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Organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder. Organic personality and behavior disorder: types, symptoms, treatment Organic emotional labile disorder choice of profession

What is Organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder

Almost all severe somatic and infectious diseases end in convalescence with asthenia.

What provokes Organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder

More often it occurs in connection with cerebrovascular diseases, so-called discirculatory encephalopathies, as well as in the long-term period (after a year) of traumatic brain injuries. Asthenia is also noted in the follow-up of persons who have attempted suicide, after prolonged anesthesia, encephalitis and all long-term and severe somatic and infectious diseases, with brain tumors.

Symptoms of Organic Emotionally Labile (Asthenic) Disorder

The basis of the clinic is asthenic syndrome, which is characterized by: weakness, hypersensitivity (hypealgesia, hyperesthesia, hyperacusis, often photophobia), dizziness, decreased motor activity, fatigue, irritability, impaired concentration, and tearfulness.

Diagnosis of organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder

Based on identifying probable causes of emotional lability in the anamnesis.

Differential diagnosis

More often it should be differentiated from neurotic disorders (neurasthenia, other specific neurotic disorders), in which there is no characteristic history and which are associated with psychological causes and stress. Significant physical and intellectual stress can lead to clinical neurasthenia, which can be distinguished from organic asthenia only after identifying the causes of the disorder.

Treatment of organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder

It consists of taking nonspecific stimulants (aloe, ginseng, fibs, eleutherococcus), nootropics (nootropil, phenibut, glutamic acid, encephabol, aminalon) over several courses of vitamin therapy in large doses, and physiotherapy.

Which doctors should you contact if you have an organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorder?


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A person’s behavior undergoes serious changes, the emotional sphere is affected, as well as the ability to control impulsive behavior

To make such a diagnosis, ICD-10 requires, in addition to identifying evidence of disease, dysfunction, or brain injury, to also identify the presence of at least two of these criteria:

Forms of the disease and its symptoms

Organic mental disorders manifest themselves in the following forms:

  1. Organic emotional labile asthenic disorder. The main clinical manifestation of this pathology is asthenic syndrome, which is characterized by weakness, hypersensitivity, decreased motor skills, dizziness, irritability, tearfulness, and fatigue.
  2. Asthenic organic disorder is a persistent change in the psyche, which combines neurosis-like and cerebrasthenic syndromes, which is characteristic of vascular diseases of the brain. It appears at the beginning of the disease and persists until the final stage - vascular dementia.
  3. Symptomatic mental disorders are a fairly typical manifestation of somatic diseases, sometimes even their main syndrome. It is expressed in difficulty concentrating, increased fatigue, delayed perception, weakened memory, and mental vulnerability. Patients also suffer from hyperesthesia, sleep disturbances, and multiple vegetative manifestations.
  4. Anxiety disorder. Clinical manifestations of this pathology are tremor, a feeling of trembling in the epigastrium, increased heart rate, hypertension, pallor, dry mouth, anxiety and panic, which the patient does not associate with any reason.
  5. Schizophrenia-like disorder is characterized by delusions that are either constantly present or occur periodically, negative personality changes, and the appearance of hallucinatory delusional images, often of religious subjects. Possible disturbances of consciousness, paraphrenia, which are characterized by ecstasy, excitement and statements of a messianic plan.
  6. Exogenously organic disorders can be psychopathic and neurosis-like. They manifest themselves in the form of pronounced intellectual-mnestic, depressively colored vegetative disorders, as well as in the form of uncontrollability, conflict and anger.
  7. Depressive personality disorder is found in the practice of both neurologists and therapists. Its peculiarity lies in the predominance of somato-neurological symptoms over mental ones. Sleep disturbances, increased fatigue, memory problems, appetite disorders, dry mouth, and increased urination are observed.
  8. Affective disorder develops mainly against the background of pathologies of the endocrine glands (thyrotoxicosis, thyroidectomy, Itsenko-Cushing's disease), upon discontinuation of hormonal drugs used for their treatment for a long time, as well as tumors of the frontal lobe of the brain and traumatic brain injuries. Manifests itself in the form of various affective disorders.
  9. Speech disorders occur both in childhood, due to various developmental pathologies, and in adults, due to cerebral atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
  10. Residual organic disorders occur in adolescence and childhood as a consequence of organic cerebral pathology. They manifest themselves as mental retardation, as well as various psychogenic characterological and pathocharacterological reactions.
  11. A disorder of vascular origin develops as a consequence of various types of vascular diseases of the brain - atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, hypertension and certain vascular pathologies, for example, myocardial infarction. The symptoms of this type of mental disorder differ from other similar pathologies in the almost complete absence of pronounced psychopathology and the predominance of neurological disorders.
  12. Personality disorder of complex genesis. This diagnosis is made when there is more than one cause for the development of this pathology.

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis of this pathology is established on the basis of a complete comprehensive examination of the patient. A differential diagnosis should also be made with dementia, the most important distinguishing feature of which is memory impairment (the only exception to this rule is Pick's disease). The most accurate diagnostic criterion is the results of a neuropsychological examination; neurological data, EEG and CT are also of great importance.

Eligibility criteria for recruits diagnosed with organic personality disorder

Such examination is also of great importance for conscripts. Indeed, with a diagnosis such as personality disorder, the fitness category is set depending on the severity of the disease. Conscripts are examined at an outpatient clinic or inpatient department. There is a technology that involves the use of special tables for differential diagnosis, with the help of which it is quite easy to determine whether or not a person has nervous system disorders. The experience of clinical application of this technique in psychiatric hospitals has shown its exceptional information value for making a decision by an expert military medical commission of adolescents regarding their suitability for military service.


This disease requires careful examination and careful, long-term, complex therapy. Treatment is carried out using medications and psychotherapeutic techniques. These types of therapy should not be opposed to each other. However, medications do not play such a significant role in the treatment of patients with such pathologies. Antipsychotics in small doses should be used in cases of aggression or psychomotor agitation, as well as decompensated paranoid disorder (for example, haloperidol or levomepromazine). Anxiolytic drugs (such as diazepam) can reduce anxiety. Antidepressants (amitriptyline) are needed, respectively, in case of depression. The best method of treating such diseases is psychotherapy - individual, psychoanalytic, family or group. With the help of this method, the patient’s attitudes change, he finds the right interpersonal relationships with others.

Course of the disease and its prognosis

Adaptation of patients in the outside world depends on how disrupted their behavior is, as well as on a number of external factors. Patients adapt more easily in the presence of favorable external conditions, and the condition worsens if they encounter unfavorable ones. Factors causing decompensation are infectious and somatic diseases, stress and intoxication. The development of psychopathy depends on the age of the patient. The period of puberty is considered the most problematic. A common feature of each of these types of pathologies is non-progressiveness. But at the end of the period of decompensation, the patient’s personality returns to its original state. Patients usually try to avoid taking a course of treatment. The disease is chronic and progressive, gradually leading the patient to his social and labor decompensation, however, the condition of some patients may improve.

Organic personality disorders. Is it possible to return the patient to a full life? : One comment


(also from methadone and Zubatex)

Comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program:

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Implantation (filing) of a drug or alcohol blocker


Asthenia (asthenic syndrome) is a gradually developing psychopathological disorder that accompanies many diseases of the body. Asthenia is manifested by fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance, sleep disturbances, increased irritability or, conversely, lethargy, emotional instability, and autonomic disorders. Asthenia can be identified through a thorough survey of the patient and a study of his psycho-emotional and mnestic sphere. A complete diagnostic examination is also necessary to identify the underlying disease that caused the asthenia. Asthenia is treated by selecting an optimal work regimen and a rational diet, using adaptogens, neuroprotectors and psychotropic drugs (neuroleptics, antidepressants).


