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Zup 3.0 indicator depends on the school. Stage “Targeted financing”

ATTENTION: similar article on 1C ZUP 2.5 -

Hello, dear visitors. Today we continue to analyze the features of accounting in ZUP 8.3 and in the next publication in a series of articles with step-by-step description of working in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) for beginners(the entire series of articles is available) we will talk about the basics of calculating salaries in the program and preparing data for this calculation. Let's look at specific examples of how in the document " Calculation of salaries and contributions" Salaries will be automatically calculated taking into account established planned accruals, work schedules, deductions and absences of employees. We will also analyze the features of calculating time worked and calculating wages based on the formulas specified in the types of calculation.

From 10/01/2016 we will hire an employee – Sidorov S.A. In the document Recruitment the employee must indicate the work schedule according to which he will work and assign planned accruals. They will be automatically calculated monthly (or at other intervals) when calculating salaries in the document “Calculation of salaries and contributions”. In ZUP 2.5, planned accruals were accrued exclusively on a monthly basis, and in the ZUP program version 3, it became possible to assign planned accruals that would be paid, for example, once a year or once a quarter. This frequency is determined in the settings of a specific accrual. I wrote in more detail about the differences between ZUP 2.5 and ZUP 3.1 (3.0) in a series of articles:

So, in our example, on the “Main” tab, we will set the employee’s work schedule - Five days. It is on the basis of the schedule when calculating wages that the standard time will be determined and the actual time worked will be determined by the displacement method. The standard time in October according to the Five-day schedule is 21 days / 168 hours.

On the “Payment” tab, we will assign a planned accrual to the employee - Payment at an hourly rate, and set the hourly rate to 300 rubles. In the settings of this type of accrual ( Payment at an hourly rate) it is indicated that this accrual is being carried out Monthly and the calculation will be made according to the following formula: TariffRateHourly*TimeInHours. We have already indicated the hourly rate for the employee, and the time in hours is actually the number of hours worked by the employee per month. The program will determine them automatically using the displacement method in the document during the final calculation, i.e. Hours of absence (sick leave, business trip, vacation, etc.) are excluded from the standard time according to the employee’s schedule.

In order for the accrual type to be available in the program Payment at an hourly rate it is necessary in the Settings section - Payroll calculation - link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions, check the box - Application of hourly wages. I talked in more detail about all the settings in this section in the article.

At the same time, on October 10, 2016, two more employees are being hired by our organization. We will register their acceptance with one document Hiring by list(Section Personnel - document log Admissions, transfers, dismissals). Now let’s look at each employee individually and see what settings we set for them when they were hired.

Employee Ivanov A.M. assigned the same work schedule as in the previous example - Five days, but the planned accrual is Payment according to salary in the amount of 30,000 rubles per month.

In the settings of the accrual type “Payment by salary” it is established that this type of accrual is carried out Monthly and will be calculated according to the formula. We indicated the salary, this is the amount of 30,000 rubles, the share of part-time work (the number of rates for which an employee is hired) is equal to 1, because our employee is hired full time. Time in days is the actual number of days worked per month (in the same way, it is determined automatically by the program using the displacement method, as in the previous example, only in days), the norm of days is determined from the employee’s work schedule.

To the second employee - N.S. Petrov. set a work schedule Five days, type of planned accrual – Payment by salary (hourly).

Open the accrual type settings Payment by salary (hourly)— this accrual will be carried out Monthly and calculated using the formula Salary*TimeInHours/NormalHours. The only difference between this type of accrual and the previous one is that the proportion is calculated not in days, but in hours.

We will look at a more detailed calculation in the program using formulas for each employee a little later using a specific example when filling out the document. Calculation of salaries and contributions for the month, but for now we will continue to enter the necessary information for calculating salaries.

What documents in ZUP 3.1 (3.0) introduce planned accruals for employees?

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

According to the example, employee S.A. Sidorov from October 17, 2016, another type of planned accrual is assigned - Bonus percentage from his salary. What document in the ZUP3.1(3.0) program should reflect this fact? There are several options, let’s look at each of them and decide which one is best to use in our case. All these documents in the program are available in the section Salary - document log Changes in employee pay.

  • Document Personnel transfer.

