
Does magic really exist? What is magic and is it worth believing in it? What is magic

This is one of the eternal questions that has haunted humanity for thousands of years. A mystic or occultist will say that magic exists, that he has experienced its capabilities firsthand. The skeptic will object - where is your magic, show it to me! I only believe in what can be seen or touched! But which of them will be right?

To understand whether magic exists, you need to try to understand this issue as impartially as possible. And we should start with the origins of the origin of magical techniques. I invite you, dear reader, to mentally travel back to prehistoric times.

Why did magic arise?

Once upon a time, a long time ago, the world was truly huge. And frightening... People had to face dangers every day that we cannot even imagine. Predators roamed the earth, stronger than modern tigers and lions. Thunderstorms, storms, hurricanes and other natural phenomena brought superstitious horror to our ancestors.

The man did not know whether he would return from the hunt alive, whether he would be able to survive another attack by a hostile tribe. Any illnesses were perceived as machinations. Of course, a person needed protection that would allow him to feel more comfortable in this huge, hostile world.

Humanity has always been distinguished by an inquisitive mind. Some people began to study the properties of herbs and try to interact with the “forces” and “spirits” that personified the natural elements. This is how the first shamans appeared - cult ministers who devoted themselves to the study of magic.

What did shamans do?

The sorcerer was responsible for the fate of his tribe. He had to ensure a successful hunt, appease the gods, who could send the people both a bountiful harvest and all sorts of disasters. The shaman was consulted when important decisions had to be made, for example, changing a campsite, starting to prepare provisions, or going on a military campaign.

To receive something, you need to give something equally valuable in return. Ancient sorcerers used this principle in their rituals. They sacrificed part of the harvest and animals obtained from hunting to the gods. The Aztecs and many other tribes widely practiced...

Our ancestors did not question whether magic exists. They believed unconditionally in the power of witchcraft. However, if the shaman was unable to “agree with the gods” and troubles befell the tribe, then he could simply be killed. The position of supreme sorcerer passed to the next candidate.

Mystical practices of the peoples of the world

It would seem that scientific and technological progress should put an end to magical practices and other superstitions. But judge for yourself, magic in one form or another still lives in various parts of the globe:

Shamans of Mexico and Siberia. Their rituals allow the use of hallucinogens - psilocybes, fly agarics, peyote. In a state of trance, the shaman visits other worlds and interacts with their inhabitants, performing rituals. A common technique is ritual using a tambourine.

Yogis of India. These wonderful people completely control the capabilities of their body. For example, a yogi can safely swallow a bag of needles and then force the needles to come out of his fingertips. Yogis stop breathing at their own request and fall into. Some are even able to levitate.

Followers of the Voodoo cult. These are mainly inhabitants of the African continent. The Voodoo religion involves turning to the invisible spirits of Loa, who act as an intermediary between man and God. widely known thanks to the volt - a doll made for the death of an enemy.

Rosicrucians (Masons). The Knights of the Rose and Cross, whose descendants now make up the Masonic lodge, possessed sacred knowledge. Their power caused concern among the authorities of that time. To get rid of the Rosicrucians, King Philip IV of France (Philip the Handsome) entered into a secret conspiracy with Pope Clement the Fifth.

Anchorites of Tibet. These mystics are famous for their ability not to freeze in the most severe Himalayan frosts. They practice (inner warmth). Anchorites specially wrap themselves in wet sheets and dry them with the warmth of their bodies. They also perform the tshed sacrament, which is included in the list.

Theosophical lodge. Very common in America, despite the fact that one of the founders of the movement was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, born in the Russian Empire. Theosophists can only be conditionally called magicians, although among their practices there are astral travel and spiritualistic seances.

Village magic is widespread in almost all corners of Russia. Its variety is gypsy dark magic, which includes various methods of inducing damage and the evil eye.

Exists or not?

