English language

Eva Green: “I don’t want to get hooked by love again. Eva green, charm and allure of aristocratic beauty Eva green quiet life

She is, as they say, a femme fatale - a real femme fatale. Her name has always been associated with the forbidden fruit, sinful and desirable. It’s amazing how clearly and subtly this recognizable, nervous, dramatic female image is conveyed - while not at all hiding the fact that in life she is infinitely far from him.

— Eva, it’s impossible not to praise your latest project. Penny Dreadful, the series where you play a medium, is obviously a new format for you?

- Oh my God! I didn’t see myself in this series, and in general I try not to look at myself in the frame. It seems to me that this is some kind of negative narcissism. Some actors know how to monitor their roles and work on mistakes. Unfortunately, I can’t do this.

— Judging by the way you look, you carefully monitor your image. Gothic outfits, Victorian aesthetics... Your reverent attitude towards your own style cannot be called narcissism?

“You won’t believe it, but I’m almost always indifferent to what I’m wearing.” Perhaps I only have a passion for dark colors. And whether it will be black or dark blue - a blouse, a shirt, trousers, a dress, a turtleneck... - I don’t care. Sometimes I use outfits as a kind of barrier, protection from people. The more layers I wear, the better.

— You probably know that in Hollywood they almost seriously call you a witch? Just because of your commitment to dark tones.

- Of course, I know about my fame. (Sighs.) It's funny. Well, that is, sometimes I introduce myself to journalists: “Eve, a vampire,” and their eyes naturally widen, they look at me with disbelief and grin nervously. I can imagine that some are beginning to seriously fear me. They constantly hint to me that I scare people, but with what?

— Perhaps it’s because of your unique roles? After all, you really have a lot of witchcraft images in your piggy bank - the same “Penny Dreadful” or Tim Burton’s new film “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.”

— Yes, it’s like that: I play either sorceresses, or warriors, or fatal bitches who ruin the lives of men. The irony of fate is that in reality I am afraid and embarrassed of everything and everyone. You see that I give interviews without makeup, in simple clothes - no lace, no velvet, multi-layered skirts. It’s convenient to hide with the help of paints and clothes, but in reality I’m an ordinary timid gray mouse with a lot of complexes and fears. So the roles definitely help me figure out what it's like to be sexy, desperate, seductive and fearless.

Still from the film “The Dreamers”

— For someone who is timid and downtrodden, you are quite willing to bare yourself in front of the camera...

- First of all, it's just a game. And secondly, what is criminal, ugly, immoral about female nudity?

— I immediately remember the hype around the poster for the film “Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For.” I'm talking about the poster in which the outline of your naked bust outraged conservative people around the world.

- Oh, believe me, I immediately understood what you were talking about. The world has never seen greater stupidity! Literally everyone was running around the silhouette of my nipples - this, it seems to me, is more indecent and shameful than the nipples themselves on the poster for the picture. So tell me, what's scary about them? After all, no one was outraged by the small smoking pistol in my hand - but it can kill, maim, intimidate! But they haven’t killed anyone with their breasts yet. Although I give credit to curvaceous figures: there may be a risk of suffocation in them.

— Tell us about your first experience on camera. Still, starting a career with Bertolucci, in such a frank picture... Were you sure you could handle it?

- Oh, the main thing is that the director was confident in me. He was not embarrassed that my acting experience consisted of only a few theatrical productions; I was very young - twenty-one years old. Bertolucci noticed me, just came up and invited me to play in “Dreamers.” Everyone around was against it, especially my parents. They said that Bernardo was a monster and a tyrant, and not only on the set. In addition, many recalled the fate of Maria Schneider, who disappeared from the screens after Last Tango in Paris. Do you know where she was found in the end?

“They say fame broke her.”

- I see it a little differently. After the scandalous “Tango...” she was called exclusively for such provocative roles. She ended up in a psychiatric hospital. For some reason, her colleagues and friends blamed Bertolucci. So you can understand my parents, who feared not so much for my career as for my health.

- But you still took a risk. How it was?

