
Schizophrenia? Help yourself! What are the treatment methods for schizophrenia? Home Treatment Reassuring Facts About Schizophrenia

The disease, the cure for which we will talk about, has been observed in the history of mankind from its earliest times, when what is now commonly called “traditional medicine” did not exist at all. No one used such powerful and in many ways dangerous psychotropic medications as today, and, however, patients were not left without adequate and successful treatment. Let's start with the fact that, yes, if we are talking about an advanced and severe form of schizophrenia, when the patient is capable of harming both himself and others, then his condition should be monitored by a specialist. In other cases, if there is no desire to “sit down” on strong medications, which, for the most part, cause addiction to their use, you can and should try to fight the scourge at home. Moreover, if you believe the same doctors who claim that manifestations of mild/moderate schizophrenia (in its many different forms) are observed in half of the generally healthy population of the Earth. But let's define the most common signs of this disease.

  • persistent feeling of anxiety;
  • disturbances in coordination, movements or facial expressions, etc.

How to get rid of schizophrenia at home?

Folk remedies that can help in treatment

  1. For hallucinations: add 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water. medicinal comfrey, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave for another 10 minutes. After removing, leave for 45 minutes, drink strained throughout the day. Drink for 10 days, break for 2 weeks, then you can repeat.
  2. Blooming mignonette (100 g), soaked for 2 weeks in a dark place with half a liter of unrefined, will help against aggression. vegetable oil (shake occasionally). After straining, rub into the temple area, mornings and evenings.
  3. With tremors in the hands. Pour 3 tablespoons of boiling water into a thermos, add 3 tablespoons. crushed oregano herb, close and leave overnight. Strain this portion, divide it into 4 parts and drink throughout the day. The course is a month of admission, a month of break, as long as there is a need.
  4. With a constant feeling of anxiety. Pour 2 tablespoons of vodka. crushed valerian roots for 10 days, leaving it in a darker place. Take 5 drops when ready. three times a day.
  5. Infusion of zyuznik herb combats feelings of fear: 1 tablespoon. crushed raw materials, pour one cup of boiling water for half an hour and strain. For a month, morning and evening, drink half a glass. Mandatory break In winter, it is advisable to add 1/3 tablespoons. St. John's wort.
  6. To relieve attacks: 1 teaspoon. pour foxglove herbs into a half-liter thermos, pour 1 ml of boiling water for 12 hours, strain and drink 50 ml four times a day.
  7. For insomnia, you can take an infusion of the following herbs every evening (alternately): thyme + thyme + lemon balm (in equal proportions); marsh cudweed (100 g) + valerian root (50 g); valerian root (100 g) + hop cones (100 g) + sweet clover herb (50 g). All named ingredients must be dried and crushed. Tables.l. collection, pour a cupful of boiling water for half an hour, the “tea” is consumed strained, 1 hour before bedtime.
  8. For hysteria and suffocation: 1 tablespoon. crushed dry viburnum bark pour 1 cup of boiling water for 0.5 hours. Take strained into tablespoons. on an empty stomach, 3 times a day (half an hour before meals), as long as there is a need.
  9. To strengthen the nervous system: 2 tablespoons. a mixture of blackberry leaves and hop cones taken equally (both should be in dry, crushed form) pour into a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. After the night, strain and divide the portion into 4 doses, eat half an hour before meals.
  10. It is very useful for people with mental disorders to eat more strawberries, as well as about 5 juniper berries per day (if the kidneys are not bothered).

Mental disorders are a very important issue. No less significant are the problems described in “Mastitis: treatment at home.” Get well! Schizophrenia forum - treatment with communication

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Treatment of schizophrenia at home in adults and children

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder due to internal disturbances in the body, characterized by pathological behavior, emotions, attitude towards people, inadequate perception of the world and reality.

The development of the disease is not associated with exposure to external factors and may have a paroxysmal or continuous course.

With the disease, difficulties with communication are observed in a person at various stages of life - from early childhood to old age, from the period of attending school to working in a team.

According to statistics, every 5-6 people out of 1000 are susceptible to schizophrenia. Gender does not matter, although in men the disease manifests itself at an earlier age - from 15 years, in women from 25 years. Pathology is usually found in people between 15 and 30 years old. Out of 100 people with schizophrenia, about 10 decide to commit suicide.

The pathology affects a person for the rest of his life. Moreover, many symptoms can be eliminated completely with a competent combination of traditional and traditional treatment, which can only be selected by a highly qualified psychiatrist.

With pathology, a person’s thinking and perception suffer while maintaining the normal functioning of memory and intellect. The brain of schizophrenics is able to correctly perceive information, but the organ cortex cannot process it correctly.


The exact reasons for the development of this mental illness have not been identified. Scientists have put forward a number of factors that increase the likelihood of pathology:

  • Hereditary predisposition. If close relatives have the disease, schizophrenia appears in 10% of cases. When a pathology is diagnosed in one of the identical twins, the probability of the disorder occurring in the second increases to 65%. There is a version that for the development of a mental disorder one hereditary factor is not enough, a combination of several reasons is necessary.
  • Childhood education. One of the assumptions for the occurrence of schizophrenia is the provision of insufficient attention by parents to their children.
  • Pathologies of intrauterine development, mainly the impact of infections on the child.
  • Bad habits. The use of amphetamines contributes to the worsening of signs of mental illness. The use of hallucinogenic and stimulant drugs, including smoking, can trigger the development of the disorder.
  • Social factors. Scientists claim a connection between loneliness or stressful situations caused by a negative social situation with the manifestation of schizophrenia.
  • Disturbances of brain chemical processes. The makings of pathology can be laid down during intrauterine development, but appear only during puberty.

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Symptoms of the disorder

In the first stages of pathology, symptoms may be mild and often go unnoticed. At the same time, achieving an effective result is only possible if treatment is started in the early stages of a mental disorder. Therefore, it is important not to miss this moment before the disease progresses to more severe forms.

Manifestations can be very diverse. The main symptoms of schizophrenia are:

  • negative signs - lack of emotions and pleasure from anything, distance from social life and self-isolation, fading desire to care for oneself;
  • positive manifestations - a person hears voices in his head, is delirious, feels watched from the outside;
  • unexpected mood swings - from joy to depression;
  • cognitive symptoms – difficulties with processing even basic information, disturbances in thinking and memory.

There are certain signs of schizophrenia that are observed in males:

  • aggressiveness;
  • self-isolation from society;
  • the appearance of voices in the head;
  • persecution mania.

Features of the manifestation of the disease in women are:

  • frequent reflection;
  • persecution mania;
  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • conflicts against the background of social interests.

You can suspect the presence of the disease in children based on the following symptoms:

It is important for parents to distinguish the child’s wild imagination and character traits from pathological disorders. A specialist can determine the presence of the disease in children from the age of 2 years.

During adolescence, schizophrenics experience aggressiveness, poor academic performance, and isolation.

In severe forms of the disease, severe dementia manifests itself.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

To make a correct diagnosis, psychiatrists use several effective techniques:

  • interviewing the patient and his relatives;
  • conducting psychological tests;
  • virological study;
  • sleep monitoring carried out at night;
  • scanning of brain vessels;
  • conducting a neurophysiological examination;
  • electroencephalography;
  • laboratory tests.

Based on all the results obtained, the specialist makes a diagnosis and selects the most effective method of treating the patient.

  • It is not recommended to leave the patient alone, which will aggravate his situation and worsen his well-being;
  • Stressful situations that can cause negative emotions in a schizophrenic should be excluded;
  • Perform constant ventilation of the room in any weather;
  • Patients are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and drugs and should stop smoking;
  • It is recommended to take regular walks along quiet streets away from noisy roads;
  • It is advisable to play sports, swimming is especially useful, as it normalizes blood circulation, energizes and increases muscle tone;
  • It is important to get vitamins and nutrients into the body with food;
  • It is recommended to find a job and hobby to reduce the risk of depression and suicidal thoughts;
  • in sunny weather, you should use a hat to prevent overheating;
  • It is imperative to observe a sleep-wake schedule; lack of rest worsens the condition;
  • Do not drink strong tea, coffee or energy drinks.

Traditional medicine's ways to combat schizophrenia include:

  • Medications.
  • Insulin coma therapy is the administration of an increased dose of insulin to induce a glycemic coma. In the modern world, the method is used very rarely.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy is the conduction of electrical impulses through the brain.
  • Social correction – improving the patient’s living conditions and establishing his communication and contact with people around him.
  • Training family members to interact with and help a schizophrenic person.
  • Psychotherapy – alleviates the general condition of the patient and is used as an addition to complex treatment.
  • Surgical intervention is used rarely and in exceptional cases.