So, let's open the magazine Changes in employee pay and create a document Personnel transfer. Let's select an employee from the proposed list and indicate the date 10/17/2016 from which a new accrual is assigned. On the “Payment” tab, check the box Change charges, click the “Add” button and enter a new type of accrual, in this example it is Bonus percentage(10 %).

This document also provides for other possibilities, such as transferring an employee to another department or position/staffing unit, transferring to another work schedule, changing the right to leave, changing the method of calculating the advance payment. That is, it provides quite a lot of functionality and it is not advisable to use it only to enter a new type of planned accrual. You can use this document if we need a printed form of Transfer Order (T-5). In our example, the document Personnel transfer will not be used.

  • Document Changes in wages.

Let's consider another option. Let's choose from a magazine Changes in employee pay document Changes in wages. In the same way, we will indicate the change date of 10/17/2016, select our employee from the proposed list, then check the box Change charges and by clicking on the “Add” button, enter a new accrual Bonus percentage. Accrual Payment at an hourly rate, assigned by the Hiring document, is loaded here automatically after selecting an employee. Using the “Cancel” button, you can cancel any of the assigned charges. (specifically in our example this is not required). Feature of the document Changes in wages is that it is intended to add or cancel planned accruals only for one employee.

  • Document Changing planned accruals.

The document is also available in the ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program Changing planned accruals to enter or cancel random dialing planned accruals for any quantity employees.

  • Document.

This document is for entry only one planned accrual, but for arbitrary number of employees. In the “Accrual” field, indicate the type of accrual that needs to be assigned, Bonus percentage, Appointment date – 10/17/2016, then click the “Selection” button and select S.A. Sidorova. Feature of the document Assignment of planned accrual is that we can assign an Accounting Account (a way to reflect wages in accounting) for a given planned accrual (Bonus percentage) for a given employee. In our example, we will not use this feature.

So, we reviewed several documents in the program with which you can add a new type of planned accrual to an employee. In our example, it is most logical to use the document Changes in wages, because We have only one employee, one new planned accrual and we do not change other working conditions for this employee (work schedule, position, department, etc.).

Let's review the document Changes in wages.

Assigning scheduled deductions

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now let's look at what documents in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) employees are assigned planned deductions. From the “Salary” section - in the journal Alimony and other deductions let's create a document Performance list. We will assign deduction according to the writ of execution to N.S. Petrov. from October 10, 2016, by selecting him from the proposed list of employees. We indicate that the calculation will be made as a percentage (15%) of the employee’s earnings, “Recipient” - Petrova M.S. In the settings of this document, you can also specify the method of calculation as a fixed amount or share of earnings, indicate whether or not to take sick leave into account for calculating the base, and indicate through which payment agent to transfer alimony.

Document Performance list does not charge anything, but only registers the conditions for calculating the withholding. The calculation of the assigned deduction will be made monthly when calculating the salary in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions(on the “Holds” tab), and a little later we will look at it with you.

For operational work, our organization uses cellular communications, but there is a certain limit on expenses for it. For employees who exceed this limit, a certain amount must be withheld from their salaries. In order for us to register this hold in the program, we will open the “Settings” section and create a new type of hold in the “Deductions” log: Cell phone withholding (over limit). In the settings, specify “Hold Destination” – Deduction against settlements for other transactions, “Hold in progress” – Monthly, “Type of salary transaction” - Deduction for other transactions with employees, retention rate – The result is entered as a fixed amount.

It is worth noting that the view that we assigned in the previous example is installed by default in the program, so we did not have to create it .

After we record (the “Record and close” button) a new type of deduction, in the journal Alimony and other permanent deductions it will be possible to create a document. So, let's create a document, select an employee, for example, A.M. Ivanov, who from 10/10/2016 to 10/31/2016 needs to withhold 200 rubles for using cellular communications in excess of the established norm. Document Deduction for other transactions does not calculate anything, but only registers the fact of this deduction. The deduction itself will be made in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions when calculating wages for October.

In our examples, we indicated to employees the following types of retention: Withholding under a writ of execution And Deduction for other transactions. In the 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program it is also possible to assign:

  • Deductions for loan repayment,
  • Withholding of union dues,
  • Withholding voluntary pension contributions to state and non-state pension funds,
  • Retentions in favor of third parties.

