
Who do Russian gay stars sleep with? Viktor Sukhorukov: “The absence of family is my sacrifice Viktor Sukhorukov personal life blue

Famous men who carefully hide their personal lives from annoying journalists cannot but be of interest. And if they are also beautiful, talented and damn attractive, then their mystery awakens in the common man an unbearable desire to get to the bottom of the truth.

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This is not at all surprising, because what is carefully hidden behind seven locks always leads to the most extraordinary thoughts. We have prepared for you a selection of representatives of domestic show business, about whose unconventional orientation there are persistent rumors. While some people literally have it written on their foreheads, others can’t even tell!

Sergey Lazarev

And even though the singer’s countless army of fans refuses to believe such rumors, more and more rumors are circulating that Seryozha Lazarev is far from ideal. The Diva herself has repeatedly spoken out about the singer’s unconventional orientation, leaving the latter in a state of shock.

“You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. You personally need a friend, a life partner. Because all these cupcakes-schmex, they come and go. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much."“,” Alla Borisovna once said.

The affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, it turns out, was a diversion?

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Ballet dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze does not like to talk about his personal life and is in no hurry to start a family. Charming Tsiskaridze does not hide his involvement in the LGBT community at all and often jokes quite caustically and boldly on such topics.

Oleg Menshikov

Fans of the handsome actor find this hard to believe, but more and more sources confirm: “Oleg Menshikov gravitates towards the stronger sex...” Well, who to love is a purely personal matter. It's not for us to judge!

Nikolay Baskov

“Kolya is the most notorious gay I've ever met!"- the singer’s ex-producer once said. Even if the rumors about the artist’s gay orientation turn out to be true, it is unlikely that he will decide to come out. Mature women of strict views certainly will not understand such a statement. And they, as you know, are the main audience of the charming singer.

Victor Sukhorukov

Viktor Sukhorukov is one of the most secretive actors in Russian cinema. At 66 years old, the artist has no wife or children. In an interview, he said that his celibacy is a kind of sacrifice placed on the altar of art. However, spiteful critics are convinced that the artist simply does not want to advertise his unconventional orientation.

Evgeniy Mironov

Another bachelor of Russian show business, rumors about whose gay orientation have been wandering around the Internet for several years. A few years ago, social networks literally exploded with the news that Mironov entered into a homosexual marriage with actor Sergei Astakhov. The news turned out to be fake, but talk about the actor’s strange addictions does not subside. A man of mystery, nothing less.

Maksim Galkin

The comedian and long-time favorite of the Diva of the Russian stage has long been credited with unconventional orientation, namely, a love affair with a colleague.

Sergei Drobotenko.

Like, “friends” spend a lot of time together, stay in the same room when traveling and generally look at each other with loving eyes. Fans of the star couple Pugalkins refuse to believe such rumors, because Alla Borisovna cannot marry a gay man!

Andrei Malakhov

Andrei Malakhov and his companion Natalya Shkuleva have been together since 2011, but the couple talk very little about their personal lives. Recently, there have been caustic rumors in the press that Malakhov’s marriage is just a fiction. Rumor has it that Natalia has another, loving husband who does not live in Russia, and for Malakhov this marriage is a way to hide his unconventional orientation.

By the way, Andrei Malakhov is so intelligent and friendly that his fans would certainly forgive him for the most frank statements.

Alexander Rybak

The famous singer from Norway has long stated that he is not interested in girls, because his heart is occupied by a man. There is an opinion that Rybak revealed his sexuality in order to attract additional attention to his person at the Eurovision Song Contest.

And fans of the handsome artist flatly refuse to take his words seriously and simply do not believe that their favorite prefers men.

The first step in this direction was taken back in his school years... More than anything else, the young pioneer dreamed of getting into the famous Artek. But he was barred from going there, since he was neither an excellent student, nor a winner of Olympiads or sports competitions, nor a laureate of any competitions, and he had money to purchase a ticket from his working-class parents (mother is a weaver, father is a car cleaner ) did not have.

And suddenly, in his favorite newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda”, Vitya read a note in which it was reported that you could earn the right to go to the All-Union health resort. To do this, you just need to collect a certain amount of scrap metal or waste paper and hand it over to the school. A whole month of summer vacation was spent searching for this recyclable material. The guy rushed around his native factory Orekhovo-Zuev by shuttle, getting metal products and paper by hook or by crook, after which, straining himself, he dragged heavy loads to the school and handed them over to the senior pioneer leader. He made cryptic notes in his notebook. And one bad day he suddenly disappeared. Forever. And with him, two huge mountains of raw materials collected by Victor evaporated. Vitya sadly walked around the place of his shattered dream, and the next day he planted... dill there.

