
The rights of the child and their protection presentation on the topic. Protection of the rights of the child. The best protection for a child is a highly qualified teacher. Presentation on the topic of protecting the rights of the child

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Ensuring the safety of participants in the educational process: Ensuring the labor protection of employees of preschool educational institutions; Ensuring the protection of life and health of pupils; Fire safety; Civil defense; Prevention and liquidation of emergency situations; Anti-terrorist protection.

On ensuring the protection of life and health of pupils Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ Art. 28 h 4 p 6 "... create safe conditions for learning, educating students, looking after and caring for students, their maintenance in accordance with established standards that ensure the life and health of students, employees of an educational organization ..." Article 44. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field education of parents (legal representatives) of minor students Article 45. Protection of the rights of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teachers Part 1. p3. “Respect the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations”

Documents reflecting the rights of children

Child abuse is the actions (or inaction) of parents, caregivers and other persons that damage the physical or mental health of the child. There are several types of abuse: Physical abuse Sexual abuse Mental abuse Neglect

Physical abuse is an act or omission on the part of parents or other adults that results in the physical and mental health of a child being impaired or in danger of being damaged. Beating, torture Concussion Blows, slaps Cautery Strangulation Drowning Giving alcohol, drugs or poisonous, intoxicating drugs, including medicines Imprisonment with deprivation of food and drink Deprivation of warm clothes Other violations of the regime with enforcement of orders

Signs of physical abuse Wounds and bruises (in different parts of the body, of unknown origin, have a special shape). Burns (most often located on the feet, hands, chest, head. Burns from hot objects and cigarettes.) Bites (teeth marks along the contour of the dental arch) Shaking baby syndrome (if you shake the child’s shoulders back and forth hard, then a brain hemorrhage may occur or brain contusion.There is bleeding in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, bruises on the shoulders in the form of fingerprints)

Consequences of physical violence Bruises, bruises, injuries. Enuresis, encoporesis. Regression in development. Refusal to study. Fearfulness. Low self-esteem. Aggressive behavior. Depression, anxiety.

Psychological Abuse - Emotionally Child Abuse Rejection of the child by parents, rejection of him, lack or lack of love and affection for the child. Humiliation, threats of violence. Rude attitude, constant harsh criticism of the child, insult using profanity Public humiliation, the formation of a feeling of shame and guilt in him for the manifestation of natural emotions (fear, crying, anger) Committing violence against a spouse or other children in the presence of a child Causing pain to pets to scare the child.

Behavioral and psychological indicators Developmental delay, immobility. Children can become aggressive, anxious. They can be unusually shy, incurious, avoid peers, play only with young children. Inappropriate behavior in new situations and with new people. Marked fear of adults and fear of physical contact. Tiki, thumb sucking, rocking. Younger students are afraid to go home, they find many good reasons. Adolescents run away from home, use alcohol and drugs, there are suicidal attempts and criminal behavior.

Lack of psychological support from parents leads to various disorders: Depression, anxiety and high levels of anxiety, neurotic fears, low self-esteem, nightmares, fears of the dark. Intellectual retardation, poor academic performance, poor memory. Delinquent, antisocial behavior, isolation, aggressiveness, loss of the meaning of life, suicide attempts. Underweight, small stature, neglected, untidy appearance. Impulsivity, explosiveness, bad habits (sucking fingers, pulling out hair), anger.

Neglect of the basic needs of the child - the constant or periodic failure by parents or persons replacing them of their duties to meet the child's needs for development and care, food and shelter, medical care and safety, leading to a deterioration in the child's health, impaired development or injury . Complete abandonment of the child. Lack of proper nutrition. Lack of necessary clothing. Lack of protection, education, medical support, child care (pediculosis, dystrophy). Unsanitary condition of housing.

Sexual abuse of children - any contact or interaction in which a child is sexually stimulated or used for sexual stimulation Fondling, groping, kissing, touching a child's private parts Examining a child's genitals Forced touching someone else's genitals Presence of a child Incest Rape Forced prostitution

Signs of past sexual abuse The child exhibits strange, overly complex or unusual sexual experiences or behaviors. May sexually molest children and adults. May complain of itching, pain in the genital area. May contract sexually transmitted diseases. The girl can get pregnant.

child abuse in institutions According to statistics for the past period of 2015, 4,000 cases of child abuse in preschool institutions were confirmed.