“We didn’t rehearse at all, we didn’t study the script. And no tyranny! Bertolucci gave us a lot of freedom, believed in the magic of the moment, did not press, but only directed. He is a master of love, a master of eroticism. I was constantly in a state close to drug intoxication - that’s how he knew how to set us up. It was a great time, crazy, funny and completely innocent.

- Innocent? Many will disagree with you, just remember the “nude” scenes, because of which the film was banned for a long time in the USA.

— We return to the discussion of nudity and reactions to it. It's quite paradoxical: in America there is so much violence going on on the streets! There is so much bloody news - but the censors prohibit a film about love, beautiful, tender, deep. Apparently Americans are scared of sex. Marvelous.

— It’s important to note here: I don’t like “nude” scenes. I find them very uncomfortable. And, of course, the viewer’s reaction is important. After all, when I undress, it’s not that I want to broadcast to you: “I’m naked!” - behind this act there is something hidden, something hidden. Nudity is just a costume, and only people who are not entirely healthy can think differently. But, alas, you only accept my naked body. Sometimes I feel like I'm a porn actress. Everyone considers it their duty to ask me a question about sex. And about James Bond.

- Well, we've talked enough about sex. Let's talk about Bond. How did you agree to this typical Hollywood movie?

— I asked myself the same question. (Laughs.) Since my youth I loved Bond - of course, played by Sean Connery. But I never imagined myself as his girlfriend. I agreed only when I realized that my heroine Vesper Lynd was not just a pretty picture with an ideal hero. She is, no matter how funny it may seem, a femme fatale who played a tragic role in the fate of James Bond. She's deep. But alas, it ended the way I feared - despite the endless pleasure I had playing with Daniel Craig. Hollywood is still a terrible place where I am perceived exclusively as the beauty from “007”. It’s like it’s written on my forehead, honestly!

— Were you tempted to fall in love with Bond? How do you generally feel about office romances?

“Daniel behaved like a father, he constantly looked after me and showed concern. He is sincere, cool, real, but after certain circumstances I don’t believe in romances with work colleagues.

- What happened?

— I had a bad experience. Not even that: not unsuccessful, but too dramatic. All these flights across the Atlantic for two hours together, the distance, the inability to be close all the time, quarrels over my career... I'm done with it.

— It was the role in “The Dreamers” that became your calling card in Hollywood. But in the end you came up with images that were completely different from your debut. Is this a conscious path?

“Just yesterday I was sitting and thinking that I need to play more conventional roles. I’m already a prisoner of type, don’t you think? I wouldn’t want to become an actress who was labeled “strange witch” by agents. That is, I am really attracted to mystical characters, full of secrets, who need to be read and worked with. It's something that comes from within. My parents and sister were most surprised by my role. Mom says to me: “God, why are you doing this? Why can't you play someone normal?" And Joy, my sister, trying to watch Penny Dreadful, said something like: “And this is my twin?..”

—Are you close to your family?

- So much so that I never moved to Hollywood. My mother lives in Paris and refuses to leave it, so I also settled in Europe, albeit in London. A couple of hours - and we are together again, I am under my mother’s wing. She is my guardian angel, my talisman. My mother accompanies me on set, consoles me in my sorrows, wipes away my tears and gives me advice. After all, in the past she herself was an actress. And if you choose a role model, it will be her. As a professional, I am still very far from her image, but I am trying to get as close to it as I can.

— How is your relationship with your sister? After all, it is known that twins have a special, close connection.

“You would never confuse me with Joy.” We are very, very, very different people - both externally and internally. Now we rarely communicate, probably because of difficulties in adolescence: then we constantly quarreled, even fought.

- Because of the boys?

- Oh, of course not! I was a meek child, crammed my homework, and buried myself in books a little. I didn’t even think about any boys or school romances. But Joanna went to all the discos she could find in the area and had fun. Now, by the way, she is the happy wife of an Italian count. Raises two children. Not a bad life, right?

— I can address the same question to you. Not a bad life?

- Honestly? Don't know. This kind of life is probably not for me. Love exhausts, devastates, and I didn’t know how to flirt, and I still don’t know how. It seems like a game to me—it’s all “relationship building.” I don’t really understand how my sister, and millions of women, can share themselves with a man every day. But you have to share, give yourself, turn yourself inside out - otherwise, what’s the point of all this? It's better to be alone than not really.

