
What sport is the best for health. The most rewarding sport. What sports are good for health

Today we will discuss what is the most useful sport for the harmonious and complete physical development of the muscles and human intellect, two very important points for any sport, and even more so for the best sport. In fact, this is the main purpose of sports, and why 90% of people do it anyway. Therefore, we will find out what kind of sport you can get the most harmonious physical load on muscles and ligaments, for the maximum development of your strength, speed, flexibility and endurance.

And for lovers of "large sizes" let's not forget about the large volume of muscles. But you just need to take into account that naturally it is not very bad if muscles and strength go to the detriment of the main organ of a modern person, namely his brain. And in order to avoid this, we will immediately discuss which sports help develop intelligence, and which, on the contrary, lead to its gradual degradation.

Harmonious development of muscles in sports

The harmonious development of all muscles for a person is extremely important, since, for example, shaking only their arms, many athletes often forget about their legs or vice versa. The result is a disproportionate person who in his life can only perform a strictly defined function.

As an example, very buff people like the guy we have in the main photo, which I photographed on the beach in Rio, look at how interested the whole beach is looking at him, and the girls run up to take a picture with him. But there is even more “pumped”, who often cannot even tie their own shoelaces, scratch their backs, etc.. As a result, it turns out not the most useful sport and a “healthy athlete”, but some kind of humanoid and a hostage of his own body.

A real healthy person must have both flexibility and endurance. What is the use of “dumb strength” if you are strong, but you can’t even run 25 meters, pull yourself up 2 times and touch your own socks with your hands.

Naturally, for the harmonious development of muscles in sports, one must also take into account that developing speed usually decreases strength and endurance, and vice versa is also true, which is also not very good. The ideal body for a person is a harmoniously developed body without large distortions..

Most rewarding sport

We already had separate articles about and about the most, you can read them, and now we are talking about the most harmonious and useful sport in the field of muscle growth and physical activity.

1) Football gives good development of the whole body, only slightly losing sight of the development of the hands, and stretching 8 points.

2) OFP if it is only running, it will not give the development of the whole body, but only the legs of the runners, and this is 6 points, but given swimming and fitness, let it be 9.

3) Karategives an excellent tone of the whole case and an extraordinary strength of muscles and tendons, as well as strength and speed, although with large muscles you will not get 9 points.

4) MMA pumps most of the necessary muscles during hard workouts, usually not taking into account only the stretching of 9 points.

5) Chess immediately receive the minimum 4 balls for obvious reasons. You just have to add chess is a must to visit the gym.

6) Acrobatics incredibly pumps the whole body for speed, strength and endurance, and if you add more plastic gymnastics, you can even give 10 points. The only negative is, of course, the increased injury rate.

7) bodybuilders, security forces and street "Jacks" often do not develop speed and stretch. Then even pumping ideal muscles, for disharmony 8 points. Although there are many pleasant exceptions, and separately “work out” as the most useful sport for harmonious muscle growth can easily get more points.

Beneficial sports

8) Here dancing give enough movement and muscle development, so dancing is easy to classify as useful sports for harmonious development. Naturally, stamina is pumped over most of all in dancing, but speed and strength are not always enough. Although if this is a break dance, then we will easily give 8 points for the usefulness of dancing.

9) Yoga Same develops plasticity and stretching, but completely forgot about speed and dynamics, getting a maximum of 9 for this disharmony, and even then, for an incredibly healthy body and spine of yogis. Although, if you don’t know, there are types of yoga in which muscles are pumped, but these are already more modern approaches.

10) capoeira tries to pump, develop and develop harmoniously all muscle groups. Most good capoeira players can easily split, bridge, walk on their hands and jump complex somersaults.. At the same time, strength is often trained by practicing static power balance. Moreover, some do all this until the age of 50-60, it would seem a solid ten.

But to be fair, we will give 9 points, since capoeira is not a professional competitive sport and practitioners are not always required to give their best in training. Yes, and there are also many types of capoeira, and not all of them provide an ideal physical activity.