Responsibility of employees in article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (paragraph 8 “commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work”) in relation to others - criminal cases have been initiated.

Administrative liability Art. 5.35. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by parents of their obligations to support, educate, educate, protect the rights and interests of minors shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1 to 5 minimum wages.

Child abuse can serve as grounds for bringing parents (persons replacing them) to liability in accordance with family law. Civil liability Art. 52 . Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children, for them to receive basic general education. Art. 65 - prohibits parents from neglecting, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, abuse and exploitation of children. Art. 69 RF IC - deprivation of parental rights Art. 73 RF IC - restriction of parental rights Art. 77 RF IC - removal of a child in case of a direct threat to the child's life or health

Criminal liability Art. 111 - intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm. Art. 116 - beatings. Art.117 - torture. Art. 131 - rape. Art. 135 - indecent acts. Art.125 - leaving in danger. Article 156 - failure to fulfill the obligations of raising a minor

Actions of employees of educational institutions in case of revealing clear signs of child abuse: immediately inform the head of the educational institution and send him a memo about the identified case of child abuse; the head of the educational institution immediately informs by phone (then sends written information during the day) about the identified case of ill-treatment of the child to the police department and guardianship and guardianship authorities for conducting an examination of the living conditions and upbringing of the child; a specialist in the protection of children's rights, together with a specialist from an educational institution, an employee of the internal affairs bodies (if necessary), immediately conducts an examination of the living conditions and upbringing of the child, based on the results of which an examination report is drawn up; based on the results of the measures taken, the head of the educational institution immediately sends information to the commission on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights about the identification of signs of child abuse, fixing the number of the outgoing message.

All forms of violence against children are preventable and none of them can be justified!


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Your rights Extracurricular activity

You live in a family, you have such caring parents, such a cozy home. If trouble knocks on your door, remember that you are protected by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and with it - the most important organization in the world - the UN (United Nations)

In 1989, the UN adopted a document called the “Convention on the Rights of the Child.” The Convention is an international agreement. The states have agreed that they will respect the rights of every child in their country. And our state also signed this document, and, therefore, gave the word to the whole world to take care of their children.

The main human right is the right to life. And a small person - a child - also has the right to live. Each country, the Convention says, should take care of newborns, help their mothers, build hospitals and clinics where doctors will save and cure the little one if he gets sick.

Look at the picture and remember the words of the poet: They put him in a barrel with his son, They pitched it, rolled it And let it go to Okiyan - So Tsar Saltan ordered de.

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" But in fact, who treated the newborn and his mother so cruelly? What would you say to these villains if you met them?

No one ever dares to insult and torment a child. Each state, having signed the Convention, promises to protect its little citizen and punish the one who abuses children.

Look at the picture and remember whose order it is: Take the Princess into the wilderness of the forest And, tying her, alive, Under the pine tree, leave there To be devoured by wolves! What was wrong with the princess? What do you think, who and for what offenses so severely punished her? A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

The child is not responsible for the fault of the parents, no matter what they do. Maybe they violated the law, order, or offended someone, all the same, you can’t reproach, humiliate, punish a child for having “such” parents. The state will not allow children to suffer because of the misdeeds of their parents.

The newborn princess received many wonderful gifts, and suddenly an evil Witch appeared in the Palace.

You didn't invite me to the christening? she said to the King and Queen. - So I came myself, and here is my gift: when the princess turns 16, she will prick herself with a spindle and die.

Ch. Perrot "Sleeping Beauty" Shameless sorceress, she wants to punish the baby for the fault of the parents. What will be next?

The child has the right to rest, play, have fun The right to rest, to play, to celebrate holidays is written in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

A fabulous example - Mother, sisters, can I have at least one eye to look at the ball? Ha ha ha! What are you, a dirty little thing, to do in the royal palace? What fairy tale is this from? Who helped the poor stepdaughter and how did it end?

A child, like any other person, has the right to his privacy, to his secret. Each child can choose his own friends, activities, hobbies. Of course, this does not mean that parents should not care who you are friends with, where you are, how you dress. They can advise, convince, explain to you what they don't like about your behavior. But no one has the right to remake a person's life by force in his own way.

