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Rating of the healthiest and most harmful cereals. Choice and subtleties of preparation. The healthiest porridge in the world Which porridge is healthy 100 to 1

For a long time now, no one has doubted that it is better to start your day with porridge. But which one? We decided to find out everything about the beneficial properties of the most popular cereals and figure out which one is the best.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

Porridge is really good to eat for breakfast. This is a source of “slow” (healthy) carbohydrates, which will give a good feeling of fullness and ensure normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract throughout the day. It is important to cook the porridge correctly. For example, it is better to steam oatmeal with boiling water than to boil it. Cooking will artificially increase the glycemic index - turn a healthy cereal into a “white bun” - and lead to the loss of the lion’s share of B vitamins and microelements. In addition, porridge is not able to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. Therefore, you should add protein products to it - cheese or cottage cheese will ideally complement your breakfast. Don't forget about healthy fat - add nuts/urbech or flaxseed oil/pine nut oil to the porridge.


It is difficult to determine which cereal is the healthiest in the world, but every person has eaten this porridge at least once in their life (before writing this article, we conducted a small survey in our instagram- most of all turned out to be oatmeal lovers). Oatmeal can be prepared with either milk or water (milk, of course, tastes better), in both cases it will not lose its beneficial properties. And there are many of them. Oatmeal is rich in manganese, B vitamins and. In addition, oats contain many antioxidants - among them there is a unique one called avenanthramides. According to research, this antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties. Oats also contain large amounts of beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber. The benefits of beta-glucan for the body and health are enormous. First, it lowers “bad” cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Secondly, it promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. And thirdly, it perfectly saturates and suppresses hunger.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Oatmeal is especially useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the high content of amino acids and vitamin PP, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and cholesterol is removed. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, liver and thyroid gland. Biotin, a substance also found in oatmeal, helps relieve muscle pain and tension.


We love buckwheat and will never stop praising its valuable properties for the body, which you probably already know about. But we’ll remind you just in case. Buckwheat contains a lot of useful elements and substances, such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin B6, folic and pantothenic acid. According to, buckwheat reduces “bad” cholesterol, helps prevent diseases and fight high cholesterol. In addition, buckwheat is an excellent source of vegetable protein, which is why all athletes, vegetarians and people trying to lose weight love it so much. Buckwheat helps alleviate diabetes. In one study, a group of people with diabetes consumed buckwheat porridge for two months. At the end of the experiment, participants found that they felt better and noticed a decrease in insulin resistance without any medication. Buckwheat is often compared to newfangled grains - they contain approximately the same amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but buckwheat is much cheaper. Buckwheat is also loved because it is low and belongs to the gluten-free food group.

Corn porridge

Corn porridge, like buckwheat, does not contain gluten, so anyone who suffers from (gluten intolerance) can eat it. This cereal contains iron and phosphorus. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body and also speeds up metabolism by activating special enzymes necessary for energy production. Phosphorus, in turn, is needed for strong bones and teeth. Corn porridge is high in carbohydrates (94 grams per cup), making it a great breakfast option for athletes, but it's not worth eating if you're trying to lose weight.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Corn grits and cereals made from it, in my opinion, are the least attractive for the body and figure - it contains a large amount of carbohydrates (75%), few vitamins and minerals, and the corn protein is inferior in composition and is poorly absorbed. However, corn grits inhibit the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines, so it is recommended to include it periodically - at least once a week - in the diet.

Millet porridge

Millet is a very healthy, tasty and nutritious porridge. Surely everyone associates it with childhood, which is why so many people still love it. In addition to its pleasant taste, millet porridge boasts important properties. Research shows that millet helps improve the condition of bronchial asthma, and may even prevent its occurrence. This cereal also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - it contains a lot of magnesium. This element is precisely the main “fighter” against this disease. Millet is a source of not only magnesium, but also copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins and various beneficial substances, such as leucine, tryptophan, threonine and histidine.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Millet cereal is practically hypoallergenic, helps remove toxins from the body (in particular antibiotics), improves digestion and has a lipotropic effect - once in the body, it prevents fat from being absorbed into the walls of blood vessels. It is not recommended to eat millet if there is low acidity of gastric juice, inflammatory processes in the intestines and diseases of the thyroid gland.

