
Alexey Stepin biography personal life. Sergey Stepin. Wives of Alexei Glyzin - Lyudmila, Sania Babiy

Alexey Shcherbakov is a Russian comedian who became famous after participating in Comedy Battle, a resident of the Stand Up show, and a participant in the Closed Microphone show. Viewers love his ability to find humor in the most ordinary things. His observational comedy monologues resemble verbal photographs taken from an unexpected angle.

Childhood and youth

Alexey December 15, 1988 in Zelenograd. As a child, Shcherbakov was fond of music and sports - the guy mastered the guitar and drums, was a drummer in a local rock band, practiced martial arts, and in high school - acrobatics and parkour. At school, the sociable and interesting young man had many friends.

After receiving the certificate, Alexey entered the Moscow State University of Management at the Faculty of Finance and Credit. After the classes, Shcherbakov honed his stage skills and speech techniques at the Art Master Theater-Studio.

At a certain point, Alexey took a sabbatical leave and joined the army. The future comedian served in Tambov, in the 16th GRU special forces brigade. During his service, Alexey underwent serious training and even made 14 parachute jumps. Upon returning home, Alexey got a job as an installer in the capital's metro.

Humor and television

Shcherbakov first appeared on television screens in the humorous show “Crazy Beautiful,” which aired on the Muz-TV channel in the fall of 2011.

In the summer of 2012, the guy took part in the qualifying round of the first season of the comedy show “Comedy Battle”. The talent of the contestant was assessed by Garik Martirosyan, Semyon Slepakov and Garik Kharlamov, who voted against Alexey’s continued participation (he performed under the pseudonym “Lyokha”) in the show, although many of the comedian’s jokes seemed successful to both the judges and the audience.

In the spring of 2013, Alexey again tried his hand at the new season of the show “Comedy Battle. Without Borders". This time, Kharlamov was replaced on the jury by Sergei Svetlakov, who “saved” the young participant by letting him through to the next stage of the competition. And although the novice comedian did not manage to reach the finals - Shcherbakov was not good at improvisation - many viewers remembered and fell in love with the comedian Lyokha.

In 2015, Alexey began to actively storm the “Open Microphone” section of the comedy show “Stand Up,” in which anyone could perform in front of the public. The performance, dedicated to ridiculous human and animal names, military service and friends, made the audience hold their stomachs with laughter, and the very next year the comedian was included in the main cast of the project.

Stand Up - Alexey Shcherbakov blows up the hall

In his monologues, Shcherbakov talks about everyday things: raising a small child, family relationships, relationships with his wife, his difficult work - many viewers admit that the artist’s humor is close and understandable to them.

Personal life of Alexey Shcherbakov

Alexey is married to a girl named Elena. The comedian says that he had been seeking the attention of his future wife since the 9th grade, but the girl was then dating another guy and for a long time did not pay any attention to Shcherbakov. Upon returning from the army, Alexey invited Elena on a date, after which the young people never parted.

In 2011, Alexey and Elena got married, and soon the couple had a son, Yegor. The comedian admitted that he tries to raise him in strictness - the way his own parents raised their son.

In his free time, Shcherbakov plays sports. The comedian leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke or abuse alcohol.

Alexey Shcherbakov. "Turnikmen Vykhodsilovich Yamakasi"

The artist has his own channel on YouTube. “I will post all kinds of heresy here,” it says in its description. There he posts short videos on behalf of “Turnikmen Vykhodsilovich Yamakasi” and other videos of an entertaining nature.

Alexey Shcherbakov now

Alexey continues to regularly perform at Stand Up, surprising viewers with the ever-increasing quality of humor. You can also watch and listen to Shcherbakov’s performances in the new club from the Stand Up stars on TNT “Standup Store Moscow,” which opened in the fall of 2017. The permanent host of the popular comedian show is Kirill Seattleov, a participant in the 3rd season of “Comedy Battle” and “Central Microphone” on STS.

Together with his Stand-Up colleague, musical comedian Ivan Abramov, Shcherbakov came up with the Closed Microphone concert program, which was to premiere on February 11, 2018.

Alexey Anatolyevich Stepin(born September 5) - Russian singer, composer, poet, producer.


In the mid-nineties, Stepin moved to Moscow.


Stepin writes songs for other performers. In particular, for Olga Stelmakh, Alexander Stvolinsky, with whom the singer also recorded several duet compositions (the main joint hit was “For Strong Friendship”). Stepin is the author of the lyrics to Alexei Vorobyov’s song “New Russian Kalinka”.



