
Russian traditions of the past. Russian people: culture, traditions and customs. Major folk holidays

Family traditions of modern times

Usually, the words "family traditions" are usually associated with ancient rituals in large clans or with certain rigidly established rules and ancient customs. But in fact, this is everything that people adhere to in the circle of their families. It is the new and well-forgotten old family traditions in our harsh market time that can bring relatives together and make a family a real family.


Happy childhood memories

In Soviet times, family traditions were few, and they often resembled neighbors. This is probably why people of the generation of the 60-80s of the XX century remember the New Year's smell of live spruce, as well as fresh tangerines and chocolates, which were not available at other times. It was also a tradition in many families to leave nicks on the doorframe. From them it was easy to trace how the children grew up, and then their children and grandchildren.

After perestroika, when Russians were able to travel abroad, it became customary to bring relatives "from over the hill" with some souvenir. It is no wonder that in those days, children and even adults began to collect calendars depicting foreign stars, candy wrappers from imported chocolates, postcards, beer cans, and more. My sister still remembers her collection of Bubble Gum inserts.

New is well forgotten old

Nowadays it is fashionable to bring back old family traditions from the times of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. So, joint meals (lunches, dinners) have become popular again - a wonderful tradition when the whole family gathers at one table, discusses their plans and gives each other handmade souvenirs. Some end up such a day with leisure activities together, such as playing the board game Monopoly or Twister. Or go to nature and spend time actively in the fresh air.

The tradition of compiling a family tree is still being revived - many families are trying to find out their genealogy history, learn more about their ancestors. Often, such a family tree is placed in a public viewing room. Many families are still very sensitive to Orthodox holidays. Someone together with the whole family bakes pancakes for Shrovetide. And someone with the whole family is all-night vigil, then goes to the procession and consecrates the Easter cakes. After exactly midnight, all relatives gather at a large table with the obligatory buns and okroshka.

An important part of parenting

Tradition is a regularly recurring activity. It is this regularity that gives young children a sense of calm, stability and confidence in the future. Therefore, it is worth starting a personal family tradition of holding children's parties.

Of course, nowadays, many adults, without bothering with household chores, organize matinees for their child and his friends in newfangled cafes. Others are not afraid to spend the holidays at home. Someone prepares special holiday dishes for their child, someone considers on this day his handicrafts and drawings accumulated over several years. And some organize whole home performances for guests. The form of such an action can be different, the main thing is that after many years your already grown-up child will remember these holidays with joy and hidden sadness and will want to revive the traditions of the parental home in his own family.

Our favorite New Year

The most beloved holiday by all, of course, is New Year, so many people come up with New Year's family traditions. Now children often write and draw up letters to Santa Claus themselves. And adults keep these first samples of the epistolary genre of their children, so that they can then be presented to them on their 18th birthday. Some parents, together with their children, draw the last 15 sheets of the calendar and every day, tearing off the sheets, they count the days until the holiday. And someone resumed an old national tradition - to send letters with postcards and photographs to close relatives in other cities for the New Year.

On New Year's Eve itself, we also observe some traditions. Who among us, under the chimes, did not write cherished wishes on a piece of paper, did not burn them and did not drink champagne with ashes? And some arrange at the moment X "Minute of Love". After the clock struck 12 times, all those present at the festive table exchange kisses with each other. There are people who arrange a traditional meeting with their college friends during the New Year holidays.

If there is a desire, there will be a tradition

It is not difficult to come up with a special date for your family, if you wish. So, one family from Arkhangelsk, once every two years, arranges for itself a Baldy Day. On this, necessarily a working day, parents take time off from the service, and the children do not go to school. Forgetting about all the affairs and problems, they buy different goodies, watch rented films or just fool around. Everyone gets a lot of positive: parents relax, and children are happy that they can be with them. A couple of teachers from Nizhny Novgorod always start their vacation at the same time. Therefore, the first day of vacation is considered a real holiday in their family. In his honor, the whole family goes on a bike ride.

Such small holidays for reasons that are understandable only to family members create a special climate and bring relatives very close.

Tradition for good

Even psychologists advise to start family traditions. In their opinion, they are especially useful for young families. For those who are about to face their first family crisis, it is possible to introduce the tradition of resting separately. Billiards on Fridays, fishing until the morning or visiting the sports section and a bachelorette party with friends are normal. After all, spouses need to continue living their full-fledged life, in which there is a place for personal affairs. Some families have a tradition of taking turns to arrange a day off for both husband and wife. On one day, the wife is engaged in household chores and shopping, on the other, the husband prepares dinner and puts the children to bed. In my opinion, this is a great occasion to appreciate each other.