Spelled porridge

In the wake of following a healthy lifestyle, spelt has gained particular popularity only now, although this grain appeared a very, very long time ago - approximately 5-6 thousand years BC. Spelled flour, spelled pasta, spelled flakes - everyone seems to have heard about them, but do not know what beneficial properties spelled has. Now we will tell you - because there is something! Spelled cereal is rich in various microelements - iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium - and substances. Among such substances are nicotinic and folic acid and thiamine. Nicotinic acid plays a key role in the proper functioning of the endocrine system. Folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease and attacks, and can also protect the fetus from developing defects during a woman’s pregnancy. Thanks to the same minerals - zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, selenium - spelled has a positive effect on bone health and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Flaxseed porridge

The same as about spelled, about flaxproponents of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition remembered this porridge quite recently. And it was not in vain that they remembered: flaxseed porridge is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable elements. Numerous substances include omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, soluble and insoluble fiber. Omega-3 acids are known as "good" fats and are considered extremely beneficial for heart health. Lignans are plant phytoestrogens that have antioxidant properties, which means they can resist cancer. According to the Director of Health and Nutrition atKelly Fitzpatrick, recent studies have shown that flaxseed protects against breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

Rice porrige

White polished rice, as you know, is not the healthiest product. During processing, grain loses all valuable substances and, consequently, properties. But if you are not ready to deny yourself rice porridge with milk (and it’s really very tasty), then sometimes you can still treat yourself to this dish for breakfast - try making porridge from brown rice, which contains a lot of vitamins, especially B vitamins, and microelements such as magnesium, manganese and calcium.

Ekaterina Strelnikova

nutritionist, expert on healthy eating and fitness testing of the X-Fit fitness club network

Rice cereal is famous for its high digestibility. In addition, this cereal is capable of absorbing all substances that are unnecessary and harmful to humans that come with other products. These absorbent properties of rice porridge are successfully used to effectively remove toxins and waste. That is why nutritionists recommend using it during various diets. But for porridge, as a rule, we use white rice - it is “polished” and loses its shell, leaving a very small amount of B vitamins and microelements, and it also has a high glycemic index. All this slightly reduces the attractiveness of rice grains.

Since ancient times, porridge has been considered one of the most popular food sources. And this is not surprising, since they contain many useful substances that are so necessary for our body. Everyone knows that porridge is very healthy, but... what porridges are the healthiest, not many people know about this. Therefore, I think this is an important issue that should be studied.

There are a large number of different problems in our world, but we won’t touch on all of them, we’ll just look at them TOP – 8 the best and most popular. This TOP includes porridges such as: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, millet, corn, barley and wheat.

Undoubtedly, they are all very useful, but with all this, each has its own values ​​and useful properties that make it unique in its own way.

In addition, cereals are the best sources of complex (slow) carbohydrates. This is very important, since carbohydrates are the most accessible and simplest source of energy for our body. A lack of carbohydrates will lead to such unpleasant conditions as: fatigue, drowsiness, increased irritability, reluctance to do anything, etc.

What porridges are the healthiest?

Buckwheat porridge is one of the best and most popular porridges in the whole world. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of our body. The protein part of buckwheat surpasses all cereals in terms of lysine and methionine content. It is absorbed by the body by almost 85%.

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • has a positive effect on hematopoiesis
  • improves immunity
  • recommended for atherosclerosis and diseased liver
  • improves vascular condition
  • improves blood circulation
  • improves digestion

In terms of popularity, oatmeal is in no way inferior to buckwheat. Probably 90% of people who lead a healthy lifestyle start their day with oatmeal. This is not surprising, since it contains a huge amount of various vitamins and minerals. Oatmeal also contains a large amount of fiber. (which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract) and antioxidants (which have a very positive effect on our entire body).

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • improves the body's resistance to various diseases
  • has a positive effect on the development of the skeletal system
  • Recommended for abdominal pain
  • cleanses the intestines of debris
  • has a positive effect on the skin
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels
  • helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood

Pearl barley is considered a natural antibiotic, which helps in the fight against various diseases. It contains its own unique set of vitamins and minerals. Barley has a very low glycemic index (GI = 25), so it is an excellent source of carbohydrates during weight loss.

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • takes part in the production of collagen
  • prevents wrinkles
  • improves skin and hair condition
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system
  • improves immunity
  • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol
  • improves digestion

Rice porridge is considered the No. 1 source of carbohydrates for bodybuilders. Somehow it so happened that most iron lovers choose rice from cereals. Perhaps because it is easy to prepare and tastes good, even without additives. There are different varieties of rice, and I will not talk about each variety separately. (I’ll tell you in general terms about all types).

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system
  • has a positive effect on skin, hair and nails
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • helps improve brain function
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • has a positive effect on joints
  • helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood

Millet porridge is a valuable product, as it contains a unique set of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is very easily digestible and has a pleasant taste. Millet contains 67 - 72% starch.

