
Accounting info. Accounting info Where in 8.3 are regulated reports

Any organization is obliged to periodically generate regulated reporting - a set of printed forms approved by law for submission to regulatory authorities.

Such reporting includes:

  • financial statements;
  • tax reporting;
  • reports to funds;
  • reporting to statistical authorities;
  • declarations on the turnover and production of alcohol-containing products.

As a rule, regulated reports in 1C 8.3 Accounting are generated at the end of the reporting period. The 1C program keeps records of already generated reports. There is also the option to copy reports from previous periods.

Generation of regulated reports

Before generating reports for submission to regulatory authorities, you should make sure that all business transactions for the reporting period are entered into the program. In addition, it is necessary to perform tasks such as, for example, closing the month. You need to make sure that operations to close cost accounts have been completed, depreciation has been calculated, etc.

Most often, regulated reporting is generated in the 1C Enterprise Accounting program (if accounting is maintained in different programs). For example, if the salary is maintained in the 1C configuration: “Salaries and personnel management”, then the data from it needs to be transferred to ““, and then only generate reports.

Before you start generating reports, it is advisable to update the configuration to the latest version (release), since the report forms are constantly changing. 1C company monitors these changes and includes them in new releases.

Let's go to the "Reports" menu and in the "1C-Reporting" section select "Regulated reporting". If you have the Taxi interface, you will see something like this:

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We don't have any reports yet. I advise you to immediately set the period for which the report is generated, otherwise we may not see the new report in the list. This is one of the most frequently asked questions.

Click the “Create” button.

The Report Types window appears. You need to find the “PFR” folder in it, open it and select “RSV-1 PFR”.

The report creation window will open:

Select the desired organization, period and click the “Create primary RSV-1” button. A new report will be created:

In this window, you can download the report in electronic form, check the correctness of completion, print and refill the report if errors were found (the “Update” button).

Printable forms are located in the sections. For example, if you click on the “Sections 1-5” link, you will be taken to view the sections:

If the report check was successful, you can print it out and go submit it to the pension fund.

Transfer of regulated reporting in electronic form

The program has the ability to transmit reports electronically. For this purpose there is a service “1C-Reporting”. To connect to it, let’s return to the initial window with a list of reports, that is, we will follow the same path as at the beginning: “Reporting” - “Regulated reporting”:

The balance sheet plays a huge role when submitting reports. Its form was approved by Order No. 66n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2010. Starting from 2013, organizations must submit reports annually to the tax office and to the state body. statistics.

Let's look at how to create a balance sheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0.

Where to find balance in 1C 8.3?

In the “Reports” menu, select “Regulated reports”.

In the list form that appears, click on the “Create” button. A form will open in front of you where you can select the type of reports. The first tab displays your favorite reports. On the second - that's it.

If this report has not been added to 1C favorites, then on the all tab, select it in the “Accounting Reports” folder. We need exactly the form that has been in effect since 2011.

After clicking on the “Create” button, a list of accounting reports will open. In it you can fill out all reports, as well as only the current one.

We are not interested in all the reports within this article, so we will only fill out the balance sheet. He is the very first on the list.

Operation, setup and decryption

For any number in the 1C 8.3 report, you can get detailed information. To do this, select it and click on the “Decrypt” button.

After this, a breakdown of the amount will open in front of you in a separate window (corresponds to the balance sheet).

You can add your own lines to any report item.

Once you have successfully generated a report, you can record it, check the upload, and upload it electronically. If you have 1C:Reporting connected, then you can submit both this report and others via the Internet.

The enterprise is obliged to periodically generate regulated reporting - sets of reports, the procedure for filling which is established by regulatory documents. The application solution makes solving this problem as easy as possible.

Regulated reporting includes:

  • financial statements;
  • tax returns and calculations;
  • reports to social extra-budgetary funds;
  • statistical reporting;
  • certificates submitted to the tax authorities;
  • declarations on the production and circulation of alcoholic products.

