
Lyubov Ryzhkova. Magic Primer. Letter L. Literacy training “Sounds, and the letter L”

At the beginning of our online lesson we will hold a tongue twister championship. Who is faster and clearly will say:

Lenya climbed the ladder, plucked Lena peaches.

Well done! What sound was there in the tongue twister? …Right, [l].

Say it. Is he a vowel or consonant? Hard or voiced?

What words do you know in sound [l]?….

Compare: lemon and light bulb. What is the conclusion? Yes, it is soft and hard.

1. Assignment - game “Catch the sound” . Clap your hands if you hear a sound [l].

[s], [h], [l], [h], [sh], [f], [l], moon, swallow, fell, waved, woodpecker, nightingale, ..

2.   On this street there can only be houses where pictures live, in the name of which there is a sound [l].  Select pictures and settle in this house. In the first entrance will live those where [l]  first, in the second, where [l]  at the end, and in the attic those where [l]  In the middle.

3.   In this room lives [l].  Find objects in the room whose names contain sound [l].

4.   Building - the game "Riddles of Sound [l]»

- There is a rack in the room L.  First name what is on the top shelf, then on the bottom and at the end on the rest.

Now L  will ask you questions. Try to answer them correctly.

- What is between the apple and the onion? (Beet)
  - What is to the left of the doll and above the apple? (Yula)
  - What is under the bow and to the right of the spoon? (Hammer)
  - What is between the shoulder blade and the hammer? (Bow)
  - What is under the broom and above the fork? (Apple)

5.   Repeat the syllables and words several times:

al Ball Val Mal Pal Hall

ol bol ox mole paul angry

ul bul vul mul pool zul

yelled was howled washed soap ardor

il beat il mil drank zil

ate bel led chalk sang zel

yal bjal sagging

6. Pure words:

Al-al-al - the pencil case fell to the floor, ol-ol-ol - the pencil case fell to the floor.

Ul-ul-ul - the pencil case fell on a chair, yl-yl-yl Pavel forgot the pencil case.

7. Say it clearly

  • Laika with a lap-dog barked loudly.
  • Scarf in the tent, on the patch patch.
  • Bela had a balalaika and white - a white husky.

8. Speak the word

Gray wolf in a dense forest

Met redhead ... (fox).

In the summer in the swamp you will find it all.

Green quack. Who is it?.. (Frog)

In an open field near a birch

Stripes are visible in the snow.

The fox came closer:

Someone was running here ... (skiing).G. Sapgir

Tricky cheat

Red head

Fluffy tail is beautiful.

Who is this? .. (A fox).

Quietly snowing,

White snow, shaggy.

We will clear the snow and ice

In the courtyard… (with a shovel).

On the bench at the gate

Lena bitterly tears ... (pouring).

Rain, funny

We are friends with you!

Ok we run

Barefoot by ...   (puddles).

In the forest we are in the swamp

You will always find us everywhere:

In the clearing, at the edge

We are green ... (frogs).

Made everyone cry around

Although not a brawler, but ... (bow).


Get to know the letter L. The letter L has both the Moon and the Ladder to get the Moon.

1. Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

2 . Find the hidden letters L. Circle them.

3.   Color only those flags on which the letter L   spelled correctly.

4.   Identify the letter in the wrong position.

5. Color only those light bulbs on which the letter is written L.

6.   Colorize capital letter  blue, and the little green. Shade the letter in the pattern. Find and color the letter L   left.

7. Combine with the letter L   only items whose names begin with sounds [l], [l`].

8 . Underline the same letter as the bottom left of the picture. Circle all letters L   on right.

9.   Connect the dots in numerical order and color what happened. What is the difference between squares?

10 . Find all the letters L in the pictures, show them with a pointer and name them.

11. And r "Magic chain"

1. Change only one letter in the words, but so that new words also begin with the letter “l”: liver ( leader), a boat ( a spoon), lotto ( summer), mite ( tape), face ( bow, hatch, varnish).

2. Change the first letter in the words and get new words: lei - pei - bay; modeling - turnip - sliver; scrap - tom - house - som - com; varnish - poppy - cancer - tank.

12. And r "Compose the word"

Answer: vine, spade, moose.

13. And r and "Ladder"

14. Crossword

Answer: a fox


The alphabet will continue our
  Letter L   - forest hut.

