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Presentation on the topic "Emotions and feelings". Presentation on the topic "emotions and feelings" in the discipline "Fundamentals of Psychology" Presentation on the topic of emotions and feelings


Executor : Student 2 "A" group Pasevin Valeria

1. General concept of human emotions and feelings, functions of emotions, differences between emotions and feelings.

2. Physiological mechanisms of emotions. Theories of emotion

3. Classification of types of emotions.

4. Characteristics of emotional states: mood, affect, frustration, stress, anxiety.

5. Higher feelings

6. Emotions and feelings in a younger student

7. Methods of regulation of human emotional states.

8. List of references.

“Nothing - neither words, nor thoughts, nor even our actions express ourselves and our relations to the world so clearly and truly, as our feelings ... In our thoughts we can deceive ourselves, but our feelings will tell us that we is: not what we would like to be, but what we really are.

K.D. Ushinsky

1. General concept of human emotions

  • Term "emotion"(from lat. emovere - shake, excite ) means caring attitude to various events and situations in life.

Emotions is a special class subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, feeling good or bad, relationship person to the world and people, the process and results of his practical activities . (Nemov R.S.)

Emotions- This subjective reactions human and animals on impact internal And external stimuli, appearing as pleasure or displeasure , joy, fear etc. (Leontiev A. Ya., Sudakov K. Ya.)

1. General concept of human feelings

  • Feelings - stable emotional relationship man to phenomena reality, reflective meaning these phenomena due to needs and motives.

According to the traditions of Russian psychology, it is customary to single out feelings How special subclass of emotional processes .

Feelings arise as generalization of many emotions aimed at a certain an object. Feelings expressed through emotions depending on what situation the object of their expression is in.

1. Differences between emotions and feelings

  • The terms "emotions" and "feelings" are often used interchangeably, although they differ from each other.

Feeling - more complex, persistent, fixed emotional attitude person. Feelings expressed in emotions but they always subject, i.e. we have feelings for something or someone that has a permanent motivational significance .

Emotions - more simple, direct experience At the moment. They talk about different emotional states of a person in various situations.

1. Functions of emotions


  • Reflective-evaluative


Emotions evaluate the significance objects and situations; are signal system through which the subject learns about significance of events .

  • incentive function

From the assessment of what is happening, it follows incentive to action.

  • Activating function
  • Regulating function

Emotions provide optimal level of activity central nervous system and its separate structures.

  • synthesizing function

Emotions affect direction and implementation of activities subject.

Emotions unite, synthesise individual events and facts connected in time and space.

  • Meaning formation

Emotions serve a signal of the semantic power of the motive .

  • Protective function

Strong emotional experience, like fear, warns a person about real or imaginary danger, contributing thereby better understanding of the situation.

  • expressive function

Emotions, due to their expressive component, take part in establishing contact with other people in the process of communicating with them and influencing them.

1 . Distinctive features of emotions



subjective nature

Attitude expressed in emotions is always personal and subjective.

Extreme variety of quality features

Emotional states make it possible to judge extremely large number and variety of emotions : a feeling of hunger, thirst, pleasure, disgust, a sense of determination, self-confidence, a sense of pride.


An emotion of the same quality can be experienced by a person in many shades and degrees. depending on the reasons that caused it, the objects or activities with which it is associated.

Communication with intraorganic processes

This relationship is twofold: 1 ) intraorganic processes are the strongest stimulators of many emotions , 2) all emotions in one form or another find their expression in bodily manifestations.

Connection with the direct experience of one's own "I"

Even the weakest emotions capture the whole person as a whole, are accompanied by acute sensations of one's own personality in its organic integrity and opposition to the external environment.

1. Physiological expression of emotions

  • Emotions are expressed in tonic level muscle tension .
  • One of the most sensitive indicators of changes in a person's emotional state is his voice.
  • An important component of emotions are changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system .

2. Physiological mechanisms of emotions

2. Neuroanatomy of emotions

In 1937, Peipets hypothesized that different structures of the brain form functional syncytium for emotion formation . Source of arousal is hypothalamus With.

3. Neurobiochemistry of emotions

Modality of emotions determined by the relationship noradrenergic, dopaminergic, serotonergic, cholinergic systems and a number of neuropeptides. With growth serotonin in the brain, a person’s mood rises, and his exhaustion causes a state of depression.

