
Role-playing game: role and significance in child development. Role-playing game as a means of comprehensive development of the child. material on the topic of what develops the plot of role-playing games

A game is a product that children themselves create.

One of the characteristic features of a role-playing game is independent the nature of children's activities. They independently choose the topic, time, place, line of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, and the like. Each child is free to choose the means of embodying the image. Using imagination and fantasy, the child realizes his plan, this allows him to independently engage in those areas of human activity that in real life will be inaccessible to him for a long time. Uniting in a role-playing game, children choose partners of their own free will, set the game rules themselves, follow their implementation, and regulate relationships.

Guide to role-playing games preschool children assumes that the teacher influences the expansion of the themes of these games, enriches the content, and promotes children’s mastery of role-playing behavior.

Conditions for the emergence of a game concept and its implementation

are the following two components of the method:

timely change of the playing environment and communication with the child during the game.

The teacher changes the subject-play environment depending on the practical and play experience of the children: in younger groups he creates thematic sets, and in older groups he invites children to independently design the environment for the game using auxiliary materials, their own crafts, toys, substitute items, etc.

Children's participation in creating a gaming environment, the teacher’s careful attitude towards it influences the development of games. Children should be able to adapt and move furniture, i.e., independently organize and transform the play space.

At each age stage, the pedagogical process of organizing the game should be two-part character, including

Formation of gaming skills in joint play between a teacher and children

Creating conditions for independent children's play.

Requirements, which are necessary for the game to be educational in nature:

this is the child’s ability to act in an imaginary plan, which leads to the construction of an imaginary situation;

this is the child’s ability to navigate the system of human relationships, since the game is aimed precisely at their reproduction and the formation of real relationships between children playing;

this is the coordination of the actions of all participants in the game).

Role-playing games:

junior (middle) preschoolers:

“Mothers and Daughters”, “Barbershop”, “Steamboat”, “Bus”, “Hospital”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”, with cars and building materials; in the middle group, “Dining Room” and “Puppet Theater” are added

IN senior preschool age are added games such as “Pharmacy”, “Clinic”, “Beauty Salon”, “McDonald’s”, “Cosmonauts”, “We are Builders”, “Library”, “School”, paramilitary games, i.e. it all depends on the children’s gaming preferences)

Conditions necessary for the development of role-playing games:

appropriate subject-game environment,

certain knowledge on the topic of the game and the ability to implement it in practical activities,

a joint game between an adult and children, where the adult demonstrates examples of role-playing interaction in the form of role-playing dialogue, creating a game situation, etc.)

Techniques for leading a role-playing game:

-straight(role-playing participation in the game, participation in children’s collusion, explanations, showing assistance, advice in case of difficulties, etc.)

-indirect(didactic games, reading fiction, conversations about what they read, excursions and targeted walks, compiling albums, watching filmstrips, meeting people of different professions, making costume elements, attributes, etc.)
With children of primary preschool age, the teacher mainly uses direct guidance techniques, and with children of older preschool age, indirect management techniques)

Regulation is unacceptable in the game, since it is a children's initiative. It is characterized by freedom of action, self-regulation of the actions and actions of participants based on the rules they create.

Hygienic conditions organizing a role-playing game:

availability of play space,

providing a place and time for games,

availability of toys that are safe for life and health

Ways to include low-active children in role-playing games: provide support in the game,

promote to central roles

Prerequisites for the s/r game:

- introductory,

- display,

- plot-display

Stages of development of the s/r game :

-replay of actions,

- formation of role behavior,

- plot structure e

“The most important element of a story game is the role.” (D.B. Elkonin)

Mental processes, formed in the process of s/r play (attention, memory, thinking)

Components of the s/r game:



The creative nature of the game is determined by the presence plan.

Most often in the game the child takes on the role adult

Role-playing games with production plot (“shop”, “clinic”, “cafe”, “school”, “hair salon”, “car service”, etc.)

Role-playing games with socio-political plot (“to the war”, “to the Indians”, “to the rally”, “to the elections”, “to the rescuers”, etc.)

Plot - this is the diversity and interconnection of game actions, the relationships of children in the game.

One of principles organizing a role-playing game is presence of attributes .

