
Theater studio in elementary school. Extracurricular activity program for the "pattern" art studio in elementary school. Number of hours

The main goal of the elementary private school “College-XXI” (grades 1-4) is to create interest and positive motivation for learning. In the elementary grades of our private school, game forms of learning are used.

Teachers, educators and psychologists become mentors for children: they teach self-organization and responsibility, building the right relationships with classmates and adults, and help and guide the little person in the process of growing up.

Education in primary school is based on the principles of classical education using modern technologies and teaching methods. Our experienced and highly qualified teachers are able to find an approach to each child, reveal and preserve his individuality, and create interest in the educational process. Primary school class sizes are up to 15 people.

Children always come to classes with joy, knowing that today they will discover something new and interesting. At school they will always be listened to, helped and supported!

You can get detailed information about our mission, history and traditions in the “About the School” section

And most importantly, we are open for you!

At any time, you can come and see how the educational process is going on in our school, communicate with teachers, educators, psychologists, head teachers and speech therapists, and even try the dishes prepared in our kitchen.

A variety of group work helps children realize their individual abilities.



Quite late study of natural science subjects reduces interest in these subjects, making them complex and incomprehensible for many students.

But children are faced with natural processes in their lives even before they start school.

If a child does not feel the joy of learning, does not acquire skills and confidence in his abilities, it will be much more difficult to do this in the future.

Interest in natural scientific knowledge is formed through the use of various types of activities - story, conversation, games, competitions, experiments.


Head Yavaev Radif Mukhamedshaevich

Rhythmics is a mandatory club activity for first-graders, and starting from the 2nd grade, interested children have the opportunity to study in the Choreography studio.

Dance numbers prepared in the studio are a bright decoration of performances, concert programs, and holidays: “Teacher’s Day,” “New Year’s Kaleidoscope,” “Graduation Celebration of 4th Grade.”

A good presentation of the circle was the prepared dance numbers for the performances: “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom”, “The Snow Queen”, “Cat’s House”, “The Adventures of Dunno”, etc.



Artistic and creative classes: drawing, modeling, applique, crafts, collages in groups for children 3-5, 5-7, 7-12 years old are taught by experienced teacher-artist Lyudmila Grushina, author of numerous books and publications on children's creativity.

Classes are aimed at developing children's creative abilities and aesthetic taste, spatial imagination, sense of composition, harmony of color and shape, while taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.


For many years now, work in the Theater Studio has been an organic part of the educational program of primary and secondary schools. Literary and musical compositions, performances, literary lounges, and festivals are highly appreciated by colleagues and parents of students.


Head Korobova Olga Yaroslavovna

The piano training program at the Tatyana School offers courses lasting 3, 5 and 7 years of study, depending on the age of the student and the wishes of the parents.

The program takes into account children’s employment and their ability to complete homework. However, organizing daily activities at home remains a training requirement.

  • Accumulation of auditory experience and musical impressions;
  • Development of sight reading skills (playing notes);
  • Selection of melodies and accompaniment by ear;
  • Mastering classical and popular repertoire. Preparation for concerts and exam performances.


Head Minenkova Elena Yurievna
The choir studio is represented by classes of the senior and junior choir of the Primary School. Classes in the studio can be collective, group and individual.

Not a single school event is complete without choir members. Children perform in them with great desire.

Such performances included performances, festivals, literary and musical salons, the “Dedication to First-Graders” holiday, the Mother’s Day Concert, the Teacher’s Day Concert, the Concert for Veterans, the “Festival of Slavic Writing”, the “Farewell to Elementary School” holiday...

These performances were an organic component of the educational program “Introduction to the World of Art.”


Head Loschakov Vladimir Prokofievich
Many elementary school students practice hand-to-hand combat. Sports groups are formed taking into account the preliminary admission of students by doctors, who indicate the degree of permissible sports load for each student. The work in the section is stable, and the results are successful. During the school year, at the request of parents, open classes in the “Hand-to-Hand Combat” section are held. At the end of the school year there is a mandatory certification of students. Comparative diagnostics of individual student performance always results in improved results by the end of the school year. At open classes and at independent certification, parents repeatedly assessed the great work done.


football - Bykov Mikhail Yurievich
volleyball – Tolstaya Marina Viktorovna
The success of the “Football” and “Volleyball” sections is largely due to the great interest of the children in these sports. Sports classes are held under the guidance of experienced coaches who pay special attention to the technical side of the game. Teachers try to find an individual approach to each student. The school regularly hosts football and volleyball competitions. They allow children to feel team unity and give them the opportunity to move forward.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4"


school department


№ ______________

from « » 2015

Deputy VR Director________ School Director ________

E.V.Kuznetsova N.N.Semigina


studio "Uzor"

(general cultural direction)

Children's age: 8-10 years

Implementation period: 2 years

Spirina N.Yu.