2. Theories of emotions

1. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. there was no single point of view on the origin of emotions, but the most common was intellectualist position : "bodily" manifestations of emotions are the result of mental phenomena (Hebart)

James-Lange's "Peripheral" Theory of Emotions

The emergence of emotions is external influences leading to physiological changes in the body. Physiological and bodily peripheral changes became their reason.

Cannon-Bard's "Thalamic" Theory of Emotions

The Papes Circle and Activation Theories

Emotions and corresponding signals of activation of autonomic functions arise in thalamus. Psych. experience and physiological responses arise simultaneously.

Emotion - the result of the activity of a complex network of the brain, called " Around Papes.

2. Theories of emotions

2. Cognitive theories of emotion. Discover the nature of emotions through thought mechanisms.

The theory of cognitive dissonance L. Festinger

In emotions play a big role cognitive-psychological factors. Positive emotions occur when real the results of the activities are consistent with the planned plan .

Information theory of emotions P.V. Simonova

represented in symbolic form set of functions , affecting the occurrence and nature of emotions:

Emotion \u003d P x (In - Is)

P - actual need. (In - Is) - probability estimate.

2. Theories of emotions

3. Exist various schools , which determines difference between definitions and classifications.


Psychoorganic concept of the essence and origin of emotions


reactions associated with drives.

The basis emotional manifestations put physiological states . They are primary and emotions accompany them. Under the influence of external stimuli going on body change, arise emotions through a feedback system. This central theory for all psychology up to the present day.

3. Behaviorism

Cause of occurrence- inconsistency of the desired situation with the actual one.

Accompanying reaction for a certain stimulus. Are being considered reinforcements. Emotions there are positive and negative . They are not perceived as internal experiences.

2. Theories of emotions

4.Cognitive psychology - experimental base.

1.Shekhter. 2 factor theory of emotions (development of the James-Lange theory). Emotions arise as cognitive assessment of physiological shift . Two factors: cognitive, psychological

5. Rubinstein

2.Lazarus. 3-component theory. Components: cognitive, psychological, behavioral. Possibility is assessed behavior in this situation, opportunity interpret.

Emotion - the excitation of certain areas in the subcortical structures. Emotions - mental reflection of the current state of human needs. Emotions - specific form of need existence, as a result, there is a desire for something that will lead to satisfaction of the need, but then the object delivers or does not deliver satisfaction, and we have a feeling in relation to it. Emotions differ in polarity - "+" or "-".


The theory of emotions is based on Activities. Emotion arises as an assessment of the discrepancy between goal and motive. Emotion allows assess the proximity to the subject of need with a specific action.

3. Classification of types of emotions

1. In connection with the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the need:

  • If hinders the satisfaction of needs - negative emotions. Unpleasant feelings for a person.
  • If needs are met positive emotions; Pleasant feelings for a person.
  • Some experiences are so complex, multifaceted, which is difficult to understand whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. In such cases, one speaks of duality of feelings.

2. In connection with the impact on human activities:

Asthenic(from the Greek "asthenos" - weakness, impotence) - reduce the activity, energy of a person: this is melancholy, sadness, despondency, depression.

Sthenic(from the Greek word "stenos" - strength) emotions cause uplift, excitement, vivacity, tension.

1 . Mood - long, weakly expressed emotional condition. Each person has a characteristic normal mood tone .

  • The mood is not subject, but personally;
  • The mood is not a special experience, timed to coincide with some particular event, but spilled general state.

Different people have moods behave differently, but it appears outwardly.

2. Affects - violent, short-term emotional outbursts: strong anger, fear, joy. Whole man surrenders to the experience, does not control their actions. Arises suddenly, continues A couple of minutes, leaves behind in long trail in the form of a general nervous shock. During affect, it is noted brightness of external manifestations .

4. Characteristics of emotional states

3. Frustration - a disorder in violation of plans. The mental state is expressed in the characteristic features of experience and behavior caused by objectively and subjectively insurmountable difficulties on the way to achieving the goal, solving the problem .

4. Stress(from the English word stress - voltage) - emotional state that occurs in case of danger, great physical, mental overload, i.e. V unusually difficult situation. It is experienced with great internal tension. Often these experiences occur when the need to make quick and responsible decisions .