The problems of role-playing games were dealt with by D.B. Elkonin, D.V. Mvdzheritskaya, P.G. Samorukova, N.E. Mikhailenko, E.V. Zvorygina and others. Role-playing game is one of the means of mental education, which involves the formation of symbolic actions.

A characteristic feature of the game is the use of substitute objects in it, taking on a role. The game deepens the analysis of the displayed phenomena. In the role-playing game, moral qualities of the individual (persistence, responsibility, kindness, honesty, independence, etc.), collective relationships (the ability to coordinate actions) are formed. Children gain emotional experience: empathy, experience. Children’s feelings in play, associated with the manifestation of initiative and creativity, are close to aesthetic feelings - this suggests that role-playing game is a means of aesthetic education. Role-playing play has an impact on the physical development of children: various movements are improved.

Role-playing game- the main type of game for a preschool child. The main components of a role-playing game: an imaginary situation, plot, roles.

Plot- children’s reflection in the game of certain actions, events, relationships in the life and activities of others. Therefore, the plots depend on the era, life, geographical and other conditions. The narrower the sphere of reality that children encounter, the more monotonous the plots of their games. The plot of the game consists of the following elements: action, characters, subject situation. The plots vary in thematic content and structure. The thematic content of the stories depends on the specific living conditions of children.

Depending on the number of elements and the type of connection between them, the following are distinguished: game plot structures:

1. Plots that include one character, one action in one subject situation. The connection of elements in this structure is determined by one subject situation.

2. Plots that include several characters with the same types of actions in one subject situation. The connection between the characters is determined by one objective situation.

3. Plots that include two complementary characters interacting in the same subject situation. The connection between plot elements is established as if through the functional interaction of characters.

4. Plots where, along with the functional interaction of characters, the relationships between them are specified.

Game action in form May be: subject-substituting, depicting, denoting.

The variety of plots and content determines the need to classify them: i) everyday games (family life, kindergarten); b) games on the theme of labor; c) games with social themes. A child’s construction of a plot is influenced by: the gaming culture of the play group of children in which he is included; gaming tradition.

The child strives for a joint social life with adults. This desire collides, on the one hand, with the child’s unpreparedness for its implementation, and on the other, with the growing independence of children. This contradiction is resolved in a role-playing game, as noted by T.V. Antonova, L.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin.

Each game has private motives: interest To one or another event; to actions with an object; desire for joint activities in the company of peers attractive to the child; inventing, fantasizing, creating a special reality in a game

Motives of the game are associated with the age of children and change throughout preschool childhood, determining the content of the game. Motives are formed under the influence of social factors and depend on impressions and knowledge that children receive from a variety of sources: everyday life experience; special, pedagogically organized familiarization with the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Role is a means of realizing the plot. Most often, the child takes on the role of an adult. In this case, the child identifies himself with this or that person, acts on his behalf, uses certain objects accordingly (drives a car like a driver, like a doctor gives an injection, sets a thermometer, etc.), enters into various relationships with others around him. (listens carefully to the patient, examines him, etc.). The role is reflected in actions, speech, facial expressions, pantomime. Children are selective about their roles: they take on the roles of those adults or children whose actions and actions caused the greatest emotional impression and interest. Most often this is a mother, teacher, teacher, doctor, driver, etc.

Thematic role-playing game appears on the threshold of the third year of a child’s life on the basis of object-based games. The main stages of its development were identified by D.B. Elkonin.

First stage. The main content of the game is actions with objects. They are carried out in a certain sequence, although this sequence is often disrupted. The chain of actions is plot-based. The main subjects are everyday ones. The actions are monotonous and often repeated. Roles are not defined. In form it is a side-by-side game or a single player game. Children willingly play with adults. Independent play for a short time. As a rule, the stimulus for the emergence of a game is a toy or a substitute object previously used in the game.

Second phase. As at the first level, the main content of the game is actions with an object. These actions unfold more fully and consistently in accordance with the role that is already denoted by the word. The sequence of actions becomes the rule. The first interaction between participants occurs based on the use of a common toy (or direction of action). Associations are short-term. The main subjects are everyday ones. The same game is repeated many times. Toys are not selected in advance, but children often use the same ones - their favorite ones. The game involves 2-3 people.