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • prevention of constipation
  • natural diuretic
  • accelerates the healing of broken bones and various wounds
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
  • recommended for: pancreatitis, diseased liver, diabetes and atherosclerosis

Corn porridge can also often be found in the human daily diet. It contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Corn porridge also has its own unique amino acid composition.

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • helps improve digestion
  • helps strengthen the immune system
  • Helps strengthen teeth and gums
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • normalizes metabolism

Barley porridge is an ancient product that has a wide range of vitamins, macro and microelements. It is also rich in fiber, which cleanses the body. Barley porridge is valuable and unique in its own way, so I recommend sometimes including it in your diet.

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • normalizes metabolism
  • has a positive effect on the brain
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins
  • normalizes blood sugar levels
  • normalizes cholesterol levels
  • has a positive effect on the genitourinary and endocrine systems

Wheat porridge is considered medicinal and valuable in its own way. Since ancient times, it has helped in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Wheat porridge contains a huge amount of fiber, which plays a major role in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, this porridge contains a large number of useful vitamins, macro and microelements.

Per 100g of product:

Beneficial features:

  • prevents the development of dysbacteriosis
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system
  • has a positive effect on heart function
  • has a positive effect on brain performance
  • strengthens the immune system

In this article I described, in my opinion, the TOP - 8 best cereals. Now you understand, what porridges are the healthiest and you can choose the one you think is best. Also, do not forget that each porridge has its own values ​​and beneficial properties, which make it unique in its own way. Therefore, I recommend including all types in your diet. For example, you can eat a certain porridge every day (8 porridges – 8 days, and every day a different porridge).



Porridge joined people's diets many centuries ago. Historians discovered the first mention of dishes made from boiled barley in ancient Rome. In Rus', porridges made from oats and wheat were popular. Being a source of energy, cereals gave the poor person a quick feeling of fullness without requiring large material costs. Rich people also did not deny themselves the pleasure of eating different types of cereals. They were ground, added to various gourmet dishes, and eaten with meat or fruit.

The most healthy cereals according to nutritionists

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of different cereals, from which housewives prepare delicious porridges. But are they all useful? Experts consider cereals from the point of view of their content of nutrients, calorie content, and benefits for digestion. How to choose the ideal cereal, and which porridge is the healthiest?

Nutrition experts identify the seven healthiest grains. Dishes made from them are easily absorbed by the body, saturate it with energy, nutrients, and fiber necessary for digestion.


This type of cereal is considered the undoubted leader among various cereals. It is obtained by processing oats. The coarser the grind of oatmeal, the healthier the porridge turns out. Doctors and nutritionists love oatmeal for its unsurpassed properties.

  • Oat fiber is rich in fiber, which works as a “cleaner” for the body. Coarsely ground oatmeal helps eliminate accumulated toxins and improves digestion;
  • Oats are rich in minerals necessary for normal life;
  • It also has enveloping properties, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach. Oat porridge is especially recommended for people suffering from gastritis or ulcers.

Oatmeal cooked in water is considered the healthiest. Preference should be given to ordinary rolled oats. Unlike instant oats, it is not chemically processed.


A distinctive feature of buckwheat is its minimal calorie content while maintaining high nutritional properties. Buckwheat porridge has long been taken note of by fans of various diets, and for good reason. In addition to nutritional value, buckwheat has many beneficial properties.

  • Cereals contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which is an excellent complement or substitute for animal proteins;
  • Buckwheat is rich in iron and magnesium. It is often prescribed as an adjuvant for anemia, disorders of the heart or blood vessels;
  • Buckwheat porridge is an ideal food for patients with diabetes. This cereal has a minimal glycemic index. When consumed, it does not cause sudden spikes in sugar levels, helping to maintain normal natural insulin levels.

The most useful is the unusual buckwheat porridge, when the cereal is simply poured with water or kefir. Swollen grains retain the maximum amount of nutrients that are lost if the cereal is cooked.


It is the result of processing the oldest grain - millet. Millet porridge contains carbohydrates that take a long time to digest. Due to this, people who consume this product feel full for a long time. Along with quick saturation, millet is rich in elements necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the entire body.

  • A large amount of fiber intensively cleanses the intestines, relieving constipation and removing accumulated toxins from the body;
  • Microelements in millet stimulate blood circulation, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis.

Due to the high level of polysaccharides, millet porridge is not recommended for people with diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

Pearl barley

It makes the cheapest, but the most nutritious and very healthy porridge. Many people underestimate its benefits; most people associate pearl barley with the army or kindergarten. They give it there for a reason. In ancient times, pearl barley porridge formed the basis of the diet of warriors. It quickly saturates the body, gives strength and endurance.

