
Popular names in france. Getting to know French names and surnames. Rare male names of French origin

French names, that is, the names common on the territory of France, mainly combined Roman (Latin), Greek and Anglo-Saxon names.

At the moment before using french names and surnames the following titles are given:

Mademoiselle (mademoiselle) - an appeal to an unmarried woman, girl.

Madame (madam) - an appeal to a married, divorced or widowed woman. The plural is Mesdames ("honey").

Monsieur (monsieur) - an appeal to a man.

French male names

Adrian - from Adria

Alain - nice

Gigolo - noble and ready

Anatole - eastern

Andre - courageous

Henri - courageous

Apollinaire - destroyer

Arman - a brave, hardy person

Armel - stone prince

Arno - the power of the eagle

Astor - vulture hawk

Basil - king

Bartem (Bartelamue) - son of plowed land, son of fields


Bernard - bear

Boniface - good fate

Valerie - healthy

Vivien - alive, vital

Gaitan - from Kaita

Guy - forest

Gascon - from Gascony

Gaston - from Gascony

Gaultier - head of the army

Gregoire - careful, vigilant

Dion - dedicated to Zeus

Damian - tame, subjugate

Desiree - desired

Danny - dedicated to Dionysus, Bacchus, the god of wine and winemaking

Jeremiah - appointed by God

Joe - dove

Joseph - multiplying

Joss - God is salvation

Didier - desired

Dominic - owned by the lord

Donat - given by God

Jacques - displacer

Jean - God is kind

Germain - native, half-brother, brother

Jerome - Saint

Gilles - child, goat

Girald - the ruler of the spear

Girard - brave spear

Joseph - increase, profit

Georges - farmer

Geoffroy - God's world

Joel - Yahweh - God

Julian - soft-bearded, young

Jules - sheaf

Julien - from the Yuliev clan

Just - fair

Camille - duty officer (in the temple)

Cyprian - from Cyprus

Claude - lame

Cola - winner of nations

Christophe - from the word Christ

Lance - Earth

Leon - a lion

Leonard - strong lion

Leopold - bold

Lawrence, Lorenzo - crowning with laurels

Laurent - crowning with laurels

Laurentine - crowning with laurels

Louis - glorious warrior

Luke - light, luminous

Luke - light, luminous

Lucian - light, light

Maximilian - descendant of the greatest

Marine - from the sea

Mark - hammer

Markellin - militant

Martin - owned or dedicated to the god of war Mars

Mathis - a gift from God

Matthew (Matthew) - a gift from God

Michelle - godlike, divine, who is like God

Maurice - black, Moor

Morris - black, Moor

Napoleon - the lion of Naples

Narsis - insensitive, sleep

Nicolas - winner of nations

Nikhel - champion

Noel - God's birthday

Oberon - bear

Augustine - venerable

Auguste - stately, sacred

Odilon - rich

Audric - ruler

Olivier salad - elf army

Otes (Otis) - rich

Papillion - butterfly

Pascal - easter baby

Patrice - nobleman

Percival - the valley into which they penetrate

Pons - sailor

Rainer - wise warrior

Raimund - wise defender

Raoul - wise wolf

Raphael - God healed

Remy - rower

Renard - wise and strong

Robert - bright, shiny

Roger - famous spear

Romain - Roman

Sebastian - from Sebeist (a city in Asia Minor)

Severin - strict

Seraphin - flame, burning

Serge - Roman generic name of the 5th-1st centuries. BC.

Sylvester - from the forest

Silestin - heavenly

Cyril - lord

Stephen - crown

Theo - a gift from God

Theodore - a gift from God

Theophilus - a friend of God

Thibault - bold

Timothy - worshiping God

Volume - twin

Toussaint - Saint

Thierry - king of nations

Urban - city dweller

Fabrice - master

Fernand - ready to ride

Ferrand - ready to ride

Ferrant - ready to ride

Philbert - very bright, famous

Florentine - blooming

Forest - living in the forest

Franc - free

Francois - free

Charles - courageous, brave

Evrard - strong as a hog

Edgard - rich spear

Edmond - defender of prosperity

Edouard (Edward) - guardian of possessions, property

Eugene - beautiful, noble

Eimerai - home ruler

Aymery - home ruler

Aymeric - home ruler

Alison - noble origin

Eloi - choosing

Emelen (Emilian) - affectionate, friendly, cheerful

Emery - power

Emerick - home ruler

Emil - competitor

Hercule - glory to the goddess Hera

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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French names. French male names and their meaning