“It’s strange to hear such reasoning from a young and attractive woman.” Do you really not want to have children, a family?

“I’d like to, but I clearly imagine what it all really looks like.” The first days, weeks, months of falling in love are a wonderful time. Romance, crazy passions, impulses... But the result is always the same - it’s routine, endless nagging and quarrels. I don't think I can live with someone under the same roof. This prospect scares me. I will remain independent!

- Excuse me, but don’t you think that these words are echoes of your past separations?

- Even if so. You know, really - everything is so! But I'm tired of immersing myself in people - and experiencing breakups for years. Apparently, you need to somehow change your attitude towards men. Every time you open up, trust, grow together - and in the end you are left alone with yourself. So isn't it better not to indulge in such adventures? Besides, it’s hard for me to imagine why and where to look for a husband. I don’t like so-called social gatherings, I don’t lead a nocturnal lifestyle, I can’t keep up conversations about anything, which is where all love stories usually begin. I live like an old cat lady, I don’t bother anyone. And guess what? I began to truly enjoy this lifestyle. What’s mine will find me, even if I only leave the house to go to the shops...

- Apparently, you are a home person. How did it happen that you are engaged in such a public profession?

— There is a certain masochism in my desire to play. I am clearly aware that every time I undress in front of the camera, go out into the spotlight, I mock myself. On the other hand, acting is similar to psychotherapy: through images I release all my fears, each time bringing myself to the boiling point, to the point of no return. You know, when it’s easier to go and do it than to continue to be afraid - that’s about how I feel on camera.

“Sounds like absolute stress.” How do you deal with stress?

- Like all young old women. (Laughs.) In a soft chair, in stretched sweatpants, with a book and a cup of herbal tea. It's great when my dog ​​comes to me. He's like a husband to me, by the way! I go jogging and play sports - not for beauty, but to relieve irritation and negativity. My shopping looks especially cute. I buy pillows, shawls, scarves and stuffed wild animals. I know a taxidermist in London - he always has a new stuffed animal for me. In a word, my life is full of adventures. (Laughs.) Measured and calm, like the bed of a flat river.

-Are you a dreamer?

- Even some! Often I seem to wake up and look at the world around me in surprise, not understanding what is happening. But mostly I spend my days in a sweet half-asleep, fantasizing and imagining what my fate would be like if...

- And what are you dreaming about now?

— Become a French teacher in a quiet suburb of London. Go to the Norwegian countryside and open your own bakery. Return to stage. But this is so, from the realm of fantasy.

- Why?

“The scene scares me even more than the shot.” Every time I had to go out in public, I would get stomach cramps, sweat profusely, and almost faint. But when you are already on stage, you receive such an incredible amount of energy and strength that it lasts for a very long time. In short, you need to go through torture to get your dose of adrenaline and endorphin.

- Eva, it’s known that you don’t really like to talk about failed romances. And yet, is it possible to ask a general question?

- Let's try. (Smiles.)

— Tell us about your ideal. About a man you would definitely like.

- I love rude men, animal men. Refined boys who smell better than me, perfumed metrosexuals, combed and dressed up, it's just... (Make a sound of disgust.) You know, there are those who are always trying to see themselves in the mirror? It’s like they’re talking to you, looking you in the eye, and then suddenly, out of the corner of their eye, they’re admiring themselves, the only one. I find this unbearable in both men and women. So my ideal is someone who thinks about his appearance last. He got up, washed his face, put on the first thing he could get his hands on, and went.

“It’s like you’re two people.” Tell us about the biggest misconception the media has about you.

— (Laughs.) For some reason, everyone is sure that I’m a goth, or that I somehow belong to this subculture. This statement has nothing to do with reality!

- Eva, admit it - have you really stopped believing in love? Indeed, judging by your answers, this is so.

- In no case! I believe in her, like children believe in miracles, in Santa Claus, in unicorns. You may think this is nonsense, because we all know that there is no Klaus or unicorn. But what if? You know, there is a fairy tale about a fish that did not believe in people - simply because in its entire life it had not met a single person. She boasted to everyone and everyone about her unbelief. Can you imagine how this ended? Of course, one day she was caught by the very person in whom she did not believe. I wouldn't want to fall into the trap of love again. So I choose to believe - but stay away.