Now we will not consider all these documents, I think this is the topic of a separate article (follow the publications, we will try to consider this issue)

Registration of interpayment documents in ZUP 3.1 (3.0)

According to the example, employee Ivanov A.M. got sick. The employee provided us with sick leave on October 28, 2016. Let’s fill out the interpayment document Sick leave(section “Personnel” or “Salary” - Sick Leave magazine), indicate the month of accrual October 2016, the reason for incapacity for work - (01,02,10,11) Illness or injury (except for injuries at work) and the period of release from work from 20.10. to 27.10.

To determine the percentage of payment, it is also necessary to enter the employee’s insurance record. I described in detail how and in what documents to enter this data in

The Sick Leave document is a personnel payroll document; it immediately calculates personal income tax and the amount to be accrued at the expense of the employer and the Social Insurance Fund. Let's review the document.

Let's fill out one more document - (Salary section). Employee Petrov N.S. worked on October 15 for 4 hours. On schedule Five days assigned to the employee upon hiring, this is a day off, i.e. employee worked beyond the monthly norm. Document Work on weekends and holidays the fact of working on a day off is recorded, and calculations for days/hours worked on a day off will be made in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions for October.

Final salary calculation in the document “Calculation of salaries and contributions”

So, we have entered all the necessary data for calculating salaries. Let's open the document Calculation of salaries and contributions(Salary section), indicate the accrual month October, click the “Fill” button. The program will automatically add all hired employees who have time worked. Now let's see how in the program 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) accruals, deductions, contributions and personal income tax will be calculated taking into account the personnel records information we entered and interpayment documents.

Let's analyze the accrued wages of each employee separately. In order for us to see the calculation in detail, click the “Show calculation details” button.

  • Sidorov S.A. was accepted into the organization on 10/01/2016, he was assigned a planned accrual Payment at an hourly rate, hourly tariff rate – 300 rubles. The employee had no absences during the month, i.e. He worked a full 168 hours (in October the standard time according to the Five-day schedule is 21 days/168 hours). As a result, the payment at the hourly rate in October amounted to 50,400 rubles (300 * 168 - according to the formula TariffRateHourly*TimeInHours). Bonus percentage assigned to the employee not from the beginning of the month, but from October 17, 2016, i.e. Not the entire amount of 50,400 rubles is taken into the calculation base, but only for the 88 hours worked in the period from 10/17 to 10/31. Calculation: 88*300 = 26,400 rubles. We set the bonus percentage to 10%, which means 26400*10/100 = 2640 rubles. The calculation is correct.

  • Ivanov A.M. hired on October 10, 2016, he was assigned a five-day work schedule and planned accrual Payment according to salary in the amount of 30,000 rubles . In October he worked only 10 days, because... was on sick leave in the period from 20.10 to 27.10. Calculation was made according to the formula Salary*Share of Part-Time Worker*TimeInDays/NormalDays— 30000*1*10/21 = 14285.71 rubles. Also, this employee was assigned a deduction for cellular communications (above the limit); on the “Deductions” tab we see the amount of 200 rubles, which was indicated in the Deduction for other transactions document.

In order to make sure how much time the employee actually worked, we will generate a report Report card. In the Personnel section - Salary reports - open Time sheet (T-13), indicate the required period from 01.10 to 31.10, select Ivanov A.M. and click the “Generate” button. Indeed, we see in the report card the sick time - 8 days and the turnout time - 10 days. It was during these 10 days that the calculation was completed.

  • Petrov N.S. scheduled accrual assigned Payment by salary (hourly) in the amount of 30,000 rubles. The employee worked only 128 hours in October on a five-day schedule, because... hired from 10.10. The calculation is made according to the formula Salary*TimeInHours/NormalHours – 30000*128/168 = 22857.14 rubles.

Also Petrov N.S. worked 4 hours on his day off, which are paid double. In order to pay for these hours, the program automatically determines the cost per hour. In this example, the cost of an hour is calculated as follows: 30,000 (Salary)/168 (standard time according to the employee’s schedule) = 178.57143 rubles.

Accordingly, payment for work on a day off is 178.57143 (cost of an hour) * 4 (hours of work) * 2 (double payment) = 1428.57 rubles.

It is worth noting that the method of converting an employee’s tariff rate into the cost of an hour (day) is determined by the program settings in the Settings - Payroll section. Except “Time standards according to the employee’s schedule” can also be used “Average monthly number of hours (days) in a month” or “Time standard according to the production calendar”.

