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The concept of “plot-role-playing game. “Role-playing games” (from work experience) Role-playing games for child development

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Consultation for parents

“What is a role-playing game and why you need to play with children”

Saukova Tatyana Yurievna

teacher of MKDOU No. 16,

Novosibirsk city

Role-playing game is an activity in which children take on certain functions of adults in imaginary play conditions specially created by them, they reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. The child learns not only to make contact and carry on a conversation with the interlocutor, but also to listen carefully, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express his thoughts.

The game is characteristic form of children's activity preschool age. In games, a child develops as a person. In role-playing games, relationships of cooperation, mutual assistance, care and attention to each other develop between children. In preschool age, children's communication becomes longer, and their games are varied. Transition to a new gaming form of communication, which is characterized by the child’s independence. In games, the child learns to perceive and transmit information, monitor the reaction of the interlocutor. At this age, the child’s social circle expands. Children in joint games look closely at each other, evaluate each other, and depending on such evaluations, they show or do not show mutual sympathy.

The child himself will not be able to learn to play role-playing games, and if he can, then his games will be poor in content and short in time. This happens because the child has not yet mastered the world around him. The child has not yet developed an idea of ​​the world in which adults exist. The more you play and give your child knowledge about adult life, the more varied and interesting his games will be.

What role-playing games can be organized at home and how can parents teach their child to play role-playing games?

At 5-7 years old The plots of the games become more detailed, and their detail appears. Children make more and more suggestions into the game, so the game becomes longer in time and more interesting in plot. Children take all events for games from real life.

The variety of games in the family will depend on the imagination and creative potential of the parents: someone will enthusiastically build a spaceship, someone will become a doctor and begin to treat toys, and someone will play with the child in the store or in the library. In this way, parents will introduce children to the world of situations encountered in everyday life, develop the child’s imagination, and also give children the opportunity to try on the role of an adult.

How much time should you devote to the game?

Each child is individual, so there are no time limits for playing the game. As a rule, any parent is able to understand at what point the child gets bored with the game and then there is no point in continuing it further.

The role of parents in the game

The most obvious influence of an adult on a role-playing game is its origin, when the parent has the opportunity to show how and what can be played. Considering that the child is prone to imitation, by giving direction to the role-playing game, the adult gets into his hands a powerful tool for influencing the child’s future inclinations, thus educating him.

Parents should remember three rules, valid when organizing games:

  1. The game should not be based on coercion.
  2. Play is a creative process; there is no need to force the child into rigid boundaries.
  3. Try to make the game develop.

The ability to start a game is just as important as the ability to stop it, or take it in a different direction. When asked how long to play role-playing games with a child, any psychologist will answer: “as much as he needs.”

If you notice that a child has been playing the same role-playing game for several weeks, for example, going to the store, while the game is not developing, and he is playing through the same plots, it’s time to intervene. First, you need to help develop the game, change the game situation, add, for example, new heroes. You can become a store director and announce that the store is opening a new department that will sell fresh baked goods. Invite your child to start baking bread, buns, and cakes. This way you will involve the child in a different situation.

Don't be overly afraid of repetitions: if a child who has “become a chef” fries pancakes for the second day, it’s not scary, he just remembers and practices the skill he has learned. Just quietly step away and let him develop the game himself. Encourage it.

The ability to hold onto a game is just as important as the ability to stop it or take it in a different direction.

The constant presence of an adult when a child is hunting for pirates is not at all necessary. The child must learn to develop his imagination and logical thinking independently. An adult is an observer who is able to change or correct the situation. The adult is a powerful but secondary character in role-playing games compared to the child, who is certainly the main character.

Also it is reasonable for an adult to intervene if the game becomes too cruel and angry, heroes turn into villains. But don’t rush to run to your “monster” and stop the game! Remember whether you explained to him the concepts of good and evil, good and bad. After all, all these concepts are not the simplest of things that a preschooler should understand. Take a closer look at what kind of heroes he has turned into: maybe this “monster” is not evil at all? In modern cartoons, external images and even names are deceptive. Therefore, try to control the literature and entertainment that your child receives. And if he’s already “stuck” to some dubious cartoon, watch it with your child. Your fragmentary remarks about the behavior of the heroes, rest assured, will be remembered. If it is obvious that the child is deliberately playing a cruel and evil game, let him speak out, maybe this is accumulated aggression and it needs a way out. Think about its nature. Then get your child interested in a new and interesting game.

