
Presentation on the world around where elephants live. Presentation on the world around on the topic "Where do elephants live?". But I'm a great runner"

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African Elephant The African Elephant, the largest living land animal, can reach a height of up to 4 m. The huge curved tusks of old males reach more than 3.5 m. An adult elephant eats about 300 kg of branches per day.

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Rhinoceros Despite the seeming sluggishness, rhinos are very dangerous. They easily fall into a rage and can reach speeds of up to 40 km / h over short distances. All of their species are listed in the Red Book. These are one of the largest land mammals. The body length of a rhinoceros can reach 5 m, and weight - 3.5 tons

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It is customary to call the lion the “King of Beasts”: its body length reaches 2.4 m, weight - 280 kg. During the day, lions rest, stretching out in the grass or climbing a low tree, but they hunt mainly at dusk. Most often, a lion attacks prey from an ambush, secretly sneaking up to it, and usually lionesses, which are lighter and more mobile, play the role of hunters. The usual prey of lions is zebras and antelopes, and, on occasion, livestock. a lion

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The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. Cheetah The cheetah has an evil look, Like the fires of the eyes burn. He angrily beats his tail, He goes hunting.

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Wild striped horses - zebras - are found exclusively in Africa. Zebra Zebras - frisky horses, Striped shirts - Jump after each other African meadow.

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It runs well on four limbs, when frightened and excited, it stands on its hind legs, while leaning on its tail, as on a third leg. When strongly excited, jumps continuously from place to place. Monkeys sleep on trees. They live in small groups led by an adult male. Pretty timid and shy creatures. They eat everything they can find - grass, fruits, seeds, insects, birds and their eggs, honey. monkey

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Baboon (Baboon) Although baboons are terrestrial animals, they spend more time in trees. These are omnivorous animals.

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Emu Ostrich Ostrich - the largest bird living on Earth - height up to 2.5 m, weight up to 136 kg. African ostriches appeared already 2 million years ago. The ostrich arches its neck: “Look at me: Although I can’t fly, But I’m a wonderful runner.”

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Bird - secretary This is a tall, sometimes more than a meter, long-legged bird. The secretary got its name from the bunch of feathers on its head, which usually hangs like a feather behind the ear of a scribe, and when the bird is excited, it rises up. Most of the time the secretary spends walking on the ground and looking for prey: lizards, snakes, small animals, locusts. The secretary kills large prey with kicks and beaks. The claws of the secretary, unlike other birds of prey, are blunt and wide, adapted for running, and not for grasping prey. Secretaries spend the night sitting in trees, where they also make their nests.

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Giraffe Giraffes feed on vegetable food, which they get mainly from a height. In addition to a long neck, they are characterized by a tongue 40-45 cm long and the ability to rear up, raising their heads to a height of up to 7 m. It is easy to recognize a giraffe, It is easy to recognize him; He is tall and sees far.

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Hippopotamuses are great swimmers, they can dive, walk and even run along the bottom. Under water, their nostrils are blocked by special membranes, which allows the hippopotamus to stay under water for up to 5 minutes. The skin of a hippopotamus secretes red sweat, like blood, which protects the skin from swelling in water. They feed on coastal and aquatic plants, but on occasion they do not refuse insects, reptiles and other animals. Behemoth Behemoth lies in the river, As in a huge hammock; Shake someone, I can not sleep in any way.

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In the tropical forest (Jungle). Indian Elephant The largest elephant in the jungle, He walks ahead. It glitters menacingly with tusks, Deliciously crunches with leaves.

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The topic of the lesson is “WHERE ELEPHANTS LIVE?” Grade 1 World around Pleshakov Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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Name the animals that live in the ice of the Arctic Ocean. The forests and ice deserts of the Arctic are inhabited by polar bears, reindeer, arctic foxes, hares, lemings, various types of birds (tundra partridges, snowy owls, guillemots, Razorbills, Gulls, Ravens). Marine inhabitants of the Arctic are: Arctic cod fish, crustaceans, walruses, seals, Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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Amid the snow and ice, he does not starve, Dives into cold water for fish, Thick white wool saves him, Warms him from frost. In black tailcoats, In white T-shirts all year round This amazing people walks. Riddles Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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What items did we need on our trip to the polar bears? Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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North Pole South Pole Where are the North and South Poles located? Where do polar bears live, and where are penguins? Where is the Arctic and where is Antarctica? Arctic Antarctica Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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He is the largest on land. He has a big ears. He is a wonderful hose-nose Can pluck coconuts from palm trees. He makes a trumpet call. You met him more than once In a circus or a zoo. And he lives in hot countries And on the island of Ceylon. Guessed? This is ... Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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Where do elephants live? There are areas on Earth where it is hot all year round. Here are grassy open spaces - savannahs, as well as dense rainforests. Find an imaginary line - the equator, on both sides of which there are hot areas. Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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Savannah - vast expanses in the tropical zone, covered with grassy vegetation with sparsely scattered trees and shrubs. Tropical forests Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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Elephants are the largest and heaviest land animals. An African male elephant weighs as much as eighty people or six cars. Elephants are very strong, intelligent and kind animals. Currently, there are two types of elephants - African and Indian. At first glance, they are similar. But there are a number of differences. Indian elephants have shorter legs and a more massive body. They have a convex back and small ears. African elephants have large ears and a concave back. Indian elephants have tusks only for males, while Indian elephants have tusks for both males and females. The Indian elephant has shorter and lighter tusks than the African. Indian elephants are more furry than African elephants. Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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Tusks are modified front teeth. The visible part is only two thirds of their length. Another third is hidden in the skull. The tusks are very strong, they are made of ivory. The elephant needs them in order to dig up edible roots from the ground, peel off the bark from trees and fight enemies. Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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What is a trunk? Imagine that your nose has fused with your upper lip and stretched out into a long, flexible tube. This is how the trunk was formed. He serves the elephant with both his nose, and his lips, and his hands. With the help of a trunk, elephants breathe, smell, eat and drink, feel and take various objects. Why do elephants have such big ears? When the elephant is hot, he fans himself with his huge ears. The ears also act like a radiator in a car. They prevent the animal from overheating by evaporating heat from their large surfaces. Pisarevskaya T.P. Bagan