5. Anxietyinclination individual to experiencing anxiety. Characterized subjective feeling threats and tensions, a low threshold for the occurrence of an alarm reaction.

5. Higher feelings

higher feelings unique to humans . They are closely related to personality, with an attitude to life, to people, with beliefs and views. There are three types of such feelings:

1. Moral feelings

2. Intellectual feelings arise in process of mental activity and associated with cognitive processes and creativity . The intellectual senses are : thirst for knowledge, desire for something new, curiosity, sense of the comic, humor, irony, sarcasm.

3. Aesthetic feelings appear in the perception and creation of beauty by man, This love for beauty. Aesthetic feelings are manifested in artistic appreciation and tastes, depending on aesthetic preferences.

expressed in the form of feelings the relation of a person to people, to society, to his duties, to himself .

Moral sentiments are : love, comradeship, patriotism, sense of duty, honor, friendship, shame, torment, etc.

6. Emotions and feelings in a younger student

junior schoolchildren distinguish:

  • high emotional sensitivity ,
  • responsiveness to everything bright, unusual .

Monotonous, boring classes sharply reduce cognitive interest and give rise to a negative attitude towards learning.

First graders have special relationship with the teacher, which is experienced very sharply :

  • positive when the child assumes the identity of the teacher, showing goodwill, openness in communicating with him. Attitude creates favorable emotional background of the teaching;
  • negative when he does not accept the teacher, behaves aggressively, rudely or closed;
  • conflict , in which children have a contradiction between the rejection of the personality of the teacher and a hidden, but keen interest in his personality. In children the formation of cognitive motivation is delayed. Such children are often closed, vulnerable or indifferent, unreceptive to instructions, lacking initiative.

7. Ways to regulate the emotional states of a person

1. K. Izard notes three ways to eliminate an unwanted emotional state:

2. Freud singled out several defense mechanisms :

1. Care

2. Identification



5. Denial



8. Jet formation

1) through another emotion

2) cognitive regulation

3) motor regulation

8. References

1. Lebedinsky M. S., Myasishchev V. Ya. Introduction to medical psychology. L.: Medicine, 1966. p. 222;

2. Leontiev A. Ya., Sudakov K. Ya. Emotions. - TSB, vol. 30. M., 1978, p. 169;

3. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Proc. for stud. higher ped. textbook institutions: In 3 books. - 4th ed. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2003. - Book. 1: General foundations of psychology. - 688 p., p. 436;

4. Dubrovina I.V., Danilova E.E., Parishioners A.M. Psychology. M.: JIC "Academy", 2013

Diana Lanchkina
Presentation "Our emotions and feelings"

The use of ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist with children in kindergarten allows:

Present information on the monitor screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest in children, as this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - a game;

Brightly, figuratively, in a form accessible to preschoolers, present new material, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation;

Develop exploratory behavior in preschoolers;

To expand the creative possibilities of the teacher.

Using multimedia presentations in remedial and developmental classes allows:

Visually introduce children to feelings, emotions and moods of people;

Teach expressions emotional states;

Strengthen facial skills that help reduce emotional tension.

When used in this work presentations the following tasks:

Teaching children to understand their own emotional condition;

Express your feelings and recognize the feelings of others;

When demonstrating presentations are used followingTCO:

PC and (or) interactive board.

In building presentations used:

Pictograms with an image feelings of joy, fear, surprise, sadness, fright, calmness, anger, complacency, pride;

Benefit "ABC of Moods".

Relaxation music "Relaxation. Sea. Cries of seagulls".

Methods and techniques used in working with interactive board:

a) verbal (use of explanations, verbal instructions, explanations);

b) visual (slide show with emotions) ;

c) practical (performing various verbal and visual tasks).

Related publications:

All of us in our lives experience certain emotions and feelings, I often catch moments of their vivid expression among my pupils in the nursery.