  • Since pearl barley is a product of barley processing, it contains a lot of protein and fiber. It stimulates peristalsis, improving the process of food digestion;
  • Pearl barley is rich in phosphorus, which is necessary for active brain function;
  • Potassium helps the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Nowadays, pearl barley porridge has significantly lost its popularity. This is due to the long preparation of pearl barley dishes. To cook delicious pearl barley porridge, use a little trick: soak the barley overnight before cooking. This way it will cook much faster.

Corn grits

Corn porridge is a rare guest on the table, but it is simply necessary to eat it. Corn grits are especially useful for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. Corn grains contain a lot of carbohydrates, which take a long time to break down. The porridge itself is very filling, it is simply impossible to eat a lot of it. At the same time, a small portion removes the feeling of hunger for about four hours.

  • Corn porridge is a great way to preserve female beauty. It contains vitamins A, E, PP. Their high content helps maintain youthful skin, a thin waist, and good mood;
  • Corn grits are indicated for people with heart disease. Microelements contained in grains reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Experts recommend cooking corn porridge only in water. According to most people, after cooking the porridge has an unappetizing appearance and looks like yellow glue. To add flavor, use various additions: apples, nuts, dried fruits. They give the dish an unusual taste and saturate it with additional benefits.


Rice cereal has been the staple food of Eastern peoples for many centuries. There are several varieties of rice. The most useful is brown, unrefined rice. Being a natural adsorbent, rice has the ability to attract and remove excess moisture, toxins, and waste from the body.

  • Unpolished brown rice contains a huge amount of plant protein, which gives strength. Vegetarians are happy to replace meat dishes with this porridge;
  • White refined rice is not as healthy as other varieties. However, its use also has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.

When choosing rice for cooking, pay attention to the main feature: the more refined the grain is, the more quickly digestible carbohydrates it contains and, as a result, the porridge is more nutritious.


Unpretentious to grow, amazing in nutritional properties and benefits, cereals were mentioned in Russian folk tales. Over time, wheat replaced it from the diet. Now producers and consumers have again paid attention to the undeservedly forgotten storehouse of protein, vitamins, amino acids, and microelements - spelt.

  • Spelled is a low-calorie product. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein and very little fat. Spelled porridge is excellent for feeding people who regularly exercise;
  • Gluten gives the dish a viscous consistency and contains 18 essential amino acids;
  • Spelled stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes sugar levels, and strengthens the immune system. Finely ground spelled porridge is especially useful for young children and the elderly.

Spelled is also good because all the substances in it are balanced. They are completely absorbed by the body without causing allergic reactions. Spelled can be found on the shelves under other names: emmer, emmer, kammut, spelled. These are all different names for the same cereal.

How to cook porridge correctly

The benefits of the dish depend not only on the composition of the cereal, but also on the method of its preparation. Any healthy cereal can be spoiled, resulting in a product that can harm the body.

  1. Choose cereals that have undergone the least heat treatment. The healthiest porridge is made from coarsely ground cereal, in which particles of the grain shell remain. It is under it that most of the necessary substances are contained;
  2. Cook porridge in water. Many cereals completely lose their properties when consumed with animal fats: milk or butter. For example, oatmeal cooked with milk loses its ability to bind cholesterol;
  3. Use healthy supplements. Season the porridge with fruits, nuts, berries, and dried fruits. Such additives do not increase calorie content, adding benefits to the dish and improving its taste.

Porridges that should not be eaten often

Along with healthy ones, there are so-called “harmful” cereals, the consumption of which brings nothing to the body except extra calories.

Nutritionists give first place to the popular semolina porridge. It is a product of wheat processing, but most of its composition is starch. It causes allergic reactions, contains a lot of calories, and inhibits intestinal function. Almost the entire volume of semolina porridge eaten turns into fat, so it can be consumed extremely rarely.

The second most harmful is rice porridge, made from white polished rice with the addition of milk. If such a rice kulesh is generously sprinkled with sugar, then after digestion only extra calories will remain in the body.

Experts also advise refraining from eating instant oatmeal. The bulk of the beneficial components of oats are contained in the shell. There is no grain fiber inside a bag of instant porridge, but there is a lot of sugar, flavoring and food additives.

When you decide to cook healthy porridge, choose cereals that you like to taste and contain many microelements. According to nutritionists, regular consumption of cereals preserves the health of the digestive system, stomach, and intestines for a long time, gives vigor and vitality.