How to treat with folk remedies?

Traditional methods of treatment using natural ingredients have a positive effect on the condition of a person suffering from schizophrenia. Before using any recipe, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

The most effective traditional medicine for mental disorders are:

  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of coriander in 1 glass of boiled water. The remedy must be infused and used in the morning or when a hysterical attack occurs.
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed valerian root is mixed with 100 grams of vodka and infused for 10 days. The daily dose is 5 drops. Alcohol tincture helps get rid of causeless feelings of anxiety.
  • Dry hop cones and blackberry leaves are mixed in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon each. The healing mixture is poured with 2 glasses of boiled water and left to brew overnight. Finally, the medicine is filtered and taken ½ cup up to 4 times a day. The decoction strengthens the nervous system and serves as a stress prevention measure.
  • 1 tablespoon of viburnum bark is combined with 1 cup of boiled water, the mixture is infused for 30 minutes and filtered thoroughly. The product is drunk 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • In 3 liters of water you need to add 50 grams of crushed marsh chickweed, put the mixture on medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes with the lid closed. The resulting decoction should be poured into a bath with water at a temperature of 0 degrees. Taking medicinal baths before bedtime helps improve coordination of movements.
  • It is useful to sleep on a pillow that is prepared at home by adding medicinal herbs - oregano, hops, mint and thyme.
  • A linen bag with a bay leaf can be hung around the patient's neck to eliminate nightmares.

All folk recipes are aimed at eliminating the negative symptoms of pathology, and not at completely getting rid of mental illness.

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A favorable prognosis for schizophrenia depends on the following factors:

  • late age of onset of symptoms of the disease;
  • female;
  • good social and professional adaptation before the onset of the disease;
  • acute onset of a psychotic episode;
  • weak manifestation of negative symptoms;
  • absence of frequent and prolonged hallucinations.

The earlier a mental illness is identified, the more successful the result of treatment, including traditional and folk methods, will be. Of particular importance in this case are those around and close to a person with schizophrenia, who should support the patient and help him avoid nervous breakdowns and depression.

Schizophrenia is a severe and, unfortunately, incurable mental disorder. The disease occurs in adolescence or youth, destroying the patient’s usual way of life. Often the disease leads to disability, which is characterized by a complete loss of contact with reality. How to deal with schizophrenia? Is it possible to reduce the symptoms of a mental disorder to such an extent that you can live in society?

Indeed, modern medicine has tools and techniques that can reduce the signs of schizophrenic disorder. And yet, some residual symptoms cannot be eliminated - the patient will have to live with them forever.

But this does not mean that there is no hope for people with schizophrenia and their families. Nowadays, many people suffering from such a mental disorder lead full, meaningful lives. Scientists do not cease to find new methods of treating this disease; they are developing new types of pharmacological drugs that help prevent the development of schizophrenia and successfully treat it.

Answering the question of how to deal with schizophrenia, it is worth noting that treatment in specialized medical institutions under the guidance of doctors is only one of the stages. You need to start with the simplest thing, that is, observing the rules of conduct in everyday life.

1. Patients with schizophrenia are not recommended to eat heavy, spicy foods. The same applies to protein foods - meat, especially pork and beef, should be consumed in moderate portions and as rarely as possible. But the priority is foods rich in plant fiber. Fruits and berries (in any form) are especially useful.

2. Smoking and alcohol in schizophrenia are prohibited. It is better to avoid the first one altogether, and it is advisable to drink alcoholic beverages only occasionally and very little. As for energy soft drinks, they are absolutely prohibited for patients with this mental disorder. Energy drinks, coffee and even strong tea are harmful! You should exclude them from your diet once and for all.

3. Playing sports and communicating with nature are useful for combating schizophrenia. If, for a number of reasons, it is not possible for some patients to go in for sports, then regular long walks in the fresh air are available to everyone. It is especially useful to make such small “voyages” before going to bed. Plus, you need to take every opportunity to visit the countryside. Forest, field, river – it doesn’t matter where you relax, the main thing is to do it as often as possible.

The following prescriptions are not primary treatment for mental health problems. But as an aid included in a program on how to deal with schizophrenia in everyday life, they play an important role.

1. You need to grind thyme (75 g), elecampane root 975 g), mistletoe (100 g) into powder. Pour boiling water (400 ml) into two tablespoons of the resulting mixture. Infuse, wrapped in warmth, all night.

You need to drink the healing infusion every day, 4 times, half an hour before meals. Single serving – 100 ml (half a glass). When the prepared infusion is over, you should take a break from treatment for a week, after which the use of the herbal infusion is resumed.

2. To ensure a restful, deep sleep, it is recommended to use pillows with a collection of dry medicinal herbs - in this, official psychiatry is in full agreement with traditional medicine. Hops, oregano, mint, thyme, and other herbs that have a calming property help you relax.

In the fight against the symptoms of schizophrenia, nightly relaxing baths with decoctions of medicinal plants are also useful. Pine buds, walnuts, and elderberry root are excellent for these purposes. You can also use sea salt for these purposes.

how to get rid of schizophrenia?

thinking falls outside the scope of the “standard”, beliefs and ideas acquire a somewhat exotic connotation, reasoning is devoid of logic that others understand, speech is confused;

the person becomes extremely absent-minded, the perception of reality is disrupted, hallucinations appear;

apathy, depression, weakening of physical and mental activity;

inadequate expression of emotions or their complete absence;

isolation, unsociability or, conversely, aggressiveness towards others is possible, there is a clouding of the personality;

disturbances in coordination, movements or facial expressions, etc.

take daily walks in the fresh air, walking barefoot in warm weather; in hot weather, it is mandatory to wear a hat;

limiting as much as possible the possibility of events and circumstances having a negative connotation. This also applies to films/music/literature that can evoke negative emotions;

correct diet: complete abstinence from alcohol (and cigarettes / drugs, including), partial / complete - from coffee and strong tea (can be green or from herbs / fruits), it is advisable to give up meat altogether - vegetarianism is fraught with psychological and physiological ease and is rightfully considered the most correct perception of the phrase “healthy eating”

Symptoms and treatment of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental illnesses, which, behind all the variety of manifestations, represents an increasing decrease in volition, which ultimately leads to permanent disability, and sometimes to incapacity. However, in half of the cases, schizophrenia can actually be cured, or at least not interfere with various creative and life successes. Many different forms and types of schizophrenia have been described, which are so different from each other that some psychiatrists say that schizophrenia is not one, but several different diseases.

Schizophrenia can begin in childhood and in old age, but more often it manifests itself in adolescence. The disease can occur acutely, suddenly, but the gradual development of the disease is more typical. Incomprehensible fatigue, weakness, feelings of internal tension appear, the boy or girl begins to have difficulty coping with usual responsibilities, becomes isolated, and withdraws into himself. Behavior, social connections and professional skills begin to slowly deteriorate, and after a while others notice that the person has changed. The disease progresses very differently, but all forms are based on the gradual (sometimes over decades) formation of personal and, above all, emotional-volitional decline. The ability to voluntarily perform any actions and the possibility of purposeful behavior decreases. A person can drop out of university while in his last year of study, leave a good job that he once sought so hard for no apparent reason, fail to come to register his own marriage with a beloved person, etc.

As the disease develops, its symptoms become more complex, becoming more and more unusual, unlike the manifestations of other, familiar diseases. The patient's behavior becomes strange, his statements become absurd and incomprehensible; The patient's perception of the world around him changes. As a rule, psychiatrists diagnose schizophrenia when the patient is already in a fairly serious condition, during the development of psychosis (psychotic state), but unjustified early extensive diagnosis of schizophrenia is no better. The condition of patients with schizophrenia worsens and improves cyclically. These periods are called relapses and remissions. In remission, people with schizophrenia appear relatively normal. However, during the acute or psychotic phase of the disease, they lose the ability to reason logically and do not understand where and when events occur and who is involved in them. Psychiatrists call this a violation of self-identity.

