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Beautiful names for boys are not Russian. Russian male names and their meanings (alphabetical list). Modern male names

Are you expecting the birth of an heir or has a boy just been born in your family? In 2019, the most popular name for boys among residents of the Russian capital was the name Alexander. The three popular male names also included Mikhail and Maxim, according to the Moscow Civil Registry Office. Our list of male names - old and modern, popular among different nations - will help you name a boy in accordance with the meaning of the name and your family traditions. So, popular and rare names for boys - and the meaning of these names.

Popular male names starting with the letter A

Abram (Abramy, Abraham, Abraham, Abram) - Hebrew: "the father of all nations, the heavenly father."

August - Latin: "majestic, great, sacred."

Avtandil - Georgian: "the heart of the motherland".

Adam - Hebrew: "first man" or "red clay".

Adolf - Old German: "noble wolf".

Akbar - Arabic: "the greatest, the elder".

Akim (Ekim) - Hebrew: "God offers".

Aladin is Arabic for "exalted faith."

Alexander is ancient Greek: "protector of people".

Alexei is an ancient Greek word for "protector".

Ali is Arabic: "sublime".

Alonso - Spanish: "courage, resourcefulness, wisdom".

Albert - Germanic: "noble splendor".

Alfred - Old Germanic: "free, unencumbered".

Anatoly - Greek: "oriental".

Anwar is Persian: "radiant".

Andrei (Andrzej, Anzhej) - Greek: "courageous, brave".

Andronicus - ancient Greek: "winner".

Anisim - Greek: "fulfillment, fulfillment".

Anton (Anthony, Antonin) - Latin: "entering the battle, competing in strength." In Rome, it was recognized as a generic name.

Apollo (Appolinarius, Apollonius) - ancient Greek: "belonging to Apollo - the sun god."

Arkady is the Greek name for "blessed or resident of the country of Arcadia".

Armen - Greek: "inhabitant of Armenia".

Arnold - Old Germanic: "soaring eagle".

Arseny (Arsen) - Greek: "courageous, strong".

Artemy (Artamon, Artem) - Greek: "unharmed, healthy".

Arthur - Celtic: "bear".

Archipp (Arkhip) - Greek: "chief of the cavalry".

Aslan - Arabic: "mighty lion".

Athanasius (Athanas, Atanas, Atanasius) - Greek: "immortality".

Ahmad - Turkic: "glorified man".

Ashot - Turkic: "fire".

Boy names that start with B

Bogdan - Slavic: "given by God."

Bonifatius (Boniface) - Latin: "good fortune".

Boris is Slavic: "fighter".

Bronislav - Slavic: "glorious defender".

Bruno - Germanic: "swarthiness".

Bulat - Turkic: "strong, steel, pivotal".

Popular boy names that start with B

Vadim - Latin: "healthy", later received an additional Greek meaning: "troublemaker, blaming everyone."

Valentine (Valent) - Latin: "strong, strong, healthy, mighty".

Valery - Latin: "strong, rich". In Rome, it was considered a generic name.

Walter - Old Germanic: "managing people, patron".

Basil (Vasil, Vasilei, Basilides) - Greek: "royalty".

Benjamin - Hebrew: "the son of the right hand".

Victor (Victorin, Victoria) - Latin: "winner", "conquering all".

Wilhelm is an ancient Germanic: "knight".

William - Germanic: "desired."

Vissarion - Greek: "gorge, valley, forest, forest dweller."

Vitaly (Vit) - Latin: "vital, life".

Vladimir - Slavic: "master of the world", "owning the world."

Vladislav - Slavic: "owning glory".

Vlas - ancient Greek: "lethargy, sluggishness."

Voldemar - Old Germanic: "famous ruler".

Vsevolod - Slavic: "who owns everything and everyone."

Vyacheslav (Wenceslas, Wenceslas) - Slavic: "great, glorious".

Boy names that start with G

Gabriel - Hebrew: "firmness of faith in God", literally: "my power is God."

Galaktion - Greek: "milky".

Hamlet - Old Germanic: "twin, double".

Hector - Greek: "Almighty, Guardian".

Gennady - Greek: "noble".

Heinrich - ancient Germanic: "powerful, rich".

George - Greek: "farmer".

Gerasim - Greek: "venerable, respected".

Herman - Latin: "blood, native".

Gleb - Old Scandinavian: "favorite of the gods".

Gogi (Gochi) - Georgian: "brave, brave".

Gordey is the Greek name for the famous king of Phrygia.

Gorislav - Slavic: "burning, blazing glory".

Gregory - Greek: "awake, alert".

Gustav - Germanic: "military advisor".

Boy names that start with D

David - Hebrew: "beloved, long-awaited."

Daniel - Hebrew: "my judge".

Demyan - Latin: "conquering, humbling".

Denis - ancient Greek: "belonging to the god Dionysus, inspired".

