
Scenario of a medical birthday party. Board games on medical topics. Scenarios of the day of the medical worker

Good afternoon, dear ministers of the beautiful science - medicine!

We invite you to cheer yourself up and take part in a fun competition for honey. workers. The members of the first team are representatives of the medical professions, the members of the second team are their potential patients.

Competition task

Patients choose a representative from their team, who should depict the symptoms of the disease with facial expressions and gestures. The medical team selects the player to guess the name of the medicine for this disease, which will be written on the patient's card. Or teams work together against each other.

Names of medicines to be guessed.

  1. Purgen (laxative) - the patient depicts signs of the disease with gestures.
  2. Analgin is an anesthetic.
  3. Diclofenac is a remedy for osteochondrosis.
  4. Naphthyzinum - drops from the common cold.
  5. Quinax - eye drops.
  6. Balm asterisk - a remedy for colds.
  7. Mustard plasters - a remedy for coughs and colds.
  8. Mezim - a means of improving digestion
  9. Otipax - ear drops for ENT diseases.
  10. Aspirin is a fever reducer.
  11. Arbidol is a remedy for viral influenza infection.
  12. Furacilin - antiseptic for gargling, etc.

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with the name of medicines.

This competition is quite funny. The host and several couples take part in it. The man speaks in the ear of the presenter what he is going to give to his half. In turn, the lady tells what she will do with the gift, not at all knowing what her man has prepared for her. In the case of a guess, she is awarded the corresponding prize. Thus, it seems quite amusing that the lady is "putting the pot on for work", or "boiling the book".


With the help of hair bands, you can hold a "Harem" contest. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men receives rubber bands of a certain color (one is red, the other is green, and so on). In a few minutes, each of the participants must “ring” as many women as possible. Ring - an elastic band is put on the ladies on the wrist. Then the number of rubber bands is counted and the most agile participant is determined.


Before the start of the game, tell the participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each of the participants choose a partner for the game and make him the most ruffled out of him. To do this, give the ladies multi-colored hair bands. The task of the participants is to make the largest number of tufts on the head of men with the help of rubber bands. The partner of the most ruffled is awarded a prize.


Put a bottle on the table, on top of which put a deck of cards. The task of the participants is to take turns blowing cards from the deck. Whoever blows away the remaining deck (the last cards), he lost and was eliminated. The game is played until one winner is determined.


Guests should split into pairs. In each of the couples - a woman and a man. Clothespins are attached to the back of the partner's clothes. The partner's task is to move the clothespins from the back of the clothes to the clothes on the partner's chest with their blindfolded teeth. The first pair to complete the task wins.


For this game, you need an empty matchbox, which is put on the nose of the participant in the game. The box should be put on as tightly as possible. The participant must, with the help of facial expressions, remove the boxes from the nose.

Train - mobile game

Number of players: any
Optional: paper, pen, bag
Papers are written with the names of body parts and folded so that they cannot be read and put into some kind of bag.
Then the first two people each take a piece of paper. And they are pressed by those parts of the body that are indicated in the pieces of paper. Then the second person pulls out the second piece of paper, where it is written which place the third person should touch. Then the third one pulls out his piece of paper (more precisely, two, but in turn).

Medicine is recognized as the most difficult profession on earth. Lead the doctor not only trying to cure a person, he is completely and completely absorbed by the problem of the patient. And we all know doctors who spend most of their time at work, often sacrificing their families. And most of these doctors.
Spending a lot of time with patients, work becomes a second home, and the work team becomes a second family, and even the first. Therefore, it is very important to hold entertainment events, corporate parties. Especially when there is a reason - a professional holiday - the Day of the Medical Worker.
Our dear doctors. We try to select the most interesting contests for you so that your Medic's Day holiday is very fun, memorable and you can relax and escape from hard everyday life.
Medic Day competitions will cheer up the busiest workers in the medical field, allow them to relax and laugh heartily.
Merry, you, holiday, Medical workers!

Medicine is recognized as the most difficult profession on earth. Lead the doctor not only trying to cure a person, he is completely and completely absorbed by the problem of the patient. And we all know doctors who spend most of their time at work, often sacrificing their families. And most of these doctors.
Spending a lot of time with patients, work becomes a second home, and the work team becomes a second family, and even the first. Therefore, it is very important to hold entertainment events, corporate parties. Especially when there is a reason - a professional holiday - the Day of the Medical Worker.
Our dear doctors. We try to select the most interesting contests for you so that your Medic's Day holiday is very fun, memorable and you can relax and escape from hard everyday life.
Medic Day competitions will cheer up the busiest workers in the medical field, allow them to relax and laugh heartily.
Merry, you, holiday, Medical workers!

Aibolit will help you
Throat color like raspberry
So you have... ANGINA

2. If you ran through the puddles
Umbrella was not needed
And in the morning out of nowhere
Appears... COLD.

3. Smile and joke
He loves kids very much.
Puts in a row for injections
Children's doctor. ..PEDIATRICIAN.

4. Hepatitis, dysentery
Malaria, diphtheria
Everything will drive away like a Chikist

5. Stand in the heat, stand in the cold,
Always in the hands of bouquets of roses
This house gives kids
We'll call him... Maternity hospital.