Since then, he has been a fan of growing all kinds of plants. He grows ficus trees at home; he has almost a dozen of them. In his small homeland in Orekhovo-Zuevo, on a summer cottage plot of 6 acres, he plants all kinds of flowers. And sunflowers. They are luxurious - they reach four meters in height. However, in the hands of Sukhorukov everything takes root and grows. Victor even makes a special trip to Holland to buy seeds - he believes that they are impeccable there. And he gives seedlings to his friends for the holidays...

2. At the age of three, after suffering from scarlet fever, Victor suffered complications in his ears and became practically deaf.

Then he underwent treatment for many years, undergoing the most complex medical procedures to restore his hearing. Only towards the end of school did I begin to hear normally. And at the age of 12, the hearing problem remained quite serious. That did not stop the future artist from successfully parodying various celebrities - Mark Bernes, Lyudmila Zykin, Tatyana Doronin... Despite the fact that instead of applause he mostly received ridicule from the audience, Victor himself had a ripening talent within himself

felt it. In this connection, I decided to rush to Mosfilm - to declare myself in the cinematic empire. Having secretly pulled out pennies from his mother’s wallet for the train to Moscow and back, he went to the address - again, from “Pionerskaya Pravda” he learned that there were screen tests for boys his age. Everything turned out to be true. Vitya Sukhorukov was brought to the director - the artist is not completely sure, but it seems to him that it was Andron Konchalovsky. Who began to quietly ask the applicant about something. But he doesn’t hear anything, he tries to make out the words from his lips. But to no avail, so he remains silent. Unable to bear it, the director shouted at the top of his voice: “Are you going to answer or not?!” Are you deaf or what?!” Having finally heard, Victor began to justify himself in horror: “No, no! I’m just very worried, so I swallowed my tongue...”

Viktor Sukhorukov, "Kinotavr" (2011). Photo: East News

3. The country might never have known about the existence of such a wonderful artist - at the age of three, Victor miraculously did not drown

The child was pulled out of the pond by his uncle, his mother’s brother. And when he was older, the boy suddenly decided to “take his own life” - he was very offended by his mother for something. I found sleeping pills and swallowed three or four of them at once. And it was at that moment that my friends ran in: “Let’s go to the movies! Cool movie – it’s called “The Last Attraction”. It was impossible to refuse such an offer, Vitya went to the cinema. Halfway through the film I started nodding off. With difficulty he forced himself to get up, barely made it home, collapsed into bed in what he was wearing, and then slept soundly for a day.

4. Victor kicked the smoking habit for two years

The original method helped - needlework. In hopeless attempts to occupy his hands, which were steadily reaching for a cigarette, with something, the artist suddenly noticed a round hoop that he had adapted for a photo frame. An idea was born. To sell it, I ran to a haberdashery store, bought floss threads and... started embroidering. From then on, I quit smoking forever, but the wall was decorated with masterpieces made by myself - cross-stitched paintings.

Victor Sukhorukov, "Nika" (2004). Photo: East News

5. In the army, Victor sang in the choir and performed in amateur performances

After the future People’s Artist performed the number “Accordion” from Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” at one of the holidays, the formation commander, Colonel General solemnly said: “Sukhorukov is a godsend for our army!”

6. While studying at GITIS, student Sukhorukov was noticed by Pyotr Fomenko, who was then the chief director of the Leningrad Comedy Theater. Akimova

And after Victor received his diploma, he invited him, a 26-year-old graduate, to join his troupe. For the main role - a 72-year-old man - in a play based on the works of Vasily Belov.

Viktor Ivanovich would later call that period of his life “drunken.” He still didn’t disrupt the performances, but he himself, as they say, “lost it” to the fullest - he got very drunk and became violent. “They will start to shame me, scold me, disgrace me, and instead of repenting and toiling... The leader of the troupe ran after me throughout the theater with a glass of ammonia...,” the artist recalled those violent years. Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of the artist he invited, but still, paying tribute to his talent, he endured Sukharukov’s endless tricks and did not kick him out. But as soon as the artistic director himself left the theater, his favorite was expelled in disgrace - dismissed under article, without the right to work in the theater, with a bad reputation as a heavy drinker.