Games children play

By how and what a preschooler plays, one can superficially judge his development, and also not demand too much from him in the game.

Perhaps the most ancient role-playing game is family game. Usually the child himself begins to play it, and the parent is only required to control it, and also try to understand how he evaluates his parents and loved ones, and whether there are any problems.

The game of “family” is appropriate for both a regular family evening and a fun time with guests. To begin, distribute roles between participants. Moreover, a child can also be a father, and a real mother can play the role of a little daughter. Role attributes will help you get into the role: clothes, toys, personal belongings, etc. It is important to talk through the main actions of a particular role before starting the game. For example, dad goes to work, helps with household chores, repairs furniture, and makes crafts. Mom is the housewife, cooks food, washes, cleans, looks after the children. The child plays, goes to kindergarten, helps his mother, plays pranks. There may also be a grandfather, grandmother, aunt, dog, cat, etc. in the family.

Family can be played in different ways. It all depends on the mood and imagination. You can play not only as a “real” family, but also as a “doll” or “animal” one.

Through child's role play can be introduced to various professions, especially if their representative is one of the parents. Classic examples: playing firefighters, doctors, policemen, etc.

A role-playing game can be carry out even in the most limited space(for example, in a car, during a long journey). For this you have enough... hands. Remember: the thumb and middle finger are the legs, and the index finger is the head. One or two, and the little men are ready, come up with roles for them and go ahead, overcome a variety of obstacles. The big advantage of this game is the possibility of physical contact between the parent and the child.

It is also very important to help or at least not interfere with the construction of a house for a child - under a table covered with a cloth, from chairs - there are a lot of options. Even adults need a space for privacy where they can feel protected, but this is especially important for a preschooler. This is a place that he can perceive as “his own,” which he cannot feel, even in his own room.

If a child does not want to go to kindergarten, then during the game “Kindergarten” parents will understand what exactly their child does not like. One has only to carefully observe exactly how the child plays: what he says on behalf of the teacher, nanny, and other children. In this way, you will definitely find out what worries the baby most - a disturbing situation in the game will definitely appear.


— try to gradually complicate the games so that the child develops.

- create a home game system with your child. Some games are played by dad, others by mom, some by grandparents, and some are recommended to be played by the whole family.

- try to introduce elements of competition even into role-playing games

- show attention and respect to all children's games

- show initiative and desire to participate in the game

- empathize with the child’s feelings

- dads need to play with their child at least 20 minutes a day

— the location for the role-playing game is not of fundamental importance

- games should be repeated periodically so that the child understands what he has learned.

Good luck, dear parents!

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! Are you tired of the “role-playing” theme yet? I hope not. I haven’t said everything yet :)) Let’s think together about how role-playing games affect a child’s development?

Everything seems to be clear: we have the props, we know the plots, we know how to organize an effective space. By the way, there is good material - an electronic manual specifically about role-playing activities. Everything is presented competently, clearly and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Attached educational disk will be useful not only for young specialists, but also for experienced educators.

The importance of role-playing games in the life of a preschooler can hardly be overestimated. But along with the positive effect, one can also observe a negative one. I myself saw how children, imagining a family feast, placed skittles on the table that represented bottles, drank “beer” and conducted appropriate dialogues. This behavior is especially typical for children from disadvantaged families. They reproduce a familiar everyday situation.

Remember how in Yeralash the boy asked the hooligan street servant: “Teach me bad things”? If you look at this plot not as a funny anecdotal incident, then the question arises: why does the boy so much not want to be good? What is the parents' mistake?

By the way, I will award one point for your most successful versions, and at the end of the year active readers will receive a prize! I'm not kidding!!!

Why did I remember “Yeralash”? The fact is that the influence of role-playing games on a child’s development is very great; we cultivate positive qualities through imaginary situations. But is it right to instill in children an idealistic idea of ​​the world, family relationships, and everyday situations through staged fun?