  • Farewell, farewell, dear Kazan
  • Alexey Stepin in the series "Golden Collection of Chanson"
  • Legends of the genre. Best songs ()
  • MP3 collection Alexey Stepin (reissued in )

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An excerpt characterizing Stepin, Alexey Anatolyevich

He looked at Balashev with regret, and just as Balashev was about to notice something, he again hastily interrupted him.
“What could he want and seek that he would not find in my friendship?..” said Napoleon, shrugging his shoulders in bewilderment. - No, he found it best to surround himself with my enemies, and who? - he continued. - He called to him the Steins, Armfelds, Wintzingerode, Bennigsenov, Stein - a traitor driven out of his fatherland, Armfeld - a libertine and intriguer, Wintzingerode - a fugitive subject of France, Bennigsen somewhat more military than the others, but still incapable, who could not do anything to do in 1807 and which should awaken terrible memories in Emperor Alexander... Let’s suppose, if they were capable, they could be used,” continued Napoleon, barely managing to keep up with the words that constantly arise, showing him his rightness or strength (which in in his concept were one and the same) - but even that is not the case: they are not suitable for either war or peace. Barclay, they say, is more efficient than all of them; but I won’t say that, judging by his first movements. What are they doing? What are all these courtiers doing! Pfuhl proposes, Armfeld argues, Bennigsen considers, and Barclay, called to act, does not know what to decide on, and time passes. One Bagration is a military man. He is stupid, but he has experience, an eye and determination... And what role does your young sovereign play in this ugly crowd. They compromise him and blame him for everything that happens. “Un souverain ne doit etre a l"armee que quand il est general, [The sovereign should be with the army only when he is a commander,] he said, obviously sending these words directly as a challenge to the sovereign’s face. Napoleon knew how the emperor wanted Alexander to be a commander.
– It’s already been a week since the campaign began, and you have failed to defend Vilna. You are cut in two and driven out of the Polish provinces. Your army is grumbling...
“On the contrary, Your Majesty,” said Balashev, who barely had time to remember what was said to him and had difficulty following this fireworks of words, “the troops are burning with desire...
“I know everything,” Napoleon interrupted him, “I know everything, and I know the number of your battalions as accurately as mine.” You don’t have two hundred thousand troops, but I have three times that much. “I give you my word of honor,” said Napoleon, forgetting that his word of honor could not have any meaning, “I give you ma parole d"honneur que j"ai cinq cent trente mille hommes de ce cote de la Vistule. [on my word of honor that I have five hundred and thirty thousand people on this side of the Vistula.] The Turks are no help to you: they are no good and have proven this by making peace with you. The Swedes are destined to be ruled by crazy kings. Their king was mad; they changed him and took another - Bernadotte, who immediately went crazy, because a crazy person only being a Swede can enter into alliances with Russia. - Napoleon grinned viciously and again brought the snuffbox to his nose.
To each of Napoleon’s phrases, Balashev wanted and had something to object to; He constantly made the movement of a man who wanted to say something, but Napoleon interrupted him. For example, about the madness of the Swedes, Balashev wanted to say that Sweden is an island when Russia is for it; but Napoleon shouted angrily to drown out his voice. Napoleon was in that state of irritation in which you need to talk, talk and talk, only in order to prove to yourself that you are right. It became difficult for Balashev: he, as an ambassador, was afraid of losing his dignity and felt the need to object; but, as a person, he shrank morally before forgetting the causeless anger in which Napoleon, obviously, was. He knew that all the words now spoken by Napoleon did not matter, that he himself, when he came to his senses, would be ashamed of them. Balashev stood with his eyes downcast, looking at Napoleon’s moving thick legs, and tried to avoid his gaze.
- What do these allies of yours mean to me? - said Napoleon. – My allies are the Poles: there are eighty thousand of them, they fight like lions. And there will be two hundred thousand of them.

Alexey Stepin– the most famous performer of chanson and popular music, poet and composer. 10 years in Moscow and on the professional stage.
Born on September 5, 1968 in the city of Kazan, in the family of a teacher and a doctor.