6. Check the cleanliness, the quality of cleaning
Disinfection for you in a moment is carried out deftly
If you break their law, a receipt flies in an instant,
And send it to you... SANEPIDEM STATION.

7. He is not a sadist, but he will shine a lamp in the eye,
Everyone, like a schoolboy, will answer all the letters.
In the card, everything will be encrypted, Chekist,
Among the people Glaznik, but for us ... OCULIST.

8. "Scalpel, clamp, dry, fast, pretty,
Time? Pressure? We'll make it, take it easy."
Many colleagues and sterile around,
This is how the best works... SURGEON.

9. If, for luck, a stork is knocking on your door,
So your baby is due soon.
In childbirth, an assistant, tactful and dexterous,
Who is this? Friendly… . OB/GYNECOLOGIST

10. White teeth - of course beautiful,
In an instant, he will drive away caries playfully.
The seal will not be left in the mouth by a proctologist,
Everyone's favorite doctor... DENTIST

11. In his office "sweeter" pills,
And there they will sing "lyuli-lyuli" without a problem.
He is happy with what is called Aibolit,
Everyone knows what heals children ... PEDIATRICIAN

12. He is no worse in the desmurgy of a surgeon,
The gypsum will put you on, tighten it tighter.
Set the joint without drugs and needles,
Everyone's favorite doctor... TRAUMATOLOGIST.

13. He promises everyone sweet dreams,
The mask gently puts on your mouth.
No, he is not an ENT or a dentist,
We know that this is... ANESTHETIST

14. In the hands of a stethoscope, and a tonometer in place,
He knows medicines, probably two hundred tons.
Runs to the site and sends hello to everyone,
Master of Medicine, dear .... THERAPIST

2. Table joke "10 signs that you are a doctor..."

1. Not women, but stethoscopes are hung around your neck ...

2. You promised something to Hippocrates...

3. You will be the first to know about new trends in women's underwear (and men's too).

4. Everything around is in shit, and you are in white ...

5. You regularly lose someone...

6. You know how to write out what the pharmacy can not read ...

7. You not only drink alcohol, but also rub it on the buttocks of other people ...

8. In the West, you would receive 100 times more ...

9. Kal can tell you a lot...

10. If we get sick, we will not contact you.

3. Musical riddles "We diagnose the lyrical hero of the song"

Short fragments of songs are read (or sounded), and the guests try to determine what really bothers the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. "And my heart stopped,
My heart sank" (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. "If you don't hear me,
So it's winter." (diagnosis: otitis).

3. We walked with you,
I cried, oh I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:
We don't look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him
You stand and wait, but why, you don't know (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,
So it's not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself,
But institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,
I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts
Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,
And it won't get any smaller
And won't live (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through hurts,
Every gesture hurts through (diagnosis: fractures of the limbs).

12. Judge people, judge God, How I loved
In the frost barefoot to the sweetheart went (ORZ)

13. I got drunk drunk,
I won't get home (alcoholism)

14. Black eyes, passionate eyes, Eyes burning and beautiful!
How I love you! How I fear you!
Know that I saw you at an unkind hour! (Hypnosis session.)

15. I am not an angel, I am not a demon, I am a tired wanderer.
I am back, I am resurrected
And knocked on your house. (Clinical death.)

16. Never said
But there is no more patience. (Silence.)

17. Night! Cold expectations.
Pain! It's like I'm split.
I can not see anything,
I hate myself. (Night blindness.)

18. And the dawn is already more and more noticeable,
So please be kind... (Hangover syndrome.)

19. Why are thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting.)

20. I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I'm standing and I can't run. (Paralysis.)

21. Unfortunately, I am, but, fortunately, not alone
I fell into your insidious addiction. (Addiction.)

22. A snowstorm covered the road,
The sledge track disappeared...
Hands get cold, feet get cold,
And it's all gone and gone (frostbite)

23. This girl is nothing.
And this one is nothing.
And this one, I note,
The belly puffs up from the tea. (Binge eating.)

24. Oh, and now I myself have become somewhat unstable,
I won't get home from a friendly drinking party. (Alcohol intoxication.)

25. And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait. (Flat feet.)

26. I tried to get away from love,
I took a sharp razor and straightened myself. (Suicidal syndrome.)

27. There is no logic in your thoughts,
How can I find the truth in them? (Schizophrenia.)

28. What are you, my dear, look askance,
Tilt your head low? (Osteochondrosis.)

29. Sweet berry tore together,
Bitter berry - I'm alone (poisoning)

30. Far, far, far
My only true friend.
Not easy, not easy, not easy
Without reliable, proven hands (masseur).

31. Hot sun, hot sand,
Hot lips - a sip of water. (Sunstroke)

Scalpels, syringes, people in white coats - complete horror? But no, if this is a medical party for a corporate party, on the occasion of a colleague's birthday, doctor's day, graduation from a university or medical school. Original contests, black humor, charming nurses - a chic topic, even when neither the occasion nor the hero of the occasion is related to medical practice!


