
What is a person who is afraid of horror movies called? List of the most common human phobias. The best online casinos for money do not seek to select the latest

Anxiety and fear are most often completely groundless. But they are growing. Gradually, anxiety and panic seizes the personality, and occupies all his thoughts.

Spatial fear has pronounced symptoms, both somatic and cognitive.

Scientists have found that 80% of the population is subject to fear of spaces. But for some, this is a slight anxiety on a subconscious level, while for someone it takes on a psychopathic character and develops into a phobia.

Situational (Specific) phobias

This is usually the fear of certain objects or situations.

Specific phobias usually consist of specific panic triggers such as spiders, snakes, mice, elevator rides, or airplane flights. These fears develop in childhood and tend to go away with age (fear of the dark, for example).

If the fear continues throughout a person's adult life, then treatment will be the only solution to get rid of the phobia. These fears can prevent a person from living a normal life, depending on how often the person encounters the source of their phobia.

Group "Obsessive fear" - fear of various spaces and movements in it

This group includes:
  • - Fear of closed spaces. Psychopathological syndrome associated with panic at the thought of being confined within four walls. Often found in prisoners, miners, people who survived the collapse of the house and imprisonment under the rubble. A fairly common phobia. It occurs in the female population up to 25% and in the male population up to 15%.
  • Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces. In severe cases, the individual cannot work and live independently, he voluntarily locks himself in the apartment as if in a cage and does not come out. If you still have to go out, then this causes severe panic attacks. It can appear after an attack by robbers on the street, an accident, rape.
  • Hypsophobia is an obsessive horror of height and depth. The normal state of a person - you can fall, and the depths - you can drown. But there is a huge difference between apprehension and pathological anxiety. In severe cases, even going up to the second floor is not possible, a severe panic attack begins. It manifests itself in drowning people who have fallen into an air pocket in an airplane, fallen from a tall tree.
  • Amaxophobia is the fear of traveling in public transport. It manifests itself in people who have had an accident, feeling unwell in a crowded bus, etc. It manifests itself as a panic attack even at the mere thought that you will have to go into transport. Such people move exclusively on foot.

social phobias

Fears that are related to other people or social situations are characterized by anxiety, fear of shame, or a sense of humiliation from the scrutiny of other people.

An example of such phobias can serve, for example, as a public speech (for two or more listeners), and even intimacy.

People with such phobias tend to try to avoid situations that they internally fear.

Group of social phobias - anxiety associated with being in the company of other people

Social phobias are very common. A happy person is self-sufficient. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.

Sociopaths cannot achieve harmony with the outside world precisely because of the lack of harmony with society. Uncontrollable attacks of anxiety caused by the company of people are of an obsessive nature.

Primarily, social phobia is the fear of human society, and secondarily it is the fear of actions in society, the individual is afraid to take an action and cause a negative assessment from the outside.

The most common types of social phobias:

  • Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing in public. With a severe course of the disease, a person stops going out because there are people everywhere, and blushing becomes the worst dream.
  • Demophobia is the fear of crowds. Everyone lives in society and crowds of people on the street, especially during rush hour, this is a common occurrence. But for some people, this does not cause any emotions, but for someone, anxiety that can develop into a phobia.
  • . A phobia is caused by the fear of being responsible for one's actions. Performing any work, he begins to panic that he will not succeed. In severe cases, you can become disabled.
  • The inability to end the relationship. It's like a suitcase without a handle, it's hard to carry, and getting rid of it is even worse. People endure everything just not to break off relations, this is not a healthy relationship. Doctors classify them as phobias.
  • Fear of performing an action in the presence of strangers. Often the roots come from childhood, when the child was often told that he was a loser and that he did not succeed, cultivating these words in his head, a paranoid phobia can develop and a person performs any actions only when he is alone.
  • The impossibility of meeting in a crowded place. Often found among people, in dreams a person is already drinking coffee with a stranger / stranger, but in fact he cannot even force himself to get up from a chair.
  • Autophobia is the fear of being alone. All people are afraid to be alone, but within reason. Those suffering from autophobia cannot endure even a moment of loneliness. Such a phobia can develop due to betrayal, due to imprisonment in a solitary cell, etc.
  • Fear of exams. The scourge of modern society, the student's psyche blocks all external stimuli. can't handle the load. As a result, a block and the word exam are put in my head, and the preparation causes real horror.
  • Fear of hiccups or vomiting in a public place. It develops when this happened to him, or he became a witness, if at the same time the society reacts with laughter, then a phobia may develop and the person will stop going out into crowded places.
  • Demophobia is the fear of large crowds. In the crowd, people develop a panic attack, it is difficult for him to breathe. It can occur during a crush in the subway or riots on the street.
  • Kairophobia is the fear caused by unfamiliar places. An individual cannot force himself to be and even think about his location in an unfamiliar space.
  • Rhabdophobia is the fear of punishment. It develops from childhood, it seems to a person that for any of his actions he will be punished. In this case, he is afraid to even start any action.
  • Peniaphobia is the fear of poverty. Even if a person lives in a wealthy, but once he had an episode of lack of money, poverty paranoia may develop.