Is it necessary to replay, for example, how a postal worker can be rude, how dad came home from work in a bad mood, how the store gave the wrong change or slipped a stitched item? What do you think of it?

We, teachers, know how role-playing play influences the development of preschool children, and what its role is in the successful socialization of children after kindergarten. But a lot of questions remain, don't they?

How to properly organize a role-playing lesson to ensure its maximum effectiveness?

Sukhomlinsky V.A. himself emphasized the enormous importance of role-playing games in the development of a preschooler and said that games are a bright window into the world, a spark that ignites a spark of curiosity in a child. Our task is to create conditions for children to fully engage in activities, taking into account the characteristics of different age groups. The teacher prompts, guides, and at the same time motivates the kids to show initiative, imagination, and intelligence.

The positive influence of competent role-playing socializing games affects, first of all, the internal emotional state of children. The child should be comfortable in ordinary life situations. He must know how to behave in a store, guests, clinic, school. He should not be frightened by new prospects, situations, people. Educators and parents are obliged to prepare children for real social processes in a playful way.

But, in my opinion, you shouldn’t go to extremes - offering an ideal “fairy-tale” plot or a too realistic one with sad facts from our everyday life.

Maybe I'm wrong? How do you construct the plots of role-playing activities?

A teacher can strengthen the importance of socializing plot-role-playing children's educational games in preschool age by taking upon himself the leadership and organization of various everyday situations. Kids quickly lose interest, but we can whip up excitement by suggesting new stories for a role-playing event.

What exactly is the significance of role-playing games for younger preschoolers? Through staged everyday scenes, we educate children in the ability to navigate the world around them, evaluate and make the right decisions in everyday situations.

In addition, “make-believe” activities develop imagination and help enrich life experience and vocabulary.

The influence of standard role-playing children's games on the development of a sense of goodwill, politeness, sympathy, and caring is great.

A child, imagining that he is treating a bear, feeding it, taking it for a walk, is not just spending time aimlessly. He learns to live among people and perform social functions. What a child is like in play, so he will be in independent life.

What happens if you don’t play role-playing games with your child?

Why did such a concept as a role-playing game arise? The fact is that as the child’s liberation from non-child labor and from full participation in the lives of adults grew, the importance of play also increased. By playing life stories, the baby pretends to be introduced into the activities and activities of the adult world, since in reality this is almost impossible.

So, if children are not taught to play, if they are not offered a variety of themes and plots, and if they do not develop their imagination, then television and the computer will teach children to play. Our parents practically didn’t play with us, but they taught us this in kindergarten, in the yard, at school.

Today, more and more attention is paid to educational activities to the detriment of gaming activities. Since children have an innate need to play, they use primitive and often negative stories from the source that is available to them. If parents don’t play with their children, there’s no one to play with in the yard, and the child doesn’t go to kindergarten, then what’s left? Television and Internet.

Leading teachers of our time understand the tragedy of the situation, which is why they so persistently implement their developments in story-based games in preschool institutions. We try to play with children as much as possible, we instill in parents the importance of this issue, but we are not omnipotent. What a child does at home is up to the parents!

Game of spiderman, Smesharikov, supermen, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles– this is not a full-fledged plot-role-playing game, since it is completely divorced from real life and does not contain anything useful or developing. There is no place for love, compassion, or decency in them. On the contrary, sheer violence, oppression, ridicule, even death.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Potapova
Role-playing game: role and significance in child development

« Story-based role-playing game, role and significance in child development»

In life baby preschool age a game occupies one of the leading places. A game for him - the main type of activity, a form of organization of life, a means of comprehensive development.

For most children, the kindergarten group is the first children's society where they acquire initial skills in collective relationships. We need to teach baby live by common interests, obey the demands of the majority, and show kindness to peers.

Role-playing game is that game, which helps to cultivate these qualities in children. Role-playing game is closely connected not only with individual functions (perception, memory, thinking, imagination, but also with the personality as a whole.