It is impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without porridge, which from time immemorial has occupied a place of honor on the table. This is a tasty, satisfying, cheap, and most importantly healthy dish, as it is rich in nutrients. Porridges are cooked from all kinds of cereals and grains that have a variety of nutritional values, so they bring different benefits.

Porridges are easily and quickly absorbed by the body, saturate it with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, contain coarse fibers that remove waste and toxins, and help intestinal function. It is difficult to say which porridge is healthier: any cereal has its own advantages, and each of them is important for proper nutrition. However, the recognized leaders are buckwheat and oatmeal.

One of the healthiest porridges is buckwheat. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein and has high nutritional value, which is why it is sometimes called a meat substitute. Buckwheat contains vitamins B, PP, E, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium and many other useful substances to maintain health and beauty. Due to the absence of gluten, buckwheat porridge is hypoallergenic and suitable for the first feeding of children.

Essential amino acids serve as building materials for muscles and skin cells. Lecithin contained in buckwheat removes cholesterol and toxins, and folic acid increases the body's endurance and resistance. Also, due to the presence of rutin in buckwheat, it is recommended to use it to prevent varicose veins.

Buckwheat strengthens capillaries and promotes normal hematopoiesis, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of various body systems. It lowers blood pressure, so it is useful for hypertension. In addition, by consuming buckwheat porridge, which increases dopamine levels, you can get rid of bad mood and even depression.

Oatmeal is no less healthy. It gives a feeling of fullness for quite a long time, since it contains starch, which tends to be slowly digested and absorbed. Oatmeal helps restore strength after illness, lose excess weight, and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

This porridge is recommended for allergic diseases and helps lower blood sugar levels. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B2, C, E, K, PP, amino acids, minerals: magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, iodine, etc. Oatmeal is rich in lecithin, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and liver function.

However, other cereals have no less valuable properties, so for a balanced diet, in addition to buckwheat and oatmeal, it is also advisable to include rice, wheat, pearl barley, corn, barley, spelled, semolina, millet and other porridges in the diet.

Which porridge is the healthiest? Healthy cereals for breakfast - examples

We all know from childhood that porridge has a very positive effect on the human body. Our parents always told us that this product must be present in our diet. Is this really necessary? And which porridge is the healthiest? Let's talk about this and the properties of each of them in this article.

Features of various cereals

Speaking about which porridge is the healthiest, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each of them in order to find out. First, let's talk about the positive effects of all of them on the body in general. The benefit of porridge is that it contains fiber. This is important for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber improves digestion and intestinal tone, prevents disruptions associated with its functioning. Also, this substance can slightly lower blood glucose levels, so consuming products containing it is recommended for diabetics. This is perhaps the most important common feature. Now let's talk about each of the cereals separately, trying to still answer the question of which porridge is the healthiest. At the very beginning, you can immediately think of buckwheat.



When is the best time to eat porridge?

You already know about the properties of various cereals, and it is quite logical to answer the question about what time of day is best to eat them. And it is best to do this in the morning. Healthy cereals for breakfast will help you keep your body in good shape and give you energy for the whole day.
Porridge is the best dish for a morning meal. After all, breakfast should be at the same time light, nutritious, and rich in useful substances, such as trace elements, vitamins, and organic acids. Porridges also contain so-called slow carbohydrates - the body takes more time to digest them, so you won’t want to eat longer, and you won’t feel hungry until lunch, you can calmly think about work or study, and not about when it’s finally time. -you can eat. Also, this type of dish is easy to prepare, which is important for a modern breakfast. But porridge as a dinner can cause insomnia, since the body needs more time to digest it. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat it at night.

What are the benefits of buckwheat porridge?

First of all, because it, like all others, contains fiber. What is buckwheat porridge good for besides this? Its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and cleanses the liver. It contains a lot of iron salts, and accordingly, it increases hemoglobin. It also contains vitamins: B2, E, B1, PP. It is low in calories, its energy value is 313 kcal per 100 g of product. This amount contains 12 g of protein, 62 g of carbohydrates and 3 g of fat. In addition, buckwheat porridge contains microelements such as iodine, copper, and phosphorus. It also contains essential amino acids (those that the body does not produce on its own).

Eating buckwheat helps cleanse the body of radioactive substances. It is also indicated for people who have diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and atherosclerosis. Buckwheat porridge also normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also promotes the growth of children (due to the high content of amino acids and phosphorus). If you ask nutritionists a question about which porridge is the healthiest, many of them would answer that it is buckwheat.