The group also has rather strange phobias:
  • Allodoxophobia is the fear of the opinions of others. Most likely, it develops when someone else's opinion at some point humiliated or offended a person so much that a phobia developed.
  • Iremophobia is the fear of silence. The patient cannot be in silence for a minute.
  • Bromohydrophobia is the fear of one's own sweat. A person is afraid to sweat in public and the further the disease goes, the less he appears in public places because of his horror.
  • Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten. Typical for older people. Elderly people experience paranoid fears. Loneliness seems to them the worst nightmare.
  • Gerontophobia is the fear of old people and the fear of getting old. The same is true for older people. They are afraid to see old people (they symbolize their own aging).
  • Kleptophobia is the fear of thieves. Usually those who have already been robbed have suffered. Or watched it.

A group of nosophobias - obsessive fears of getting sick or polluted

Worries about health are natural for every person, but when it develops into absurdity, then a phobia begins. Man is afraid of everything and everyone. Serious illnesses are chosen for the object of fear, which are difficult to treat and often lead to death.

In all manifestations of nosophobia, people are crazy afraid of getting sick with one of the diseases. In rare cases, several:

  • . Considered one of the scariest.
  • Cardiophobia is the fear of heart disease. A person is constantly looking for a symptom and trying to be treated.
  • Infarctophobia is the fear of a heart attack or stroke. With any slight tingling on the left, a person panics and believes that he is developing a heart attack.
  • Lysophobia is the fear of going insane.
  • Syphilophobia is the fear of contracting syphilis.
  • Carcinophobia is the fear of getting cancer.

A group of obsessive-compulsive fears - the fear of harming oneself or loved ones

Constantly arising disturbing thoughts, images, behavioral changes. A person may be afraid of outbursts of anger to which he is prone.

With such mental disorders, it is difficult for a person to live in society; it takes most of the time to control his thoughts.
  • Fear of suicide. Depressed individuals who often think about suicide begin to fear themselves - realizing that they can do something irreparable.
  • Fear of killing or harming family and friends. A survivor of a murder or injury that has been observed may begin to fear a repetition of the situation.
  • - Fear of pollution. A person suffering from this phobia is pathologically afraid of touching objects and other people. Obsessive thoughts about contracting a terrible disease or polluting themselves scare them.

A group of "contrasting" fears - fear of committing an act that is contrary to moral and ethical standards

  • Patients have a critical attitude towards themselves and their neuroses. Most often, the patient understands the groundlessness of his fears, but cannot do anything with himself.
"Contrasting" fears are completely groundless and unfounded:
  • Fear of swearing in public. It can develop in a person who grew up in a family where everyone cursed. And it is so unpleasant for him to hear this that he makes a vow to himself never to use obscene language. But he is afraid that these words will break out against his will.

Phobophobia group - a person is afraid of all phobias

Types of fears, phobias of a person have more than 500 items.

No one will ever be able to say exactly how the human psyche will behave in a certain situation if he has a panic fear of someone or something.

Fear is a protective mechanism of the instinct of self-preservation, inherent in nature in every person. There are two types of fear: normal and pathological or fictional.

Normal fear is a common occurrence in every healthy person, warning of possible danger. A fictional and often pathological fear has nothing to do with the instinct of self-preservation.

Pathological fears with an inadequate response are called a phobia. In essence, a phobia is an increased fear of something. It is also called obsessive fear.