Also on the “Retentions” tab, the program calculated for this employee Deduction by writ of execution. The calculation base was determined as follows - 22857.14 (payment based on salary (hourly)) + 1428.57 (payment for work on holidays and weekends) - 3157.1423 (personal income tax) = 21128.71 rubles. The amount of deduction from wages is calculated from the amount remaining after taxes are withheld (Federal Law dated October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”). In our example, the calculation method in the document Performance list we indicated a percentage (15%) of earnings. So, 21128.71*15/100 = 3169.31 rubles. The calculation is correct.

In the document Calculation of salaries and contributions On the “Personal Income Tax” tab, personal income tax is immediately calculated. For employee Ivanov A.M. part of the personal income tax was calculated, as we remember in the document Sick Leave. Also, in the ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program, contributions are immediately calculated, which we can see on the “Contributions” tab, which is a distinctive feature from the ZUP 2.5 program, where it was necessary to enter a separate document for calculating contributions. I talked in detail about the differences between the ZUP 3.1 (3.0) program and ZUP 2.5 in.

So the document Calculation of salaries and contributions is resultant, it collects all personnel changes, changes in planned accruals/deductions and planned indicators, all deviations from work schedules, absenteeism, all interaccount accruals and takes them into account in the final calculation. Therefore, this document must be entered last in the chain of settlement documents in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0).

The use of calculation types with arbitrary formulas in ZUP 2.5 is described in some detail, for example.
This article will talk about how to set this up in ZUP 3.0. Tested on version

The organization uses several types of bonuses for employees of different departments. Some departments use one type of bonus, while others use another. There are employees who are awarded certain bonuses on an individual basis. Each of the bonuses has two indicators - the bonus percentage and the production coefficient. Indicator values ​​change periodically.

To implement such a scheme in ZUP 3.0, you need to do the following:

1. We hire an employee and assign him a salary.

2. Go to “Settings” - “Payroll calculation indicators” and create indicators there for calculating our bonuses.

3. Go to “Settings” - “Accruals” and create new types of calculation. Select “Calculate using formula” and include the necessary indicators in the formula.

Setting up the calculation base.

4. Now you need to make sure that these accruals are calculated automatically every month. To do this, we will use the document “Change of planned accruals” (“Salary” - “Change of employee pay”).

The document contains selection, auto-completion by department and the ability to add accrual to everyone at once, which is what is required in our case. In addition, here you can immediately set the values ​​of indicators, but only used constantly by employee.

To enter one-time indicators for employees And permanent by department and organization 1C suggests using another document - “Data for salary calculation” (“Salary” - “Data for salary calculation”). To use a document to enter your own indicators, you must first configure the appropriate templates ("Settings" - "Templates for entering initial data").

You can also specify the values ​​of indicators directly in the document

5. Well, in fact, the result is that our bonus was automatically included in “Payroll” and calculated. By clicking the "Show calculation details" button, you can admire the indicators used in the calculation.

There are several good articles on using calculation types with arbitrary formulas in ZUP 2.5. In ZUP 3.0 this scheme has undergone some changes. This will be discussed in the publication.

This article will talk about how to set this up in ZUP 3.0. Tested on version

The organization uses several types of bonuses for employees of different departments. Some departments use one type of bonus, while others use another. There are employees who are awarded certain bonuses on an individual basis. Each of the bonuses has two indicators - the bonus percentage and the production coefficient. Indicator values ​​change periodically.

To implement such a scheme in ZUP 3.0, you need to do the following:

1. We hire an employee and assign him a salary.

2. Go to “Settings” - “Payroll calculation indicators” and create indicators there for calculating our bonuses.

3. Go to “Settings” - “Accruals” and create new types of calculation. Select “Calculate using formula” and include the necessary indicators in the formula.

Setting up the calculation base.

4. Now you need to make sure that these accruals are calculated automatically every month. To do this, we will use the document “Change of planned accruals” (“Salary” - “Change of employee pay”).

The document contains selection, auto-completion by department and the ability to add accrual to everyone at once, which is what is required in our case. In addition, here you can immediately set the values ​​of indicators, but only used constantly by employee.

To enter one-time indicators for employees And permanent by department and organization 1C suggests using another document - “Data for salary calculation” (“Salary” - “Data for salary calculation”). To use a document to enter your own indicators, you must first configure the appropriate templates ("Settings" - "Templates for entering initial data").