But does magic exist? You can say that there are many historical examples, but this will not convince any skeptic. Come true or Vanga? Manipulation of facts, mere coincidence! The curse of the pharaohs that overtook the tomb robbers? Nonsense, it’s just that stale air has accumulated inside the pyramids! And what's about ? This is just a mass hallucination! And so on…

Dear reader, if you really want to know whether magic exists, then try to study it from the practical side. This is the only way you can gain personal experience and form your own idea about this issue. Indeed, in real life you cannot meet a magician who can summon a dragon or throw a fiery fireball at his opponent. But this does not mean at all that the centuries-old knowledge of shamans, sorcerers, magicians, mystics of different countries is just a meaningless dummy.

You can encounter something mystical in everyday life every day - we just don’t notice it. Some are lucky to see prophetic dreams, some get what they want, just think about it, and some have a strong inner instinct.

Or here’s another common example – energy vampirism. Sometimes one person dominates a group of others without having much physical strength. It turns out that the whole secret is in the unique energy.

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The tendency to clairvoyance is a clear manifestation of magic. Agree, each of us has a friend (and perhaps it’s you yourself) who knows in advance what will happen in the near future. He himself cannot explain where this knowledge came from, but, nevertheless, everything is so. Later it turns out that all his assumptions are prophetic.

Some people have healing powers. For example, you have a headache. You took one pill, then a second - but the pain does not subside. And then a work colleague touched the back of your head a little - and the suffering stopped. What is this if not magic?

People who practice magic always have a special atmosphere in their home. You can feel it right from the start.

And even if such life phenomena do not lend themselves to generally accepted logic, they exist. Be more observant, and you yourself will answer the question: is there magic?

And for dessert, watch this short video - I don't know how they do it, but it's impressive!

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site

Interesting on the topic:

Since ancient times, there has been a lot of debate about whether magic really exists or is just fiction. For centuries, magic has existed on the border between reality and myth. There is probably nothing more ambiguous and mysterious in the world than magic. For centuries, people have been trying to get to the bottom of white and black magic. But to this day no one has been able to figure out what it is. History tells us that miracles happen in different parts of the world at different times. Perhaps all the miracles recorded in world history are just hallucinations, figments of the imagination? So does magic really exist? Disputes in society about this do not subside.

It is hardly possible to attribute the existence at all times of an unshakable belief in the existence of magic to chance alone. Perhaps this belief survived because behind it was not superstition, but knowledge that was based on the life experience of all mankind? Probably today there are an equal number of opinions - both against magic and for it. Even the very definition of magic can be debated for a very long time. What is this? Magic, creativity, certain human skills, art? Those who talk about magic on a professional level define it as a certain set of actions that can change the world around them. And those who do not believe in magic imagine it as something distant and abstract, coming from children's books.

But at the same time, it is quite possible to assume that even those events that are described in fairy tales have some relation to reality, because it is not for nothing that fairy tales are called the first lessons for children. For example, many fairy tales mention water – living and dead. Is this pure fiction or reality? Any person a couple of decades ago would have answered without hesitation that these are all just fairy tales, nothing more. Everyone believed that water, in principle, could not be dead or alive. However, today there are entire scientific treatises that say that water has a very direct effect on the human body. Water can heal a person, but improperly charged water can cause poisoning. It has now been proven that water has the ability to absorb information and can have a significant impact on the world around it. Until recently, scientists simply laughed at the actions of healers who were aimed at jars of water. But today these same scientists invite healers to cooperate and carefully study the contents of these jars. Those. what seemed unthinkable yesterday is today a fact. Therefore, there is a high probability that magic still exists, but science has not yet found a way to prove it.

It seems that not a single children's fairy tale could arise out of nowhere. Our brain puts together each innovation from “details” already familiar to it, creating its own mosaic. But where did these “details” come from? Every fairy tale has a certain amount of truth, it just so happens that the sharp corners are omitted.

Adherents of materialism claim that magic does not exist, that it is just fiction. They believe that everything in the world is material and that only what we see and what is tangible exists. Everything in this world obeys the laws of chemistry and physics. But the question arises: couldn’t there be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the magic algorithm actually works?