Sports and intelligence

But let's talk about sports and intelligence, because muscles are muscles, and they are important, and strength is also important, but no money and sporting achievements will definitely help you if your head is empty. Therefore, let's see which of the dozens of sports we have chosen earlier develops the intellect to a greater extent, or at least does not allow it to degrade.

1) Football is not exactly designed for the development of intelligence, but since this is a team sport, it requires constant attention and analysis of the behavior of other members of your team and the opposing team. Not to mention the miscalculation of the optimal strategy to win the whole team for this 7 points.

2) General physical training, running and swimming requires the most insignificant costs and the development of intelligence. You can only think about something during a long marathon, or jogging around the house, and you certainly will not become smarter by running 100 meters. Although there are many intelligent people there, they know when it is better to overtake the enemy, and when to save strength, but still a maximum of 6 points.

3) Karate is quite an intellectual sport., you need to analyze the behavior and manner of fighting the enemy. Not to mention memorizing a lot of punches and the moment when it is appropriate to use them. And also karate is often about a spiritual sport, meaning work on yourself, your mind and consciousness, so 8 points.

4) MMA is very difficult to call mixed or martial arts developing intelligence. But all the same, when you start to want to live and win, you have to analyze opponents and a possible strategy for your behavior, for this 6 points.

smartest sport

5) Chess, of course, 10 points. This really rightfully the smartest and even the wisest sport, because in addition to the incredible training of the intellect when choosing the right move, you also train the wisdom of foreseeing the behavior of your opponent 5-10 or even 20 steps ahead.

What is worthy of the best strategists in the world. Plus a possible side effect in a dozen or so years in the form of photographic memory, when you can memorize a sheet of printed text in a few seconds, which makes chess the most useful sport for developing intellectual abilities.

6)Acrobatics is not the smartest sport and does not require large intellectual costs, except for remembering many dozens of complex elements and ways to perform them, for which 7 points.

7) Bodybuilding, on the contrary, is very often associated with increased intellectual activity., as it requires reading an incredible mountain of literature with various ways to pump up. Plus many jocks know chemistry and medicine at a very advanced level, understanding the effect on their body of dozens of drugs and all the muscles on the human body by name and functionality.

And frankly, there are a lot of philosophers and politicians in this sport. Therefore, if you swing really wisely and according to well-thought-out sports systems, then you can safely get 8 points.

8) You don’t need to be very smart in dancing, they are unlikely to significantly develop the mind, although there are also few stupid dancers, let there be 6 points.

9) Yoga also works more in the plane of spirituality than intellect, but at the same time there are types of purely intellectual yoga, and in the classroom a very large list of problems is often discussed from healthy nutrition to the place and role of a person in this world.

Yes, and among yogis and religious figures there are the smartest people on the planet, and the Vedas contain many references to such knowledge, to which modern science has only now begun to approach 9 points.

10) Capoeira is not the most intelligent sport, but it also often requires keeping in mind the traditions of different groups, dozens if not hundreds of songs in Portuguese, anticipating the movements of the enemy and attempts to deceive in time for the game. And the slow traditional capoeira (Angola) is generally similar to the unique physical chess every time and most likely the most intelligent martial art, 8 points.

Sport develops intelligence

I'll tell you more than that average sport really develops intelligence or at least contributes to it, because usually people who do not play sports at all, or at least creativity like poetry, drawing, music or singing, are on average less intellectually developed, and almost not ready to improvise and create something new.

That's why I advise you to still pay attention to sports, even if your main goal is to become smarter, after all a wise mind fits more harmoniously in a wise body. Moreover, now the majority of athletes are becoming political and business elite, and some already have more than one higher education. And in ancient times, wise athletes were generally the elite of the whole society, and a significant part of famous philosophers in ancient Greece received medals at the Olympic Games.

Main points of the article: Today we discussed ten of the best sports we have previously selected in their categories. Namely, we evaluated the candidates for the most useful sport according to two most important criteria

2) Sports that give the maximum development of intelligence

We got the following results: Football 8, 7; OFP 9, 6; Karate 9, 8; MMA 9, 8; Chess 4, 10; Acrobatics 10, 7; Bodybuilding 8, 8; Dances 8, 6; Yoga 9, 9; Capoeira 9, 8.