Explanatory note

Extracurricular activities are an important part of the system of lifelong education and try to create conditions for the development of children’s intellectual and creative abilities. One hour a week of fine arts in grades 1-4 is not enough to develop a child’s creative and spatial imagination, to get acquainted with various artistic materials, directions and a variety of techniques. In the sphere of communication in classes offered in extracurricular activities, the child’s character is significantly formed: initiative, self-confidence, perseverance, sincerity, honesty, etc., and his creative abilities develop. The special value of the classes is that they can help children realize the best that they have.

The program touches on the problem of children’s humane attitude towards the world around them and familiarization with Russian folk art. Education is based on the principle of personality-oriented education of children, the focus of which is the personality of the child realizing his potential. Therefore, the program provides individual work with children, taking into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of the child

The relevance of the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to teaching aesthetic arts that are capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and personality development as a whole.

In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts.The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world contributes tonurturing a culture of feelings, developing artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters determination, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and provides the opportunity for creative self-realization of the individual.

Fine arts classes are an effective means of introducing children to the study of folk traditions. Pupils demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities to their peers by exhibiting their work.

Program goals:

    To develop technical drawing skills in children.

    Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.

    Learn to create your own unique image using various drawing techniques.

    To form artistic thinking and moral personality traits through various methods of drawing.

Program objectives:

1 . Fostering interest in all types of plastic arts; fine arts, decorative arts, architecture, design in various forms.

2 . Formation of artistic-imaginative thinking and emotional-sensual attitude towards objects and phenomena of reality; art as the basis for the development of a creative personality; formation of an emotional and value-based attitude to life.

3. Introducing to the national and world artistic heritage.

4. Development of creative features and visual skills; expanding the range of feelings and visual ideas, fantasies, imagination; nurturing emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of the surrounding reality, to works of art.

5. Teaching artistic literacy, developing practical work skills.

General characteristics of the course of extracurricular activities.

Distinctive features of this educational program from those already existing in thisarea is that the program is focused on the use of a wide range of various additional material in the fine arts.

The program provides that each lesson is aimed at mastering the basics of fine art, at introducing students to active cognitive and creative work. The process of teaching fine arts is built on the unity of active and exciting methods and techniques of educational work, in which, in the process of assimilation of knowledge, laws and rules of fine arts, students develop creative principles.

The educational process has a number of advantages:

    leisure activities;

    training is organized on a voluntary basis by all parties (students, parents, teachers);

    students are given the opportunity to satisfy their interests and combine various areas and forms of study;

    It is allowed for students to move from one group to another (by age).

The artistic activity of schoolchildren in the classroom finds various forms of expression:

    image on a plane and in volume (from nature, from memory, from imagination);

    decorative and constructive work;

    perception of reality;

    discussion of the work of comrades, the results of one’s own collective creativity and individual work in the classroom;

    selection of illustrative material for the topics being studied;

    listening to musical and literary works.

The thematic integrity of the program helps to ensure strong emotional contacts between schoolchildren and art and introduce them to artistic culture.

The program is based on the following general directions: action and joy, passion for work.

Children's participation in an artistic event gives them a feeling of joy. The program contains an approximate amount of knowledge and is divided into classes, which allows you to build the logic and structure of studying art at your own discretion.

Thematic planning

The course program is designed for 4 years of implementation: in 1st grade - 34 hours, in 2nd grade - 34 hours, in 3rd grade - 34 hours, in 4th grade - 34 hours per year. The frequency of classes in grades 1-4 is once a week.






Chromatic colors. Mixing.

"Magic colors"

"Game of Colors"


Warm and cool colors.


Warm and cool colors in the drawing.


Bright and delicate colors.


Achromatic colors.


Contrasting colors.


Full color circle.



Lesson topic

Number of hours

Program content

the date of the




(drawing on wet )

Dymkovo toys (painting with cotton swabs )

We went to the circus (wax crayons )

Favorite animals (poke with a hard brush )

Fruit mosaic (wax crayons, watercolor )

Beautiful bunny.

(wax crayons )

In the underwater world ( )

Winter patterns ( grattage )

Winter forest ( poking )

Our garden.

(scratch technique)

Palm transformation

Mom's portrait

My favorite fish (wax crayons, watercolor )

Birds of the magic garden

Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about Dymkovo painting. Develop color perception and sense of rhythm.