Take a brown pencil and paint over the parts of the picture where you see the letters   L.

16. We are writing ...



Tongue Twisters

1. Aground we found a burbot.

2. Lenya climbed the ladder, plucked Lena peaches.

3. People cherish bread in the fields, do not spare forces for bread.

4. Lara at Lyali plays the piano.


  • Laboratory  - This is a place, an institution where experiments are carried out, research work.
  • Legend  - a legend about some historical event.
  • Label  - A brand created by a company.
  • League  - an association, union of states, organizations or individuals.
  • Liquidation  - the destruction, cessation of the existence of someone else.
  • License  - permission to the right, or the right to perform certain actions.
  • Logics  - The science of the laws and forms of thinking.
  • To cunning  - to cunning.

Winged Expressions or Phraseologisms

  • Flying like a bucket -heavy rain.
  • To catch someone with a word -using the spoken word, remark, make someone promise to do what is said.
  • Puzzling over something -think hard

Love Ryzhkova Magic ABC Letter L

Lollipop, turkish delight, lemon

  ¬ delicacies from all sides.

Lemonade and Caramel

From the history of the letter -L-

The letter -L- is now called -EL-, but this was not always the case. The ancient name of the letter is PEOPLE. Interesting title, right? The word is Proto-Slavic and comes from the word PEOPLE in the meaning of PEOPLE.

How did this letter -– appear at the end? That's how.

The fact is that before there was such a form of the word as Lyudin, that is, a person. By the way, now the word SIMPLY exists, and it goes back to those distant roots.

In the Kaluga region there is a town with an amazing name - LYUDINOVO. Apparently, it used to be called the PEOPLE place, that is, the place where many people live.

But we will go even further. Let's try to find out what the word PEOPLE itself means? This word comes from the Indo-European "leudh", which means "to grow." Interesting, right? So, PEOPLE is the one who grows, that is, a person, lyudin. Among the Germans, for example, the word Leute is still translated as PEOPLE.

HERE is the story of such a familiar, such a familiar letter to you, but how everything is confused for centuries!

This letter in Russia has always been loved, because it is with it that such a holy feeling as Love is associated. Ancient people believed that LOVE was the basis of all living things and that it was she who moved the world.

The Slavs called the goddess of Love Lel, and the goddess of family and marriage - Lada.

In all the books that people call saints, it is written that God Himself is Love, and that all people need to love one another. And then everyone on earth will live very comfortably.

Perhaps this makes a lot of sense.

Remember the proverb:

In the forest, the forest is not even, in the world - people.


We have already mentioned a lot of words formed from the root -LUD-о But you probably won’t list everything. Because yes, let’s recall at least some. Or maybe you yourself will name any?

For example, in folk tales a villain often acts who hates people. What is it called? This is ... PEOPLE. Remember, in what fairy tales are cannibals? That's right, in the book of Alexander Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm “Boy-e-finger”, in the tale of Charles Perrault “Puss in Boots”. Name what tales of the cannibal you still remember.

But back to the root words. There is also such an outdated word - HUMAN, before the so-called placement for servants in a manor house.

You know, I want to tell you about another very old and beautiful Russian word. We often use it and do not even think about when and how it happened.

In addition, in Russia, a river flowed in the Ryazan Territory

With that name.

And the beloved bird of Russia also bears this name. This is the SWAN.

Russia is even poetically called the SWAN country. This word, my friend, is Proto-Slavic and once upon a time, long ago, it was called the WHITE bird. The fact is that a little later there was a rearrangement of sounds -el-on-le-. This is a rather frequent occurrence in our language. And the word WHITE began to sound like a SWAN.

Do you want to know what river flowed in Russia with that name? THIS IS A LOVE. True, now this river is absent, unfortunately, it was buried and something was built in this place. A sad story, but it is. But we have a wonderful word - SWAN and a lot of derivatives from it: SWAN ¬ SOUL, WINCH, SWAN, SWAN.

Literary names

Nikolai Leskov (1831-1895) is an amazing Russian writer, whose rich, generous prose introduces us into the unique world. The writer shows us in the context of Russian life, depicts such depths of the human soul, which only a very wise person can know about. You will get acquainted with his works such as “The Enchanted Wanderer”, “The Beast”, “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk County”, “Peacock” and others, and you will remain his admirer for many years.

Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) is a poet whose work has become the pinnacle of Russian lyrics. The whole life of the poet is shrouded in mystery. His fate is amazing and tragic. Tacos and his poems are full of this magic and mystery.

Even if Mikhail Yuryevich wrote only one poem Ут The Cliff ’, he would remain in Russian literature, taking a worthy place, because this poem is a model of harmony and perfection.

Golden cloud slept

On the chest of a giant cliff;

On the morning of the journey, she sped off early

Azure fun playing.

Boris Larin (1893 - 1964) - the famous scientist linguist, a man of profound erudition. Suffice it to say that he knew all Slavic and West European languages, knew Greek and Latin, brilliantly knew the ancient Indian language - Sanskrit.

It was Boris Aleksandrovich Larin who was one of the first to prove the kinship of the Russian language and Sanskrit, and moreover, he assigned paramount importance to the Russian language.

If you, my friend, are interested in the history of your native language, turn to the works of Boris Alexandrovich. He knew how to write complicated things simply, and this is a sure sign of great talent.

Lily of the valley, buttercup and levok

  ¬ these are all flowers, my friend.

With the letter -L- still flowers

I know. What about you?


  Letter L - 13 letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter L stands for consonant sonorous sound: hard [L] and soft [L "].

Words starting with letter L: forest, summer, medicine, swallow, linden, forehead, beam, hatch, ice, elevator, frog, ski, lamp, lily of the valley, flippers, boat, lily, lion, camp, palm, Latvia, liar, lavender, left-handed, light , lecture, medicine, sculpt, pilot, sticky, treat, loggia, lotion, bald head,

Letter L in the middle of the word: elephant, street, smile, orange, squirrel, pancakes, case, tree, hollow, drops, bee, snail, Julia, bread, Alice, blouse, oar, fork, hair, clay, voice, clown, baby, scarecrow, film , dolphin, iron,

Letter L at the end of words: table, chair, spruce, chalk, dust, oval, piano, corner, knot, angel, glass, station, ball, woodpecker, boiler, pencil case, falcon, cover, torch, jackal, football, mineral, Istanbul, motorcycle,

A few letters L in the word: bell, lily,

  We’ll add the letter L from the skis,
  Put the wand up
  One ski stands straight
  The other slopes stubbornly.

Poems (,)

Mom and I learn letters.
  On "L" is the word "onion".
  Biting, crying
  Almost like "A" is beautiful ...
  / N. Rybakova /

A fox walks through the woods
  The fox of the letter repeats,
  One, two, three, four, five,
  As if the letter A is not lost.

They leaned against the spruce spruce -
  The letter "El" has turned out.

  We flew high
  We flew low.
  We flew far
  We flew close.

We mowed, we are tired
  They lay down under the bush, slept.
  Sat down, sat
  And flew again.

Swans flew
  And sat on the water
  Water was poured, poured, poured,
  Watered, polyali,
  Lyalya was bathed.

We write the first letter L.
  Two boards are covered with a roof.
  Let’s put on a belt L -
  L change the letter A.
  Let’s write the letter L again.
  We emphasize below
  We put the legs on the sides -
  Letter D is coming to us.
  If you are two letters L
  I managed to write next
  Then they are to the joy of everyone
  Turn into the letter M.

Tongue Twisters ( , )
  In the meadow under the burdock
  The frog has a summer house.
  And in the swamp frogs
  She has a big summer house.

He sat down and ate everything.

The stick was pushed by the paw of Polkan.

Mom Milu washed with soap.

Malanya talkers milk chatted,
  Mila did not like soap.
  Chatted, but didn’t blurt out!

Riddles ( , )

The frog Lushka -
  Jumping legs.
  Quack-slap! Quack-slap!
  M in a swamp with bumps clap!
  So that the crane doesn’t eat it,
  Lushka has become a letter ...

Erased our eraser from paper
  All the pencil did
  And the ink failed -
  Turned into a letter ...

In the meadow under the burdock
  The frog has a summer house.
  And in the swamp a frog
  She has a big summer house.

Drove the ship caramel
  The ship ran aground
  And the sailors are three weeks old
  Caramel aground ate.

Salted Cucumber
  The son salted, and the father ate.

My mother did not regret soap.
  Mom Milu soap soap.
  Mila didn’t like soap
  Mila dropped the soap.

