
Fat kids 15 years old. The most unusual children of the planet. The smartest kid

As you know, you can get into the Guinness Book of Records not only for incredible achievements, but also because you or your body is somehow different from the norm. To date, the Book has several entries about the most complete people on the planet. The most amazing, stunning and terrible thing is that the first lines of the “hit parade” are occupied by children. About them and will be discussed today.

"Fat" title

People who have achieved great success in sports, studies, business, hobbies have always attracted the attention of millions and have been awarded with all kinds of awards. A little girl named Jessica Leonard also gained incredible popularity. She didn't sing or dance, she didn't play volleyball, and she didn't speak seven languages. The girl got into the Book of Records for being the fattest child in the world.

In 2007, when the whole world found out about her, the girl was only seven years old. But at this point, her weight has already exceeded the mark of 200 kilograms. When the baby became famous, the scale arrow approached the mark of 222 kg. The whole world watched TV shows with horror and incredible condemnation, in which Jessica and her mother took part.

Why so many kilos?

This question was perhaps the most popular then. The mother, with incredible calmness, answered that her daughter just really likes sweet soda and fast food. An adult did not notice or did not want to notice that the diet of the fattest child in the world is completely wrong. The mother said that after a hearty breakfast, 30 minutes could pass, and the child already demanded a new portion of food, which was immediately provided to her. She said that she simply could not stop her daughter, who did not know the limits in food. Did you want to?

cardinal changes

After several television shows showing the fattest baby in the world, the studio was literally inundated with angry and demanding letters from viewers. The people demanded that the child be helped and not let the situation take its course. Weighing more than two hundred kilograms and at the age of seven, Jessica could not talk. And not because she was still small and did not go to school, but because the fat bag hanging under her neck interfered with her. The girl could not even move on her own. Her mother either helped her, or the baby just crawled from room to room.

After indignant comments from the audience and with the help of experienced specialists, the girl was forcibly placed in a special rehabilitation center. During her treatment, Jessica said goodbye to almost 150 kg. Somewhere a strict diet and supervision of experienced doctors helped, somewhere surgical procedures, without which it was already impossible to do without at that time. About ten kilograms were removed from the skin alone, which had stretched during weight gain.

Stepping on your heels

Leonard's record has not been broken so far, but there is another child in the world who is literally stepping on her heels. The title of the fattest child in the world can get a Chinese boy who already at the age of three weighed about sixty kilograms. Experts from the Book of Records are closely watching the boy's life.

Nutritionists say that fat people are not born, they are made. So Lu Hao was born only 2.5 kg in weight. But the arrow of the scales began to run away from the norm three months after the birth of the baby. And three years later, the fat boy already weighed sixty kilograms. According to experts, his weight exceeded the norm five times!

"Giant" story

It is no longer surprising that in the case of Lu Hao, the parents did not care at all about the increased appetite of their son. The child ate everything and in very large quantities. The father says that the boy can eat three bowls of rice and chicken in one sitting and drink it all down with a liter of milk. To the question: “Where did you look?”, The parents of a fat boy from China answer that they simply could not refuse food to the baby. As soon as Lou received any restrictions in food intake, he immediately began to scream, swear, throw toys, cry and make trouble.

The inaction of the parents has led to the fact that at the moment the baby can hardly move. Only the father can take him in his arms, and the slender and fragile mother is no longer trying to overcome the overwhelming burden. The kid goes to kindergarten on a specially equipped motorcycle, he can no longer walk on his own.

And again, only after the world community found out about the baby, the parents began to take steps to reduce the weight of the child. They try to make him play sports, swim in the river, move more and eat less. But, as they say, no methods of losing weight on their son work, no exhortations have had the due success.

Blame genetics?

The parents of the Chinese fat man even tried to go to the doctors in order to find some kind of genetic predisposition to a lot of weight. However, after going through a huge number of analyzes and tests, the doctors did not find any deviations.

