
How to write a sample testimonial for pre-graduate practice. What is the characteristics of a student from the place of practical training? Who writes a character reference for a student from the internship site?

Description of the practice report is one of the mandatory documents that must be attached to the report (along with the diary). It is required in case of undergoing industrial or pre-graduate internship, and is not needed for the introductory report.

The initial goal of the document is to motivate students to take an active part in the internship process and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a positive way. And the head of practice from the enterprise, based on the results, draws up a characteristic that will have an impact on the assessment. This was supposed to be a kind of form of control over the trainee due to his inaccessibility to the university. But, recently, managers are increasingly entrusting the writing of characteristics to students themselves. Many people have difficulties because they need to describe their own works positively and, at the same time, objectively.

We propose to consider the features of compiling this document, what should be written about and how best to do it.

Structure of the practice report characteristics

The description should be informative, but short. Standard volume is 1-2 A4 sheets. It must be certified by the enterprise. The signature of the head of the practice or the director of the company, date and wet stamp are required.

List and order of information in the characteristics:

  1. Internship database data– name, address and telephone number of the enterprise. If possible, fill out the description on the company letterhead - this information is already indicated there.
  2. Document's name"Characteristics" in the center.
  3. Information about the trainee: Full name, course, faculty, group, period of practice.
  4. Responsibilities at the enterprise. It is necessary to describe the student’s job responsibilities during practice within his specialty (they can be duplicated from the introduction).
  5. Knowledge and skills. Description of the student’s level of training as a specialist and new skills acquired during practice. You can write about achievements in solving certain problems, if there were any. Fortunately, negative aspects do not have to be included in the description of the report on the practice at the enterprise.
  6. Personal qualities. You need to write about such traits as responsibility, punctuality, discipline, attention to detail, etc.
  7. Grade. She follows in custody. This is the main element of the characteristics of the report on practice at the enterprise. The supervisor will indicate how much he evaluates the student’s efforts and this assessment will be taken into account when submitting the report. If the student compiles the characteristics independently, the assessment should be agreed upon in advance.

A sample description for a practice report will allow you to clearly evaluate the features of working on the document.


Despite the fact that the characteristic is a separate document and is not part of the report, it must be formatted accordingly. It is best to stick to the same style as in the practice report.

  • Traditionally, Times New Roman font size is 14 pt. The details of the enterprise, the name of the document and the fields for the manager’s notes can be highlighted in bold.
  • Line spacing is 1.5. Be sure to separate paragraphs with indents. The left margin should be wider, because the description will be filed with other documents.
  • The style of presentation is businesslike. The presence of any errors is unacceptable. Remember that the testimonial is written about you, but it is written on behalf of the company, even if you wrote it yourself.

Is there any benefit to you personally from characterization from practice?

  • Firstly, if the practice was serious and thorough, and not “for show,” and you showed yourself to be good, you may be invited to work for the same company.
  • Secondly, the reference is also called a letter of recommendation and you can use it when looking for a job after graduation. When there is no experience, then practice in a reputable company and a recommendation can be an important advantage. You just need to take care of the duplicate characteristics.

On our website you can see an example of the characteristics of a practice report, and our specialists are ready to help with the preparation of this important document. Want to order?

Theoretically, the student’s characteristics are written by the head of practice from the enterprise. It is he who must characterize the student’s skills and abilities acquired during the internship.

However, in most cases, the characteristics are written by the students themselves, and the manager only signs it and puts the seal of the organization (even more often this is done by the secretary of the enterprise).

A sample description can be obtained from your department from the methodologist, or requested from senior students.

So that you don’t have to search for a long time, we have attached it at the end of the article. Simply insert your details and print the document.

Requirements for registration of student characteristics

Read the basic rules for writing a review of a trainee from a supervisor

The results of the practical training are recorded in a report, which is prepared by the student. The content of the report is regulated by the university, as are the documents that are attached to it. Therefore, the testimonial for a student intern must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, indicating the necessary information and appropriate formatting.

It is preferable to submit the review on the letterhead of the organization where the student was on internship.

Information that must be indicated in the specification:

  • name of the organization and its details;
  • mailing address;
  • e-mail;
  • contact number;
  • complete information about the student intern: full name, university, faculty and course of study;
  • the position in which the student completed his internship;
  • terms of industrial practice;
  • responsibilities that were assigned to the trainee;
  • signature of the practice manager;
  • seal of the organization.

How to write a reference for a student who has undergone an internship

To write a reference for a student intern, you can use our recommendations

When describing the duties that the student performed in practice, one should focus on the job description. Example: the student’s responsibilities included accounting, taking inventory, analyzing financial statements, etc.

The level of theoretical training of the student and his ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice should be assessed.

Example: when carrying out instructions from the manager during the internship of Ivanova I.A. was guided by the knowledge acquired at a higher educational institution. The student’s level of theoretical training allows her to perform her job duties at a good professional level.

Then the skills acquired by the student in practice should be reflected. This could be the preparation of reports, contracts, etc.

In addition, one of the mandatory attributes of the review is a description of the student’s personal qualities. Qualities such as diligence, punctuality, responsibility, ability to learn, communication skills, dedication, etc. should be assessed.

In conclusion, the characteristics from the internship site should indicate the grade that the student deserves for the internship.

Sample characteristics of a student intern


This description is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who completed pre-graduation internship at Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012.

During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in filling out supply contracts, drawing up reports, studied the rules of a sales visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on shelves).

During her internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed a good level of theoretical preparation. She approached all tasks conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge.

In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

Student profile template from the internship site

When compiling a profile for a student from the place of practice, the supervisor must focus on the level of the student’s professional preparation for work, as well as indicate the skills and abilities that the trainee acquired in production. A characteristic written in accordance with all the rules will help the head of the university evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s internship and evaluate it fairly.

Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template updated: September 2, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

1. Characteristics from the practice of a student, full name, who completed an internship at the agro-industrial complex “Vinogradny”, Simferopol district.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, a student at the Law Firm “KATU” of NAU, during his industrial practice as an understudy economist at the agro-industrial complex “Vinogradny” of the Simferopol region, established himself as a responsible, efficient and persistent person. Deepened and consolidated theoretical knowledge and skills in solving economic issues. Conducted research work on the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex.

· natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure and specialization of production;

· the size of the resource potential of the economy and the efficiency of their use;

· the state of technology and economic efficiency of production in crop production;

· relationships between the economy and enterprises: organizations;

· establishment of a market economic mechanism.

He carried out all the instructions of the chief economist and took an active part in the economic activities of the enterprise.

The level of knowledge with which the trainee came to the internship was quite high. Knowledge in the field of enterprise economics, as well as the ability to work on a computer, allowed the student to easily understand the organization and features of economic work at our enterprise.

There were no comments to the student during the internship period. I, the chief economist of the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex, V. N. Okorokova, believe that the work carried out by Alexey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, compiled in the “Report on Industrial Practice,” deserves an excellent rating.

2. Characteristics from the student’s practice in economics

Characteristics from practice of a third-year student of the Southern Branch of the Crimean Agrotechnological University.

Student full name from June 21, 2010 to July 16, 2010 was sent by the Law Firm "KATU" NUBiP of Ukraine to undergo industrial practice at OJSC Plemzavod "Krymsky" of the Saki region, to study and master the industrial practice program.

During the internship, the student proved herself to be a competent student, diligently attended and fully completed the established program.

During the internship, the student showed a good level of theoretical knowledge and reinforced it with practical skills with a large degree of independence in work, took an active part in the work of departments and provided assistance to their specialists. She showed diligence, hard work, reliability and goodwill in her work.

The student is sociable, diligent, disciplined, and conscientiously followed the instructions of the internship supervisor from the enterprise.

We recommend that you rate your internship in the discipline “Enterprise Economics” as “excellent.”

3. Characteristics from student practice at a winery

Full name, student of group TBP 31.1 of the Southern Branch of the National Agrotechnological University of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, Faculty of Technology, underwent practical training at Evpatoria Winery LLC from 06/05/10 to 07/30/10.

During the internship, the student became familiar with the basic techniques of bottling wine in bottles and in “Tetra-pak” prism and “Brick” formats, performed various work in the bottling shop, and proved herself to be a conscientious, diligent worker. Throughout the practice, I tried to obtain the maximum amount of information.

Head of practice from the plant: Slyusarenko V.I.

4. Characteristics of the student from the place of practice, accounting practice.

Ch. accountant of the Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station IS UAAS for a 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" NAU Babin Maxim Mikhailovich.

During his internship at our enterprise from 06/23/08 to 07/19/08, student M. M. Babin established himself as a conscientious and responsible intern. The level of professional training and skills is quite acceptable for a future bachelor's degree in Accounting and Auditing. During the internship, the student was also entrusted with the right to help accountants fill out some registers for business transactions occurring at that time.

Examples of characteristics from student practice will be constantly added.

5. Characteristics of the student from the place of technological practice

Full name underwent practical training at the State Enterprise "Alushta" in the period from 09/10/2007 to 10/03/2007.

The student became familiar with the acceptance of grapes and the production of wine materials, studied the range of products, and became familiar with technologies in the field of processing wine materials.

Full name has proven himself to be a responsible, efficient, disciplined worker. He has proven himself on the positive side in the team.

In any university, during their studies, students need to undergo an internship in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and gain practical work skills. During the entire period of study, they undergo introductory (educational) and pre-graduation internships. Completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description of the internship. To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or introductory practice becomes the first test for students. It is taken in the 1st or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate the general theoretical knowledge acquired during the study process, as well as to obtain a general understanding of the chosen specialty. During the internship, students are given the opportunity to become familiar with the work of the enterprise through lectures and excursions, as well as watch the work of employees of the specialization you have chosen.

Internship takes place in the 3rd-4th year and is the next step in mastering the profession. Trainees are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze documentation, and collect materials.

Undergraduate practice is the final stage of training. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. The report on pre-diploma practice is often the second chapter of the diploma and represents an analysis of the work of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the internship program of your university (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

- calendar plan;

- diary;

- characteristics from the place of internship

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- applications

Title page drawn up according to the model from the guidelines. The title page contains information about the name of the university, type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, pre-graduation), topic of practice, specialty, student, supervisor, place and year of writing.

Sample title page

Calendar plan is drawn up in the form of a table and contains data on the type, timing and location of the work you perform at the enterprise. Sometimes he enters the diary.

Example of a practice report schedule

Practice diary- similar to a calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee notes every day what he did or studied today. Organizes everything in table form.

Example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of industrial, educational or diploma internship must reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About the level of his professional training, personal qualities, as well as about the work and assignments that the student performed during his visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended rating.

The student must receive a reference letter from his supervisor and attach it to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility to the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample contents of an internship report

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • assessment of the current state of the topic under study;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. Positive and negative aspects in the work of an enterprise or institution are identified. All calculations, graphs and tables are provided.

Conclusion written based on the material studied. Contains answers to the problems posed in the introduction. Includes all findings obtained in the main part. You can include an assessment of your own work and make recommendations for improving the activities of the enterprise.

Sample conclusion of a practice report

Bibliography contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those indicated in. according to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature and Internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing a work in the text of the work. This can be reporting, the organizational structure of the enterprise, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. All documents that you found at the enterprise and that were useful for writing the reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have difficulties with writing or you were unable to complete an internship at a company, you can always turn to our specialists for help and receive qualified advice.