I had to learn the school of life not under the light of the ramp and spotlights, but from the inside out. Without money, without housing, without a permanent job, and all this multiplied by a serious problem - drunkenness turned into the stage of alcoholism. Victor got involved anywhere: as a loader, a dishwasher, picking up rotten vegetables in a vegetable stall... This “wrong side” life continued for two years, and then, as Victor later said: “Having lived on the dark side, I moved to the light side.” Shame, he claimed, saved him. “I suddenly felt ashamed before humanity. God came to me in the guise of shame, and I heard his voice: “Finish all this, quit!..” And he quit - for good.

Victor Sukhorukov, "Golden Eagle" (2011). Photo: East News

7. Sukhorukov was invited to a two-month shoot in England and Hollywood: in the film “Die Another Day” - about James Bond, starring Pierce Brosnan

They offered a solid role: one of the villains, a Russian scientist-inventor. New Zealand director Lee Tomahori specifically looked for this particular actor from Russia, as he remembered Victor from the films of Alexei Balabanov. When discussing the fee, the amount of 250 thousand dollars was announced... However, Viktor Ivanovich refused such a tempting offer. The originally planned filming time was postponed by several months, but at that time Sukhorukov’s plans included a performance in Oleg Menshikov’s enterprise “Players”, as well as filming in the film “Golden Age” by Vladimir Khotinenko. “Betraying colleagues for the sake of making money is criminal and sinful,” Victor commented on his refusal to foreign partners. And the role intended for him was played by Mikhail Gorevoy.

Victor Sukhorukov. Photo: Arsen Memetov

8. Viktor Ivanovich never refuses a request for an autograph

Because he remembers very well how at one time he himself asked for them from famous artists, and was very upset when he received a refusal. He still keeps in his home photo album a photograph of Stanislav Lyubshin in the role of Johann Weiss from the film “Shield and Sword,” which the actor signed when Victor was 15 years old. It says: “Victor! All the best to you! Slava Lyubshin..."

– Victor, the recent premiere of Tuminas is your third attempt on the Vakhtangov stage...

– Even under Mikhail Ulyanov, my idol, Volodya Mirzoev invited me to play the role of the Jester in King Lear (Lear was played by Maxim Sukhanov). The play did not catch on - its only season disappeared into eternity. The second time I was invited by Rimas Tuminas was to the play “The Wind rustles in the Poplars.” The company was super talented - Sukhanov, Simonov and Sukhorukov. If for “Lear” I once received the “Moskovsky Komsomolets” “Su-2” award, then this time the “S-3” ensemble took shape on stage. But a month later I ran away from the performance.

– Judging by the fact that Tuminas called you again, he wasn’t offended?

“I didn’t give Rimas a reason to be offended—I left very delicately because I was chickening out.” It was hard in the company of such powerful actors. I didn’t understand something, I was out of breath. I felt like a stranger. Rimas and I studied at GITIS on parallel courses. We, students of the acting department, played in excerpts from the students of the directing department. And Rimas, of course, was friends with our girls, my classmates sent him greetings, and still do. Then fate scattered us - I went to Leningrad to visit Pyotr Fomenko, and Rimas disappeared into the vast expanses of Lithuania.

– The role of Avner Rosenthal, in my opinion, is your acting and philosophical breakthrough. Has the Vakhtangov Theater ceased to be foreign to you?

– I listen to your compliment with some kind of wedding joy. With a feeling of rejuvenation and gain. My biography became richer with the acquisition of the role of Avner Rosenthal - in the arms of Rimas Tuminas (I know that before he secretly watched “Tartuffe” with my participation on Malaya Bronnaya). But the third time on this stage was not easy for me. Colleagues made jokes at my expense; my behavior on set seemed to some to be demonstrative - they say, I was doing something for the director or to please his students who were present at the rehearsals. My method of working on the role was ostracized. I didn’t react to this - this is my “puberty”. There was a serious goal: in the end, stop running away and being a coward. I have a wealth of experience, I am seasoned, free, and I don’t need anything from them! I am not weaving intrigues to find the path to the service entrance of the Vakhtangov Theater! I am a self-critical person and a tormented actor - to the point of masochism. I analyze myself, I dissect myself. I am pathologist Viti Sukhorukova! But with all my love for the Vakhtangov school and respect for this theater - unique, ambitious, the only one, damn it! – strangers don’t go there. I cannot say that the Vakhtangovites do not recognize me - they did not admit this to me. But I feel like I'm an outsider. Later I heard that Rimas was preparing my Rosenthal for Sergei Makovetsky, but Sergei preferred the role of Ephraim.