Still life ( drawing with cotton swabs)

Our toys ( collage)

Strengthen the ability to draw toys. Develop a sense of composition. Teach collage techniques.

Snowfall ( spray)

Let's remember summer.( finger painting)

Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination and creativity.

Snowman ( drawing with crumpled paper )


(drawing with scissors )


(mirror reflection)

Insects ( semolina drawing)


Filimonovskie toys(drawing with chalk)

Learn, most expressively, to display the appearance of animals in a drawing

Our lake ( drawing with plasticine)

Cultivate perseverance, patience and the desire to see things through to the end.

Starry sky ( )

Flowers ( drawing with threads)

Chick ( line drawing)

Butterflies ( monotype )

Magic flowers

Apple tree in bloom ( poking )


Hello summer!






Working with color.


Work on the line.

Variety of lines

In the kingdom of Flora.


Working on the form.

We draw birds.

Drawing insects.

Sea inhabitants








Introduction to types of art.


Still life.






Fairy-tale epic.










The origins of native art.


"Ancient Cities".


"Images of artistic culture."


“The people’s idea of ​​the spiritual beauty of man”


"Achievements of Humanity".



Lesson topic

Program content

the date of the



Golden autumn

(drawing on wet )

Learn to reflect the features of the depicted object using various non-traditional visual techniques. Develop a sense of composition, improve the ability to work in different techniques.

Zhostovo trays (painting with cotton swabs )

Strengthen the ability to convey the color of Dymkovo patterns. Learn to combine various previously mastered elements in new combinations. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.

On the farm ( wax crayons )

To cultivate love and a caring attitude towards animals, the idea that everything in nature is interconnected, and a sense of responsibility for the world around us. Strengthen the ability to use various materials, an idea of ​​composition, color combinations. Develop imagination, creativity, independence in choosing a plot and visual means.

Pets (poke with a hard brush )

Improve children's skills in various visual techniques. Learn, most expressively, to display the appearance of animals in a drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

Exotic still life (wax crayons, watercolor )

Continue to learn how to compose a still life of fruits and vegetables, determine the shape, size, color and location of various parts, and display these features in the drawing. Practice carefully painting images of fruits with wax crayons and creating a consistent tone using watercolors.

Beautiful horse

(wax crayons )

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance of the animal. Learn to look closely at the features of movement, fur, eye expression, etc. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals. Learn to build a composition using various materials to create an expressive image.

At the bottom of the sea ( palm drawing, waxes. crayons and watercolors )

Improve your skills in non-traditional art techniques (wax crayons + watercolors, handprints). Learn to turn handprints into fish and jellyfish, and draw various algae. Develop imagination and sense of composition.

Frost the Wizard (grattage )

Introduce the non-traditional fine art technique of black and white scratching. Practice using such means of expression as line and stroke.

The magic of the winter forest (poking )

Strengthen your ability to draw trees. Develop a sense of composition.

My room

(scratch technique)

Strengthen the skills of the non-traditional visual technique of grattage. Practice using such means of expression as line and stroke.

A fairy tale from palms

Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination and creativity.

Meet me, it's me!

Continue to introduce children to the portrait genre. To consolidate the ability to depict a person’s face using various techniques of drawing with sanguine and graphically expressive means. Develop a sense of composition.

Sunset over the river ( wax crayons, watercolor )

Introduce the technique of combining wax crayons and watercolors. Learn to tint a sheet of paper with watercolors of different colors. Develop color science.

Bright flowers

Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about Zhostovo painting. Develop color perception and sense of rhythm.

Still life ( drawing with cotton swabs)

Strengthen the ability to compose a still life, analyze its components and their location. Practice drawing with cotton swabs. Develop a sense of composition.

Favorite characters ( collage)

Strengthen the ability to draw characters from your favorite books. Develop a sense of composition. Teach collage techniques.

Snowstorm ( spray)

Cultivate perseverance, patience and the desire to see things through to the end.

The Best Day ( finger painting)

Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination and creativity.

Winter walk (drawing with crumpled paper )

Learn to draw with crumpled paper. Develop imagination and creativity.

In the jungle.

(drawing with scissors )

Learn to draw with scissors. Develop imagination and creativity.


(mirror reflection)

Introduce mirroring techniques. Cultivate perseverance, patience and the desire to see things through to the end.

In the apiary ( semolina drawing)

Strengthen the ability to draw unusual insects using this technique. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm, color perception

The magic of the winter forest(drawing using natural materials)

Improve children's skills in various visual techniques. Learn, most expressively, to depict winter nature in a drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

At work (drawing with chalk)

Learn, most expressively, to display in a drawing the appearance of a working person

With friends ( drawing with plasticine)

Cultivate perseverance, patience and the desire to see things through to the end.