Alexey Stepin born and raised in the city of Kazan. An important fact, since the origins of creativity, life position, attitude to will and decency come from there, from Kazan courtyards and “boxes”. He graduated from music and high school, was in the army, studied at the University (economic geographer - mathematician, wow!). He was part of a gang, played in taverns, was a general director and unemployed, a defender and a hooligan, experienced risk and lack of money, the heights of flight and the abyss of failure... He made mistakes and suffered, rejoiced and loved - however, like many, many guys of those hectic perestroika years. You can read about Alexey’s everyday conflicts on his website - - there they are depicted with humor and a certain amount of irony. My task is not at all to describe a biography (there are biographies that are more amazing), but to tell a story about creativity.
Having moved to Moscow, Alexey has so far released only three professional albums (the fourth is on the way - the recording is about to be completed) - “Don’t cry, Anyuta”, “Guli-Guli” and “The Road and the Guitar”. But what kind! It's not a matter of quantity. His songs “Dolyushka-share”, “Kolyshesh”, “Guli”, “Kruchina”, “Tomato”, “Road and Guitar”, “Trains” and “Ships” were loved by people and became calling cards. Each album, as it happens, takes about nine months to be recorded and corrected - as if a child is being born. And, as it happens, all children are very different. The images that Alexey paints in his songs are indeed different from each other, but this does not make them any less bright and voluminous. Here is a Russian “bear”, naive, but able to love and enjoy life; a street boy who respects the traditions of his city; a tramp who is always on the move with a guitar on his back; a wanderer who has lost the most sacred and dear thing - his mother... Stepin is strong both in fighting songs, full of events and energy, and in lyrics. But I feel that it has not yet fully revealed itself; I see enormous potential. I once asked Alexey, why did you, the author of at least five hundred (!) songs, publish only one tenth? There were enough reasons - from bad luck with the choice of record companies to unfortunate periods in life and love. Well, he doesn’t want to bend over backwards and fawn, and he values ​​creative and personal freedom above money and ostentatious respectability. Would you say the person has a difficult character? True, but Stepin knows how to fight with circumstances and defeat them, though not at any cost. We must not forget that victory, associated with meanness, has a reverse side - spiritual defeat, and Alexey always wanted to be in harmony with his soul. And he succeeds, although this does not eliminate the torment and torment. That’s why his songs, like a mirror, reflect not only the desire to find harmony, but also other people’s pain. And this is worth a lot.
It so happened that I recently listened to Alexei Stepin’s fourth album, “The Road and the Guitar - 2,” which was released in 2004. There is development - both in music and in poetry. Interesting sung. The compositions are not similar to each other - in emotions, melody and movement. Yes, and you can’t squeeze them into the framework of chanson - the range is wider, or something. There are quite tough and dynamic ones - “The Road and the Guitar-2”, “Wolf Song”, soulful yard stories - “Sanka”, “Boys”, the most subtle lyrics - “Call”, “Mama”, Balkan and Greek motifs - “Sing, guitar”, “Waves”, the undisputed Russian hit – “Don’t spoil!” and the humorous hooligan “Tatar rap”... Twelve new songs by Alexei Stepin are waiting in the wings. I really hope that they will bring us, the listeners, joy and warmth in this rather cold and unstable reality.

Vlad Sokol

Autobiography of Alexey Stepin.

I was born and raised in the city of Kazan, in the family of a teacher and a doctor. At the age of seven, my parents sent me to a music school, where I studied in parallel with general education. The piano revealed a whole world, beautiful and harmonious. There was a huge interest in music, the origins of creativity came from that time. Writing began in fourth grade and continues to this day. Posing and writing melodies is inexplicable, but so close and necessary that for the sake of creativity I can give up a lot. Which, in fact, is what I prove with all my life’s unsettledness and recklessness.

Having devoted seven years to other people's music, I realized that there could also be my own. I did not aspire to symphonies and operas, so I composed songs. I received further creative education at rehearsals, concerts, studios and through musical interactions with skilled orchestra players. I listened to different records - from jazz and rock to reggae and pop music. Together with a dozen VIA, in which he took an active part as a leader, he tried to bring his ideas to life. Something worked. Creative vision is inextricably linked to real life. To write such songs, one had to be born and raised not in Odessa or Rostov, but in Kazan. A beautiful and wonderful Volga city, but a little unwelcoming. While influencing the spirit of the songs, my lyrical side was only partially affected. The lyrics seem to have lived in the soul since birth. Some of my best works were written in the wake of real stories or fantasies concerning my historical homeland, but many other Russian cities and villages left a recognizable imprint on my melody and poetics. By the way, I never turned to poets and melodists for help, I did everything myself. As a result, after long and painstaking work, he himself became both a poet and a melodist. I only sing my own songs, and also write for some performers, but not often, since personal, unpretentious acquaintance is important to me. And it is rare in our community.