Asthenia is undoubtedly the most common syndrome in medicine. It accompanies many infections (ARVI, influenza, foodborne illnesses, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.), somatic diseases (acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the 12th intestine, enterocolitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc. .), psychopathological conditions, postpartum, post-traumatic and postoperative periods. For this reason, specialists in almost any field encounter asthenia: gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, surgery, traumatology, psychiatry. Asthenia may be the first sign of an incipient disease, accompany its peak, or be observed during the period of convalescence.

Asthenia should be distinguished from ordinary fatigue, which occurs after excessive physical or mental stress, change in time zones or climate, or non-compliance with the work and rest regime. Unlike physiological fatigue, asthenia develops gradually, persists for a long time (months and years), does not go away after proper rest and requires medical intervention.

Reasons for the development of asthenia

According to many authors, asthenia is based on overstrain and exhaustion of higher nervous activity. The direct cause of asthenia may be insufficient intake of nutrients, excessive energy expenditure or metabolic disorders. Any factors that lead to exhaustion of the body can potentiate the development of asthenia: acute and chronic diseases, intoxication, poor nutrition, mental disorders, mental and physical overload, chronic stress, etc.

Classification of asthenia

Due to its occurrence in clinical practice, organic and functional asthenia are distinguished. Organic asthenia occurs in 45% of cases and is associated with the patient’s existing chronic somatic diseases or progressive organic pathology. In neurology, organic asthenia accompanies infectious-organic brain lesions (encephalitis, abscess, tumor), severe traumatic brain injury, demyelinating diseases (multiple encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis), vascular disorders (chronic cerebral ischemia, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke), degenerative processes (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, senile chorea). Functional asthenia accounts for 55% of cases and is a temporary reversible condition. Functional asthenia is also called reactive, since it is essentially the body’s reaction to a stressful situation, physical fatigue, or an acute illness.

According to the etiological factor, somatogenic, post-traumatic, postpartum, and post-infectious asthenia are also distinguished.

According to the characteristics of clinical manifestations, asthenia is divided into hyper- and hyposthenic forms. Hypersthenic asthenia is accompanied by increased sensory excitability, as a result of which the patient is irritable and does not tolerate loud sounds, noise, or bright light. Hyposthenic asthenia, on the contrary, is characterized by a decrease in susceptibility to external stimuli, which leads to lethargy and drowsiness of the patient. Hypersthenic asthenia is a milder form and, with an increase in asthenic syndrome, can turn into hyposthenic asthenia.

Depending on the duration of existence of asthenic syndrome, asthenia is classified into acute and chronic. Acute asthenia is usually functional in nature. It develops after severe stress, acute illness (bronchitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, gastritis) or infection (measles, influenza, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, dysentery). Chronic asthenia has a long course and is often organic. Chronic functional asthenia includes chronic fatigue syndrome.

A separate category is asthenia associated with depletion of higher nervous activity - neurasthenia.

Clinical manifestations of asthenia

The symptom complex characteristic of asthenia includes 3 components: own clinical manifestations of asthenia; disorders associated with an underlying pathological condition; disorders caused by the patient's psychological reaction to the disease. Manifestations of asthenic syndrome itself are often absent or mildly expressed in the morning, appearing and increasing during the day. In the evening, asthenia reaches its maximum manifestation, which forces patients to take rest before continuing work or moving on to household chores.

Fatigue. The main complaint with asthenia is fatigue. Patients note that they get tired faster than before, and the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after a long rest. If we are talking about physical labor, then there is a general weakness and reluctance to do one’s usual work. In the case of intellectual work, the situation is much more complicated. Patients complain of difficulty concentrating, memory deterioration, decreased attentiveness and intelligence. They note difficulties in formulating their own thoughts and expressing them verbally. Patients with asthenia often cannot concentrate on thinking about one specific problem, have difficulty finding words to express any idea, and are absent-minded and somewhat retarded when making decisions. In order to do previously feasible work, they are forced to take breaks; in order to solve the task at hand, they try to think about it not as a whole, but by breaking it down into parts. However, this does not bring the desired results, increases the feeling of fatigue, increases anxiety and causes confidence in one’s own intellectual inadequacy.

Psycho-emotional disorders. A decrease in productivity in professional activities causes the emergence of negative psycho-emotional states associated with the patient’s attitude to the problem that has arisen. At the same time, patients with asthenia become hot-tempered, tense, picky and irritable, and quickly lose self-control. They experience sudden mood swings, states of depression or anxiety, extremes in their assessment of what is happening (unreasonable pessimism or optimism). The aggravation of psycho-emotional disorders characteristic of asthenia can lead to the development of neurasthenia, depressive or hypochondriacal neurosis.

Autonomic disorders. Asthenia is almost always accompanied by disorders of the autonomic nervous system. These include tachycardia, pulse lability, changes in blood pressure, chilliness or a feeling of heat in the body, generalized or local (palms, armpits or feet) hyperhidrosis, decreased appetite, constipation, pain along the intestines. With asthenia, headaches and a “heavy” head are possible. Men often experience a decrease in potency.

Sleep disorders. Depending on the form, asthenia may be accompanied by sleep disturbances of various natures. Hypersthenic asthenia is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, restless and intense dreams, night awakenings, early awakening and a feeling of weakness after sleep. Some patients have the feeling that they hardly sleep at night, although in reality this is not the case. Hyposthenic asthenia is characterized by the occurrence of daytime sleepiness. At the same time, problems with falling asleep and poor quality of night sleep persist.

Diagnosis of asthenia

Asthenia itself usually does not cause diagnostic difficulties for a doctor of any profile. In cases where asthenia is a consequence of stress, trauma, illness, or acts as a harbinger of pathological changes beginning in the body, its symptoms are pronounced. If asthenia occurs against the background of an existing disease, then its manifestations may fade into the background and not be so noticeable behind the symptoms of the underlying disease. In such cases, signs of asthenia can be identified by interviewing the patient and detailing his complaints. Particular attention should be paid to questions about the patient's mood, his sleep state, his attitude towards work and other responsibilities, as well as his own condition. Not every patient with asthenia will be able to tell the doctor about his problems in the field of intellectual activity. Some patients tend to exaggerate existing disorders. To get an objective picture, the neurologist, along with a neurological examination, needs to conduct a study of the patient’s mnestic sphere, assess his emotional state and response to various external signals. In some cases, it is necessary to differentiate asthenia from hypochondriacal neurosis, hypersomnia, and depressive neurosis.

Diagnosis of asthenic syndrome requires mandatory examination of the patient for the underlying disease that caused the development of asthenia. For this purpose, additional consultations with a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, oncologist, traumatologist, endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist and other specialized specialists can be carried out. Clinical tests are required: blood and urine tests, coprograms, blood sugar determination, biochemical blood and urine tests. Diagnosis of infectious diseases is carried out through bacteriological studies and PCR diagnostics. According to indications, instrumental research methods are prescribed: ultrasound of the abdominal organs, gastroscopy, duodenal intubation, ECG, ultrasound of the heart, fluorography or radiography of the lungs, ultrasound of the kidneys, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, etc.

Treatment of asthenia

General recommendations for asthenia boil down to selecting the optimal work and rest regime; refusal of contact with various harmful influences, including alcohol consumption; introduction of health-improving physical activity into the daily routine; following a diet that is fortified and corresponds to the underlying disease. The best option is a long rest and a change of scenery: vacation, sanatorium treatment, tourist trip, etc.