– What is the key to your character – in Tuminas’s opinion and in your personal feeling?

– Tuminas is the designer of the performance. Only later, when the frame is already built, does he begin to “look into the windows, insert doors, buy furniture,” that is, delve into the inner contents of the hero. But! If he sees that my feeling for the character matches his desire, he doesn’t even ask what I “put under it.” I have not seen the first, Lithuanian version of the play. I read the dramatization and didn’t understand much. He went like a baby from a maternity hospital. But at some point he admitted to Rimas: “I understand everything about him, I know how to play, but for the first time I encountered the problem: “It’s like I’m forced to play myself!” I saw in this my own life before and after the “fire”.

– What did the “fire” teach Viktor Sukhorukov?

“I was once kicked out of the theater for my foul language, arguments with management, ignoring social events, but most importantly, for drunkenness. I was a parasite, I stole, I worked as a bread slicer in a bakery, as a dishwasher in a cafeteria - isn’t that a fire? My classmates admitted that they ran across to the other side of the street when they saw Sukhorukov coming. I collapsed so that I couldn’t see the bottom. I was spinning like a magnetic needle at the North Pole and couldn’t stop. Until I found a foothold - alone. Suddenly I fell in love with oblivion, realizing that humanity does not need me. And there was a voice to me: “Do you want to start all over again? Well, go to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening” (my favorite saying now). “But remember, Sukhorukov: it won’t get better, it won’t get easier. And your loneliness will be much greater.” I am now in my third life. Great life. Interesting, colorful, bright and grateful. Divine life. She came to me very, very carefully, cautiously, cautiously. And she said: “Look, Sukhorukov! There won't be a second time." Oleg Yankovsky would later say the same words to me at the premiere of the film “Poor, Poor Pavel.” And my Avner Rosenthal, once rich, arrogant and cruel, and now having lost everything, half-crazy, but having learned to appreciate life, comes out to the public to say: “Oh, people! Weirdos live on earth! You and I are all dreamers. Just don’t keep the stone in your bosom. There’s evil behind the collar!” There is so much inherent and hidden in each of us! And each of us has skeletons in our closet. But all the same, we will unite under one name: “Death.” And it didn’t matter to me whether my Avner was from a Lithuanian town or from the village of Gadyukino. If Vitya Sukhorukov from Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow province, uttering words invented by the writer Kanovich once upon a time and far away - about his life, problems, sorrows, joys - bursts into tears, then this is his, Vitya’s, thoughts.

– Have you tried to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of loneliness?

– Loneliness implies more time for self-knowledge and self-improvement, self-purification. Of course, loneliness is bad. But believe me, there is no need to look for human vice, misfortune or abomination behind loneliness. They tell me: “Come on, find someone for yourself...” - as if they were talking about cucumbers at the market. How many married people, having given birth to three children, get divorced! They have lived for twenty years, rubbing against each other like two bars of soap, they can guess each other by smell and touch in the dark - suddenly they run away and say: “They don’t get along!” Twenty years of continuous suffering! You can find a woman, but love cannot. You can give birth to a child, but not raise a child. If there is some kind of orientation, then the orientation can be attached somewhere - to a club or to some kind of garden. But you can't get rid of loneliness...

– As Chekhov said, if you are afraid of loneliness, never get married...

-...Loneliness has no name, no route, no color - but, of course, everything that is good in me is the fruit of loneliness. Madame Vasilyeva from Oboronservis has been under house arrest for a year, composing poetry and drawing pictures, and five lawyers are trying to get her to be allowed to go outside. So I’ve been under house arrest for half my life and I’m happy, I don’t see anything painful in it. How many times have I asked myself the question: they meet me, they seem to love me, they respect me, they admit it, they rejoice at the meeting... Then we disperse, and that’s it, I again walk my path to my door - and calm down. The phone is silent, the doorbell does not ring. Why? This is how I live. But my successful works are the product of a lonely life. If I had a family, with many children, with mothers-in-law, with shops - of course, I would not devote so much time to the role. And so - brushing teeth, making the bed, ironing shirts, preparing food - this is all work on the role. My life is dominated by what I love.