So, dear readers, create your own family traditions, because any rules and foundations are good if they make your life better.

Many of the traditions on which the lifestyle of the Russian person was built have been erased from our historical memory or have collapsed into the simplest and uninteresting actions. Let's try to recall the main ones in our mind.

"To give birth to babies is not to break branches"

Maternity hospitals in Russia appeared only in the 18th century, but they were intended for the poor or those who were going to give up their children. Before the revolution, they tried to give birth to children at home, or even better - in a bathhouse, in a warm place, away from prying eyes. Following signs, in order to facilitate childbirth, the braids were unraveled to the woman in labor, jewelry was removed from her, and she was unbelted. All chests, cabinets, windows and doors had to be opened. The midwives helped the women in labor. Moreover, they helped not only during childbirth, but also after them: the first few days they were engaged in household chores in the house. On January 8, the feast of "babi porridge" was celebrated, on which it was customary to thank the midwives and present them with gifts.

Name day, not birthday

It was the name day, that is, the day of the angel, and not the birthday, that every new year in a person's life was celebrated. Under Soviet rule, this vestige of the tsarist regime was gradually eradicated. The very nature of the holiday became different: now the emphasis was on physical, not spiritual, birth. Until the 17th century, the morning of the birthday person began with prayer and communion. Then, as an invitation to the name day, relatives and friends were brought pies baked the day before. The one who brought the cake said: "The birthday boy ordered to bow to the cakes and asked for bread to eat." Pie was the main dish of the holiday. It was broken over the head of the birthday boy, so that "gold and silver would fall on it, like crumbs."

House to build

Building a house was not only difficult and demanding, but vital. Construction began with an acquaintance with the place where the owner was going to build a house. In order to determine what the genius of a place is, there were many signs. For example, in the evening a dry sheep skin was laid on the ground, and in the morning it was squeezed out. If the skin remained dry, it means that the construction will bring ruin to the owner. Or they cut off a slice from the loaf, sprinkle it with salt and put it there. If during the night the bread had time to disappear, they gave it to the dog and began to build. Several coins were placed under the foundation of a house under construction and the house was consecrated. Sometimes a rooster's head was buried under the base.

Moving with a brownie

When moving to a new house, you should not forget about the brownie who faithfully lived with you for many years. To prevent the brownie from staying in the old place, the owners took a broom with them. Also, before the move, they put old, not sharp things in a small box and put it outside the threshold for 10 minutes. Then the brownie moved with the owners to a new place.

Fist fights

Fist fighting was not just a fight for fun or prowess - it was one of the ways warriors were raised. Initially, there were no rules in it: it was called a coupling fight, and in it everyone was for himself, everyone fought with everyone. Later, fistfighting turned into a martial art with its own rules and tactical techniques. Here it was impossible to use weapons, to beat a prone and fight could only be done with fists. There were three age groups: boys, unmarried boys, and adult men. The fight was fought wall to wall, that is, in teams, and each team had a leader. Fist fights were condemned by the church and banned from time to time, starting in the 17th century. After the revolution they were banned altogether.

Raising Warriors

Of course, fistfights were not the only tool for educating warriors. As a young boy, the boys played king of the hill, heap-mala, ice slides. They also had wooden swords as toys. And the young princes almost from the age of three wore military weapons on their belts. The rite of initiation of the boy into warriors was performed when he was two or three years old: the boy was tonsured and put on a horse. The older he got, the more often he was taken to battle or hunting. Already in adolescence, princes often took up swords.

Christmas and Yuletide

Christmas was called "the mother of all holidays." They have been preparing for it all year. The house was cleaned, decorated with a Christmas tree. On Christmas Eve, they ate only once: when the first star appeared in the sky. Moreover, the food before Christmas was lean. The holiday began the next day. A bundle of straw was placed under the tablecloth on the Christmas table, and an iron object was placed under the table. It was believed that everyone who put their feet on it would be healthy all year round. The traditional Christmas dishes were goose baked with apples, cold chicken, pickles, herbs, tomatoes, salads, pickled fruits and berries, pies and pies. Christmastide continued until Epiphany. People arranged feasts, dressed in terrible disguises, smeared themselves with soot, portraying a blacksmith, went to visit each other, caroling, and guessing.

Illustrations: Elisabeth Boehm

In Russia, traditions are honored, passed down from generation to generation. Some traditions appeared a little earlier, and some later. In this article, we will look at those customs that have survived to this day.

