
World records: the largest vegetables and fruits. Giant vegetables The heaviest vegetable

Autumn is the time of the year when every self-respecting summer resident is preparing to harvest his huge harvest. Vegetables are a product without which no person can live, vegetables include a bunch of vitamins. This is especially true for fresh vegetables, not processed ones, harvested from a personal summer cottage or greenhouse, grown on organic or mineral fertilizers purchased from Agroyal . It is these vegetables, grown with love, that achieve certain records. Every year at various fairs around the world there are competitions for the largest food products, some of them fall into the Guinness Book of Records. Let's see what...

For example, the Japanese farmer Koji Ueno grew a huge pumpkin weighing 485.1 kg, thus Koji became the owner of the title, or rather, his pumpkin became the largest in Japan. By the way, this is Koji's second victory in a row. Such competitions are organized by the International Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs and have been held for 27 years in a row. The winners of the competition in their country are sent to the world championship

As mentioned above, such competitions are held everywhere, so in the USA, more precisely in the state of Oregon, Thad Starr won with his 700 kg pumpkin. Thad is a professional grower of giant pumpkins, travels with them to various fairs in the country. The largest pumpkin grown by Tadam reached a weight of 800 kg.

Englishman Joe Atherton won at the fair in Yorkshire for the largest zucchini weighing 44 kg.

But Joe Atherton is engaged in various types of gardening. In the photo you can see how he holds a cucumber - 80 cm, and a potato weighing 1.5 kg.

At the same fair in Yorkshire, a head of cabbage weighing 30 kg received the title of the largest cabbage.

And for the first time in 18 years of holding the competition for the largest vegetable, 10-year-old Kevan Dinkel won the competition in Alaska, who grew cabbage weighing 42 kilograms. For this achievement, he received $2,000.

A resident of China, Yan Hua, bought a raincoat mushroom weighing 4.5 kilograms from a vegetable seller, and it turned out to be quite edible.

This beet crop is harvested in Hungary, the beets are not grown for competition, so the weight and length are not known.

Philip Vowles grows various types of vegetables, including pumpkins, cabbages, and cucumbers. In the photo, he is just with a cucumber weighing 7 kg., Which got into the Guinness Book of Records.

In this photo, again, Vauls, but already aged with another giant - a squash weighing 51 kg., Grown in just 1.5 months.

In this photo, Peter Glazebrook with an eight-kilogram bulb.

Yitzhak Izdanpana from Israel grew a 1.2 meter cucumber, and he assured that he did not use any preparations. Cucumber grown on organic fertilizer for 3 months.

In this photo, a radish weighing 21 kilograms, also grown in Israel.

But a resident of China, Liu Fengbin, grows oranges in his field, and they are, to put it mildly, huge. As Liu himself shares, there are a huge number of orange trees on his plantations and only one gives such huge fruits.

In the photo below, a little girl Avishag from Israel, who shows us a huge avocado fruit weighing 2 kg. Such avocados do happen and are not inherently record holders, but very rarely.

Huge fruit of the Bramley apple tree.

This 119 cm cucumber was supposed to become a record holder among its counterparts, but the Englishwoman Claire Pierce applied late to the Guinness Book of Records and the cucumber, unfortunately, rotted.

Yorkshire has apparently the most popular horticultural fair, and this tomato deserves the title of the largest in the competition.

This gourd is smaller than Koji Ueno from Japan but still in Sydney at 392kg. she took first place in the competition of large fruits.

Autumn is generous with fruits, and the Earth is rich with world records. Every year, the best agronomists on the planet show off the largest and most grandiose results of their work. Giant zucchini, long cucumbers and heavy pumpkins - any owner would be proud of such beauties. Therefore, every year, gardeners from all over the world present wonderful creations of their own hands for the public to judge.

A huge head of cabbage in the hands of the director of the autumn flower exhibition Martin Fish in the town of Herrogate, UK.

Farmer Derek Neumann takes his vegetable queen to the show.

The weight of this pumpkin is 392 kg. It was raised by Ken Ryan, the winner of the competition for the largest pumpkin.

Bernard Lever is a legend in the giant vegetable growing world with his 1995 harvest.

1 m and 6 cm is the length of a cucumber grown by Claire Pierce in Whittleset.

Nissan Tamir from Omer (Israel) boasts 10-kilogram radishes grown in his own garden.

A tomato weighing 450 g, 38 cm in diameter grew by Antonio Martone from seeds sent to him by his family from Naples.

Michael Kingston with a 5.7 kg leek grown by Joe Atherton for the Monster Vegetable Competition at Shepton Mall, Somerset, 1999.

These are huge mushrooms grown in China.

This carrot weighs 2.27 kg. She was raised by Bob Ainstone in 1973.

Here is a handsome squash grown in Llangerry, South Wales. In the photo, gardener Phillip Wawels with his son Andrew and a 51-kilogram miracle from his garden.