Patients with asthenia benefit from foods rich in tryptophan (bananas, turkey meat, cheese, wholemeal bread), vitamin B (liver, eggs) and other vitamins (rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, apples, raw vegetable salads and fresh fruit juices). A calm work environment and psychological comfort at home are important for patients with asthenia.

Drug treatment of asthenia in general medical practice comes down to the prescription of adaptogens: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Chinese schisandra, Eleutherococcus, pantocrine. In the USA, the practice of treating asthenia with large doses of B vitamins has been adopted. However, this method of therapy is limited in the use of a high percentage of adverse allergic reactions. A number of authors believe that complex vitamin therapy is optimal, including not only B vitamins, but also C, PP, as well as microelements involved in their metabolism (zinc, magnesium, calcium). Often, nootropics and neuroprotectors are used in the treatment of asthenia (ginkgo biloba, piracetam, gamma-aminobutyric acid, cinnarizine + piracetam, picamelon, hopantenic acid). However, their effectiveness in asthenia has not been definitively proven due to the lack of large studies in this area.

In many cases, asthenia requires symptomatic psychotropic treatment, which can only be selected by a specialist: a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. So, on an individual basis, for asthenia, antidepressants are prescribed - serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibitors, neuroleptics (antipsychotics), procholinergic drugs (salbutiamine).

The success of treating asthenia resulting from any disease largely depends on the effectiveness of treatment of the latter. If the underlying disease can be cured, the symptoms of asthenia usually disappear or are significantly reduced. With long-term remission of a chronic disease, the manifestations of asthenia accompanying it are also minimized.

Asthenic personality disorder

Depending on what habitual state a person is in, he develops certain personality traits. If a person experiences joy, then most likely he will be considered optimistic. If a person is sad, then most likely his views will be pessimistic. Asthenic personality disorder - what is it? It has characteristic symptoms and causes that are treated.

Asthenic disorder

A progressive illness with manifested exhaustion, decrease or loss of physical ability, a tendency to prolonged mental work, and constant fatigue is called asthenic disorder. It can manifest itself both in mentally or physically ill people and in healthy individuals.

Characteristic features are:

  1. Painful condition.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Impatience.
  4. Unstable mood.
  5. Impotence.
  6. Restlessness.
  7. Sleep disturbance.
  8. Partial loss of self-control.
  9. Muscle pain.
  10. Intolerance to strong odors, bright lights and loud sounds.

The main human complaints are weakness, fatigue and soreness of the body (something constantly hurts). Fatigue occurs almost immediately after waking up, irritability and excitability arise, which is why exhaustion develops, which leads to tearfulness, low mood, displeasure and moodiness.

Common causes of the disease are physical disorders, illness, poor diet, lack of rest, overstrain (mental, physical or emotional), and neuropsychiatric illnesses. An asthenic disorder that arose as a result of excitement, protracted conflicts, anxiety, and nervous overstrain is called neurasthenia.

All factors and signs of the disorder form a certain type of personality, which in psychology has several names:

  • Asthenic personality disorder.
  • Asthenic psychopathy.
  • Dependent personality disorder.
  • Personality disorder of asthenic type.
  • Dependent personality disorder.

We will talk about its characteristic features further.

Asthenic personality disorder - what is it?

A person with asthenic personality disorder has quite unique and common qualities. What it is? It manifests itself in weakness and passivity, as well as an inadequate reaction to the surrounding reality. Reduced activity manifests itself in the lack of development of the emotional or intellectual sphere, and the inability to enjoy life.

Asthenic exhibits the following characteristics:

  1. Incompetence.
  2. Increased helplessness.
  3. Lack of viability without the help of others.

They need constant self-care. They are worried about the fear of being somehow separated from the people they value. They strive to become the shadow of those with whom they do not want to part, therefore they are ready to obey and not defend their independence. They are characterized by indecisiveness, lack of a sense of personal dignity and unwillingness to make decisions.

Behavior of a person with asthenic disorder:

  • It is difficult to make decisions in eliminating everyday issues; the approval of others is necessary.
  • It is difficult to reach agreement with people (the person does not express his disagreement), because there is a fear of not receiving approval or losing support.
  • They happily transfer responsibility to others, who must decide everything for them.
  • Inability to represent one's interests, plans, or perform work independently. A person is not confident in himself, he has low self-esteem, lacks motivation and desire to do anything, and has no vital energy.
  • There is discomfort in loneliness, as there is a fear of being abandoned and facing the need to make decisions on your own and eliminate your own problems.
  • Strives to create long-term relationships in order to shift unpleasant work to the partner, as well as receive care.
  • Tends to look for other partners who, in the event of a breakdown in the current relationship, can replace them. Behavior is also dictated by the desire to receive support and care, in addition to that given by the current partner.
  • I am not ready to put forward my demands to other people, so as not to spoil relationships with them.

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Symptoms of asthenic disorder

With asthenic disorder, those symptoms develop that correspond to the cause of its occurrence. With hypertension, unpleasant sensations appear in the heart area, and with atherosclerosis, tearfulness develops and memory is impaired.

Organically, the disease manifests itself in three forms:

  1. The appearance of signs of asthenic disorder: nervousness, physical discomfort, lability, various pains.
  2. Fatigue and loss of strength.
  3. A person’s psychological reaction to the presence of asthenic disorder.

A person cannot eliminate fatigue and absent-mindedness through rest. Even after a full sleep, he feels tired, which over time leads to the development of laziness and a lack of desire to start any work. Control and effort do not help a person return to their previous state. That is why it is suggested to use the help of a psychotherapist on the website

Changes occur in the body, which are expressed as follows:

  1. Increased or weakened pulse.
  2. Loss of appetite.
  3. Change in blood pressure.
  4. Headache.
  5. Malfunctions of the heart.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Chills.
  8. Feeling hot.
  9. Sleep disturbance: unable to fall asleep, waking up at night, inability to get up early, tiredness after sleep, insomnia.
  10. Intimate violations.

A person may understand that he is sick, or he may perceive this as the norm. He begins to notice mood swings, depression, outbursts of anger, aggressiveness, and loss of self-control. Neurasthenia and chronic depression are the result of a prolonged course of asthenic disorder.

Secondary symptoms of asthenic disorder are:

  • Pale skin.
  • Asymmetry of body temperature.
  • Decreased hemoglobin.
  • Loss of appetite due to lack of pleasure from eating.
  • Sexual dysfunction, manifested in dysmenorrhea in women and lack of potency in men.
  • Sensitivity to strong odors, loud sounds and bright lights.

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Causes of asthenic disorder

Psychologists agree that asthenic disorder is a psychological or neurological disease that develops against the background of illness or stress, or mental disorders. The main causes of asthenic disorder are chronic or infectious diseases that have depleted the body, intoxication and mental disorders, strong emotions, and stress.

This condition should be distinguished from ordinary fatigue or weakness, which is quite possible to observe after a hard day at work or after an illness. The duration of the condition can distinguish them. Typically, a healthy person returns to normal after rest, good nutrition and quality sleep. If the condition does not return to normal after the measures taken, then we are talking about a disorder that can be eliminated with medication.

Hypersthenic asthenic disorder is characterized by agitation, aggressiveness, mobility, and irritability.

Hyposthenic asthenic disorder is characterized by lethargy, depression of mental activity, fatigue, and difficulties in active movements.