Even at the dawn of human development, people already had a different idea about the material world. This was manifested, first of all, in the belief in an afterlife. When a person died, the community took care of the deceased in every possible way. They believed that he continued to live, just in a different form. Therefore, they protected him in every possible way from wild animals, brought him gifts, and performed funeral rituals.

From time immemorial, magic has spread throughout the lands of Rus'; sorcerers and healers lived in all villages. Moreover, there was a clear difference between them. For example, a sorcerer caused damage and the like, i.e. used magic for evil purposes. And the healer could ward off damage and heal people. The sorcerers were natural and involuntary, they practiced love magic. For the Middle Ages, magic was something very scary; magic was condemned at that time. Sorcerers and witches were burned based on just one denunciation. However, even at that time, entire organizations and communities appeared, numbering hundreds of people who practiced magic to one degree or another.

There are such forms of human belief in the existence of something invisible and supernatural, such as totemism and animism. Totemism was a special system of myths and human beliefs in the supernatural community of groups with plants and animals, which were called totems. Animism is a person's belief in the existence of spirits. Fetishism is the endowment of objects with supernatural properties. In addition, as humanity developed, necromancy, shamanism and various kinds of cults of a particular community appeared, depending on the territory of their location.

Therefore, if the question of whether magic exists is answered from the point of view of history, then the answer will definitely be yes. It just obeys different laws. These laws are inevitable, irreversible and universal. Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as the biofield and energy. A person can control circumstances, control the environment. In reality there is no such thing as a case. The stronger a person’s energy, his willpower, and the stronger he himself, the more chances he has to control circumstances.

You may not fully believe in magic, but you cannot help but remember that for a long time humanity did not believe that our planet was spherical. Previously, those who made such statements were considered heretics. But in the end it turned out that they were right. It may well be that the same situation arises with magic. Science cannot yet give a definite answer to the question of whether magic exists or not.

Magic and evidence of its existence

The question of whether magic exists or is it an illusion haunts, along with doubts, one way or another, everyone who is interested in esotericism, mysticism, and the paranormal. It is clear that doing something unknown is somehow not particularly attractive, just like escapism. However, here the question arises about what is considered magic, what kind of evidence you need, and also whether there will be a limit, after which you definitely decide for yourself that enough is enough, you make a decision. In fact, being in a state of limbo for a long time, either believing or not believing, is simply not allowed by the psyche. Sooner or later, consciousness will want some specific picture of the world.

If you answer the question of whether magic exists, you can immediately answer: yes.

The basic elements (fire, air, water and earth) are also considered magic, but you don’t doubt their existence? It is clear that this is not what the questioner is interested in. Some facts can be cited: for example, it is very difficult to find a large number of people in the world in whose lives nothing inexplicable has ever happened. Perhaps this happened rarely - once or twice, but if you set a goal and start questioning those around you, albeit carefully, many may refuse to admit it for fear of being ridiculed, then you will hear a story about at least a couple of cases. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, carried out such an experiment, and many of my friends actually confessed. And my relatives also conducted a survey of their friends. Similar result.

Of course, this can be explained by a coincidence, it “seemed” that one of those telling the story tried to find an explanation himself (he was drunk, I was probably being pranked), but those who described the cases, by the way, were mostly adults, and not two and with coincidences... Yes, and we were drunk more than once, but still, something made us classify these particular situations as “inexplicable”?

Just don’t immediately try to convince others that we are all living almost in a fantasy series. In several cases, most of them were not convinced, and many simply did not want to be convinced of anything; they were already satisfied with everything. But if you start trying to conduct campaigning, you will be thrown off the purity of your experiment: a tub of other people’s fears, doubts, assumptions, the conviction that “it can’t be this way, it just can’t happen” and the like will pour out on you. You need the most sober view possible, and not someone else’s influence on you.