Forms of regulated reporting are periodically changed by decisions of government bodies. The 1C company monitors these changes and provides its users with the ability to quickly update regulated reporting forms in the configurations used. An efficient standard configuration update mechanism is used to update forms.

Access to regulated reports

To access regulated reports, you can use both the “Regulated and Financial Reporting” form and the regulated reports directory form.

The “Regulated and Financial Reporting” form is more focused on the work of generating ready-made reports. The left half of the form displays a list of available forms for regulated reports, and the right half of the form displays a log of completed reports, as well as a log of reports that were uploaded electronically.

The regulated reports directory form is focused on setting up a list of reports.

The procedure for filling out a regulated report can be started from any form.

Accountant calendar

The "Regulated and Financial Reporting" form contains a service mode for reminders about the deadlines for submitting reports and paying taxes - "Accountant's Calendar".

For each day, the "Accountant's Calendar" provides not only information about the deadlines for paying taxes and submitting reports, but also a list of events that will soon occur, sorting them by due date.

Generation of a new regulated report

The screen form of the regulated report is filled out automatically based on the data entered into the 1C: Accounting 8 information database.

The completed report form is partially editable. The accessibility of individual form cells is demonstrated by their background color. Some cells are painted white - such cells are not available for editing. Cells colored yellow are designed for the user to enter information into. And the data of green cells is calculated automatically based on the data of other cells, including those filled in by the user.

Regulated accounting reports provide a decoding mechanism, thanks to which you can view the algorithm for calculating the indicator or call a standard accounting report for a more detailed analysis.

Different colors of cells make it easier for the user to interact with the report. But when preparing the report for printing, all cells of the form will turn white.

Uploading regulated reports in electronic form

Those regulated reports for which such a possibility is provided for by regulatory documents (and the vast majority of them) can be downloaded electronically.

Group work with reports

The "Regulated reporting" form provides the opportunity for group work with prepared regulated reports, which does not require opening the forms of the reports themselves. Group mode allows you to show printed forms for a group of selected reports, print reports without previewing, check the ability to download, download reports. Advantages over regulated reporting "1C:Enterprise 7.7"

Ability to select report form

The system supports not only current reporting forms, but also forms that were in force in previous reporting periods. Depending on the selected reporting period, the system will automatically select the appropriate edition of the form (new or old) of regulated reporting. If necessary, the user will be given the opportunity to select the form manually.

Storing completed reports in the infobase

Once completed, reports can now be stored directly in the infobase, in a special journal. Saved reports can be modified, reprinted, or downloaded electronically. Any report can be prepared and saved in several versions.

Interactive Filling Mechanisms

The user is provided with improved mechanisms for correcting automatically completed reports. In particular, totals and dependent values ​​are now recalculated automatically throughout the entire report, and not just within the report section.

Effectively work with multi-page reports

Working with multi-page sections of reports has become much more convenient. You can add lines and entire pages as needed. A convenient and flexible print control mechanism is provided. When preparing for printing, the system automatically breaks the report into pages and numbers them.

Managing the list of reports

The user can control the composition of the list of regulated reports and the form of its presentation. The list can include new reports implemented as external processing files.

Bulk printing and uploading

You can work with prepared regulated reports in group mode without opening the report forms themselves.

List of implemented regulated reports

"1C:Accounting 8" includes the following regulated reports.