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France 2014-2015

CHOOSE YEAR 2014–2015 2009–2011

State in Western Europe. The capital is Paris. It shares borders with Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Population (at the end of 2014) - about 66 million people (all France) / 64.2 million people (European France). At the beginning of 2011, there were 5.5 million immigrants in France. France also includes four overseas regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion). Religious composition (survey of 2004): Catholics - 64.3%, Protestants - 1.9%, Jews - 0.6%, Muslims - 4.3%, not professing any religion - 27%. However, these figures are approximate. According to other polls, the distribution by confession is different.

The most famous site for data on naming statistics in France is, which bills itself as the very first French naming site. Indeed, it has existed since 2000. In addition to data on the origin of names, there are lists of popular names of newborns by year, starting from 1900. For 2014 - the twenty most frequent names. 2013 data not shown. For the rest of the years - 200 most popular names.

The creator of this site is Stephanie Rapoport. She is the author of books on names that are published regularly based on data from the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Research of France (l "INSEE). Therefore, this site can be completely trusted. Here are the twenty most common names of 2014. The names on this site are probably in descending order frequencies.

Top 20 names. France, 2014

Position numberMale namesFemale names
1 NathanEmma
2 LucasLola
3 LéoChloé
4 GabrielInès
5 TiméoLéa
6 EnzoManon
7 LouisJade
8 RaphaëlLouise
9 ArthurLéna
10 HugoLina
11 JulesZoé
12 EthanLilou
13 AdamCamille
14 NolanSarah
15 TomÉva
16 NoahAlice
17 ThéoMaëlys
18 SachaLouna
19 MaëlRomane
20 MathisJuliette

Another interesting resource with data by name is, maintained by the City of Paris. This site has official data on personal names that are received by newborns in the French capital. They are grouped by year, starting in 2004. The most recent data is now for 2015. The names are given, the frequency of which is higher than 4. In 2015, there were 646 such names for men and 659 for women. Frequencies are given for each name in absolute numbers. These materials, although limited to one city, are of undoubted interest for researchers of names.

Top 20 male names. Paris 2015

Position numberNameFrequency
1 Adam
2 Raphaël320
3 Paul260
4 Louis256
5 Arthur245
6 Alexandre226
7 Victor208
8 Jules205
9 Mohamed185
10 Lucas177
11 Joseph170
12 Antoine167
13 Gaspard165
14 Maxime152
15 Augustin146
16 Oscar133
17 Ethan131
18 Léo127
19 Léon123
20 Martin122

Top 20 female names. Paris 2015

Position numberNameFrequency
1 Louise293
2 Alice244
3 Chloé206
4 Emma178
5 Inès175
6 Sarah174
7 Jeanne173
8 Anna160
9 Adèle155
10 Juliette
11 Léa143
12 Lina142
13 Eva140
14 Sofia137
15 Charlotte
16 Mila132
17 Joséphine127
18 Manon126
19 Zoé118
20 Nina115

French names are beautiful and original; they have a complex but interesting history. Among them there are especially popular ones, containing options that are fashionable today, as well as the names of saints. The latter are not only attractive, but also talismans that protect their owner throughout life.

4.09.2016 / 09:18 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

French names for girls and men are especially popular in many countries around the world. Therefore, you can often find people with beautiful names from France, regardless of which country or city you are in. These names sound harmonious and melodic, giving their owner a touch of exoticism, romance and elegance.

Features of French names

Names in France appeared a long time ago - the term is calculated in tens of centuries. Over time, the names have changed, which was influenced by both historical events and fashion trends. In France, during the time of Gaul, there were a large number of Greek and Celtic nicknames among the nicknames; later, Jewish names appeared on the territory of the state.

In the Middle Ages, when German conquerors came to the country, German nicknames appeared, and already in the 18th century a law was created requiring parents to name babies by the names of people who somehow belonged to the church. Soon foreign nicknames lost their relevance, as citizens preferred to give Catholic or truly French. Today, such laws have lost their force, and the French give their kids any names.