Jamal (Jamil) - Arabic: "beautiful, pleasant".

Dmitri - Greek: "dedicated to the goddess of fertility Demeter."

Dobrynya is a Slavic name meaning "daring, clever".

Dorotheus - Greek: "God's gift".

Rare names for boys with the letter E

Eugene - Greek: "noble, noble".

Evsei (Eusebius, Evseny) - Greek: "pious, spiritual".

Egor - Greek: "farmer". It can be perceived as an oral everyday form of the name George (extremely rare).

Elisha - Hebrew: "savior of the living."

Emelyan - Greek: "flattering".

Eremey - Hebrew: "crowned by God."

Erofei - Greek: "sacred".

Efim - Greek: "pious".

Ephraim is a variant of the name Ephraim.

Rare male names starting with the letter Z

Zakhar - Hebrew: "God remembers".

Siegfried - Old Germanic: "favorite of the Gods".

Zinovy \u200b\u200b- ancient Greek: "the life that Zeus bestowed".

Male names starting with the letter I

Jacob is the same as Jacob.

Ivan - Hebrew: "blessed" and "God had mercy on Yahweh."

Ignatius (Ignat) - Latin: "fiery, red-hot to fire."

Igor - Old Scandinavian: "militant, strong".

Israel - Hebrew: "God rules here."

Izyaslav - Slavic: "attained glory".

Jesus - Hebrew: "God will help everyone."

Hilarion - Greek: "cheerful, joyful, carefree."

Ilya - Hebrew: "fortress, inaccessibility" and "Yahweh is my God".

Innocent - Latin: "innocent, virgin".

Joseph - Hebrew: "God will increase, add."

Boy names that start with K

Casimir - Polish: "peaceful, serene".

Kamal is Arabic for "perfection".

Karen - Arabic: "generosity, generosity."

Karim - Arabic: "merciful, magnanimous".

Karl - Old Germanic: "brave".

Kasim - Turkic: "distributing, dividing, delimited".

Castor is Greek: "beaver".

Cyril - Greek: "lord, lord, master".

Klim - Greek: "vine".

Konon - Latin: "witty, quick-witted".

Constantine - Latin: "persistent, constant".

Roots - Latin: "horn or dogwood berry".

Christian - Latin: "one who belongs to Christ."

Kuzma - Greek: "tamer".

Boy names that start with L

Laurel - Latin: "laurel tree, wreath, victory, triumph".

Leo - Greek: "lion, king of beasts".

Leonid - Latin, mastered by the Russians: "like a lion."

Leopold - Old Germanic: "bold as a lion."

Luca - Latin: "light".

Popular boy names starting with M

Makar - Greek: "blessed, happy".

Maxim - Latin: "the greatest, the greatest".

Mark - Latin: "hammer".

Martin - Latin: "dedicated to Mars" or "warlike, strong".

Matvey - Hebrew: "God's man, the gift of God."

Mahmoud is Arabic: "nice, kind".

Myron - Greek: "fragrant."

Mitrofan - Greek: "found by the mother."

Michael - Hebrew: "like God."

Micah - Hebrew: "equal to God."

Mstislav - Hebrew: "gloriously takes revenge."

Murad (Murat) - Arabic: "desired, achieved goal".

Muslim - Arabic: "conqueror".

Mukhtar - Arabic: "chosen one".

Boy names that start with N

Nathan - Hebrew: "God gave."

Naum - Hebrew: "comforter, soothing".

Nestor - Greek: "returned home".

Nikita - Greek: "winner".

Nicephorus - Greek: "victorious, hero".

Nicholas - Greek: "conqueror of nations".

Male names starting with the letter O

Oleg - Old Norse: "holy, sacred".

Omar - Arabic: remembering everything.

Orestes - Greek: "mountain".

Osip is a variant of the name Joseph.

Oscar - Old Norse: "divine chariot".

Otto is Germanic: "owning something."

Male boy names starting with P

Pavel is Latin: "small, small".

Groin - Greek: broad-shouldered, healthy.

Peresvet - Slavic: "brightest, luminous, very bright."

Peter - Greek: "stone, rock, stronghold".

Plato - ancient Greek: "broad-shouldered".

Prokhor - Greek: "leading in the dance, dancing".

Boy names that start with P

Ramadan - Arabic, comes from the name of the fast among Muslims: Ramadan.

Ramon - Spanish: "skillful defender".

Rashid (Rashit) - Arabic: "walking the right way".

Rezo - Arabic: "benevolence, mercy".

Renat - two origins: Latin - "revived, resurrected"; in the Soviet era, the name received a different meaning - an abbreviation for "revolution, science, technology".

Richard - ancient German: "smashing, conquering without a miss."

Robert is an ancient Germanic: "unfading, eternal glory."

Rodion - Greek: "rose hip, rose, thorn".

Roman - Latin: "Roman, Roman, resident of Rome".

Rostislav - Slavic: "growing glory".

