
Controlling the cash expenditure limit. Controlling the cash flow limit Cash register limit in 1s 8.3 where to find

Probably in every company, a financial manager or director of the company plans how much money can be allocated for the expenses of a particular department, because they want to reduce expenses and control them. At the beginning of the month, a limited budget is set, which you must adhere to and try not to exceed.

So, the new release UT provides a wonderful opportunity control over the expenditure of funds using the document “DS Consumption Limits”. This document establishes the amount of funds available for spending for each DDS item.

Subsequent control of the expenditure of funds can be carried out both for the enterprise and for divisions and organizations (preliminary activation of the corresponding functional options “Expenditure limits by organizations” and “Expenditure limits by divisions” is required).

In cases where it is necessary to allocate funds in excess of the limit established for a given DDS article, this need is indicated explicitly when filling out the application (“Above the limit”).

Let's take a closer look at this functionality in the program.


The article was written for the editors of UT 11.1 . If you use this edition, great - read the article and implement the functionality discussed.

If you are working with older versions of UT 11, then this functionality is current. The most noticeable difference between UT 11.3/11.4 and 11.1 edition is the Taxi interface. Therefore, in order to master the material in the article, reproduce the presented example on your UT 11 base. Thus, you will consolidate the material with practice :)

Implementation of control over the cash expenditure limit

To enable the ability to control spending limits, you must first select the “Requests for spending funds” checkbox on the “Administration” – “Organizations and funds” program tab.

After this, it will be possible to enable the checkboxes for limiting the expenditure of funds and monitoring the excess of limits. Let's enable all possible checkboxes.

Let's imagine a situation where a company has several divisions. Each department is allocated a certain amount each month (for example, 4,000 rubles) for internal expenses: utilities, transport services, office maintenance.

Let’s go to the “Finance” program tab – “DS expense limits”.

Let's create a new document. Let's fill in the organization and division for which we are planning the budget. We indicate DDS items and amounts (limits) of expenses:

  • utilities – limit 1,500 rub.
  • transport services – limit 2,000 rubles.
  • office maintenance – limit 500 rub.

To enlarge, click on the image.

Exceeding limits is controlled when approving/coordinating “Requests for cash expenditures”. By the way, in UT, instead of the “Approved” status, the “Payable” status is now used.

Let's create a new “Application for spending DS”. We will fill in all the necessary information. We will indicate the DDS article “Office Maintenance”. The amount of expenditure is 600 rubles.

If you try to post a document in the “Approved” or “Payable” status, the program will display an error stating that it is impossible to post, since the expense limit under the “Office maintenance” item has been exceeded by 100 rubles.

To enlarge, click on the image.

If it is necessary to spend funds in excess of the limit, then the corresponding “Above the limit” flag is set in the application. The right to process documents with an amount in excess of the established limit is granted to those users for whom the right to coordinate and approve the application has been established.

For example, let’s check the “Over limit” checkbox and submit an application. Based on this, we will create a cash receipt order.

To enlarge, click on the image.

In a similar way, we will create requests for the expenditure of DS (as well as cash receipts) under the DDS items “Utilities” and “Transportation services” for 1,000 rubles. and 2,000 rub. respectively. Those. We spent 500 rubles on utilities. less than the limit, and for transport services they used the entire allowable limit on expenses.

To control the expenditure of funds in accordance with the established limits, the report “Use of cash expenditure limits” is used. You can launch it on the “Finance” – “Finance Reports” tab. Let's generate a report.

To enlarge, click on the image.

The report clearly shows expense limits, actual expenses and deviations by DDS items. We see that we have overexpenditure under the item “Office maintenance”, underexpenditure under the item “Utilities”, and under the item “Transportation services” we have used the entire limit. Additionally, the report displays the percentage of limit consumption.

As you can see, the functionality is very useful and uncomplicated. I think that everyone who switches to the new release of UT should definitely try to use this mechanism, since with it you will always be aware of the implementation of the expense budget in your company.

Working with cash registers and cash documents is an integral part of accounting activities. It includes setting a cash limit, accounting for the receipt of funds through a cash receipt order (PKO) and accounting for expenses through an expenditure cash order (RKO). Let's consider each type of operation in order.