The environment in which I grew and developed was important for the development of my personality. On the one hand there are intelligent parents and a university with smart girlfriends, on the other there is a yard, juvenile crime and the slimy walls of cells in the bullpen. On one side - a cherished sense of tact, romance and bright thoughts, on the other - brutal street battles and uncompromising firmness. Every day was lived as if it were the last. Toughness coexisted with tenderness. Hate with love, and so on. But the main thing is that the soul is not mired in dishonesty. Before moving to Moscow, I managed to serve in the army (air defense forces, Azerbaijan); engage in different, sometimes quite turbulent types of business; Graduate from Kazan State University with a degree in economic geographer-mathematician and record two amateur magnetic albums at Kazan studios. One of these albums contained the first folk hit - “Farewell, goodbye dear Kazan...”. And although the albums sold out in fairly large pirated copies, it was, so to speak, a test of the strings.

I believe that so far I have not released many albums as planned and potentially possible. Many things got in the way - life conflicts, ill-wishers, my inflexibility, and my reluctance to increase quantity at the expense of quality. However, the experience gained and a certain toughness help to move forward, not paying attention to the troubles. The good news is that I didn’t waste my time and didn’t sing to someone else’s tune.

I prefer different types of music, but the basis must be a melody, and not scraps of notes. In those compositions where the melody is not so important - dance compositions, for example - I would like to feel the pulse of the author's thought. Songs have a special attitude towards poetry. It’s good when there is precision of images and poetics, and not a “text” consisting of tongue-tied segments. And I myself strive to compose in such a way that I won’t feel ashamed later. Although I understand perfectly well that a popular song is often surprisingly artless. But I hope that my time is gradually coming - new exquisite compositions are already being prepared for recording. May God grant them to see the light and find their listener... I believe that mood and creative forces are almost independent of global events in this crazy world, but are fueled by the presence of close and loved ones nearby.

At the call of his conscience, he visited hot spots with concerts - Tajikistan and Chechnya. At the call of my soul, sometimes I jump with a parachute. This is one of my hobbies, along with reading books, traveling and contemplation... Although I quite often wander around cities and villages, gradually in my life adventures, dashing incidents and recklessness give way to selectivity in communication and a kind of seclusion. I almost never attend presentations and other “freebies”, but I write a lot, including prose (crime novels, stories, etc.) By the way, in addition to my musical creativity, you can find stories on the official website - www

One of my secrets of being different from many other genre authors and performers is that I do not limit myself to listening and performing only chanson. I am very close to: Russian theme, pop music, lyrics, humor with elements of banter and various stylizations - from courtyard to retro. I try not to repeat myself and not to harp on threadbare topics, but to draw notes and poems from the world around me and my own soul. And I don’t growl, I sing. I still maintain that captivity is not necessarily a prison. I am assigned certain labels by those for whom certain boundaries are important. A creative personality cannot exist in any kind of prison. Frames are one of the manifestations of bondage. Show business is also the clearest manifestation of bondage. Recording the album, its feverish promotion: “grandma” on TV and radio, shallow interviews in the press and indispensable participation in stupid non-core “freak shows”. Then there was a “chess” around the country, that is, monotonous concerts accompanied by a soundtrack, with the goal of returning and multiplying these “grandmas”. Vicious circle. Breaking out of it is a great success. Better yet, don’t cross his line.