The symptoms often observed in schizophrenia: delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking and confused speech are the so-called productive symptoms, which usually occur quite clearly, and relatives, and often the patient himself, understand that they cannot do without the help of a psychiatrist. We would only like to remind you that consultation with a psychiatrist in such cases is needed immediately, since it is necessary to determine the likelihood of destructive actions, most often for oneself (the patient’s degree of danger). Thus, hallucinations, which are most often represented by “voices” sounding in the patient’s head or somewhere outside, which comment on a person’s behavior, insult or give commands, can force the patient to perform unusual, inappropriate, and sometimes dangerous actions. The “voice” can order you to jump from a balcony, sell an apartment, kill a child, etc. In such cases, a person does not understand what is happening, cannot resist the order and is not responsible for his actions. It is best to place him in a hospital, where intensive pharmacotherapy will relieve the acute condition, protect him from dangerous actions and allow the person to subsequently return to his previous life.

We often use the word “nonsense” in everyday life, meaning some absurd statements that do not correspond to reality. In psychiatry, this term is used in other cases. The main feature of delusion is not that it does not correspond to reality (for example, delusions of jealousy can grow on the completely objective basis of frequent infidelity of a spouse), but that it is an extremely stable system of perception and assessment of the environment, appearing as the certainty of the reality. Such a system cannot be corrected and determines inappropriate human behavior. Patients feel that someone is watching them, planning to harm them, or can read their thoughts, cause certain sensations, control their feelings and actions, contact them directly from the TV screen, turn them into “zombies” and they feel like “zombies.” ", that is, complete puppets of hostile forces, or, conversely, that they themselves have unusual properties or abilities, transform into real or fairy-tale characters, and influence the fate of the world and the Universe. Such experiences significantly affect the patient’s life and behavior.

Patients often experience unusual bodily sensations, burning, vague, shimmering throughout the body, or more specific, but migrating, or indestructibly persistent in one place. Visual hallucinations are rare; much more often in schizophrenia, influxes of dreams, dream images, and a kind of internal cinema are noted. Then the patients freeze for a long time as if spellbound, poorly discerning or disconnected from real reality, giving the impression of absent-minded eccentrics. The depth and intensity of these manifestations can reach complete hardening and be accompanied by motor disturbances, when a person remains tirelessly in any most uncomfortable position given to him.

Patients also have impaired thinking. In their statements, they can move from one topic to another - completely unrelated to the previous one, without noticing the lack of logical and even semantic connections. Sometimes they replace words with sounds or rhymes and come up with their own words that are completely incomprehensible to others. Their verbose, complicated or bizarre reasoning turns out to be completely meaningless, or their speech is limited to short, meaningful remarks that are not related to the situation. Sometimes they become completely silent for a long time. However, there are forms of schizophrenia that occur without any productive symptoms, and it is they that present the greatest difficulty for relatives and loved ones to understand. It seems like nothing happened, but the person stopped going to work, doesn’t want to do anything around the house, is not interested in anything, cannot read, etc. Close people often perceive this as laziness, promiscuity and try to influence their relative. Meanwhile, behind such behavior there is often a decrease in volition caused by illness.

One should not think that people with schizophrenia have completely lost touch with reality. They know that people eat three times a day, sleep at night, drive cars on the streets, etc., and much of the time their behavior may seem quite normal. However, schizophrenia greatly affects the ability to correctly assess the situation and understand its real essence. A person suffering from schizophrenia and experiencing auditory hallucinations does not know how to react when, in the company of other people, he hears a voice telling him: “You smell bad.” Is it the voice of the person standing next to him, or does this voice sound only in his head? Is this reality or a hallucination?

Misunderstanding of the situation contributes to the emergence of fear and further changes the patient’s behavior. Psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, thinking disorders) may disappear, and doctors call this period of illness remission. At the same time, negative symptoms of the disease (withdrawal, inadequate or dulled emotions, apathy, etc.) can be observed both during remission and during periods of exacerbation, when psychotic symptoms reappear. This course of the disease may continue for years and not be obvious to other people. People around them often perceive patients with schizophrenia as some kind of eccentrics who have strange speech and lead a life that is different from the generally accepted one.

There are many different types of schizophrenia. A person who is convinced that he is being persecuted, that they want to deal with him, and hears the voices of non-existent enemies, suffers from “paranoid schizophrenia.” Absurd behavior, pretentious habits and statements without delusional and hallucinatory thinking disorders, but with persistent disability, occur in a simple form of schizophrenia. Quite often, schizophrenia occurs in the form of clearly defined attacks - psychosis, with delusional ideas and hallucinations. However, as the disease progresses, a person becomes increasingly withdrawn into himself, not only loses contact with others and society, but also loses the most important feelings: compassion, mercy, love. Because the disease can vary in intensity, degree, and frequency of exacerbations and remissions, many scientists use the word "schizophrenia" to describe a spectrum of illnesses that can range from relatively mild to very severe. Others believe that schizophrenia is a group of related illnesses, much in the same way that the word "depression" refers to many different but related variants.

Most scientists believe that people inherit a predisposition to this disease. Important factors contributing to the onset of the disease are environmental factors: viral infection, intoxication, head injury, severe stress, especially in childhood, etc. A child whose one parent has schizophrenia has a 5 to 25% chance of developing the disease, even if he was later adopted by normal parents. If both parents have schizophrenia, the risk increases to 100%. At the same time, children of biologically healthy parents adopted by people with schizophrenia had a one percent chance of getting sick, that is, the same as all other people. If one of the twins has schizophrenia, then there is a % chance that the other twin also has schizophrenia. However, people do not inherit schizophrenia directly, in much the same way that they inherit eye or hair color. It is usually said that schizophrenia is inherited by the move of the chess knight: it is detected along the lateral line.

According to modern concepts, schizophrenia is caused by a combination of genetic, autoimmune and viral disease mechanisms. Genes determine the body's response to viral infection. Instead of saying "stop" when the infection is stopped, the genes instruct the immune system to continue attacking some part of its own body. In much the same way, theories about the origin of arthritis suggest that the immune system acts on the joints. The successful use of psychotropic drugs that affect the brain's production of dopamine indicates that the brain of a person with schizophrenia is either very sensitive to this substance or produces too much of it. This theory is supported by observations of the treatment of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, which is caused by a lack of dopamine: treating such patients with drugs that increase the amount of dopamine in the blood can lead to the appearance of psychotic symptoms.

Researchers have found drugs that significantly reduce delusions and hallucinations and help the patient think coherently. However, these so-called antipsychotic drugs should only be taken under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Long-term use of maintenance doses of medications can significantly reduce or even eliminate the likelihood of relapse of the disease. One study found that 10% of patients who did not take medications after leaving the hospital had a relapse within the first year, while those who continued taking medications at home relapsed in 10% of cases and continued to take medications after the first year. , reduced the number of relapses by up to 10%. Like all drugs, antipsychotic medications can have side effects.

While the body gets used to the drugs during the first week of use, the patient may experience dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation and drowsiness. When standing up abruptly, he may experience dizziness due to a decrease in blood pressure. These side effects usually go away on their own within a few weeks. Other side effects include restlessness, stiffness, tremors, and movement problems. Patients may experience spasms in the muscles of the face, eyes, neck, and slowness and stiffness in the muscles of the entire body. Although this causes inconvenience, it does not have serious consequences, is completely reversible and can be removed or significantly mitigated by taking correctors (cyclodol). Persistent side effects (although rare) necessitate regular monitoring by a psychiatrist. They are especially common in older people. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor, increasing the dose of the corrector or even removing the drug.

There are now new generations of antipsychotic drugs that have fewer side effects, and there is hope that with their help, people with schizophrenia will cope better with the disease. Examples of such drugs are clozapine and rispolept. By significantly alleviating painful symptoms, medications open up the opportunity to use various forms of rehabilitation assistance and help the patient continue to function in society. Social skills training, which can be provided in groups, within the family, or individually, aims to restore the patient's social connections and independent living skills. Research shows this training gives patients the tools to cope with stressors and reduces the likelihood of relapse by half.

Psychiatrists understand that the family plays an important role in the course of the disease and try to maintain contact with relatives during treatment. Informing the family, including the patient himself, about the modern understanding of schizophrenia and methods of its treatment, while simultaneously training communication skills and behavior in problem situations, has become a successful practice in many psychiatric clinics and centers. Such training significantly reduces the number of relapses. With the help of family and mental health practitioners working together, patients can learn to control their symptoms, understand signs of a possible worsening of the condition, develop a relapse prevention plan, and succeed in social and vocational rehabilitation programs. For most people with schizophrenia, the future should look optimistic - new, more effective drugs are on the horizon, scientists are learning more about brain function and the causes of schizophrenia, and psychosocial rehabilitation programs are helping to keep patients in society longer and restore their quality of life.

How to deal with schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is no joke!

Today, all the causes of this mental disorder have not been fully studied, but some of them, according to experts, have been established: sad heredity, autoimmune processes, viral infections.