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African elephant

The African elephant, the largest living land animal, can reach a height of up to 4 m. The huge curved tusks of old males reach more than 3.5 m.

An adult elephant eats about 300 kg of branches per day.

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Despite the seeming sluggishness, rhinos are very dangerous. They are easily enraged and can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h over short distances.

All their species are listed in the Red Book

They are one of the largest land mammals. The body length of a rhinoceros can reach 5 m, and weight - 3.5 tons

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It is customary to call the lion the “King of Beasts”: its body length reaches 2.4 m, weight - 280 kg.

During the day, lions rest, stretching out in the grass or climbing a low tree, but they hunt mainly at dusk. Most often, a lion attacks prey from an ambush, secretly sneaking up to it, and usually lionesses, which are lighter and more mobile, play the role of hunters.

The usual prey of lions is zebras and antelopes, and, on occasion, livestock.

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The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world.

The cheetah has an evil look

How the fires of the eyes burn.

He angrily beats his tail,

He goes hunting.

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Wild striped horses - zebras - are found exclusively in Africa.

Zebras are frisky horses,

Striped shirts -

Jumping after each other

African meadow.

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It runs well on four limbs, when frightened and excited, it stands on its hind legs, while leaning on its tail, as on a third leg. When strongly excited, jumps continuously from place to place. Monkeys sleep on trees. They live in small groups led by an adult male. Pretty timid and shy creatures. They eat everything they can find - grass, fruits, seeds, insects, birds and their eggs, honey.


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Baboon (Baboon)

Although baboons are terrestrial animals, they spend more time in trees. These are omnivorous animals.

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Ostrich Emu

The ostrich is the largest bird living on Earth - height up to 2.5 m, weight up to 136 kg. African ostriches appeared already 2 million years ago.

Arches the ostrich's neck:

"Look at me:

Even though I can't fly

But I'm a great runner."

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Bird - secretary

This is a tall, sometimes more than a meter, long-legged bird. The secretary got its name from the bunch of feathers on its head, which usually hangs like a feather behind the ear of a scribe, and when the bird is excited, it rises up. Most of the time the secretary spends walking on the ground and looking for prey: lizards, snakes, small animals, locusts. The secretary kills large prey with kicks and beaks. The claws of the secretary, unlike other birds of prey, are blunt and wide, adapted for running, and not for grasping prey. Secretaries spend the night sitting in trees, where they also make their nests.

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Giraffes feed on vegetable food, which they get mainly from a height. In addition to a long neck, they are characterized by a tongue 40-45 cm long and the ability to rear up, raising their heads to a height of up to 7 m.

Easy to recognize a giraffe

It is easy to recognize him;

He is tall

And sees far.

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Hippopotamuses are great swimmers, they can dive, walk and even run along the bottom. Under water, their nostrils are blocked by special membranes, which allows the hippopotamus to stay under water for up to 5 minutes. The skin of a hippopotamus secretes red sweat, like blood, which protects the skin from swelling in water. They feed on coastal and aquatic plants, but on occasion they do not refuse insects, reptiles and other animals.

Hippo lies in the river

Like in a huge hammock;

Rock somebody

I can't sleep at all.

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black antelope


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Let's go to the jungle

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In the tropical forest (Jungle).

Indian elephant

The elephant is the largest in the jungle,

He walks through.

Where do elephants live. LESSON OBJECTIVES:

  • 1. Get to know the areas where elephants live.
  • 2. Get acquainted with the diverse world of animals in these areas.

Tropical forests are characterized by lush vegetation: trees with tall trunks. The forest is humid. Precipitation here is frequent and favors the development of plants and animal life.




TAPIR hippopotamus Savannas - grassy open spaces

Individual trees grow in the savannahs: acacias and baobabs. For most of the year, the grass is dry and yellow, and only after heavy rains does it turn green while the leaves are changing.



eared fox


This is one of the dangerous animals. If the buffalo is wounded or feels threatened, it attacks the aggressor and kills him with powerful horns.