And you need facts to prove the existence of magic

Of course, facts on their own won't do much. And they won't convince. In this case, you can begin to study the history of magic - more precisely, in the modern world it sounds like the history of magical beliefs. Empires changed, even religions came and lost their power, and some of the people (sometimes larger, sometimes smaller) continued, at a minimum, to be interested in this phenomenon. According to sociology, quite officially, the magical picture of the world is an obligatory stage in the development of any society; without it, society simply cannot be considered developed. There are many interesting theories about why people have such a craving for magic, but there is no unambiguous one, like a physical law, and the history of physics shows that an unambiguous physical law refers, rather, to myths.

But if you look at things directly, then: all people, one way or another, feel the need for some kind of contact with magic. And any nation is for development. They feel the need to connect through stories, faith, and the perception of a magical picture of the world. And if you continue to look at the facts directly, then you cannot feel the need for something that does not exist. Especially so massively.

How to get evidence of the existence of magic yourself?

You can talk about other people's experiences for a long time. Similarly - about theories, look for evidence, references, notice how many philosophical systems in one way or another dealt with something paranormal... But the distrustful are usually convinced by their own experience. Great. To begin with, among esoteric practices there are meditations, the effect of which is recognized by official science, but is not fully explained. Science cannot say exactly how the changed is achieved, but magic provides very specific practices for achieving it. In a state of doubt, you can decide to do what science recognizes, winning anyway. This may be something of a compromise for you.

Lucid dreaming is another area where, with some diligence, regular study and practice, you can get results, regardless of whether you believe in them or not. By the way, this is precisely why real, working practices differ from religion: they do not depend on faith. From lucid dreams you can move on to controlled ones, and begin to learn more about yourself, your consciousness and more.

There are also techniques for disconnecting from the body, leaving the body, and, as you might guess, they are also completely independent of the faith factor. True, less doubt is needed here, since much depends on the nervous system. Which can be influenced by your mood, the presence or absence of readiness to perceive certain things.

Therefore, it is better not to approach this from the position: let me prove that there is no magic!

This position can be formulated differently: let this (esotericism, magic, something else) prove to me that it exists, and if it doesn’t work, then it means there is nothing, but this is how you approach yourself, your body and your own nervous system. If we draw an analogy, an athlete in such a state without preparation will not prove anything, but will overstrain himself. Or imagine having sex with such a leitmotif. There is a high risk that even with a healthy body there may be some kind of incident. And if there is even the slightest problem...

Does magic really exist or is it just a fantasy? You've probably often asked yourself this question. You may be a skeptic and not believe that magic exists in our time - but it does. This is the same as not believing in good and evil, but it exists and we encounter it every day. The situation is similar with magic, it’s just not given to everyone to discover it - but this does not mean that it does not exist at all.

How magic is expressed in everyday life

· Coincidence. Has it ever happened in your life that you were just thinking about a person and after some time you accidentally met him at the checkout of a supermarket or at the next table in a cafe? What is this... coincidences or magical effects? Are such situations an accident or not? I don’t think so... Maybe you have the gift of attraction. Or most likely, it means that you can influence what happens around you with your thoughts.

· Clairvoyance. Often people who do not have this gift from birth have visions that come true after a certain period of time. This can be explained by a strong emotional shock, an accident, stress - which opened the necessary chakra for a person. Or that the Higher powers want to warn him so that he can find a way out of this situation.

These are not all the factors that can answer the question, Is there really magic?. It is only important to understand that every person is capable of influencing his own destiny with the help of mental power. It is enough to learn to use it wisely and you will be able to make all your desires come true. Of course, not only with the help of such power can this be done, but to find out how else, you will need to study all the possible ones.

Predisposition to magic

Every person who wants to use this or that sacrament has wondered, how to find out if you have the ability to magic. In order to find out, there are many ways, but in this article we will look at those that can actually show whether you are inclined to this type of occupation.