The pedagogical value of the game lies in the fact that during the game, in addition to the relationships dictated plot taken upon himself role or rules, a different kind of relationship arises - no longer conditional, but real, valid, regulating real relationships between children. In Game it turns out: how does it relate child to the successes or failures of game partners, whether he enters into conflicts with other participants in the game, whether he is ready to help a friend, whether he is attentive to other participants in the game, how accurate he is in fulfilling his role. Role-playing activities captivate children so much that they sometimes perceive them as real actions. The game helps the child overcome one’s weakness, manage oneself, creates conditions for practicing work skills and moral behavior skills.

During the game child independently establishes relationships with the team, and develops collectivist character traits. Subject to reasonable organization the game is a school of life, school of work and communication with people. The playful communication between the teacher and the children allows him to direct the course of the game and manage the relationship between them. Every kindergarten teacher is faced with the task of creating a friendly, organized team, teaching children play.

Joint play activities help children develop organization and responsibility, the ability to control their actions and coordinate them with other children. In progress child game plot development acquires activity planning skills, develops creative imagination necessary in other activities. Skill playing is crucial to develop activity, initiative, determination and other qualities that are then necessary for successful schooling and future work.

Role teacher in conducting role-playing game

There are various role-playing game plots which teachers can conduct with children in kindergarten, or in which children can play by yourself.

Games can be purely improvised or have a pre-thought-out script. In the second case, the game is led by a teacher who will assign roles, explain the rules, and show how the players interact with each other. However, psychologists say that this is far from the best option for development of preschool children.

primary goal plot-wise– role play in kindergarten - development creative and communication skills baby who should teach him to make decisions, make and justify his choices. When children are plot-wise– role play is carried out only by the instructions of the teacher, a game turns into a workout that does not promote either memorization of information, or communication, or child's entertainment, A Means, are of no use. "Family", "Shop", "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Salon", "Crossroads", – the list of games for children is quite large. Role The teacher should limit herself to pushing children to choose games that would be interesting to everyone, and not impose on them any scenarios or strict limits of behavior. It is important to supervise that children played by the rules.

The main goals and tasks that the teacher performs when conducting plot-role-playing games: teach child play, promote the unification of children in play; tactfully guide the choice of games, teach children to follow the rules during the game, and cultivate a sense of goodwill. In order to the game evolved it is necessary to give children knowledge about the environment, to promote development of imagination.

In the group for plot-wise-role-playing games should be created objectively- development environment, which is filled with all the necessary toys and attributes. However for development It’s not enough to just equip the group well with game material. It is also necessary to have a variety of knowledge and impressions about the surrounding reality, which children reflect in their play. Enrichment of gaming stories Contribute to excursions and targeted walks, thematic conversations, stories about professions, display of illustrations, didactic and theatrical games. All these forms of interaction between the teacher and child become the content of preliminary work that prepares child to play. The teacher’s task is to direct children to enrich play activities, to development of the game plot.

Let's consider the algorithm for playing games using the example of the game "Daughters - Mothers".

Stage one. Preparation.

"Daughters - Mothers" This is a very conventional name for a game that talks about family, its life and relationships. Play Dad and son can do it too. We don't need such careful planning here. The essence of the relationship between parents and children the child sees every day. And there is no need to specifically specify the rules here, nor do you need to plan the game in advance. You can roughly specify plot, for example, let it be a day in the life at the dacha. Remember how you spend such days, discuss roles, perhaps your the child will want to play at all himself with the help of two or those dolls.

Stage two. A game.

Unleash your imagination baby. Join the game at any time if child plays by himself. Many parents, watching such a game from the outside, see what a relationship with child, because in such a game, child loses exactly what he sees every day. You can take over role of daughter or son, giving child's role as mom or dad. See how the character you play behaves child playing? Don't you recognize anyone? Take a closer look, this character looks like you.

Stage three. Discussion of the game.

After game over, discuss whether everything was logical, whether it turned out that the characters first had dinner, then went swimming and only after that had breakfast. If yes, discuss why this happened, what was illogical. You can be right on your heels replay an illogical fragment, discuss what could be different and plan what you want to add to the plot in the next game.