“Yes, I’m a dreamer and I live on another planet,” Eva Green said in an interview. Indeed, Eva Green's personal life is always shrouded in mystery. She has repeatedly admitted that she is attracted to the style of the 30s and 40s of the last century, when women were seductive with their mystery and unusualness, and the modern feigned secular world, according to the actress, is depressing.

The start of Eva’s career was serious - the main role in the provocative film “The Dreamers” by the legendary Bernardo Bertolucci. The 23-year-old mysterious girl with tar-colored hair and gray eyes instantly became famous and desired throughout the world. Even then, in 2003, the actress fearlessly demonstrated her original style. French bohemianism (Eva was born and raised in Paris in a French-Swedish family) coupled with retro style: floor-length black dresses and men's cut suits, intricate hairstyles and careless styling, smoky eye makeup and an unusual eyebrow shape that became Eva's signature.

"Sin City 2"


It is not surprising that directors began to offer Eve the roles of fatal beauties and seductresses - Queen Sybil from “Kingdom of Heaven” with Orlando Bloom, sensual Susan from “Last Love on Earth” with Ewan McGregor. One cannot help but recall the role of the girlfriend of agent 007 James Bond in the film “Casino Royale”. Very soon another long-awaited film will be released on the screens, which managed to create a stir even before the premiere: “Sin City 2.” The poster for the film with Eva Green was considered too sexy and was banned in the United States.

Over time, Eva Green's style became closer to the classic, calmer and neater, but the actress did not abandon her mystical role. “I’m not a pessimist or a goth,” the actress said more than once in her speeches. Eva's individuality was noticed not only by Hollywood and European directors, but also by famous fashion houses - she was the heroine of advertising campaigns for Emporio Armani, Lancome and Christian Dior.

For public appearances, the actress does not hesitate to choose catchy, often too unusual images. The star's four main beauty tricks are retro style, voluminous hairstyles, red lipstick and spectacular smoky eyes.

Retro style

“I'm an actress and I want to be mysterious. That's why I like the style of the 30s and 40s, when they hid their private lives. I think it's much better to have your own secret, a riddle." Eva also pursues this life credo on the red carpet: Hollywood curls, side partings, smooth hairstyles, porcelain skin and a languid, sullen look - all in the best traditions of Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo and Ava Gardner.

Red lipstick

The look of a retro diva is impossible without sultry red lipstick. Eva loves the classic scarlet shade, which perfectly emphasizes the sensuality of her full lips and looks especially catchy on fair skin.

October 2014. London

In the foggy twilight, the taxi drove along the almost endless park adjacent to the Primrose Hill residential area and stopped at a small house. Passers-by would have to look very closely at the passenger to catch the resemblance between her and the dazzling beauty from the movie posters that have filled the whole world. However, the posters did not show Eva Green in all her glory: when the initial version was approved, the outline of her breasts under a thin peignoir worried the American censors so much that the fabric was immediately thickened, stopping one step short of turning the translucent underwear into a terry bathrobe. “It’s utter stupidity,” Eve complained. — What’s so scary about depicting a woman’s breasts? No one has ever been killed with a breast, although one could probably suffocate in a magnificent bust... I would understand the complaints about the pistol in my heroine’s hand, but it did not raise the slightest questions.”

If the beauty from the posters would attract the eye even in a burlap outfit, then the tousled, pale-faced young lady in a multi-layered robe of mourning tones and in old lady’s shoes, who got out of a taxi on Primrose Hill, did not interest passers-by in any way. The taxi driver helped her unload her things - a suitcase and a carrier bag with a small shaggy dog ​​- more out of considerations of mercy than gallantry. The passenger's slightly absent look suggested that otherwise she would certainly forget something, drop something, or get caught in the door.