The consequences of schizophrenia can leave a person incapacitated at best and incapacitated at worst. Fortunately, in half of these cases the disease is diagnosed at an early stage of its development and can actually be cured or at least not interfere with certain life and creative successes.

It is curious that modern medicine and psychiatry describe so many different forms and types of manifestations of schizophrenia, significantly different from each other, that some psychiatrists generally consider them not one, but several different diseases.

Unfortunately, advanced schizophrenia is one of the most difficult mental illnesses in medicine today. People suffer from it due to the lack of effective drugs and, of course, due to untimely detection of this insidious disease. It is important to know that for more successful treatment of schizophrenia, you must try to identify it in the initial stages!

How to deal with schizophrenia?

You need to fight schizophrenia together with a psychiatrist, or rather under his supervision. Only he will be able to diagnose a mental illness at one or another stage of its development and, in accordance with this, take all the necessary measures. If we talk about the so-called folk methods of treatment, then we immediately need to make a reservation: if scientists have not yet found a universal and sufficiently effective remedy for the successful treatment of schizophrenia, then what can we say about folk remedies such as treatment with rye, alcohol tinctures, etc. .

Nevertheless, a positive trend towards the search for an effective fight against schizophrenia in pharmaceuticals can be traced. The fact is that some researchers have tested a number of experiments and identified some drugs that significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions that occur during the course of schizophrenia. By reducing mental abnormalities, these drugs help the patient to think more coherently.

However, the use of such antipsychotic drugs should be strictly under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Scientists are confident that long-term use of maintenance doses of these antipsychotics will help reduce the likelihood of relapse of schizophrenia. Today, the newest generations of antipsychotic drugs are available, which have significantly fewer side effects compared to their predecessors. According to scientists, it is these drugs that give hope that patients with schizophrenia will be able to better cope with their illness.

How to get rid of schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness. According to most people, schizophrenia is a disease associated with a split personality. Actually this is not true. Schizophrenia is a group of mental disorders that are associated with disruptions in thinking processes and emotional reactions. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms: a fundamental disorder of thinking and perception, the possible appearance of inadequate or reduced affect. Doctors include auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions as the most common manifestations of schizophrenia; speech may become incoherent, the person loses working capacity.

The idea that schizophrenia cannot be treated is absolutely unfounded. Of course, it is impossible to be completely cured, but thanks to modern treatment methods, through long-term therapy it is possible to restore the patient’s social activity and ability to work; the possibility of preventing psychosis cannot be ruled out either.

Typically, such therapy is divided into three stages:

  1. Stopping therapy. The purpose of this stage is to help the patient get rid of attacks of psychosis. Experts focus on suppressing positive symptoms, namely delusions, catatonia and hallucinations.
  2. Stabilizing therapy. Maintaining and consolidating the achieved results. The goal is to finally rid the patient of positive symptoms.
  3. Maintenance therapy. It is necessary to maintain a stable mental state of the patient. Experts pay attention, first of all, to preventing relapses and try to delay the appearance of the next psychosis as much as possible.

According to psychiatrists, the patient is much more likely to get maximum results from treatment if stopping therapy is started on time. If you start it late, then the psychosis that has already developed will be more difficult to treat. The danger of psychosis is that it can change a person’s personality, deprive him of his ability to work, and prevent him from doing everyday activities.

In the 21st century, there are already a sufficient number of methods and techniques that have significant results in the treatment of schizophrenics. These methods have been carried out more than once and have yielded positive results. Among these methods are:

some types of shock-comatose therapy;

treatment with cytokines;

detoxification of the whole body;

high-tech treatment using stem cells.

Currently, psychiatrists divide methods into two types: biological and psychosocial therapy.

  • Psychosocial therapy. Consists of cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy and psychotherapy. Don't expect instant results from these methods. They are aimed at weakening the disease, increasing the effectiveness of biological methods, helping a person return to society and calmly communicate with other people. Thanks to psychosocial therapy, it becomes possible to reduce drug doses, the length of hospital stay, and also allows the patient to take control of the situation and begin to control their own condition.
  • Biological methods. Lateral, insulinocomatous, electroconvulsive therapy. Detoxification. Magnetic brain stimulation. Psychopharmacology. Surgical methods.
  • Use of medications that affect the brain. This method is considered the most productive. Helps get rid of positive symptoms, also prevents disorders of thinking, will and memory.

You should not go into this “medical jungle” yourself and try to treat schizophrenia on your own. The most correct method of treatment is to detect the first suspicious signs of the disease and immediately contact the clinic for the help of a specialist.

Contact our clinic specialists for help and you will receive qualified assistance. Consultation and making an appointment by phone 24 hours a day:

Victory over schizophrenia

Today there are only approximate data on how many people in our country suffer from mental illnesses, how many of them were able to recover, and how many lost their health because timely treatment was not started. However, many patients managed to cope with schizophrenia, and they are confident that their health is not in danger in the future.

There are many examples where people suffered from this disease for more than ten years, but found the strength to fight, help doctors, and therefore recovered. So what is needed to cope with this terrible disease? According to experts, three factors are mandatory.

Firstly, there must be a remission, that is, a period of time that is free from attacks of schizophrenia and severe exacerbations of the disease. Secondly, the patient must fully understand that he is really seriously ill, and this disease entails many internal changes for the worse, so it is simply necessary to do everything possible to get rid of suffering.

And thirdly, an internal spirit is required to begin an active fight against schizophrenia. It is important to admit to yourself that you have to fight not only directly with the disease, but also with your own mind, with your laziness.

Is schizophrenia curable?

While schizophrenia is one of the little-studied diseases, this does not prevent the disease from manifesting its insidiousness and spreading everywhere. There are cases when the disease returned after ten or even fifteen years of absolutely healthy mental health and life. In this regard, having achieved optimal health during treatment, it is necessary to regularly maintain it and try in every possible way to ensure that the condition is stable. It is important to realize that the popular belief among the population that schizophrenia is incurable is wrong, and there is a lot of evidence for this.

In addition to what the attending physician prescribes, the patient must also provide everything possible to ensure that the therapy is successful. Here everyone has their own path - some go to recovery with prayers, others have realized the importance of a healthy lifestyle and successfully use it. This means that for any disease, and especially mental illness, proper sleep, rest, and a balanced diet are of particular importance. It is necessary to rethink the relationship with society and with oneself.

Main symptoms

The first signs mainly appear between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, and they are easily noticeable to others. A person becomes withdrawn, experiences difficulties in communication, the ability to act decreases, and his mood changes for no reason. The fact is that a number of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia may resemble manifestations characteristic of an adolescent crisis.

There are no serious reasons for concern if the patient does not have speech impairments, hallucinations do not appear, and there is no delusion. With hallucinations, a person sees or feels something that is not in reality, but at the same time seems real.

A hallucination may occur because a person perceives some of his unpleasant feelings and thoughts as something that does not belong to him, which is how voices or disturbing visions appear. For example, if the patient experiences a feeling of guilt, then his hallucinations may look like a gang of criminals who are planning to kidnap him.

Delusion refers to false ideas, and despite the presence of evidence to the contrary, these ideas do not disappear. Psychiatrists note that a teenager can, through an effort of will, create a picture that is simpler for him than reality. And this is the desire to cope with a situation that is intolerable to him.


In the treatment of this disease, drugs are used to help the patient think coherently; they significantly reduce symptoms of schizophrenia such as delusions and hallucinations. Any antipsychotic drugs are used strictly under medical supervision.

It is known that with long-term use of maintenance doses, the likelihood of relapse is reduced, and in some cases completely eliminated. Like any medicine, these drugs may have side effects. So, until the body gets used to it, deterioration of vision, dry mouth, drowsiness, and other phenomena cannot be ruled out in the first week.

Usually all this stops on its own, you just need to wait a couple of weeks. Other side effects include anxiety, movement disorders, and stiffness. Patients may complain of spasms in the face, neck, eyes, and tension in the muscles of the whole body. All this causes discomfort, but does not entail serious consequences.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes medications to mitigate these manifestations. Currently, new generations of antipsychotic drugs are used; they do not cause as many negative side effects. There is hope that they will more effectively help patients get rid of schizophrenia.

Psychotherapy for schizophrenia

Even with the use of the most modern medications, it is impossible to cope with schizophrenia without psychotherapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques are very humane; they initially imply that the patient is an active and full participant in the treatment process, and he can and should actively cooperate with the doctor.