This is also a popular porridge. Many people prefer to eat it for breakfast. What are the benefits of oatmeal? First of all, because it contains a huge amount of various microelements, such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron. There is slightly less zinc and silicon in it. It also contains vitamins, including B2, B1, E, PP. The calorie content of this porridge, if prepared in water, will be 88 kcal per 100 g. It is also useful because it contains phospholipids, which are necessary as a building material for the plasma membrane of an animal cell.

Oatmeal helps cleanse the intestines, which is especially important for those who are losing weight. In addition, it helps in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Oatmeal also perfectly cleanses the body of heavy metals and their salts. But despite all the benefits, many do not eat this porridge as a main breakfast dish because, in their opinion, it is not tasty enough. But this can be corrected by adding any fruits or berries to it - it will be even more beneficial.


What are the benefits of semolina porridge?

Let's start with the fact that it can only be useful for an adult organism; it is not recommended to give it to children at all. This is due to the fact that it contains gliadin, which, when entering the child’s body, prevents the absorption of calcium, iron, and vitamin D. But for adults, whose gastrointestinal tract is already fully formed, semolina can be somewhat useful. And first of all, because this is an excellent dietary product - its calorie content (if cooked in water) is only 80 kcal per 100 g. In some way, its very low protein content is also a positive property.

In this regard, semolina porridge can serve as one of the main products in the diet for people who suffer from kidney failure or chronic pyelonephritis, since foods that are too rich in protein are contraindicated for them. Also, due to its lightness and low calorie content, it is used as a main dish in a diet for exhaustion and rehabilitation after long-term fasting.


This is another one of the healthiest cereals.
She, like everyone else, has a low calorie content. The energy value of rice cooked in water is 78 kcal per 100 g. Rice porridge with milk, naturally, is slightly higher in calories - 97 kcal per 100 g. White and brown rice can be distinguished. The second one is slightly healthier than the first one - it better cleanses the body of toxins. White rice also has the ability to remove salts from the body. Rice porridge also helps fight diseases of the digestive system, primarily gastritis. In addition, it serves as a preventative against cancer. It contains many B vitamins (1, 2, 3, 6), thanks to which it strengthens the nervous system and improves metabolism.

Lentil porridge

The plants from whose fruits it is prepared belong to the legume family, and not the Cereals, like most cereals. Therefore, lentils have a high concentration of proteins, which is very beneficial for the body. It also contains a lot of fiber, B vitamins, phosphorus, iron, and folic acid. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism and also strengthens the organs of the genitourinary system. In addition, lentil porridge effectively improves the functioning of the digestive system. 100 g of this product contains 111 kcal, so it can also be called dietary.

Pearl barley

Corn porridge

It contains trace elements that are quite rare for porridges - fluorine and chlorine. Thanks to this, it has the ability to strengthen teeth. In addition, this product increases the overall tone of the body, invigorates and gives strength for the whole day. Despite the fact that this is one of the most high-calorie porridges, it is easily absorbed by the body, and there are never any difficulties with its digestion. In addition, it cannot cause allergies, so it is recommended to be included in the diet of people prone to this phenomenon. It is also recommended for people who suffer from obesity.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge

Potassium maintains optimal blood pressure, calcium is a faithful ally in the fight against tooth decay, brittle nails and brittle bones, magnesium saves you from depression and helps in the fight against excess weight.

Buckwheat porridge helps the functioning of the heart and liver, it helps eliminate excess cholesterol from the body (which means that buckwheat lovers are not at risk of senile sclerosis and heart problems), removes toxins and heavy metal ions from the body, which is especially important for residents of megacities and disadvantaged areas. ecology.

Buckwheat is also valued for its large quantity routine. This substance strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stops bleeding, has a preventive and therapeutic effect on veins, for example, with varicose veins and treatment of hemorrhoids.

It improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.


For heart ailments, liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis: take 1/3 tbsp. roasted millet (in a frying pan) and rinse it thoroughly. Then add 2/3 tbsp. water and cook the porridge over low heat. This portion should be eaten within 24 hours. If desired, you can add a little salt or sweeten it.

Residents of large cities and areas with poor ecology should love millet porridge. The substances contained in millet are able to bind heavy metal ions and remove all toxins and waste from the body.

The benefits of pearl barley porridge

Those who love barley do not face a lack of vitamins: pearl barley porridge contains almost the entire necessary set of nutrients. It also contains B vitamins(responsible for the well-coordinated functioning of the nervous system, beautiful hair and clear skin), and vitamin A(necessary for good vision and protection against infections), and vitamin E(prevents premature aging), and vitamin D(makes bones and teeth strong).