Divination by the betrothed

After the baptism of Russia, the traditions of paganism and Christianity intertwined. On the eve of the big holidays of Christianity (Christmas, Epiphany and others), it was customary to carol and guess. Today, there is also such a tradition, the same fortune-telling is used. Fortunetellers gathered in whole groups to find out about their future (wealth, family, children). For divination, a variety of objects were used - dishes, clothes, mirrors. Today girls also get together and guess, but now this is done more for entertainment than to find out their fate.

Also, the people gathered in a group in order to sing carols. People gathered, walked around the house. Everyone wished the owners all the best, sang songs, and in return they wished for brews, coins, and treats.

At festive festivities on the occasion of a wedding, at fairs and other events, it was customary to dress up in masks, dress in animals. People hung themselves with bells to make it as noisy around as possible. People were dancing and having fun.


The tradition of sowing on a visit on the eve of Christmas has come down to us. Children and young people gathered in groups, entered houses without asking, threw grain on the floor, singing songs. Such a ceremony promised the owners a rich harvest and happiness. The sowing children were thanked, presented with coins and sweets.


This tradition is very fun and the kids love it. First, because they can have fun, and second, because they get sweets and coins. At the same time, you can sow not on Christmas, but on the Old New Year. At Christmas, kutya is usually worn.

On Shrovetide week we eat a pancake, and on the last day of the week we burn a scarecrow. This rite has also come to us for a long time. The stuffed animal was made of straw. This ceremony was a farewell to winter and a greeting to spring.

When did the tradition of celebrating the New Year appear?

Previously, the New Year came on September 1st. But then Peter the Great issued a decree that the new year begins on January 1. In addition, Peter ordered to decorate houses with coniferous branches and fire cannon fireworks. And all people had to congratulate each other and wish all kinds of blessings.


Champagne was not always drunk. The Russians became acquainted with the sparkling drink after the war with Napoleon. Champagne was served at all social events, in particular, at New Year's festivities.


During the reign of Catherine, balls and masquerades were held with dance and music. Nobles dressed beautifully, everyone tried to stand out. This tradition can be traced back to our New Years celebration.

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year

Foreigners are always surprised when they hear the name of this holiday. This is not to say that this tradition began from ancient times, but it is almost 100 years old. After the revolution of 1917, the power passed to the Gregorian calendar, and there was a difference of 13 days between them. But people did not stop celebrating the New Year in the old style. And over time, a new holiday appeared - Old New Year. This day is always widely celebrated, and is loved by all residents. They do not prepare for it on such a large scale as for the New Year, but all the same, it is celebrated. As a rule, in a circle of close people.


There are many traditions. Almost all of them came from ancient times. This is not to say that everyone follows them everywhere. But most people honor them. We cannot say which traditions will come to us later. And we cannot say how long they will take root, whether whole generations will follow them. But we know for sure that these traditions have existed for a long time, and, for sure, they will continue to be followed.

How the tradition of celebrating the New Year in January appeared

The Russian people carefully honor the ancient traditions that appeared in the days of Russia. These customs reflected paganism and the worship of idols, which replaced them with Christianity, the ancient structure of life. Traditions arose in every household occupation of the inhabitants of Russia. The experience of older generations was passed on to young followers, children learned worldly wisdom from their parents.

In the old Russian traditions, such features of our people as love for nature, hospitality, respect for elders, cheerfulness and breadth of soul are clearly manifested. Such customs take root among people, it is easy and pleasant to follow them. They are a reflection of the history of the country and the people.

Main Russian traditions

Russian wedding

The wedding traditions of ancient Russia are rooted in pagan times. Weddings within and between tribes were accompanied by worship of pagan idols, themed chants and rituals. At that time, the customs of different villages were different. A single rite is born in Russia with the advent of Christianity.

Attention was paid to all stages of the event. Acquaintance of families, meeting of the bride and groom, matchmaking and bridegroom - everything happened according to a strict scenario, with certain characters. Traditions touched upon baking a wedding loaf, preparing a dowry, wedding dresses, and a feast.

The central event in the wedding celebration was considered to be the wedding. It was this church sacrament that made marriage valid.

Russian family

From time immemorial, the Russian family has accepted and honored the traditions and family values \u200b\u200bof its people. And if in past centuries there were persistent patriarchal foundations in the family, then by the 19th century such foundations were of a more restrained traditional character, in the 20th century and at present the Russian family adheres to moderate, but familiar traditions of Russian life.

The head of the family is the father as well as older relatives. In modern Russian families, father and mother are in equal degrees of supremacy, equally engaged in the upbringing of children and the organization, conduct of family life.