When choosing a name today, parents adhere to European rules: a person can have one or two first names and a single surname. Many citizens continue to observe traditions and prefer the nicknames of saints. Often, a child will receive two personal names. This is done with the aim of giving the baby the protection of two saints at once. However, in life, a person uses only one name that he likes the most. This approach is considered practical - that's what the French say. If a citizen after adulthood decides to change the frequently used nickname, he can use any of his names. Thus, he can avoid paperwork and a lengthy process of changing documents.

Another interesting feature of French names is their courtesy. The title is often used for this. If your interlocutor is a man, you should say "Monsignor", if the appeal is directed to an unmarried lady, you can tactfully say "Mademoiselle", if we are talking about a divorced or married woman - "Madame". However, today everything is much simpler, and a young girl is always called "Mademoiselle", and the older ladies "Madame". By the way, referring to a person only by name in France is a sign of ignorance and illiteracy. This is only allowed with family or friends.

State legislation also states that every citizen can have two names. The first is used as personal, for use at school, work and in other areas of life. The second fits into the documents.

But according to the traditions of the country, children are given three names:

  1. The first-born male will be named in honor of the grandfather by the birth of the father, then a second name is given in honor of the grandfather by the birth of the mother, then the name of the saint is used (chosen and given on the day of baptism).
  2. The first-born female is called by the name belonging to the female grandmother, then - the second male grandmother, the third nickname is chosen from the names of the saints.
  3. The second boy in the family is named after his great-grandfather by his father's birth, then his maternal great-grandfather, the third invariably named after a saint.
  4. The youngest girl is given the name of her great-grandmother after her mother, the second - the name of her great-grandmother after her father, the third - the name of the saint.

French names for women

The names of French women are beautiful and melodic. In Catholic families, a woman necessarily has three names, the last of which refers to the saint remembered on the day of baptism. Parents believe that the third nickname gives the daughter a protector who will accompany her throughout her life and help her avoid difficulties and problems.

If a woman has three names, this does not mean that she will be called differently. It will be called the main one recorded in the identity document. When a girl becomes an adult, she can change her primary name to whatever her parents gave her.

In modern France, Russian names are again in vogue. The most popular are: Adele, Elvira, Camilla, Violeta. In turn, the French offer everyone their beautiful names, which they call babies all over the world:

  • Amelie;
  • Veronica;
  • Irene;
  • Carolina;
  • Claire;
  • Katherine;
  • Monica;
  • Morion;
  • Celine;
  • Sylvia;
  • Jeannette;
  • Emma.

The above list contains more than just French names. So, the name Jeannette has Jewish roots, Veronica - Greek. There are a lot of borrowed names, all of them are used by many modern parents.

French names for men

Men, just like women, receive three names at birth: the main, the second and the nickname of the saint. Boys are called by the names of their fathers and grandfathers - traditions are rarely followed, and not all parents want to give their sons European, American and other names.

The most popular names for the strong half are:

  • Gin;
  • Michelle;
  • Philip;
  • Alain;
  • Patrick;
  • Pierre;
  • Nicolas;
  • Christophe;
  • Christian;
  • Daniel.

Also popular are Bernard, Eric, Frederic Laurent, Stephane, Pascal, David, Gerard, Julien, Olivier, Jacques.

Many people in the country use double names, for example, Jean-Pierre, Paul-Henry, Anna-Laura, Marie-Louise. Both words are hyphenated and belong to the same gender. But there are times when two words are used, masculine and feminine. For a man, the first name is masculine, for example, Jean-Marie, for a girl - feminine - Anna-Vincent. It is worth knowing that if the name of your interlocutor consists of two parts, this is how you should address him: Jean-Pierre, Anna-Laura, etc.

Many names for the weaker sex are derived from masculine ones, to which the suffixes "ette", "ine" and others are added. Often such additions affect the pronunciation: Armand - Armand, Daniel - Danielle.

A little about surnames. They first appeared in the 16th century. Then the king ordered all citizens to choose their surnames. She could be the name of the father of the family (Bernard, Robert, Henry and others). A second word was added to the name, denoting a character trait, features of appearance, a settlement (large, low, dark, swarthy).

French boy names

The French language is considered one of the most melodic and beautiful among all existing ones. Names for young male citizens also differ in euphony. This is primarily due to the origin of the names, which was influenced by historical events, Catholic faith and other factors.

