
Why do you dream of cutting onions? Modern combined dream book. Meaning of sleep Onion

Most dream books disagree on the question of why onions are dreamed of. Most often, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of tears or evil in any of its manifestations. But it also happens that the image of a bow is considered a good sign.

Onion - Miller's dream book

Seeing mountains of this vegetable in a dream means that in reality you will have to experience severe anger from ill-wishers after you have successfully completed your work. But if you bite the head of an onion, then the enemy’s actions, whatever they may be, cannot harm you in any way.

Seeing many onion ridges in dream pictures means that many rivals will appear on the way to the goal. Watching the onions fry means risky business transactions will turn out to be successful.

Why do you dream about onions - interpretation according to Freud

Frequently seeing tall and juicy onions in a dream means your subconscious desire to find young partners.

Bright large bulbs with beautiful yellow skin indicate well-developed sexuality. But an onion braid or just a large bunch can speak of insatiability in terms of intimate pleasures.

Young onion sprouts symbolize that in your heart you are already ready for children.

Onion in a dream according to the dream book of the healer Evdokia

Seeing an onion means experiencing anger openly directed at you. Eating means the presence of hidden internal forces that will help overcome all enemy machinations.

Finely chopping a vegetable with a knife and feeling it sting your eyes promises litigation over the division of inheritance.

Why do you dream about onions - Vanga’s dream book

When you work hard to plant onions and put a lot of effort into it, then such a dream foreshadows the receipt of “rich harvests” in reality, things will go uphill, and any investment of money will pay off. But, if during this you cry a lot, then in real life the success that has come will turn into failure.

A garland of large onions means good changes that will come soon.

What does it mean to dream about an onion - interpretation according to the English dream book

Looking at onions in a dream or eating them foretells the discovery of previously lost things for which you have grieved for a long time. This could be money, securities or gold placed in a secluded place and forgotten by you.

Crying from onions in a dream means quick quarrels with relatives. Buying it means a seriously ill friend should get better.

Onion in a dream according to the eastern dream book

Mountains of onions predict success. And the larger the onion scatterings, the more luck you will have.

To see an onion that sprouts and then grows during a dream foretells that enemy actions will only push you towards proper development.

What else could you dream about onions for? Alternative interpretations

In general, usually an onion in a dream speaks of some kind of disorder in the near future.

  • Rotten onions may indicate hidden illnesses.
  • Too vigorous, from which tears never stop flowing, hints at hidden ill-wishers whom you mistake for friends.
  • Yellowed feathers indicate that impending problems will go away on their own.
  • Well-cooked onions in a dream are a sign of good health.
  • Cooking using onions, for example, for stew or soup - fate will grant you a relaxing pastime.

The bow is identified with tears. And indeed, it’s impossible not to cry while peeling this vegetable. Unfortunately, in the world of dreams, this famous vegetable rarely portends something positive, and its appearance in a dream is a very unpleasant event.

However, you should not despair - the best dream books in the world will help you understand the meaning of the dream, and you will be able to draw the right conclusions. Let's find out what onions mean in dreams, its most famous varieties and manipulations with this vegetable.

Plot interpretation

What exactly were you doing in your dream?

Try to remember what exactly you did with this vegetable in your night vision?

    Cutting it - soon you will have to pay in full for the idle entertainment and thoughtless actions that you have become so fond of lately. In the future, so that you don’t have to cry bitterly, try to think through the possible consequences of your behavior in advance.

    Young people chopping onions and running across their cheeks because of it, prophesies complete defeat on the personal front. It seems that the dreamer will have serious rivals in this area, and all attempts to surpass them will only lead to tears, disappointments and failures.