Third stage. The main content of the game is still actions with objects. However, they are complemented by actions aimed at establishing various contacts with playing partners. Roles are clearly defined and assigned before the game begins. Toys and objects are selected (most often during the game) in accordance with the role. The logic, nature of actions and their direction are determined by the role. This becomes the basic rule. The game often proceeds as a joint game, although interaction is interspersed with parallel actions of partners who are not related to each other and are not correlated with the role. The duration of the game increases. The plots become more diverse: children reflect everyday life, the work of adults, and vibrant social phenomena.

Fourth stage. The main content of the game is a reflection of the relationships and interactions of adults with each other. The themes of the games are varied; it is determined not only by the direct, but also by the indirect experience of children. Games are joint and collective in nature. Associations are stable. They are built either on children’s interest in the same games, or on the basis of personal sympathies and attachments. Games of the same content are not only repeated for a long time, but also develop, become enriched, and exist for a long time."

The game clearly distinguishes the preparatory stage: distribution of roles, selection of game material, and sometimes its production (homemade toys). The requirement to comply with the logic of life applies not only to actions, but also to all actions and role behavior of the participants. The number of people involved in the game increases to 5-6.

These levels reflect the general development of role-playing games, but in a particular age group adjacent levels coexist.

When directing role-playing games Educators are faced with the following tasks: developing games as an activity (expanding the themes of games, deepening their content); Using the game to educate a group of children and individual children, directing a role-playing game requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The teacher must direct the game without disturbing it, maintain the independent and creative nature of the game activity .

The development of the problem of pedagogical management of sveset-role-playing games began in the 30s (D.V. Mendzheritskaya, R.I. Zhukovskaya). Ways of targeted pedagogical influence on the content of children's games were identified in order to solve the problems of moral and mental education of preschoolers, methods for forming children's play, pedagogical aspects of combining different techniques were developed in order to develop the game and expand its influence on the child (T.A. Markova, A. I. Matusik, V. E. Voronova, A. A. Antsiferova, etc.).

In the 60s, A.P. Usova for the first time made children's real relationships the object of special research and, based on the study of play and the level of children's relationships, determined the ways of differentiated pedagogical influence on the development of play and positive relationships in preschoolers. In the 70s, research continued (R.A. Ivankova, N.E. Mikhailenko, V.I. Sudakova).

At the present stage, great attention is also paid to the problem of guiding the role-playing game of preschoolers (S.L. Novoselova, E.V. Zvorygina). In the development of this problem, one can highlight a direction that is characterized by rather strict regulation of the game (K.Ya. Voltsis); some authors allow the possibility of controlling the game using indirect techniques (N.V. Sedge, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya). At the same time, complex guidance of role-playing games is theoretically justified and applied in practice in kindergarten. It combines into a single whole the acquisition of knowledge by children about the world around them, which makes it possible to develop game plots, and the creation of conditions for the development of independence and creativity of children.

Used by the teacher leadership techniques Children's games can be conditionally divided into: methods of indirect influence and methods of direct guidance.

Indirect techniques- without direct intervention in the game (bringing in toys, creating a play environment before the start of the game).

Direct techniques- direct involvement of the teacher in the game (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, explanation, help, advice during the game, suggesting a new topic for the game, etc.).

Complex method The manual is a system of pedagogical influences that promote the development of children’s independent story-based play, based on its age characteristics and the potential development of the child’s intellect.

A comprehensive method of guiding the game includes interrelated components: familiarization with the environment in the active activity of the child; educational games; organization of an object-game environment; communication between an adult and children during play

Intensive personal development begins in preschool age. The baby acquires the first knowledge about his immediate surroundings. Primary ideas about other people and work are successfully formed.

The child receives the first skills of doing the right thing and the basics of a culture of behavior. The most important acquisition at this age stage of a child is the formation of his personal qualities, the positive or negative aspects of the character of a little person.

Foreign and Russian scientists note the important role of the educational process of a child of senior preschool age. Preschool education today is assigned a number of functions that, among other things, have national significance in society.