Eva's camouflage worked flawlessly. The actress explains part of her everyday style—long, thick, shapeless pieces, mostly black and often layered one on top of another—by the fact that many shy people perceive clothing as armor: the more of it, the more protected they feel. A strange statement for a woman who bares nudity in almost every film. But Eva has always maintained that two personalities coexist within her: under the guise of a role, a timid, withdrawn, out-of-this-world mouse turns into a fearless Amazon, for whom it is worth killing, dying and, more importantly, buying movie tickets. Another explanation for Eva's strange wardrobe is that she is indifferent to fashion and hates buying clothes. When necessity drives her to the appropriate departments of department stores, she simply sweeps everything black off the racks and tries to complete her purchases within half an hour, because then she becomes ill.

To be fair, she doesn't hate all stores. She can spend hours wandering through furniture stores and discusses a pillow purchased for the occasion much more willingly than an evening dress from a famous designer. But most of all, Eva is attracted to specialized shops where they sell insects on pins and stuffed animals. The actress is a favorite client of “inanimate nature” traders on both sides of the ocean, and English customs officers are no longer surprised to find deer antlers or a fossilized prehistoric mollusk in her luggage. “In Paris there is a salon of an amazing taxidermist: rare birds, camels, lions - everything under the sun,” Eva says enthusiastically when she manages to saddle her favorite horse or, given the direction of her interests, its stuffed animal. — I bought the head of an aurochs, an extinct bull. This tour looked at me so sadly, as if asking me to take him away from the store. I said: “Okay, you will come home with me.” I found another interesting store in New York, it specializes in bones, fossils and insects. I buy bugs there.”

Following the taxi driver with her eyes, Eva dragged her suitcase and dog to the door of her London house. She has spent recent weeks in Dublin filming the second series of Penny Dreadful. The film crew filled part of one of the city parks with artificial snow - between takes, actors in historical costumes played snowballs and made snowmen among the almost summer greenery. Eva gladly took part in the general fun, but for several days she caught herself really wanting to go home - to bugs, books and loneliness. “Happy is the person who has the opportunity to hide from everyone,” says the actress.

Kiss me - you won't get poisoned

Eva's house on Primrose Hill remembers the times when she did not live there alone. The actress decided to move permanently from the French capital to the British capital nine years ago - in the midst of an affair with a New Zealand actor of Hungarian origin, whom she met on the set of the film “Kingdom of Heaven.” Eva was so lost in love that she once went to see her beloved for a shoot in Australia for several hours, spending more than a day flying there and back. She so wanted to see Marton and be in his arms at least for a while. The actress was not embarrassed by either her lover’s difficult character or his habit of getting into character and remaining in it even at home, which is all the more unpleasant since, due to his unique charisma, he plays mostly psychopaths and scum of all stripes.

After breaking up with actor Marton Csokas, Eva was in such despair that she still does not dare to fall in love again (2008). REX/Forodom

But even her crazy passion did not prompt her to move to Hollywood, where Marton wanted to settle, tired of hanging around between New Zealand, Los Angeles, Paris and London. “I can’t live in Los Angeles,” Eve told him. “I immediately feel like all the blood has been sucked out of me.” I feel bad among people who are always in a hurry and measure everything with money.” Marton tossed between love and career until mid-2009, after which he left Eva - in such despair that five years later she still does not dare to fall in love again. “Love is exhausting,” says the actress. - I don’t understand flirting. At school, I watched romances between classmates and could not get rid of the feeling that they were playing with feelings, with relationships. I always wanted everything to be real. If I love someone, then I give all of myself, perhaps even more than necessary. And you have to work constantly and hard on relationships. The first months are wonderful, but gradually the sweet madness goes away, and life together turns into continuous hard labor. I don’t think I can live with a man under the same roof again - the family routine scares me. Of course, it is impossible to remain a mystery to your partner, but sharing everything with him is dangerous. It’s better to be independent and have your own space.”

Eva herself has little idea where she could meet a new life partner. “I don’t go to clubs or parties,” she says. — The music is so loud that you can’t have a normal conversation, strangers pester you with some stupid things. No, it's not for me. Besides, I was recently told that I scare people. I don't know what's so scary about me. Black hair? Or is it that I don't talk enough? I seem cold, it’s true, you need to get to know me closely in order to understand how shy I am and how very different I am from my heroines. In school plays I was always given the roles of evil queens, warriors and sorceresses, although I was afraid of everything in the world, and most of all of boys. This proves that I cannot be judged by my roles, I am not toxic at all, even to men. Well, at least I hope so..."