Popular boy names today include:


French girl names

The French are believing Catholics, giving children several names, one of which has church connotations. This applies to both boys and girls. The chosen patron is especially important for the latter, because women are considered weak and gentle, so more men need the strength of a protector.

Traditionally, girls are called in a way: the first name is from grandmothers both in the female and male lines. The second is dictated by the day when the baby was baptized.

The second girl in the family receives the names of the great-grandmothers plus the name of the saint. Despite the fact that this tradition is many years old, modern youth adhere to it with pleasure. However, there are also fashion adherents among parents who are ready to reward their daughter with any name they like. Both Russian and European unusual names are popular, for example, Dylan, Kilian, Okean, Ains.

Beautiful French names and their meanings

France is the owner of hundreds of beautiful, euphonic names. Each year, the list is updated with new options.

Beautiful female names:

  • Emma is one of the rating names that has not left the first places for ten years. In France, this is the name for every 7th newborn girl.
  • Lolita or Lola - Formed from Luisa. A beautiful, playful name, not suitable for little girls, but very useful - for adults, business women.
  • Chloe - became fashionable during the popularization of Negro culture.
  • Lea is a seemingly inexpressive name, but despite this, it is in demand among the French.
  • Mano - Formed from Mari. A noble name by French standards.
  • Louise is a "retro" name that takes us half a century ago.
  • Zoya is used not only in Russia, but also in France. Translated as "life".
  • Lilu or Lilia is an interesting name that evokes associations with a fabulous country.
  • Lena is the familiar name that the French call their babies today.
  • Sara is a Jewish name that has been in vogue for decades.
  • Camiy is a name for all time, winning in all situations.
  • Lina - Formed from Angelina.
  • Eve is the name of Adam's girlfriend, and therefore remains in demand always.
  • Alice - has a number of other options: Alicia, Alice, etc.
  • Rimma is the mistress of Rome.

Beautiful male names:

  • Nathan is at the top of the charts for male names. For more than ten years, it holds the first places. If your name is Artyom and you are going to France, you should know that they will call you Nathan!
  • Enzo is a nickname that owes its popularity to the famous film masterpiece from Luc Besson - the film "Blue Abyss".
  • Louis - brevity and royal charm in one nickname.
  • Gabrielle is a new fashion trend that many couples who have become parents are using today.
  • Jules is a proper name that belonged to Julius Caesar. But today this nickname evokes associations with France.
  • Arthur is the name of the great king and is now popular for boys.
  • Timeo - names ending in "o" - a squeak of fashion.
  • Rafael is a beautiful name for a little boy, adult men with this name are called Rafa.
  • Mael - the nickname means something like "boss", "royalty".
  • Adam - especially for Eve.

Popular French names

In recent years, Russians have chosen not native Russian names, but prefer foreign ones, including French ones. They can be heard more and more often in educational institutions, kindergartens, medical institutions. Among the popular ones are Daniel, Adele, Anabel, Anais, Ismina, Marcel, Margot, Marietta, Mathieu, Thomas, Emile.

When choosing a name for a baby, do not be too lazy to familiarize yourself with its meaning, because both the French and we believe that a popular name will bring good luck to the baby, and a nickname denoting a bright character trait, a magical symbol, natural forces will give happiness, health and well-being!

By naming a boy with a French name, you take on a lot of responsibility. The name for a person is the most important word in life, it forms a personality, can influence contacts with peers. We suggest finding out which French male names are considered the most popular.

History of the origin of French names

French names in particular are double (triple) difficult to pronounce or remember. Sometimes it is impossible to understand who it belongs to - a woman or a man. This discrepancy occurs because in France, names are given in the same form for both girls and boys. To understand their meaning, you need to know their origins and look into history. French names for boys attract with graceful pronunciation and special charm. They differ from traditional names in their unusual sound.

In ancient times, representatives of the Russian nobility called the heirs with a "French accent". Thus, they tried to ennoble the name. A vivid proof of this phenomenon, the hero of Leo Tolstoy's book is Peter (Pierre) Kirillovich Bezukhov. The Orthodox name George acquired a French meaning, like Georges. Today, the same thing seems to be happening, which is why parents are reluctant to give their sons traditional names. They are attracted by something especially original.