  • Peeling onions - such a dream symbolizes a serious conflict that is brewing between you and your friends or loved ones. If while peeling onions your eyes stung and tears ran down your cheeks, a quarrel cannot be avoided. But, if you did this without tears, a quarrel will be miraculously avoided, and your relationship will be saved. Also, such a plot promises a difficult and stressful undertaking, which will ultimately end in success.
  • Buy - buying an onion is considered a favorable symbol, which promises the dreamer the recovery of his friend or his deliverance from problems. If, on the contrary, they bought the onion from you, in reality, ill-wishers will be able to deceive your friend, which will seriously harm him.
  • Plant in the garden - such a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s life itself and his struggle with ill-wishers. Moreover, this image is considered positive, because in reality such competition invigorates the sleeper and makes his life bright and intense.
  • Iterate – if in a dream you were busy rearranging onions, in reality you are too worried about the intrigues surrounding you. The thought that someone close to you could be a traitor simply kills you and gives you no peace.
  • Eating onions is a dual symbol: for people suffering from serious or having big problems, it portends recovery and deliverance from troubles.
  • For healthy and successful dreamers, on the contrary, it promises many troubles in all areas of life. Fry - an extremely favorable image that foreshadows the sleeper an idle and serene life

, as well as light enrichment.

What was he like?

Not only actions with a bow, but also its appearance are important in the interpretation of dreams. Remember - what was the vegetable in your night story?

In general, onions are considered a negative sign, foreshadowing troubles and problems. If you see this vegetable in a dream, be prepared for things to worsen on all fronts: a deterioration in your financial situation, problems in your personal life, problems in relationships with friends will be inevitable. The plot in which you ate onions was especially bad. If you run your own business, bad deals await you

. If you are a farmer, expect a crop failure. For other categories of people, this image foreshadows serious illnesses and hints at the need to take better care of their health. Peeling onions predicts disappointment and the risk of becoming a victim of deception

. It’s especially sad that both can be brought by people you trust very much. It is important to remember how many bulbs you saw at night.

Know that the more of them there were, the more severe the troubles that threaten you will be and the more difficult it will be to overcome them.

Cutting onions in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness that will soon befall either the dreamer or someone in his life. However, onions do not always portend something bad.

For example, collecting it in the garden means that the dreamer’s work will be paid according to its merits. Add it to a dish -

a dream that promises the sleeper a happy and calm future. a sign that the dreamer’s health will be good and life will be problem-free.

Unlike onions, green onions with feathers in a dream are considered a more auspicious image. Most often, it is a harbinger of large profits or inheritance, for which, however, you will have to seriously fight.

Eating it in a dream - For a healthy person, such a dream promises a happy and comfortable family life. It promises a quick recovery to the sick person.

Planting green onions - to gain respect in society and to great success in business.

Tear green onions into pieces - a negative vision that predicts the most difficult test for the sleeper on the path of life.

Cut green onions and sprinkle them on some dish - in this case, higher powers calm the dreamer and say that he can easily defeat his enemies.

In general, raw onions symbolize the dreamer’s tendency to be interested in matters in which he understands little and penetration into which can harm both him and his loved ones.

The plot in which you ate raw onions is especially bad - it means that you will soon learn some secret from the life of a person dear to you, which he carefully hid from you. One day you will give yourself away, because of which the relationship with this person may end forever.

A rotten or missing vegetable symbolizes health problems that are about to appear in the dreamer's life. Moreover, most often such a plot prophesies problems in the intimate sphere. For men, a rotten onion promises problems with erection, for women - a cooling of relationships with their loved ones.

Onion peel

Onion skins are considered a complex symbol, and its appearance in a dream can only be understood based on the details.

  • Peel onions- to in a difficult matter.
  • Eat onion skins yourself or feed them to someone- a harbinger of irritation, quarrels and serious conflicts with loved ones.
  • Boil the husks in a saucepan- in reality, you are doomed to defeat in the fight against enemies or competitors.
  • Paint Easter eggs with onion skins– soon your enemies will be able to lure you into a trap. And, although the losses you will suffer will not be fatal, they will still bring you a lot of trouble.