Going through all the cases of incredibly fast and dangerous weight gain, you always come to the conclusion that genetics is to blame in one case out of a thousand. Parents, be careful with your children!

Excess weight can be caused by various reasons, and the tendency to be overweight is manifested in both children and adults. So is there any way to avoid this? Perhaps not always. Today we will talk about the fattest children in the world and the reasons for their obesity.

The fattest child in the world (63 kg)

This "baby" was not taken to kindergarten, as they believed that he could injure other children

Back in 2010, this three-year-old Chinese baby weighed five times the norm. He was even suspended from attending kindergarten, as the staff felt that he could harm his classmates.

Doctors suggest that such a strong weight gain was due to hormonal failure. Others say that he simply fell victim to the Chinese "little emperor" syndrome - since Chinese families are allowed to have no more than one child, compassionate relatives pamper their beloved grandson and nephew as much as they can. Fortunately, the boy managed to be placed in a nursery in Guangzhou (southern China), where he was gladly accepted, but the baby’s mother still turned to the doctors with a request to help him lose weight.

Ten-year-old Ariya Permana (192 kg)

This boy even stopped walking due to being overweight.

In 2016, this boy received the title of the fattest child in the world. Fearing that his son might die, his parents put him on a strict diet.

Ariya Permana at the age of 10 weighed 192 kg, and his condition was defined as painful fullness. Due to being overweight, the boy had to stop attending school, as he could no longer walk. He ate five meals a day, including rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup, and tempei (an Indonesian fermented soybean flatbread) enough to feed two adults for a day.

One and a half year old Aliya Saleem (24 kg)

This baby in the photo is only 6 months old

Aliya went down in history as the most complete girl of her age - her weight is 24 kg. The video, which captures the ordeal of a child's life, has been viewed by more than 21 million people on YouTube.

Her parents wondered why their daughter had such an insatiable appetite. The pediatrician suggested that the girl had Prader-Willi syndrome (a rare disease in which children have learning problems, abnormal growth and overeating).

The youngest patient with type 2 diabetes

This three-year-old girl is very unlucky

In 2014, a three-year-old girl became the smallest patient to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after she weighed 34 kg.

The baby was taken to a clinic for people suffering from obesity, where doctors diagnosed the first signs of diabetes: intense thirst and frequent need to go to the toilet. Her parents are also overweight, and an analysis of food habits showed that the girl ate a lot of fatty and sweet foods. The second stage of diabetes, in which the body loses the ability to produce insulin and tolerate high blood sugar levels, usually refers to diseases of maturity, since middle-aged and elderly people most often suffer from this disease, but over the past 15 years this disease has been increasingly found in children. .

The heaviest newborn (7.2 kg)

This baby is a real hero

If you think that your baby was heavy when he was born, imagine what the mother of this "crumbs" thought, who at birth weighed twice the norm - 7.2 kg. A resident of the US state of Indiana recently gave birth to a baby who weighs like a six-month-old baby.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest newborn weighed 9.8 kg and was born in Ohio in 1879.

Eleven-year-old Lee Han (146 kg)

Lee, at 11, weighed twice the average adult.

In 2016, doctors sounded the alarm when they learned that an 11-year-old boy weighed almost 150 kg.

Li was prescribed the traditional Chinese fire therapy hu liao in combination with acupuncture. During the course of treatment, the child was placed in one of the hospitals.

Three-year-old Freddy Hunt (38 kg)

Sometimes surgery brings unpleasant consequences

The 3-year-old baby has gained weight to almost 40 kg as a result of an atypical side effect from brain cancer treatment.

Freddie was bedridden after doctors removed a brain tumor the size of his fist. Parents strictly monitor the child's diet, but the boy's brain still gives the body signals that it is necessary to store nutrients. Just 20 days after the operation, the baby gained a lot of weight, not to mention the fact that he was tormented by indigestion and nausea. As a result of surgery, Freddie acquired cerebral obesity - this happens when the nerve responsible for metabolism is damaged.