As for the origin of purely French names, they were formed under the influence of significant events that have left their mark on history. For example, the male name Alan means beautiful, and Dion, Isaac was dedicated to holy deities. The names Mark, Alphonse and Gilbert appeared during the German invasion of French lands. After the adoption of the law, according to which all newborns, without exception, had to be called by names from the church (Catholic) calendar.

It was then that, predominantly, they began to give modern Catholic names for those times. It was believed that in this way newborns "acquired" the protection of patron saints. Over time, borrowing stopped. Children began to be called double and triple names in honor of their ancestors. Today the French are free to give the baby any name. Only a few Catholic families still adhere to these traditions.

List of beautiful French names for boys

Among the immigrants from France there are many creative people, famous poets, actors and artists. Apparently this fact left an imprint on their names, they came up with many beautiful-sounding options with an exquisite accent.

The proposed list of the most beautiful names for boys will make it easy to verify this:

  • Adrian
  • Bastian
  • Valerie
  • Gilbert
  • Didier
  • Jerome
  • Camille
  • Modest
  • Noel
  • Pascal
  • Silestin
  • Stephen
  • Theodore
  • Forest
  • Florentine
  • Emil

While in search of a beautiful name for a baby, parents begin to study their origins. It is difficult to choose a consonant name with a fateful meaning. However, in the case of French names, this problem does not arise, they are all beautiful, and predetermine a happy fate.

Rare male names of French origin

The defining criteria for choosing a male name, for boys - consonance with the surname and patronymic. However, in modern society, the demand for rare, unlike ordinary names, variations has grown.

Rare, undeservedly forgotten popular French names:

  • Amedi
  • Easter
  • North
  • Perrin
  • Ermenegild
  • Philibert
  • Amadiu
  • Modger

When choosing rare options for boys, think about the meaning of the name and pay attention to their sound. No matter how rare it is, a child will live with this name all his life.

The most common male names in France and their meaning

Surely, many parents are interested in knowing what male names are popular today, directly in France itself. Judging by modern kids, the overwhelming majority of modern parents continue to call boys Daniel. It is still relevant, but not for France, where the fashion for names is completely different.

The most beautiful names for boys today look like this:

  • Hugo - fidget
  • Alain - handsome
  • Patrick - distinguished
  • Pierre (Peter) - chief
  • Mathis - a gift from God
  • Jean (Ivan) - gracious
  • Michelle (Michael) - sounds like a god
  • Augustine - venerable
  • Christophe - Christ Carrier
  • Christian (Christian) - Christian
  • Bernard - strong
  • Arthur (Arthur) - bear man
  • Eric - leader
  • Frederic - Defender
  • Dionne - dedicated to Zeus
  • Laurent - arrived from Laurentum
  • Dominic - owned by the lord
  • Olivier - olive
  • Thierry - King of Nations
  • Francois (Francois) - French

Recently, many want to call the boy a French name. We, unfortunately, cannot give a newborn two or three names, like the French. However, if the parents have a desire to give the boy a French name, this is not prohibited.

Old and forgotten names

Recently, there has been a tendency to name boys in an original way, bringing out old and many forgotten names with French roots.

  • Bartelamyu - son of plowed land, son of fields
  • Cola is the winner of nations
  • Pascal - Easter Child
  • Silestin - heavenly
  • Eugene - beautiful, noble
  • Raoul is a wise wolf

The names presented in the lists do not always have a purely French origin, but they sound very nice.

Male names common in France often have Roman, Latin, Greek and Anglo-Saxon roots.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on the date of birth

The Catholic as well as the Orthodox tradition is often based on the names of saints, in calendars by date of birth. It should be noted that Catholic and Orthodox saints practically do not coincide. This is due to the schism of churches that occurred in the 11th century. Therefore, French names include those that are mentioned in the Bible, as well as Germanic, Latin and English origin. When choosing a name, you can be content with the Catholic calendar of the saints. The date is selected on the day or close to the birth of the baby.

True Catholics do not allow distortion or abbreviation of their name. However, depending on the country, the French name may change for ease of pronunciation. For example, Maximilian, we will often call Max, and Charlemagne - Charles.

In each language, names and surnames have their own etymology, their origin. And French is no exception. French names and surnames were formed historically, came from some locality or from some kind.

Today we will talk about French names and surnames. We, like you, dear lovers of the French language, are interested in the origin of the names and surnames of France. Let's start our journey into the world of French names and surnames soon!