Onions in the garden

Onions in the garden are considered a good sign, but a more detailed interpretation requires details:

  • See how a beautiful green onion grows in your garden bed- a sign that in real life your enemies will not be able to do anything with you, your position will be stable in spite of everyone and everything.
  • Pick it straight from the garden and eat it- soon you will be lucky enough to receive a large sum of money. This could be an inheritance, a win, or a generous gift.
  • Rip it off and throw it away- some problem has arisen in the relationship between the dreamer and his significant other. If you don't deal with her in time, things may end in separation.
  • If onions grew in your garden along with other plants(parsley, dill, etc.), in reality fate will give you powerful patrons and good relationships with people around you.
  • Digging up an onion bed or planting a vegetable- a harbinger of rivalry. Books of dreams warn that the winner will be the one who knows how to be calm and self-possessed.
  • If the onions grew in your garden bed away from others, in real life you are too prone to perfectionism and are obsessed with the desire to earn more. If you don't want to overstrain yourself, you should moderate your appetites and allow yourself a vacation.

The article on the topic: “dream book of rotten onions” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

In dreams, a person sees different objects with which he performs certain actions. With proper interpretation, you can learn a lot of interesting information about the present and future.

A vegetable can be a symbol of possible sadness in real life. If you eat onions, it means that the current unpleasant situation will worsen. Seeing onions in a dream means that in real life you will acquire envious people who will wish you harm. Frying onions - you will make a small profit in the future. If you throw away a vegetable, you may be breaking up with your partner. Buying onions means receiving an unexpected reward. When you are treated to onions in a dream, you should expect trouble, after which there will be minor troubles, but friends will help you cope with this situation.

Why dream of peeling onions?

Such a dream can symbolize the presence of lies in life. The dream also promises success in a rather complex matter. If you peel and then cut onions, it means that in the near future you will be very surprised by what is happening around you.

If you were chopping a vegetable and cried at the same time, most likely you will be defeated in a fight with an opponent. Also, such night vision may portend a quarrel with close relatives or friends.

A spoiled vegetable is a symbol of health or sexual problems. You should not give in to negativity yet, as this will lead to serious problems.

Why dream of planting onions?

Such night vision symbolizes significant success in the business you are involved in, as well as the respect of colleagues and friends. It can also portend a large number of problems and worries.

Why do you dream about picking onions?

In this case, the dream foretells that you will receive a reward or bonus that you do not even imagine. This could also be a sign of rivalry emerging in real life.

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Do you dream of onions for tears or joy?

Why do you dream about onions? There are many interpretations. Let's look at the most popular interpretations. The main thing is not to forget: each dream is individual, everything depends on you and your specific life situation. Even the most severe sentence put forward by the dream book does not have to come true, no matter what you dream.

Simplified interpretation

Think for yourself, why do you dream about onions? Most will probably say “to tears” and they will be right.

It could be anything: from a simple quarrel to divorce, from theft to a terminal illness. Pay attention to exactly how many vegetables you saw in your dream. The more vegetables, the more tears you will have to shed. If you dreamed of a rotten onion, it means a sudden and imminent illness.

Now let's look at the interpretations from dream books.

Interpretations of dream books

As you can see, an onion in a dream in most cases means grief. Don't despair (but don't be frivolous either). Remember that this is just a dream and you can change your destiny with actions!

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Why did you dream about the onion?

In various dream books you can find a literal understanding of a dream on an onion theme, which is that in the future a person will have tears.

But, firstly, there are other versions that would be interesting to get acquainted with. And secondly, some clarifications can completely change the meaning of the interpretation. We bring to your attention several answers to the question of why onions are dreamed of.

Basic meaning

There are several interpretations of the dream:

  • As the dream book testifies, onions dream of tears, all sorts of experiences and disappointments.
  • Seeing a growing onion means rivals will appear in your life, and fighting them will enrich your life, make it richer and more interesting. Growing garlic promises prosperity.
  • A dream in which you saw a lot of onions has a similar meaning: you will achieve great success in life, but at the same time, envious people will appear who will be filled with anger and the desire to interfere with your business.
  • Seeing this vegetable, according to the Gypsy dream book, is a sign of a complicated dispute that may happen between relatives. A dream can mean making a discovery or receiving money, according to the gypsies.
  • Hasse claims that seeing this vegetable in your dream is a sign of surprises.

Let's figure out what onions mean in dreams. If you dream of onions in heads, the dreamer’s successes will cause envy and anger. Do you dream about onions, and there are several of them? Remember the approximate number of heads, this number will indicate the number of enemies you will have to deal with in the future.