A fabulous example Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess" - Why did you, Ivan Tsarevich, burn my frog skin? Look for me now in the distant kingdom of Kashchei the Immortal!

Children have the right to live with their parents and no one is allowed to separate them. It happens that children have to be saved from an earthquake, a flood, from a war. From a dangerous place they are taken far away, sometimes even to other countries. But then these countries should help parents and children find each other. If children go to their parents, states must let them through their borders.

From the poor, modest house of her grandmother, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her huge palace. She promised to give him the whole world and a pair of skates to boot. Do you think she had the right to take Kai away from her home in this case?

The child has the right to live peacefully in his own home and feel like a master, like dad and mom. No one has the right to force you to open the door! Neither the most important boss, nor the general. In your house, you are more important than any of them! No one is allowed to break into someone else's house by force. Everyone should feel safe at home.

Now open the door, - Wolf growled, - otherwise I will break it down! The piglet's house is a fortress, Naf-Naf said to his brothers, and they prepared to defend themselves. Who in this tale violates the Convention?

All children must learn to become literate, skillful, educated. Every child has the right to a free education. The Convention also says: the state must ensure that all children attend school without fail, and not skip classes! So when you go to school, you help your country fulfill the Convention.

Papa Carlo bought an "ABC" with large letters and color pictures and sent his son to school. Where did Pinocchio go? Oh, if only he knew the Convention! A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

It is impossible to teach and maintain discipline in the school with cruelty and humiliation. In the old days, it was believed that a child would not learn without a beating, and that good manners had to be brought up by force, beaten with a rod. But now everyone has understood that it is possible and necessary to teach and educate with goodness.

What fairy tale are these characters from? Do you remember what name the Kid came up with for this Miss Bok? - Nothing, nothing, - said Freken Bock, - my children and dogs quickly become silky!

The child does not have to be "like everyone else." Once upon a time there lived a strange boy in Denmark, long, awkward, ugly. He was the son of a shoemaker, but dreamed of becoming a poet. He was always thinking about something of his own, in his dreams he traveled to various amazing countries, not noticing that everyone was laughing at him. Then the boy grew up, but remained in his soul the same strange child. Now the whole world knows his name. His name is Hans Christian Andersen.

Andersen wrote this fairy tale, remembering his childhood. So everyone considered this duck clumsy, ugly and in general - a stranger, pinched and beaten, driven from everywhere ... But he was simply not like everyone else. But when he grew up, what did he become?

The child has the right to his opinion. The Convention says so: the child can freely express his opinion. True, it is added there: if at the same time he does not offend anyone and does not swear with bad words.

G.H. Andersen "The Naked King" Who in this tale was not afraid to tell the king the truth?

No one has the right to read other people's letters. The correspondence of two people is a secret, and no one is allowed to find out this secret. In fact, it has always been believed that a decent person will never peep, eavesdrop and read other people's letters, and whoever is engaged in such shameful deeds, no one wants to talk about it, everyone will turn away from him. So the Convention specifically emphasizes: you can not violate the secrecy of correspondence!

Who violated the secrecy of correspondence, who replaced the royal letter?

No one can be punished without trial. Any person, including a child, is considered innocent until proven guilty. One person has no right to recognize another guilty, to condemn, and even more so - to punish. Only a court can do this. In court, the person who is accused must have a lawyer who knows the laws and who will help him.

Cut off her head! - shouted the Queen. - Let them pass the verdict, and whether she is guilty or not - then we'll figure it out! What is this fairy tale? How did this story end?

The state should take care of the child who was left without parents. This is about orphans. But there are such parents that they are afraid to entrust a child. In this case, the state raises, educates and takes care that the child is clothed, fed, so that he has a place to live. The state necessarily checks whether the orphan child lives well, whether they offend him, whether they are forced to do hard work.

Remember the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months" The stepmother sent the orphan to the December cold in the forest. Go, - he says, - and do not return without snowdrops! What rights of the girl were violated? How did this story end?