– And at the Mossovet Theater, where you work, don’t you feel like an outsider or lonely?

– When I was invited to the Mossovet Theater, of course, the actors sitting in a “horseshoe” around director Eremin flashed lightning at me. Actors are jealous, suspicious, maybe envious people. However, I was accepted at the Mossovet Theater! Wary, with caution - but accepted! They talked carefully, but they talked. As a result, today I believe that “The Kingdom of Father and Son” is the best performance not only in the theater, but also in Moscow! A super-theatrical performance in which two plays by Alexei Tolstoy are compiled - “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” and “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich”. During bows in the hall there is not just applause - the audience screams! I love the simplicity of the sets and costumes and the very artistic lighting. And my colleagues treat me warmly. If I walk across the stage at the Vakhtangov Theater and seem to stick to it, then on the Mossovet stage I flutter, for me this stage is springy.

– On this “springy” stage you are now rehearsing the third role. Why is Zorin’s “Roman Comedy” fifty years ago interesting today?

– This is a satirical comedy about power, about people who repaint themselves under this power, and about fighters against power. I play the Emperor Domitian - the power that I, as the performer of the role, will show not as bad, but as explainable (“I do this not because I am a fool or a despot, but because there is a certain state necessity”). And my oppositionist is Georgy Taratorkin. My hero first punishes the poet, then finds himself in a very difficult life situation, and the poet saves him from death. But as soon as times change, he again spreads rot on his savior! At one time, this performance was performed on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater, Ulyanov and Plotnikov played there. And he went to the Bolshoi Drama Theater - the main roles were played by Lebedev and Yursky. And the authorities closed both performances.

– And in which group – in the theater or in the cinema – did you feel most comfortable working?

– There is no team in cinema. Even if people think that they have formed a team and they fall in love there, even get married, it is still a station. For me, the theater is a home, and cinema is a summer cottage. You can have a dacha or not, but you should always have a house. Although I prefer to come to the theater for a role, for a takeoff, for some kind of shine, for a splash, for a whistle. And not as a “soldier of his theater.” I’ll tell you a secret: for the first few months I rehearsed at the Vakhtangov Theater for free - only to leave a “half-open door” behind me. Always like this. And the most comfortable project was “Players” based on Gogol by Oleg Menshikov. I lived there for 11 years—that’s right, I lived there. Oleg invited me to play the role of Glov and Zamukhryshkin and took us actors to Crimea. We lived in private apartments in Simeiz, worked on “The Players” in the mountains, in clearings, near springs - we formed a wonderful company. The performance was a huge success, we traveled with it to many cities and countries. But as soon as Oleg Evgenievich became the leader of the state theater, he “changed his face.” And I left this project.

– You became famous thanks to art-house cinema. Are you not invited to the experimental theater?

– Yesterday Ivan Vyrypaev called me and invited me to the Praktika theater, they are up to something there. But this is an isolated case, unexpected for me. I am often invited, but all of them are “respectable” theaters.

– What is your film style today?

– It’s Proshkin season for me now. I was approved for the role of Alexander Proshkin - according to Arabov’s script called “Claudia”. In the meantime, I’m filming with Andrei Proshkin - according to the same Arabov’s script called “Orleans”, playing the role of an executor. Black comedy, art house. The story is mystical: a guy and a girl commit a bad act, a man comes to them (that’s me) and warns them that they will be punished. And they decide to destroy it. A magnificent acting company - Khaev, Lyadova, young Pasha Tabakov. In addition, the Vertical studio, under the patronage of Sergei Govorukhin, released two children’s films with my participation - “The Diary of a First-Grader’s Mother” and “The Dark Room”, where I play small but interesting roles - the school director and the scientist Herzenstube.

– You are an actor of negative charm. Having seen you, for example, in the film “About Freaks and Men,” it is simply impossible to believe that in another material you will turn out to be a good wizard...

– In the film “Brother-2”, in the scene in the Historical Museum, when I look at the machine gun, and Sergei Bodrov asks me: “Will you go with me to America?”, the director asked me to smile. But, seeing my smile, Balabanov waved his hands: “Don’t, don’t!”

– So how is it that an actor of negative charm is such a success with the public?