It’s interesting to know what green onions mean in dreams. The dream foreshadows shame or tears. According to the dream book, green onions dream of quarrels between heirs over issues of dividing the inheritance.

Let's try to figure out what rotten onions mean in dreams. A rotten vegetable portends a deterioration in health. Sometimes a rotten onion in a dream indicates a person’s problems in the sexual sphere. If a woman dreams of a rotten onion, the dream speaks of possible problems in a relationship with a loved one.


Different dream books offer their own interpretation of a dream in which you happened to eat this vegetable.

Eating onions, according to the English dream book, means that in the near future you will discover a treasure or find the money and other valuables you have lost. According to the Chinese dream book, eating an onion means a quarrel or a fight. The interpreter of dreams for women says that eating onions in a dream means victory over your rivals.

It is considered a positive sign for a sick person to eat a vegetable - in the future he will soon recover, and the more he eats, the faster the recovery will come. A quick recovery is also possible if a person had a dream where he ate garlic.

Onion peels dream of a quarrel or kitchen gossip. The husk also symbolizes the remnants of lost feelings and ended relationships. Many interpreters warn that husks can lead you to a conversation with an unpleasant type.

Sweeping away the husks in a dream - all problems will find a solution. Dyeing Easter eggs if you use onion peels means that ill-wishers will appear in your destiny, whom you will inadvertently trust. Seeing husks flying at you - expect concessions from your leadership.

Kitchen chores

Now let’s find out why you dream about the onion that you are going to use.

Buying bulbs is a positive sign, foretelling relief from your friend’s serious illness. Buying garlic means that your expectations will be disappointed.

Cutting an onion in a dream and shedding tears at the same time, according to the Women's Dream Book, will lead to defeat in a fight or argument with your enemies. Another source indicates that cutting onions means a deterioration in health, which can last for a long time. The esoteric dream book warns that cutting this vegetable is a pleasure, but be careful, it can end badly.

Peeling and crying at the same time means a quarrel with your friends or relatives is possible. Another source indicates that peeling the onions means a successful end to the matter. There is also a version that cleaning it is a sign of deception. Peeling off the husks - a dream means possible betrayal by people you know or the envy of colleagues.

Why do you dream of onions in the kitchen? Cooking any dish with onions means a calm time ahead. Frying it, according to Miller, means that a serene life and an improvement in your financial situation for the better await you.

Let’s clarify why you dream of onions in the garden. Planting it in the garden means victory over your sworn enemies. According to another version, planting this vegetable in the ground means that you will soon take on a large number of responsibilities and worries. Plant - turbulent times await you ahead. Collecting onions means a good reward, which will come as a surprise.

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Onion interpretation of the dream book

A bow in a dream is the embodiment of the negative emotions that the sleeper experiences. It could be hatred, envy or anger. In order to understand why you dream about onions, you should remember all the details of what you saw, your feelings and attitude towards this plant. All these components will help you build a logical image and find out its prediction in the dream book.

As a rule, dream books believe that onions cause tears both in the world of dreams and in reality. However, there are other predictions that explain why this vegetable was dreamed about. So, in order to accurately determine for yourself the interpretation of what you saw, analyze all the nuances of the dream. For example, the appearance of the vegetable, its condition and quantity, the taste of the plant and the actions that you performed with it.

Thus, O. Smurov’s dream book believes that what the bow was meant for is very easy to explain. Such a dream foreshadows litigation in reality, litigation, quarrels over inheritance and other squabbles that can completely destroy relationships between loved ones.

According to Miller's dream book, a bow foretells a face-to-face meeting with human malice and duplicity. Sooner or later you will have to face all this on the way to your intended goal. If in a dream you happened to eat onions, then your enemies will not be able to stop you.

According to the English Dream Book, an onion seen in a dream promises a successful find. Perhaps in reality you will find a treasure or find a large sum of money. According to another version, in reality you will find an object that was hopelessly lost to you long ago.

What did the bow look like?

