
Trendy names of the year for kids. Strong names for boys born in the year of the dog. What are modern parents guided by when choosing a name?

One of the most responsible and very important responsibilities of new parents is choosing a name for the baby. Among a large number of options, they need to choose the option that turns out to be not only sonorous, beautiful and fashionable, but also which will become like a guardian angel to protect its wearer. In this article, we'll talk about which lucky names you can choose for boys and girls in 2018.

The most popular boy names in 2018

When choosing a name for a boy, parents need to think carefully. It is important that the name introduces masculinity, decisiveness, courage into the child's character. It is necessary to dwell on such an option so that the name helps to mitigate the negative character traits of the boy.

Distinctive features of boys born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog are: craving for communication, movement, the ability to find mutual language with everyone, curiosity, developed intellect - these qualities will become the main features of your future heir. They will have not only the desire to surround themselves with numerous friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. The guiding star of every boy will be talent, like a magnet to attract those around him, causing them sympathy from the very first minutes of communication.

Consider these features that will be inherent in your child, and also pay attention to:

  • As you know, all men should be courageous, courageous, decisive, strong and courageous. Of course, with the help of a name alone it is impossible to bestow these qualities on a boy, but a correctly chosen name will help a child become more self-confident. Courageous popular names boys in 2018 in Russia - this Alexander, Anton, Maxim, Andrey, Dmitry, Vladimir, Mark, Miron, etc.
  • The most beautiful name chosen must necessarily be in harmony with the patronymic, as well as the boy's surname. It is undesirable to name the child unusual names, if his surname and patronymic are simple enough. It is not recommended to choose difficult-to-pronounce combinations for the child, for example, Robert Emmanuilovich, since such options will contribute to the emergence of significant problems in childhood and in adulthood.
  • All beautiful russian names for boys published in the Orthodox calendar. Believing parents always pay attention to the recommendations of religion, because by finding the Guardian Angel, the baby becomes protected from various evil, evil spirits and enemies. Today you can often find such "old" names as Arkhip, Luke, Gordey, Evdokim, Demid, Fedot, David, Solomon, Seraphim, etc. Such names, on the one hand, look rather unusual, on the other hand, they are not alien to our ears.
  • It is recommended not to use the same name for your son as your father or grandfather. Parents often name their own sons after relatives, but such options are very undesirable from the side of psychology. Psychologists are sure that boys always set their own fathers or grandfathers as an example, they strive to be like them outwardly and do the same things. In addition, calling the sons in the same way with the name of the father of the sons, often a difficult to pronounce combination is obtained, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich. In addition, superstitious parents are not advised to call their baby the same name as one of the deceased relatives. It is believed that a child named after a deceased person can take over his fate. And if she was not too happy, the parents will reproach themselves for a long time for such a choice of a name.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar by months in 2018

Since ancient times, parents have believed that if you name a baby in honor of a saint, then he will receive a strong guardian angel who will protect him from all adversity. But with this approach, one should be careful, because it is believed that a child can repeat the fate of the person whose name he is named. Because of this, it is not advisable to give children the names of the great martyrs. The list contains the most common boy names.

January - Ignat, Daniil, Timofey, Ignat, Pavel, Cyril, Anton, Mark, Konstantin, Pavel, Yuri, Nikolai, Nifont, Fadey, Prokop, Fedor, Semyon, Sergei, Nikanor, Anton, Emelyan, Valentin, Benjamin, Peter, Afanasy , Proclus, Ivan, Sevastian, Mikhail, Maxim, Nikita, Georgy, Efim, Naum, Philip, Egor, Feoktist, Vasily, Stepan, Yakov, Trofim, Seraphim, Theodosius, Clement, Elizar, Savva, Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.

Choosing a name for a newborn is the primary task of every parent, which can only be dealt with if you approach it with all seriousness. Today you will learn how to choose a name for a child born in March 2018, so that it will bring only good luck to the baby in life.