Space (spraying, foam rubber stencil printing )

Learn to create an image of a starry sky using paint mixing, spraying and stencil printing. Develop color perception. Practice drawing using these techniques.

Meadow flowers ( drawing with threads)

Strengthen the ability to draw unusual flowers using this technique. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm, color perception.

At the North Pole (line drawing)

Learn to draw with strokes. Develop color perception. Practice drawing using this technique.

In field ( monotype )

Introduce the monotype technique. Introduce symmetry. Develop spatial thinking.

Our flowerbed

Strengthen the ability to draw unusual flowers using different techniques of working with pastels. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm, color perception.

In the forest ( poking )

Strengthen the ability to think through the placement of a drawing on a sheet. Improve the ability to use the poke drawing method to increase the expressiveness of the drawing.


Hello summer!

(Forest landscape)

(Summer on the river)

Improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques. Strengthen the ability to choose your own technique and topic.

Expected results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities

As a result of working on the “Pattern” art studio program, students

will learn:

    distinguish between works of fine, decorative and applied art and know about the role of these arts in people’s lives;

    know about the features of national artistic culture;

    have an idea of ​​the expressive capabilities of artistic materials and elementary techniques;

    be able to consider and express emotional attitudes towards

    works of fine art;

will have the opportunity to learn:

    realize your fantasies, be able to express your thoughts;

    create compositions and patterns;

    create creative projects;

    bring the work to completion.

when performing practical work, be able to use the elementary figurative capabilities of artistic knowledge and skills (color, tone, line, volume, space, proportions, etc.).

Personal results:

Show interest in the first creative successes of your comrades;

Show an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around you;

Demonstrate the ability to aesthetically evaluate works of art, morally evaluate one’s own and others’ actions, and the phenomena of the surrounding life;

Respond creatively to the events of life around you;

The ability to apply acquired knowledge in one’s own artistic and creative activities;

The desire to use artistic skills to create or decorate beautiful things.

Meta-subject results :

    1. Personal universal learning activities:

    The internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards school, orientation towards the meaningful aspects of school reality and acceptance of the model of a “good student”;

    A broad motivational basis for educational activities, including social, educational, cognitive and external motives;

    Educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem;

    The ability to self-assess based on criteria for the success of educational activities.

    2. Regulatory universal educational activities:

    Accept and save the learning task;

    Take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

    Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

    Evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment of the compliance of the results with the requirements of a given task and a given area.

    3. Cognitive universal educational activities:

    Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books;

    Carry out comparison and classification according to specified criteria;

    Construct reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections;

    Carry out a concept based on object recognition, identification of essential features and their synthesis.

    4. Communicative universal educational activities:

    Adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communicative problems, construct a monologue statement;

    Allow for the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

    Formulate your own opinion and position;

    To ask questions;

Summing up forms The implementation of the fine art program at the studio "Pattern" includes exhibitions (thematic, holiday), competitions, art competitions, and projects.

Educational, methodological and logistical support:

1. Outstanding Russian artists and teachers. Moleva N.M. "Education". 2011

2. Fine arts in elementary school. Kuzin V.S., Kubyshkina E.I. "Bustard" 2012

3. Fine arts and methods of teaching it in primary

school "Academy", 2012

4. What color is the rainbow. Kameneva E. Children's literature. Moscow 2004

Obninsk 2013

5. I want to learn and draw the world. Ditmar K.V. "Enlightenment" Moscow 2010

6. Software teaching aids, didactic material, scientific and art literature.

7. Visibility, TCO. Educational and visual aids: thematic diagrams and tables on subjects (drawings, paintings and compositions).

MAOU gymnasium No. 5, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region

Primary school teacher

Mkrtychyan T.M. System for organizing extracurricular activities. Theater studio in elementary school // Sovushka. 2016. No. 1..2016.n1-a/ZP15120069.html (date of access: 07/07/2019).