The number of onions you see in a dream, as it were, identifies how much grief, defeat and troubles are measured out to you in reality. It can also indicate the strength of the dreamer’s hatred of other people. So, if you dreamed of seeing a large amount of onions, then most likely a series of failures is coming in your life. For business people, such a dream recommends refraining from additional investments in their business.

Obstacles along the way, a series of failures, difficulties in relationships with those closest to you, confrontation with enemies - these are just a small part of what a whole sack of onions means in a dream.

Did you see onion beds in your dream? This means that in reality, with your successes you will cause a feeling of envy among the people around you.

Many dream books explain what rotten onions mean in dreams. In their opinion, such an episode foreshadows impotence for men, and problems in relationships with a partner for the fair sex.

Why do you dream of onions in bunches, Vanga’s dream book explains. He believes that in reality you are destined for serious changes in your life. It promises an excellent harvest for people involved in agriculture.

Did you see green onions? This plot confirms that, one way or another, you will have to seriously work on yourself. First of all, you should moderate your own appetites and reconsider your life values. This should be done alone, alone with yourself, for example, in the lap of nature. Most likely, too much negativity has accumulated in your soul, which is interfering with your spiritual and, as a consequence, career growth.

Actions with a bow

Did you dream about planting onions? The dream book believes that the growth of this plant in a dream will add spice to your life and will be an excellent incentive to fight your enemies.

Are you wondering why you dream of cutting onions? The esoteric dream book believes that this plot portends you in reality to repent for your actions and reckless adventures. Think about the possible consequences before you do anything. Because payment for them will come sooner or later.

If a young man was cutting an onion in a dream and clearly felt his tears flowing, it means that he will soon suffer defeat. According to the interpreter, in this case, the onion portends tears, grief and failure.

Did you have to buy onions in a dream? The dream book believes that your close friend will soon be healed of a serious illness. If, on the contrary, you sold it, then in reality you will recklessly follow the lead of your ill-wishers, for which you will subsequently pay bitterly.

Have you ever planted onions? Such a plot, according to O. Smurov’s dream book, suggests that in real life you cannot come to terms with your own failures and disappointments and dream of taking revenge on your sworn enemies. However, you should understand that revenge will not lead to anything good and will not bring the desired peace of mind. Only feelings of bitterness and dissatisfaction will remain with you. You should choose a different way for self-realization.

Do you want to know what it means to pick onions in a dream? Such a dream, first of all, foreshadows an excellent reward that awaits you in the near future. You may not even expect to receive it. If you happen to dig up onions, then, according to the dream book, good news awaits you in reality. If a man was digging a bow in a dream, it means that in reality he will have to compete to achieve his plans. In this case, you need to pull yourself together and try not to leave a single chance to your enemies.

Why do you dream of eating onions in a dream? For most people who are sick in reality, such a dream is a sign of a speedy recovery. At the same time, the amount of onions eaten matters.

If you had to fry onions in a dream, then, as Miller believes, in reality everything will work out just fine for you. You will receive a small income or be lucky in gambling.

Did you pick onions in your sleep? Such a plot, first of all, indicates that you do not want to believe that your friends and family are involved in the intrigues against you.

Did you have to peel onions in a dream? Remember the whole process in detail. If you have tears flowing, it means that in reality you will not be able to avoid quarrels and conflicts with your family. If there were no tears, then the relationship will be smooth. In addition, in this case you can count on success in some very difficult business.

Did you dream of stealing onions? Such a dream calls for action and struggle. After all, someone in real life is actively putting a spoke in your wheels. You need to put bullies in their place and show them what you really are.

“Dream Interpretation Rotten Onion dreamed of why you dream about Rotten Onion in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Rotten Onion

Why do you dream of a Rotten Onion in a dream according to the dream book?

Rotten onions - deterioration in health, possible problems of a sexual nature.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about a Rotten Onion, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Rotten Onion in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed that I looked into the table and saw that there was some dampness there and the onions were turning green. I decided to wash the whole thing. While removing the onions, they began to crumble.