Ruben - Hebrew: "pointing to the son" - or Latin: "blushing".

Rudolph - Old German: "red wolf".

Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic: "lion, lion".

Rustam (Rustem) - Turkic: "mighty".

Popular boy names that start with C

Savva - Aramaic: "old man".

Savely - Hebrew: "begged from God."

Svyatoslav - Slavic: "holy glory".

Sevastian - Greek: "highly esteemed, sacred, wise".

Semyon (Simeon, Simon) - Hebrew: "heard, hearer, heard."

Seraphim - Hebrew: "burning, fiery angel, fiery".

Sergei - Latin: "clear, highly respected, well-born". In the Roman Empire, it was considered a generic name.

Solomon - Hebrew: "peaceful, without enmity."

Stanislav - Slavic: "the most glorious".

Stepan - Greek: "wreath".

Sultan - Arabic: "power".

Rare names for boys with the letter T

Taras - Greek: "troublemaker, rebel".

Theodore - Greek: "gift of God".

Timothy - Greek: "worshiping God", "God-fearing".

Timur is Turkic: "iron".

Tikhon - Greek: "successful, bringing happiness."

Trofim - Greek: "breadwinner".

Rare male names starting with the letter F

Fazil - Arabic: "worthy, excellent, best".

Farhat (Farhad, Farhid) - Persian: "understanding, clear".

Fedor - Greek: "given by God".

Felix - Latin: "happy, sunny".

Fidel - Latin: "devotee, disciple."

Philip - Greek: "loving horses".

Thomas - Hebrew: "twin".

Rare names for boys with the letter X

Hakim - Arabic: "wise".

Chariton - Greek: "generous, showering with favors."

Christopher - Greek: "carrying the faith of Christ", arose after the emergence of Christianity.

Rare names for boys with the letter C

Caesar - Latin: "dissecting".

Boy names that start with e

Edward is a variant of the name Edward.

Edwin - ancient Germanic: "brought victory with the sword."

Edgar - Old German: "guardian of the city".

Edward - ancient Germanic: "cares about wealth, thirsts for wealth."

Eldar - Arabic: "divine gift".

Emil - Latin: "diligent, precise". In the Roman Empire, it was considered a generic name.

Emmanuel - Hebrew: "God is with us."

Eric - Old Norse: "nobility, leadership".

Ernest - Old Germanic: "serious, strict, thorough".

Men's names starting with the letter Yu

Julian - Latin designating belonging to Julius.

Julius - Latin: "curly, soft, fluffy." Recognized by the Roman generic name.

Yuri - Latin: "farmer"; form of the name George.

Boy names that start with I

Jacob is the form of the name Jacob.

Jan - Slavic: "given by God".

Yaroslav - Slavic: "strong, glorious".

From time immemorial, in the territories of our country, they knew that a person's name has a secret, sacred meaning. In ancient times in Russia it was believed that by naming a child, we determine his life path. Therefore, a certain meaning was put into each name, which had a direct impact on its further destiny. In this article, we will look at beautiful Russian and Slavic male nameswith their detailed description. And we will be able to determine which name is most suitable for your baby.

Male names for a child popular in 2019 by months

To help mothers-to-be, we have prepared lists of names for boys,
based on information from the church calendar.


Gregory, Lev, Andrey, Roman, Arseny, Stepan, Vladislav, Nikita, Gleb, Mark, David, Yaroslav, Eugene, Matvey, Fedor, Nikolay.


Alexey, Andrey, Artemy, Victor, Nikita, Daniil, Denis, Egor, Igor, Lev, Leonid, Pavel, Peter, Roman, Ruslan, Sergey, Semyon, Timofey.


Stepan, Vladimir, Timofey, Yaroslav, Pavel, Egor, Sergey, Vladislav, Fedor, Konstantin, Maxim, Artyom, Nikita.


Yuri, Platon, Denis, Yaroslav, Miron, Vasily, Lev, Stepan, Eugene, Savely, David, Gregory, Timur.

Cyril, Victor, Fedor, Bogdan, Konstantin, Adam, Leonid, Roman, Pavel, Artemy, Peter, Alexey, Miron, Vladimir.


Nikolay, Ruslan, Alexey, Yuri, Yaroslav, Semyon, Eugene, Oleg, Arthur, Peter, Stepan, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Sergey, Vasily.


Styopa, Fedor, Stas, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Anton, Boris, Zakhar, Arseny, Victor, Rodion, Svyatoslav, Igor, Gordey.


Yuri, Miroslav, Luka, Egor, Igor, Gleb, Kolya, David, Leon, Zhenya, Vasya, Miron, Savely, Oleg, Daniel, Savva, Denis, Svyatoslav.


Roma, Kirill, Nikolay, Artyom, Kostya, Vladimir, Styopa, Vyacheslav, Denis, Pasha, Victor, Mikhail, Andrey, Vadim, Anatoly.