Parisian in London

Despite the fact that London separated Eva from her beloved man, she does not regret staying. “I'm French, but London has become my home,” she says. — I like that people here are calmer and more reserved than in Los Angeles, more polite than in Paris. They are not as fond of judging others. Taxi drivers always know where to go, and there are many good restaurants serving Chinese, Indian, even French cuisine. This is important for me because I don’t know how and don’t like to cook.”

The only thing that upsets Eva is the frequent separation from her mother, actress and writer Marlene Jaubert, who refuses to leave Paris for good. “One of the reasons why I didn’t go to Hollywood was the understanding that I wouldn’t be able to see my mother as often as I needed,” admits Eva. “She accompanies me to filming, helps me learn my roles, consoles me when I want to cry, and knows firsthand how cruel and crazy the acting profession is. As an actress, I am still nothing compared to my mother; I miss her emotionality and charm. But I try to be like her as much as possible." But Eva does not maintain constant contact with her twin sister Joanna, whom the family calls Joy. “We are very different,” says the actress. — While we were growing up, we couldn’t even talk normally - we quarreled all the time. She was always more down-to-earth and cheerful, going to discos and dating boys while I sat at my textbooks. Now my sister is married to an Italian count, is engaged in horse breeding, is raising a child and collects all the articles about me.”

“Mom knows firsthand how cruel and crazy the acting profession is. With his mother at the premiere of the film “Casino Royale” (2006). Getty Images/Fotobank

The art of living in the moment

October 2014. London

Having crossed the threshold, the first thing Eva did was release her border terrier, Griffin, from his carrier - the only creature whose company the actress enjoyed both at home and during long walks in the park. At one time, she almost cheated for him. “When I first moved, it turned out that animals were not allowed on the Eurostar train that runs between Paris and London,” Eva recalled. — An exception is made for guide dogs. I couldn’t imagine how I would live in London without Griffin, I love him terribly, he’s practically my husband! There was a moment when I was seriously planning to buy a white cane and pretend to be blind so that we could be allowed on the train.”

After feeding the dog, Eva made herself some herbal tea, put a disc with a selection of Mahler’s works on the stereo, and went to the library to choose a book to read before bed. Only now did she feel herself letting go of the stress of the filming days. “Acting is like therapy for me, but it doesn’t take away the fatigue and stress,” she says. “I still have butterflies fluttering in my stomach from horror that I want to kill.” And no matter how many compliments they gave me, I never learned to be proud of my body. I was, am and will be a gnome, and I do fitness not for beauty, but to let off steam. I still act in films only because every time I bring myself to a state in which it is easier to go and do what is required than to be afraid further. A strange way to focus, it feels like a drug. Maybe when I get tired of mocking myself so much, I’ll look for a job in London as a French teacher, but for now I need acting.”

“Maybe someday I’ll look for a job as a French teacher in London, but for now I need acting.” All Over Press

Eva lit the lamp and settled into a chair with a book, looking forward to a normal, stress-free morning, the obligatory mug of boiling water with lemon and a run in the park with Griffin. “This is how exciting my life is,” the actress laughs. “Sometimes it seems to me that I have never been young, except perhaps after a few glasses of wine.” I think too much. I float through life as if half asleep, immersed in dreams. I keep wanting to read a book about how to learn to live for today, but I just can’t get around to it.”

Eva Gael Green

Family: mother - Marlene Jaubert, actress; father - Walter Green, dentist; twin sister - Joy

Education: Graduated from the American University of Paris and the Saint-Paul School of Dramatic Arts in Paris

Career: She made her screen debut in Bernardo Bertolucci's The Dreamers in 2003. She has starred in more than 15 films and TV series, including: “Arsene Lupin”, “Kingdom of Heaven”, “Casino Royale”, “The Golden Compass”, “Camelot”, “Dark Shadows”, “300: Rise of an Empire”, “ Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For." Currently playing one of the main roles in the TV series "Penny Dreadful"

Eva Green is one of the most popular and beautiful French actresses, a native Parisian, born on 07/06/1980.