Five-year-old Misael Caldonyo Abro (76kg)

Boy's parents are concerned that their son may suffocate while sleeping

This baby is so huge that he risks suffocating from his own weight - at three years old, he weighs three times his peers. The boy is gaining weight due to the fact that he constantly eats and cannot stop. He is so huge that sometimes he stops breathing in his sleep, which greatly frightens his parents.

Mizael lives in Brazil, he was born with absolutely normal weight, but immediately began to rapidly gain weight. Doctors suggest that he has Prader-Willi syndrome. Now weighing a shocking 76kg, he continues to gain weight despite a low-fat diet and exercise (he walks for 40 minutes every day).

The stories that we told today can give odds to any horror movie. Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot always correctly diagnose a disease and offer a treatment, and as we have seen, sometimes medical intervention can help get rid of one ailment and greatly harm something else.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: there are more and more overweight children, and this has nothing to do with health.

Feed but don't overfeed

Surprisingly, it most often appears in babies, who, as they say, could not be fed during the infant period. This usually happens during the transition from breastfeeding to a shared diet. The child suddenly loses his appetite. Of course, it can be assumed that the baby develops anorexia. But doctors say that in childhood this disease is not common. With anorexia, the child refuses to eat, not because he is naughty or stubborn, but because he has a weakened activity of the enzymes involved in the process of digesting food. In most cases, wrong eating habits are to blame.

Teaching a baby to new "adult" food - solid, which must first be chewed - does not always go smoothly: a child can "waste" over a bowl of soup for a long time or pick a piece of fish with a fork. It breaks my heart to look at this! And you won’t let him out of the table, because he will remain hungry. Some mothers lose their patience and ... sausages, sweet cereals, chips, smoked meats, sweets are used.

The other extreme is when the baby is forced to eat everything. And it doesn’t matter that the portion is sometimes too big or the child is simply not hungry. But the amount of food required depends on the individual metabolic rate.

In most cases, it is enough to establish a strict diet: remove snacks between main meals, do not force them to eat if the child does not want to, but also do not feed until lunch or dinner - that bad appetite has magically corrected.

While the child is at a tender age, it's time to teach him to a balanced diet, trying to adhere to these rules and the parents themselves. If this is not done, then gradually the pendulum of food scales will tilt towards fats, simple carbohydrates and endless snacks - all that contributes to the rapid weight gain.

Recent studies show that a child is at risk for obesity if born weighing more than 4 kg or underweight. Children whose mothers did not eat enough during pregnancy or, conversely, were overweight, gestational diabetes (pregnancy diabetes) are also at risk.

We study the risks

Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a psychological one. The child begins to be ashamed of his appearance. But it is also a huge pressure on all body systems. What threatens obesity?

risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If he overtook a child under 18 years old, then the life expectancy of such children is no more than 50 years.

Infertility: both male and female. In this case, boys often experience a delay in sexual development, in girls, on the contrary, it is accelerated, but in the future, polycystic ovaries can develop, which leads to infertility.

Chronic non-alcoholic fatty degeneration of the liver - hepatosis, which can lead to cirrhosis.

During the period of active growth, when the bone tissue is not yet formed, problems with the joints and spine begin due to excess weight.

Sleep apnea - stop breathing during sleep.

Early atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease - these diseases, "thanks" to obesity, are much younger.

Unfortunately, if a full child under 12 years of age is not helped to reduce weight, then in 80% of cases the diagnosis of obesity will go with him further into adulthood.

5 reasons for being overweight

First reason: diet

The child wants to feed first of all tasty. How useful it is - not everyone thinks about it. So sausages with french fries, donuts and chocolate bars, sweet milk drinks appear on the table. And fresh fruits are replaced with packaged juices, whose usefulness is greatly exaggerated because it contains an insane amount of sugar. In addition, many families do not cook food for a long time, but buy ready-made semi-finished products stuffed with flavor enhancers that only whet the appetite.