The first stage of treatment includes individual psychotherapy, then the doctor may decide to prescribe group treatment. A significant role is assigned to family psychotherapy, when family members also become participants in the treatment process.

Conducting social psychotherapy is aimed at improving the patient’s relationship with the social environment and his full adaptation. With this type of therapy, the boundaries of treatment have expanded, they have been integrated into the rehabilitation process, and here the efforts of psychiatrists are aimed at eliminating the negative stigma associated with the diagnosis from a person.

Diseases that are not usually discussed in everyday life. >

How to recognize and successfully combat male schizophrenia in time

How to recognize and successfully combat male schizophrenia in time

Schizophrenia is one of the most common and severe mental disorders, affecting men much more often than women. In addition, the symptoms of this disease in men are more severe and are often chronic.

In psychiatry, schizophrenia is considered a disease that is associated with impaired development of the brain and its functions. Often in men, this disease takes forms that are accompanied by depersonalization of the individual. A sick person spends more and more time in a state of social alienation. While in women schizophrenia is mostly paroxysmal, in men the disease develops into a chronic condition.


Signs of male schizophrenia

Signs of schizophrenia are classified into positive and negative symptoms. Positive signs include reversible symptoms noticeable to others: hallucinations, delusions, intrusive images, impaired logical thinking, rapid mood swings, depersonalization.

Delusion may consist of some kind of inadequate beliefs, and the topic of delirium often has nothing to do with the surrounding reality.

Hallucinations are sounds and feelings that feel real, but exist only in the human mind. Hallucinations can involve all five senses, but the most common forms in schizophrenia are auditory and visual hallucinations. A person begins to hear non-existent voices and see things that are not really there. Schizophrenic hallucinations are usually meaningful to the person experiencing them. In many cases, the voices belong to someone they know. Hallucinations may also get worse when the person is alone.

Negative signs include changes in human behavior such as excessive isolation, loss of volitional qualities and lack of emotional response to various situations. Patients lose the ability to adequately analyze and evaluate the surrounding reality.

There are also a number of signs that may indicate the presence of other diseases, but if they occur together, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of schizophrenia. Patients may experience frequent migraines, sleep disturbances, and increased sensitivity. Frequent nightmares, rapid change of mood for no reason, changes in behavior, the presence of any hallucinations may be symptoms of the disease. Most often, the first signs of schizophrenia include:

    Social self-isolation; Hostility or suspicion; Lack of personal hygiene; Inability to cry or express joy; Forgetfulness, lack of concentration; Using non-existent words.

If such signs are detected, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since schizophrenia in men progresses quickly. If the course of the disease began in adulthood, then often the functions of memory and intelligence remain intact, and schizophrenia in adults is easier to treat and diagnose. In men, schizophrenia is often chronic, so the patient needs to be monitored by a specialist.

Diseases that are not usually discussed in everyday life. >

Causes of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is inherited in men; it is a genetic disease. Such heredity can be indicated by cases of “eccentricities,” alcoholism, mood swings, and cases of suicide in the family. However, the development of schizophrenia is influenced not only by genetic factors. Schizophrenia often runs in families, but about 60% of schizophrenics do not have family members affected by the disorder. Moreover, people who seem genetically more likely to develop schizophrenia do not always suffer from the disease, suggesting that biological factors, not just genetic ones, may also play a role. Along with the theory of the inheritance of schizophrenia, there are many others, such as: viral, autoimmune.

Types of schizophrenia

Currently, there are various forms of schizophrenia.

Depressive-paranoid: The main feature of this form of schizophrenia is that the person has obsessive beliefs and absurd thoughts. In addition to the main signs, there are also the following: anger, auditory hallucinations, anxiety, violence, suicide attempts, emotional dystonia.

Catatonic schizophrenia is accompanied by prolonged physical immobility or catatonic stupor; on the contrary, there may also be high mobility.

Circular is characterized by peak activity, occurs in various forms, there may be mood swings, depression, and the patient elevates himself to the status of the omnipotent.

Help for a person with schizophrenia

There is a non-medical point of view that schizophrenia in men is not a disease - it is just a special way of looking at things. This statement can be associated with the fact that many geniuses, artists, scientists were schizophrenics. You can also recall the quote from Aristotle, who said that “there is no genius without madness.” Many psychiatrists urge not to consider patients as defective, since their level of intelligence often exceeds that of healthy people.

The main recommendation to the relatives of a sick person is to help the schizophrenic understand the problem, convince him to seek help from specialists, and support him in this difficult situation. It is necessary to remain calm and not turn away from the patient when he needs support so much.

Although a large number of superstitions and fears are associated with schizophrenia, with proper treatment the symptoms of this disease can be quite successfully combated. Recently, new effective medications have appeared that can significantly make life easier for both the patients themselves and their relatives. A new drug could help minimize the need for hospitalization for people with schizophrenia and help patients live more independent and productive lives.

From this video you will learn modern principles of treatment of schizophrenia:

With support and treatment, many people with schizophrenia live normal lives. It should be noted that treatment is most effective if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage.

Have you read the article? Now you can rest a little. Play the game "Catch the Cat". The goal of the game is to surround the cat with dots so that he cannot escape from the field. If you fail, start the game again!

Schizophrenia is a severe chronic mental illness accompanied by delusions, hallucinations, and specific personality changes. The disease begins at an early age, usually 20-30 years. There are options for onset before age 10 years, referred to as . After 40 years, the onset of the disease is extremely unlikely. There are a number of characteristics characteristic of schizophrenia, on the basis of which this diagnosis is made. These include:

  • Positive symptoms are the most striking; they force relatives to seek help from medical institutions. These are delusions, hallucinations, delusions of persecution, influence, motor agitation.
  • much less noticeable, although they are the first to appear. This is a loss of interest in life, a decrease in the number and severity of emotions, apathy, and a lack of desire to communicate with friends. In its extreme forms, negative symptoms can be manifested by a refusal of personal hygiene and a complete refusal of social contacts.
  • Violations of cognitive mechanisms are also difficult to recognize, and they significantly affect the patient’s ability to adapt to society. These disorders include deterioration in the ability to recognize logical relationships and draw conclusions, assess the consequences of one’s actions, organize one’s work and leisure time, and memory deterioration.

The combination of these symptoms leads to the patient’s dropout from social life, the impossibility of a full-fledged existence, work and rest.

Treatment of schizophrenia

For a long time, there was no specific treatment, and patients were doomed to be imprisoned in mental hospitals, which were more like prisons. Treatment methods were also not humane - used electroconvulsive therapy, administered large doses of insulin, and used surgical correction methods. In the 50s of the twentieth century, with the discovery of antipsychotics for patients with schizophrenia, the era of drug therapy began. It became possible to successfully eliminate and. Of course, the first antipsychotics had a lot of side effects and were quite difficult for patients to tolerate, but they made it possible to effectively control productive symptoms. Unfortunately, even new methods of treating schizophrenia do not promise a complete cure, and all treatment measures are aimed at eliminating its symptoms.

Drug therapy

It is the basis of modern treatment of schizophrenia. The correct selection of the main drug is extremely important. To do this, it may be necessary to try several medications and choose the one that gives the maximum effect with a minimum of side effects. Successful selection of a drug is possible only through interaction between the patient and the doctor. The first antipsychotics developed were haloperidol, chlopromazine and perphenazine. They were also the first effective drugs in the treatment of schizophrenia. At the same time, first-generation antipsychotics have a number of side effects - they cause hand tremors, spasms, and agitation. However, these drugs are still used in our time - when newer drugs are ineffective or when it is necessary to use injectable forms of drugs. In order to reduce side effects in the treatment of schizophrenia, the next generation of drugs was developed, which were called atypical antipsychotics. Their first representative was clozapine, which is still actively prescribed today. Later ziprasidone, olanzapine, sertindole, risperidone and quentiapine were introduced. New antipsychotics also have side effects ranging from weight gain to changes in blood cell ratios, so patients need regular check-ups with a doctor. It is important to understand that drug therapy is a mandatory and the only convincingly effective means of treating the disease schizophrenia. Their regular use is the key to eliminating pathological symptoms and returning the patient to an active life. With the manifest onset of the disease with vivid hallucinations, delusions, and psychomotor agitation, hospitalization of the patient may be necessary for the safety of himself and those around him. Depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s awareness of the need for treatment, it can be started with injection or tablet forms. After reducing the severity of symptoms, the drug is selected and the patient is completely switched to tablets. The timing of the start of treatment for schizophrenia at home is determined by the patient’s degree of awareness of the condition and his willingness to cooperate with medical professionals. As soon as the patient understands the need to take the drug regularly, it is possible to discharge him from the hospital and continue treatment at home. Modern American treatment recommendations even provide for the possibility of initial outpatient treatment of schizophrenia in the absence of aggression towards oneself or others. This practice has not yet spread in domestic medical institutions.