8.5 kg of tears from UK professional gardener Peter Glazebrook. His bulb surpassed the previous record by 1 kg 100 g. He received 1,500 euros for his vegetable "treasure". However, this is not Peter's first achievement. Prior to this, potatoes, beets and parsnips grown by him also beat world records.

Collective photo of the participants of the farmers' festival in the town of Herrogate for memory.

Since carving is a figured carving on vegetables and fruits, it is impossible not to touch upon the achievements of man in the field of growing these products. It is surprising and shocking how much results farmers from different countries have been able to achieve.

Below are the most outstanding Guinness World Records from the Big Food section.


Lloyd Bright and his Hope Farm Store have been growing giant watermelons since 1979. The last of the victory was a watermelon, weighing 122 kg. The world record for the speed of eating a watermelon was set in 2001 by the Italian Francesco Traina. He managed to devour a kilogram watermelon in 1 minute


Soji Shirai from Ashibetsu (Japan) is depicted next to a pumpkin weighing 440 kg. The average pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) weighs 1 to 2 kg. The largest pumpkin in the world is grown by Gary Burke from Simcoe (Ontario, Canada) and weighs 495 kg. The record was registered on October 3, 1998.


The largest squash in the world was grown by an Australian from the Norfolk Islands. It took two people to lift a 65-kilogram zucchini.


The world's largest cucumber grew in the garden of British gardener Alfo Cobb. Its length reaches 91.7 centimeters. And this is the second world record for Cobb. His previous record cucumber was 89.2 centimeters long.


John Evans from Alaska, USA, is famous for growing giant vegetables, one of them is cabbage, which weighs 34.4 kg.


John Evans also managed to grow the heaviest 8.5 kg carrot in 1998.


Continuing his series of records, Evans grew the largest cauliflower, which weighed 14.1 kg.


A record carrot 4 m 57 cm long was grown by James Crow.


Gordon Graham from Edmond in 1986 grew a tomato weighing 3.51 kilograms. He also grew a 16.3m high tomato bush. It was reported that 12312 pieces grew on a single bush. tomatoes in 347 days. And the Japanese entered the Guinness Book of Records by growing a tomato tree as high as a three-story house on a special frame.


Colleen Porter, a resident of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, has grown the largest mango in the world. The record fruit weighs 2.46 kg! The Keitt variety, which owns the record fruit, usually does not reach more than 1.3 kg.


The 4.34 kg leek was grown by Hanky ​​Bishop in 1983.


Mel Edney from Anstruther (Fife, UK) in 1997 grew the world's largest bulb weighing 7.03 kg.


Lebanese farmer Khalil Semhat from the southern city of Tyre, could not believe his eyes when he discovered in his garden such a huge sweet potato - 11.2 kg.


And here John Evans succeeded: he grew a giant broccoli, weighing 15.8 kg.


A two-meter Vietnamese vegetable marrow was grown by a 63-year-old pensioner from Chisinau, Nina Sychuk. Vegetable - the record holder stretched by leaps and bounds. At times he added ten centimeters (!) A day. You could eat zucchini in parts: just cut it off in pieces, and the vegetable, you know, grows further.


One thing has been established that the British farmer J. Est from Spalding dug up in 1963 a potato weighing 3.2 kg, in which the tuber, grown in 1982 in the field of the British D. Busby from Atherston, could not select the record only because he had such same weight. An 8.3 kg potato tuber said to have been grown in 1795 in Chester must be relegated to the category of dubious legends.


Musatov Vyacheslav Fedorovich from the city of Bobruisk-25 (Belarus) took a large crop of potatoes from one bush. Under one bush of potatoes of the "Sineglazka" variety, 26 potatoes grew with a total weight of 3 kg 150 g.


The world's largest daikon was raised by a resident of the city of Sakurajima, located next to the active volcano of the same name on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. Grown by 58-year-old Manabu Ono, the daikon pulled 29.6 kg and had no equal at the competition held in this city. Its organizers intend to apply for entering the miracle radish into the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, the daikon, grown by the same enthusiast, who this time surpassed his own achievement by 8.4 kg, is still the record holder.


Bernard Lavery from Ronta (Great Britain) grew a 92 cm long corncob.


The 8.06 kg pineapple was grown in 1994 by E. Kamuk of Ace Village (Papua New Guinea).


J. Willington collected a fruit weighing 2.966 kg. (Tascon, Arizona 12/21/84).


Kohlrabi 4.16 m long was raised in 1982 by B.T. Newton (Australia).


Lemon weighing 3.88 kg and 74.9 cm in circumference was collected in California in 1982.


Melon weighing 118 kg. matured in 1985 in the USA.


A copy weighing 1.405 kg. was recorded in 1979 in South Wales.


Vegetable weighing 20.63 kg. was raised in California in 1974.


Turnip weighing 15.975 kg. matured at C. W. Butler at Nufferton in 1972. A 33.1 kg turnip was reported in 1768 and a 23.1 kg turnip was reported from Alaska in 1981.


A copy of the length of 6.6 m. was seen in 1985-1986.


A bunch of tomatoes weighing 9.175 kg. raised C. Bowcock in Merseyside.