Second reason: no movement

Kids today don't move much. Unlike their peers fifty years ago, the current ones do not have to plow in the garden from dawn to dusk or wind up kilometers on foot to get to school. But they sit around the clock, first at a desk, then at lessons, then at a computer.

If with each meal the child receives a daily portion of calories and at the same time he has not moved, the energy received is not consumed, but is deposited in the form of fat.

The third reason: so accepted!

Parents strictly monitor that the child conforms to generally accepted stereotypes. Soup is eaten with bread, everything on the plate is eaten up, etc. According to endocrinologists, this stereotype increases the likelihood of obesity by 25%. Other family child adopts himself. For example, chew sandwiches, even if not hungry, with a book or computer. Or crunch on chips with friends.

Fourth reason: it's all about the parents

Indeed, if parents are overweight, their child has a much higher chance of gaining weight. Studies show that if one of the parents is fat, in 30% of cases the child will reach the same size, when both parents are overweight, then the child's probability reaches 60%.

But even this alignment is not fatal. The specificity of these genes of heredity is that they are well corrected by physical activity. There would be a desire.

Reason 5: Breast milk substitutes

Statistics dispassionately states that among children with overweight, the majority were artificial. And although milk formulas become more and more adapted and balanced from year to year, it is probably impossible to achieve a harmonious ratio of substances artificially.

Is it all about hormones?

Some tend to blame hormones for everything. Indeed, sometimes hormonal and genetic disorders are the cause of fullness. But far from them belongs the palm. Breakdown of one gene can indeed lead to the fact that the child suffers from uncontrolled appetite. But these violations are extremely rare, it is difficult not to notice them: such a child is ready to eat non-stop from birth and, as a rule, falls under the supervision of an endocrinologist from the first months of life. Most often, fullness has "domestic" reasons.

It's all about the parents

During the regular medical examination of Moscow schoolchildren, all children who were found to be overweight or obese were offered to come back for an appointment with their parents. Only 20% of parents with children came, the rest ignored the problem.

Parents are firmly convinced that with age the child will outgrow this problem, stretch out. There are those who simply do not notice extra pounds. As a result, in most cases, a teenager gets to an endocrinologist when his weight exceeds 100 kg! Alas, many parents do not want to notice the excessive fullness of their children.

Australian scientists found that 89% of parents of 5-6-year-old children and 63% of parents of teenagers did not even think that their child was overweight. And more than 70% of parents did not even imagine that their child, who are overweight, may have health problems.

Corrected to believe

Excess weight in a child is not a sentence, and it should be learned by both adults and children themselves. Especially teenagers. often occurs at the age of 14-15 years and here it is very important not to let the child "go on a diet". Most well-known diets are aimed at adults. They do not take into account the needs of a growing organism and often lead to developmental disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, reproductive and cardiovascular systems.

Having realized the problem, go to the specialists - a nutritionist and a gostroenterologist will give recommendations for correcting the diet. Well, then - the discipline of the whole family. No experts will help if there are still sausages, sausage and sweet soda in the refrigerator.

Be sure to include physical activity. You can start, for example, with walking. Even two hours of walking a day (at least to and from school on foot will give tangible results. A more effective option is to write it down in a good one, where there are special children's programs.

And, of course, the most important thing is your unconditional acceptance. Without it, neither diet correction nor physical activity will help. Excess weight is a problem that needs to be addressed, but the child should not have any doubts that his parents love him in any way.

Age of Risk

4-5 years is the time for the restructuring of adipose tissue. In a small child, its bulk is the so-called brown fat. It is distinguished by a high rate of metabolic processes, which is necessary for the active growth and development of the child at this time. Therefore, the child can eat a lot, but does not get fat, but grows. At 4-5 years old, brown fat begins to be replaced by white, in which the rate of metabolic processes is lower. It is at this age that excess weight may appear if parents habitually force him to eat large portions.

11-12 years the beginning of puberty. Hormonal changes take place in the body, active growth takes place, appetite increases. According to statistics, 80% of overweight children who enter puberty retain this weight into adulthood. Of course, you can get rid of extra pounds later, but it is better to do everything to help your child lose weight before the age of 11-12.