Ilya, Styopa, Fedor, Georg, Semyon, Oleg, Lev, Demyan, Anton, Vladislav, Artem, Elisey, Radik, Borya, Stas.


Mark, Vlad, Yan, Pasha, Vitya, Leonid, Vasya, Ignat, Yura, Peter, Anatoly, Valera, Eric, Marat, Miron, Vitya, Anatoly.


Roman, Nika, Plato, Seryozha, Timur, Zhenya, Semyon, Anatoly, Oleg, Adam, Igor, Filya, Arthur, Marcel, Valera, Yan, Nazar, Leon.

Modern male names

Fashion spreads its influence on all spheres of human life. Even when choosing a name for children, we are guided by her tendencies. On the one hand, it restricts the valid naming convention. On the other hand, it dictates the desire to call the child a rare and beautiful name.

List popular male namesfor 2019:

  • Alexander -protector, protecting the husband.Brave, assertive, self-confident young man. Easily finds friends and acquaintances. Achieves any set goals. An excellent leader with good intuition. The feeling is developed for a long time in front of the family.
  • Andreicourageous, brave, man... The soul of the company, quickly gets along with the people around him. Hardworking and determined guy. Very kind, adheres to generally accepted moral values \u200b\u200band traditions. May hold leadership positions. Cheerful and cheerful, appreciates family and loved ones.
  • Alexei -protective, protector.Active, energetic, with subtle intuition. A man of strong spirit. I am confident in my success and goes to the bitter end. Persistent in any situation, finds a way out of the prevailing difficulties. Well adapted to life, but does not like global changes. Loyal husband and caring father.
  • Vladimir -owning the world.Obedient, neat, smart boy. Strives for constant self-learning. A leader by nature. He values \u200b\u200bloyalty and loyalty in people. Can be a rare intellectual, capable leader. His reputation is important to him. Caring family man.
  • Victor -winner.Adventurer, loves adventure. A developed sense of duty. Diligent and patient at work. Winning others with assertiveness and patience. A good but demanding father. He helps his wife in everything.
  • Vadim -calling, having attraction.Not vindictive, quick-witted, does not remember offenses. He makes every effort in all the things started. Straightforward, speaks the truth in the face. Is not shy about his desires. A penchant for commerce. Loyal to the family, but turns it on late.
  • Denis -belonging to Dionysus, merry fellow.Very agile, curious, easy to learn, quickly remembers information. He is principled, but does not impose his opinion on others. Society's favorite. He chooses a companion in life according to the likeness of his views and interests.
  • Evgeny -noble, with good genes.A great dreamer, everywhere shows ingenuity. Prefers to find compromises peacefully. He is quick-witted, notices even the smallest details. He understands technology, is fond of logical problems. An exemplary spouse and an excellent dad.
  • Konstantin -resistant, permanent, flint.Patient, balanced, capable of serious deeds. Conscientious and decent worker. Thinly feels the beauty, sees in its own way works of art. Appreciates loved ones.
  • Kirill -lord, lord. Inquisitive in absolutely everything. He is smart, has a strong will. An analytical mind, analyzes each of his actions. Seeks to rule. There is a penchant for entrepreneurship. Does not pay attention to the opinions of others when choosing life aspirations.
  • Maxim -the greatest, reaching the heights.Noble, achieves a lot in life. An energetic, proud and very smart guy. Extraordinary and outstanding personality. He manipulates people well, a psychologist with developed intuition and imagination. Faithful husband and father.
  • Mark -hammer, marquis.Smiling, polite, capable of self-sacrifice. Makes an excellent career. Few people are fully open, it is difficult for him to express feelings. His companion must be a reliable assistant and rear in everything.
  • Roman -roman, from Rome.Agile and flexible, witty pioneer. Expressed aptitude for art. Loves freedom, both in thought and in action. Loyal to his ideas and principles. He makes his desires come true.
  • Ruslan -fair-haired with blond hair.Emotional, bold, relaxed, self-confident. Very purposeful, goes to great lengths for the sake of his desires. Strives for fame. Popular in his company. Loves her children.
  • Sergei -noble, tall, servant of God.Very sociable and charming, open to everyone, kind-hearted. Creative, cunning and quick-witted, develops his talents. Can find a solution to any problem. He takes care of his wife, an exemplary family man.
  • Stanislav - made glorious, established glory.Kind, but quick-tempered nature. Agile and energetic, inclined towards leadership. Generous, unpretentious, but emotional person. A witty and funny friend.
  • Timur -strong, iron, steel.Possesses undeniable firmness of character. Persistent and purposeful, realizes his desires and dreams. Loves travel and adventure. Reads a lot and goes in for sports. Patient and good-natured dad and husband.
  • Yuri -highly esteemed, high place.Calm, balanced, focused, thoughtful and intelligent young man. Strong-willed personality, with a great deal of charisma. Finds true friends. Homely owner, loves comfort and order. Considers the opinion of loved ones.
  • Jan - God's mercy.Educated, intelligent, conservative, with a sober mind. Driven by logic. Persistent and tenacious, gets what he wants under any circumstances. He makes all decisions himself. Hospitable, wonderful host. Rarely shows tenderness, but immensely adores family.