It's important to know

Dictionary of French Names and Surnames, Larousse Publishing House

Friends, before giving you beautiful French male and female names, before making a list or generator of French male and female names, pay attention to some details:

  • France is very fond of double names (prénom), such as Jean- Marc, Jean-Pierre, Paul-Henri, Anne- Marie, Marie-Louise ... Usually these are two names of the same genus, which are written with a hyphen. But there are times when one name is feminine and another is masculine. For a boy, the male name comes first, then the female name - Jean-Marie , for a girl - on the contrary - Anne-Vincent ... Remember the name of the philosopher Voltaire? - François marie arouet voltaire ... It is worth considering that if a person has a double name, then he should be called that way: Jean-Pierre - this is exactly Jean-Pierre, not just Jean or Pierre.
  • Many female names are formed by adding a suffix to the male name -e ,ette , or -ine . For example: Jean - Jeanne; Henri - Henriette; Maurice - Mauricine; Honoré - Honorine. Sometimes these suffixes affect pronunciation Armand (Armand) - Armande (Armand) and sometimes not Daniel (Daniel) - Danielle (Daniel).
  • Diminutive affectionate male names are formed by adding the suffix - et, -ot and women - ette, -otte .

These were the distinctive features of French names, and now:

How French names and surnames appeared

In the 16th century, the king ordered all families to acquire surnames ( le nom de famille - family name). The surname could be the name of the head of the family: Martin, Bernard, Thomas, Robert, Richard, Michel, Henri, etc. Either some of its distinctive features or characteristics: Legrand - large, Lepetit - small, Leroux - red; or place of residence: Dubois - from the forest or the one who lives by the forest, Dupont - the one who lives near the bridge or in the place of Le Pont; the main occupation of a person or tool: Fournier is a stove-maker, Mercier is a seller, Beaudelaires is a carpenter's cleaver, Hachette is a carpenter's adze or a mason's pick, Bonnet is a hat, a cap, a cap. The plant names were also used: Castan - from chataîgne - chestnut, Lavigne - vigne - grapes.

The names of the nobles came from their possessions plus the prefix de : le comte d'Artois - Count d'Artois, le duc d'Orléans - Duke of Orleans.

French name generator

We can say that such a generator is a Russian transcription of French names and surnames. For example, Diane - Diana, Angélique - Angelica, Poline - Pauline, Jean - Jean (Ivan), Godefroi - Godefroy, Duroy - Duroy.

Although, for example, it is permissible to say both Daniel and Danielle - Danielle. You can say both Celine and Celine - Céline.

Examples of first and last names

Now let's take a closer look at female and male French names and surnames and their Russian pronunciation.

Male names:

  • Jean - Jean (Ivan)
  • Michel - Michelle (Michael)
  • Philippe - Philip
  • Alain - Alain
  • Patrick - Patrick
  • Pierre - Pierre (Peter)
  • Nicolas - Nikola (Nikolay)
  • Christophe - Christophe
  • Christian - Christian
  • Daniel - Daniel (Daniel)
  • Bernard - Bernard
  • Eric - Eric
  • Frédéric - Frederic
  • Laurent - Laurent
  • Olivier - Olivier

Male French names

Female names:

  • Marie - Marie (Maria)
  • Nathalie - Natalie (Natalia)
  • Isabelle - Isabelle
  • Françoise - Françoise
  • Christine - Christine
  • Monique - Monica
  • Nicole - Nicole
  • Sophie - Sophie (Sophia)
  • Anne - An (Anna)
  • Céline - Celine
  • Brigitte - Brigitte
  • Catherine - Catherine (Catherine)

Female French names

The most common French surnames are:

  • Durand - Duran
  • Leroy - Leroy
  • Duroy - Duroy
  • Robert - Robert
  • Thomas - Tom
  • Dupont - Dupont
  • Duval - Duval
  • Dubois - Dubois
  • Bernard - Bernard
  • Bertrand - Bertrand
  • Leroux - Leroux
  • Fournier - Fournier
  • Morel - Morel
  • Girard - Girard

Of course, this is not a complete list of names and surnames in France, this is only the most basic. But the etymology of French names and surnames is very interesting, so it is worth studying this issue in more depth for those who are fond of it. Until next time, friends!