Before entering school, preschool children reach a high level in all areas of personal development. This concerns the level of formation of the physical, intellectual, aesthetic, and moral orientation of a preschool child.

Important personal aspects are revealed in activity. By the way, this is most effectively carried out within the framework of the preschooler’s leading activities.

For preschool children, the leading activity is play. In the course of organized management of games for preschoolers, mental processes and volitional efforts are strengthened. The child deeply assimilates moral norms and gains public and social experience.

Role-playing games are rightfully considered one of the most common types of gaming activities. of senior preschool age is active, independent, and freely interacts with children.

The role-playing type of game helps the child plunge into the adult world.

What is special about a role-playing game?

Gaming activities are always emotionally charged. Children of senior preschool age are enthusiastic and show their creative side in play, inventing and implementing their plans.

In a game of this type, there is always a specific fantasy situation, which children compose from a certain plot, invent and embody many roles. We will consider the structural components below.

Plot and types of game

The plot of the game consists of a number of different events, combined with each other, just like in real life. The game plot reveals the content. All performers of the plot have their own characters and are closely interconnected in the game space.

The plot can be revealed through games of everyday, professional and social themes.

In everyday games, children of senior preschool age play family; in games with a professional bent, children go “to work”, try on the role of a salesman, a doctor, etc.; In social games, children play school, library, etc.

Contents of the role-playing game

The game plan is influenced by the level of formation of primary ideas about people and their work.

Younger children, playing “doctor,” for example, take the temperature and examine the patient’s sore throat.

It has been noticed that in older groups, after preschoolers are actually vaccinated in the medical office, children begin to even more often choose a plot with such game content, and get vaccinated with a toy syringe.

It is very interesting when children begin to persuade dolls not to cry.

Three- and four-year-old children play using the characters of fairy tales, recalling books that a teacher or one of their parents read to them.

At 4-5 years of age, children show interest in games with a different content. For example, kindergarten games. The children pretend to eat and drink from toy dishes, smacking their lips and tapping with a spoon.

In older preschool age, the content and plot of the game are approached consciously. The plot features are drawn from cartoons and children's books.

What roles does the child take on in the game?

In preschool age, the child tries to control games and come up with interesting roles.

A three-year-old child begins to imagine himself as an adult and wants to act independently. While playing, he tries to act as adults, like parents, grandparents, do.

For example, girls take on the role of mother, put the dolls to sleep in the crib, and sing lullabies to them.

Boys usually play the role of dad, “go to work,” “earn money,” “drive a car.”

After “work” the kid shows how he “comes home” and “reads the newspaper.” Both girls and boys show with their voice, speech, and gestures that they are “big.”

Role-playing games - distinctive features

A distinctive feature of the game situation is that children are trying to mentally and verbally show their “adulthood”.

At the same time, their independence increases, which is a special feature of role-playing games.

The organization and features of the game helps children of older preschool age choose a playmate and create game rules.

Children strictly ensure that all participants strictly adhere to these rules.

What is the importance of role-playing play for the development of a preschooler?

When children obey the rules of the game, they develop the habit of doing well in different situations.

Children master moral standards, develop a positive view of the work of adults, and develop positive character traits.

The next favorable aspect of the game is the development of emotions in children. Emotional development in play is possible because games are always rich in emotions that a child may not have encountered in life.

Some psychologists still have questions about whether older preschool children experience similar emotions during play, or just pretend to feel?

It turns out that children portray playful feelings quite sincerely, without pretending. Children's feelings in the story are real and often leave their mark on the child's mind.

The child’s moral qualities are also successfully developed through play.

As a leading activity, play activity is important for the formation of the child’s emotional world and contributes to his assimilation of moral standards of behavior.

Significant transformations occur in a child of senior preschool age in the intellectual sphere, because in order for the organization of the game to become successful, it is necessary to come up with a plan, which is associated with mental development.

If the intellect is sufficiently well developed, then the plot of the game will be interesting and meaningful.

The features and duration of the game plot helps in the development of creativity. The plots of the games are not repeated, children come up with more and more new situations and fantasize.

At the same time, the preschooler’s imagination and thinking are developed.