Russian male names

The main part of our namebook was formed after the arrival of the Christian faith in Russia. Now, these names are very common and familiar to our ears. However, most of them are of Greek, Latin, Germanic, Syrian and Slavic origin.

List and Description russian male names:

  • Anatoly -eastern, sunrise, dawn.Calm, quiet, balanced, knowing his way. She loves to fantasize, tinker, read books. Sensitive and attractive with his bright personality. Has authority at work. Fair, does not allow offense. He needs a patient woman.
  • Anton -the opposing one, entering the battle.Active, with a flexible mind and subtle intuition. A reliable companion and friend. Thoughtful, knows how to win over. Medical talent. Marries late.
  • Boris -prominent, strong, fighter.Overcomes all obstacles and difficulties. He prefers to communicate with talented people. Becomes the leader. Does not tolerate outside interference in family affairs. Caring family man.
  • Vasiliy -regal, king.A patient and level-headed guy. Endowed with intelligence, sociable, solves several cases at the same time. Open, never lose his temper. Impeccable moral behavior. He is attached to his family, willingly spends time with them.
  • Vitaly -viable, life-giving.Strong character, with pronounced leadership qualities. Always finds interesting things to do. Hardworking, specialist in his chosen field. Maintains harmony and warmth in relationships in any way. He makes concessions to his relatives.
  • Gregory -awake, does not sleep.Restless, inquisitive, energetic young man. Polite, sensitive, tactful, caring for others. He likes applied sciences. Reads a lot. Reliable in marriage.
  • Dmitry -dedicated to the goddess Dimetra.A kind, active, strong-willed person. A devoted friend and comrade. A penchant for technical sciences. Makes a good career. Deals with logic. Gallant with girls.
  • Egor -farmer.A practical and business-like young man. Hardworking, diligent, maintains order in all undertakings. Does not tolerate deception, he is sincere with other people. Expressed leadership qualities. Looking for a decent and good-natured girl.
  • Ivan -pardoned by God.Active and strong-willed, he has an enviable quick reaction. He amazes others with his uncommonness, choleric. Very hardy, calmly and persistently goes his own way. A versatile nature, a supporter of the preservation of customs. He does not tolerate compromises, is highly moral, devoted to his family.
  • Ilya -believer, my God is Lord.Artistic, ironic, multifaceted. In the company he is cheerful and sociable, kind and not conflicted, easily makes friends. Subtle intuition helps you make the right decisions. Looking for a woman who is close in spirit.
  • Michael -equal, like God.A handsome, gentle and intelligent guy. A sense of beauty is developed in him, he is well versed in art. He tries to live in harmony with the world around him. A wonderful, generous and hospitable friend. He needs a soul mate.
  • Nikita -winner.Cheerful and persistent, realizes his fantasies in creativity. Inquisitive and charming, he is always invited to visit. Loves to travel, can radically change his place of residence. He will be happy if his wife is like him in character.
  • Nikolay -winner of nations.Secretive, seeking to move forward, regardless of obstacles. Analyzes all ongoing events. Clever and quick-witted, reaches heights in his career. He needs a sensual and gentle wife.
  • Oleg -lucky, clear, holy.A devoted friend and comrade. Oleg always has his own opinion on everything. Doesn't betray his principles. A keen mind and a penchant for the exact sciences make him a successful career. Concentration, accuracy, consistency are his features. An attentive and homely owner.
  • Peter -solid, reliable, stone, rock.Courageous, independent, temperamental and generous young man. Fulfills his desires with an unshakable will. Good worker. Loves beauty, kindness, honesty, purity and sincerity in every person. From the spouse expects devotion and understanding.
  • Semyon -God heard. Gentle, merciful, generous, women dream of him. A caring father and husband, an attentive son. A reliable and loyal comrade. Smart and strong-willed, wonderful worker. Knows how to covertly manipulate people. Appreciates the work of others.
  • Stepan -wreath, crown.Differs in observation. Cheerful, sociable, non-conflicting, attractive. Strong and outstanding personality. Practical mindset and excellent memory. Harmony in the family will be with a girl of calm disposition.

Slavic male names

Our ancestors, choosing a name for a child, were guided by a certain algorithm. It was based on the most ancient knowledge about the universe, nature and origin of man. Unfortunately, only grains of this information have come down to us. Today, we know the definition of some rare and beautiful Slavic names for boys.