Eva owes her bright appearance to her parents, in whose veins a lot of blood flows. Her father is Swedish, and her mother’s ancestors are Algerians with an admixture of Jewish blood. It is also interesting that parents differ very much in character and temperament.

A practical and sensible father has a private dental office. And the girl’s mother is a fairly famous actress, who in recent years has begun writing children’s books. Mother's brother - Eva's uncle - is also directly related to the world of cinema; he is one of the best cameramen in France.

Eva was born not alone, but in the company of her twin sister. It is amazing that girls who were very similar in appearance were so different in character and interests. The parents joked that one was just like her mother (Eva), and the other (Joy) was like her father.

When the girls grew up a little, the external similarity began to irritate Eva, and she dyed her blond hair a light brown color, which she still has.

Twins are usually very close to each other. But not in this case. Reasonable Joy and eccentric Eva did not get along very well with each other. So when Joy went to study at a private college in another city at the age of 14, Eva breathed a sigh of relief. Since then, they have not seen each other or even talked on the phone. Joy went into business, and Eva went into cinema.


Deciding that she would follow in her mother’s footsteps and also become an actress, Eva seriously began her preparations, as she wanted to build a brilliant career. She dreamed of conquering Hollywood and understood that without good English there was no chance of this. Therefore, barely finishing school, she flies to England, where she studies English and attends classes at a prestigious theater academy.

After completing her studies, she returns to Paris and begins looking for work through acting agencies. The beautiful girl was quickly noticed, and soon she was already standing on the stage of a professional theater. True, the first roles were small. But they were enough to attract the attention of the legend of French cinema, director Bernardo Bertolucci.

He was delighted not only by her beauty, but also by the magnificent performance of the young actress and immediately invited her to the main role of his new film “The Dreamers.” The girl was simply delighted with this chance. She was not even embarrassed by the fact that the melodrama was replete with very explicit scenes. She considered it an honor to work with a director of such a level under any conditions. And I was right!

After the premiere of the film, she woke up famous. Her debut role literally pushed her to the top of the French cinematic Olympus. Immediately after the end of filming, a new offer followed, and again for the leading role in the historical melodrama Arsene Lupin, where she played his wife.


And now, finally, the long-awaited invitation from Hollywood. The producers were selecting actors for the filming of the large-scale historical epic “Kingdom of Heaven.” Since the film’s budget was huge, the casting took place in several stages, each of which became a real test for Eva.

Until the last moment, she was not sure that she would get her role. But everything turned out well.

Inspired by her first success, Eva decides to stay in America and continues to actively audition. After several failures, it's like she wins the lottery. The beauty is being cast for the role of James Bond's girlfriend in the next Bond film. It was this role that made her famous, brought her star status and several prestigious film awards.

The success was consolidated by the work in the fantastic fairy tale story “The Golden Compass”. Since then, the actress can afford to play only those roles that interest her. Maybe that’s why she has a little less than two dozen works to her name so far. But each role is very bright, deep and memorable. Viewers come to watch some films only because of Eva Green's magnificent performance.

At the same time, the actress is building a successful modeling career. She quite often appears on the covers of prestigious glossies, and has recently become the face of a new fragrance from Dior. Eva also tried herself as a TV presenter, but this work is not as interesting for her as her transformation into films.

Personal life

Despite the huge number of fans, the actress never had a stormy personal life. She was not interested in short-term relationships, she does not like social gatherings and hates when paparazzi try to unceremoniously get into her private life.

Eva is generally a homebody by nature. She prefers to spend her free time from filming in silence and solitude; she loves nature and walking with her dog. Maybe that’s why she loves working in historical films, because she herself would like to live somewhere there, in the 19th century. But, as she herself jokes, only in a rich family.

Immediately after moving to Hollywood, while working on the film “Kingdom of Heaven,” the actress began an affair with New Zealand actor Marton Csokas, who played her husband. “Family” relationships slowly moved beyond the set and dragged on for as long as 5 years. However, the family did not work out; the couple separated in 2009.