Nevertheless, common traditional and Orthodox holidays, as well as national customs, are celebrated in Russian families to this day, such as Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, New Year and intra-family traditions of wedding, hospitality and even, in some cases, tea drinking.

Russian hospitality

Meeting guests in Russia has always been a joyful, kind event. The wanderer, tired from the road, was greeted with bread and salt, offered rest, taken to the bathhouse, paid attention to his horse, changed into clean clothes. The guest was sincerely interested in how he went, where he was following, whether his travel goals were good. This shows the generosity of the Russian people, their love for their neighbors.

Russian loaf

One of the most famous Russian flour dishes that were prepared for holidays (for example, for a wedding) exclusively by married women and put on the table by men is the loaf, considered a symbol of fertility, wealth and family well-being. The loaf is decorated with various dough figurines and baked in the oven; it has a rich taste, attractive appearance, worthy of being considered a real work of culinary art.

Russian sauna

Bath customs were created by our ancestors with special love. A visit to the bathhouse in ancient Russia pursued not only the goal of cleansing the body, but also the whole rite. The bathhouse was visited before important events and holidays. It was customary to wash in the bath slowly, in a good mood, with close people and friends. The habit of dousing with cold water after the steam room is another Russian tradition.

Russian tea drinking

The appearance in the seventeenth century in Russia of tea, not only made this drink a favorite among Russian people, but also laid the foundation for the classic Russian tea tradition. Such attributes of tea drinking as a samovar and its decorations make tea drinking at home and cozy. Drinking this aromatic drink from saucers, with bagels and pastries, with a bite of sawn sugar - traditions were passed down from generation to generation and were observed in every Russian home.

Russian fair

On traditional holidays of folk festivities, various fun fairs opened their doors in Russia. What could not be found at the fair: delicious gingerbread, painted handicrafts, folk toys. What could not be seen at the fair: buffoons, games and amusements, a carousel and dances with round dances, as well as a folk theater and its main regular host - the mischievous Petrushka.

For a Russian person, his historical heritage is very important. Russian folk traditions and customs have been observed for centuries both among the villagers and among the townspeople. Nowadays, not many people honor ancient traditions, so I propose to recall the brightest of them.

Fist fights were staged in winter during Christmas time on Shrovetide. Two villages could fight each other, residents of opposite ends of one large village, "monastery" peasants with landlords, etc. Prepared for battles also very seriously, for example, the peasants steamed in the baths, tried to eat more meat and bread, which, according to belief, gave strength and courage.

Such a massacre allowed to relieve tension and let off steam.

Bread wine (semugar) is a strong alcoholic drink that our ancestors used before the invention of vodka. They made it by distilling grain mash. Wine is called bread wine because cereals are used for its preparation: rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat, etc.

By the way, in terms of production technology, bread wine is no different from whiskey.

They quenched their thirst with "Ivan-tea", not Ceylon tea with an elephant

Ivan-tea, or scientifically narrow-leaved fireweed, is an amazing, but undeservedly forgotten herb. This drink was used as a powerful source of strength. A samovar with a drink made from fireweed stood on the table and was a source of strength for the whole day, allowing you not to eat and do hard physical work.

In times of famine, the peasant could "eat" only Kaporye tea.

In Russia, they tried to give birth to children at home, and even better - in a bathhouse, in a warm place, away from prying eyes. Following signs, in order to facilitate childbirth, the braids were unraveled to the woman in labor, jewelry was removed from her, and she was unbelted. All chests, cabinets, windows and doors had to be opened. The midwives helped the women in labor, and they did this not only during childbirth, but also kept the household for 8 days after.

Celebrating name days is one of the cultural traditions of ancient Russia. But in the 20-30s of the 20th century, the celebration of the name day was considered forbidden and was even subjected to official persecution. People began to give preference to celebrating a birthday over a name day. The very nature of the holiday became different: now the emphasis was on physical, not spiritual, birth.

In Russia, the morning of the birthday person began with a prayer, and then tea parties were arranged.

Was serious about going to the bathhouse

The Russian people timed a trip to the bathhouse to coincide with every important event in the family. For example, a son decided to get married, and then his mother arranged a bath day, to which the future daughter-in-law was also invited. A caring mother appreciated the girl's health, her mental strength and endurance, because the mother of the future generation is part of the family.

Another unfortunately forgotten tradition is soaring in the hay. We replace it with the use of aromatherapy in the bath. But what can replace the smell of mowed grass and real essential oils of meadow herbs.

The traditions of the Russian people have evolved over the centuries.

Remember that traditions must be remembered and honored! Do you also know the traditions that we are gradually forgetting and losing?