Albums are a special topic. Each one reflects a period of life, information received during this period and the replenishment of the soul’s baggage. My first professional creation was the album “Don’t Cry, Anyuta” in 1996. Daring tramp songs, memories of their hometown and bitter-tasting lyrics. “Dolyushka-share” (video shot), “Strong Boys”, “Don’t Cry, Anyuta”, “Kolyshesh”, “Kazan” - these famous songs come from 1996. Then there was the Russian theme, as an expression of the will of my Ryazan roots and a counterbalance to mass culture, in which there has long been very little Russian. The songs “Loved-loved”, “Guli-guli”, “Green grass”, “Red-shameless” appeared in 1998 and, as noted in the press, made up “the most popular project of the year” - the album “Guli-Guli” together with a video of the same name and a heart-tragic video for the song “Kruchina”. Then there was a short break, but still the songs “Tomato”, “Guli - Guli 2”, “Falcon” appeared in collections and found their listeners. In 2002, after my long wanderings and wanderings, the album “The Road and the Guitar” was finally released. The fruit of almost a year's work. It intertwines courtyard folklore and real stories, freedom and bondage, humor and subtle lyricism. “Ships”, “Road and Guitar” (video filmed), “Dzhiparik”, “Trains”, “Lake of Swans”, “Runaway Forever” appeared on different radios all over the country from this album. It is hard-won and good, but “The Road and the Guitar-2,” released in 2004, is a little different in mood and less harsh. It is deeper and more melodic - guitar solos, button accordion and a certain amount of experimentation are added without compromising the intensity of the soul. Balkan and Greek themes ("Sing, guitar", "Waves"), subtle lyrics ("Mama" and "Call"), hooligan and humorous "Tatar rap", Russian mischievous "Don't spoil" and, among others, of course, yard stories in a dynamic vein - “Road and Guitar-2”, “Letter”, “Sanka”. The next album - the fifth (not counting the numerous collections of the Best, Video and MP-3) - is called "Homeless Soul". It was released in 2006. The name alone emphasizes my condition. This is a state of searching, loving, worrying and rebelliousness - in the brightest understanding of these multi-tiered concepts. Famous songs - “Nastya”, “Night as night”, “Polm of gray eyes”, “I’ll be back”, “Yes or no”, “How will it be for you...”, “Let go of my heart” - are lyrical and a little sad, but still contain a bright ray of hope. And the compositions “Clear-Eyed” and “Tudym-Syudym (Shoferskaya)” are full of humor and Russian enthusiasm. In this album, which continues my musical and poetic traditions, I dare to hope that I have nevertheless revealed something new to the listener.

Now I'm recording a new album under the working title "Drinking to the Bottom!" We work in the studio - slowly, carefully and skillfully. And more professionally - I myself am gaining momentum as a sound producer, and my fellow musicians are skilled and powerful. So far 5 songs are ready. “I’m drinking to the bottom!”, “The stupid heart meowed” and “Tears are just water” are heard with success on the radio. Once again I'm trying to dive into the unknown. This album will be closer to the stage, very lyrical and, of course, diverse. There is a secret in the selection of songs for it - many of the compositions, by the way, are quite hit, I wanted to give to other performers. But while they were slowly thinking, I decided to sing them myself. And, as the vivid reaction of the listeners proves, it’s not in vain!

All of the above songs are performed at concerts, which I love very much for their direct contact with the audience. And also for the opportunity to sing something that is rarely heard on radio and TV, but is also worthy of attention - compositions with a guitar or keyboard. Something very personal, but so close to the hearts beating in the hall...
Melodic lyrics, Russian blues, dynamic songs, creative delights - all this excites me and does not allow me to stagnate. Life does not stand still, life goes on!
See you later, sincerely yours, Alexey Stepin.

Official website:

Igor Kokhanovsky: “The film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" I think it’s terrible"

He wrote poems to many Soviet hits. He is the author of the lyrics to many of our favorite hits. He is a close friend of Vysotsky. It was Vladimir Semyonovich who dedicated the songs “My friend went to Magadan”, “I recently received a letter” and others to him. Igor Kokhanovsky, in an interview with Radio Chanson, spoke about his work in the Kolyma mines, his new book and his friendship with Vladimir Vysotsky.

One of the hits of “Radio Chanson” performed by Slava “Tears washed away by sadness” has a video clip. Let me remind you that the song was written by poet Mikhail Gutseriev and composer Sergei Revtov. The filming of the video took place in the spring, in the center of Moscow. In a fantasy harem, the owner falls in love with his new concubine...

On July 3, 1936, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, the State Automobile Inspectorate was created in the country. The document says: “All street traffic must adhere to the following order: pedestrians give way to a hand cart, the cart to the cab driver, the cab driver to the car...

Remember how former Vice-Governor Albin came up with a fairy tale about cormorants pecking away at the roof of the stadium? This official nonsense was replaced by another topic. Now there's a seagull on the throne! This bird has seized power and is doing all kinds of shit. Already gnawed at everything that was left after the Cormorant. We need a deterrent system! Yes, it is at the stadium. He's screaming at the top of his lungs. An audio track simulating gunshots and bird calls should protect the stadium from seagulls pecking at the roof lining. But then the play takes a turn that...

So, Stepin Alexey, born on September 5, 1968. In the city of Kazan, in the family of a teacher and a doctor.

I don’t dare cover preschool and school details. In the biography on his website, even these distant seventies are described with vivid awe.