People who have fears look stupid against the background of others when it is manifested. And although they understand this, the control of the body seems to be turned off for a while.

Reasons for the development of a phobia

To date, psychologists have not figured out the specific reason why phobias develop. The genetic factor plays a significant role. In 80% of children whose parents had phobic disorders, the development of fears is observed.

People with emotional sensitivity and rich imagination are very prone to various phobias. It has been proven that panic fear is provoked by the mere assumption of the possible occurrence of a dangerous situation.

Common symptoms of all phobias

The feeling of fear provokes compulsive avoidance. This is the main symptom of a phobia. Such attacks are easily recognized by the following symptoms:

The presence of the above symptoms 3-4 indicates a developed phobia.

Human phobias: list

There are many different types of phobias. Some are more common, some less common. But all of them are observed in patients. So what are phobias? In this list, we will look at the most common of all:

  • Claustrophobia- Fear of closed spaces. It manifests itself while a person is in cramped conditions, for example, in public transport, which is completely filled, or in a small room in which the windows are either small or, in general, absent. A person suffering from claustrophobia prefers to always be closer to the exit, leaving the door open. An exacerbation of the disease manifests itself when it is not possible to quickly get out of a confined space (in an elevator, plane, train, etc.) People with claustrophobia try to avoid elevators, preferring stairs. They try to avoid large crowds. The symptoms of the disease are as follows: trembling throughout the body, an uncontrollable feeling of an indefinable threat, heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath in the absence of physical exertion.
  • Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Translated from the ancient Greek "akos phobos" means "upper fear". The phobia manifests itself while the patient is at a certain height. Acrophobia is observed even with a slight rise, when there are no possible risks of falling. This disease is very common among the inhabitants of the planet. On average, 2 percent of the population suffers from it, while women who have a phobia are 2 times more than men.
  • Algophobia is the fear of pain. This is one of the specific phobias. Often the underlying cause of a phobia is severe pain experienced earlier. Algophobia associated with a state of anxiety. The symptoms are weak and inexpressive, so it is very difficult to diagnose the disease. Doctors often confuse the symptoms of a phobia, attributing them to sleep disturbance or ordinary depression.
  • Arachnophobia- fear of spiders. This disease is one of the most common phobias. People who have a terrible fear of arachnids are called arachnophobes. There are cases when a phobia manifests itself not only at the sight of a living spider, but also its presence in the picture. Arachnophobia is curable. There are two treatment options: behavioral therapy and special computer programs, with the help of which the patient has to contact the spiders personally.
  • Atychiphobia - fear of imperfection and failure. Due to its properties, it affects the way of life of a person, his decisions and actions in a destructive way. People with atychiphobia see almost everything as potential competition and potential failure. To achieve success for them is not an easy task, and for some it is completely unattainable, since such people, in order to avoid possible failure, believe that the best way out of the situation is to sidestep the problem. Due to the phobia of imperfection, the level of self-confidence drops to a critical level. In addition - loss of motivation for any action. This leads to deep depressions, and sometimes to more serious mental disorders. Doctors distinguish a number of main symptoms as the phobia progresses: shortness of breath, rapid or irregular heartbeat, nausea, weakness, nervousness, heavy sweating, indigestion and muscle tension. Atychiphobia is most pronounced in competitive places where there is a struggle for certain rewards - educational institutions, work, etc.
  • Scotophobia (ahluobofia)- fear of darkness. There is not a person on the whole planet who is not a little afraid of the dark. Most often, the disease manifests itself in children, but there are cases with adults. There are many reasons for the appearance of ahluophobia: imagination, childhood fears, loneliness, lack of information, beriberi, and others. Psychologists say that it is possible to get rid of the fear of the dark. To do this, they recommend treatment according to a special technique: the patient must imagine a traumatic situation for him, for example, a dark room with a small window, behind which night has come and only the moon is shining. After that, you need to fully delve into the imaginary situation and feel everything for yourself. Imagine how you experience being there for one night. Over time, the fear of the dark will begin to decrease and over time, with the regular implementation of this technique, you will forget about the phobia.
  • hapophobia- fear of being touched by other people. This is a rare phobia that is seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and psychasthenia. Protecting himself from pollution, a person is limited from unnecessary touches to himself, even relatives. Hapophobia can be limited to the fear of being touched by a person of the opposite sex. Often this is due to moral trauma provoked by sexual violence.
  • Decidophobia- fear of making decisions. Most often, a phobia manifests itself only in making some serious decisions, but sometimes there are exceptions. Life experience, the past life of the patient - this is the main reason for the development of fear. For example, the habit from childhood to listen to the opinions of others or solving problems that arise only with someone's help. Also, a mistake can lead to the development of decidophobia, which entails serious consequences. The phobia is curable, but the treatment is very long.
  • Neophobia - fear of change. Fear of new changes in life prevents a person from developing as much as possible and fully functioning in society. There are several types of neophobia, which include technophobia, gnosiophobia, futurophobia, and ergasiophobia. There are many reasons for the appearance of fear of change: political, economic and social instability in the state, conservatism, self-doubt, low self-esteem, increased levels of anxiety, and others. The symptoms of neophobia are very similar to those of other phobias: numbness in some parts of the body, trembling, absent-mindedness, shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, heart palpitations, excessive sweating and pain in the chest area. Treatment of fear is carried out by three procedures: meditation, autogenic training and relaxation.
  • Panophobia- fear of something. A person with such a phobia constantly thinks that something bad will happen soon, and the fear is constantly present. Patients with panphobia have a very well-developed imagination, so pictures of a possible future are drawn by themselves.
  • Sophophobia - fear of learning. There is certainly a connection between it and gnosiophobia (fear of knowledge). The only difference is that in the first disease, fear causes the learning process, and in the second, knowledge itself, new information. There are many reasons for the development of this phobia. For example, fear of learning can be exacerbated when a teacher yells at a student at school because of a mistake or incorrectly done homework. Every visit to an educational institution for a social phobe is a real torture. Fear, hand trembling, sweating, dizziness - this is what a person with this phobia feels during a lecture or lesson. In modern society, sophophobia is unacceptable, since education is very important for everyone who strives for a beautiful and happy future.
  • Ataxiophobia- fear of disorder.