With Marton Csokas

Now the heart of one of the most beautiful and sexiest women in Hollywood is still free. But she is not at all worried about this. Eva is happy with her life, plans to return to the Parisian theater stage, and is engaged in spiritual practices. She has repeatedly stated that she is more interested in the spiritual rather than the commercial side of cinema.

In the densely populated pantheon of modern actresses, there is one Frenchwoman with a small track record, but cult status thanks to her first role. Eva Green- an unapproachable and stern beauty with a magnetic look and a steely character. There is something attractively otherworldly and burning about her, although by nature this girl is modest and shy, not at all equal to her on-screen role femme fatale.

She will not encourage the paparazzi by drinking coffee in the company of a conventionally famous Hollywood Kena. Although the actress is the face of fashion houses Dior And Armani, in life Eve true to everyday gothic style. She is frivolous and extravagant only on the carpet, the rest of the time Green reserved and focused on work.

Who else can boast of such a successful and large-scale debut? Even among Oscar-winning divas, among the first works you can find all sorts of nonsense, like parts in second-rate TV series and passable melodramas. Eve but she made a deafening trumpet about herself, bursting into the film business like a hurricane. The role in the cult film “The Dreamers” became truly the best school and "spoiled" Green. After filming at the very Bertolucci the actress became picky and demanding in choosing projects. By the way, her family reacted negatively to the desire Eve debut in such a provocative image. Marlene considered her daughter too weak and toothless for this cruel business. But the Italian made an offer that would be insane to refuse.

His dreamers are charming intellectuals and hedonists, obsessed with classic films, art, elaborate games and sex. They hide in the cool labyrinth of a Parisian apartment and in the intricacies of their painful relationship on the brink of a foul. They are absolutely free from conventions and frameworks, as if fueled by a local revolution - the student unrest of 1968.

Bernardo Bertolucci needed exactly such actors as Eva Green and Louis Garelle - fresh faces, pure energy and animal passion. Both actors are descendants of the French New Wave, so they got the roles almost in advance. The third dreamer was Michael Pitt - hitting the bull's eye.

Green-Garelle-Pitt would have won the Best Trio Award if there was one. The most difficult game, of course, went to Eve, who played as if she had years of experience at her disposal.

On Eve Tempting offers poured in, many of which she rejected. Bertolucci, who became the actress’s second father, still instilled good taste in his named daughter. But, realizing that she must star in high-profile projects, Green came to audition for Ridley Scott. At first he did not believe that this fragile body contained enough for the image of a majestic queen. Sibyls strength, but was puzzled by his mistake when he saw Eve In action.

It's a long time to worry Eve didn’t have to - after filming ended Scott she received an offer to play another companion Bond in the blockbuster "Casino Royale". It’s not hard to guess that the actress refused without even reading the script.

Eve switched to a minor key, and a very adult sadness was added to the rich palette of her on-screen emotions. Amazingly, this mystical woman is capable of not only shooting eyes and making her on-screen partners sweat. In the two-hour drama "The Womb" the heroine Green speaks little, moves stiffly and most of the time looks thoughtfully into the distance. I want to grab her shoulders together with Matt Smith’s character and shake her up. Her mesmerizing silence and coldness make the viewer feel uncomfortable. But in these moments there is so much universal melancholy, carefully polished pain and sincerity in it that it is impossible to stop watching, despite the confusing plot.

Next screen experience Eve was marked by a duet with Ewan McGregor. “I'm not interested in playing only female fighters. I want to express the other, sensual side of my character.", - stated Green and went off to chew soap in the drama “Last Love on Earth.”

To appreciate their film alliance, just watch the only scene in which they fool around in the bathroom. It is episodes like these, and not pretentious dialogues and distorted faces, that reveal a professional in an actor. Eve in this picture there is a perfectly tuned musical instrument, ready for any scale. You just need to touch the right strings for it to sound in unison with your partner.

Also very recently Eve, following the example of his colleagues, briefly acting as a demon-possessed medium with pubertal trauma, Vanessa Ives.

But we wouldn’t mind seeing a spectacular princess with the coveted “ Oscar" in hand. Sooner or later this will certainly happen, because touch Eve has not yet gone unnoticed by anyone.