Kindergarten, first love, school, second love, music school, third, fourth and other “loves”. The first song written in the fifth grade.

Then transfer to a physics and mathematics school.

Revaluation of values ​​and renaming of all the above “loves” into one – “first love”.

After graduating from both educational institutions, he entered Kazan State University. The choice of a non-creative university was determined by many reasons. Again, for details, go to the website.

The time had come to join the army - and then Stepin turned out to be a “normal kid”, he didn’t mow down, but went to Azerbaijan - to serve in the air defense, to defend the USSR. And creative life did not end there.

Returned from the army. Strongly surprised by the changes in civilian life, he returned to university.

Best of the day

He wrote his first album in 1990 and was called “Farewell, goodbye, dear Kazan.” Some songs from this album in Kazan are recognized as folk songs, although they are his own, Alexey’s.

A naive and gentle album. Unfortunately, it survives only in fragments. Apart from the mischievous title song, all the rest are about love.

The university was finished. It was necessary to take decisive action. No sooner said than done.

It is probably easiest to say that until 1994 Stepin was engaged in various activities. In fact, in these post-perestroika years, few people had it sweet, including Stepin. At first I played in a restaurant, then, to put it mildly, I became disgusted. He was engaged in commerce, “near-commerce”, “instead of commerce”, etc., etc., etc., of course, he wrote songs.

“In the summer of 1992, the album “Hard Childhood” was released. Here, for the first time, one of the incarnations of AS was truly defined - the “lyrical tramp.” Even if it was on pirated cassettes, Stepin’s “Hard Childhood” managed to escape beyond the borders of Tatarstan. The song “Catwoman” won the republican radio competition.”

In 1995 he went to conquer Moscow. “There are zeros in the eyes, soot in the heart” - this is about that same 1995.

The torment lasted for more than a year. But this difficult year has yielded results.

At the end of 1995, an album in the “chanson” style was born, quite modern in sound. It was called "Don't cry, Anyuta" - 9 very different, but memorable compositions. At the professional studio "Soyuz" the songs were woven by wonderful musicians (Yaznur Garipov, Lenya Kaminer). And everyone who was interested in chanson appreciated and recognized the song of extraordinary power - “Dolyushka-share”. They shot a video for the song and, surprisingly, even played it on TV

In 1996, one of the brightest events was a trip to Tajikistan, to a hot spot. He performed in concerts. Maintained morale.

1997 was not sweet. A lot of work. Even without details.

In 1998, the idea was born to make a Russian project. Everything was going, albeit slowly, but it was going.

And then…

And then 1998.

Remind me? Financial and economic crisis in Russia.

Everything collapsed.

But Stepin could not be stopped.

In December 1999, Alexey Stepin went to Chechnya. And he performed concerts there.

After the war details, many songs about the war appeared.

To the Producer’s credit, it is worth saying that in the winter of 2000, thanks to someone’s veiled party campaign, another holy song from the album “Guli-Guli” was filmed. It's called "Kruchina". This song is about war, about loss, about life and death.

But they didn’t play it on TV for long, citing the fact that the song was very sad.

At the end of 2000, an interesting event happened. Stepin took part in Dmitry Shirokov’s wonderful program on Muz-TV - “Adult Songs”.

I recorded the songs created during my “time of wanderings” in the studio - in the new album “The Road and the Guitar”

Alexey opened the year 2001 and the New Century on Red Square in Moscow with his songs. Then - big festivals in St. Petersburg and Samara, solo performances in other cities of Russia. Produced and held the “Legends of Chanson” festival in Kazan (June 2001). Creates new compositions for different performers. Finally, he lives, breathes and loves...

The new album was released in July 2002, after seven months of burdensomeness on the part of the release company. Long awaited indeed! Twelve completely new songs and what kind!

In November 2003 he took part in the Ukrainian festival “Songs Sung by the Heart-3”.

Today Stepin is all about work! Prepares concerts, performs, writes songs.

I think that after reading such a biography, few people will turn their tongues and ask “help a novice performer.” A rolling stone gathers no moss. And Stepin’s life is the clearest proof of this.

Well, after such an “introduction to the course,” can we ask about the details?

Ask your questions. Alexey is an open and very kind guy. He will answer (will not go anywhere).

The first experience of a correspondence interview has already yielded results!

Krainova Yu.

Questions are accepted at [email protected]


1996 - “Don’t cry, Anyuta...”

1998 - "Guli-Guli"

2002 - “Road and Guitar”

2004 - “Road and Guitar - 2”