There are "giants" among citrus fruits, a lot of exotic fruits of enormous size, and there is the largest berry that grows in Russia. Outwardly similar is jackfruit and breadfruit.

The largest citrus fruits

Among the citrus family, the largest is pomelo or pamela. It is often compared to grapefruit. The fruit is usually round in shape. In diameter, it can reach twenty centimeters. Known fruits that weighed about ten kilograms. Its flesh is dryish, and the taste is sweet.

Pomelo grows on the island of Tahiti, in America, Israel, Southeast Asia. For Russia, this fruit is not so exotic, since it can be freely purchased in almost any supermarket.

Large breadfruit

The breadfruit resembles such an exotic fruit as jackfruit, but this is only a visual resemblance. Breadfruit grows in tropical regions, it can be seen more often in Oceania and Southeast Asia. The yield of this plant is so high that in some countries its fruits are the main food of the local population.

The fruits are quite large, in diameter they can reach thirty centimeters. Weight is about four kilograms. It is surprising that it is consumed both as a vegetable and as a fruit. The ripe breadfruit is eaten as a raw fruit, while the unripe fruit is used in cooking as a vegetable. It really has a bready taste, which is felt only when tasting the cooked unripe fruit.

Large exotic fruits

Of the exotic fruits, several of the largest can be distinguished. One of them is durian. This is a huge fruit weighing from two to ten kilograms. Its peel is greenish-brown in color, all of it is covered with large spines. The fruit has an extremely unpleasant smell and a specific taste, which is why not all tourists dare to try it. Locals use durian both raw and as an addition to ice cream, pies, meat dishes and mousses.

Guanabana is an exotic fruit, considered one of the largest. Place of growth - tropical America. Its weight can reach twelve kilograms. Most often, the fetus weighs three kilograms. Outwardly, it looks like a green elongated shaggy melon. The taste of the fruit cannot be called sugary-sweet, it is refreshing, sourness is felt in it. With the help of guanaban you can quench your thirst.

It is impossible not to name among the large exotic fruits the well-known pineapple. His homeland is Asia. The most delicious is the Thai pineapple. The large, round fruit is the coconut. Its weight reaches three kilograms, and its diameter is up to thirty centimeters.

A rather large berry is pepino. Its other names are sweet cucumber and melon pear. The shape of pepino can be any, but the weight usually reaches seven hundred grams. The ripe fruit is juicy, its taste is similar to the taste of melon.

The biggest berry

Among the known berries, the largest is watermelon. In the wild, it weighs no more than two hundred and fifty grams, but the cultivated watermelon sometimes grows to enormous sizes. In Russia, the watermelon record holder gained a weight of sixty-one kilograms, four hundred grams. But the American record is even more surprising. There they were able to grow a berry, the weight of which is one hundred and twenty kilograms.

The birthplace of watermelon is South Africa, but it was cultivated by Jews and Arabs. In Russia, melons appeared only under Peter the Great, he was the first of the Russian tsars to taste the juicy berry. Already in the nineteenth century, watermelon in Russia became a public treat.

The color of watermelon pulp can be not only red, but also pink, and orange, and even white. The stripes are also not always green. There are watermelons with stripes of black and bright yellow. You can read more about the largest berries.

The largest fruit in the world

There is a fruit whose name is jackfruit. It is recognized as the largest in the world. The plant itself is evergreen with many dark green leaves. Even its leaves are huge, they have an oval shape, they reach twenty centimeters in length. Bangladesh and India are considered the homeland, but the plant has also spread to Africa, the Philippines, Asia and Brazil.

Jackfruit branches are weak, which is why massive fruits are attached closer to the trunk. Ripening lasts three to eight months. The size of the mature fruit is amazing, it can grow up to one meter and weigh about twenty-five kilograms.

The fruit is covered with a bumpy thick peel. To determine if the fruit is ripe, pay attention to the green color, and also tap it. If the sound is deaf, the jackfruit should not be picked yet, it should still ripen. When the peel turns yellow-brown or yellow-green, this means that the jackfruit is already fully ripe. If a ripe fruit is tapped, a hollow sound will be heard.

The cut jackfruit is divided into pieces. Its peel has the smell of rotten onions, while the flesh itself is fragrant and juicy, reminiscent of the smell of pineapple and banana. Ripe pulp is eaten, but if the fruit is unripe, it is processed before consumption. Most often, jackfruit is combined with ice cream, coconut milk or other fruits. Each fruit contains about five hundred seeds up to four centimeters in size. They are also used as food, for this they are fried in a pan.

Jackfruit is very nutritious, which is why in India it is also called "the bread of the poor." Although it is a low-calorie product, it is high in carbohydrates. Jackfruit contains many trace elements and vitamins, but most of all - vitamin C.

There is a record holder jackfruit - this is a fruit that has grown to a size of one meter, one hundred and twenty-one-odd centimeters in girth. According to the site, its weight was thirty-four kilograms, four hundred grams, and its length was almost fifty-seven and a half centimeters.
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