
Write an epic on a topical topic. Collection of epics composed by students of the sixth grade. "Alyosha Popovich and Koshchei's crows"

Old Russian epics are a unique phenomenon in our literature. This genre arose at the dawn of the creation of the Russian state. It reflects all the richness of the people's spiritual experience.

It is impossible to accurately date each epic. They evolved gradually from ancient times to the end of the Middle Ages. There were two main centers for the emergence of epics: Kyiv and Novgorod. Epics were not the creation of one particular person. They consisted of multiple repetitions of different singer-storytellers who accompanied their story by playing the harp. This is where the special poetic size of epics comes from, creating a feeling of melodiousness.

The main characters of many Russian epics are heroes defending ordinary people and their native land. The most popular is Ilya Muromets. The artistic description of the hero depicts him as an incredibly strong and handsome person (“remote”, “kind”, “glorious”). At the same time, Ilya Muromets is very modest and disinterested. Ilya's actions are always decisive and straightforward, he does not tolerate deceit and resourcefulness.

Thus, the moral ideal of the ancient Russian person is reflected in the epics.

Another famous epic character is Mikula Selyaninovich. This is a simple farmer, who also has fantastic strength. In this image, the people expressed their ideas about the importance of peasant labor, which underlies the entire Russian land.

In epics, good and evil are always sharply contrasted. A sharp line runs between positive and negative characters.

In the description of the characters, their actions and deeds, images of the natural and animal world are often used (“eyes and a clear falcon”, “eyebrows ... and a black sable”). The obligatory reception of the epic is morality, which directly follows from the narrative. The listener should have had no doubts about the justice and the inevitability of a happy ending.

Thus, in the conditions of incessant raids of nomads on Russian lands, there was a need for their constant protection. The exploits of individual people formed into generalized images of heroes, who often came from ordinary peasants. In epics, the legendary deeds of these people are described in a fabulous form. Narrations of singer-storytellers were supposed to inspire listeners to defend their independence. They depicted an ideal model of behavior to which one had to strive.

Epics are wonderful works of folk art that captivate the reader in our time.

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Dyatlova Olga Stanislavovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

I qualification category

MKOU Novoyarkovskaya secondary school

Baraba region

Novosibirsk region

We compose epics


At literature lessons in the 6th grade according to the program of A.G. Kutuzov is studying epics - works that most clearly represent the section "Oral Folk Art". Students like to read epics and work on understanding them, to study “new” old words. Probably, the sound of native Russian speech, even if it is rather outdated, resonates in our souls at the genetic level. The language is melodious, musical, smooth, it is both complex and simple. Heroes of epics - so understandable and beloved - arouse the admiration of students. The program of A.G. Kutuzov recommends holding an hour of a creative workshop on this topic, during which students try their hand at writing an epic of their own composition.

Before writing creative works, she carried out the necessary preparatory work. At the initial stage of the lesson - repetition followed by instruction.


    What is an epic?

    How is epic different from myth?

    What is the difference between an epic and a legend?

    Why is it said about the epic that, as a phenomenon of Russian folklore, it belongs to the “heroic” epic?

    Dreams about what expresses the Russian people in the epic?

    Why is hyperbole used in epic?

    What is the purpose of the litho?

    Name what constant epithets can be found in epics.

    Does the epic genre exist in today's world?

    In order to eliminate such injustice, today we will try to write our own epics ourselves.

Epic writing tutorial.

    D In order to determine the sequence of our actions, we will verbally draw up a plan for our further work. How to start preparing for writing?

      1. Let's define a hero. Choose “your” hero and try to imagine him: what he looks like, what are his character traits, who and what he loves, what he can’t stand.

        Decide with whom and for what he will fight. Do not forget that the opponent of the conditional hero must be a match for the good hero. The enemy must be very nasty, to offend someone with impunity.

3. Think about who the main character will protect. It must necessarily be a defenseless creature that cannot stand up for itself.

4. Determine in what time and geographical space the events of the epic will take place.

5. Come up with all the details and details of the main character's fight with the villain.

6. Determine which words you will begin to describe the beginning of the epic, and which ending.

7. To design the expressive melodiousness of the language, we use interjections: oh yes, ah yes, etc.

8. We write down a fictional story, keeping the sequence of events.

Note : do not forget to insert into the epic special "highlights" of Russian folklore works: a triple repetition, "magic" numbers, constant epithets, comparisons, hyperbole, litotes.