5 parental misconceptions about overweight children

  • Hormones are to blame, not.
  • We are forced to feed the unhealthy, because he does not eat anything else.
  • The child spends a lot of energy, so he needs to eat better.
  • We ourselves are large and the child is in us.
  • The child does not have any excess weight, he is just strong!

If you are zealous in these delusions, then health problems are inevitable. Although a simple table will help you figure out if the child is overweight.

3 steps to success

1. Fruits should always be on the table, but it’s better not to even buy sweets, sausage, cookies. Let the child bite. But an apple instead of a sandwich.

2. Instead of soda and packaged juices, offer regular drinking water.

3. Breakfast should be necessarily hot and dense enough: porridge, scrambled eggs, not sandwiches.

Table of correspondence between height and weight

To determine excess weight in children and adolescents, special tables are used to match height and weight. This table gives average ideas about the norm:

Exceeding them by the specified share allows us to talk about problems:

10-15% overweight;

15-30% - 1st degree of obesity;

30-50% - 2nd degree of obesity;

50-100% - 3rd degree of obesity;

more than 100% - 4th degree of obesity

With overweight, the pediatrician will help to correct the weight with the help of physical activity and diet, obesity requires serious monitoring by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

If a child plays sports, a simple determination of body weight does not work, inflated data will be obtained due to muscle mass.

This method is not suitable for children with growth deficiency. Then excess weight is determined by the thickness of the folds.

Menu for losing weight children

Breakfast dense, preferably from two dishes: one protein (egg, cottage cheese), the other - carbohydrate (muesli, a piece of cereal bread).

Lunch. A bottle of drinking yogurt, juice, fresh fruit, a small bag of dried fruit mix.

Dinner may consist of soup with a second or one second. Be sure to protein dish - meat, fish or poultry (grilled, boiled, baked or steamed).

Dinner- better not later than 19.30. If courses or training are late, you can have dinner later with cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt, boiled seafood (shrimp, squid), fresh vegetable salad (without dressing), fruits, berries (no more than 200 g), drink a glass of kefir.

Bread only grain, from whole grains, with bran, and not more than 100 g per day. We have lunch and dinner without bread.

Excess weight can be caused by various reasons, and the tendency to be overweight is manifested in both children and adults. So is there any way to avoid this? Perhaps not always.
This compilation is about the fattest children in the world and the reasons for their obesity.

Three year old Xiao Hao (63.5 kg)

Back in 2010, this three-year-old Chinese baby weighed five times the norm. He was even suspended from attending kindergarten, as the staff felt that he could harm his classmates.
Doctors assumed that such a strong weight gain was due to hormonal failure. Others said that he simply fell victim to the Chinese "little emperor" syndrome - since Chinese families are allowed to have no more than one child, compassionate relatives pamper their beloved grandson and nephew as best they can. Fortunately, the boy managed to be placed in a nursery in Guangzhou (southern China), where he was gladly accepted, but the baby’s mother still turned to the doctors with a request to help him lose weight.

Ten-year-old Ariya Permana (192 kg)

In 2016, this boy received the title of the fattest child in the world. Fearing that his son might die, his parents put him on a strict diet.
Ariya Permana at the age of 10 weighed 192 kg, and his condition was defined as painful fullness. Due to being overweight, the boy had to stop attending school, as he could no longer walk. He ate five meals a day, including rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup, and tempei (an Indonesian fermented soybean flatbread) enough to feed two adults a day.

One and a half year old Aliya Saleem (24 kg)

Aliya went down in history as the most complete girl of her age - her weight is 24 kg. The video, which captures the ordeal of a child's life, has been viewed by more than 21 million people on YouTube.
Her parents wondered why their daughter had such an insatiable appetite. The pediatrician suggested that the girl had Prader-Willi syndrome (a rare disease in which children have learning problems, abnormal growth and overeating).