Positive results in work can be achieved by working in close contact with parents, enriching them with knowledge about the features of gaming activities baby. In order to choose the right direction in working with parents, you can carry out a series of consultations: « Child and his toys» , « Play with your children» , « Role modern toys in children's lives". All this work contributed development parents have an interest in children's play activities.

Methodological literature:

Boychenko N. A. et al. « Plot-wise- role-playing games for preschoolers".

N. V. Krasnoshchekova « Plot-wise– role-playing games for preschool children".

Children's growing up goes through numerous stages, and at each of them children are accompanied by role-playing games. The baby plays with toys unconsciously, first by himself, and then with his peers. Since his entire perception of the world around him occurs in the game process, this type of activity is very important for harmonious development.

Characteristics of role-playing game

The way children perceive the surrounding reality forms the basis of any role-playing game. They try on the role of adults, based on their own experience, that is, on how they see it. Even at the age of 2-3 years, children begin to get interested in toys, and this is the very first manifestation of the need for this type of activity. The older he gets, the more serious the actions become.

The importance of role-playing games in the life of a preschooler cannot be underestimated. Everyone needs it, because through it the mental, personal and intellectual development of a small personality occurs. With the help of games, children can independently cope with various phobias (fear of the dark, dogs, doctors, communication with peers) without the intervention of a psychologist.

Such forms of play perfectly adapt a little person to new conditions for him - moving to another place of residence, entering school. The purpose of the role-playing game is to help the little one get comfortable in the world of adults. He is still far from reaching this age, but this is an advantage - over the years of such activities, children have time to learn how adults should behave in a given situation, and this will help them in the future. The structure of a role-playing game consists of a role, content and plot. Each of the components has a specific role, and they are all significant:

  1. The plot is the sphere of human activity that is played out during the game. It could be a family, a school, the police, a kindergarten - everything is like in real life.
  2. At first, the child chooses roles for himself. Afterwards, they are distributed among the participants, and everyone wants to perform the one they like best.
  3. The content depends both on the age of the players and on their life experience. Role-playing game is a conscious action that is performed in a certain order by agreement of the participants.

Types of role-playing games for preschoolers

Adults are mostly just observers and do not interfere with the action. What role-playing games for children to choose are decided by the participants themselves. They are divided into five main varieties, but can also be mixed:

  1. Staged games. In them, the little one himself is the director of his actions. He speaks on his own behalf, or on behalf of the toy, according to the scenario he himself invented.
  2. Social games will be complete when toys for role-playing games for children are available. To play out the plot on the theme “hospital”, “transport”, and others, you will need appropriate props.
  3. There are less common games with a patriotic or heroic theme. In them, children can be brave soldiers, famous astronauts.
  4. Story-based role-playing game can display cartoons or fairy tales with the participation of characters from them - Mickey Mouse, the Evil Wizard - it is called fairy-tale.
  5. Household themes one of the children’s favorites is “home” or “family”, which demonstrate the true relationships in the child’s family.

Role-playing game "Shop"

Someday the time will come when a child will go to the nearest store for the first time to buy bread. Preparation for this important task begins in advance. For this purpose, similar role-playing games for preschoolers are used:

  1. Inventory. To play you will need vegetables and fruits, scales, money, and an apron for the seller.
  2. Target. The role-playing game “Shop” is needed in order to improve children’s knowledge of the names of vegetables and fruits, and to help them learn about the intricacies of the seller’s profession.
  3. Move. The seller puts on an apron and cap and weighs the fruit that the buyer has asked for. He pays the money and puts the purchases in his bag.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Many preschool children are afraid to go to the doctor. Imitating various situations that occur at a doctor’s appointment, in a manipulation room, or at a dentist will help in overcoming fear:

  1. Inventory. You will need the appropriate attributes - a doctor's cap, a phonendoscope, a spatula, an ENT mirror, a hammer for a neurologist, a plastic syringe and cotton wool.
  2. Target. The role-playing game "Hospital", the purpose of which is to introduce the purpose of the doctor's tools, can help children learn to act according to the storyline. A positive aspect will be a decrease in the fear of the doctor.
  3. Move. Using such components of a role-playing game as plot, roles and content, the teacher invites the children to divide into doctors and patients. The first ones arm themselves with instruments, after which they receive patients.