They require the mandatory participation of a psychologist and appropriate training of the attending physician. During the active period of the disease, the patient urgently needs the understanding and support of medical professionals. The doctor's denial of the reality of the patient's hallucinations, ridicule of his judgment, and attempts to explain that everything is actually different will almost certainly reduce the patient's adherence to treatment. During this period, it is important for the patient to realize that they listen to his opinion and try to help him. The true state of affairs should not be imposed on the patient, but shown as an alternative version of events. During the period of subsidence of symptoms, it is possible to explain to the patient what forms of his behavior and why they cause social rejection, and then alternative courses of action can be offered. The patient's trust in the doctor or social worker is the most important element of successful treatment. Such patients comply with medication regimens, monitor information about their disease, control manifestations of schizophrenia, which reduces the frequency of exacerbations of the disease. Successful psychotherapeutic assistance helps patients return to active life: work, maintain social contacts, and fully take care of themselves in everyday life.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

This is another option for treating schizophrenia at home. TO Cognitive therapy is used in cases where the patient continues to have productive symptoms while taking medications. Recent studies have proven the effectiveness of cognitive therapy in patients with minor manifestations of schizophrenia. In this case, it is possible to improve control over the condition and even reduce the dose of antipsychotics. involves teaching the patient to control the manifestations of delusions and hallucinations, distinguish them from real events and not allow painful manifestations to influence their behavior.

Family training

An indispensable condition for successful rehabilitation is working with family members of the patient. They should understand the importance of drug treatment and assist in every possible way in following the doctor's orders. It is important to understand the patient’s condition and treat him as a full-fledged member of the family, without neglect or condescension. Relatives of the patient must have the skills of psychological assistance, persuasion and communication. It is extremely important to inform them about modern methods and goals of treatment. Relatives must have information about the nearest institutions where they can provide medical care to a patient with schizophrenia and their telephone numbers.

Social rehabilitation

The disease schizophrenia in most cases interferes with the patient’s normal work activity. Therefore, it is important, after relief of acute symptoms, to train the patient in the skills of any profession, to include him in medical and labor groups at hospitals, and to provide career guidance. Employed patients have much higher adherence to treatment, adaptability and a significantly lower relapse rate.

New therapies

Treatment options for schizophrenia are expanding every year. Appear self-help groups where patients can share difficulties and ways to solve them. Advice from people with the same problems is effective and is much more readily followed by patients. Art therapy is actively used. Even in closed wards, patients can draw, and in less restrictive wards they even create theater troupes. With the spread of the Internet, forums for people with schizophrenia have appeared, where they share experiences and give advice.

The patient has been discharged from the department - what next?

After discharge, all responsibility for the patient’s condition falls on his relatives. Continue treatment of schizophrenia at home, carry out all doctor’s orders, help the patient become an active member of society again - now these are the tasks of the patient’s immediate environment. The process of returning to a full life is long and complex, and every small step in this direction should be recognized by the patient and his family as necessary and feasible. Comprehensive support, absence of judgment or neglect will help fight the manifestations of schizophrenia and achieve long-term remission.

Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2000 09 (165)
What made me write this letter of confession was a tiny publication in the “Respond!” section. The woman calls for help for the second time. Schizophrenia! Alas, she indicated only her initials - M.F. Maybe my experience of surviving and fighting this illness will help her and many other sufferers.
I've been sick for 20 years. All these years I did everything I could. I tried many healing systems: yoga, gymnastics by Strelnikova... Malakhov, Travinka, Sytin, Bragg, Ivanov, self-regulation, auto-training, breathing according to Frolov...
Of course, I’m an amateur, but I still knew with my inner instinct that none of these methods suited me. Each of them helped to survive, but I wanted to Live!