Slides captions:

N. A. Nekrasov in the poem “Shyness”: Step proudly, confident voice, Whatever they say, their speech is good. .Strange, useless hands stick out, Words freeze on my lips... I smile - slow, hard. My smile is not in a smile. I want to joke - a flat joke, I will blush painfully.
Emotions in life are the most diverse human reactions - from violent outbursts of passion to subtle shades of mood.
The sequence of the appearance of emotions and feelings in children of early preschool age (P. Young). The general pattern of development of the child's emotional sphere from birth to adulthood is determined by the socialization of the content and forms of manifestation of emotions. Already eight weeks old babies are familiar with simple states of discontent and satisfaction. The older the child, the more difficult feelings he experiences. At the age of 5, he is already familiar with joy and sadness, envy, and it has been proven that the connections in the brain that are responsible for emotions are among the first to form after the child is born. empathy, pride and shame. Consequently, his emotions become more and more complex. And often the baby himself may not understand what is happening to him. The fact is that emotions develop unevenly, as if layering one on top of the other. Each subsequent emotional layer is more and more complex. This process is almost complete when the child is 10 years old.
Already eight weeks old babies are familiar with simple states of discontent and satisfaction. The older the child, the more difficult feelings he experiences. At the age of 5, he is already familiar with joy and sadness, envy, and it has been proven that the connections in the brain that are responsible for emotions are among the first to be formed after the child is born. empathy, pride and shame. Consequently, his emotions become more and more complex. And often the baby himself may not understand what is happening to him. The fact is that emotions develop unevenly, as if layering one on top of the other. Each subsequent emotional layer is more and more complex. This process is almost complete when the child is 10 years old.
Basic (fundamental) emotions: Joy Surprise Suffering Anger Disgust Contempt Fear Shame
Types of emotions: affect - intense, violent and short-term emotional outburst (anger, rage, horror, stormy joy, deep grief, despair); feelings are a type of emotional states; emotions proper are longer states, a distinctive feature of which is a reaction not only to current events, but also to probable and remembered ones; sentiments; emotional stress.
Feelings are another type of emotional states - even longer than emotions, mental states that have an objective character.
There are feelings: Moral (moral) Aesthetic Intellectual
Aesthetic feelings They find their expression in the emotional attitude of a person to beauty in art, the surrounding life, nature, which can cause a special feeling of admiration. Like emotions in general, aesthetic feelings are not isolated from the general orientation of the personality, the system of its values. Intellectual feelings include those that arise in the process of cognitive activity. This is curiosity, curiosity, surprise, a sense of newness, a sense of humor. Moral feelings arise in the process of life, when the child understands the requirements placed on him and tries to correlate them with his own actions, giving them an assessment. At the age of four or five, the child is already familiar with such feelings as pride and shame. At the same time, there is a feeling of friendship.
It is necessary to form in the child the concept of good and bad, beautiful and ugly. He must have a thirst for knowledge. As a rule, higher feelings (intellectual, aesthetic and moral) begin to form at the age of two or three years. Moral: moral (sense of duty, humanity, benevolence, love, friendship, patriotism, sympathy, etc.); immoral (greed, selfishness, cruelty, etc.)
Intellectual: Surprise, curiosity, inquisitiveness, confidence, doubt, etc.
Aesthetic: Delight, joy, contempt, disgust, anguish, suffering, etc.
Interest A positive emotional state that stimulates the development of skills and abilities, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge, acts as a motive for learning, encourages creative aspirations. Interest shown in relation to other people contributes to the development of emotionally rich interpersonal relationships Joy A positive emotional state, which is associated with the emergence of the opportunity to sufficiently satisfy an urgent need, the likelihood of which until now was either impossible or uncertain. One of the most desirable people. In its essence, it is more a product of events and phenomena than a direct aspiration. Surprise Depending on the situation, both positive and negative emotional reactions can be characterized. It arises in response to suddenly arisen circumstances, causing inhibition of all previous emotions and directing all the attention of a person to the object that caused it. Under certain circumstances, it can turn into interest. Suffering A negatively colored emotional state. The appearance is associated with the receipt of reliable (or inaccurate) information about the impossibility of satisfying a vital need, which until now seemed to be more or less possible. It is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of loneliness, devastation, decreased activity, self-pity Anger A negatively colored emotional state that can be caused by a sudden large obstacle to satisfying an extremely important need for a person. It manifests itself in the form of a strong externally expressed reaction (reddening of the skin, increased heart rate, muscle tension), accompanied by a feeling of strength, often uncontrolled aggression towards an obstacle or an object that embodies it Disgust Negative emotional state. It is caused by a certain object (object, other person, phenomenon, circumstance), direct interaction with which (physical contact, observation) sharply contradicts the principles (ideological, moral or aesthetic) of a person. Contributes to the emergence of an irresistible desire to get rid of the object that caused it. In combination with anger, it can act as a motivating factor for aggressive behavior. Contempt A negative emotional state caused by the views, life position and behavior of the object in the process of communicating with him, which seem to the subject of communication to be inconsistent with accepted norms and rules, his own attitudes and values. They lead to depersonalization of the object that caused this emotional state. Fear A negative emotional state. It can be caused by obtaining information about a real or1 perceived threat to the life well-being, integrity of the subject. Stimulates the development of a person's lack of confidence in their strengths and capabilities, can paralyze the will to act. But in other cases, depending on the personality characteristics of a person and specific circumstances, it can contribute to an increase in activity Shame A negative emotional state caused by a person’s awareness of the mismatch of his own thoughts, desires, actions, appearance with the expectations of others and his own Guilt Negatively colored emotional state that appears when violation of moral and (or) ethical norms by the subject in a situation for which he is personally responsible. The main emotional features of a person include the following: 1. Anxiety 2. Love 3. Depression 4. Hostility Love occupies a special place in the life of every person, is a source of enrichment life and joy. There are many types of love, and each of them has unique characteristics and each is a special complex of affects. Common in all types of love: it connects people with each other, and this connection has an evolutionary-biological, socio-cultural and personal significance. Love
Love for a child Love for the motherland Love for a friend Sense of duty
Anxiety is a complex of fundamental emotions that includes fear and emotions such as grief, anger, shame, guilt, and sometimes interest-excitement. Depression is a complex of emotions that includes grief, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, guilt, and timidity. Anger, disgust, and contempt can be directed towards oneself (inwardly directed hostility) and towards others (outwardly directed hostility). Depression also includes such affective factors as poor physical health, reduced sexuality, increased fatigue, which are often by-products of depression, but also have motivational qualities for the development of depression. Hostility is the interaction of the fundamental emotions of anger, disgust and contempt, sometimes leading to aggression. When combined with a specific set of knowledge about the objects at which hostility is directed, it develops into hatred. The highest manifestation of feelings - passion - an alloy of emotions, motives, feelings, concentrated around a certain type of activity or subject.
If for some reason it suddenly became very sad to someone, And you don’t know how to be, To cheer him up, You take a glass of laughter, Loud laughter from baskets, A spoonful of loose laughter And a little giggle. jokes, Bake in hot jokes. Who will try a piece - Will certainly laugh!
Literature Levitov N.D. About the mental states of a person. M., 2004. Simonov P.V. The theory of reflection and psycho-negation of emotions. M., 2006. Shingarov G.K. Emotions and feelings as a form of reflection of reality. M., 2003. Enikeev. General psychology: a textbook for universities. – M.: Prior, 2000 http://www.nachideti.ru/vospitanie/01-chto-takoe.html