1. Do not choose a name for the sake of fashion. Now many parents call their offspring completely unimaginable names that have no meaning or euphony, just because many do so. Do not see such manipulations, give a name to your child at the behest of your heart, so that he grows up as an individual.

2. In ancient times, there was a great way to help mums and dads call their baby the most appropriate name. Parents should have asked the priest for advice, who, with the help of a special book, will help in choosing the best name for your child. The book is called Saints, and it keeps the wisdom of past generations. Thanks to the name that the child receives according to the Holy Calendar ( according to the church calendar), it acquires not only ancient and significant name, but also a protector in the person of the saint, who patronized everyone who was born and named after him.

3. The choice of a name should be based on the following criteria:

Harmony is a good combination with a middle name, as well as with a surname.
Depending on the date of birth, it is advisable to choose a name according to the Holy Calendar - on the day the baby is born, on the seventh or fortieth day from this event.
If for some reason parents do not like the names proposed in the Holy Calendar, they have the opportunity give a child a worldly name, and baptize - with the church.

Church Names Calendar for March 2018

How to name a child in March 2018

Names for boys
Daniel ("God is my judge"), Ilya ("the Lord's fortress"), Fedor ("God's gift"), Kuzma ("the universe"), Leo ("the king of beasts"), Eugene ("noble"), Makar ( "Happy"), Maxim ("great"), Fedot ("gift of the gods"), George ("farmer"), Athanasius ("immortal"), Vyacheslav ("great glory"), Ivan ("the mercy of God"), Taras ("anxious"), Philip ("loving horses"), Constantine ("firm"), Benedict ("blessed"), Irakli ("glory of Hera"), Semyon ("heard by God"), Alexey ("defender" ), Rostislav ("increasing glory"), Mark ("personality"), Yakov ("next on the heels").

Names for girls, born in March 2018 (meaning of names):
Marina ("sea"), Theodora ("God's gift"), Regina ("queen"), Margarita ("pearl"), Antonina ("spacious"), Evdokia ("benevolence"), Galina ("serene"), Christina ("dedicated to Christ"), Kira ("lady"), Iraida ("heroine"), Nika ("victory"), Vera ("belief"), Marta ("mistress").

Also see: March 2018.

Birth little man - this is a huge responsibility, interspersed with the true happiness to which everyone aspires. Preparation for this event, as a rule, takes a long time. But do not forget that even before the birth of a child, you can already start choosing a name for him, assuming the day when the baby or baby will be born. This is not as easy as it might seem. There are a number of rules that can help young parents choose a name for a child born in May 2018, including according to the calendar.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the consonance of the selected names with the surname and patronymic. Try different ways tilt the name and the rest of its components to make sure they do not form any unpleasant consonances. - this is not just a set of sounds, it is the beginning of his path, which can seriously affect the future of a growing person. Choose names that are meaningful and enjoyable to pronounce. Remember that over time, a person becomes like his name, so imagine how you want to see a child in a few years, and choose wisely.

A book that our ancestors - the Saints - used to help in choosing a name. It is kept for every church, and each priest will be happy to help you choose the appropriate name for a newborn in accordance with all church rules ( according to the church calendar). The list of names in the sacred book is dominated by men. If you cannot find a suitable name for the girl according to the calendar, then you can simply transform male names in a feminine way. This is how names such as Alexandra, Julia, Eugene, etc.

Church Names Calendar for May 2018

How to name a child in May 2018

Names for boys
Anton ("enemy"), Vasily ("tsar"), Victor ("winner"), Vissarion ("forest"), Efim ("benevolent"), Ivan ("God's grace"), Kuzma ("space"), George ("farmer"), Nikifor ("conquering"), Tryphon ("luxurious"), Christopher ("carrying Christ"), Alexander ("courageous defender"), Gabriel ("believer"), Leonty ("lion") , Peter ("rock"), Semyon ("hearing God"), Sergei ("highly esteemed"), Denis ("dedicated to Dionysus"), Stepan ("wreath"), Julian ("light"), Mikhail ("equal to God "), Rostislav (" growing strength "), German (" only begotten "), Lawrence (" laurel tree "), Roman (" Roman "), Artem (" healthy "), Maxim (" great "), Boris (" fighter for glory "), Nikita (" winner ").