The causes of such disorders are:

  1. Violation of metabolic processes.
  2. Partial or complete lack of necessary vitamins and microelements.
  3. Overstrain of mental activity.
  4. Somatic diseases.
  5. Injuries or disorders in the nervous system.

If we divide the diseases leading to the development of asthenic disorder, we can indicate the following groups:

  • Heart and vascular diseases: hypertension, heart attacks, arrhythmia.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Infectious diseases: food poisoning, viral hepatitis, ARVI, tuberculosis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: enterocolitis, ulcers, dyspeptic disorders, gastritis, pancreatitis.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.
  • Renal pathologies: chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.
  • Body injuries.
  • Postoperative consequences.
  • Heredity.

Psychological causes of asthenic disorder are:

  • Workaholism.
  • Lack of rest and sleep.
  • Moving, changing jobs.
  • Prolonged experiences.
  • Suffered a severe shock.
  • Unfavorable family environment.

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Treatment of asthenic disorder

How correctly doctors interpret the results obtained after diagnosing the condition will determine the treatment tactics for asthenic disorder. Initially, anamnesis and all information about the patient’s experiences are collected. Blood pressure and pulse are measured, and laboratory tests are performed. Other diagnostic methods are:

  1. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  2. CT scan.
  3. Echocardiography.
  4. Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels.

Treatment of asthenic disorder occurs in three main directions:

Drug treatment involves eliminating the disease that led to the development of the disorder. This also includes adaptogens, nootropics, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, and antipsychotics.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is aimed at eliminating the emotional or psychological causes that provoked the disease. If there is constant stress or unwanted stimuli in a person’s life, then the environment should be changed.

Behavioral treatment is aimed at creating comfortable and favorable conditions for one’s existence:

  • Complete nutrition.
  • Rest.
  • Change of job or place of residence, environment.
  • Moderate sports activity.
  • Walking in the fresh air, etc.

Training to develop qualities that suppress asthenic behavior has a significant impact. For example, it is important for a person to learn to take responsibility and decisions, and not always need other people’s help. Here it is necessary to increase your self-esteem, which is most likely underestimated by the circumstances and environment in which a person currently resides.

Asthenic disorder is a mental illness that does not affect life expectancy, but reduces its quality. The result of this condition can be isolation, dependence on others, lack of self-confidence, and the inability to survive alone. A healthy person can seek help from others, but his life does not worsen because he was denied support.

People don't always help when needed. They are often confused about when to help and when it is beneficial. Wanting to be good and seem kind, they help everyone they can. It is not always necessary to help, but help is useful and appropriate.

The student must come to the teacher himself, otherwise he will not change and will not do anything, which will be a waste of time. Where have you heard of a person changing and becoming a better person under pressure from other people and a fair amount of criticism and moral lectures? In this way, one can only cultivate aggression and anger in a person, but there can be no talk of any good qualities.

In order for something to change, a person himself must want it, ask for help and receive it. Then the actions of all participants in the process will be useful. The help of the “teacher” will be appropriate when the “student” himself asks for it. But when you impose your help yourself, it is useless and causes anger and a desire not to accept it.

When is help appropriate? When you give it to someone who needs it and asks for it. In other cases, you simply force others to accept what you give. Often these actions are not appreciated, but, on the contrary, are rejected. And then it seems that “you do everything for others, but they do not appreciate your efforts.” But your only mistake is that you forgot to ask those you help if they need your help and if they want to receive exactly what you give them. If they don't need your help and don't want to accept the "gifts" you give them, then all your efforts will be unappreciated, no matter how good they are.

Organic emotionally labile disorder

Organic emotionally labile disorder is a mental disorder that occurs after a severe infection or organic disease of the brain (trauma, tumor, stroke). Characterized by pronounced emotional incontinence and lability (instability, rapid change) of a person’s mood.

The diagnosis and treatment of this disorder should be carried out jointly by a psychiatrist (or psychotherapist) and a neurologist.

The disorder is also called asthenic (from the Greek asthenia - weakness, impotence). In addition to constant and severe mood swings, patients are characterized by general weakness, fatigue, headache, and dizziness. A person may get tired after 2-3 hours of work, cannot stand a full day of work, and several times a day there is a need to lie down to rest.

According to the international classification of diseases, ICD-10 is coded as F06.68 - “Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder due to mixed diseases.” Its most common causes include:

  • head injury;
  • pregnancy and childbirth of the mother, which occurred with complications (toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, eclampsia);
  • severe condition of the child after birth (for example, the baby was given mechanical ventilation), severe illnesses/infections of early childhood;
  • vascular diseases of the brain (atherosclerosis, hypertension, cerebrovascular accidents - strokes);
  • epilepsy;
  • brain tumors;
  • HIV infection;
  • neurosyphilis and other neuroinfections, encephalitis (inflammation in the brain);
  • intoxication with narcotic substances, alcohol;
  • consequences of anesthesia.

Symptoms of organic asthenic disorder

People with the disorder are characterized by tearfulness, emotional irascibility, frequent and severe mood swings, and a storm of emotions, often over a minor issue. All reactions are spontaneous (occur without a serious reason or reason) and uncontrollable.

A person reacts painfully even to minor events; emotions, as a rule, are negative (anger, irritation, resentment).

He perceives troubles as “the end of the world”, constantly having outbursts of anger and irritability towards loved ones and surrounding people.

Diagnosis of organic emotionally labile disorder - examination by a psychiatrist and neurologist. Additionally, the attending physician may prescribe a pathopsychological examination, blood tests and instrumental methods (EEG, CT, MRI).

A person complains of regular and severe headaches, dizziness, decreased or blurred vision, increased blood pressure, and tinnitus. These complaints indicate a brain disease that has led to an organic emotionally labile disorder. They interfere with a person’s life and work, and because of them he goes to the doctor.

Hypersensitivity is characteristic - pain sensitivity in response to a weak touch on the skin, excessive auditory or light sensitivity, when ordinary sounds are perceived as very loud (up to the development of pain), and sunlight causes severe lacrimation and pain in the eyes.

General weakness, rapid fatigue, decreased performance, a feeling of powerlessness - all these are integral companions of organic asthenic disorder.

Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder in children occurs due to severe pregnancy of the mother (toxicosis, threatened miscarriage, eclampsia), complications during childbirth or severe diseases of early childhood.

An experienced psychiatrist can make a diagnosis during the first examination. The main manifestations of asthenic disorder include excessive moodiness, frequent tearfulness, disobedience, irritability, and inability to concentrate for a long time. Such children may develop sudden lethargy and lack of initiative. It is necessary to differentiate an emotionally labile disorder from character traits and age-related changes.

The prognosis for adults and children is favorable if the recommendations of the attending physician are followed.

Treatment of organic emotionally labile personality disorder

Treatment must be comprehensive and strictly individual. With the correct diagnosis and adequate treatment, the symptoms of asthenic disorder may weaken or go away completely.

Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder is treated with medicinal and non-medicinal methods. The following groups of pharmaceuticals are classified as medications:

  • vasovegetotropic - normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • nootropics - improve metabolic processes in brain tissue;
  • sedatives - have a calming effect by balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system;
  • neuroleptics - relieve agitation;
  • antidepressants - relieve anxiety, normalize mood.

Non-drug methods include:

  1. Individual psychotherapy - a psychiatrist-psychotherapist teaches a person to control behavior and relax. Helps you set priorities (achieve success at work, live in love and harmony with loved ones) and stick to them.
  2. Biofeedback therapy is a modern method of treating mental disorders. The specialist uses sensors and a computer to measure physiological indicators - breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure level. As soon as a person managed to bring these indicators back to normal (following the specialist’s instructions), the computer reports success. The patient memorizes relaxation skills and can then use them in emotionally stressful situations to gain self-control.