Human emotions 1

Definition Emotion (from lat. emoveo - shake, excite) is an emotional process of medium duration, reflecting a subjective evaluative attitude to existing or possible situations. Emotions are distinguished from affects, feelings and moods 2

Valence (tone) All emotions are characterized by valence (or tone) - that is, they can be either positive or negative. The number of types of negative emotions found in humans is several times greater than the number of types of positive emotions. 3

Types of emotions: joy is a positive emotional state associated with the ability to fully satisfy an urgent need 5

Types of emotions: surprise - an emotional reaction that does not have a definite positive or negative sign to sudden circumstances 6

Types of emotions: suffering - a negative emotional state associated with the information received about the impossibility of satisfying the most important vital needs 7

Types of emotions: anger - a negative emotional state caused by the sudden appearance of a serious obstacle to the satisfaction of an extremely important need 8

Types of emotions: disgust - a negative emotional state caused by objects (objects, people, circumstances, etc.), contact with which comes into sharp conflict with the moral or aesthetic attitudes of the subject 9

Types of emotions: contempt - a negative emotional state that occurs in interpersonal relationships and is generated by a mismatch of life positions, views and behavior of the subject with life positions, views and behavior of another, which is the object of this feeling 10

Types of emotions: fear is a negative emotional state that appears when the subject receives information about a real or imagined danger 11

Types of emotions: shame - a negative emotional state, expressed in the awareness of the inconsistency of one's own thoughts, actions and appearance not only with the expectations of others, but also with one's own ideas about appropriate behavior and appearance 12

13 According to Chinese medicine, the liver is considered the seat of the emotions. A healthy liver naturally balances your emotional state and allows you to express pent-up emotions. Liver energy blockage can manifest as depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders When people don't express emotions, emotions are "stored" in the body and can eventually cause physical pain.