During hot daytime hours, buffaloes stay in the shade of plants, where they feed their cubs with milk. Only at dusk, when it gets cooler, do they go to pastures and spend the night there, chewing grass. Buffaloes bathe in puddles with pleasure, then they wallow in the mud, freeing themselves from insects.


The skin of a zebra is easily recognizable. Each animal has its own pattern, like human fingerprints. She is very skittish. Fleeing from predators. The pursued zebra can run at a speed of 80 km / h. Once in the environment, it defends itself with teeth and hoof strikes.

Zebras' eyesight is not very sharp, so they often graze next to other animals, such as giraffes or ostriches, which are able to notice the approach of predators earlier.

Cheetah gazelles lions ostrich rhinoceros crossword puzzle


Lesson over!

Thank you for your work!

Primary school teacher. Zangieva N.Kh.

African elephant

The African elephant, the largest living land animal, can reach a height of up to 4 m. The huge curved tusks of old males reach more than 3.5 m.

An adult elephant eats about 300 kg of branches per day.


They are one of the largest land mammals. The body length of a rhinoceros can reach 5 m, and weight - 3.5 tons

Despite the seeming sluggishness, rhinos are very dangerous. They are easily enraged and can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h over short distances.

All their species are listed in the Red Book

It is customary to call the lion the “King of Beasts”: its body length reaches 2.4 m, weight - 280 kg.

During the day, lions rest, stretching out in the grass or climbing a low tree, but they hunt mainly at dusk. Most often, a lion attacks prey from an ambush, secretly sneaking up to it, and usually lionesses, which are lighter and more mobile, play the role of hunters.

The usual prey of lions is zebras and antelopes, and, on occasion, livestock.


The cheetah has an evil look

How the fires of the eyes burn.

He angrily beats his tail,

He goes hunting.

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world.


Zebras are frisky horses,

Striped shirts -

Jumping after each other

African meadow.

Wild striped horses - zebras - are found exclusively in Africa.


It runs well on four limbs, when frightened and excited, it stands on its hind legs, while leaning on its tail, as on a third leg. When strongly excited, jumps continuously from place to place. Monkeys sleep on trees. They live in small groups led by an adult male. Pretty timid and shy creatures. They eat everything they can find - grass, fruits, seeds, insects, birds and their eggs, honey.

Baboon (Baboon)

Although baboons are terrestrial animals, they spend more time in trees. These are omnivorous animals.

Ostrich Emu

Arches the ostrich's neck:

"Look at me:

Even though I can't fly

But I'm a great runner."

The ostrich is the largest bird living on Earth - height up to 2.5 m, weight up to 136 kg. African ostriches appeared already 2 million years ago.

Bird - secretary

This is a tall, sometimes more than a meter, long-legged bird. The secretary got its name from the bunch of feathers on its head, which usually hangs like a feather behind the ear of a scribe, and when the bird is excited, it rises up. Most of the time the secretary spends walking on the ground and looking for prey: lizards, snakes, small animals, locusts. The secretary kills large prey with kicks and beaks. The claws of the secretary, unlike other birds of prey, are blunt and wide, adapted for running, and not for grasping prey. Secretaries spend the night sitting in trees, where they also make their nests.


Easy to recognize a giraffe

It is easy to recognize him;

He is tall

And sees far.

Giraffes feed on vegetable food, which they get mainly from a height. In addition to a long neck, they are characterized by a tongue 40-45 cm long and the ability to rear up, raising their heads to a height of up to 7 m.


Hippo lies in the river

Like in a huge hammock;

  • Rock somebody

I can't sleep at all.

Hippopotamuses are great swimmers, they can dive, walk and even run along the bottom. Under water, their nostrils are blocked by special membranes, which allows the hippopotamus to stay under water for up to 5 minutes. The skin of a hippopotamus secretes red sweat, like blood, which protects the skin from swelling in water. They feed on coastal and aquatic plants, but on occasion they do not refuse insects, reptiles and other animals.


black antelope


In the tropical forest (Jungle).

Indian elephant

The elephant is the largest in the jungle,

He walks through.

It shines menacingly with tusks,

Delicious crunchy leaves.


Chimpanzee on two legs

Settles in hot forests.

It jumps, it freezes

That fragrant fruit will pluck.

Monkeys Langurs

Sacred Monkey in India


Crocodile in the river lurks:

Beware both the beast and the bird.

He is crafty and cunning

And there is a fence in the mouth of the teeth.

Their body length can reach 6 m, weight - more than 600 kg.

Their main food is fish, but on occasion they attack any prey they can handle. Crocodiles hunt primarily from ambush, lying in wait for terrestrial animals both in the water near the watering hole and on the shore. Crocodiles are able to jump out of the water and for a short time to pursue prey on land, developing a speed of about 10 km / h.


The parrots say

What a beautiful outfit they have.

colorful wave

Shines their colorful outfit

The game "Who is superfluous?"

check yourself