Cleanup ()

AL-AL-AL - we will have a ball.
  OL-OL-OL - in the hall you need to clean the floor.
  OL-OL-OL - we set a table in the hall.
  UL-UL-UL - put a chair at the table.
  AL-AL-AL - here the guests come into the hall.
  AL-AL-AL - Leonid broke a glass.
  LU-LU-LU - fragments lie on the floor.
  LY-LY-LY - you need to sweep the floors.
  AL-AL-AL - oh, what a fun ball!

Image of letter L and pictures for letter L ()

Speech Therapy. Defectology.

Somehow I accidentally noticed that my little son, who is 4g 9m, cannot pronounce the solid letter L (before that there was the opposite problem - he pronounced consonant sounds too firmly and there was no softness in them). Because the speech therapist (a) has to wait a long time for his turn (we have been waiting 2 months) and (b) is expensive, I decided to look for information how to fix this speech defect myself.

Here are the recommendations that I found (source number 1 and number 2, added below from source number 3):
  1) bite the tip of the flattened tongue and, stretching the lips in a very wide smile, pronounce the sound "s-s" in this position of the lips, teeth and tongue;
  2) smile, while opening the mouth (between the upper and lower teeth there should be a gap of about 2 cm), and hide the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors and utter the sound "s-s";
  -\u003e When there is a clear sound “L”, proceed to pronouncing the sound in the syllables “AL-OL-UL-UL”, “LA, LO, LOU, LA, LE”, then “ALA, OLO, ULU, ULY, ALO , ULA ... ", then to words, phrases, tongue twisters.
  3) open your mouth wide, put your tongue on your lower lip, and, opening and closing your mouth, pronounce the sounds "la", "lo", "lu", "l", while holding the chin with your hand so that it does not move;
  4) Exercise "Brushing teeth": Broad tongue to move along the upper and lower lips, as if brushing your teeth, from the inside and outside;
  5) "Tasty jam": Lick with a wide tongue from the upper and lower lips;
  6) Stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of the nose;
  7) "Painter": With the tip of your tongue, drive along the upper palate, as if you were painting it
  -\u003e After 1-2 weeks of exercise, you need to learn a poem. It is very important to clearly and loudly pronounce all sounds.
  "Winter has come to visit us,
  Became white at home.
  Snow flies here and there.
  Kids go for a walk.
  The yard is white and white.
  There was a lot of snow.
The screams of the children are heard
  Sleds are rolling down the mountain "
  8) the tip of the tongue should be “pressed (pressed)” into the front upper two teeth and try to pronounce “L”;
9) Press the tip of the tongue to the upper incisors. The tongue should significantly rest against the teeth. With an effort push your tongue away from your teeth, pronouncing “varnish”, “puddle”, “swan”, “chandelier”, “spoon”, “ski”. Please note that depending on the vowel sound after “l”, the position of the tongue changes slightly. When pronouncing the word “chandelier”, the tongue no longer rests in the teeth, but in the upper sky. And during the pronunciation of the word "ski" - to the very edge of the upper incisors. But the principle of pronunciation of the sound "l" is the same - the language with effort pushes away from the obstacle.
10) If you can’t immediately say a distinct "l", then you need to make your language work. To do this, do the following exercise:
- when pronouncing the sound “l” in the above words, clamp the tongue with the tips of the upper and lower incisors, as if biting it. This way you will fix the language and accustom it to the correct position
11) Repeat slowly and distinctly the following tongue twisters:
- “Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole the clarinet from Karl”;
- “Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, but not maneuvered”;
- “Vlas's daughter rinsed the striped mattresses, rinsed and rinsed, the river became striped”

Added later:
  1) It is necessary to explain the characteristic feature of the articulation of the sound L and visually reinforce: "When we correctly speak the sound L, the tip of the tongue rises to the upper front teeth, presses to the front teeth, pushes the teeth, the lips are smiling and all the teeth are visible."

  2) We fix in the exercise “Strongman”: we lift the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth, rest against the upper teeth and forcefully push with the sound [l-l-l].
  3) Exercise “Sound L travels along the paths”: how many fingers run along the path, how much we sing “L-l-l” (you can think of that we run along the path to the store for L .. a path, L .. a horse ... .)