What's happened? I degraded as a person: I lost interests, kindred feelings, read less and less, experienced constant depression and apathy. And all this was seasoned with frequent relapses with pseudohallucinations and delusions, hypochondria - when you know that it doesn’t hurt, but you feel pain.
It was necessary to look for means of salvation. And when the illness did not suppress my will, I feverishly took advantage of this respite. In the end, I think I found what I was looking for.
So, I have schizophrenia. Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome. Diagnosis made in 1979. Until 1980 she remained in a closed hospital. I left there as a disabled person of the 2nd group in the full sense of the word. She served herself with the greatest difficulty. Despite the “tons” of medications I swallowed daily, the disease was always present in one form or another. And I still believed the doctors. This illusion lasted for a year and a half until, despite my illness, I realized that “saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.”
I was lucky: I understood what was happening to me. I tried to use every nonsense for good. So, for example, I used the nonsense of rhyming, when absolutely everything rhymed, to learn versification. I even went to a literary circle at a local newspaper. And, you know, it worked. My poems were even published. It was wonderful! A person must live by something. Even schizophrenic.
Now I was painfully searching for an antidote to the disease. As soon as she “gave” me a break, she went to the reading room. I rummaged through all the literature on psychiatry that was available there. I found out what kind of syndrome “stuck” to me. I reduced psychotropic and antidepressants to the possible limit. And I searched and searched...
That’s how I found Nisha’s health system. It would take too long to tell in detail what it is. You just need to have two books by Maya Gogulan, “Say Goodbye to Diseases” and “The Laws of Health.” Maya Gogulan beat cancer, and it was from her that I first read that schizophrenia is curable.
I am a passionate and obsessed person if I believe in something. In Gogulan I saw myself: strong, strong-willed, never giving up... I started living according to the system on September 14, 1998. She kept diary entries daily and scrupulously. I entered the system gradually. First I mastered the Six Rules of Health. I couldn’t give up the medications right away - I couldn’t sleep without them. True, after six months of classes the need for them disappeared by itself.
Then I started cleansing my intestines. I made it a rule to fast for 36 hours a week, began to take part in natural separate nutrition... Soon I added contrasting air baths and water procedures (showers and wraps) to this complex. On my table now there were always mixtures of lemon with garlic, onions with honey prepared according to well-known recipes, infusions of herbs and berries (I drank up to 3 liters a day) and just spring water.
In principle, in Gogulan’s books everything is laid out on the shelves. But for a schizophrenic, following her instructions is a constant process of overcoming oneself. Hard labor! And in order to win, you need to gather together all the courage, will, desire to live, faith and patience. You will have to endure a lot... In my practice there were tears, and - excuse me - snot, and prayers, and gnashing of teeth. The disease comes out through exacerbations. The system itself does not heal - it simply leads to a new way of life in which the body switches to a self-healing program. For me, for example, this “switching on” happened on the fourth day of classes - for the first time in many years I recovered without a laxative.
However, it was too early to delude ourselves. Then things started to go: fever, my whole body ached, like the flu, my head hurt, my nose was constantly running, my blood pressure dropped, my hands and feet were cold. Suddenly something that had never bothered me started to hurt - my liver, my kidneys... On top of everything else, I fell and broke my arm.
Yes, it was a very difficult time of confronting the disease, when it is unknown who is winning: I am her or she is me, when the hope for recovery is lost in thoughts, like a traveler lost in a blizzard.
Suddenly a sharp deterioration! Pseudohallucinations, hypochondriacal delusions. You do exercises, but your legs don’t move. The head does not turn - a false pain in the neck: you feel it as if it were there, a “Count” in the spine - do not bend over. Terrible condition...
However, gradually “gifts” began to appear - that’s what I called the disappearance of accompanying illnesses. After 6 months - I repeat - the need for many medications disappeared by itself. And such “gifts” became more and more numerous. Somehow the arthritis of the right hand disappeared imperceptibly, blepharitis and osteochondrosis almost disappeared. Atherosclerosis - I went to the refrigerator 6 times and returned because I couldn’t remember what I was going for - as if it had evaporated.
Almost everything was restored: memory, vision, I was back in high heels - before my legs were swollen. I run 4 kilometers to get spring water. I return quickly. I carry 10-12 liters of water.
Changes occurred not only physically, but also spiritually and morally. Having redrawn my old stereotype of life, I acquired new habits, a new character. Pride, pride, and vanity have disappeared. I won’t say that I fell in love with boring and evil people, but since I may not be like that, it means they are worse off than me. I feel sorry for them.
I came to God, although before I was not particularly religious. I learned to forgive, not to accumulate grudges, not to “chew” unpleasant things. Pessimism was replaced by optimism, a sense of humor appeared, and I learned to solve problems rather than suffer from them.
What is the main disease? What's wrong with my "beautiful" schizophrenia? Previously, she hit me on the head with a cast iron sledgehammer, now it’s a “foam hammer.” You can endure and live.
Of course, there is still work to be done. For example, varicose veins did not “go away” - in this regard, I continue to look for a remedy. Sometimes nosebleeds occur, but much less frequently than before. In practice, I'm almost healthy. I'm spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. There is a catastrophic lack of time. I want to do everything in time - I’m 20 years late.
The Nishi system is like bread to me. By the way, I don’t buy it in the store, but bake my own according to Bragg. So tasty! I lost 23 kg. When people sympathize with me, I say: “That’s how it should be!” That's all. Curiosity should not be fed. Smart and kind will not get into your soul.
My dear M.F. and people suffering from schizophrenia, do not despair. The main thing is to understand what is happening to you and find your way. Try to dive deeper into Nisha’s health system, mastering it all comprehensively, step by step, as I once did.
Work, keep notes. This carrot and stick method is the only thing I borrowed from psychiatrists. Celebrate both the bad and the good. After some time, write down the good things, and you will have more strength. When it became completely unbearable, I began to compare, analyze, and it always turned out not in favor of the disease. I told myself: “See, it’s gone. This is no longer the case. Is there anything new? Has the old one appeared? Nothing. Let's wait. Let's be patient. I endured it for 20 years, but a year or two is a piece of cake. Don `t cry! Do you want to go to the hospital under lock and key? Or to make you shake from psychotropics? Pipes!
I praised myself and praised myself - what a great guy I am. In this way, attitudes were gradually built that worked better for the psyche than sessions with a psychotherapist. I repeat these sentiments whenever I want, when my head is free. I’m waiting for the bus, washing the floor, doing the laundry, but to myself: “Every day I feel better, better...” I want to end with poetry:
I want to take my Darling, like a trembling bird, in the palm of my hand, and warm her with my warmth. So that the gentle light of love could shed on her, So that she herself would radiate light again.
Address: Farat Irina Yakovlevna, 403850, Volgograd region, Kamyshin, Bazarova str., 156-a, apt. 32.
"HLS": We understand that this is, in principle, fiction. There are no pills, tinctures, or clear recommendations. Yes, however, they could not have been. Schizophrenia is too individual. Extremely. We turned to the story of Irina Yakovlevna for the simple reason that in every mail there are always several letters asking for help: a son disappears, a daughter disappears - schizophrenia. Of course, it’s difficult to do without the help of doctors, but you can do a lot on your own, as Irina Yakovlevna did.
Yes, actually, that we are all about schizophrenia. It’s difficult for you, you feel bad, you’re sick, you want to change your life for the better. Choose any health system: cleansing, running, walking, Ivanov’s “Baby”, Bragg fasting and, of course, the excellent six health rules of the Nishi system. We present them to your attention. Do it and you will be healthy.
1. Flat bed. You need to sleep on a hard, level bed. The blanket should be light and thin, but not allow the body to cool down during sleep.
Why is a flat bed recommended? When the body lies upright on a hard bed, the weight is distributed evenly throughout the body and the muscles relax completely. In addition, the curvature of the spinal column, which appears during the day when working standing or sitting, is corrected. Misalignment of the vertebrae, if not corrected, causes pressure on the nerves and blood vessels between the vertebrae, which will ultimately lead to disease in those organs that are supplied with energy and blood by these nerves and blood vessels. A hard, level bed also stimulates the activity of the skin, protects the liver from prolapse, and activates the work of the skin venous vessels, thereby accelerating the blood supply to the skin. All this gives a good sleep and a cheerful state after it.
2. Firm cushion. Before going to bed, you should place a firm pillow under your neck, making sure that the third or fourth cervical vertebrae is at the top of the pillow. At first it will be painful, then instead of a buffer between the neck and the pillow, you can use a towel. However, using it from time to time, you should accustom yourself to a hard cushion, so that eventually you can do without much of a buffer. A hard pillow promotes good health: corrects the position of the cervical vertebrae, eliminates headaches, diseases of the ear, throat, nose and eyes. Moreover, it strengthens the brain and spine.
3. Exercise “Goldfish”. This exercise should be performed as follows: lie straight on a flat bed, face up or down, pull your toes as far as possible, place your hands on the back of your neck, clasping your fingers. In this position, wriggle (vibrate) your whole body like the movements of a fish in water. Perform for one to two minutes every morning and evening.
Exercise helps cure scoliosis, corrects the curvature of the spine and thereby eliminates overstrain of the spinal nerves, normalizes blood circulation - coordinates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and promotes intestinal motility.
4. Exercise for capillaries. Lie straight on your back, resting your head on a hard pillow, raise your arms and legs straight up and lightly vibrate them. This exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body, promotes the movement and renewal of lymphatic fluid. Do it every morning and evening for one to two minutes.
5. Exercise “Closing the palms and feet.” Lie on your back, head on a hard pillow, place your hands on your chest. With your palms open, connect the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other and relax, repeat several times. Then move your hands back and forth with your fingertips closed. Finally, clasp your palms over your chest. This is the first part of the exercise. The second is to continue lying on your back, raise your legs up above your body, keeping your feet together. Simultaneously raise and lower your arms and legs from 10 to 60 times. After the exercise, rest in the original position and meditate for one to two minutes in the morning and evening every day.
The exercise is important because it coordinates the functions of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the groin, abdomen and thighs. During pregnancy, it helps the normal growth of the child in the womb and corrects its abnormal position. Very useful for the expectant mother if she wants to have an easy birth.
Hand therapy is also helpful. But before you resort to it, you need to bring to life the potency of your palms as follows: sit down, raise your arms up with your elbows connected at chest level, then close your palms, fingers touching each other. Direct your mental energy concentrated on the palm of your hand continuously for 40 minutes. Try to do this to activate the energy in your palms. The palm treatment technique is very simple: just touch the sore spot with your palm for a while. But in order to achieve more significant results, you should first perform the exercise for the capillaries yourself, and then help the patient do the same.
6. Exercise for the spine and abdomen.
Preparatory part:
- sitting on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders (10 times);
- tilt your head to the right and left (1-0 times in each direction);
- tilt your head to the right and back (10 times) and to the left and back (10 times);
- stretch your arms forward in a horizontal position and turn your head left and right (once each);
- raise both arms up parallel and turn your head to the right and left (once each);
- lower your arms to shoulder level, bending them at the elbows;
- keeping your hands in this position, throw them back as far as possible, stretching your chin strongly up.
Main part:
After the preparatory part, relax, put your palms on your knees for a while and begin the main part of the exercise: straighten your body, maintaining balance on your tailbone. Then swing your body left and right, while simultaneously moving your stomach, for 10 minutes every morning and evening; While performing this movement, say to yourself: “Every day I am getting better in every way.” Self-hypnosis has a highly beneficial effect on the mind and body, turning bad into good and good into better. This exercise for the spine and abdomen coordinates the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, regulates intestinal activity, and promotes the beneficial effects of mental energy on the body.

Schizophrenia is one of the most common human mental diseases. It is curious that it is predominantly men who suffer from it. The most likely consequences of schizophrenia are a distortion of worldview, splitting of a person’s personality and destruction of thought processes.

Schizophrenia is no joke!

Today, all the causes of this mental disorder have not been fully studied, but some of them, according to experts, have been established: sad heredity, autoimmune processes, viral infections.

The consequences of schizophrenia can leave a person incapacitated at best and incapacitated at worst. Fortunately, in half of these cases the disease is diagnosed at an early stage of its development and can actually be cured or at least not interfere with certain life and creative successes.

It is curious that modern medicine and psychiatry describe so many different forms and types of manifestations of schizophrenia, significantly different from each other, that some psychiatrists generally consider them not one, but several different diseases.

Unfortunately, advanced schizophrenia is one of the most difficult mental illnesses in medicine today. People suffer from it due to the lack of effective drugs and, of course, due to untimely detection of this insidious disease. It is important to know that for more successful treatment of schizophrenia, you must try to identify it in the initial stages!

How to deal with schizophrenia?

You need to fight schizophrenia together with a psychiatrist, or rather under his supervision. Only he will be able to diagnose a mental illness at one or another stage of its development and, in accordance with this, take all the necessary measures. If we talk about the so-called folk methods of treatment, then we immediately need to make a reservation: if scientists have not yet found a universal and sufficiently effective remedy for the successful treatment of schizophrenia, then what can we say about folk remedies such as treatment with rye, alcohol tinctures, etc. .