Diagnosis F06.6 Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder often remains without treatment - those around him and the person himself believe that he has a “severe character.” But it's not right. You can get rid of the symptoms of the disorder with the help of modern medications and non-drug methods and return to a full life.

Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

  • Which doctors should you contact if you have Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

What is Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

Asthenia is a psychopathological condition characterized by weakness, fatigue, emotional lability, hyperesthesia, and sleep disturbances.

Asthenic syndrome is one of the most common in the practice of a doctor of any specialty. Asthenia is the least specific manifestation of disorders, which in many cases are the initial (trigger) links in the etiopathogenesis of mental disorders of the neurotic structure and determine the basis for the development of phenomenologically more complex psychopathological processes.

The nonspecificity of asthenic disorders determines their wide prevalence. They are observed in various diseases in general somatic, neurological and psychiatric practice. At the same time, due to the increase in psychogenic stress in the life of a modern person, an increase in the frequency of asthenic disorders is noted.

Asthenic syndrome within the framework of neurasthenia (irritable weakness) began to be identified in the 19th century (G. Beard). The ICD-10 classification, in contrast to the previous one, having “get rid of” all other neuroses as “vague and indefinite concepts”, retained neurasthenia as an independent nosological unit, thereby emphasizing, on the one hand, the clinical reality of this condition, and on the other – independence of therapeutic approaches.

Fatigue is the most common complaint with which patients turn to doctors, especially general practitioners, and which is the main symptom of asthenic disorders. Along with increased fatigue and exhaustion, they include such manifestations as irritable weakness, hyperesthesia, autonomic disorders, sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep). The clinical typology of asthenic disorders is determined by its two variants: hypersthenic asthenia, characterized by hyperexcitability of sensory perception with increased susceptibility to normally neutral external stimuli (intolerance to sounds, light, etc.), excitability, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, etc. and hyposthenic asthenia, the main elements of which are a decrease in the threshold of excitability and susceptibility to external stimuli with lethargy, increased weakness, and daytime sleepiness.

Although patients describe asthenia as increased fatigue, the scientific definition of an asthenic condition requires distinguishing it from simple fatigue. Unlike fatigue (sometimes referred to as pre-nosological asthenia - a physiological condition that follows intense and prolonged mobilization of the body, usually occurs quickly and disappears after rest, does not require medical attention), the asthenic condition is a pathology, appears gradually and is not associated with the need to mobilize the body, lasts months and years, does not recover after rest and requires medical intervention. Pre-nosological asthenia often occurs after excessive physical, mental or mental stress, with improper alternation of work and rest, systematic lack of sleep, adaptation to new climatic conditions, etc. and is referred to in the literature as information neurosis, manager syndrome, white collar syndrome, executive syndrome personnel, asthenia in foreigners, asthenia when changing time zones, asthenia in athletes, iatrogenic asthenia. In contrast, the appearance of asthenic disorders is due to more diverse and often related to other existing pathologies.

The symptom complex of the asthenic state itself as a pathological exhaustion after normal activity, a decrease in energy when solving problems that require effort and attention, or a generalized decrease in the ability to act, consists of three components:

Manifestations of asthenia itself;

Disorders caused by the underlying pathological condition of asthenia;

Disorders caused by the individual's reaction to illness.

The second component of asthenic disorder, namely the underlying pathological conditions, is the main feature, taking into account which the modern classification of asthenic conditions is proposed. Organic asthenia, the share of which in all asthenic conditions is estimated at 45%, develops against the background of chronic, often progressive organic (neurological), mental and somatic diseases. These include infectious, endocrine, hematological, neoplastic, hepatological, neurological, mental (primarily schizophrenia, substance abuse) and other diseases. In contrast to organic, functional (reactive) asthenia, which makes up 55% of the general structure of asthenia, is characterized primarily by fundamental reversibility, since it occurs after or as a component of time-limited or curable pathological conditions. These include acute asthenia, which occurs as a reaction to acute stress or significant overload at work; chronic asthenia, appearing after childbirth (postpartum asthenia), previous infections (post-infectious asthenia) or as part of withdrawal syndrome, cachexia, etc.

Separately, due to the extreme significance of the problem, psychiatric asthenia is highlighted, in which an asthenic symptom complex is identified in the structure of functional borderline mental disorders (anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.).

What provokes Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

Many works by domestic and foreign researchers note that many social factors contribute to the increase in the number of patients with asthenia. Negative life circumstances, difficulties associated with a social career, frequent stress, current and chronic diseases lead to the fact that asthenic disorders acquire a “social connotation.”

Somatogenies also play an important role in the etiopathogenesis of asthenic disorders. It is emphasized that asthenia is a trigger etiotropic factor for various diseases. Infectious, cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases begin and end with asthenic syndrome. Pronounced manifestations of asthenia are observed with organic damage to the brain: traumatic brain injuries, at the initial stages of vascular processes, after cerebrovascular accidents, with infectious organic, demyelinating diseases and degenerative processes in the brain. In the clinical manifestations of asthenia, along with the emotional component, pronounced somatovegetative disorders, cognitive and conative (behavioral) changes are detected.

Symptoms of Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

Increased fatigue with asthenia is always combined with a decrease in productivity at work, especially noticeable during intellectual stress. Patients complain of poor intelligence, forgetfulness, and unstable attention. They find it difficult to focus on one person. They try by force of will to force themselves to think about a certain subject, but soon they notice that in their head, involuntarily, completely different thoughts appear that have nothing to do with what they are doing. The number of presentations is reduced. Their verbal expression becomes difficult: it is not possible to find the right words. The ideas themselves lose their clarity. The formulated thought seems to the patient to be inaccurate, poorly reflecting the meaning of what he wanted to express with it. Patients are annoyed at their inadequacy.

Some take breaks from work, but a short rest does not improve their well-being. Others strive through an effort of will to overcome the difficulties that arise, they try to analyze the issue not as a whole, but in parts, but the result is either even greater fatigue or scatteredness in their studies. The work begins to seem overwhelming and insurmountable. A feeling of tension, anxiety, and conviction of one’s intellectual inadequacy appears.

Along with increased fatigue and unproductive intellectual activity, mental balance is always lost during asthenia. Easily lost self-control is accompanied by irritability, short temper, grumpiness, pickiness, and quarrelsomeness. Mood fluctuates easily.

A minor reason is enough for depression, anxious fears, and pessimistic assessments to appear, which can also easily, although not for long, give way to unfounded optimism. Both unpleasant and joyful events often lead to tears. There is always one degree or another of hyperesthesia, primarily to loud sounds and bright lights. Fatigue and mental imbalance, manifested constantly by irritability, are combined with asthenia in various proportions.

Asthenia is almost always accompanied by autonomic disorders. Often they can occupy a predominant position in the clinical picture. The most common disorders of the cardiovascular system are: fluctuations in blood pressure, tachycardia and pulse lability, various unpleasant or simply painful sensations in the heart area, slight redness or blanching of the skin, a feeling of heat at normal body temperature or, on the contrary, increased chilliness. , increased sweating - sometimes local (palms, feet, armpits), sometimes relatively generalized. Dyspeptic disorders are common - loss of appetite, pain along the intestines, spastic constipation. Men often experience a decrease in potency. In many patients, headaches of varying manifestations and localization can be identified. They often complain of a feeling of heaviness in the head.