Tricks, if instead of “L” the child pronounces the sound “B” - read.

Tricks, if instead of "L" the child pronounces the sound "L":
  1) We ask the child to repeat speech material  with a strongly protruding tongue, the teeth touch almost the back of the tongue. At the same time, phonemic work is ongoing. Next, the tip of the tongue gradually winds over the upper teeth.
  2) Bite the sharp tip of the tongue onto the sound "L" in an automated material.

Setting and fixing sound Lfrom the book of E.M.Kosinova.

Articulation gymnastics  - read and watch!

Tale about the letter L()

The letter L was upset that it was not the best, not the most important.
  - Here the letter “M” begins with the words “mother”, “world”, “sea”.
  - In the letter C - "sun", "light", "happiness".
  - The letter U stands for “mind,” “luck,” “success.”

The letters M, C, U were reassuring.
  - Good words also begin in your letter: forehead, forest, literature, ray (sunny and warm).
  Cheered letter L.
  -And really, a lot of good words begin with my letter: summer, swallow, horse, moon.
  -Also there is a good, kind word "affection". Weasel is a manifestation of tenderness, good disposition, kindness.
  And the other letters of the Alphabet said the letter L:
  - The letter L! We love you! Indeed, one of the most important words - “love” begins precisely with the letter L.

Tale about the letter L()

“I don’t want to sleep, I won’t go to bed,” the girl was naughty.

Mom frowned menacingly, but the letter L quietly whispered the magic word “I Love” in her ear.

“I love you, my baby,” mother said gently, and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl calmly fell asleep.

“Big and small people need love and affection more than anything else,” thought the letter L.

She flew all over and affectionately whispered: “I love, love, love,” so that no one would forget to say this magic word.

On the floor, just below the letter "K", there was a letter "L". It was the kindest and most cheerful, the most affectionate letter of the Alphabet. Always, always, she was in good moodno one has ever seen her cry, or upset, no! On the contrary, she always walked and hummed a tune, like this:

- La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la.

And to everyone who met her, it became easy and fun too. Indeed, the word “love” begins with the letter “L”! And the letter “L” loved everyone, and other letters reciprocated her!

Once a saddened letter “O” came to her. She was very offended because of something and cried and sighed:

- Oh, oh, oh, I feel bad, offended, oh!

- Don’t cry, the letter “O”, I’ll caress you now and give you a drink of “love”!

At the letter “L” stood in a cupboard in the kitchen a pot of liquid, on which was written: “love”. Everyone knew about this, and if someone felt bad, they went to the letter “L” for help. She watered the sick with this drink, “love,” because this is the best medicine, right? And everyone immediately recovered.

And the letter "L", as usual, opened her closet to get this pot, but alas, the closet was empty! The pot with love was not there!

“Ah, what am I to do?” - exclaimed the letter "L". - How can I help the letter “O”?

She ran to the letter "A", which was the most important and most intelligent in the Alphabet and knew everything. She told the letter "A" about what happened, and she immediately called all the letters to the meeting and asked:

- Where to find a pot with love?

They thought letters, they thought, but could not think of anything. Then suddenly the letter “I” said:

“Maybe we should ask the Earth?”

- At the Earth? - everyone was surprised.

“Well, yes, near the Earth.” She is full of love, she loves everyone! Look, what beautiful flowers are on it, trees grow, and she loves everyone, feeds, and birds, and fish, and animals, and us, and the guys, too.

“Well, good,” said the letter “A,” “then you, letter“ L ”and letter“ I, ”go and ask, and I will go about my business, I have a lot to do!

And she dismissed the advice and went away on business.

And the letter “L” and the letter “I” went down to the very first, lowest floor, where the letter “I” lived, and went into the garden that she was growing. They sat on grass grass under an apple tree in the garden and let Mother Earth ask:

- Land! Land! Listen to us, please! Answer us the question: “Where is the pot with love, where did it disappear at the letter“ L ”?

- Ah, you silly little letters of mine! Look for a pot with love, but there was no love at all in that pot!

- How was it not? - our letters were surprised.

- And so! This love was always in the heart at the letter “L”! It’s just that she’s big, big and kind! And there is a lot of love! And when she gave other letters liquid from a pot, then she, liquid, was saturated with her love and cured other letters! And they, too, all-all in the heart have love.