The rights and obligations of students in our class. The student has the right: to express his opinion without offending any of his classmates and teachers; openly receive an assessment of their knowledge in each subject; rest at recess; teacher assistance in mastering knowledge; participation in extracurricular activities; encouragement for success in school and class life. The student must: respect the people around him; behave with dignity in the classroom, at school and beyond; always do homework; participate in useful work; protect class property; takes care of the health and safety of his own life.

We live in different countries

We invite you to visit

Born to be free

And equal - in rights,

We will always be friends

And like sisters, they are all relatives.

Every child has rights regardless of gender, color or race

look at us

We are all different race, gender, language

And we each have our own religion.

But all of us guys

There is freedom, right

After all, take care of us

Strong state!

Every child has the right to life.

All are equal before the law

There is no doubt about it.

And we should all

Be protected.

Everyone has the right to housing

We live in a peaceful country

We have a family and a house.

And the law protects

So that no one ever

I did not dare to destroy our house,

To have a whole family

Honor and reputation.

The child has the right to access information from various sources

We are free to think

Persuade and speak

And also distribute

Various ideas.

For us to discuss

You can use the media.

Everyone should go to school

It is necessary!

Everyone must develop

Always be diligent.

At school they teach us for free,

Knowledge gives, helps us find

In our life the right path.

The child is protected from work that can harm his health . .

Let's say the word "no" to torture!

We are all human

After all, each of us

Have your own heart.

We should all be kind

And don't be cruel.

And then all over the earth

In every home and family

There will be peace, tranquility, comfort.

These people are always waiting!

Every person has the right to a citizenship.

Here in the country where we live

Everyone has citizenship.

And no one and never

without our consent

Won't change it for us

That's what the law says!

The child has the right to health care

The sick child

For medical assistance

He has the right.

The child has the right to speak his own language

Your culture, your language

The child is accustomed to know from childhood.

But he hardly knows

That all this is his right.

A person has the right to take part in the government of his country.

Not in the life of the country

more important than the moment

Than the elections of the Duma and the President!!!

I hurt with all my heart

For my beloved city

Let it become native

Better year after year.

Verse "right".

As soon as you were born into the world, your first right: get it to be proud of your personal name.

It is very difficult to live alone in the world. the right to live with mom and use dad everywhere, guys.

There is still such a right - to remember, think and create, and give your thoughts to others, if you want.

I'm not happy with the sprout and I'm not so strong yet, but don't you dare hurt me - we have such a law.

If the fever, the whole body aches and is not at all up to the game, then calling a doctor for help is also the right of the kids.

In order to make friends with science, with a book in my small hand, I use the right to “study in my native language.”

I grew up, I took books and I went to the first class. All the kids go to school - we have this right.

I can celebrate my children's holiday, like an adult. If I get hungry, I have the right to receive food.

Whether you are weak or strong, white, black - it doesn't matter! You were born to be happy, this right is given to everyone.

Know your rights, like twice two.

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Rights of the child

Rights of the child Rights of the child - a set of children's rights, recorded in international documents on the rights of the child. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is a person under the age of 18. The state has committed itself to protecting children, so they have the same rights as adults.

International Instruments on the Rights of the Child The well-being of children and their rights have always attracted close attention from the international community. Back in 1924, the League of Nations adopted the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child. At that time, children's rights were considered mainly in the context of measures that needed to be taken in relation to slavery, child labor, child trafficking.

Declaration of the Rights of the Child In 1959, the United Nations (UN) adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which proclaimed social and legal principles relating to the protection and welfare of children.

According to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child: The child has the right: to a family; to care and protection from the state, if there is no temporary or permanent protection from the parents; go to school and study; to equality in rights; express your thoughts freely; to your own opinion; in name and nationality; to receive information; to protection from violence and abuse; for medical care; for rest and leisure; for additional assistance from the state, if there are special needs (for example, for children with disabilities)

Convention on the Rights of the Child Between 1979 and 1989, the UN Commission on Human Rights, in which experts from many countries of the world participated, prepared the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Compared to the Declaration (1959), where there were 10 short, declarative provisions (principles), the Convention has 54 articles that take into account almost all aspects related to the life and position of the child in society. It not only concretizes, but also develops the provisions of the Declaration, imposing legal responsibility on the states that have adopted it for actions concerning children.