You can also specify the values ​​of indicators directly in the document

5. Well, in fact, the result is that our bonus was automatically included in “Payroll” and calculated. By clicking the "Show calculation details" button, you can admire the indicators used in the calculation.

How to make a salary increase for employees in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3)

Let's look at how in 1C ZUP 3.0 all employees of a department can be assigned an accrual in the form of a salary supplement in a planned manner.

Select the menu Salary – Change of employee pay – Create – document Change of planned accruals. This document allows you to assign changes or stop any accruals for a group of employees:

In the document Change of planned accruals, the division is indicated, since the salary bonus is assigned to all employees of the division. Next, indicate the date of change. Enter the type of allowance “with amount by day” – start – fill out. When filling out a document in 1C ZUP 3.0, the table for department employees is automatically filled in:

Next, all employees of the department must be given a salary increase in the same amount - 10,000 rubles. Click Fill in the indicators, check the box and indicate the amount of the allowance and post the document:

How to withhold alimony according to a writ of execution in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3)

Let's look at an example. The employee is assigned a planned deduction under a writ of execution in the amount of 25% of earnings. The transfer of money to the recipient will be carried out by Russian Post; postal costs are deducted from the employee’s earnings.

Select the menu Salary – Section Deductions – document Alimony and other deductions. Click the Create button to create the document Execution Sheet:

In the document “Writ of Execution” we indicate the employee and the start date of deductions. The recipient of alimony is entered into the counterparties directory. It should be noted that the directory of counterparties is synchronized with 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0. We establish the calculation method according to the writ of execution - 25%. Next, check the box - use a payment agent and select how to calculate the postage fee. We carry out the document:

We consider in more detail the accounting of deductions in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) with all the nuances of document entry. There are many nuances regarding writs of execution that need to be taken into account in 1C ZUP 3.0, because the procedure for calculating deductions may be different and the procedure for transferring the withheld amount to the recipient may also be different, and additional costs may arise. We look at all this in the module.

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Good morning.

Today I will tell you how to configure calculation types in 1C ZUP 3.0. We are not talking about some regulated payments, like: vacation, sick leave, financial assistance... no, we are talking about arbitrary types of calculations in which you have to write the formula yourself and specify all the settings yourself.

After reading this article, you will learn how to quickly classify all forms of payment from a technical point of view. You will know what questions to ask the calculator so that you don’t have to redo everything later. There will be two articles, one with theory, the other with pictures. Reading pictures without theory is stupid, start with theory. Of course, you may be looking for an answer to a specific question and you don't need a general, broad understanding of the mechanism, but I insist that you read the short theory.

So, let's begin.

First, a little theory, without pictures. don't miss it, it's IMPORTANT.

Firstly, in comparison with ZUP 2.5, 1C, additional types of calculation were removed. Now both are in a single list, simply called “Accruals”. When creating a calculation type, the first thing you need to do is select its category, there are many of them. Depending on the category, different settings fields on the form are either visible, hidden, or visible but not accessible. We will talk to you about the category " Time wages and allowances". It should be used in cases when all the others do not suit you.

The main thing is that when creating a calculation type, you need to decide on its anatomy. How is it calculated? appointed by whom? canceled by whom? What does it depend on?

All types of calculations can be divided into planned And not planned. Planned ones are those that are known in advance that they should be, they are accrued from month to month and their indicators rarely change. As a rule, they are paid once and forever until the person transfers to another position or resigns. These include “salary”, “payment at an hourly rate”, “additional payment for the cry of seagulls from 9.15 to 9.45”...

Not planned, these are those whose list changes every month, which cannot be left to chance, so that they themselves are counted. For non-planned ones, you need to enter some information every month.

For planned employees, you next need to decide who is responsible for assigning one or another form of remuneration. Depending on this, it will be entered in different documents. for example, if the salary is known at the employment stage, then it is introduced during hiring and personnel transfer. If the planning and economic department is responsible for some kind of allowance, then the documents “Change in wages” or “change in planned accruals” are used. We’ll talk about the nuances of working with them later, in practice.