I hope reading this story will help you understand what is more important for you to develop the intellect or the physical characteristics of your body, and you will be able to determine the healthiest sport for yourself. But for later life, read the next part of this story. Also read about, and, and I have, if you are interested in this topic, I highly recommend reading it.

Millions of people around the world, including about 60% of Americans, Australians and Europeans, exercise regularly. A 2015 review provided data on the long-term health benefits of specific sports disciplines, but the new study has evidence that some common sports are associated with a significant reduction in the risk of premature death.

How low physical activity affects the human body

Physical inactivity is believed to be responsible for over 5 million premature deaths per year. To reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and a number of other chronic diseases, the World Health Organization recommends that adults and older people get at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

These estimates and recommendations are predominantly based on research on the outcomes of people participating in some form of moderate to vigorous physical activity. But does this mean that for our health there is a difference in which sport we choose?

What is of interest to researchers?

In recent years, there has been an increase in the interest of researchers both in specific factors (for example, work, transport, household and free time) and in different types of physical activity (walking, cycling) that affect our health. While, for example, walking and cycling have been associated with a reduced risk of premature death, physical activity in leisure and daily life areas seems to be more beneficial than occupational and transport-related activities.

What sports are good for health?

Adults who actively participate in sports have a 34% lower risk of early death, compared with those who never do it or play sports very rarely. These general data, however, do not mean that all sports have the same effect on health.

The 2015 review we mentioned earlier summarizes the health benefits of participating in 26 sport disciplines. There was conditional moderately strong evidence that running and football improved heart function, aerobic capacity, metabolism, balance, and body weight. Football has additionally shown benefits for muscle performance. Evidence for other sports was scarce or inconsistent.

How useful are the most common sports disciplines?

To confirm the evidence on the health benefits of six common sports disciplines - aerobics, cycling, football, tennis, running and swimming - scientists analyzed data from 80,306 British adults. The study showed 27%, 15%, 47% and 28% reductions in the risk of premature death for people involved in aerobics, cycling, tennis and swimming, respectively.

Although researchers have previously observed a reduction in the risk of early death associated with football and running (18% and 13%, respectively), the new study does not allow conclusions about these effects in the general population. However, such data should not be misinterpreted as "evidence of no effect" or evidence that such an effect is minimal. Scientists simply do not know whether the observed effects occurred by chance and were characteristic of the people taking part in the study, or if they would be true for the entire population.

Previous studies among Americans, Chinese and Danes have shown a significant reduction in the risk of early death (27-40%) associated with running. A 2015 review identified a number of health benefits associated with football.

Should you exercise at all?

The annual injury rate among professional athletes and amateurs is about 6%, but the incidence, types and severity of injuries differ significantly depending on the sport. Fortunately, experts believe that about 50% of sports injuries can be prevented. The risk can be minimized by following the recommendations of trainers and doctors, as well as paying attention to even minor injuries, because without the necessary treatment they can turn into a serious problem.

Over 50 years ago, Winston Churchill was asked to reveal his secret to longevity. "Sport," he said. “I have never played sports in my life.”

Should we follow Sir Winston's lead, or should we act on the latest research showing the health benefits of sport? While the possibility of sports injury or other adverse health outcomes associated with sports (such as sudden death during exercise) can never be ruled out, the potential benefits far outweigh the risks.

What sport to choose?

It may be several decades before scientists reach definite conclusions about the health benefits of all sports. Do you want to sit in front of the TV all this time and wait for the researchers to announce the final results? No. Keep track of your own preferences and choose available sports activities that you enjoy and try to minimize the risk of injury.

This will increase the likelihood that you will stay motivated and exercise long enough to reap significant health benefits.