Psychotherapy is the main type of treatment for various types of phobias. There are several methods: hypnosis, behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, Gestalt psychology, autotraining and relaxation. After the patient contacts a specialist, during the conversation, the doctor will determine which of the methods will be most effective in a particular case and prescribe treatment. The correct clarification of the cause of the disease is 50% success.

Medicinal forms of treatment for the manifestation of a phobia are not effective. In addition, there is a risk of developing dependence on psychotropic drugs.

Probably, every person had to deal with phobias in one way or another. Some have learned to get along with inner demons, and someone is trying with all his might to get rid of the unrest that poisons life. Specialists pay great attention to the issue of studying all kinds of phobias, trying to alleviate the plight of those who suffer.

Some fears are quite common. We will definitely consider a list of the 10 most common phobias in this article. And there are those whose names are unknown even to those who are subject to them. Therefore, we will mention rare phobias for review.

What to do if a phobia interferes with life, is it possible to get rid of it, is it always necessary? Let's find answers to all questions.

and mental disorder: what's the difference?

First of all, let's define terms. Phobia is inextricably linked with fear. It represents an irresistible fear of certain phenomena, objects, situations. But are these concepts the same?

Experts answer this question in the negative. According to scientists, the feeling of fear is a necessity by which any living creature avoids danger. This mechanism, which helps to survive, is laid down by nature itself. But in most cases, the feeling of fear is justified.

A phobia, on the other hand, not only may not have visible causes, but also has a number of signs that are not characteristic of a natural feeling of fear. They are perfectly visible even to those who do not have a medical degree. They include the following:

  • respiratory failure (increase or slowdown);
  • the appearance of perspiration, increased sweating;
  • tremor, hand trembling;
  • disorientation in space, dizziness, nausea;
  • increased heart rate, unbalanced blood pressure.

Some of these signs also appear at the moment of danger, when the fear is justified. It has to do with the release of adrenaline. By the way, this hormone works only for the benefit: it helps to make the right decision, to get together. The main thing is not to panic and pull yourself together in time.