Children liked to write epics. Not all students succeeded, but those who “succeeded” aroused admiration and smiles. Admiration - because the students looked at their classmates with different eyes, as at people, a little like writers. Smiles - because the content of most epics turned out to be humorous. I give an example of several successful works of my students.

Completed by: Timofey Gruzdev

From that one from the city of Barabinsk,

From that village from Novoyarkovo

A burly good fellow came out,

Everyone called him Oleg Novoyarkovets.

He went out to the gardens and grandmothers,

And there the silushki are overtaken by black-black.

So no caterpillar crawls here,

No dragonfly flies by.

And at the head of all this great power

There was a villain-robber Colorado Beetle.

Ah, here is an old Rusich, yes, Oleg Novoyarkovets

Yes, he takes his tight slingshot.

He pulled on a silk rubber band,

Yes, he put a hot bullet,

He shot at that Colorado Beetle

And he knocked out his right eye along with the mustache.

And then how Oleg took his wooden sword

And how he began to chop-chop all this power.

And he beat this great powerhouse!

Glory to him from everywhere sing:

Oleg Novoyarkovets - the winner of the Colorado Beetle!

Oleg Novoyarkovets and the Colorado Beetle

Completed by: Oleg Kiselev

From that yes from the city of Barabinsk

From that village and Novoyarkovo

Went vaunted good fellow

Daring Oleg and Novoyarkovets.

He stood in the morning and in the garden,

And in the afternoon he wanted to be in time in Staroyarkovo.

He drove up to Babkin's garden,

And whether in that garden or in Grandma's

Caught up with something yellow-yellow!

So special forces don’t walk around here,

No one passes on a good tank,

Helicopter bird does not fly

Cool riot police do not roam.

And somehow drove up to the great powerhouse

Our Oleg is daring and Novoyarkovets.

He somehow became this great power

"Belorus" trample and pour poison.

Ah, he beat this great power

Yes, the larvae of these Colorado ones.

Yes, one young Bug escaped,

The baby is still quite, oh baby:

He is four meters high

Yes, heels are just something wide.

That Zhuchok was based on Yard and Novoyarkovskoye.

Here Oleg arrived in time there

On his "Belarus" and on the heroic.

His powerful "Belorus" and Novoyarkovsky

From bump to bump on the roads began to jump,

From mountain to mountain began to jump,

He let down large puddles between the wheels.

So he got close to the Beetle and the Colorado,

Olezhek went on the offensive.

Dispersed his "Belorus", but he does not want to go.

He turned a circle, and "Belorus" is a coward!

Oleg said yes these are the words:

“Oh, you, the wolf's satiety, and the oil pot!

Al gasoline is not the same, or the spikes are small?

Why are you on the nose, dog, stumbling?

After these words, our "Belarus" jumped up on its hind legs

And planted a Beetle on a stake, like a dumpling.

And the end came to the power and the great!

Glory, glory to the vaunted portly

To the Russian hero Oleg Novoyarkovets!

Dictionary of dialect words used in the epic:

Ground - manure.

Yar - steep shore of the lake, cliff.

As you can see, the main characters - negative and positive - have the same names. How did it happen? Before writing the epics, at the time of the discussion, the children proposed candidates for the main characters. It just so happened that the same characters "sunk" into the hearts of these boys: Oleg - by the name of a classmate, "Novoyarkovets" - by the name of the settlement. I must say that the imagination of students has no limit. They wrote epics about the New Russian, about Katerina the light Excellent student, about Ivan Hacker, and others. Here they are, the heroes of our time! The lesson turned out to be very interesting, the guys felt a taste for writing, understood how entertaining it is sometimes to act as a creator.

Oh yes, Mother Russia! Oh yes, the country-breadwinner!

Strong to enemies to envy, beautiful to friends to joy, but glorious heroes!

And at that time lived in Russia, the St. Petersburg hero Putich Vladimir, light Vladimirovich.

He was famous for his heroic strength and military deeds and remarkable mind!