Financial statements
  • Balance sheet (form No. 1)
  • Profit and loss statement (form No. 2)
  • Statement of changes in capital (Form No. 3)
  • Cash flow statement (form No. 4)
  • Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5)
  • Report on the intended use of funds received (form No. 6)
  • Calculation of net assets
Tax reporting
  • Tax return under UST
  • Statement of estimated income subject to UST taxation
  • Declaration of estimated income subject to UST taxation
  • Advance payments under UST
  • Summary card for recording UST amounts
  • Declaration of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance (OPI)
  • Advance payments under compulsory pension insurance
  • Summary card for recording the amounts of insurance premiums of the compulsory pension insurance company
  • VAT return
  • Tax return for VAT at a rate of 0%
  • Income tax return
  • Tax return for income tax during production sharing
  • Tax return on income outside the Russian Federation
  • Property tax return
  • Tax return for land tax
  • Advance payments for land tax
  • Excise tax return (Appendix 1)
  • Tax return on excise taxes on alcoholic beverages
  • Tax return on excise taxes on petroleum products
  • Tax return on excise taxes on mineral raw materials (natural gas)
  • Tax return on excise taxes on tobacco products
  • Tax return for gambling business tax
  • Tax return according to the simplified tax system
  • Tax return for UTII
  • Tax return for the unified agricultural tax (UST)
  • Tax return for transport tax
  • Advance payments for transport tax
  • Tax return for mineral extraction tax
  • Calculation of regular payments for subsoil use
  • Tax return for water tax
  • Calculation of payment for water
  • Tax return on indirect taxes when importing goods from Belarus
  • Application for import of goods (from Belarus) and payment of indirect taxes
  • Tax calculation of income paid to foreign organizations
  • Information on fees for the use of aquatic biological resources
  • Information on fees for the use of wildlife objects
  • Calculation of fees for negative environmental impact (basic form)
  • Calculation of fees for negative environmental impact (summary form)
  • Unified (simplified) tax return
Tax reporting of foreign organizations
  • Tax return for income tax of a foreign organization
  • Report on the activities of a foreign organization in the Russian Federation
Reporting on individuals
  • Information on the income of individuals (register of forms 2-NDFL)
  • Individual card for recording UST amounts
  • Transfer of SZV-4 forms
  • Application for exchange, duplicate of insurance certificate ADV-2, ADV-3
  • Questionnaire of the insured person ADV-1
  • Individual card for recording the amounts of insurance premiums of the compulsory public health insurance company
Reporting to funds
  • Form 4-FSS
  • Form 4a-FSS
  • Report on the use of insurance premiums for industrial injuries
  • Form No. 1-quota (Moscow)
Statistical reporting
  • Form P-1
  • Form P-2
  • Form P-2 (Short)
  • Form P-3
  • Form P-4
  • Form P-5 (m)
  • PM form
  • Appendix No. 3 to form P-1
  • Appendix to form P-2
  • Form 1-INVEST
  • Form 3-F
  • Form 5-Z
  • Form 1-IP
  • Form 11
  • Form 11 (short)
  • Form 1-Enterprise
  • Form 1-RP (urgent)
  • Information about accounts in foreign currency
  • Information about ruble accounts
  • List of debtor enterprises
  • List of creditor enterprises
  • Certificate of accounts receivable
  • Certificate of accounts payable
  • Appendix to the certificate of accounts payable
Declaration of production and turnover of alcoholic products
  • Production and circulation of ethyl alcohol
  • Using ethyl alcohol
  • Production and circulation of alcoholic products
  • Use of wine materials
  • Turnover of alcohol and alcoholic products
  • Supply of alcohol and alcoholic products
  • Receipt of alcohol and wine materials

Government agencies often make changes to regulated reporting forms and require submission of reports in the version current at the time of submitting the form. In such cases, 1C usually releases supplements to standard solutions, which contain forms of regulated reports in the form of external files ( external reports for 1C:Enterprise 8).

Regulated reports include tax forms (tax returns, calculations), financial and statistical reports. The peculiarity of these reports is that they are approved by law (therefore they are called “regulated”). Forms are included in the configuration and are automatically updated with the next release of the program, but can be updated from external files if necessary.


Registered users can download the required add-on from the 1C company’s technical support website for the software product they are using, taking into account its version (release). Or contact your accompanying 1C partner to receive the supplement.


Correct operation of external forms is possible only in the solution for which they were designed.

If your infobase configuration version is does not match the version specified in the add-on documentation, then most often this means that you are not using the most current version of the program, and the set of reports may not fit your configuration.