When a child spends a long time in a play role, he delves into the meaning of what is being depicted.

Means of organizing role-playing games

To make the plot of the game more meaningful, it is necessary to use various toys and items from the play corner.

If children do not find suitable objects to carry out an action, then they easily replace some objects and toys with others and come up with the missing signs for them.

Role-playing games and speech development

A child’s play activity is unthinkable without the use of speech. Through words, a preschooler expresses his thoughts and feelings. The better a child’s speech is developed, the richer the game plot.

The plot is carried out through speech.

The development of play and speech are interconnected. The game contributes to the development of speech skills, which clearly appear during the game, but also gaming skills develop under the influence of speech. The baby comments on his play actions and expresses his thoughts.

The organization, features and significance of role-playing games in communication between preschoolers is great. Children take into account each other’s wishes, learn to defend their ideas, and interact with each other.

Guiding role-playing games in kindergarten

The game cannot develop on its own. For its development, it is necessary: ​​a clear methodology for its implementation and competent guidance from an adult.

Children of older preschool age do not have the life experience to translate invented stories into the play space. Role-playing games require coordinated actions of the participants.

The child’s plot-based play activity is not planned in advance and does not follow a rigid construction plan.

The characteristics of a story-based game are revealed through the freedom to choose the theme and content of the entire game. Each participant definitely wants the game to be interesting and harmonious.

It is for this purpose that the methodology for conducting and guiding the game is carried out by an adult, who directs plot situations for more effective and successful development of gaming skills in preschoolers.

Role-playing games begin by expanding familiar game situations. Gradually it takes on a new shade, the management of the games is weakened. Then you can come up with the course of the game action.

Inventing can and should be collaborative. Children of senior preschool age complement their friend’s idea and develop the theme. The teacher should ask what the children are playing and offer to compile the elements of the game and its structural capabilities.

At the preparatory stage, participants express types and their own versions of the game, showing initiative and creativity. It is important for the teacher to support children's statements, praising them for their creativity.

After about 5 minutes, you can choose the most meaningful situation from the proposed options, fantasize about the course of the game actions, and then the children can play completely independently.

Continuing to play independently, children of older preschool age proceed from an invented plot, creating similar game scenarios and roles. This reveals the components of creativity and collaboration.

So, the leading activity of preschoolers - play - is an effective means of comprehensive development of the child’s personality. In the game, the child gains useful knowledge about the surrounding reality in practice.

Like any creative activity, it brings joy to children, is of great importance and contributes to the development of all the qualities necessary for further learning.

Role-playing games are needed primarily to satisfy children’s needs for interesting leisure time.

Moreover, such leisure can become useful, contribute to individual development and the achievement of socially significant goals, but this largely depends on the position of the creator (or creators) of the game. Through the game, a teacher can achieve educational or training goals, but only when he himself takes part in the creation of role-playing games. It is the Goal that is the starting point from which the creation of the game begins.

The purpose of role-playing games for children under 6 years of age is to overcome fears, self-identification, develop basic adaptive skills, master the objective world, establish connections with other people, and prepare for school life.

The goal of any game lies outside the game situation, but in order to achieve the goal it is necessary to properly organize the interaction of children. Before starting the game, the teacher must clearly and briefly explain the rules of the game, tell the name of the game, talk about its content, and the children must choose roles. It must be remembered that there should be no negative roles in games, because children tend to transfer the game situation into real life and their relationship with peers in the group.

Objectives of the role-playing game:

  • 1. Develops interest and respect for different professions.
  • 2. Helps children establish interactions in joint play.
  • 3. Enriches vocabulary and develops children's speech.
  • 4. Develops communication skills.
  • 5. Teaches the basics of adaptation.
  • 6. Introduces you to the adult world.
  • 7. Conveys specific knowledge.
  • 8. Systematically enriches life experience.
  • 9. Gives children gaming experience and gaming skills.
  • 10. Helps explore the gaming environment through enriching life experiences
  • 11. Activates communication between adults and children during their play.