Countries that have ratified or acceded to the Convention must review their national legislation to ensure that it is in line with the provisions of the UN Convention. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by Resolution 44/25 of the UN General Assembly of November 20, 1989. It entered into force on September 2, 1990. In Russia, it was ratified by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 13, 1990. It entered into force for USSR September 15, 1990

Russian documents on the rights of the child The main document in our country is the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 1998, approved by the Federation Council on July 9, 1998. It consists of 5 chapters and 25 articles: Chapter I. General Provisions (Articles 1-5); Chapter II. The main directions of ensuring the rights of the child in the Russian Federation (Art. 6-15); Chapter III. Organizational bases of guarantees of the rights of the child (Articles 16-22); Chapter IV. Guarantees for the execution of this Federal Law (Article 23); Chapter V Final Provisions (Arts. 24-25)

Russian documents on the rights of the child In addition, the rights of the child are enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Conventionally, the rights of the child can be divided into 6 main groups: The first group includes such rights of the child as the right to life, to a name, to equality in the exercise of other rights, etc. The second group includes the rights of the child to family well-being. The third group includes the rights of the child to the free development of his personality. The fourth group of rights is designed to ensure the health of children. The fifth group of rights is focused on the education of children and their cultural development (the right to education, to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities, the right to freely participate in cultural life and engage in art). And the sixth group of rights is aimed at protecting children from economic and other exploitation, from involvement in the production and distribution of drugs, from inhuman detention and treatment of children in places of detention.

Children and parents The main protectors of the child are, first of all, parents. It is on parents that the current legislation imposes the obligation to protect the rights and interests of children. Parents are the legal representatives of their children and act in defense of their rights and interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in courts. Parents are required to support their minor children. This requirement of the law is most often fulfilled by the majority of parents who voluntarily provide funds for the maintenance of their children, to provide them with everything necessary for life. If this obligation is not fulfilled voluntarily, then the parents are forced to pay alimony on the basis of a court decision.

Guardianship and guardianship bodies In local governments, in local administrations, there are special departments designed to take care of the protection of children and the observance of their rights - these are guardianship and guardianship bodies. Any child can apply here for help to protect their rights. In addition, such departments deal with adoption problems, take care of children left without parents. Children left without parental care may be adopted or taken under guardianship. Guardianship authorities are looking for people who are ready to take on the responsibility of caring for someone else's child.

Adoption Adoptive parents completely replace the child's biological parents. They have to support him, take care of him. A child is equal in its rights to a natural child - for example, an adopted child has equal rights to inheritance under the law. However, more often children left without parental care are placed under guardianship or guardianship.

Guardianship and Custody A child under the age of 14 is placed under guardianship, and after 14 years - guardianship. Often, relatives of the child, for example, grandparents, are appointed guardians with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. In this case, the child lives together with the guardian, who is obliged to take care of the child, his health, education, development, and the safety of his property. Guardians are not required to support such a child - the money for his maintenance is allocated by social authorities. When a child turns 14, guardians automatically become trustees. Representatives of departments of guardianship and guardianship constantly monitor the living conditions of such children. If there are valid reasons, guardianship may be canceled.

Foster family Many children become orphans for various reasons. The current family legislation provides for the possibility of raising such children in a foster family. Such a family can be created by a husband and wife who have their own children. They take orphans or children left without parental care into their families. A foster family is not an adoption. Parents in this case act as educators, this is their main job, for which they receive a salary.

Foster family The rights of foster parents cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of the child. In accordance with the Regulations on the foster family, children (children) left without parental care can be transferred to it: orphans; children whose parents are unknown; children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, have limited parental rights, are recognized by a court as incompetent, missing, convicted; children whose parents, for health reasons, cannot personally carry out their upbringing and maintenance, as well as children left without parental care, who are in educational, medical and preventive institutions, institutions of social protection of the population or other similar institutions

References “Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Convention on the Rights of the Child "M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. "Family Code of the Russian Federation" M., Legal Literature, 1993. Federal Law on Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation, M., 2007. Kashirtseva E., Shabelnik E. " Rights for every day ", M., Vita-press, 1995. Nikitin A.F. "Right", M., Bustard, 2009.