List slavic male names with a description:

  • Belogor -sublime, high spirit, sacred mountain.Expressed need for dominance. A winner in any dispute, a dangerous competitor. He always strives to be "higher, stronger, faster" than others. Achieves the set goals, works for the result. A devoted husband.
  • Vladislav -a good ruler with glory.Smart and attentive, able to solve all tasks and problems by himself. Strong-willed, firm and courageous character. Has self-esteem, is not afraid of the truth. A successful, thoughtful leader. Attentive to his woman and descendants.
  • Vsevolod -domineering, possessing position.Compliant but persuasive. Prudent, knows how to avoid unpleasant situations. Courageous, defender and support for loved ones. He is looking for peace and comfort in the house, he will honor the woman organizing it. Appreciates family members and comfort in communicating with them.
  • Vyacheslav -more glorious, seeking glory.Needs approval, he always needs to be the center of attention. Developed leadership qualities, a dangerous rival. Painstaking and hardworking, strives to be the first. Endowed with many talents. Loves children.
  • Darislav -dominant, with the gift of glory.Charming, charming, friendly, will find a common language with any person. Full of energy, enthusiasm and desires. Interested in exact sciences and modern technologies. Seeks understanding and sincerity in his soul mate.
  • Dobrynya -daring, kind, kindness itself. Emotional and very inquisitive, knows how to do several things at once. Possesses a strong spirit and will to win. Achieves the set goals. He has many friends and is surrounded by a noisy company. He needs a calm and balanced woman.
  • Zlatozar -precise eye with clear vision. Agile, intelligent, following his own path. Endowed with the gift of foresight, sensitive intuition. Developed logical thinking. A leader by nature, occupies a high position in society. For the sake of my beloved and children I am ready for anything.
  • Miloslav -good, nice, dear to everyone.An observant, reserved, cautious guy. The first place in his life is occupied by high moral values. Romantic nature. Very attached to the family.
  • Mstislav -capable of revenge, glorious defender.Ambitious, strives to be first in everything and better than others. Persistent, stubborn, hardy, achieves his goals. Cannot stand monotony, works on himself. His spouse will feel completely safe. Tied to family.
  • Miroslav -glorified by his peacefulness.Always calm, smiling and friendly young man. But he does not tolerate when someone else's opinion is imposed on him. Hardy and tenacious, can become an athlete. At the same time, he is a creative person, with many ideas and plans, and a rich imagination. Faithful husband and father.
  • Ratibor -fearless fighter, strong warrior. Multifaceted personality, with a great interest in everything unknown in the universe. Handyman. She loves to travel to distant lands, craft wood and metal, invent something new. Appreciates her home. Respects family members.
  • Svyatoslav -bright, sacred greatness.Calm, balanced, maintaining self-control in any situation. Friendly and sociable, the soul of the company. Ambitious, adventurer seeking adventure. An efficient and hardworking young man. Caring dad and considerate husband.
  • Svetozar -illuminating with light.Sincere, decent, pleasant in every way. A favorite of fate and environment. Principled, persistent, with high moral principles. Adherent of traditional values. Reliable family man.
  • Yaroslav -bright, glorious with vitality. Independent, energetic and agile, strives to be the best in everything. Strong leadership qualities, leads the crowd. Confidently moves towards the set goals. His wife and children always come first.

Our nomenclature is very diverse, sometimes it is difficult to decide on the choice of a name for your baby. Do not forget that it should be combined with a middle name and be comfortable for the child in the future. In order not to miscalculate, choose a name with your heart and soul.

Write in the comments what you want to name your child)

The name is what our parents gave us. This is what we give to our children. It is very important, because it can become a reliable amulet and protective talisman for you.

Sergei. Sergey means "clear". Clarity is the purity and strength of the mind. This name is a good universal amulet, as well as a kind of lucky talisman. True, Sergei may still have frequent problems with his rivals.

Anton. A strong name that protects its owner from a love spell and from mental clouding. There is a weak resistance to evil eyes and curses. Anton is a warrior who fights for his freedom and recognition, so he does not always manage to defend himself, because the essence of this name is struggle.

Alexei.Translated from Greek means "defender". Protection is always good. The charm from this name turns out to be good, but not always stable. This inconstancy prevents Alexei from being protected from the evil eye or love spell.

Michael... This name controversially fits the description of the ideal protection for a boy or an adult man, since the specialist camp is divided into two large parts - those who believe that this name is one of the best, and those who consider it mediocre in terms of protection. Because of this confusion, we only give him sixth on our list.

Kirill... This name means "lord", which hints at a special energy. Cyril is his own boss, so simple evil eyes are definitely not afraid of him. Do you want to provide the boy with protection and strength? - call him Cyril.

Valery... The meaning is similar to Cyril, but interpreted a little differently. This is a stronger name-amulet, for it was always worn by the most persistent men. It bestows stable protection against almost all types of energetic influences.

Victor... The winner is the winner. The highest level of energy is able to give Victor protection from everything that comes from people who are evil and hostile. We give bronze to this excellent name, which is both beautiful and a talisman.