Cash limit

Every large organization that works with cash must set a cash limit - this is regulated by the Directive of the Bank of the Russian Federation. The exception is small companies and entrepreneurs. The established cash limit cannot be exceeded, but can be changed monthly; this must be documented, signed by management. Otherwise, you may receive a fine from the tax inspector.

The cash register limit or cash balance limit in the cash register is the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be kept in the cash register at the end of the working day.

Now let’s find out how to set a cash limit in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program. To do this, go to the “Directories” menu tab, the “Enterprise” section, and the “Organization” directory. Go to the organization’s settings and in the top panel click “More”, select the item “Cash balance limits”:

We get into filling out the document. Press the “Create” button. In the window that opens, enter the date from which this setting will be effective, and enter the size of the cash register limit, that is, indicate the amount of cash that may be in the cash register.

Click “Save and close.” The limit is specified. This is a periodic adjustment. If, for example, we want a different limit to be in effect in a month, then we create a new document with the required date, indicate the size of the limit and apply it. All documents can be viewed in the journal:

Let’s now go to the “Bank and Cash Desk” menu tab and see what magazines the “Cash Desk” section includes:

  • Cash documents are incoming and outgoing cash orders;
  • Payments with payment cards are acquiring;
  • Advance reports – allow reporting to accountable persons;
  • Managing the fiscal registrar – allows you to close a shift, make an X-report and a Z-report;
  • Acquiring terminal management – ​​allows you to configure this terminal.

Receipt cash orders

Now let's look at the cash documents in detail. Let's start with cash receipts. They are issued through the “Receipt” button. With the help of PCO, a large number of operations can be performed. This is determined by the item “Types of operations”:

  • Retail revenue;
  • Return from supplier;
  • Receiving cash from the bank;
  • Receiving a loan from a counterparty;
  • Repayment of the loan by the counterparty;
  • Repayment of a loan by an employee;

According to the document, the posting Dt50.01 - Kt62.01 is generated - receipt from the buyer.

After posting the document, the “Printing form details” setting appears at the bottom. Here you can specify the information that will be displayed when printing the PQ:

  • Adopted from - name of the organization;
  • Basis – document name and number;
  • Application;
  • A comment.

Printing is done through the key at the top of the “Cash receipt order (KO-1)” screen. We print it and send it for signature.

If a fiscal registrar is connected, then through the “Print check” button, which is located on the top panel, you can print a check. Please note that you can add an unlimited number of rows to the PKO. This was done so that payment could be divided either according to contracts or according to cash flow items. For example, let’s add another line, divide the amount of receipt and indicate the DDS item - “Other receipts”. And the settlement account is 62.01.

Let's review the document and see the generated transactions. The only thing that has changed is that this amount is divided into two parts:

  • Dt50.01 - Kt62.01 – payment from buyers;
  • Dt50.01 - Kt62.01 – other receipts.

Type of operation “Retail revenue”

Fields to be filled in:

  • Type of transaction – retail revenue;
  • The number and date are generated automatically;
  • Warehouse – indicate the retail warehouse;
  • Amount of revenue;
  • DDS item – retail revenue.

We check, we carry out. If necessary, we send it for printing and submit it for signature.

Type of operation “Return from an accountable person”

Here we fill in:

  • Number and date – skip;
  • Accountable person – enter the data from whom we accept the refund;
  • Sum;
  • If necessary, fill in the item “Printing form details” - it will be displayed when printing the PQR.

We print it and send it for signature.

Wiring for this type will look like this: Dt50.01 - Kt71.01.

Type of operation “Return from supplier”

To be filled in:

  • Type of transaction – return from an accountable entity;
  • Counterparty – the name of the organization from which we accept returns;
  • Amount of payment;
  • Agreement;
  • Everything else is filled out by the program itself;
  • If necessary, fill out the “Print Form Details”.
  • We carry it out, print it, and send it for signature. Wiring Dt50.01 - Kt60.01 is formed

Type of operation “Receiving cash at the bank”

In this case, you only need to enter the type of transaction and the amount, and the program will fill in all other parameters automatically. All that remains is to check and post the document. We print it and send it for signature. If you look at the posting, you will see the movement of funds from the current account to the cash desk: Dt50.01 - Kt51:

Type of operation “Receiving a loan from a counterparty”

Fill in:

  • Type of operation;
  • Counterparty – from whom we receive the loan;
  • Amount of payment;
  • Agreement – ​​must be other;
  • DDS article – obtaining credits and loans;
  • Settlement accounts – 67.03.

