
Vogue dancing watch online. What is vogue: description, history, features and interesting facts

Vogue is a dance style based on movements that mimic the poses and facial expressions of vogue magazine models. This dance, having African and Latin American roots, originated in the 60s of the last century as a way of expressing gay culture. Today, Vogue no longer has a pronounced sexual color, both boys and girls can dance it.

Vogue story

Vogue takes its beginning in the second half of the twentieth century. At that time, sexual minorities - mostly African and Hispanic gays - were actively looking for ways to express themselves. This desire resulted in participation in the New York Harlem balls, the highlight of which were women's dresses.

Even for advanced American society, such events then seemed wild, and it was often not easy to conduct them. At the same time, the number of gays among the population of black and color quarters grew, and by the end of the 60s, many of them began to appear in the Las Vegas girls show. It was then that poses and pantomimes of models were used in dances, which subsequently formed the basis of vogue.

In the 1970s, some changes took place in vogue: the emphasis was no longer on a women's costume, but on the individual style of the dancer. Thus, vogue became a way of self-realization and laid the foundation for a new street subculture.

Despite the fact that the style appeared in the 1960s, for a long time it was known only to a narrow circle of people. The popularity of vogue was brought by the 1990 documentary "Paris is Burning", which showed the life of black and Latin American transvestites and transgender people in New York. Thanks to him, the world learned about two aspects of the life of American gays: the daytime - full discrimination and poverty, and the second, night - with bright costumes, dancing, showless shows. The fame of the style was consolidated by the song of the same name by Madonna, who headed the world charts in 1990.

Vogue directions

Like many modern dance styles, vogue has undergone many changes since its inception. Some of the dancers accepted these changes, someone remained faithful to the old style. The divergence of views led to the fact that 4 main areas stood out in the vogue.

Old way vogue is a sub-style based on original vogue movements with an emphasis on grace and posture.

New way vogue - a new style, formed after 1990. The new way vogue dancer has more complex elements that require control and balance, actively uses the movements of his hands and arms.

Vogue femme is the most feminine style of dance. It was he who was preferred by the “queen" of the ball.

Vogue dramatic is a sub-style based on acrobatic tricks: stances, falls, jumps and rotations.

Vogue houses

In the world of vogue, there is its own structure and hierarchy. Style dancers most often come together around the house. The most famous vogue houses in the world are House of Ninja, House of Mizrahi, House of Xtravaganza, House of Lebeija, House of Aviance. Each house is a dance society with its own social philosophy. Members of the home position themselves as a family. There are children, mother, father and founding father. At home, competing among themselves in shows and battles. However, one of the most famous vogers and the founder of House of Ninja - Willy Ninze - managed to bring vogue from balls to concert stages, where he first presented the vogue-production of "The Red East".

How to dress in a vogue studio?

The best clothes for vogue (as, however, for others modern dances) - one that adjusts to the correct manner, emphasizes sexuality, does not hide or constrain movements. Fitted bright colored T-shirts and shirts, tight pants, jeans and leggings made of elastic fabric. You can also supplement the image with jewelry and accessories like voluminous bright bracelets and earrings, but the main thing is not to overdo it, because safety during the dance should be in the first place.

Group schedule at Dance Center Myway:

  •    Tue, Fri 17:00 - 18:00

Vogue Dance is a personal performance

Every year more and more new styles and directions are added to the piggy bank of visual means of dance. This was also the style of vogue, leading its lineage from street dances of the Negro and Latin American regions of the United States of America.

The history of the dance

The history of this dance begins in the 60s of the twentieth century. It was then that African Americans and Latinos gay   started performing at Harlem Balls in women's clothing. Such original fashion shows quickly gained popularity in New York.

However, organizing such a bold performance was not easy due to active discrimination. Nevertheless, the black gay community grew, and already in the late 1960s non-standard dancers managed to get an opportunity to perform in the Las Vegas girls show, where they used pantogames on models as elements of vogue dance.

In the 70s, the Vogue style dance was transformed and formed, and now it’s not the costume, but the individual style of the dancer that has become the main focus of vogue dance. Vogue was not just a dance, but a way of self-realization of the marginal community, which gave rise to a new street subculture.

How did vogue dance become famous?

Until the end of the nineties of the last century, few outside Harlem saw this dance and knew about its existence, because teaching the vogue style was not practiced anywhere. He became famous for the documentary “Paris is Burning” and the iconic contemporary singer Madonna.

The film won many prestigious prizes, and the sensational nfywtdfkmysq vogue style from the screen migrated to dance schools and discos, making a real sensation there. Choreographer and dancer Willy Ninja is recognized as the founder of this style. He was the first to combine this cocktail from the intricate poses of fashion models of the Vogue magazine, abrupt hand movements and podium walks into a single whole.

Features of the dance in the style of "Vogue"

The main feature of the Vogue dance was the instant fading of the performer in any position for a few seconds, and then the continuation of movements. The vogue style is distinguished by an elaborate gait that resembles models on the catwalk, mannered poses that mimic photographs of Hollywood movie stars. Because of this, the vogue style was originally called Presentation, and later Performance.