Once you get fat (if that's your story), the first thing you do is think about exercising. Driven by lack of education in the subject (which is why you are fat, in general) and influenced by some conventions of our society, you are likely to make choices that will not help you become healthier (from the word health, but not healthy/big). Let's talk about how to choose the right type of activity for yourself. But first, I will express my thoughts and observations on Russian smooth guys who stubbornly prepared and tightened their uniforms to meet nymph-like Thai women on sunny paradise beaches.

In the minds of our layman, playing sports = to go to gym= Grab weights and grow your cans to the size of real cans with a capacity of 3 liters. In the words of Joe Friel, the world's leading triathlon coach and author of "" (free statement mine):

Why is it considered that if you cannot fold your arms at the seams, but walk down the street like an imperfect robot T-800 from the movie "Terminator", then this is health? At what point in evolution did low mobility and low endurance, bulkiness and disproportionateness become signs of a healthy body? Maybe you don't need to talk about health while pumping "cans"? Maybe it's just worth talking about your desire to catch the offender and break his neck like a match or about the desire to have natural armor from street attacks? Or do you just can't move away from the jackhammer man image of porn movies and think that's what you need? Be honest - this is not a conversation about health, but about your wild imagination. Do you want to be healthy (from the word health) - a rocking chair - obviously not the first place to visit;) If you want to be able to stand up for yourself, then you martial arts- a long but sure way to all the best in the world of sports.

If you can’t get rid of the image of a Russian hero or want to be, well, at least in something like the governor of California, then start with. This is a special type of training that will give you strength, and you will be able to run the “twenty”, and you will obviously gain health, and throw off fat from your belly. If you want to get a complete picture of what is cross-fit, then watch the video from Reebok Crossfit Games. And to the end. You will not want to drag stupid iron into the hall after it. I want to add mind to training!

Well, always look at what society you will find yourself in. If you want to be 3-4 times a week in a sweaty room with huge closets, admiring yourself in the mirror under Rammstein - swing. If you want something less egocentric, social, and smells like sweat, read on.

Maybe for you, health is actually a healthy heart that will not stop at 35? maybe you should run around? But remember one thing - running is VERY difficult. And one more thing - you don’t know how to run and knew how to do it until the age of 8, then you were ruined by the goofy athletes at school. You need to start running carefully and smartly. We have about it. This sport is social, interesting and, most importantly, having reached the level of 10-12 km per day, you will really start to lose weight rapidly. You will catch yourself thinking that you are not suffocating, you are not tired. Understand that you have some kind of superpower, which we all forgot about, unfortunately.

Ah, this superpower, yes-yes. The worst thing about amateur runners is when they start to think about achievements and drag themselves like professionals who do it for a living. The choice is yours, but know where is the benefit and where is the professional deformation.

When you run up and bring yourself back to normal - take off the shameful belly, become like the Vitruvian da Vinci man, and not the American man, then you will begin to look for diversity.

Here you will catch your eye ultramarathon, same cross-fit. It's so interesting - mathematics, theories, equipment, competitions - that you will never want to go back to the body of a bag of fat.

But do not forget about yoga. The first is the coolest social and sex thing :) with interval training and much more, the second turns the body into a stretched elastic string, and the mind into a powerful but calm river. Maybe this is where you should start?

A bicycles! My last 80 km walk with my favorite "highway" between my legs allowed me to burn 2500 kcal! Can you imagine how many tasty things I can just take and devour? 2000 kcal, standard for my weight and height, + 2500 kcal donated by the bike - you won’t have enough strength to just chew it all! And if you have winter in your yard, then go skiing- this is the same energy consumption as a bicycle.

If a very sad girl in the mirror looks at you, then head to the pool. There are very few chances to injure a body killed by pork kebabs and pies. Your body here, unlike running, is almost in zero gravity, there is no left load on the joints. The first unpleasant surprise for you is how little you can swim. When I came to the first practice, I swam 2×50m and was just like a driven horse. But this quickly passes, it is not only weakness, but also the inability to breathe and swim correctly. And don't pay attention, fat friend, that after entering the swim in RunKeeper, so few calories are burned. The programs lie and do not take into account the real load, believing that you are an average swimmer in a vacuum, and the calories spent on heating your walrus body are not taken into account in any way - this is a lot of calories. Don't stop swimming, please.