- Because I'm a smart idiot. And we love it. It seems to me that the word “moron” itself has not only some kind of pathological connotation. I am negative, but not evil... Or maybe vice versa, as Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko joked, “I am not a vindictive person. Just angry. And I have a good memory."


Actor Viktor SUKHORUKOV was born on November 10, 1951 in the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow region. In 1978 he graduated from GITIS. Immediately after this he was accepted into the Leningrad Comedy Theater named after Akimov. In 1982 he was fired for drunkenness. He worked as a loader in a bakery, as a dishwasher, and as a bread slicer. In 1986 he was accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad State Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol. In 1993 he moved to the Drama and Comedy Theater on Liteiny, but in 1995 he returned to the Comedy Theater. For several years in a row he played mainly in private performances in Moscow, and then was invited to join the troupe of the Mossovet Theater. He made his film debut in 1973 in the film “With You and Without You.” But the first truly big work in cinema was the main role in Yuri Mamin’s comedy “Sideburns” (1989). In 1994, he starred in Alexei Balabanov’s film “The Castle” based on the novel by Franz Kafka in the role of Jeremiah, for which he received the “Constellation” festival prize (best supporting role). His role as Viktor Bagrov in the blockbusters “Brother” (1997) and “Brother-2” (2000) brought him national fame. Now Sukhorukov has more than four dozen films to his credit, including “High Security Comedy” (1992), “Operation Happy New Year!” (1996), “About Freaks and People” (1998), “Streets of Broken Lanterns” (1998), “Gangster Petersburg” (2000), “Antikiller” (2002), “The Tale of Fedot the Archer” (2002), “ Not by Bread Alone" (2005), "Blind Man's Bluff" (2005), "Night Seller" (2005). Winner of Nika awards for best actor in the film “Poor, Poor Pavel” (2004) and for best supporting actor in the film “Island” (2006). In March 2007 he suffered a heart attack. He received the Golden Eagle Award in 2011 for Best Supporting Actor in Alexey Fedorchenko’s film Oatmeal.

Mystery men such as Oleg Menshikov, Evgeny Mironov, Sergei Astakhov, Alexander Peskov and even Maxim Galkin still give society reasons for gossip. It seems like men at first sight (although, sometimes, not all), but often they behave too strangely.

Menshikov and Mironov are two sex symbols of Russian cinema, who keep teasing girls’ hearts, but never get married. At least for a long time, not a single paparazzi could capture them in the company of the fair sex. You will say, why are you so ugly: it turns out that since you are a bachelor, you must be gay? So it’s not us! These are bad people who say bad things. And we are discussing rumors.

So, be that as it may, this sweet couple at one point decided to dispel all doubts around their traditional-non-traditional orientation. Well, first of all, Oleg Menshikov got married three or four years ago! However, what a feat he went to for the sake of his image. Moreover, GITIS student Anastasia became his chosen one. In other words, a quiet, sweet and head over heels in love with a star young lady. A very successful candidate for the so-called cover.

That’s basically what happened. While hubby went on tour, acted in films and staged regular performances, Nastenka sat quietly at home, waiting for her beloved. And she even said that she admires him and is ready to always live in his shadow. Naturally, this could not last long. Now even the couple’s neighbors talk about how unhappy and poor she is.

They even say that they saw her drinking well more than once. And all because Menshikov’s wife suffers from a lack of attention from her husband. Yes, she herself admitted this to the press. And she even said that she wanted to get a divorce. Apparently, Oleg’s two natures did not get along. If the persistent rumors that he is homosexual are in fact true, then, in principle, it is understandable why she behaves this way. What a wife! After all, there are so many sweet, cute boys everywhere!

Mironov, on the contrary, is not trying to prove anything to anyone. They say he's gay, and let them talk further! Except that once in Saratov they saw him in a nightclub. That evening after the performance, Evgeniy decided to relax and, so to speak, take off the girls. And he even managed to hook up with three young ladies, with whom he quietly chatted peacefully about life and drank. Everything would have been fine if at the most inopportune moment the DJ had not betrayed him: “Today our guest is our fellow countryman, the wonderful actor Evgeniy Mironov!” At the same time, of course, he pointed his finger at the artist. Then the poor guy noticed that the girls were starting to look at him with hungry eyes, and were ready to kill each other just to get the capital's thing for themselves. This is where his adventures ended - Mironov bowed and retreated. And even after this, people consider him gay. Maybe, again, the catch is that he is a convinced bachelor? Guys, get married urgently! Otherwise, we 100% guarantee, you will start looking at the boys.