In cases where we are talking about a phobia, a provocative stimulus is not needed. It is enough to mention or even just remember it. At the moment of exacerbation, it is impossible to curb fear. A person cannot control himself, the condition may worsen. In a state of rest, a person is well aware that he has a phobia, but prefers not to talk about it.

This is the main difference from a mental disorder. Phobias do not affect the personality, do not violate the integrity of the perception of the world, do not destroy the psyche. When fears become an obsession and a person begins to behave inappropriately, a doctor's consultation is vital. Alarming symptoms should be considered a regular mention of the cause of fear, the arrangement of shelters, unreasonable spending on protective equipment, attempts to get away from a non-existent chase, the desire to find out as much information as possible related to the object of apparent danger, aggression against those who are trying to dissuade. If someone close to you is behaving this way, they may need help. None of the most common phobias, nor any of the rare ones, causes inappropriate behavior. Phobias are not mental disorders.

Where do phobias come from?

Analyzing some common phobias, we can assume that their origins are similar. Experts believe that stress is often the cause. After a frightening situation, a person may forever lose the desire to be in it again.

Some phobias grow out of childhood shocks and fears. Often those situations, objects, people, circumstances due to which a phobia was formed do not even remain in memory. But the subconscious mind stores information in its depths, "caringly" suggesting to a person in every possible way to avoid repetition.

However, there are many inexplicable things. For example, the fear of flying on an airplane can haunt those who have never flown. Probably, in this case, the phobia developed from the fear of heights. Some types of phobias are even more difficult to explain.

Mystical version of the occurrence of phobias

There is an alternative view. People who believe in the transmigration of souls put forward the version that the phobia is associated with a deep memory of a past life. More precisely, about the past death. According to esotericists, a person who drowned in a past life will be afraid of water in subsequent reincarnations.

Of course, this version, although quite entertaining, cannot be considered scientific. In any case, she has no confirmation at present.

Groups of phobias

Specialists studying phobias and the peculiarities of the behavior associated with them use the following classification.

A list of the most common phobias with explanations is conveniently presented in the form of a table.

Fear factor



Fear of open areas or enclosed spaces


Phobias associated with people, crowds, professions, communication


Fear of disease, specific or in general; fear of pain

Fear of death, funerals, the dead, cemeteries, coffins

Many fears associated with the intimate sphere

Fear of wrong action, judgment, inappropriate expression of feelings

Phobias caused by fear of experiencing fear

Note that not all currently existing phobias are clearly classified. The table shows only the most common groups. To better understand the topic, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with each group in detail and look at examples.

space-related phobias

Scientists call the most common phobia the fear of a closed room, from which it is difficult to get out. There is a version that even tight swaddling in infancy may be the reason for this, but this is just a version that requires further analysis. The fear of small spaces is called claustrophobia.

Its opposite is agoraphobia. A person feels extremely uncomfortable in the middle of wide fields and squares.

social phobia

The list is headed by anthropophobia - the fear of people in a broad sense. Aphenphophobia is the fear of being touched. The morbid fear of people of the opposite sex is called heterophobia.

Many people are also prone to glossophobia, and this feature usually manifests itself in childhood. She is characterized by a fear of public speaking. Lemophobia also belongs to this group - the fear of crowds of people.

Fear of diseases

Not the last place in the list of common phobias is (nosophobia). It can manifest itself both in the stubborn denial of real diagnoses, and in the obsessive search for all sorts of symptoms. Monopathophobia is the fear of a particular disease.

Doctors also distinguish acnephobia, which is expressed in a terrible fear of the appearance of acne.

There are also less common types in this group: amichophobia (fear of skin damage), venerophobia (fear of catching STDs), vermiphobia (fear of pathogenic microorganisms), dermatophobia (when the risk of skin diseases is scary).

Algophobia - the fear of experiencing pain - is inherent in many people. Diagnosing it can be difficult, to a reasonable extent it is common to everyone.

deadly fear

Heads the top of the most common phobias associated with death, thanatophobia - the fear of death as such.

Also belongs to the group taphephobia - an indescribable fear of being buried alive. Surely many people remember that such a fear haunted Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol all his life. Perhaps it was not just fear, but a premonition of trouble, because after the exhumation it was found that the great writer was most likely buried when he was in a deep sleep or coma. Modern medicine has advanced significantly, experts declare death after an autopsy and thorough research, but many of our contemporaries also suffer from this phobia.