So, let’s check that the set of reports is intended specifically for your configuration and download it. In our case, we will download a set of reports for the 1C: Accounting 8 configuration for Kazakhstan, edition 3.0, version

The add-on is usually an archive (file extension "zip"). Before use, it must be unzipped to a working disk (preferably in a separate folder).

As a result, we will receive a set of external reports (files with the “erf” extension) and a description for them (the “txt” file)

Now you can start loading them into the information database.

How to connect an external regulated report to an infobase

To connect external forms of regulated reports, open the form “Regulated and financial reporting” (section Reports – Regulated reports) and go to the directory (button Directory of reports).

In the directory, you must indicate for which report the external form will be used. In our example we will update CIT declaration, form 100.00. We position ourselves on the directory line with the desired report and, by right-clicking, select the command Change(you can use a hotkey instead of a mouse F2).

The regulated report settings card opens. In it you can specify which file should be used by the 1C system when working with a report: a report built into the configuration or an external file.

To connect a form from the add-on kit, you must specify the use case in the mode File and select the external report file “1C:Enterprise 8” (file with the extension erf, which we received at the beginning).

We save the changes in the report form.


In edition 2.0 and some other solutions, at this stage the program will prompt you to restart the system for the changes to take effect. We must agree with this proposal.

This completes the connection of the external report. You can start working with the report as usual.

External regulated reports are no different from built-in ones and support the ability to autofill, save and download in the same way as regulated reports supplied as part of configurations.

Good to know

When updating the configuration, for example, when installing a new release, external reports are automatically replaced by internal ones.

In addition, you can revert to using the internal configuration object at any time. To do this, in the form of a directory element that is subject to change, it is enough to set the form use case to the “object” position and save the directory element. However, the external report is not deleted, so the opposite effect is also possible.

  • (23486)

Before starting a conversation about reporting in 1C, it is important to point out that reporting can be of three types:

  1. Regulated;
  2. Standard;
  3. Own.

Each of these types is formed on the basis of the primary documentation entered into the program and serves specific purposes.

Regulated reporting is a set of legally approved printed forms and electronic documents that each organization must periodically submit to regulatory authorities.

Own reporting is developed by each organization separately and serves to display the results of the enterprise’s activities at various stages.

Standard reporting represents commonly used forms of displaying business transactions.

Regulated reporting

All standard 1C configurations are intended not only for accounting and recording business transactions, but also for generating reports based on the entered data for transmission to:

  • Tax Service;
  • Federal Statistical Service;
  • Various foundations and supervisory authorities.

Filling out regulated documents, as a rule, occurs at the end of the reporting period (quarter, year). Regulated reporting forms are created separately by each federal service and are periodically changed and refined.

1C specialists carefully study all changes in the legislative framework and, based on these changes, update regulated reports. Thus, if the user has a valid subscription to information technology support (ITS) and systematically updates the configuration, he can be sure that reports for transmission to regulatory authorities will be generated in accordance with all current requirements.

Important! Before generating and submitting reports, check that all business transactions have been entered and correctly documented in the program, and also make sure that routine work, such as month-end closing, has been completed.

Creating and filling out a regulated report

One of the oldest and most important documents for reflecting the economic activities of an enterprise is the “Balance Sheet”. The currently relevant form was developed in 2010 by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and approved by Order No. 66 of 06/02/2010. According to this order, starting from 2013, all organizations operating in the Russian Federation must annually submit it to the tax authorities.

In order to open the required regulatory report, we must (in the Accounting 8.3 program) go to the “Reports” subsystem and select the appropriate command in the “1C Reporting” menu (Fig. 1)

Please note that some objects of the program interface, and, accordingly, the ability to generate regulated documents may not be available if the user does not have rights to access certain subsystems.

In the form that opens (Fig. 2) we will see:

  • What reports are already registered in the database;
  • During what period were they created?
  • Type of report (primary or corrective);
  • The state in which the report is (submitted, in progress, prepared).