I was selling a basement and the buyer gave me a large bag of rotten onions, which I decided to throw away, and I also tried on a new sweatshirt and decided to keep it

I can’t go into great detail, I remember everything in fragments, but the most vivid ones are that the dog, cat, mouse and mole became friends, slept, ate together... And another moment was when I noticed a wet spot on a white sheet, lifting it, I discovered a rotten onion , although most likely not rotten, it looked more like boiled and crushed, but for some reason I thought that it was rotten

I came to the store to buy onions. In the vegetable department there were boxes or baskets with beautiful, but too large onions. I take an onion, and it is very soft. And they are all like that. I get angry and go on looking for onions in the same store. I turned somewhere, and there were people sitting at a table (not buyers). I see the same large and beautiful onions on their table and I say that you eat good onions here, but sell rotten ones in the hall. One woman takes one onion and directly breaks it like soft bread and eats it! And she's rotten! This is such a dream.

they sorted through the onions and looked for the larvae of the onion fly, for what purpose they collected the larvae, I don’t remember, they tore the onion leaves from the leaves, took out the larvae and put them in a rotten onion, where there were already a lot of larvae and worms, took them out from the green feathers of the onion

I peeled the onions together with my client at her insistence; up to this point, two men had peeled the onions; I persistently pushed them aside, because... decided. that this work would be much easier, but the onion was very tight and rotten, it was very difficult to peel it, I peeled it and thought that this was not my business at all and why did I follow the lead of these people, the dream was like reality and that’s all I even remember the smells clearly

I was sorting through the onions and they turned out to be all rotten and a neighbor came to get them, I seemed to be picking them up

Hello. I stood in our center near the pharmacy and sold onions in nets... I sold everything, but for some reason it’s not clear where the middle pile of rotten and sprouted onions came from...

I don't remember the dream well. The action took place during some kind of war or during the famine. I was in the premises of some school for boys. There were boys dressed in old uniforms and some other people. It was quite cold. We made fires right in the room from some boards and old furniture. People were dying. I peeled rotten onions to cook something to eat. Then I tried this onion and tore it out. This is where I woke up.

I had a dream with rotten onions in bags, and there were three bricks on the bags. As a result, they dumped the onions on the floor, left them and left.

I dreamed that I was digging rotten onions with my husband, the earth was black

and wet I took the onion in my hands and it was almost all rotten

I was sorting through the onions at home, they were all rotten, they smelled of rot. threw the bad onion into the trash bin

I see two people knocking on my window, they see me and call me bad names. There was a man with me in a dream, I told him that they were calling me names, but he did not react.

In dreams, a person sees different objects with which he performs certain actions. With proper interpretation, you can learn a lot of interesting information about the present and future.

Why do you dream about onions?

A vegetable can be a symbol of possible sadness in real life. If you eat onions, it means that the current unpleasant situation will worsen. Seeing onions in a dream means that in real life you will acquire envious people who will wish you harm. Frying onions - you will make a small profit in the future. If you throw away a vegetable, perhaps with a partner. Buying onions means receiving an unexpected reward. When you are treated to onions in a dream, you should expect trouble, after which there will be minor troubles, but friends will help you cope with this situation.

Why dream of peeling onions?

Such a dream can symbolize the presence of lies in life. The dream also promises success in a rather complex matter. If you peel and then cut onions, it means that in the near future you will be very surprised by what is happening around you.

Why do you dream of cutting onions?

If you were chopping a vegetable and cried at the same time, most likely you will be defeated in a fight with an opponent. Also, such night vision may portend a quarrel with close relatives or friends.

Why do you dream about rotten onions?

A spoiled vegetable is a symbol of health or sexual problems. You should not give in to negativity yet, as this will lead to serious problems.

Why dream of planting onions?

Such night vision symbolizes significance in the business you are engaged in, as well as the respect of colleagues and friends. It can also portend a large number of problems and worries.

Why do you dream about picking onions?

In this case, the dream foretells that you will receive a reward or bonus that you do not even imagine. This could also be a sign of rivalry emerging in real life.

Seeing onions as a vegetable plant in a dream foreshadows an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives over an inheritance.

Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will cause you trouble and make you quarrel with your friends.

Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deception or success in a difficult undertaking.

Cutting onions with tears in your eyes means you will be defeated in the fight against your competitors. Frying onions or cooking in any other way portends a calm course of business and a small but stable profit.