This is a very outstanding and spectacular dance, although many choreographers do not consider it a dance in the full sense of the word. They claim that the Vogue dance is just a set of plastic poses with transitions between them. Nevertheless, many dance schools are already operating in the world, where vogue-style dance training is being conducted, and it is confidently conquering the stage space. For example, the already mentioned singer Madonna used the style of Vogue in the video “Vogue”.

Vogue dance styles

This style has 4 main directions, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • New Way, which is dominated by complex poses and elements that require balance and control of the body;
  • Old Way, which includes elements of the early Vogue, graceful poses;
  • Dramatic - used acrobatic elements and tricks (falls, spins, jumps and stances), which are also widely used in other styles of this dance;
  • Vogue Femme is a feminine style, a dance of the true “queen” of the ball.

Why is Vogue dance good?

It requires the use of all creative abilities, until this time dozing in a person. it unusual style, in which there is always a place for improvisation and self-expression. Frank eroticism prevails in him, and by this he is so close to youth.

I haven’t written about dancing in my blog for a long time and remembered that I had somehow promised to talk about dance styleVogue. He captivates me with the grace and apparent simplicity of many movements. I was only at a few workshops. But I periodically promise myself that as soon as I have time, I will buy a subscription to my favorite dance school in order to learn more about Voga. In the meantime, I stick to the video of individual representatives of this style.

So, as you already understood, in Vogue I’m not an expert at all, therefore I won’t breed “multi-letters”. Below is a bit of general information about this area, which I heard from the “Voghera,” who were in the classroom and simply collected on the Internet.

In short, dance Voguebased on a podium walk and a variety of model poses. You can recognize Vogue by some signs. First of all, it’s an extremely mannered gait, a definite and very fast technique for moving hands, as well as various rotations, falls, and, of course, many, many poses.

From this video, I got hooked on Vogue. it Elena Yatkina (Fraules), member of The Legendary House of Ninja (USA) and the first vog-house in Russia The Star House of Bonchicnhe ’ . I have repeatedly mentioned Lena in my publications about (she teaches the styles of Vogue, Dancehall and Booty Dance / twerk).

  It is believed that the style originated in the 70s in a prison in New York. Specifically in Harlem. The prisoners in this prison entertained models by entertaining them, imitating their elaborate postures in photographs. My sister and I, too, had such fun in childhood, but in the 90s no one heard about Vogue in Berdyansk (I suspect that in 2016 there were only a few people know about such a dance).

In general, Vog quickly went out of prison entertainment and became entertainment for those who, for various reasons, could not get close to high fashion (but wanted to). The most savvy “vogers” came up with the idea of \u200b\u200barranging entire shows - the Vogue Ball, on which the participating dancers took to the catwalk in fancy costumes and, as they say, lit from the heart.

By the way, if we talk about the catwalk "vogue", then here is my favorite movie. (Yes, Lena again, sorry.)

  Vogue, by the way, has its own anthem - a Madonna clip (well, of course!) With the same name. It was he who in the 90s provoked a new wave of popularity of this dance style.

  Vogue is a whole sub-culture in which, by the way, dancers are united in "houses" (similar to fashion houses). The most famous Vogue houses in the world are House of Ninja, House of Xtravaganza, House of Mizrahi, House of Lebeija and House of Aviance. These are dance societies with their own social philosophy. Participants at Vogue position themselves as a family with children, a mother and a founding father. In Ukraine, the first "Voghersky" house appeared in Kharkov in 2011 -

Vogue dance is actively gaining popularity. What's the secret? Why is the Vogue dance style so attractive to youth? To understand these issues, first you need to understand how this direction arose, which is not just a dance, but a whole culture.

History of Vogue

Meet Vogue, a culture inspired by haute couture. It begins in the 70s, surprisingly, in the walls of the Harlem prison in New York.

One of the prisoners there, Paris Dupree, entertained himself by copying the poses of Vogue magazine models, rhythmically replacing them without music. And later he brought this style to the streets: this is how “voguing” or posing, which is still the basis of Vogue dance, appears.

Several musicians brought Vogue into the mass culture, in particular Madonna, who released the single of the same name in 1990, inspired by this trend herself.

What is Vogue?

Vogue (Vogue) - a culture of self-expression through dance, the creation of unique images and the ability to "show oneself."

One of the prominent representatives of this style, Benny Ninja from the USA, says in an interview that Vogue is the art of being a model, as well as a dance of artistry and confidence.

And if you are a model, then you need to be able to hold on, use small movements when changing positions, so that there are more photos. And need “Stand so that you are noticed”.

Voghera battles

During their appearance on such a dance podium, the voogers “battle”, replay each other in their images and skill, as well as resourcefulness. For example, one rival can pour a bottle of water on your head, and the second in return only pretends that you helped her to refresh herself and not be at all embarrassed. Although such extreme tricks are not welcome in Vogue - much more elegant elements are better, without touching the enemy.

Vogue competition is an integral and very attractive part of the Vogue culture. As a rule, “battles” are held as part of “balls”, at which representatives from all over the world or a certain region gather, and everyone shows that they can.