To study the more precise goals and objectives of a role-playing game, I took a specific game “Shop”. At first glance, nothing can be said about it except that the “shop” is a primitive role-playing game for children. Role-playing games that follow a “shop” type scenario are extremely important for developing communication skills in young children. The progress of the game promotes learning the skills of reasoned argument, logical justification of one’s choice, and a conscious approach to choosing a model of behavior. When one child persistently offers another to buy something, and the other finds a way to refuse, rest assured that the latter will certainly not be lost in life.

Goals of the role-playing game "Shop":

  • 1. Develop skills of behavior in public places;
  • 2. Teach how to handle when buying and selling goods;
  • 3. Reinforce words of gratitude and respect (please be kind, thank you, thank you, etc.);
  • 4. Learn to describe the desired product, noting its characteristic features;
  • 5. Develop the ability to cooperate with each other, distributing roles and performing game responsibilities;
  • 6. Enrich children's vocabulary: cash register, money, display case, packaging, cargo, cashier, salesman, etc.
  • 7. Practice counting

I believe that a necessary and obligatory element in the upbringing and education of preschool children is role-playing play. It helps the child acquire most of the qualities that subsequently contribute to his successful growth. Playing together gives children great pleasure; this is where the first shoots of friendship appear and the first experiences begin. As a result, play becomes an integral part of children’s lives and activities; children develop such qualities as activity, self-confidence, the ability to unite in small groups and, most importantly, make friends. In preschool childhood, play is the most important independent activity of a child and is of great importance for his physical and mental development, the formation of individuality and the formation of a children's team.

Consultation for parents

“What is a role-playing game and why you need to play with children”

Saukova Tatyana Yurievna

teacher of MKDOU No. 16,

Novosibirsk city

Role-playing game is an activity in which children take on certain functions of adults in imaginary play conditions specially created by them, they reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. The child learns not only to make contact and carry on a conversation with the interlocutor, but also to listen carefully, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express his thoughts.

The game is characteristic form of children's activity preschool age. In games, a child develops as a person. In role-playing games, relationships of cooperation, mutual assistance, care and attention to each other develop between children. In preschool age, children's communication becomes longer, and their games are varied. Transition to a new gaming form of communication, which is characterized by the child’s independence. In games, the child learns to perceive and transmit information, monitor the reaction of the interlocutor. At this age, the child’s social circle expands. Children in joint games look closely at each other, evaluate each other, and depending on such evaluations, they show or do not show mutual sympathy.

The child himself will not be able to learn to play role-playing games, and if he can, then his games will be poor in content and short in time. This happens because the child has not yet mastered the world around him. The child has not yet developed an idea of ​​the world in which adults exist. The more you play and give your child knowledge about adult life, the more varied and interesting his games will be.

What role-playing games can be organized at home and how can parents teach their child to play role-playing games?

At 5-7 years old The plots of the games become more detailed, and their detail appears. Children make more and more suggestions into the game, so the game becomes longer in time and more interesting in plot. Children take all events for games from real life.

The variety of games in the family will depend on the imagination and creative potential of the parents: someone will enthusiastically build a spaceship, someone will become a doctor and begin to treat toys, and someone will play with the child in the store or in the library. In this way, parents will introduce children to the world of situations encountered in everyday life, develop the child’s imagination, and also give children the opportunity to try on the role of an adult.

How much time should you devote to the game?

Each child is individual, so there are no time limits for playing the game. As a rule, any parent is able to understand at what point the child gets bored with the game and then there is no point in continuing it further.

The role of parents in the game

The most obvious influence of an adult on a role-playing game is its origin, when the parent has the opportunity to show how and what can be played. Considering that the child is prone to imitation, by giving direction to the role-playing game, the adult gets into his hands a powerful tool for influencing the child’s future inclinations, thus educating him.

Parents should remember three rules, valid when organizing games:

  1. The game should not be based on coercion.
  2. Play is a creative process; there is no need to force the child into rigid boundaries.
  3. Try to make the game develop.

The ability to start a game is just as important as the ability to stop it, or take it in a different direction. When asked how long to play role-playing games with a child, any psychologist will answer: “as much as he needs.”