Three year old girl with type 2 diabetes (34 kg)

In 2014, a three-year-old girl became the smallest patient to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after she weighed 34 kg.
The baby was taken to a clinic for people suffering from obesity, where doctors diagnosed the first signs of diabetes: intense thirst and frequent need to go to the toilet. Her parents are also overweight, and an analysis of food habits showed that the girl ate a lot of fatty and sweet foods. The second stage of diabetes, in which the body loses the ability to produce insulin and tolerate high blood sugar levels, usually refers to diseases of maturity, since middle-aged and elderly people most often suffer from this disease, but over the past 15 years this disease has been increasingly found in children. .

Heaviest newborn (7.2 kg)

If you think that your baby was heavy when he was born, imagine what the mother of this "crumbs" thought, who at birth weighed twice the norm - 7.2 kg. A resident of the US state of Indiana recently gave birth to a baby who weighs like a six-month-old baby.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest newborn weighed 9.8 kg and was born in Ohio in 1879.

Eleven-year-old Lee Han (146 kg)

In 2016, doctors sounded the alarm when they learned that an 11-year-old boy weighed almost 150 kg.
Li was prescribed the traditional Chinese fire therapy hu liao in combination with acupuncture. During the course of treatment, the child was placed in one of the hospitals.

Three year old Freddy Hunt (38 kg)

The 3-year-old baby has gained weight to almost 40 kg as a result of an atypical side effect from brain cancer treatment.
Freddie was bedridden after doctors removed a brain tumor the size of his fist. Parents strictly monitor the child's diet, but the boy's brain still gives the body signals that it is necessary to store nutrients. Just 20 days after the operation, the baby gained a lot of weight, not to mention the fact that he was tormented by indigestion and nausea. As a result of surgery, Freddie acquired cerebral obesity - this happens when the nerve responsible for metabolism is damaged.

Five-year-old Misael Caldoño Abro(76kg)

This baby is so huge that he risks suffocating from his own weight - at three years old, he weighs three times his peers. The boy is gaining weight due to the fact that he constantly eats and cannot stop. He is so huge that sometimes he stops breathing in his sleep, which greatly frightens his parents.
Mizael lives in Brazil, he was born with absolutely normal weight, but immediately began to rapidly gain weight. Doctors suggest that he has Prader-Willi syndrome. Now weighing a shocking 76kg, he continues to gain weight despite a low-fat diet and exercise (he walks for 40 minutes every day).
The stories that we told today can give odds to any horror movie. Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot always correctly diagnose a disease and offer a treatment, and as we have seen, sometimes medical intervention can help get rid of one ailment and greatly harm something else.

Why does childhood obesity occur? A slightly chubby child is considered healthy and active in many countries, but what do you say when you see children who weigh more than many adults? How are fat kids doing?

The fattest boy

This Chinese boy was born weighing only 2.5 kilograms. But almost immediately after birth, he began to actively gain weight. Lu Hao's parents were at a loss as they watched their son grow so fast. When the baby began to eat adult food, the rate of weight gain increased even more.

Lu Hao's mom is really worried. In addition to the current and future health problems of the child, she can neither take him in her arms nor put him on her lap. At 4 years old, this boy weighed as much as 62 kilograms! This is four to five times more than a typical child of this age would weigh. Only his dad can lift Lu Hao, and then not too often.

Lu Hao's obesity is mainly due to the fact that he eats for several people. His parents say that the boy can easily swallow three bowls of rice and a few pieces of chicken for lunch. And drink it all with a liter of milk. Moreover, if you limit the child in food, then he arranges a real tantrum. Lu Hao's parents tried to put him on a vegetable diet, but they could not stand his loud crying and the destruction he caused by demanding a full meal.

Over the past year, the child has added another as much as 22 kilograms. And all this, despite the fact that they try to do a variety of active sports with him, such as swimming and aerobics. Doctors also cannot find the true cause of Lu Hao's disease. At one time they believed that this was due to a tumor in the head, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. I must say that the “little” Chinese needs to lose weight as soon as possible, otherwise his heart may not be able to withstand the stress.