Those who seriously care about their figure should not forget about pearl barley. This hearty porridge contains a large amount of fiber, which removes toxins and waste from the body, as well as substances that prevent fat deposition. It is thanks to this feature nutritionists They recommend pearl barley to those who want to lose extra pounds.

There is even more fiber in pearl barley than in wheat, so it can serve as a good broom for our intestines.

For coughs and colds: drink unsalted decoction of pearl barley. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

The only drawback of healthy cereals is that in order to prepare pearl barley, you will have to spend a lot of time. Pearl barley, especially large ones, requires long cooking (up to an hour and a half), however, cooking can be speeded up if you first soak the barley for three hours. And one more feature - the porridge must be eaten immediately after cooking. As soon as the porridge cools, the pearl barley will become hard and tasteless.

The benefits of corn porridge

Corn grits contain vitamins of group B, A, E, PP, and iron and silicon. This is the lowest-calorie porridge that perfectly soothes restless stomachs in children and adults. It also promotes intestinal health. Add nuts and dried fruits to it, and you will forget about such a problem as constipation. A good remedy for anemia, stimulates bile secretion, and also has a mild diuretic effect.

Corn is hypoallergenic, so everyone can eat it: both adults and children.

But the most important beneficial property of corn porridge is that it lowers cholesterol and is an excellent prevention of strokes and heart attacks. If you eat it more than twice a week, it can improve your complexion and strengthen your gums.

Corn flour cleanses and tightens the skin well. Grab it the next time you go to the bathhouse.

Source; http://www.mbiology.ru/

Buckwheat treatment

If you suffer from heartburn, take buckwheat powder on an empty stomach (grind the cereal in a coffee grinder) 3 times a day on the tip of a teaspoon.

Buckwheat will also help with thyroid diseases. Mix 1 tbsp. ground buckwheat, 1 tbsp. peeled chopped walnuts and 1 tbsp. buckwheat honey Store the composition in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid. Eat this mixture once a week with tea or water. It’s better not to eat anything else on this day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Buckwheat porridge is easy to prepare. And it's hard to spoil. The rules are simple: 2 volumes of hot water per 1 volume of cereal. Steam it in the evening, and in the morning you can eat it. With this preparation, not a single vitamin will disappear from the porridge.

The benefits of semolina porridge

It contains all the elements that are found in wheat grain: starch, protein, vitamins E and B1, B2, B6, PP. It contains a lot of iron and very little fiber, which is why it is recommended in the postoperative period for seriously ill patients who need nutritious food that is least irritating to the stomach.

Very often, semolina porridge is prepared for children, but a child’s body does not require a high starch content. Moreover, a child’s stomach is not able to digest starchy carbohydrates, which semolina is rich in. It changes the intestinal microflora and prevents the body from absorbing vitamin D and iron that the child needs.

But for older people, semolina porridge is very useful, as it prevents colon cancer, does not irritate the stomach and is perfectly satiating.

Benefits of rice

Rice treatment.

For diarrhea: 1 tsp. Fill the rice with water (6-7 cups), place on low heat and boil. Cool the resulting broth and drink 1/3 cup every hour while warm.

With a sore throat, flu treatment and pneumonia: Add mint and onions to the rice water.

Rice tincture with salt deposition . Take 1 liter of cold, settled water, 4 tbsp. l. rice, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 5 raisins. Leave for 4 days. Strain. Drink 0.5 tbsp. on an empty stomach, during the day and at night. Store in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. The tincture can be prepared in a three-liter jar, tripling everything.

Benefits of oatmeal

Unfortunately, not everyone likes oatmeal. How many tears did unfortunate children shed over plates of rolled oats, trying to cope with a portion of healthy cereal!

Oatmeal has an anti-stress effect, and therefore this food is recommended to everyone who falls into the blues for no reason, cannot sleep for a long time and is nervous about all sorts of trifles. The secret of “soothing” porridge is in vitamins Group B, which are found in large quantities in oatmeal. It is these vitamins that are responsible for the health of your nerves, the absence insomnia, and at the same time for thick hair without dandruff and clean skin.

By the way, if you have an excellent appetite, which oatmeal cannot satisfy, after a small portion of oatmeal you can eat the heartiest breakfast: sausage, scrambled eggs, sandwiches with any amount of butter. There will be no harm - the oatmeal “lining” will prevent harmful cholesterol from entering the blood and depositing on the walls of blood vessels. This means that you no longer risk falling into insanity and developing heart problems.

Oat diet

Treatment with oatmeal

For high blood pressure: Drink half a glass of oatmeal broth every day. Take 1 tbsp. oat grains, boil in 1 liter of water until the water boils by half, and strain.