We carry it out, print it, and send it for signature. Let's look at the entries: Dt50 - Kt67.03 – receiving a cash loan/credit.

Type of operation “Obtaining a loan from a bank”

Fill in the same way as the previous form, only in the “Counterparty” field you need to indicate the name of the bank. The counterparty must be entered in advance. The accounting account is entered here by default.

Type of operation “Loan repayment by counterparty”

Fill in:

  • Type of operation;
  • Counterparty
  • Amount of payment;
  • Agreement – ​​in this form it should be “Other”;
  • Settlement accounts – 58.03 (Loans provided).

We carry it out. If necessary, fill out the “Print form details”, send it for printing and submit it for signature.

Type of operation “Repayment of loan by employee”

This type is filled out in the same way, only we indicate not the counterparty, but an individual. We write down the amount. We carry out and fill out the settings of the printed form if necessary. We print it and send it for signature. The posting will display Dt50.01 - Kt73.01 - receipts from loan repayments.

Type of operation “Other receipt”

Here you can specify any account, any analytics. Using the “Other receipt” operation, you can process all those transactions that were considered earlier.

If there is a need to capitalize the receipt of funds in foreign currency, then you need to enter account 50.21 (Cash of the organization in foreign currency). The choice of currency that is needed becomes available. At the cash desk, similar to bank documents, currency is revalued and exchange rate differences are calculated.

Expense cash orders

Now let's look at expense cash orders (RKO). They are drawn up in the “Cash Documents” journal, using the “Issue” button. Filling is similar to PKO, only the operation is reversed. With the help of RKO you can draw up the following documents:

  • Payment to the supplier;
  • Return to buyer;
  • Issuance to an accountable person;
  • Payment of wages according to statements;
  • Payment of wages to the employee;
  • Payment to an employee under a contract;
  • Depositing cash into the bank;
  • Repayment of the loan to the counterparty;
  • Repayment of the loan to the bank;
  • Issuing a loan to a counterparty;
  • Collection;
  • Payment of deposited wages;
  • Issuing a loan to an employee;
  • Other expenses.

RKOs differ from PKOs in certain types of operations. Let's focus on them.

Type of operation “Payment of wages according to statements”

Type of operation “Payment of wages to an employee”

Type of transaction “Payment to an employee under a contract”

Fill in the same way for a specific recipient. The DDS item will be indicated - payment to suppliers (contractors):

The postings will display Dt76.10 - Kt50.01:

Type of operation "Collection"

Type of operation “Payment of deposited wages”

Deposited wages are wages that an employee for some reason could not receive on time within the period established by the organization. Filled out.

In accounting, cash documents, in most cases, are drawn up in 2 documents: (hereinafter referred to as RKO) and (hereinafter referred to as PKO). They are intended for the purpose of accepting and issuing cash to or from the organization’s cash desk.

Repayment of the loan by the employee;

Other operations related to the receipt of funds.

This separation is necessary for the correct creation of accounting entries and expense books.

First of all, we need to look at Return from the buyer, Payment from the buyer, Calculations for loans and borrowings, since they are similar in structure and also have tabular parts.

All of the above 3 types of PCO in the header have the same set of fields. These are the Number and date (hereinafter for all documentation), Account, amount and Counterparty.

The number is created automatically and it is better not to change it.

Date - current date. Here you need to take into account that if you change the date to a lower date (for example, the previous day) than the current one, when printing the cash book, the software product will warn you that the numbering of sheets in the cash book is incorrect and will offer to list them. It is better that the numbering of the necessary documents is also consistent throughout the day. For this purpose, the document time can be changed.

A counterparty is a legal or natural person who contributes certain funds to the cash register. Let us immediately note that this field will display exactly the Counterparty for whom mutual settlements will be carried out. In fact, funds can be deposited into the cash register, for example, by an employee of the counterparty organization. It is selected from the directory called “Individuals” in the field named “Accepted from”. In this situation, the printed form of the PCO will indicate the full name from whom the finance was received.