Yes, how hard times have come, but black clouds have come,

And over Russia the clouds were catching up with the infidel Obamka, with a black face and tongue-tied speeches.

He set his faithful dogs on the Russian state: Parashka and Yetska,

But nothing happened with Obama: the Russian people, led by the hero Putich, were not afraid.

Then the Basurman decided: “Since it didn’t work out by force, I’ll take it with starvation!”

Yes, he ordered the sanctions to be introduced, the sanctions are fierce, unfair!

And the bogatyrs and sovereigns of the west bowed before the terrible Obama.

Yes, the Russian hero was not at a loss, but in the East he found allies,

And the Russian state became even stronger!

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Russia!

Don't let the enemies ride on our land, don't trample the Russian land with their horses!

Do not overshadow our red sun!

Russia stands for a century - it does not stagger, and it will stand for centuries - it does not move!

Whether from that city and from St. Petersburg

Born was a remote guy, a remote guy, but named Volodya.

He possessed Silushka from birth, but he was ready to stand up for his homeland right away.

The time has come for Mother Russia dark,

Ay, black-black, like a black crow:

Officials, how to feed a wolf, stole all the money from the treasury,

Yes, they sent all their children to overseas countries,

And they built mansions for themselves, and they live happily ever after,

But the Russian people were meek, they endured in silence.

Here grew up a remote young man, named Volodya,

The people saw him, trusted him and put forward Russia to govern.

For a long time the young man got used to all the royal luxury,

Yes, Vladimir did not need her, but the world-order was legal.

Here he climbed on the back of a brown bear,

Yes, he took a tight bow, but pulled the string tightly,

Yes, how he shot, but how he pulnul.

All the unclean official men were frightened, fled,

They went to a foreign land to the children,

From that time on, they were never seen again by the people.

Since then, all overseas countries have envied Russia,

But the times have come for Mother Russia dark,

Ay, black-black, like a black crow!

The black man said a nasty tale about Russia,

Yes, he spoke to the whole world,

And those ears hung, they believed.

Here the dollar and the euro have risen like a falcon in the sky,

And the price of estushka jumps up, and under the sanctions everyone succumbs.

How Volodya saw this, but got angry,

Yes, a great power came to him, such was not born.

He jumped across the Pacific Ocean, but he got to America,

Yes, he showed his heroic strength, but he did not beat him with a club, but with a righteous word.

The Black Man was afraid of the angry word. Yes, the words of the right,

Reduced the ardor of his enemy, anger, envy.

Pryumok, calmed down and ordered his friends:

“Do not go to war with Russia, do not look at her wealth,

And then the hero will come quickly, save Mother Russia, and

You, my faithful dogs, will be bad!”

As in the city in Voronezh, but on the street on Zagorodnya,

There are gray-stone chambers, they are called school 51.

There is a director at that school, Viktor Svet Viktorovich,

He sits in the office, he thinks, he thinks the hardest thought:

How could the school be more beautiful than ever, how could children be taught better than before?

And the kids in that school are apparently invisible!

All classes live like beehives.

And one of them is called 7 A, the one that is famous for many.

Good fellows and beautiful girls study there.

Well, they have a wonderful class: a glorious maiden, moderately strict,

And she is wise in her native language and in grammar.

Knowledge from children requires yes sentences:

“Study, kids, and get good grades, so that Russia is famous for its smart little heads!”

Everything would be fine in this class, good, good, but not very good!

We have damned loafers, they study poorly, they love to write off.

They boast of boasting, they boast of the strength of the valiant,

Red girls are being beaten up, school discipline is being violated!

Natalya Svet Vladimirovna tells them these are the words:

“Oh, you goy, good fellows, good fellows, yes, seventh graders!

Do not be "Siberian felt boots", your generation is smart,

Oh yes smart, yes beautiful! Do not shame him with your laziness,

With his laziness and immeasurable boasting!

Get better mind-mind!”

The good fellows thought, thought, but decided to correct themselves right there,

Immediately correct and be glorified in the whole world of God!

And then the school will reward them, it will appease them with diplomas and medals!

To everyone's joy, to the envy of other schools.