Role-playing game "Family"

Girls and boys love to copy the relationship between mom and dad. The plot-role-playing game “Family”, the goal of which is the ability to correctly distribute roles, helps you understand your role in society:

  1. Inventory. This game doesn’t require much; a doll as a baby, a toy stroller and utensils – dishes, a broom, a dustpan – will be enough.
  2. Target. The main task is to reveal the inner world of a preschooler and teach interaction between family members.
  3. Move. Children themselves regulate the scenario, according to their ideas about behavior within the family.

Role-playing game "Barbershop"

Little girls want to be like their beauty-conscious mothers. This desire needs to be developed. The role-playing game “Barbershop,” the goal of which is to develop knowledge about the profession, will also interest boys:

  1. Inventory. Bottles of shampoo, hairspray, combs and hairpins.
  2. Target. During the game, children learn many new terms, such as “curlers”, “styling” and this expands their vocabulary. They are also taught how to behave in public places.
  3. Move. A client comes to the hairdresser and gets his hair done using a comb and pins.


Preparation for school life should begin long before the first grade. Playing out the lesson process will help with this, when the future student has the opportunity to feel like both a student and a teacher:

  1. Inventory. The attributes for the role-playing game “School” are simple. You will need a board, a pointer, glasses and a bell. “Schoolchildren” need books, notebooks, a backpack and pens.
  2. Target. Classes help make children’s concept of school more concrete, rather than abstract, and overcome fear.
  3. Move. The teacher invites students to class by ringing the bell. Children sit quietly, raise their hands, and do not play around.

Role-playing game "Atelier"

The girls enjoy practicing cutting and sewing using a small children's sewing machine. Boys can act as models. This non-standard play activity, like others, contributes to the socialization of the child:

  1. Inventory. The necessary attributes for the role-playing game “Atelier” are available in every kindergarten. These are irons, ironing boards, dolls and clothes for them. Additionally, you can purchase a measuring meter, paper and scissors for patterns.
  2. Target. Children are helped to establish relationships with each other and are introduced to the basics of cutting and sewing - what the studio workers do.
  3. Move. The kids come up with a pattern, cut it out and pretend to sew a dress for the doll.

Role-playing game "Cafe"

The ability to behave in public places will be useful for a future adult. The role-playing game “Cafe” will help him with this, the attributes of which will be found in every kindergarten group:

  1. Inventory. You will need: a tray, a tea set, toy cakes, fruit, a toy menu, and overalls.
  2. Target. In the process, children learn to carefully serve and treat each other with respect.
  3. Move. The participants in the action are the waiter, visitors, and cook. Everyone is busy with their own business, the ultimate goal of which is quality service to the population.


You need to learn proper behavior on the road from an early age. For this purpose, various events are held, including the role-playing game “Road Rules”:

  1. Inventory. You will need a drawn or drawn zebra crossing, a traffic light, and a traffic controller's stick.
  2. Target. During the game, children learn how to behave correctly on the street, where to cross the road, and become familiar with traffic lights.
  3. Move. Children are divided into pedestrians, drivers, and traffic controllers. The teacher tells the rules, and boys and girls play out imaginary situations.

Analysis of role-playing games

The main indicator of the development of role-playing games is its sequential action, which is regulated by the children themselves. That is, the process begins, then its main part occurs, and then it logically ends. Children may have some difficulties and the teacher’s task is to eliminate misunderstandings. Observing the children from the outside and intervening if necessary, the teacher analyzes the behavior of the participants.

Diagnosis of role-playing play reveals difficulties in relationships between children - whether they are friendly with each other, whether they know how to act together and help each other. Observing children helps to understand whether they have problems in relationships with adults. Based on the knowledge gained, teachers should correct behavioral inconsistencies at an early age.

Not only teachers, but also parents can successfully use this method of communication with their child as a method to diversify leisure time. So, you can unexpectedly learn a lot of new things and even see yourself from the outside in the actions, deeds and owls of toy cats or dolls. It is especially useful to spend time in this way for those who, for some reason, do not attend kindergarten and rarely communicate with peers.