annotation : The article identifies the problems of developing the creative abilities of primary school children, describes the experience of working on the implementation of tasks for the spiritual, moral and creative development of children during extracurricular hours.
Keywords : development; Primary School; Creative skills; after school hours; implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In recent years, society has become aware of the need to educate and train creative people who have an unconventional view of problems and are able to adequately and timely respond to changes occurring in the world. The solution to these problems must begin at school.
In accordance with the federal educational standard of primary general education, the basic educational program of primary general education is implemented by the educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.
An important period in the development and formation of personality is the initial period of education. It is this age that is most amenable to the education and development of a child’s creative abilities. Children of primary school age are the most open, receptive and inquisitive. Creativity is not a new subject of research. The problem of human abilities has aroused great interest among people at all times. The development of creative abilities will largely be determined by the content that we will put into this concept. In the mind, creative abilities are identified with abilities for various types of artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, write poetry, write music, etc. .
In order for the creative potential of children to be actualized, it is necessary to create certain conditions: first of all, to introduce the child into real creative activity; education in school should take place only through the joint activities of adults and children, children with each other, in which the only way children can assign values .
Goals of extracurricular activities: creating conditions for the child to express and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions;
-creating conditions for positive communication among students at school and outside it, for showing initiative and independence, responsibility, sincerity and openness in real life situations.
We begin work on organizing extracurricular activities in elementary schools with the first joint meeting of future first-graders, their parents with the administration, at which we make a collective decision on the active development of the spiritual, moral and creative potential of each child entering the gymnasium in accordance with his abilities, needs and possibilities. Our system of extracurricular activities has evolved over the years and, as a result, the idea of ​​an integrative, comprehensive approach to organizing extracurricular activities arose. This is how the idea of ​​creating an aesthetic education studio “Little Country” appeared, supporting the learning process, on the basis of an experimental class from the first year of school.
A distinctive feature and novelty of the studio’s work is the activity-based approach to the education and development of a child through theater and play activities, where the student acts both as an artist, performer, and as a director of a performance, a creative performer.
The studio includes 5 clubs - a general cultural direction, in which classes are conducted: "Artistic creativity", "Musical creativity", "Rhythmoplasty", "Rhetoric. Culture and technique of speech", "Theater in elementary school".
The work of all clubs is interconnected by a common goal: “Theater in elementary school.” The first stage (grade 1) is motivational and orientational: aimed at creating conditions that promote the activation of the interest of younger schoolchildren in theatrical and gaming activities. The second stage (grades 2-3) is performing: aimed at creating conditions conducive to mastering the initial skills of acting. The purpose of these classes is to develop cognitive interest, develop group work skills, relieve psychological stress, and, most importantly, teach them to enjoy their creative activities and the work of their classmates. Stage 3 (grade 4) - reflective-evaluative.
In the classes "Artistic creativity" " under the guidance of an art teacher, children draw, sculpt, work with paper, developing hand motor skills. “The origins of children’s creative abilities and talents are at the tips of their fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words: the more skill in a child’s palm, the smarter the child,” writes V. A. Sukhomlinsky.
Together with the children, the books they read are discussed at extracurricular activity groups, and a decision is made by general vote which performance will be next. But most of all, children love New Year's fairy tales, since they compose them themselves, inventing heroes, and then embodying their fantasies on stage. It is the school theater that satisfies the basic needs of life - empathy, a sense of beauty, communication and the desire for self-realization. It is in theatrical activities that children have a unique opportunity, against a background of positive emotions, to manage their behavior and develop social skills.
The theater prepares the child for a new stage of his life, when communication and cooperation come to the fore, gives children the opportunity to express themselves, to open up creatively in the field of various types of art (fine art, music, choreography, theater, etc.)
The peculiarity of the studio's activities is that all students in the class participate in the performance, there is always a role for each child, and the task of the teacher, as a leader, is to write a script so that all the children are involved. Thus, we achieve our main goal: the education of moral qualities in children, the formation of creative individuality through the means of theatrical art.
It should be noted that this system of organizing extracurricular activities has stable positive results. Experimental class students are active participants, winners and laureates of creative competitions and subject Olympiads at various levels.
The children in my class are the friendliest, they feel relaxed and comfortable in any situation. After all, in a theater group, children learn to work collectively, learn to communicate with the audience, learn to understand each other and themselves, working on the characters’ characters. All children have overcome negative feelings: tearfulness, capriciousness, intolerance, and are learning to achieve unity of word and action. Many children got rid of excessive shyness, fear of society, the “outside view” complex, and began to speak better and more expressively. We learned to analyze the performances and cartoons we watched. We got acquainted with the rules of behavior in the theater. We learned to negotiate, value work in a team, be happy for our comrades, empathize, and acquired responsibility to the team, because together they are all residents of the “Small Country”.
Every minute spent at school gives the child a positive communication experience, allows him to express himself as an active, creative person, and expands his ideas about the world around him.
Each school needs to choose its own path to develop the creative potential of children. We have chosen our path, it gives positive results and therefore we offer it to others.


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  2. Grigoriev, D.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren [Text]/ D.V. Grigoriev, Stepanov P.V - M.: Education, 2010. - 223 p.