Although no, not everything is so simple. There is another rumor. They say that Mironov’s stormy and scandalous romance with Alena Babenko is just a well-staged performance. Most likely, they were united by business interests. The actress, appearing everywhere with Eugene, attracted the attention of journalists, and her fictitious boyfriend was thereby taking revenge on his beloved man! In acting circles they gossip that Mironov’s “passion” is none other than the author of the script for the film “Escape” Sergei Astakhov.

This story is as simple as the world. Having met Seryozha in Voronezh, Mironov immediately fell in love with him. Well, Astakhov, apparently, did not resist - we must somehow arrange life in the capital. So Evgeny brought him to Moscow, got him a job at Satyricon, and thanks to him, Sergei began to be invited to act in films. When Astakhov wrote the script for “Escape” and showed it to Yegor Konchalovsky, he initially refused to work with him. But Sergei promised that Mironov would agree to play in the film, and the director could not resist. Evgeny, although he did not approve of the script, could not refuse his friend.

Well, then, having earned some money, Astakhov bought an apartment in Moscow. He moved his wife and daughter there from Voronezh, but stopped communicating with Mironov. This is where Alena Babenko appeared next to Evgeniy. How confusing everything is!

We would like to tell you, or, most likely, remind you, about such a bright character as singer Valery Leontyev. Go out on the street and don’t ask anyone, everyone will say with conviction: “He’s 100% gay!” But it’s still impossible to say with certainty. After all, the artist has been married for a long time and deeply. His wife lives in Miami, where he loves to relax and celebrate family holidays. At the same time, there are no children of their own. And who among the gays has ever been bothered by the presence of a stamp in their passport? Their supposed companions in life were always there for cover. And a thousand times he made controversial comments about gay minorities.

He once said: “As recent research shows, this is predetermined at the genetic level. But in general, it seems to me that everything that is created by God and nature has the right to exist.” At the same time, in response to the reporter’s clarifying remark, “Do you think that this is not a sin, not a disease?” Valery answered unequivocally: “But if this is a sin, then it means that God sinned against himself.”

Moreover, he once even admitted that he was tired of denying rumors about his homosexuality. "I used to say, 'I'm not gay!' culture in our country, then I think this will soon pass. There are homosexual people all over the world and they don’t make any pretentious fuss around themselves (except maybe once a year they hold gay carnivals). We only recently abolished the article for sodomy, and, Naturally, the people have not yet breathed in this sexual freedom,” Leontyev said.

And how can Leontiev be considered a straight man, if since 1993 he has been close friends with the singer Alexander Bogdanovich, who does not hide his love for Valery. At the same time, Leontyev’s “dear friend” spends a lot of time in his mansion in Miami, and the wife, according to rumors, is not jealous of her husband. “I slept with Valera in his American house,” Alexander admitted. “By the way, I can call this villa my home, since I have been coming here regularly for many years.”

Well, then what can we say about the parodist Alexander Peskov? And the blonde hairstyle, and the makeup is almost feminine, and the manner of speaking and habits? You couldn't help but notice. Yes, he has a wife and daughters of 21 years. He talks about them with great love. But Christmas trees! Why does he look like a real gay then? After all, there is no smoke without fire.

And Maxim Galkin? Even people think he's gay! And his future wife Pugacheva is again a cover, many think. And really, what kind of wife is there from a 60-year-old prima donna? Another character is stylist Sergei Zverev. At first glance, you can generally mistake him for a woman. (It’s understandable: plastic surgery after the accident that Sergei got into. But it was possible to tailor something, so to speak, more natural?) He also has a wife and a child - however, like many “non-naturals”. But in recent years, Zverev has stopped hiding behind them and is not ashamed of his beloved boy.

Let's not forget about Andrei Malakhov, who always hung out with an elderly rich woman, Marina Kuzmina. Moreover, he once even promised to get married! (Or was it the press itself that got them married?) Be that as it may, this relationship does not seem to go beyond “romantic meetings”.

The list of alleged homosexuals is endless. Here are Evgeniy Gor, who signed up as a groom for Nadezhda Babkina, Mitya from the Hi-Fi group, and Efim Shifrin, and Shura, and Oscar, and Valentin Yudashkin, and Roman Viktyuk...