It's just that those who feel bad forgot about her. They need to help find her again.

“So what am I going to do with the letter“ O, ”which sits there and cries?” - asked the letter "L"?

- And you take my leaves from raspberries, currants, cherries, chamomiles, you pluck the flowers, and brew it all into tea! And the letter "O" drink! Just do everything with love, as before. Remember, it is in you, not in that pot!

- Thanks! Thanks! - the letters screamed cheerfully, picked up leaves and ran upstairs to the apartment of the letter “L”, where the offended letter “O” sat and cried.

And the letter "L" brewed fragrant tea with love and gave it to the letter "O" with love. And she wished her from the bottom of her heart to recover as soon as possible and never to cry!

And the letter “O” drank this wonderful tea, which was all saturated with love - the best medicine, and she immediately felt better. She listened to herself: “Oh! I feel good already! My heart beats inside me and it is filled with love! ”

Listen, is there love in your heart? Knock knock, knock knock ... Do you feel how it beats, how warm it is in your chest? So there is love there!

Project: “Amazing letter L”

Letter L

The letter L is the thirteenth letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter L denotes a consonant sonorous sound: hard [L] and soft [L "].

Words starting with letter L: forest, summer, medicine, swallow ...

The letter L is in the middle of the words: elephant, kalach, street, smile, orange ...

The letter L at the end of the words: table, chair, ...

A few letters K in one word: bell, lily ...

Mysteries about the letter L

Leo - he is a lion, he is the king of beasts,
Because everyone is bolder.
Trying on a lion overcoat,
And the greatcoat under the letter ...

The answer is "el"

In this riddle, you must first guess the words in question, and then the letter at which these words begin.

The letter neighs and rolls everyone,
In the spring it melts on the river,
Can strike with arrows
And pour other people's tears.

Answer: letter L (horse, ice, bow, bow)

Patter for letter L

In the meadow under the burdock
The frog has a summer house.
And in the swamp a frog
She has a big summer house.

Drove the ship caramel
The ship ran aground

And the sailors are three weeks old

Caramel aground ate.

An avalanche of snow crawled from half
She crawled from half a gentle mountain.

Another half of an avalanche

Lies on a gentle mountain for the time being.

A kitten of thread rolled away in a corner,
I drove a cat into a corner of thread.

Valya wetted her boots on a thawing area.
Valenoks at Valenka dry in the mound.

Tolya grew a poplar after a field.
In the field, in the field, went to the poplar Tolya.

The watering can cried, and the like cried.

Oil Pancake Butter Pancake Butter

Salted cucumber son salted, and his father ate.

Prokop chopped dill, chopped and weeded.

Kolya pricks stakes.

The children played friendly in the orchestra:
Carl played the black clarinet
Cyril - on the horn,
On the harp - Alla,
And Lara played the piano.

Letter L (fairy tale)

- I don’t want to sleep, I won’t go to bed, - the girl was naughty.

Mom frowned menacingly, but the letter L quietly whispered the magic word “I Love” in her ear.

- “I love you, my baby,” said mom affectionately and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl calmly fell asleep.

“Big and small people need love and affection more than anything else,” thought the letter L.

She flew all over and affectionately whispered: “I love, love, love,” so that no one would forget to say this magic word.


B letter L

Azure Bird (Grandala coelicolor)
Blue Tit (Parus coeruleus)

laponchatok South American (Heliornis fulica)

swallow Amazonian white lumbar (Atticora fasciata)

american Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)

african Scissor Tail Swallow (Psalidoprocne obscura)

white-eyed Swallow (Pseudochelidon sirintarae)

Talk with the letter L

Once they began to ask the letter L, and she answered them:

What kind of animals do you know? Lion fox leopard

What don't you like? Medication

What flowers do you know? Lilies, lilies of the valley

What kind of birds do you know? Swans, swallows

Who do you want to become? Pilot, speech therapist

Pictures for letter L

The letter "A" went into the woods - Lost my belt ...He clung to the spruce:The letter "El" has turned out!Lily of the valley, linden, elk, lemon,Labrador, flying squirrel, flax!In the first line and secondA word from the outside!Moose - lives in the forest land.I give blue linen to the fields!The letter "El" is a forest fairy tale,The letter "El" - love and affection ...A white swan is swimmingThe letter "El" in the Primer calls!

N. Radchenko