Sleep disorders in the initial period of asthenia are manifested by difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep with an abundance of disturbing dreams, awakenings in the middle of the night, difficulty falling asleep later, and early awakening. After sleep they do not feel rested. There may be a lack of feeling of sleep at night, although in fact patients sleep at night. With increasing asthenia, and especially during physical or mental stress, a feeling of drowsiness occurs during the daytime, without, however, simultaneously improving sleep at night.

As a rule, the symptoms of asthenia are less pronounced or even (in mild cases) completely absent in the morning and, on the contrary, intensify or appear in the second half of the day, especially in the evening. One of the reliable signs of asthenia is a condition in which relatively satisfactory health is observed in the morning, deterioration occurs at work and reaches a maximum in the evening.

In this regard, before performing any homework, the patient must first rest.

The symptomatology of asthenia is very diverse, which is due to a number of reasons. Manifestations of asthenia depend on which of the main disorders included in its structure is predominant. If the picture of asthenia is dominated by hot temper, explosiveness, impatience, a feeling of internal tension, inability to restrain, i.e. symptoms of irritation - speak of asthenia with hypersthenia. This is the mildest form of asthenia.

If the clinical picture is equally determined by the symptoms of irritation and fatigue, they speak of asthenia with irritable weakness syndrome. In cases where the picture is dominated by fatigue and a feeling of powerlessness, asthenia is defined as hyposthenic, the most severe asthenia. An increase in the depth of asthenic disorders leads to a sequential change from milder hypersthenic asthenia to more severe stages. As the mental state improves, hyposthenic asthenia is replaced by milder forms of asthenia.

The clinical picture of asthenia is determined not only by the depth of the existing disorders, but also by such two important factors as the constitutional characteristics of the patient and the etiological factor. Very often both of these factors are closely intertwined. One can also see the opposite effect: developed asthenia constantly enhances many of the patient’s characterological traits. This is especially characteristic of those patients in whose character, in an obvious or hidden form, there is a tendency to an asthenic reaction - an “asthenic sting” (E. Kretschmer, 1920).

Diagnosis of Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

A doctor of any specialty must be able to recognize the described disorders. To assess their level, it is necessary to objectively assess the patient’s condition, analyze his complaints (conformity/inconsistency of subjective and objective signs of the disease), identify the characteristics of his night sleep, adherence to prescribed therapy, his behavior during the examination, features of the anamnesis to understand the type of personal response of the patient to various life situations, including in cases of somatic illness.

Treatment of Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

Today, a variety of approaches are used in the treatment of asthenic conditions. Schematically, the recommendations of experts are as follows. Since asthenia is associated with the consumption of mental or vital forces, and therefore biogenic amines, a person is recommended to rest, switch to another form of activity, change the environment in order to allow the brain to accumulate new reserves of these substances. For obvious reasons, these recommendations are not always feasible.

This is followed by drug therapy, which includes the prescription of certain groups of drugs. Those that have been used for a long time and traditionally include various nootropic or so-called neurometabolic drugs. This therapeutic approach has its own characteristics. On the one hand, this therapy is accessible and safe in terms of side effects, on the other hand, its clinical effectiveness remains essentially unproven due to the lack of large placebo-controlled studies that would show the effectiveness of nootropic therapy for asthenic conditions. Therefore, this class of drugs is used with varying intensity in all countries of the world. For example, nootropics are rarely used in the United States of America, Western Europe, and more widely in Eastern Europe, the CIS countries, including Ukraine.

To treat the asthenic symptom complex in the structure of depression, antidepressants are used - serotonin reuptake inhibitors. For vital-asthenic conditions of endogenous-processual origin - stimulating neuroleptics, for example modern atypical antipsychotics. Psychostimulants are also used in psychiatric practice. In the United States, psychostimulants from the group of amphetamines, which, according to the regulatory framework, are regarded as drugs in Ukraine, have become widespread. Antidepressants - dopamine reuptake inhibitors, which, along with thymoanaleptic, have a distinct psychostimulating effect, also have a certain practical importance. In the presence of cognitive impairment due to cerebral atherosclerosis and other pathological processes leading to impairment of human cognitive functions, drugs belonging to the group of NMDA receptor blockers are tested.

The listed drugs require special knowledge in the field of clinical psychiatry for their use. Their use in general medical practice is limited.

Organic personality disorder, or as doctors say, psychopathy, is a personal and behavioral transformation and change that occurs as a result of damage to the internal structure of the gray matter of the brain.

The term itself is collective and can be either a consequence of a previous illness or a concomitant pathology with an illness or brain damage.

Types of disorder

Organic mental disorders are divided into the following types and forms:

  1. Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder– in this case, the pathology manifests itself as weakness and excessive manifestations of tearfulness, decreased motor skills and attacks of loss of consciousness, and rapid fatigue is also present ().
  2. Asthenic organic disorder- a change of a persistent nature in the psychological state of the patient, combining both inherent and symptoms that are inherent in any. This form of disorder manifests itself at all stages of the disease, up to the final stage -.
  3. Symptomatic mental disorders– a typical phenomenon for the somatic nature of pathologies, manifesting itself in the inability to concentrate attention for a long time and in rapid fatigue; the patient’s memory is weakened and the psyche is excessively vulnerable. Along with this, the patient may suffer from disturbances in sleep patterns and hypertension.
  4. – this form of pathology manifests itself with a feeling of trembling, an increased rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle and pallor of the skin, dry mouth and attacks of anxiety and unreasonable fear.
  5. Schizophrenic-like organic disorder of personality and behavior - in this case, the patient is diagnosed with attacks of delirium, constant or periodic, negative in nature changes in the structure of the personality, the development of delusional thoughts and flashing pictures, most often on religious themes. Alternatively, the patient may develop paranoia, accompanied by attacks of ecstasy and excessive excitement.
  6. Exogenous-organic type of disorder– this form of pathology is characterized by manifestations of excessive suspiciousness and intellectual disorders, increased uncontrollability and aggressiveness, and a certain anger.
  7. Depressive disorder personality of organic etiology - this pathology is found in the practice of both general practitioners and neurologists. It is characterized by somatoneurological symptoms, which will prevail over the mental manifestations of the disorder. In this case, doctors diagnose the patient with excessive and rapid fatigue, memory and appetite disorders, a feeling of dryness in the mouth and an increased urge to urinate.
  8. Affective type of disorder– most often occurs against the background of a malfunction of the endocrine system, when the patient stops taking hormonal drugs, or as a consequence of the development of,.
  9. organic type – this type of pathology can occur in both adults and children. The root cause of the development of this form of the disease is that it affects the blood vessels of the brain, diabetes mellitus or hypertension.
  10. Residual organic disorder– most often this pathology manifests itself in childhood or adolescence and is a consequence. The presented form of disorder manifests itself in the idea of ​​mental retardation and inadequate reactions of psychological theology.
  11. Vascular disorder, developing as a result of various - this is hypertension, a previous heart attack, etc. This disease differs from other similar diseases in the absence of psychopathological signs of a neurological disorder.
  12. Disorder of complex genesis– the diagnosis is made by doctors if there is more than one reason for the development of a personality disorder of organic etiology.

Organic emotionally labile disorder

By this term, doctors mean a painful condition in which the patient exhibits constant or de-periodic attacks of incontinence, nervousness and rapid fatigue, physical discomfort, and attacks of pain of various natures.