Using the corresponding buttons we can:

  1. Create the report we need;
  2. Load it from a file saved on your computer;
  3. Check whether the upload is formed correctly and whether the checksums correspond to the algorithms embedded in the program;
  4. Print a spreadsheet document generated based on the entered data;
  5. Create and send an upload file.

We can find the “Balance Sheet” we need by clicking on the “Create” button. The result of the click will be a form (Fig. 3)

If in the window that opens, on the “Favorites” tab there is no “Accounting statements (since 2011)” item, we will have to go to the “All” tab and select this document.

Before you start entering basic data, the program will prompt you to fill in some fields (Fig. 4)


If the configuration maintains accounting for several organizations, the “Organization” selection field will be available on the form; in addition, you must fill in the period, information for which will participate in the formation of the balance sheet.

By clicking on the “Create” button we will open the corresponding form (Fig. 5).


You should immediately pay attention to one circumstance: “Accounting statements” are not only the “Balance Sheet”, but also:

  • Report on the financial results of the enterprise;
  • Statement of changes in equity;
  • About cash flow;
  • About the intended use of funds, etc.

And all these reports can be generated by clicking one “Fill” button (Fig. 6) by selecting “All reports”.


To fill out a specific document, you must select “Current”.

The completed “Balance Sheet” form is presented in Fig. 7


You can add your own data to any field by clicking on the “Add Row” command.

All numbers in the key fields can be deciphered by clicking on the corresponding button in the header.

The receivables breakdown form is shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8.

Double-clicking on any decryption amount opens the standard “Account balance sheet” report.

Standard reports

“Turnover balance sheet”, “Subconto analysis”, “Account card”, “Chess sheet” and many other forms that allow you to analyze accounting data are usually called standard reports.

Let's consider the principle of their operation based on the “Turnover Balance Sheet”. The form in Fig. 1 shows that standard and regulated reports can be called from one subsystem.

Let's open the object we need (Fig. 9)


Before generating a report, the user can set the period for which the data will be taken into account when filling out the form, as well as make its finer settings (by clicking on the “Show settings” button).

In Fig. 10 we see that the program provides such a detailed description of the unloading that the settings had to be divided into several tabs.


Let's take a closer look at this structure:

  1. Grouping – checking the “By subaccounts” checkbox indicates that the form will contain data in the context of not only the main accounts, but also their subgroups;
  2. Selection - here the user can indicate for which organization, division or account he wants to see data, and also determine the need to display information on off-balance sheet accounts;
  3. Indicators – it is determined whether figures for accounting or tax accounting will be displayed;
  4. Detailed balance – for which accounts and subaccounts detailed information is required;
  5. Additional fields – determine the appearance of the form;
  6. Design – should negative values ​​be highlighted in red and the auto-indent reduced?

As in the regulated “Balance Sheet” report, you can call up a form for deciphering a particular value in the turnover.

Own reports

Of course, standard reporting mechanisms allow you to seriously analyze the economic activities of an enterprise, but sometimes they are not enough. In this case, the user can (with minimal training) independently display on the screen the information he is interested in in one aspect or another. For this purpose, the program provides several mechanisms:

  • Universal report;
  • Data layout diagram (DCS).

In the second case, in addition to knowledge about the structure of information storage in 1C, the user may need access to the configurator, as well as some understanding of the 1C query language. But the reports obtained using the access control system are distinguished by great flexibility in customizing their appearance and parameters.

The universal report is less universal, but much easier to use; it can be called from the same subsystem. In Fig. 11 we show the appearance of this object


What we see:

  • Standard period selection;
  • The type of object for which we want to display information (in this case, an accumulation register, but it can take values ​​of a directory, information register, document, accounting register);
  • Specific name of the metadata object (“USN information on income”);
  • The table we are referring to is in this case “Turnover” (for accumulation registers it can also take the values ​​“Remaining” and “Remaining and Turnover”).

A more detailed description of what data, with what selections and sorting directions should be displayed in a spreadsheet document can be specified in the report settings form.