Well, here, it seems, are all the main alternatives to the swing that you were going to "well, right from the spring." It will be too late to start in the spring, but today, right after work, is the very thing.

And don't overeat on New Year's Eve. Stupid and stupid tradition.

MOSCOW, November 30 - RIA Novosti. Swimming, cycling, aerobics and tennis have been found to be the healthiest sports according to Australian scientists, according to an article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

"Our observations have shown that it is important not only how often and how much you play sports, but also, in fact, the sport itself. It seems that different sports can affect human health in different ways. These observations and the conclusions of our colleagues should help sports institutions formulate new types of exercises that would most effectively improve people's health," said Emmanuel Stamatakis from the University of Sydney (Australia).

Stamatakis and her colleagues came to this conclusion after examining data that the social services of Great Britain and Australia collected from 1994 to 2006, monitoring the health of about 80,000 older Britons involved in sports.

Scientists advise exercising rather than dieting to lose weightSports and an active lifestyle affect the rate of weight loss and the effectiveness of diets more than the composition of diets, the characteristics of a person’s metabolism and the structure of his intestinal microflora.

The purpose of these observations was to test whether intense physical activity affects life expectancy and predisposition to various diseases, including heart attacks, strokes and other problems with the cardiovascular system.

So, for example, football, running, weightlifting and many other sports did not affect life expectancy and the likelihood of death due to health problems. Other disciplines had a more positive effect on human health and extended life.

For example, badminton, tennis and the so-called squash (playing tennis with a wall) turned out to be the most beneficial sports for older Britons - they reduced the likelihood of premature death from any possible cause by about 47%, and by 56% due to problems with heart and vessels.

Scientists: it's never too late to play sports for a healthy old ageRegular exercise in adulthood increases the chances of good physical and mental health in old age by seven times, say British scientists, whose work is published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Similarly, swimming and aerobics reduced the chances of dying by 27-28% overall, and by 36-41% from cardiovascular disease. In addition, cycling reduced the likelihood of death by 15% and at the same time did not affect the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Scientists believe that such differences indicate that certain sports disciplines affect human health in different ways, strengthening the health of certain organs or parts of the body. This, in turn, indicates the need to develop combined sports that would help improve the health of the body as a whole.

What is the most useful sport? This question is of interest to most parents who decide where to send their child, and the adults themselves, who are going to do some kind of active activity for their health with maximum benefit. Not so long ago, Australian scientists named a list of the most effective sports for human health. In this article we will talk about them in detail, and also dwell on the effect and effect they have on the body.

Purpose of the study

Australian scientists from the University of Sydney wondered what kind of sport is the most useful. The study was based on data from the social services of Australia and the UK, which monitored the health of about 80,000 older Britons who regularly went in for sports. So we managed to find out the most useful sport.

Interestingly, scientists have come to the conclusion that not only how often a person plays sports, but also what kind of sport is of great importance. It turned out that doing different sports has different attention to the human body, often quite the opposite. One of the implications of this research is the opportunity to develop new types of sports exercises that will help restore health most effectively.

One of the goals of the study to determine the most useful sport was to establish whether intense physical activity affects a person's life expectancy, as well as his predisposition to certain diseases. In particular, strokes, heart attacks, and other problems with the cardiovascular system.

Scientists decided to establish not how physical activity affects health in general, but how a person's condition depends on the specific sport he is engaged in.

Scientists' conclusions

The findings of the researchers for some were quite unexpected. For example, running, football and weightlifting had no effect on the likelihood of death due to health problems and in general on life expectancy. But some disciplines really strongly influenced the state of health and life expectancy.

For the elderly, tennis and badminton proved to be the most useful. It turned out that they reduced the likelihood of premature death by almost half, and by 56% due to problems with the heart system.