In the medical field, this disorder is known as - this disorder is most often a consequence of a disease in its severe form - hypertension and a malfunction in the blood flow of the circulatory system that feeds the brain, stroke, and so on.

In terms of characteristic symptoms, this pathology manifests itself as general weakness and photophobia, seizures and rapid fatigue. The patient's motor and motor activity decreases, concentration fails, and the level of irritability and tearfulness increases. Regarding the reasons that provoke the development of this form of organic disorder, doctors identify the following:

  • HIV and;
  • viral or bacterial theology;
  • diagnosing systemic and somatic pathologies, and;

With regard to diagnosing this form of disorder, the main efforts are aimed at assessing the patient’s condition, the severity of the damage to his personality and establishing the root cause that provoked this condition.

Treatment is a course of complex therapy and, first of all, doctors prescribe medications from the group and nonspecific stimulants. In addition, doctors prescribe vitamins and a course of physical therapy.

Asthenic disorder of organic nature

Organic asthenic personality disorder is a psychological condition of a persistent nature with cerebrasthenic and symptomatology. Evolving in the background.

At the initial stages of the disease, the disease manifests itself in the form of a cerebral form of asthenia, but in the absence of treatment, it passes to the stage.

The reasons for the development of this pathology may be a hereditary predisposition and a severe emotional experience suffered by the patient, as well as the lack of adequate opportunity to relax, an unfavorable climate in the family and at work, and large volumes of work.

Organic asthenic personality disorder manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • the manifestation of a pronounced asthenic disorder is also a clear manifestation of nervousness and discomfort at the physical level, attacks of pain of different nature and localization;
  • loss of strength and fatigue, attacks of tearfulness;
  • heightened perception of external stimuli and seizures;
  • and other signs.

Doctors make the diagnosis of organic asthenic disorder in cases where the patient does not reveal deep pathological disorders of consciousness.

Treatment of organic personality disorder begins with primary diagnosis - this is a competent and correct interpretation of the information received from the patient and evaluation of test results. The main diagnostic methods are determining the psychological portrait of the patient, collecting an anamnesis of the course of the disease, laboratory tests and analysis of all subjective complaints, measuring blood pressure and pulse rate. Additional research methods are ECHO-cardiogram and ultrasound.

The treatment process is a rather long and labor-intensive process aimed at eliminating negative manifestations and eliminating all the root causes that provoked the disease.

In order to increase working capacity and during diagnosis, adaptogens, tonic drugs that increase the body’s resistance to negative external and internal factors are prescribed. In addition, an inhibitor group can be prescribed.

The forecasts of modern doctors are positive, but only with timely diagnosis and treatment of the pathology. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease progresses to the stage in which the prognosis for the patient is very negative.

Emotionally labile asthenic psychopathy

Speaking about what emotionally labile and asthenic disorders are, in each case this is an organic lesion caused by somatic or infectious diseases of the central nervous system and brain.

Their essence is that both the vascular system of the brain is affected and, as a consequence, the psychological and emotional state is disrupted, provoked by excessive load, or.

Symptoms include fatigue and weakness, attacks of headache and irritability, decreased motor activity and attention, and increased blood pressure.

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of collecting the patient’s medical history and drawing up his psychological portrait; the causes of the pathology are identified. Treatment of the disease is medication; a course of psychological adjustment is also prescribed.

Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder is differentiated from such a disorder of a neurotic nature, as well as other specific disorders that are caused by either external or internal psychological factors, but in this case there is no characteristic history of pathology.

The differences between asthenic disorder and the clinical manifestation of neurasthenia, provoked by physical and mental overload, are identified after identifying the root cause that provoked the organic disorder.

Organic anxiety disorder

Most depressions of an organic nature begin with the development of a state of anxiety. So, in half of the cases they are also present when diagnosing myocardial infarction.

The reasons that provoke this disorder are cardinal and cerebral disorders, vascular pathological changes in the brain, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, and head injuries.

Symptoms of the pathology manifest themselves in the form of attacks of anxiety and tremors in the epigastric region and spasms in the navel, tension in the muscle ring around the scalp, attacks of tachycardia and increased breathing, pallor of the skin or their redness, dry mouth.

The course of treatment involves taking medications that have an anxiolytic effect - most often this is Mebicar,. The duration of treatment is no more than a two-week course.

The therapeutic course can be supplemented by taking it at night and.

Organic delusional personality disorder is a pathology of a psychological nature in which the patient has persistent or recurrent, incorrect and false ideas and beliefs that dominate the overall picture of the disease.

The causes of the disease have not yet been precisely established by doctors. According to some scientists, the disease can be hereditary in nature, have a biological nature when there is an imbalance in the level of neurotransmitters in the body, and there may also be the influence of external factors - alcohol abuse and stressful situations, depression, etc.

The main symptoms are constant attacks of delirium, and in the case of an acute form of the disease, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system also manifest themselves.

The chronic form of the disease will manifest itself with negative symptoms over a fairly long period of time.

The pathology is diagnosed based on interviewing the patient and collecting an anamnesis of the course of the disease; neurologists or psychiatrists note those signs that are not characteristic of schizophrenia - the patient’s pursuit of a delusional idea or thought.

Treatment of the disorder is complex; the patient undergoes both medication and psychotherapeutic behavior modification.

The main task of psychological adjustment is to switch the patient’s attention from the subject of his disorder to other, real goals.

A medicinal course of treatment involves prescription and administration by the patient, and if depression is diagnosed, a course.

When a severe form of the disease is diagnosed, the patient is placed in a hospital until his condition is completely stabilized.

Organic schizophrenia-like disorder is diagnosed in 5 out of 100 patients with. The disorder is often accompanied by psychosis - this condition can last up to several years.

The cause of this form of psychopathy is most often also focal brain lesions in the temporal and parietal zones, after the patient has suffered encephalitis.

The disease can have a chronic course, with constant schizophrenic symptoms, or manifest itself as a series of schizoid attacks with delusional ideas, which are similar in type to epileptic attacks.

The productive symptoms of the pathology manifest themselves in the form of invented delusional images, most of them of a religious nature; depression and, as well as a paranoid form of psychosis, also appear.

Diagnosis of the disease - identification of the main, provoking pathology, as well as specific signs of emotional personality disorder - these are paranoid experiences, ecstasy, visual or auditory hallucinations.

Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating its main manifestation - symptoms of schizophrenia and delirium. Most often, doctors prescribe a course of treatment, or.

Organic personality disorder is a serious disorder, the treatment of which requires a comprehensive approach. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment, the prognosis for patients is positive.

A painful state of the body, the characteristic manifestation of which is lability or constant or pronounced incontinence, nervousness, fatigue, various manifestations of physical discomfort, pain of a different nature, is defined in medicine as an organic emotional-labile disorder or asthenia. The presumptive reasons for the development of this condition are a general organic disorder of the patient.

It is generally accepted that asthenic disorder in most cases occurs against the background of a severe protracted illness, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, in which there is a gradually progressive insufficiency of blood supply to the brain, discirculatory encephalopathy.

Symptoms and causes of organic emotionally labile disorder

The clinical picture when an organic emotional-labile disorder occurs in a patient generally manifests itself with its characteristic symptoms. Specific signs of asthenia include:

- general weakness;

- photophobia;

- very frequent, severe dizziness;

— rapid fatigue;

- hypersensitivity,

- hyperesthesia;

— significant decrease in motor and motor activity;

- hyperacusis;

- impaired concentration;

- hypoalgesia;

- irritability;

- tearfulness.