Emotions and feelings

Prepared by: Khizhnyak N.V.

Emotions in life these are the most diverse reactions of a person - from violent outbursts of passion to subtle shades of mood.

Emotions and feelings.

Emotions- this is a special kind of psychological states of a person, they manifest themselves in the form of experiences, sensations, moods, feelings, accompany all mental processes and states.

Feelings ( English feelings) - stable emotional experiences of a person that arise in the process of his relationship with the outside world.

Emotions- this is a special class of subjective mental states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences the process and results of practical activities aimed at meeting the actual needs of a person.

Fundamental emotions (according to K. Izard):

  • Fundamental emotions are provided by innate neural programs.
  • In a person experiencing an emotion, one can fix a change in the electrical activity of the muscles of the face, brain, a change in the functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
  • Emotions can cloud the perception of the world around us or color it with bright colors.

1.Interest; 2. Joy; 3. Surprise 4. Suffering;

5. Anger;

6. Disgust; 7. Contempt; 8. Fear; 9. Shame; 10. Embarrassment.

Emotions by intensity duration:

Mood this is a relatively weakly expressed emotional state that captures the entire personality for some time and is reflected in the activity and behavior of a person.

affects- this is a short-term, violently flowing emotional reaction, which has the character of an emotional explosion.

Passion - a strong, persistent, all-encompassing feeling that dominates other motives of a person and leads to a concentration on the subject of passion of all his aspirations and forces.



Stable, long-term emotional state.

A strong, short-term, rapidly flowing emotional state, characterized by a change in consciousness and a violation of volitional control.


Arises as a result of action, deed and their correspondence to needs and goals.


Emotional state, increased tension, a fusion of emotions, motives, feelings, concentrated around the object of passion.

  • By duration (short-term, long-term (several days, weeks))
  • By severity;
  • By control of the will.


The speed, turbulence of the flow, pronounced organic changes, motor reactions, is the result of an accumulated emotional state.

Mood reasons:

Events, health,

Environment, weather, etc.

Emotions according to the degree of mobilization of the body:



Reduce activity, human energy, inhibit vitality.

Increase activity, energy, cause rise, excitement, cheerfulness, tension.

Classification of emotions:

  • By quality, intensity, depth, awareness, functions performed, impact on the body;
  • By psychological processes

with whom they are associated;

  • By subject content and focus on oneself, others, present, past, future.

Emotions show up:

  • In facial expressions (expressive facial movements)
  • In pantomime (expressive movements of the whole body - posture, gesture)
  • In vocal-voice mimics (intonation, expressive pauses, raising or lowering the voice, semantic stress)

Feelings - one more type of emotional states - longer than emotions, mental states that have an objective character.

Moral feelings:

Moral (moral) feelings - higher feelings, experiences associated with a person's attitude to other people, to society and to their social duties.

  • call of Duty,
  • humanity,
  • benevolence,
  • Love,
  • patriotism,
  • sympathy and others.

immoral feelings , reflect the attitude of the individual to others, to work, to work and to himself,

associated with moral violations.

  • greed,
  • selfishness,
  • cruelty and others.

Intelligent ( cognitive ) feelings:

P appear as curiosity, surprise, bewilderment, neglect, conviction, doubt, etc.

They are based on an unconditioned reflex associated with orientations and are caused by the need for knowledge and interest in the new.

  • Astonishment,
  • curiosity,
  • curiosity,
  • confidence,
  • doubt
  • confusion and others.

Aesthetic feelings:

aesthetic feelings - this is a person's attitude to the beautiful and the ugly, associated with the understanding of beauty, harmony, the sublime and the tragic.

  • Delight,
  • joy,
  • contempt,
  • disgust,
  • yearning,
  • suffering and others.

thanks for attention !