If you notice that a child has been playing the same role-playing game for several weeks, for example, going to the store, while the game is not developing, and he is playing through the same plots, it’s time to intervene. First, you need to help develop the game, change the game situation, add, for example, new heroes. You can become a store director and announce that the store is opening a new department that will sell fresh baked goods. Invite your child to start baking bread, buns, and cakes. This way you will involve the child in a different situation.

Don't be overly afraid of repetitions: if a child who has “become a chef” fries pancakes for the second day, it’s not scary, he just remembers and practices the skill he has learned. Just quietly step away and let him develop the game himself. Encourage it.

The ability to hold onto a game is just as important as the ability to stop it or take it in a different direction.

The constant presence of an adult when a child is hunting for pirates is not at all necessary. The child must learn to develop his imagination and logical thinking independently. An adult is an observer who is able to change or correct the situation. The adult is a powerful but secondary character in role-playing games compared to the child, who is certainly the main character.

Also it is reasonable for an adult to intervene if the game becomes too cruel and angry, heroes turn into villains. But don’t rush to run to your “monster” and stop the game! Remember whether you explained to him the concepts of good and evil, good and bad. After all, all these concepts are not the simplest of things that a preschooler should understand. Take a closer look at what kind of heroes he has turned into: maybe this “monster” is not evil at all? In modern cartoons, external images and even names are deceptive. Therefore, try to control the literature and entertainment that your child receives. And if he’s already “stuck” to some dubious cartoon, watch it with your child. Your fragmentary remarks about the behavior of the heroes, rest assured, will be remembered. If it is obvious that the child is deliberately playing a cruel and evil game, let him speak out, maybe this is accumulated aggression and it needs a way out. Think about its nature. Then get your child interested in a new and interesting game.

Games children play

By how and what a preschooler plays, one can superficially judge his development, and also not demand too much from him in the game.

Perhaps the most ancient role-playing game is family game. Usually the child himself begins to play it, and the parent is only required to control it, and also try to understand how he evaluates his parents and loved ones, and whether there are any problems.

The game of “family” is appropriate for both a regular family evening and a fun time with guests. To begin, distribute roles between participants. Moreover, a child can also be a father, and a real mother can play the role of a little daughter. Role attributes will help you get into the role: clothes, toys, personal belongings, etc. It is important to talk through the main actions of a particular role before starting the game. For example, dad goes to work, helps with household chores, repairs furniture, and makes crafts. Mom is the housewife, cooks food, washes, cleans, looks after the children. The child plays, goes to kindergarten, helps his mother, plays pranks. There may also be a grandfather, grandmother, aunt, dog, cat, etc. in the family.

Family can be played in different ways. It all depends on the mood and imagination. You can play not only as a “real” family, but also as a “doll” or “animal” one.

Through child's role play can be introduced to various professions, especially if their representative is one of the parents. Classic examples: playing firefighters, doctors, policemen, etc.

A role-playing game can be carry out even in the most limited space(for example, in a car, during a long journey). For this you have enough... hands. Remember: the thumb and middle finger are the legs, and the index finger is the head. One or two, and the little men are ready, come up with roles for them and go ahead, overcome a variety of obstacles. The big advantage of this game is the possibility of physical contact between the parent and the child.

It is also very important to help or at least not interfere with the construction of a house for a child - under a table covered with a cloth, from chairs - there are a lot of options. Even adults need a space for privacy where they can feel protected, but this is especially important for a preschooler. This is a place that he can perceive as “his own,” which he cannot feel, even in his own room.

If a child does not want to go to kindergarten, then during the game “Kindergarten” parents will understand what exactly their child does not like. One has only to carefully observe exactly how the child plays: what he says on behalf of the teacher, nanny, and other children. In this way, you will definitely find out what worries the baby most - a disturbing situation in the game will definitely appear.


— try to gradually complicate the games so that the child develops.

- create a home game system with your child. Some games are played by dad, others by mom, some by grandparents, and some are recommended to be played by the whole family.

- try to introduce elements of competition even into role-playing games

- show attention and respect to all children's games

- show initiative and desire to participate in the game

- empathize with the child’s feelings

- dads need to play with their child at least 20 minutes a day

— the location for the role-playing game is not of fundamental importance

- games should be repeated periodically so that the child understands what he has learned.

Good luck, dear parents!