Nevertheless, a positive trend towards the search for an effective fight against schizophrenia in pharmaceuticals can be traced. The fact is that some researchers have tested a number of experiments and identified some drugs that significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions that occur during the course of schizophrenia. By reducing mental abnormalities, these drugs help the patient to think more coherently.

However, the use of such antipsychotic drugs should be strictly under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Scientists are confident that long-term use of maintenance doses of these antipsychotics will help reduce the likelihood of relapse of schizophrenia. Today, the newest generations of antipsychotic drugs are available, which have significantly fewer side effects compared to their predecessors. According to scientists, it is these drugs that give hope that patients with schizophrenia will be able to better cope with their illness.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder due to internal disturbances in the body, characterized by pathological behavior, emotions, attitude towards people, inadequate perception of the world and reality.

The development of the disease is not associated with exposure to external factors and may have a paroxysmal or continuous course.

With the disease, difficulties with communication are observed in a person at various stages of life - from early childhood to old age, from the period of attending school to working in a team.

According to statistics, every 5-6 people out of 1000 are susceptible to schizophrenia. Gender does not matter, although in men the disease manifests itself at an earlier age - from 15 years, in women from 25 years. Pathology is usually found in people between 15 and 30 years old. Out of 100 people with schizophrenia, about 10 decide to commit suicide.

The pathology affects a person for the rest of his life. Moreover, many symptoms can be eliminated completely with a competent combination of traditional and traditional treatment, which can only be selected by a highly qualified psychiatrist.

Interesting! Not all people with pathology suffer from dementia. Schizophrenics can have varying levels of intelligence, from low to very high. There are famous historical figures suffering from mental disorders who were able to achieve significant success and recognition from others - writer N.V. Gogol, mathematician D. Nash, chess player B. Fischer and many others.

With pathology, a person’s thinking and perception suffer while maintaining the normal functioning of memory and intellect. The brain of schizophrenics is able to correctly perceive information, but the organ cortex cannot process it correctly.

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The exact reasons for the development of this mental illness have not been identified. Scientists have put forward a number of factors that increase the likelihood of pathology:

  • Hereditary predisposition. If close relatives have the disease, schizophrenia appears in 10% of cases. When a pathology is diagnosed in one of the identical twins, the probability of the disorder occurring in the second increases to 65%. There is a version that for the development of a mental disorder one hereditary factor is not enough, a combination of several reasons is necessary.
  • Childhood education. One of the assumptions for the occurrence of schizophrenia is the provision of insufficient attention by parents to their children.
  • Pathologies of intrauterine development, mainly the impact of infections on the child.
  • Bad habits. The use of amphetamines contributes to the worsening of signs of mental illness. The use of hallucinogenic and stimulant drugs, including smoking, can trigger the development of the disorder.
  • Social factors. Scientists claim a connection between loneliness or stressful situations caused by a negative social situation with the manifestation of schizophrenia.
  • Brain chemical disorders. The makings of pathology can be laid down during intrauterine development, but appear only during puberty.

Symptoms of the disorder

In the first stages of pathology, symptoms may be mild and often go unnoticed. At the same time, achieving an effective result is only possible if treatment is started in the early stages of a mental disorder. Therefore, it is important not to miss this moment before the disease progresses to more severe forms.

Manifestations can be very diverse. The main symptoms of schizophrenia are:

  • negative signs- lack of emotions and pleasure from anything, distance from social life and self-isolation, fading desire for self-care;
  • positive manifestations– a person hears voices in his head, is delirious, feels someone watching him from the outside;
  • unexpected mood swings– from joy to depression;
  • cognitive symptoms– difficulties with processing even basic information, disturbances in thinking and memory.

There are certain signs of schizophrenia that are observed in males:

  • aggressiveness;
  • self-isolation from society;
  • the appearance of voices in the head;
  • persecution mania.

Features of the manifestation of the disease in women are:

  • frequent reflection;
  • persecution mania;
  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • conflicts against the background of social interests.

Signs of a mental disorder in men are most often permanent, while in women they appear in the form of unexpected attacks. For schizophrenic men, there is an increased addiction to alcoholic beverages.

You can suspect the presence of the disease in children based on the following symptoms:

  • Rave.
  • Irritability.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Movement disorders.

It is important for parents to distinguish the child’s wild imagination and character traits from pathological disorders. A specialist can determine the presence of the disease in children from the age of 2 years.

During adolescence, schizophrenics experience aggressiveness, poor academic performance, and isolation.

In severe forms of the disease, severe dementia manifests itself.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

To make a correct diagnosis, psychiatrists use several effective techniques:

  • interviewing the patient and his relatives;
  • conducting psychological tests;
  • virological study;
  • sleep monitoring carried out at night;
  • scanning of brain vessels;
  • conducting a neurophysiological examination;
  • electroencephalography;
  • laboratory tests.

Based on all the results obtained, the specialist makes a diagnosis and selects the most effective method of treating the patient.

  • It is not recommended to leave the patient alone, which will aggravate his situation and worsen his well-being;
  • Stressful situations that can cause negative emotions in a schizophrenic should be excluded;
  • Perform constant ventilation of the room in any weather;
  • Patients are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and drugs and should stop smoking;
  • It is recommended to take regular walks along quiet streets away from noisy roads;
  • It is advisable to play sports, swimming is especially useful, as it normalizes blood circulation, energizes and increases muscle tone;
  • It is important to get vitamins and nutrients into the body with food;
  • It is recommended to find a job and hobby to reduce the risk of depression and suicidal thoughts;
  • in sunny weather, you should use a hat to prevent overheating;
  • It is imperative to observe a sleep-wake schedule; lack of rest worsens the condition;
  • Do not drink strong tea, coffee or energy drinks.

Traditional medicine's ways to combat schizophrenia include:

  • Medications.
  • Insulin coma therapy is the administration of an increased dose of insulin to induce a glycemic coma. In the modern world, the method is used very rarely.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy is the conduction of electrical impulses through the brain.
  • Social correction – improving the patient’s living conditions and establishing his communication and contact with people around him.
  • Training family members to interact with and help a schizophrenic person.
  • Psychotherapy – alleviates the general condition of the patient and is used as an addition to complex treatment.
  • Surgical intervention is used rarely and in exceptional cases.

None of the methods of modern therapy can completely cure schizophrenia. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the occurrence of recurrent attacks.

How to treat with folk remedies?

Traditional methods of treatment using natural ingredients have a positive effect on the condition of a person suffering from schizophrenia. Before using any recipe, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

The most effective traditional medicine for mental disorders are:

  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 1 glass of boiled water coriander. The remedy must be infused and used in the morning or when a hysterical attack occurs.
  • 1 tablespoon chopped valerian root mixed with 100 grams of vodka, infused for 10 days. The daily dose is 5 drops. Alcohol tincture helps get rid of causeless feelings of anxiety.
  • Dry hop cones and blackberry leaves mix in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon each. The healing mixture is poured with 2 glasses of boiled water and left to brew overnight. Finally, the medicine is filtered and taken ½ cup up to 4 times a day. The decoction strengthens the nervous system and serves as a stress prevention measure.
  • 1 tablespoon viburnum bark combine with boiled water in the amount of 1 cup, the mixture is infused for 30 minutes and carefully filtered. The product is drunk 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • To 3 liters of water you need to add 50 grams of crushed swamp chickweed, place the mixture over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes with the lid closed. The resulting broth should be poured into a bath with a water temperature of 36-38 degrees. Taking medicinal baths before bedtime helps improve coordination of movements.
  • It is useful to sleep on a pillow that is prepared at home by adding medicinal herbs inside - oregano, hops, mint and thyme.
  • Linen bag with bay leaf can be hung around the patient's neck to eliminate nightmares.

All folk recipes are aimed at eliminating the negative symptoms of pathology, and not at completely getting rid of mental illness.

A favorable prognosis for schizophrenia depends on the following factors:

  • late age of onset of symptoms of the disease;
  • female;
  • good social and professional adaptation before the onset of the disease;
  • acute onset of a psychotic episode;
  • weak manifestation of negative symptoms;
  • absence of frequent and prolonged hallucinations.

The earlier a mental illness is identified, the more successful the result of treatment, including traditional and folk methods, will be. Of particular importance in this case are those around and close to a person with schizophrenia, who should support the patient and help him avoid nervous breakdowns and depression.