Igor... From time immemorial Igor was painted with calmness, strength and equanimity. These qualities help to see the world in the right light, abstracting from everything that may be unnecessary. Igor is not at all worried about the very possibility of being cursed. He knows he won't be affected. This makes Igor the strongest amulet name on our list. Almost the strongest.

Alexander. The oldest name meaning "protector of the clan." This spiritual talisman is capable of providing stable protection not only to the boy or man himself, but also to his entire family. Thus, Alexander is the best name for protection from filth, evil eye, envy, curses and all invisible problems.

Remember that the name is like the name for the ship. As you name the boy, this will be his life. Our ancestors believed that names have a special magic that gives a person strength, luck and protection.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the female names-amulets. Find out how powerful your name is, or help yourself decide what to name your unborn baby. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.10.2016 06:02

The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person always manifests itself in troubles and poor health. However, there are several ...

According to the biblical legend, the first man was called Adam, which means that his name is the first male name in the history of mankind. Now, after many hundreds and thousands of years, male names are numbered in the hundreds in the names of all countries and cultures, without exception. And yet, no less, the male name, like the female, as concealed, and continues to conceal a secret ...

Male names in different cultures of the world

Modern male names in different cultures are calculated in very different variations. But each individual culture, be it Slavic, Western, Eastern or Central European, has its own naming traditions. In some countries, I name men in accordance with the social status of the families in which they are born, in others, the naming takes place in accordance with religion and belief, and there are third cases in which this process is treated in an extremely simple way, as in the West and in particular in the USA.

In Slavic culture, for example, men are extremely responsible for the process of naming the future. Here men are always given names corresponding to their religious affiliation and they try to give such male names that could endow at least some biblical energy (although there are exceptions). And earlier, newborn children were only called temporarily, and a man could get a full name only upon reaching nine years - then the name was chosen in accordance with habits, habits, hobbies or personal qualities.

At the same time, in medieval Europe, the name was given such attention, which is not given to this day in any culture. There, the choice of a name was based on several factors at once. One of them was the determination of the social status and belonging of the child and his family to a particular social stratum. But in the high societies of that time, the name was more of a "label", serving solely in order to distinguish a person from the crowd and identify him in this way.

And in the same China, men and women are called for completely different reasons. There, first of all, not the energy and meaning of the entire name are taken into account, but the meaning and symbolism of each individual hieroglyph, captured in the full written version of the name. Hieroglyphs in this culture are divided into favorable and unfavorable, related to a certain element, and vice versa.

Today, much has changed - in many cultures, modern people have simply forgotten about the centuries-old traditions that were formed by our ancestors, while in others they try to adhere to the traditions of naming men, as well as women, modifying the generally accepted ancient traditions and rules. But one thing has not changed - the name should belong to every man and woman, without exception. But now it is not necessary to associate it with religion, specialty, craft or habits. Now it is enough just to choose the male name that will meet the wishes of the parents. And no one will ever make any claims about this.

Modern naming traditions

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The modern tradition of naming men, like women, has been simplified to the point of impossible. Literally thirty years ago, our ancestors still tried to name future men in accordance with the main Slavic tradition - in honor of the Saint, who is revered on the child's birthday. Now a lot has changed and you can call it any name, not only Slavic, and not only church. And besides, given the richness of the Russian name-book, it would be foolish to ignore the variants of names that do not correspond to our cultural traditions and religion.

For Muslims, everything is simpler - they adhere to only one tradition that is correct in the opinion of most. It consists in naming the future man with such a masculine name that will carry a favorable energy and mean something positive, correct from a psychological, cultural, and moral point of view.

The most common among Muslims are the names of the prophets, as well as some variations of the names of Allah. Historical nominal variations are also not excluded. True, there is one important rule - you cannot use exactly one of the hundred names of Allah, you need to add the prefix "Ab" to it, which means "slave".

But in the same America and most countries of the modern West, the naming of the future man is no longer accompanied by any traditions. Now the very procedure of naming in the West sometimes resembles some kind of insanity. Children are named after singers, football players, famous politicians and just friends. And it doesn't matter what the name means and what kind of energy it has. And many parents even think of something that makes them shiver. Although in Slavic culture these cases are no exception - for example, in Ukraine after the “Revolution of Dignity 2014”, many parents called their children “Maidans” and not only ...

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

Religiousness in naming men is still as important as it was before. And it is worth noting that it is precisely religiosity that remains the only factor that most newly-made parents still pay attention to.

Thus, you can move on to another option, which involves choosing a modern male name in accordance with religion. Yes, religion is still almost the most important criterion. But naming in accordance with religion must be carefully and adhering to traditions. For example, Orthodoxy is recommended to name future men by the names of the Saints, whose name days are celebrated on the child's birthday. In addition, over time, a second name may be given - the church name. It is given at the time of baptism.