In the meantime, the boy leads a fairly ordinary life - attends kindergarten, plays with other children and dreams of becoming a superhero. True, he has to travel long distances on a special motorcycle with a sidecar, which his father drives. Lu Hao gets tired very quickly from walking, because his legs have an enormous load.

The fattest girl

But among girls, the weight record belongs to just a native of the United States. The classic American version - a mother who overly indulges her daughter's whims, simply fed her junk food. The public learned about Jessica Leonard when she was 7 years old. Her appearance on popular TV channels literally shocked Americans. Indeed, at this tender age, the girl weighed as much as 222 kilograms!

The girl’s diet constantly included not very healthy food - pizza, french fries, fried chicken, hamburgers, sweet soda. And all this she absorbed in gigantic portions. Half an hour after eating, Jessica was hungry again, making huge scandals if they tried to limit her in this. She managed to get about 10,000 kilocalories per day, when the norm for a child of her age is about 1800.

The fattest girl in the world overcame the 100-kilogram milestone at the age of 4. She had difficulties with movement, the bones of the skeleton were deformed from constant overloads. The joints of the legs could not bear the weight they had to carry. Due to the obesity of the face, Jessica spoke with great difficulty. By the age of 7, it was difficult for her to even just stand, and elementary actions caused terrible shortness of breath.

The excitement that appeared after showing Jessica on the TV screen only benefited her. Ordinary Americans were so imbued with the misfortune of their compatriot that they flooded the editorial office with indignant letters and requests for help. In the clinic where the girl was placed, she was prescribed the strictest diet and exercise.

In just a year and a half, Jessica got rid of 140 kilograms. Now she weighs only 82 kilograms, which, of course, exceeds the norm, but not as much as before. A young American woman will undergo surgery to restore the motor ability of her leg joints and remove excess skin. She had hope that she would return to a normal life. Now Jessica carefully monitors her diet and chooses healthy and wholesome foods for her diet.

The fattest newborn baby

Some babies are already born overweight. The fattest newborn weighed 10.8 kilograms. He was born in the USA in 1879, but lived only 11 days. In 2005, a Brazilian woman gave birth to a boy weighing 8 kilograms. An Indonesian baby born in 2009 weighed 8.7 kg at birth. Our compatriot from Siberia in 2007 gave the world a daughter, Nadya, weighing 7.75 kilos. It is noteworthy that Nadya Harina is the 12th child in this family.

The fattest child in the world

No matter how the fate of Jessica changes, she has already gone down in history as the fattest child in the world. Among the Russians, there is also a champion in weight, and this is Dzhambulat Khatokhov from Nalchik. This hero grows up in a family of people with completely standard dimensions. At 10 years old, he weighs over 150 kilograms. In 2003, he was officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Having become a sensation, Dzhambulat is constantly in full view of journalists. He takes part in television shows, travels to different countries. In Japan, where the boy came with his father, he was offered to practice the traditional Japanese sport of sumo. Previously, Dzhambulat was engaged in various types of wrestling, but now his weight has exceeded all norms. If he trains hard, then, according to his coach, he can make a career as a great athlete. Otherwise, Dzhambulat is like all other children. A large body build does not prevent him from playing with other children and doing his favorite things. The hero from Nalchik gets along well with others, like all his peers, loves sweets and is sometimes naughty. In his country, he is already a national pride.

Many mothers and grandmothers are ready for anything, if only their precious offspring would eat an extra spoonful of porridge. But is it always good for the child? Excess harms everything, including food. You should not abuse too heavy food, especially at an early age, when all body systems are just being formed. And even more so, it is recommended to limit the child to fast food and other unhealthy foods, of which there are so many in our world now.

But not all children are overweight. In the nineteenth century, a girl lived in the United States, whose weight at the age of 12 was just over 2 kilograms. At the same time, she earned up to $ 20 per hour. Where and when the thinnest people in the world lived can be found on the website.
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