Eating dishes seasoned with onions means you will defeat your enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible effort and using all your savings.

Seeing onions in the garden in large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes.

Planting and growing onions foretells that you will only dream of peace, you will be so overwhelmed by business and worries.

Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be drawn into a bad story.

Buying onions means trouble from your friends.

If you dreamed of a bow as a type of weapon, it means that in real life you will have to hire a lawyer to protect your interests.

An ancient combat bow means discord and enmity between close people; a sports bow portends that you will side with the one of the two arguing whom you sympathize with, even if he is wrong.

A homemade bow with hazel arrows is a sign of public insult and a showdown of personal relationships.

If in a dream you shoot from any kind of bow, this means that your prejudiced attitude will cause a sharply negative reaction from your friends.

If you hit the target with a bow, your secret admirers will present you with a gorgeous gift; if you miss, consult a doctor if you feel unwell.

A dream in which you see someone taking aim at you with a bow means the emergence of new enemies.

Seeing Cupid or Cupid in a dream with a bow in his hands and a quiver of arrows on his shoulder means that the end of a love affair is approaching.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a bow in a dream

Eating an onion in a dream means that in reality your circumstances will worsen.

Peeling onions - beware of deception.

This also means that soon a secret will be revealed to you that hurts your pride.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Druids

What does the dream Onion mean?

The plant is a sign of tears and problems.

Possibility of discord in the family, weapons - shoot from them - send a letter or transmit information, possibly sensitive.

Symbol of conquest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

What do dreams mean?

Green - a dispute over an inheritance, shame, sadness, tears, they will secretly be angry with you; cleaning - success in a difficult task // short-lived sadness; eat - get well (for the sick) // tears, quarrel; tear - tears, grief.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does Onion mean in a dream?

Seeing a large amount of onions in a dream foreshadows the anger and envy that you will encounter after achieving success.

If you eat it, the enemies will retreat in front of you. If you see in a dream how it grows, there will be enough rivals in your affairs, the fight against which will add urgency to your experiences and a taste for life in general.

If you see in a dream how it grows, there will be enough rivals in your affairs, the fight against which will add urgency to your experiences and a taste for life in general.

Frying onions means serenity and a small profit in business.

To dream that you are cutting onions and feel that your eyes are moist is a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does Onion mean in a dream?

Onions dream of anger and envy, which you will incur with your success.

If you ate onions in a dream, then your enemies will retreat before you.

If you see how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give you a taste for life.

If you fried onions, a serene existence and a small profit in business lie ahead.

Cut onions and shed tears - you will be defeated in the fight against your rivals.

If in a dream you peeled onions and tears flowed at the same time, in reality you will go to have fun.

Ate boiled onions - to health.

If you ate fried onions, you made an enemy.

If you planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the acquisition.

If you admired the bulbs blooming in pots, you’ll have to fork out some cash.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Bow

Both in reality and in a dream, it causes nothing but tears. True, you will have to cry from impotent anger, since your rivals in business or love will prevail over you and laugh cruelly. But this is only if you were cutting onions in a dream. If you eat it, then you will have to cry with joy, since none of the enemies will be able to overcome your strength, intelligence and beauty.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does Onion predict in a dream?

To dream that you are eating onions is a harbinger that you will find treasure or previously lost money (goods, things). If you are peeling onions and your eyes are very watery, the dream means quarrels with friends or relatives. Buying onions is a dream promising the recovery of your friend from a serious illness.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does it mean to see a bow in a dream?

Holding arrows and a bow in your hands is great happiness.

The sounds of shots from bows and crossbows are heard - foreshadows a quarrel.

The bow string breaks when you pull it - portends misfortune, trouble.

A person gives a bow or crossbow - portends outside help.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Meaning of the dream Bow

If you dreamed that you were shooting a bow, someone wants to surprise you. To make the surprise pleasant, throw a few coffee beans over your left shoulder before leaving.

If you dreamed that someone was shooting a bow, you are disturbing someone. To make sure he doesn’t get rid of you, draw a triangle on your photo and burn it at sunset.

Interpretation of dreams from