The most common causes of the development of organic emotionally labile disorder (asthenic disorder) are:

  • Brain injuries.
  • Vascular diseases of the brain.
  • Tumors (benign and malignant) of the brain.
  • Immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • Epilepsy.
  • Neurosyphilis, other bacterial and viral neuroinfections.
  • Various somatic and systemic diseases.
  • Mixed diseases.
  • Idiopathic diseases.

Organic emotional-labile disorder is also noted in the follow-up of patients with encephalitis, brain tumors, as well as persons with suicidal tendencies and patients who have been subjected to prolonged anesthesia.

Diagnosis and treatment of organic emotionally labile disorder

All diagnostic techniques aimed at identifying and assessing the severity of asthenic disorder (emotional lability) are undertaken with the sole purpose of discovering the cause of such a condition in the patient. Simultaneously with traditional diagnostic measures, differential diagnostics must be carried out.

Organic emotionally labile disorder should be differentiated from neurotic disorders, such as or other specific disorders that are associated with stress or certain psychological factors, but there is no characteristic history of the disease. It is possible to distinguish an asthenic disorder from a clinical disorder caused by significant intellectual and physical stress only after identifying the reasons for the development of such a condition.

- nootropics (aminalon, glutamic acid, nootropil, encephabol, phenibut);

- nonspecific stimulants (eleutherococcus, aloe, fibs, ginseng root).

Among the many personality disorders, a special place occupies emotional lability syndrome.

At first glance, this is not a disease; patients do not look crazy.

Others perceive them as simply very emotional people. However, this psycho-emotional disorder poses a serious problem both for the patient himself and for his loved ones.

Definition of the concept

Emotionally labile - what does this mean?

Emotional lability is understood as psychopathic state in which the patient experiences increased emotional reactions to a weak stimulus.

The word “labile” itself means “unstable”, “mobile”.

In medicine it is designated reaction rate in nerve cells that occurs in response to external stimuli.

From the point of view of psychology and psychiatry, high lability is a syndrome in which the patient reacts inappropriately to familiar things.

Such patients are characterized by: tearfulness, irritability, manifestations of aggression, joy. At the peak of emotions, a person loses control of himself.

The disease occurs in 2-4% of people, most of them are children and elderly. The disease can be primary, that is, a manifestation of a personality disorder, and secondary, arising due to endocrine disorders, cerebral vascular pathology, or heart disease.


From the point of view of the root cause, the following types of disorder are distinguished:

Organic type

Pathology develops after severe somatic illnesses. For example:

The main reason - organic changes in the brain. A focus of excitation is formed there, in which a kind of outbreak occurs. A person exhibits symptoms such as:

  • uncontrollable emotions, sometimes for no apparent reason;
  • emotions are mostly negative (anger, anger, irritability).
  • In addition to an increased emotional reaction, the patient also has physical manifestations:
  • headache, dizziness;
  • tinnitus, attacks of nausea;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sensitivity to light and sounds;
  • inadequate pain reaction to touching the skin.

This indicates organic brain damage.

Asthenic type

This disorder can develop both due to organic brain damage and against the background of mental disorders.

Asthenic syndrome manifests itself in mental exhaustion.

A person loses the ability to withstand the usual physical and emotional stress. If the disease develops as a result of prolonged stress, it is called “neurasthenia.”

This condition is necessary differentiate from normal fatigue or weakness after illnesses. With ordinary weakness, the body recovers as it recovers, strength returns, and the patient’s condition improves.

With asthenic syndrome, no usual methods such as rest, sleep, or good nutrition work. The patient feels equally bad at any time of the day.

The main manifestations are:

  • a constant feeling of fatigue that occurs immediately after waking up;
  • inability to perform normal work for 2-3 hours;
  • irritability, depression;
  • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • tachycardia, pressure surges.

Asthenic disorder is of two types: hyposthenic and hypersthenic.

In the first case, symptoms of fatigue, depression, and lethargy predominate.

In the second, the patient is constantly in emotional arousal, he reacts aggressively to others, shows anger, and screams.

Characteristics of a labile personality type

Psychiatrists identify the following diagnostic criteria, by which you can determine an emotionally labile personality:

  1. Staying in a state of negativity and irritability, which often results in attacks of aggression.
  2. Intransigence, vindictiveness, rancor.
  3. Inability to work in one team for a long time due to constant conflicts with colleagues.
  4. The desire for leadership in the complete absence of corresponding abilities.
  5. , use of violence.
  6. Often such people become addicted to alcohol, drugs, and commit crimes.
  7. Children and teenagers, although their intellectual abilities are appropriate for their age.
  8. Constant life changes in your personal life: from stormy passionate relationships to ugly breakups.
  9. Small children are constantly in public, fight, and do not respond to comments.


Doctors call the main reason for increased emotional lability in children and adults imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system.

The transmission of nerve impulses in the brain is accelerated, which causes an inadequate emotional response.

Provoking factors for the development of the disease are:


The main clinical manifestation of lability is mood swings. They are expressed in the following symptoms:

  1. A sharp change in emotions from intense joy to depression.
  2. Tearfulness, apathy, hypochondria.
  3. Unreasonable outbursts of aggression, anger, even the manifestation of physical force.
  4. Inability to control behavior, lack of perception of the surrounding reality at the time of the attack.
  5. Poor perception of criticism, suspiciousness, suspicion.
  6. Committing actions under the influence of momentary emotions: divorce, changing jobs.
  7. Susceptibility to addictions: alcohol, gambling, drugs.
  8. Fatigue, poor ability to work, restlessness.
  9. Unreasonable headaches, muscle aches, dizziness, insomnia.

Patients are constantly in state of heightened emotional stress, conflict with others.

They are often left alone because they cannot establish interpersonal relationships. Subsequently, such people have thoughts of suicide.

Against the background of chronic fatigue, diseases of the heart and blood vessels develop, and hormonal disorders may begin. Such patients are not aware of their problem, blame anyone for all troubles, but not themselves.

If they are not helped in time, mental disorders may begin to develop.

Coping methods

Before starting treatment it is important to accurately diagnose. The patient will need to consult a psychotherapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and neurologist. The psychologist conducts a conversation with the patient and uses special tests.

If the root cause of lability is a somatic disease, then it is necessary to begin treatment with it. Usually the patient's condition improves. Special treatment includes methods of medication and psychotherapy.

Drug therapy involves prescribing the following groups of drugs:

Psychotherapy includes individual and group lessons. In individual sessions, the patient performs tasks aimed at getting rid of internal problems, learns to control his body and reactions. Art therapy and relaxation sessions are used.

In group classes, patients learn to interact with others, conduct an adequate dialogue, and correctly perceive criticism.

It is necessary to learn how to get out of conflict situations and acquire self-relaxation skills.

The psychotherapist also conducts a conversation with the patient’s relatives, talks about the causes of the disease, and advises how to respond to its violent manifestations.

Since emotional lability is associated with tension, then the patient needs rest. It is recommended to take a vacation, go to a resort, and do what you love. It is important to create a favorable psychological environment around a person.

Prevention pathology is the normalization of work and rest, avoidance of traumatic situations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Be sure to alternate mental stress with moderate physical activity. Walking in the fresh air, meeting with friends, and a change of scenery are helpful. Of no small importance is normal long sleep, good nutrition.

Emotional lability syndrome is much more common than it seems. It’s just that he often remains without treatment, since those around him believe that the person simply has a bad character and lacks upbringing.

However, this is a rather dangerous disease that can't be ignored. Even if the person himself is not aware of his problem, relatives should convince him to see a specialist.

About emotional lability in this video: