hold your rosary in your hands, slowly fingering the beads. It is useful to use one rosary for a long time, because they accumulate energy and begin to resonate with the energy of the wearer, gradually positively influencing his biofield.

Types of rosaries

Rosary beads made from different materials and colors have certain properties, which we have already discussed in. Let's remember them:

  • for treatment it is better to use white products made of white sandalwood, crystal, ivory or pearls, because white color is considered healing and cleansing;
  • yellow color will help increase energy in the body and increase material wealth; gold items are suitable for such purposes;
  • red and black are suitable for tactical practices;
  • red sandalwood has a warming effect, accumulates energy and helps improve the functioning of the first chakra;
  • white sandalwood will help you calm down, become balanced and overcome temptations;
  • juniper is able to eliminate negative influences;
  • the oak guards and protects its owner;
  • lotus seeds will help you gain or increase material well-being;
  • Rudraksha seeds increase the energy potential of the one who wears them several times;
  • bodhi tree seeds are a symbol of enlightenment, so they can be used in any practice and during meditation;
  • pearl creations are more suitable for women, because... pearls are a feminine stone; they reveal the creative potential of a person, harmonize the work of all seven charms of the body;
  • white agate promotes spiritual growth and increased intelligence;
  • Vajrayana followers prefer rosary beads made from the frontal part of a human bone: in the center of the frontal bone is the “third eye”, so they will enhance psychic abilities.

It is best if the color of the beads and the color of the lace of your rosary are the same tone.

How to use

After you have chosen the right rosary from the right material, the question arises: how to work with them? Let's take a closer look at this topic and understand its intricacies.

In Buddhism, beads are mainly used when reciting mantras.

For example, the mantra of Buddha Shakyamuni will help you on the path of your spiritual practice, as it promotes early enlightenment. It reads like this: “Om Muni Muni Mahamuniye Soha”

If you want to improve your health, then the following mantra will help you establish contact with the Medicine Buddha: “Om Beganze Beganze Mahabeganze Ranza Samutgate Soha.”

When you recite mantras, take the malas with your index finger, and at the same time move the beads with your thumb. After each mantra you say, you need to move one bead.

  • If you use rosaries for medicinal purposes, then the hand with them should be held at the level of the heart chakra. It is advisable to look east. White beads are suitable for this.
  • If you want to improve the functioning of the first chakra and strengthen your energy, then take red malas with your ring finger, hold them at the level of the genitals and move the beads. In this case, it is better to turn to the west.
  • The yellow rosary should be held with the third finger at the level of the solar plexus chakra, the direction being south. Such practices can help in enhancing wealth, strength or intelligence.

You should also buy a special bag to keep your rosary in. There is even a belief that it is also better to sort them out in it, in order to protect them from the influence of other people’s energy.

When you are in the practice of mantras, it is not permissible to swear, use obscene language, raise your voice, sneeze, yawn and cough: in this case the energy is “damaged”.

It is also advisable not to eat meat, smoke or drink alcoholic beverages at this time.
Following these rules will help you accumulate the work of your energy field and achieve the desired results.


Dear readers, our topic is coming to an end, we hope that you were interested in reading about what types of Buddhist rosaries there are and how to work with them correctly. If you liked the article, please share the link on social networks.