Non-planned accruals are introduced every month to the list of employees and they must be divided into several types:

1. the amount of additional payment does not depend on other charges or time worked

2. the amount of the surcharge depends on indicators that are different every month, for example, the premium percentage or KTU

3. the amount of the surcharge is determined by the presence of special types of time in the time sheet, and the monetary indicators are known in advance, for example, the surcharge for night hours is paid if the time sheet contains these night hours

Now a little theory about the nuances that are known to me. Some nuances will seem incorrect and inconvenient to you, perhaps they will be adjusted later, but now we will talk about release In the future, if the situation changes, I will try to correct the article.

So, planned accrual. They can be divided into main and rest. I call “basic” that which determines the main form of payment for the employee and which is displayed in the order of acceptance/transfer; we are talking about salary or time-based wages. Technically, “basic” are those that have the “Type of time” attribute equal to “for working a full shift within the normal time limit.” A person must have one such accrual; it is unambiguously entered upon hiring and transfer. It is displayed in printed form of the order. The type of time according to the classifier is usually set to “Appearance”, but exceptions are possible.

I don’t know what to call all other planned types of calculations. In terms of ZUP 2.5, additional ones are those that do not have a validity period, so I won’t make any confusion - I’ll call them “ not the main planned ones". So, these same “non-core planned” ones can also be established in personnel orders, or in documents “Change in wages” or “change in planned accruals.” As I wrote earlier, this is convenient when different departments are responsible for this, to delimit areas of responsibility. Also, non-personnel documents will NOT be included in the T2 card.

If changes in your forms of remuneration always occur from the beginning of the month, then you are lucky!!! In ZUP 3.0 you will not have any problems. And if not, then get ready.

Personnel documents change all planned accruals at once. Those. if in a personnel transfer you add some kind of additional payment to a person, but the salary remains the same, when it is processed, the document will still make a movement in the planned salary accruals.

“Change in wages” is entered per employee. All accruals are displayed in the list, but if some accrual does not change, then no movement is made on it.

“Changes in planned accruals” are entered into the list of people with the SAME staff position. This is extremely inconvenient, but that’s not the point now. In this document we indicate the accrual that we are changing/setting. By changing the bonus accordingly, we do not change the salary/tariff.

Why am I saying all this? The fact is that the value of the indicators and the list of required forms of payment are taken when calculating at the beginning of the period, i.e. from the first day of the month. And if the bonus appears in the middle of the month, then it will begin to be calculated in the next month. If a person has had changes in personnel history or CHANGES IN BASIC ACCRUAL, then the period during calculation is broken and each piece is considered as separate lines. Those. If you want to start a non-basic planned wage from the middle of the month, then along with it you need to change the main form of wages. Changing does not mean introducing a new salary, it means that an entry should appear in the registers, even with the same value.

Now about the NOT planned ones. With them, everything is sad about the start from the middle of the month. I have outlined 3 varieties. Let's talk about each one separately.

With the first one everything is clear, no nuances. Although I’m lying, it can be made a type of payment with the category “premium” and led not by the document “one-time accrual”, but by the document “premium”. There is no technical difference, even accounting on average can be set up with any of them. The only difference is that the “award” document has a printed form.

The second depends on the availability of indicators. Indicators are entered in the “Data for Payroll Calculation” document. It contains start dates, it works for the whole month at once. It is impossible for a person to be given a 20% increase from the 1st to the 10th, and 15% from the 11th to the 31st. Such tricks are only possible with planned accruals. Be careful, this is important.

For the third one, everything seems to be clear, there is a type of time in the time sheet - it will also be in the calculation. The bad point is the validity period of this accrual. For example, we set up an additional payment for overtime. The man worked twice on weekends. The accruals will have one line with a validity period of the entire month with indicators of 2 days 16 hours. It is impossible to understand on what day exactly he worked from the calculation register. But in ZUP 3.0 this doesn’t matter. In a standard calculation, the validity period is not normally printed.

The conclusions are as follows: we must immediately clarify the following questions (in addition to the banal ones about the formula, personal income tax code, etc.):

1. Do we introduce an additional payment individually or for a list of people?

2. Did we enter it once and continue until we cancel it, or do we enter the data every month?

3. Is it possible to change the indicator in the middle of the month?

4. Who is responsible for entering indicators and at what point do they become known?

Question No. 3 is the most important, because... There are currently few options for this in 3.0. From the middle of the month, you can only change planned accruals and only individually.