As scientists have found out, aerobics and swimming have a positive effect on the duration, only in a slightly smaller percentage. The probability of death by 15 percent from diseases of the cardiovascular system reduces cycling.

The conclusion reached by scientists is that each discipline has a different effect on human health and its condition. As a result, certain parts of the body and certain organs are strengthened. In particular, this is an indication that specialists should develop combined types of physical activity that will help, in general, improve the health of the human body.


Currently, tennis is considered one of the most beneficial sports for children and adults. Its popularity is high all over the world, including in our country. Now on the planet there are several million people playing tennis, who can be sure that they are effectively taking care of their health. Many who lead a healthy lifestyle, strive to keep themselves in good shape, give preference to just tennis.

It has a positive effect on both the physical and psychological state of a person. Tennis develops the human body, and also educates his character, promotes personal growth, discipline.

Health impact

There is a whole list of reasons why tennis is considered the most beneficial sport for health.

  1. Tennis has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  2. The respiratory system develops due to the constant supply of oxygen to all human systems and organs.
  3. Like other sports, tennis helps to strengthen the immune system, makes the body more resilient.
  4. This sport helps to cope with psychological and physical stress, having a positive effect on the entire nervous system. It helps to cope with depression and stress.
  5. When a person plays tennis, almost all muscle groups are involved. This contributes to the formation of a beautiful and organic figure. And even without using additional classes in the gym.
  6. If you play tennis regularly, you can forget about problems with being overweight.
  7. Finally, this sport develops attention, disciplines, and increases reaction speed.

With a racket in hand

Separately, it is worth mentioning why tennis is considered the most useful sport for children. The fact is that the participation of all muscle groups contributes to the formation of a figure, which is especially important in childhood and adolescence. In addition, tennis strengthens the immune system, having a beneficial effect on all organs of the human body.

A teenager who plays tennis trains the vestibular apparatus and improves coordination of movements. Finally, regular exercise has a positive effect on mental activity. After all, tennis is considered an intellectual sport that develops the ability to think outside the box, but at the same time logically, as well as make decisions instantly.

Tennis pays great attention to the psychological health and development of the child. He disciplines him, helps self-realization and personal growth, contributes to the formation of strong-willed qualities. Here is the most useful sport.


Of course, there are some contraindications that you should follow if you decide to become a tennis player yourself or want to send your child to the section.

Playing tennis is not recommended for problems with the musculoskeletal system, with serious ailments, in particular, cardiovascular diseases, which manifest themselves at an early age. To be sure that tennis is not contraindicated for you, it is best to consult with your doctor in advance. He will tell you which sport is good for health in your particular case.

Impressions of tennis players

Experts advise giving children to this sport at the age of five. In reviews of what kind of sport is useful, many parents emphasize that their kids' health improved significantly as soon as they gave them to the appropriate section.

There are certain arguments confirming why you need to start playing tennis at this age. At the age of 5, coordination is not yet fully developed in a child, preparatory exercises and regular classes allow you to learn dexterity, attentiveness, and master many other useful abilities. What makes this sport beneficial to health.

When deciding where to send your child, you should listen to the advice and feedback not only from the athletes themselves, but also from the coaches. They will confirm which sport is the most useful, give good advice. For example, mentors recommend not limiting yourself to training only on the court, but constantly repeating exercises with your child for training on the street and even at home. If you wish, keep him company, which will contribute to improving the atmosphere in the family. For example, dribbling a tennis ball is one of the key parts of this sport when you are just starting to master it. This can also be successfully done at home.

The main thing is not to overload the preschooler. The maximum number of workouts is two to three per week. Only with the onset of 7 years of age can the frequency be increased to four classes. If you follow these tips from professionals, then you yourself will understand which sport is the most beneficial for health.


Swimming is definitely worth a look as well. This is one of the most useful and safe sports. The positive effect is on various body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous and immune. All this allows us to state with confidence that one of the most useful sports is swimming.

Regular exercise in the pool helps to increase the strength of the respiratory muscles, as well as a significant increase in their tone. Of great importance is the fact that the vital volume of the lungs and their ventilation increase.