Names for girls, born in May 2018 (meaning of names):
Anastasia ("resurrected"), Theodora ("God's gift"), Elizabeth ("God's oath"), Anna ("grace"), Maria ("sad"), Taisia \u200b\u200b("dedicated to Isis"), Evdokia ("benevolence" ), Julia ("light"), Muse ("goddess of the arts"), Zoya ("life"), Nina ("educator").

For any person, the name is what fundamentally distinguishes him from other individuals of his own kind. Of course, very often the names can coincide, and only official statistics know exactly how much Light or Seryozha walks on Earth. Nevertheless, when choosing a name for their unborn child, parents strive to endow the long-awaited baby with certain qualities and character traits that they would like to contemplate in their sequel. According to clairvoyants and psychics, the name is considered a kind of visiting card of ourselves, so you should choose it very carefully and demandingly.

Main information

Before naming a child in 2018, you should
examine the description of the chosen name. It is important that the parents like it in terms of sound, and at least somehow correspond to the sphere of the family environment. Although, to be honest, in last years everything turns out quite the opposite - expectant mothers and fathers are trying to invent an absolutely unique and unknown name for their baby, without even thinking that their future child will have to “wear” it all his life.

Some parents long before major event in their life they know exactly what they will call their daughter or son. True, it often happens that during pregnancy, the mood of both partners changes and then you have to start the procedure of "name selection" from the very beginning. Some people prefer not even to think about such nonsense - a favorable name immediately comes to mind at the first glance at their child.

You can talk about such an urgent topic indefinitely, but this will not solve the problem of choice. Unfortunately, or fortunately, now in the world there are a huge number of beautiful names, and it is sometimes very difficult to decide on only one of them.

Matching name to date of birth

Many parents prefer to call their child a name that coincides with the date of his birth. True, this method is not entirely correct, since sometimes there are really stupid names in the calendar. It is best to seek help from the church calendar, where you can find sonorous and beautiful names... According to the most clergymen, when choosing a name in honor of some “saint”, parents endow their baby with an invisible guardian angel.

According to expert research, the name of the child should be chosen correctly depending on the season when he was born. For example, winter kids should choose more melodic nicknames to soften their "frosty" character. Spring babies are considered insecure and withdrawn, so it is better to choose names for them tough and hardy. Summer babies are very active and friendly, able to achieve their goals at any cost. For this category of newborns, any name is perfect. In the fall, strong, balanced and persistent personalities appear. To multiply their merits in 2018, it is important to find beautiful and sonorous names.

Name after a celebrity

There is a separate category of parents who choose names for their children. famous personalities, with the aim of repeating their fate. Not so long ago, the fashion for such dialects became active again, as it was back in the USSR. According to such dads and moms, the announced method of choice is considered one of the surest ways to program the life of a newborn to those heights that were previously reached by the chosen persons.

Compliance with the church calendar

According to the dogmas of the Orthodox religion, a child should be called exclusively by the name of the saint on whose day he was born. Thanks to such a ritual, priests create an invisible bond between the newcomer and his patron, the guardian angel. It should be remembered that when choosing a name according to the calendar, it is important to be guided by several rules.

1. The christening of the child should take place on the 8th day after his birth - it is at this time that the name for the baby is chosen.

2. If it was not possible to fulfill this sacrament within the time period provided by the church, it is postponed to 40 days.

3. If the proposed names of the holy parents are not impressed, you can use the options for the nearest dates.

Favorable names for babies born in 2018

Children born in the year of the Earth Dog will be distinguished by their firm character, secrecy, loyalty and an unlimited desire to defend their own at all costs. To make their lives brighter and more saturated with pleasant emotions, sometimes you just need to choose the right name for them. To ease the torment of parents, we suggest choosing modern names for children from a prepared list, broken down by month.