It was the second day of spring.
It was evening, there was nothing. In front of me sat my losers and blunted over the epic. (I gave the task to compose an epic according to all the laws of the genre, and said that I wouldn’t give a trimester grade without this) I was lazy to check notebooks, and I was also stupid over them, like my boobies over an epic. And then one of them declared on his own head that, they say, even I, the great and mighty one, would not be able to write a draft of an epic in the allotted time.
In general, we argued that in the allotted time I would write an epic about those five fellows who are sitting in front of me.
And I did it in such a way that I liked it myself ...

Bylina about how glorious the heroes of the 6th "B" class defeated Yulia Ilsurovna

As in the capital city in Muscovy

Yes, near Vernadsky Avenue

At school 324 in glorious,

What is popularly called the "Firebird"

Five wonderful knights lived.

Oh yes, the guys were great!

And the mind is sharp, and talents.

Yes, and heroic silushki.

(Ilya Muromets would not have coped!)

lived a long time they do not know troubles

Yes, in that glorious Firebird school.

Once a terrible monster got into the habit of them

By the name of Volokashiche

Yes, by name (horror!) Just Julia!

Yes, not just - but Ilsurovna

(Odikhmantiev's son's great-granddaughter).

This is where this monster came in.

Set deuces and spoil diaries

that neither alive nor dead all around lie.

Yes, and in the classroom she littered,

That the people drowned in the mud,

Yes, and ruined the whole board -

Do not wash now yes a hundred years of her!

Here are gathered and glorious fellows,

Glorious fellows - falcons are clear.

The first fellow was called Misha

Yes, nicknamed our most beautiful.

Yes, the other two are the strongest

Light - Andrey and Kolya with him - his friend,

I will say one thing about Alim and Oleg -

They were very thoughtful - yes!

Apparently they were the smartest.

Yes, we decided to keep the council

How to get rid of a scary monster

Terrible Julia,

So they decided that in arms

The power of this beast is terrible.

Yes, they decided to steal the magazine

Yes, burn in the oven, but in a clean field

Surrender to the violent winds.

Yes, they decided a red pen

Destroy and cook in a black cauldron,

And eat for lunch instead of dinner.

They were going on a hike for three days,

We thought for a long time how to distract the scary monster,

How to steal scary weapons.

They took backpacks, they are marching,

Saddled the heroic horses

Yes, we went to the battlefield.

Yes, they turned on the music

Very loud, disco.

They distracted a terribly monster

Odikhmantiev's son's great-granddaughter.

Yes, she was worn around the class,

Yes, I forgot my weapon.

All performed by good fellows,

All performed as intended.

The next day, early in the morning

They rushed to school.

Look - yes, the monster took up his own

Even worse than before.

Yes, red pens are sketched,

Yes, there are already three new magazines.

The good fellows began to gather,

Yes, think again,

How to get rid of the terrible monster Julia

By the name of Volokashishche -

Odikhmantiev's son's great-granddaughter.

And they decided to mess around

Shout to shout and do not do homework.

They destroyed all their notebooks,

Yes, the wind of the steppe dispelled.

In the diaries, yes, the fives were instructed,

Signed, hid behind the stove.

Now a terrible monster will not find,

Odikhmantiev's son's great-granddaughter.

All performed as intended.

Only a monster for his again,

Even worse, worse than before.

Threw them black slippers,

I piled up a report on them,

Yes, I called my parents

threatened with bloody reprisals.

They gathered again to hold a council.

They invited the red-maiden,

Red-maiden and wise.

The girl was called Ksyusha,

Yes, I laughed at the falcons.

She spoke these words to them:

It will not help, they say, evil from evil.

You need to overcome evil with good.

Yes, you take a notebook,

Write all the tasks there

Show her your knowledge.

And he starts screaming - answer,

When leaving, wipe the board with a rag,

Not just like that, but straight to the point.

And take your papers with you.

Let her die clean.

All performed as intended

Only the monster did not get angry.

Smiled at everyone, said hello,

Treated everyone to tea with gingerbread,

She spoke kind words to them

The speeches are gentle, yes these are the words:

“Oh, well done, the falcons are clear!

Yes, they amused, they say, in old age.

Oh thank you so much!

We will live - do not grieve,

Let's be friends with each other"

She gave all fives,

And sent home to rest.