Our dear readers, this article will interest those who are interested in the question of how to name a child or boy. We will consider how best to name the baby in accordance with the time of year when the addition is expected, taking into account the sign of the zodiac, we will talk about what generally needs to be considered when choosing a name for a future man.

Selection features

When deciding what to call your son, you must take into account a number of points.

  1. Think about the future. When choosing how to name a toddler, see that later it becomes an excellent patronymic for your grandchildren.
  2. Choose such an option so that it sounds beautiful with the surname, also with the middle name of the baby. Choose those in which there would be a predominance of voiceless or voiced consonants.
  3. It is believed that it is incorrect to name a child after his parent. There have been cases when this led to the baby's nervous breakdowns.
  4. It is not worth giving to toddlers living in rural areas some exquisite foreign names.
  5. If the child has a long surname, then it is better to choose a short name and vice versa.
  6. Having decided on a name, think about how its diminutive form sounds. It is desirable that it is not difficult to pronounce and does not cause irony.
  7. When deciding how to name a child, choose such an option so that it is equally beautiful for both a little kid and an adult man.
  8. You should not give your son a feminine - masculine name if it is difficult to understand a man or a woman by the surname.
  9. If you are thinking about how to name your son in an unusual way, then it is worth considering that such a decision may harm him in the future. It is possible that he will be negatively perceived in society and it will be difficult for a child to live with such a name. This is especially true when the mother names the baby after her favorite actor or hero from the series.
  10. It is not recommended for a child with a Russian surname and patronymic to give, for example, an Arabic name and vice versa.
  11. When choosing a name, familiarize yourself with its meaning and origin.

When we were deciding what to call our son, we paid attention to the meaning of the names that we liked the most. So the choice was made on Nikita - the winner.

Named after a relative

If you decide to name your baby after a specific loved one, then you need to be careful and take into account some features.

  1. Naming your baby after your father or your beloved uncle is not doing anything wrong. And the person after whom you named the child will be very pleased. Then you can be sure that all the attention of a relative will be riveted on your baby, as well as his care.
  2. In the case when parents name their son after one of the relatives who is no longer alive, it is a bad sign. According to popular belief, it is believed that such a toddler will repeat the fate of a person who died. Of course, if you are not superstitious, and besides, the deceased relative lived a wonderful, happy life, then why not.

Name and season

Not everyone knows that the month in which the baby was born largely determines his future character. It is believed that if you name the baby with a name corresponding to the month of his birth, then such a child will be happy and to a greater extent will show his best qualities.

  1. Fall. Let's look at what you can call a son who was born at this time of year:

  1. Winter. What names are suitable for children born in the winter months:

  1. Spring. Now let's look at how to name babies who were born in the spring months:

  1. Summer. Let's take a look at what names are best for boys who were born in the summer months:

Vintage and very rare

If you decide to choose a rather rare name for your little one, then I bring to your attention five options and their meaning.

  1. Gordey. Such a boy will be an optimist, is quite peaceful. Outwardly, he will be modest, while he is characterized by great energy and inner strength. Such a kid will become a good storyteller and an attentive listener.
  2. Zakhar. By giving your son that name, you give him an agreeable, caring character. Such boys are good-natured and sentimental.
  3. Luke. Such a kid will be honest and purposeful, however, sometimes impulsive.
  4. Matvey. The kid is persistent and hardworking, however, withdrawn.
  5. Vsevolod is prudent, cheerful, finds a common language with those around him, diligent, but does not strive to be a winner.

Zodiac names and signs

If you want to know how to name your son, names according to the horoscope, then check out the list below:

  • well suited for Aries: Alexander, Nikolai, Artem, Alexey, Yaroslav, Egor;
  • Taurus is impressed by the names Anton, Maxim, Daniel, Nikita, Ilya, Bogdan;
  • Gemini will be comfortable with the names Henry, Konstantin, Sergey, Igor, Eugene;
  • Cancers have the names Andrei, Vitaly, Stanislav;
  • Alexander, Mark, Ivan, Kirill, Artem are ideal for Leo;
  • Virgo - Gleb, Vsevolod, Rostislav, Denis, Gennady, Stepan;
  • Among Libra, Oleg, Vitaly, Anatoly, Mikhail, Anton, Leonid, Plato will be the best;
  • The names Arseny, Rodion, Fedor, Yuri, Ruslan are suitable for Scorpions;
  • Sagittarius can be represented by the names Peter, Vladimir, Yan, Yaroslav, Roman, Vyacheslav;
  • The names Arthur, Vadim, Egor, Gleb, Nikolay, Denis are suitable for Capricorns;
  • An Aquarius can be Ruslan, Oleg, Leonid, Gennady, Svyatoslav;
  • The names Vasily, Bogdan, Maxim, Valery, Roman, Ivan are well suited to Pisces.

Now you know what you can call a boy. Remember the criteria when choosing a name. Do not forget that it is it that largely influences the character of the baby and influences his future.