January 2018

Girl: Polina, Vasilisa, Maria, Tatiana, Ulyana, Anastasia, Eugenia, Nina, Irina, Melanya, Anisia, Yulia, Elena, Yana.

Boy: Ivan, Ilya, Efim, Vasily, Valentin, Seraphim, Nikita, Maxim, Pavel, Yuri, Egor, Stepan, Fadey, Artyom, Benjamin, Daniel, Anton.

February 2018

Girl:Anna, Svetlana, Christina, Valentina, Veronica, Ksenia, Rimma, Pavel, Aksinya, Zoya, Evdokia, Alice.

Boy: Gennady, Pavel, Ignat, Valery, Eugene, Vsevolod, Vlas, Nikita, Leonty, Victor, Efim, Julian, Luka, Felix, Ivan, Efrem, David.

March 2018

Girl: Marianna, Nika, Galina, Ulyana, Margarita, Regina, Theodora, Iraida, Antonika, Irina, Inna, Snezhana.

Boy: Pavel, Arseny, Nikifor, Constantine, Arkady, Gerasim, Fedot, Gregory, Denis, Cyril, Vyacheslav, Irakli, Benedict, Rostislav, Peter, Kuzma.

April 2018

Girl: Daria, Sofia, Martha, Vasilisa, Tamara, Lydia, Alla, Larisa, Galina, Eva, Praskovya, Klavdia, Elizaveta, Katerina, Matryona, Susanna.

Boy: Innokenty, Gavril, Titus, Terenty, Nikon, Artemon, Vadim, Martin, Mark, Mstislav, Plato, Sofron, Polycarp, Kondrat, Samson, Victor.

May 2018

Girl: Euphrosyne, Pelageya, Julia, Anna, Muse, Taisia, Zoya, Maria, Valentina, Alexandra, Christina, Glafira, Alevtina, Mary.

Boy: Severin, Pakhom, Nikodim, Ignatius, Gleb, Fedot, Thomas, Anatoly, Cyril, Dmitry, Andrey, Modest, Clement, Roman, Roman, Stepan.

June 2018

Girl: Alena, Fyokla, Anna, Irina, Martha, Kira, Valeria, Klavdia, Efrosinya, Fedora, Sophia, Alisa, Svetlana, Victoria, Julia, Marianna, Lyubov, Alevtina, Antonina.

Boy: Sylvester, Vladimir, Gennady, Roman, Nazar, Arseny, Gavril, Makar, Khariton, Leonty, Elisha, Christian, Timofey, Yan, Ignat, Nikifor, Igor, Julius, Mstislav.

July 2018

Girl: Sarah, Rimma, Efimia, Olga, Efrosinya, Anna, Juliana, Jeanne, Martha, Margarita, Angelina, Evdokia, Maria, Juno, Valentina.

Boy: Samson, Fedot, Matvey, Methodius, Emelyan, Svyatoslav, Thomas, Kuzma, Arseny, Anatoly, Sergei, Andrey, German, Mikhail, Philip, Julian, Leonid, Fedor.

August 2018

Girl: Olympiada, Milena, Suzanne, Praskovya, Evdokia, Seraphima, Magdalena, Ani, Nonna, Anita, Ksenia, Bogdana, Rosalina, Vera

Boy: Polycarp, Athanasius, Ermolai, Stepan, Mikhail, Makar, Frol, Tikhon, Naum, Herman, Gleb, Christopher, Nicholas, Clement, Miron, Alexander, Anton, Evdokim.

September 2018

Girl: Sofia, Love, Nadezhda, Domna, Raisa, Anfisa, Vasilisa, Rufina, Natalia, Elizabeth, Alina, Agripina, Lyudmila, Galina, Vassa, Alexandra.

Boy: Arkhip, Georgy, David, Zakhar, Yakov, Daniel, Ivan, Afanasy, Timofey, Andrey, Leonty, Ilya, Vladimir, Kirill, Thomas, Akim, Kliment, Gleb, Sergey, Kondrat.