Pay attention to your dreams. What we dream plays an important role. Think about whether you saw what ended up being an important event in your life. If yes, then how often do you have such dreams? Basically, people who can see their future during sleep have a greater predisposition to extrasensory perception than to magic.

Pay attention to your past. Think about whether you ever abandoned your dream trip for no particular reason, which later ended in tragedy? Or maybe they didn’t have time for the meeting, at the end of which there was a fight? Such situations are not an accident, but a direct predisposition to magic. You are valuable to the Higher Powers, so they try in every possible way to protect you.

Pay attention to the animals. Animals are extremely sensitive to people who have supernatural abilities. They can growl, run away, or, on the contrary, try to get closer. If, after your arrival, the animals reacted somehow strangely, this may be direct evidence that you have a magical imprint on you.

If you have any of these abilities, rest assured that you can use magical sacraments and get significant effect from them. You can not only understand how to find out if you have the ability to do magic, but also use the resulting power to achieve your goals.

What is magic

Before you start using rituals, you need to know is there magic in your hands and whether it is open to you, and most importantly, what it can be used for. Magic is a tool with which you can influence the subconscious and change people's destinies. With its help you can get love, luck, wealth and strength.

Every magician who practices the sacraments must know that the power that will be received must be used only for good. Before you begin to perform a magical sacrament, analyze the situation and think about whether you need it.

Does magic exist in the modern world?

Many people believe that the sacraments were only effective in ancient times, but does magic exist nowadays, is a big question for them. However, there is a fairly simple answer. Think about whether there have been situations in your life when you really wanted something, but were sure that it was impossible to get it, and after some time your desire came true? This is magic in its purest form.

At the same time, it conceals two sides: and. You've probably often asked yourself: " Do I have the ability to do magic?, and to which one? It is important to understand here that while the bright side can be revealed to everyone, the dark side cannot.

In order to find out whether it is available to you at all, there are several methods:

· How often do “evil thoughts” visit you? Do you often think about hurting a certain person? If yes, you have a direct predisposition to this craft, since the sacraments that belong here are performed more often in order to harm a person rather than help him.

· What is your favorite color? As strange as it may sound, your favorite color may indicate your abilities in magic. If you have the mark of a black magician on you, you should prefer colors like grey, green or black. If your favorite colors have light shades, you should reconsider your intentions and think about performing white sacraments.

I think these tips will help you determine your inclinations. But remember that helping and giving kindness to people is always more pleasant and such a craft will only have a positive impact on you and your karma. On this site you will find articles on the following topics: or - you will discover a lot of interesting things, a completely new world. The main thing is not to be afraid and confidently follow the instructions, and most importantly, the call of your heart.

The magic of love

How to understand that there is an ability for magic love? It is part of the light side of magic and will be conquered by you if you are characterized by the following:

· Do you know how to love? Love is the main thing in the life of any person. It is worth noting that most magical sacraments are capable of bewitching a person, as a result of which he will experience feelings for the performer throughout his life. Therefore, if you want to use , you must be sure that your passion will not fade away after a while.

· You must be kind. For such magical rituals, kindness and sincerity of intentions play a key role. If you have such traits, you are capable of becoming an esotericist who practices the sacraments to receive mutual feelings on the part of the chosen one.

These traits may indicate that you are predisposed to. You will be able to perform ordinances that will truly be effective. In addition, no matter what ritual you perform, it will not entail consequences or other negative factors.

How to recognize magical effects

Magic can be found in absolutely everything. AND is there magic in our world... I think we found out today that yes, it exists. And she constantly maintains a balance between worlds, helps people and not only those who are close to her, but also everyone else - who still has faith in magic.

And as long as you and I are able to believe in magic, in miracles, in the fact that good always triumphs over evil, in the fact that hope dies last and fight to the end - magic will always help us, because it is around us. Remember this.

Is there really magic? It's interesting to know, isn't it? In the life of every person, inexplicable oddities, coincidences, and prophetic dreams occur - these are the first notes of magic, but it is not fully revealed to everyone.


Written by: Hades the Magician