The names "cardiophobia" and "heart attack" speak for themselves. These fears are associated with death from heart disease.

Sexual sphere

A very common phobia is a panic fear of intimacy (coitophobia). This group also includes special cases: fear of the first sexual experience (intimophobia), fear of harassment (kontreltophobia), fear of exposure and touching (mixeophobia).

The list of phobias included in this group is quite large. Scientists identify many areas, each of which is associated with certain parts of the body, situations, and other factors. Some people even have such an unusual fear as the fear of kissing (philemaphobia).

Contrasting phobias

The next group combines fears associated with wrong actions, wrong actions, inappropriate feelings.

The most common are hamarthophobia (fear of an unworthy deed), paralipophobia (fear of a false choice), chirophobia (fear of showing joy out of place), enosiophobia (fear of falling into sin).


It sounds surprising, but the list of the most common phobias includes phobia. Some people, especially those who are familiar with the topic, are terribly afraid that they will develop a phobia as well. These thoughts can be very intrusive.

Frightening environment

Having considered 7 main groups, we will pay attention to some equally common phobias that are not included in any of them.

Specialists combine many varieties into a group of zoophobias. It should be noted that this is a collective name, as such, the fear of all animals does not exist.

The factor is always a certain type of animal (for example, with ailurophobia - fear of cats), class (with ostracophobia - fear of shellfish) or a group of animals.

List of the most common phobias

Top 10 will help you get a better idea of ​​the spread of certain fears.

  1. Nyctophobia, according to experts, affects at least 20% of the world's population. The meaning of fear is related to It is the most common phobia in the world. Most often, nyctophobia occurs among children. It can go away with age, but this is not always the case. Some people need a night light all their lives.
  2. Acrophobia is a panic fear of heights. 7-8% of people suffer from it. Planes, rooftops, balconies of high-rise buildings, mountain peaks, attractions like the Ferris Wheel - all this seems hateful and dangerous. According to experts, this phobia is not only one of the most common, but also extremely dangerous. Many note that once at the top, they experience impulses to rush down.
  3. Aerophobia is the fear of air travel. Common sense is powerless where a panic attack begins. Many aerophobes are well aware that an airplane is one of the safest means of transportation, but they can't help it.
  4. Claustrophobia is the fear of closed or cramped spaces. Elevators, closed doors, nooks and crannies scare and make you want to escape.
  5. Aquaphobia is the fear of choking or drowning.
  6. Ophidiophobia is the panicky fear of snakes.
  7. Hematophobia is an uncontrollable panic fear of blood, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness much more often than other phobias.
  8. Tanatophobia - fear for one's own life.
  9. Autophobia is caused by an obsessive fear of being alone.
  10. Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public.

The most unusual phobias

What kind of anxieties do not overcome a person ... The most common phobias seem more or less understandable, but there are those that are even more difficult to explain. Consider the names and factors of the most unusual human fears.

  • Acribophobia is a panic fear of not understanding the essence of what is heard.
  • Gnosiophobia is the fear of learning.
  • Lacanophobia is the fear of vegetables.
  • Dorophobia is an inexplicable fear of gifts.
  • Hydrosophobia is the excessive fear of sweating.
  • Ombrophobia is associated with rain, snow, hail.
  • Pentheraphobia occurs only in men. The subject of fear is the mother-in-law.
  • Chronophobia is the fear of time.
  • Philophobia is characterized
  • Retterophobia is the fear of mispronouncing a word or phrase.

Is treatment needed?

Experts do not give a clear answer to this question. Each case requires an individual approach. Some phobias can become the causes of neuroses (by the way, Freud believed that nyctophobia always leads to neuroses).

It happens that a phobia can also negatively affect the state of health, for example, cause heart problems. In such cases, consultation with a psychologist, and possibly with a psychotherapist, is necessary.

It should be remembered that a person with a phobia should never be “broken”: the fear of water will not disappear if the unfortunate person is thrown out of the boat in the middle of the lake; the fear of snakes will not go away by itself from contact with reptiles. The consequences can be irreversible and tragic. Correction of the condition can only be picked up by an experienced doctor.

Human phobias are the same as fears, but these are irrational, uncontrollable and obsessive fears of something or someone. Moreover, not all human phobias are considered phobic anxiety or neurotic personality disorders.