If a person goes in for swimming on a regular basis, as a result, his heart capacity increases. By this concept, experts understand the volume of blood that the heart can push out in one cycle of its activity.

Of course, swimming helps to strengthen the work of the heart and blood vessels, but it is important that all this happens in favorable conditions. Due to the water pressure, the outflow of blood to the heart from the periphery is facilitated. Due to this, swimming is recommended even for the elderly, patients with cardiovascular diseases.

During swimming, almost all the muscles of our body are involved. This happens in any case, no matter what style of swimming you do. Their uniform work helps to form a harmonious and attractive figure, which will be smooth - without sharp corners, protrusions.

A positive effect also affects the state of the central nervous system, contributing to the formation of a strong and balanced type. Due to swimming, the whole nervous system comes into tone, the processes of inhibition and excitation are balanced, the blood supply to the brain improves. As a rule, positive associations arise with swimming, which contribute to the formation of a positive emotional background. With it, you can defeat stress, rabies, depression, cheer yourself up, improve attention, sleep and memory.

Finally, the immune system is strengthened, which contributes to hardening, as the body becomes more resistant to low temperatures. This means that a person is less likely to catch a cold and get sick. When swimming, the composition of the blood changes so much that the resistance to infection increases significantly. This is the most useful sport, according to many experts.

Cycling is another activity that has a positive effect on all systems of the human body without exception. Most of all, of course, the muscles of the back and legs are involved. That is why there is an opinion that this is one of the most useful sports for men.

Like swimming and tennis, cycling strengthens our heart. It's no secret that the heart is also a muscle that must be kept in shape, otherwise problems may arise with it. Scientists have long proven that the heart rate of professional athletes at rest is much lower than that of people who do not exercise regularly. It is possible to achieve this just at the expense of a trained heart.

In addition, cycling allows you to get rid of many problems that almost every person has to face with age. For example, this is varicose veins. Regular cycling contributes to the prevention of this disease, which overcomes many at a certain age. It is possible to get rid of it due to the fact that when you press the pedals, the heart rate begins to rise. As a result, blood flow is accelerated through the arteries and veins. Due to this, there is a significant reduction in blood stasis in the vessels, due to which varicose veins are formed.

One of the main causes of vegetovascular dystonia is also eliminated - this is hypodynamia. Modern man spends more and more time in a sitting position, so this disease is considered very common. While cycling improves the state of the autonomic nervous system, which can prevent health problems.

Finally, the bicycle has an impact on sexual characteristics. That is why this sport is primarily recommended for men. During pedaling, blood circulation in the pelvic area is significantly increased, which makes it possible to cope with the treatment and prevention of prostate adenoma. In addition, the functions of the endocrine glands return to normal, which significantly improves a person’s sexual life.


Many do not consider aerobics a sport at all. We admit that in many ways it is more like a list of exercises to maintain physical fitness. However, if you do them regularly, the benefits will be almost the same as swimming or tennis. You can't exactly call it a dangerous sport. This is the most useful pastime that you can think of if you want to have a healthy body, and there is very little time for this.

The main effect of aerobics is on the human cardiorespiratory system. Let's explain with a specific example. If your heart is not accustomed to stress, at rest it can push no more than 70 ml of blood into the aorta in one contraction. In a minute it turns out from three and a half to five liters. As a result of systematic training, it is possible to significantly increase these figures. For example, up to 110 ml, and if physical activity is heavy, then up to 200.

All this allows you to maximize the reserve power of your heart. The effect of a trained organism is manifested in an increase in heart rate per minute. Due to this, the time during which the heart remains in a relaxed state increases. This happens when it receives oxygenated blood and aorta.

In addition, physical activity, which is present in sufficient quantities during aerobics, has a positive effect on the respiratory system. The respiratory apparatus begins to absorb oxygen more efficiently, which ensures the full functioning of the cells of our body.

What kind of sport to do, you choose. One thing is for sure: if you decide to give preference in favor of tennis, swimming, cycling or aerobics, you will save yourself from many diseases.