Accounting account - in a self-supporting chart of accounts this is usually “50.1”, but by default it is possible to configure another one. The corresponding account depends on the type of transaction itself; it can be taken from the tabular part of the PKO.

Now let’s turn your attention to registering the deposit amount. It is important to note that “Payment from the buyer”, “Return from the buyer”, as well as “Settlements for loans and borrowings” cannot be executed without specifying the agreement. At the same time, it is possible to receive finance simultaneously under several contracts. This is exactly what the tabular part is intended for. The payment amount consists of the amounts in the rows of the tabular section. The settlement account and the advances account, that is, the corresponding accounts, are also noted there. It is possible to configure these accounts in the information register Accounts for settlements with counterparties.

Other types of operations should not cause difficulties. The latter do not have a tabular part, and all filling out the PQS generally comes down to choosing a counterparty. This may be a banking institution, an employee or an accountable person.

Other transactions for the receipt of finance reflect all other receipts to the organization's cash desk and create their own postings. And an arbitrary corresponding account is selected manually.

Account cash warrant

In general, the design of RKO is almost no different from the design of PKO. In the 1C Accounting software product there are the following types of financial issuances from the cash register:

Issuance of payment to the supplier;

Issuing finances to an accountable person;

Issuing a refund to the client;

Cash to a banking institution;

Issuing wages separately to an employee or according to a statement;

Issuance of loans and credits;

Issuance of deposited wages;

Issuing a loan to an employee;

Carrying out collection;

Other operations for issuing money.

Let us take a special look at the payment of wages. In this type of operation, there is a tabular part in which it is necessary to indicate one or more pay slips. The total amount of RKO will be formed from the amounts of information. Without specifying at least one statement, it will be impossible to carry out cash settlement.

When issuing wages, the employee also needs to mark the statement, but only one.

In case of issuance of deposited wages, the statement is not required.

Setting a cash balance limit

In order to set a cash balance limit in the “1C 8.3” program, you need to go to the “Organizations” directory and on the tab called “Forward” select the item named “Cash balance limit”:

Where to press the key called “Add”, where to indicate from which date the restriction applies, as well as its size.

The cash balance limit is set in a special periodic register (I wrote more about registers). By default, there is no cash register limit in 1C. Simply put, it is equal to zero.

Why zero? Very simple. To understand this, you need to understand why a cash limit is set in 1C Accounting 8.3. In the new Taxi interface, everything is similar, but the appearance of the program is different, nothing more.

Review of cash transactions is included in the 1C training course presented on the website.

Why set a cash register limit at 1C

A typical answer from an “advanced” user - that’s how it’s supposed to be. That is, the company should not have more cash in its cash register than is allowed by the limit. In fact, as I already wrote in one of the previous articles, accounting in 1C and accounting theory, to put it mildly, are not the same thing.

1C doesn’t care at all about “how much money is in the cash register” - these are just numbers. However, in the program, as part of the “Express check of accounting” processing, there is a fad that controls the cash balance: if there were cash transactions on a certain day, then that day is checked for exceeding the limit.

This is where the need arises to set a 1C cash register limit. Simply put, the program needs compare with something cash balance. If the cash register limit is not set (and by default this is the case), then it is assumed to be zero!

The figure above shows just such a case. is not installed in 1C, so 1C Accounting gives a cash balance error for All days on which cash transactions were detected.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

We set a cash limit in the latest version of 1C Accounting

Some differences in the program interface compared to previous versions do not lead to significant changes in the method of setting the cash limit value. You need to go to the "Organizations" directory, open the desired company (if there are several of them) and find the cash limit register in the top links, as shown in the figure below.


Do not forget that the register is periodic, that is, the set value will be valid from the specified date until infinity or until you enter a new value.

Interestingly, setting a limit and finding where it is located in 1C is one of the most common questions on the Internet on the topic of “Enterprise Accounting”. But everything is extremely simple.

Where and how to set the cash register limit in 1C 8.3 previous versions

To set a cash balance limit, go to the “Bank and Cash Office” section (we are talking about setting a cash limit in 1C Accounting 8.3) and select “Cash balance limits” on the navigation panel. If the cash register limit was not previously set, the tab that opens will be empty.

The cash balance limit is set separately for each(!) organization in the database. Click the "Create" button and fill out the form shown below. If there is only one organization, then it still needs to be indicated. The date from which the cash balance limit will apply and, in fact, the value of the cash limit itself is also indicated.