October 2018

Girl: Svetlana, Vasilisa, Alice, Antonina, Praskovya, Irina, Victoria, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Zlata, Ariadne, Pelagey, Taisia, Zinaida, Iona, Laura.

Boy: Nazar, Efim, Martyn, Roman, Vyacheslav, Kondrat, Stepan, Oleg, Rodion, Kasyan, Valerian, Luka, Igor, Aristarkh, Makar, Peter, Dmitry, Gregory.

November 2018

Girl: Matryona, Cleopatra, Maria, Neonila, Klavdia, Ulyana, Nelly, Natalia, Alena, Praskovya, Kapitolin, Lukerya, Nelia, Anastasia, Efrosinya, Tatiana, Pavel.

Boy: Eugene, Orest, Arseny, Zinovy, Irakli, Yakov, Athanasius, Victor, Terenty, Osip, Vikentiy, German, Valery, Kirill, Fedor, Mikhail, Ignatius, Anton.

December 2018

Girl:Zoya, Varvara, Augusta, Ninel, Elena, Sofia, Eva, Angelina, Marina, Anna, Anfisa, Olga, Elvira, Daria.

Boy: Gury, Semyon, Daniil, Vsevolod, Nikolai, Naum, Ivan, Anatoly, Roman, Alexey, Lev, Mitrofan, Yaroslav, Kirill, Makar, Savva, Egor, Alexander, Platon.

Among the considerable list of names familiar to all by 2018, you can easily choose the right option for your baby. And may he grow up healthy and happy!

The coming 2018 will be a happy time for many people, especially for those who will have children at this time. In the year of the Dog, babies are born obedient, intelligent, focused and athletic - it's hard to wish the best. However, some of the character traits of the patron of 2018 may not be to the liking of new parents. We will find out what character a boy born in 2018 will have.

Character of boys born in 2018 of the Dog

From boys born in, loyal sons, loyal husbands and hardworking workers grow up. They understand others well, know when to say the necessary phrase of support or give advice. They have a positive outlook on the world, easily assimilate new information, and quickly adapt to unusual conditions.

In the family, a man born in the year of the Dog shows the features of a faithful spouse. He honors his woman as an equal, but the nature of such a companion is such that his love is not endless. The career of such people is often at their best, because they know how to work quickly and efficiently. The strongest side of male Dogs is the ability to communicate, make friends, help, be a worthy companion in life, both as a spouse and as a good friend.

How to choose a name for a boy on the church calendar

Some people prefer to name the child by the name of a famous person as a sign of respect for his talent. Also, the name for the boy can be chosen according to the zodiac circle. There are a huge number of books that help parents choose a name for boys and girls that matches their and date of birth. This custom is fairly new and is not widely used yet.

Depending on the date of birth, you can choose a name for a born boy according to the Holy Calendar - a church book, which contains a list of the names of all the saints revered by the Orthodox Church (see. church calendar of male names below). This is the most traditional and time-tested method of choosing a name for a boy, because it is believed that along with a new name, a child at baptism also receives a heavenly patron - an angel who follows and guides the child throughout his subsequent life.

Orthodox calendar of names for 2018 by months

Depending on the name, some personal qualities can be laid in the child that will help or, on the contrary, hinder him in the future.

Beautiful male names

Alexander ("courageous defender"), Gleb ("favorite of the gods"), Maxim ("great"), Stanislav ("most glorious"), Taras ("disturbing"), Fedor ("God's gift"), Julius ("fluffy" ), Yaroslav ("praising the sun god").

Popular names in 2018 for boys in Russia

Bogdan ("given by the gods"), Benjamin ("beloved son"), Elisha ("salvation"), Cyril ("little lord"), Mark ("strong").

Rare male names

Bronislav ("keeper of glory"), Walter ("ruler of people"), Oles ("defender"), Rinat ("reborn"), Lev ("king of beasts").

Also see: born in 2018, according to the church name calendar.