Relatively recently, the list of human phobias was about 500 items, now, in the modern world of information and high technology, there are about 1000 irrational fears and expectation anxieties (phobias).

Today, on site website, you will find out what human phobias are, you will see a list with explanations.

Human phobias - a list with explanations

To make it easier for you to understand what human phobias are, and most importantly, do you have any phobic disorder, irrational fears, obsessive anxieties and fears that you want to get rid of, you will be presented with a basic list of human phobias and fears with explanations, and the name of the phobia itself will appear in the results of your choice.

If you just want to know all the phobias of a person - a list with explanations, then you will also get them.

Some human phobias - a list with explanations will be shown - are obsessive-compulsive personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive personality disorders, and require psychotherapeutic treatment.

List of phobic fears, fears and anxieties

So, choose the fear you are interested in (fear, expectation anxiety) in the proposed list of human phobias - in the results you will receive explanations and the name of the phobic disorder.

By the way, the fear of everything in the world at once - Panophobia, and the fear of the fears themselves - Phobophobia

A phobia is an obsessive fear of a certain content, in a specific situation, arising against the will of a person. Phobia and fear are similar, but fear is a natural protective function of the psyche, and phobia is its deviation. A person may experience unaccountable, unreasonable fear, accompanied by neurotic symptoms (sweating, trembling, chills), in front of everyday events - for example, riding the subway, meeting a dog. Psychotherapists have identified over five hundred different phobias, but in modern life there are often no more than a dozen. Let's take a look at ten of the most common.

The most popular fear of our time, which has neither age nor gender restrictions. Eight out of ten children experience a fear of the dark; after 18 years, ten people out of a hundred admit their fear of the onset of night. Nyctophobia manifests itself in the form of a panic state not in front of the darkness itself, but in those terrible pictures that the patient's imagination draws against its background. If the fear of the dark does not go away with growing up, as usual, then uncontrolled nyctophobia can become a trigger for cardiovascular pathologies and problems with the central nervous system.


Fear of heights is the second most popular, it affects the psyche of more than 7% of the world's population. Acrophobia manifests itself in the form of unconscious anxiety in situations that provoke neurosis: an air flight, a trip by cable car, a look from the window of a high-rise building. According to patients, during panic attacks they cannot control their thoughts or actions, and some struggle with an obsessive desire to jump down, although in everyday life such people do not have a tendency to suicidal acts.


Fear of flying makes life difficult for every tenth air passenger. The disorder manifests itself in the form of anxiety, fear of a possible catastrophe. Sometimes it is provoked by other phobias - fear of heights or thanatophobia (fear of death). The first symptoms of aerophobia - tension, urge to vomit, headache - begin before the flight and reach their climax during takeoff, accompanied by panic attacks and an unconscious desire to leave the transport.


The clearest example of claustrophobia is the fear of riding in an elevator. Those suffering from this disorder experience a whole range of negative emotions in enclosed spaces - from a slight increase in heart rate to fainting. According to statistics, about 5-7% of the world's population suffer from a severe form of claustrophobia, accompanied by panic attacks. In this case, the symptoms of the disorder can be triggered even by wearing tight clothing or an overly tight tie.


According to psychotherapists, the most common cause of unconscious fear in relation to water is the psychological trauma experienced in the past associated with it. Aquaphobia complicates the life of every second person who has experienced an accident on the water. Severe symptoms of physiological hydrophobia in the form of swallowing convulsions and the inability to take a sip of liquid are observed in patients with tetanus and rabies.


Almost every squeamish person is a little ophidiophobic, but the fear of snakes in a patient suffering from ophidiophobia is much stronger. The pathological fear of snakes is accompanied by obsessive thoughts about the likelihood of a reptile entering the dwelling, a poisonous bite, etc., and in some cases, being intensified by the fear of death, takes the form of a severe mental disorder.


Increased heartbeat, sweating, pallor, hypotension, fainting are signs that the natural disgust at the sight of blood has turned into pathological fear and the person needs psychological help. The main cause of hematophobia is considered to be hereditary predisposition, however, the disease often occurs as a result of unskilled medical actions and childhood injuries - in more than 40% of cases of the disease.