The established limit will be valid for the specified organization from the specified date until infinity, or until you set a new limit. For example, if the cash balance limit has increased, then simply go to this register, as indicated above, and add new line. There is no need to delete old entries!

Video tutorial on setting a cash limit in 1C: Accounting 8

The video shows how to set a cash limit in the 1C Accounting program version 8.3. If your organization does not apply a cash limit, then simply set a deliberately high value or ignore the program generating errors of this type.

Let's sum it up

It is worth keeping in mind that setting a cash balance limit in 1C Accounting 8.3 only affects the “Express check of accounting” processing. I talk about this in more detail in my distance learning course 1C Accounting

Cash documents in 1C 8.3 are drawn up, as a rule, in two documents: Receipt Cash Order (hereinafter referred to as PKO) and Outgoing Cash Order (hereinafter referred to as RKO). Designed for registration in the program for accepting and issuing cash to the cash desk (from the cash desk) of the enterprise.

I'll start the review with PKO. As the name implies, this document formalizes the receipt of money at the cash desk.

In 1C Accounting 3.0, the following types of transactions can be executed using the PKO document:

  • Receiving payment from the buyer.
  • Refund of funds from the accountable person.
  • Receiving a return from the supplier.
  • Receiving funds from the bank.
  • Repayment of loans and borrowings.
  • Repayment of a loan by an employee.
  • Other operations for the receipt of funds.

This separation is necessary for the correct formation of accounting entries and the book of Income and Expenses.

First of all I want to consider Payment from the buyer, Return from buyer And Payments for loans and borrowings, since they are similar in structure and have tabular parts.

All these three types of software in 1C have the same set of fields in the header. This Number And date(further for all documents), Counterparty, Check accounting And Sum.

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  • Number– is generated automatically and it is better not to change it.
  • date- The current date. Here it should be taken into account that if you change the date to a smaller one (for example, the previous day) than the current one, when printing, the program will issue a warning that the numbering of sheets in the cash book is incorrect and will offer to recalculate them. It is desirable that the numbering of documents throughout the day is also consistent. To do this, you can change the time of the document.
  • Counterparty– An individual or legal entity who deposits funds into the cash register. Let me immediately note that this field indicates exactly Counterparty, according to which mutual settlements will be carried out. In fact, money can be deposited into the cash register, for example, by an employee Organizations - Counterparty. It is selected from the directory Individuals in field Taken from. In this case, the printed form of the PKO will indicate the full name from whom the money was received.
  • Account– in 1C postings, as a rule, account 50.1 is used (more details about the settings in the article -). The corresponding account depends on the type of transaction and is taken from the tabular part of the PKO.

Now I want to draw your attention to the formalization of the amount of money deposited. Payment from the buyer, Return from buyer And Payments for loans and borrowings cannot be executed without specifying the contract. Moreover, funds can be accepted simultaneously under several contracts. This is what the tabular section is for. Amount of payment is formed from the amounts in the rows of the tabular section. It is also indicated there Settlement account And Advances account(corresponding accounts). These accounts are configured in the information register .

Other types of operations should not present any difficulties. They do not have a tabular part, and the entire filling out of the PQS comes down mainly to the choice of the Counterparty. This could be an accountable person, a bank or an employee.

Other cash receipt transactions reflect any other receipts to the enterprise's cash desk and generate its own postings. An arbitrary corresponding account is selected manually.

Account cash warrant

Registration of cash settlements at the cash desk is practically no different from registration of cash settlements. In 1C Accounting, there are the following types of cash withdrawals:

  • Issuing payment to the supplier.
  • Issuing a refund to the buyer.
  • Issuance of funds to an accountable person.
  • Issuance of wages on a payroll or separately to an employee.
  • Cash to the bank.
  • Issuance of credits and loans.
  • Carrying out collection.
  • Issuance of deposited salary.
  • Issuing a loan to an employee.
  • Other operations for issuing funds.

Separately, I would like to focus only on the payment of wages. This type of operation has a tabular part in which it is necessary to indicate one or more pay slips. The total cash settlement amount will be the sum of the statements. Without specifying at least one statement, it will not be possible to carry out cash settlement.