Very often, such balls have a certain theme, for example, everyone needs to imagine the Vogue dance in the style of princesses or high fashion, with handbags from couture. Voghera come out in complex and interesting costumes, with very thoughtful details, to convey their idea as much as possible, to declare themselves, or to prove that they are stars.

Previously, at balls, they proved their right to choose their gender - after all, balls were born from a gay and transvestite culture in the United States, where they could come off and be who they want to be.

They united in the so-called “Houses” and each house had its own stars. Now Vogue is a dance culture, and even in the CIS it was born on the dance floors and in the choreography halls, and is very loved by traditional girls. But at the same time, the concept of houses and balls still exists, only now the right to be considered a class dancer, a sense of taste and style is being defended at the ball.

All this turns into a real show. Here is what Dima Ninja-Bonchinche ’says about this - a Minsker who now lives in St. Petersburg and is at the origins of the entire Vogue movement in the CIS, as well as a representative of the eminent Ninja House in the USA:

“I love Vogue for making it possible to be who you are not.” This is not just a dance, this is your show. Today I am dancing in the guise of a priest, tomorrow I am a soldier in a skirt with a dirty painted body or a one-eyed captain. I can be anyone. Everything that only wanders into your head can be embodied on the dance floor.

Such balls really impress and delight not only the participants themselves, but also the audience, who enjoy the Vogue dance, the bright show and incredible costumes, for example, the little girl’s crown from teddy bears or huge skirts a la princess and monster-style makeup .

Wog Dance Dance

In addition to posing, Vogue has an element of the Runway podium gait, which is not so easy to distinguish from the original. This element directly serves Voogers to present themselves and their image. They go out on dance podiums to show themselves, combining Runway & Posing (walking and posing).

In addition to Runway, of course, others stand out for the dance of Vogue, which are also present at balls in their categories. In them, first of all, dance mastery is evaluated in certain style frameworks.

These are Old Way, New Way and Femme.

Old way is a classic, clear lines and poses are important here. On modern stage   not only model poses are adopted, but interesting static elements, such as yoga poses or Egyptian frescoes.

New Way adds acrobatic elements, shows how flexible you can be.

Femme are the classic elements of Vogue, which are performed in the most feminine manner, it is very danceable in the classical sense. During the dance, soft female hands, hips are emphasized, the gait elements in the dance are even more feminine and graceful. He’s not vulgar, but rather on the brink, "Demonstration of femininity with the preservation of dignity"   according to Vera Kupreichik, a Vogue teacher in Belarus, who is actively promoting him there.

What can Vogue culture and dance give to a modern girl or guy?

You can learn to control your body, walk beautifully and stand in front of the camera. You can learn how to actually dance Vogue, of course! According to Dima Ninja-Bonchinche ’, "There is nothing more beautiful than a girl dancing Vogue in designer stilettos."

And finally, this is, first of all, the opportunity to learn how to express oneself better, to be creative when creating your stage images, to let go of your imagination, participating in the show! Everyone can show their meaning and their own style by showing themselves in Vogue.

If you feel that you have the potential to show your worth in the Vogue dance, go ahead! Self-Improvement Portal wishes you good luck! Dance and be healthy!

Trinity Dance School invites you to learn Vogue dance style in our classes!

In 1990, thanks to a documentary film and a musical pop icon, the world was presented with a form street dancerarely seen outside of Harlem. We are talking about the film Paris is Burning and the pop diva Madonna. Since then, Vogue began to spread around the world. What began as a form of cultural expression of the New York gay community has transformed into a sensation. Then it was picked up by the mainstream, and thanks to the hit of the same name by Madonna, Vogue also went down in the history of pop music. Now, many years later, he occupies a very special position among modern dance styles   and is already perceived by us as an integral part of house culture.

The history of the style of Voque and its name dates back to the 1960s, when representatives of the gay community began to perform in women's costumes at Harlem balls. These peculiar fashion shows have been popular forms of entertainment in New York since 1930, but many “queens” could not participate in them because of discrimination. During the 1960s, the community grew, as a result of which transvestites, dressed in women's costumes, got the opportunity to dance at the Girl Show in Las Vegas, using pantomimes and model poses. By the 1970s and 80s, the main focus of this dance was not a costume, but an individual style.

In the Vogue world, there are so-called “houses”, meaning associations of dancers who share a common social philosophy and often perform together in shows and performances. The most famous “houses” are House of Ninja, House of Mizrahi, House of Xtravaganza, House of Lebeija and House of Aviance, many of which are featured in the Paris Is Burning movie. Houses compete at balls. The dancers who won the balls became legendary, and it was the highest honor that the ballroom community honored.

There are 4 main vogue styles: Old Way, New Way, Voque Femme and Dramatic.

Old Way Voque shows the style it was before 1990, and the emphasis is on the grace and posture of the early vogue.

New Way Voque (after 1990) uses more complex elements that require control, balance, and use movements of the hands and arms. Voque Femme is based on femininity, which is associated with the "queens" of balls.

The Voque Dramatic style is based on acrobatic stunts, widely used in various varieties of wog, including stances, falls, jumps and spins.