For a sick stomach: prepare medicinal jelly. Pour cold boiled water over the cereal in a 1:1 ratio, add a little yeast or a piece of rye bread and leave it to ferment for 12 hours. Wrap the saucepan with jelly in a thick cloth to keep warm. Then carefully drain the liquid, bring to a boil, and the jelly is ready.

For edema: 1 tbsp. oatmeal with 4 tbsp. Boil water for 10 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. l. honey and boil for another 5 minutes.

For gastritis and ulcers: add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal in 1 tbsp. and fill with cold boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, take a spoon and stir everything well. Carefully drain and strain the liquid that has formed from the oatmeal, then place on low heat, stirring constantly, heat slightly so that the broth becomes warm, not hot. Then add 1 tsp. honey Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. In an hour and a half you can have breakfast.

Treatment of constipation with folk remedies : take 1 tbsp. oatmeal and pour boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Then drain the liquid through a sieve. Chop dried apricots, figs, walnuts and add it all to oatmeal. Season with 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix well. For taste, you can add sour cream if desired.

Scrub for delicate skin: take 100 grams of honey, 1/2 tbsp. oatmeal and mix everything well. Apply a thin layer to your face or body and leave for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The benefits of millet porridge

Millet grains are rich B vitamins, especially vitamin B1(fights fatigue, irritability, depression and improves memory), B2 (will help cope with dandruff, say goodbye to acne and make hair thick and strong) and B5 (relieves posture problems and stabilizes blood pressure), as well as vitamin PP (answers for the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes, improves appetite).

Millet porridge supplies the body with iron, which is necessary for normal blood circulation and a healthy complexion, fluoride, without which it is impossible to maintain healthy teeth, magnesium - an essential trace element for those who work a lot, manganese - is responsible for normal metabolism.

Porridge is one of the foundations and pillars of proper nutrition, a source of healthy complex carbohydrates and sometimes proteins. It’s not for nothing that in childhood we were fed this low-fat joy for the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

1 place. Buckwheat

Buckwheat porridge is the most vitamin-rich. This porridge contains especially a lot of vitamin B1, PP, as well as silicon (almost the daily requirement). Finally, buckwheat porridge contains almost 6 grams of protein per 100 grams, which athletes will especially appreciate.

Calorie content: 163 kcal per 100 g. ready-made crumbly porridge.

2nd place. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is easy to prepare (option: add milk or water and microwave for 3-4 minutes) and legendary thanks to the phrase “Oatmeal, sir.” Oatmeal is tasty and versatile, it goes great with almost any additives (especially sweet ones). If without additives and on water, then it contains 2.5 grams of protein and 12 grams of carbohydrates. The vitamins are also okay, and the minerals are especially rich in manganese (about 30% of the daily value).

Calorie content: 70 kcal per 100 g of ready-made porridge with water.

3rd place. Pearl barley

Pearl barley porridge - to taste, depending on taste. They also say that it is called “beauty porridge.”

Needless to say, the amount of vitamins and minerals there is “beautiful”: quite a lot of B vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, ranging from 4 to 16% of the daily value of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. Plus 2.3 grams of protein and 28 grams of carbohydrates.

Calorie content: 123 kcal per 100 grams of ready-made porridge with water.

4th place. Pea

Pea is no longer a cereal, unlike the others, but a legume, and it’s just a bomb in terms of useful nutrients and proteins. Only a small number of lovers of its unique taste can knock it down from first place. Not the least role was played by the Soviet canteen school, which disfigured the taste of a generally healthy product in memory.

So, in pea porridge (now we are talking about dry peas, not ready-made puree) there are as many as 20.5 grams of protein (more than in meat), almost half the daily dose of vitamin B5, almost triple the daily dose of silicon and almost daily magnesium, not to mention other nutrients (%% of the daily value in 100 grams):

Calorie content: 97 kcal per 100 g.

5th place. Corn

Corn porridge has few calories, but a lot of silicon, iron, vitamins, as well as a high fiber content, which is useful for the gastrointestinal tract and for eliminating substances that the body does not need.

Calorie content: 83 kcal per 100 g.

6th place. Rice

Rice porridge with water contains few calories, about zero fat and little protein - about 1.5-2.5 grams per 100 grams, depending on the cooking method and the amount of water in the finished product.

Calorie content: 78 kcal per 100 g 7th place. Millet

Millet porridge with water contains 3 grams of protein per hundred grams, 0.7 grams of fat and 17 grams of carbohydrates. This is another taste torture that many people were subjected to when the USSR found them in kindergartens. Believe me, it can be very tasty (just like peas).