To create a themed atmosphere, a hall designed in white is ideal - the main color of a party in a medical style. But the design should be bright and colorful, because this is a holiday. Less realism and more stylization so guests don't feel like they're at a doctor's office.

Auxiliary shades: red + blue, green, turquoise, orange, cherry or purple (either, the colors of the medical suits). At a corporate party, you can choose the color that prevails in the interior of the clinic for decoration.

Entourage, clothing and the format of the party itself varies dramatically depending on the direction of the topic. Main:

mental hospital- decor, attributes, entertainment, costumes and everything else, coupled with the epithet "insane". Guests in long-sleeved shirts, crazy experimental doctors, treats in bedpans, complete chaos, chaos and anarchy.

Hospital Horrors is a common theme for Halloween celebrations. It looks like a madhouse, but more of a black one: fake body parts are used in the design of the hall / dishes, blood is everywhere, toy scalpels, surgical saws.

Movie– the atmosphere is reminiscent of a movie / series, guests try on the images of the main characters. Popular: Clinic, Interns, Dr. House, Grey's Anatomy, Ambulance.

« Medical party"- a youth party, usually in a club / private house. A minimum of decor and snacks, a maximum of alcohol, dancing and sexy "nurses". Draws, spicy contests will fit perfectly, suitable for a modest budget.

The most popular direction for organizing a themed medical party is an associative cocktail. Any attributes are appropriate here - stylish, piquant, humorous, black (depending on the occasion, the level of the event, the morals of the company).

We offer design ideas in a medical style without reference to any conventions:

  • come up with a name for the holiday, make a poster, banner or poster to decorate the entrance: Medical party "Injection of fun", Clinical case, Pill from boredom, Night duty, Ward No. "age of the birthday";
  • put a large glass vase with shoe covers at the entrance. Just for the entourage, you don’t need to torture your friends by wearing these “shoes”;

  • hang signs– Taking tests on the door of the toilet, Disinfecting over the sink, Dining room or Dispensing medicines on the wall at the table with treats. Near the bar / table with drinks there will be a treatment room, and sofas and other recreation areas will be numbered rooms;

Are you organizing a birthday party? Hang a stand with a photo of friends and a portrait of the birthday boy in the "Best Employee of the Year" center. In Photoshop, it is easy to “draw” medical berets / caps on your friends.

  • bouquets from colorful containers from shoe covers- make a hole from the bottom with a hot nail, put the box on a skewer. It remains to glue the paper petals around the lids and the leaves to the stem skewers, put them in a vase;
  • red topiary (mini-trees) from insulin syringes - paint the blank ball in the desired color, stick a skewer from the bottom, often pierce the base with syringes. Styrofoam blanks are sold in needlework stores (you can use the network, they cost a penny). Wrap a pot for a tree with a bandage or paste over with a bright plaster, throw cotton balls on the “ground”;

  • any thematic attributes will be useful for a medical party- crockery, tools, cutlery, figurines. You can grab something from work for a corporate party. Many children have hospital play sets, ask your friends. Or print / draw suitable pictures and stick on a dense base;
  • cardiogram on the wall- zigzag plaster a red cord or an electric garland with red / blue bulbs. The cardiogram line can be depicted with acrylic on vases, the rim of white plates, and even on clothes;

  • buy balloons of the colors chosen for decoration. Decorate some in a medical style - self-adhesive film applications: a red cross wrapped around a bowl of snakes, syringes, douches. If this is a corporate party, order balloons with the company logo;
  • medical gloves - a godsend for an organizer with imagination! Ideas:
    • inflated with helium, they can easily cope with the role of balloons;
    • slightly puffed up and connected with a “bundle”, they look like funny hedgehogs / suns;
    • mold a palm from plasticine, put a glove on it, fold the “hand” into a thumbs up gesture, okay or Victoria (V). For compositions, as an independent decor on the tables;
    • for the new year in medical style, assemble a Christmas tree from slightly inflated gloves. At the base is a cardboard cone (put into the holes of the cuff, tie in a knot);
    • against the background of the inscription "Welcome" a good-naturedly smiling face in a surgical cap (glue the physiology on the already inflated "palm") and two hands (plasticine inside) holding a huge enema.

Gloves are not only white, but also any color of the rainbow. You will probably have to order them online - pharmacies usually sell standard pairs of blue / skin tones.

  • hang posters, drawings, posters in a medical style to decorate the walls and create the right atmosphere. Plenty of ideas:
    • stills from the film, humorous comics, cartoons, demotivators;
    • information posters as in hospitals (first aid for ..., body structure, symptoms of the disease);
    • ordinary x-rays, specific humor - scissors sticking out of the head, keys in the stomach) or the so-called. artistic x-ray (group portraits, with children or animals in their arms, in unusual poses);
    • posters of the USSR, about the dangers of smoking / alcohol, the importance of the profession of a doctor.

  • it remains to decorate the room with garlands of thematic attributes:
    • fill syringes without a needle with colored gouache water, collect on a thread, tying the pistons with it;
    • from multi-colored containers collected on a cord from shoe covers, colorful "beads" will turn out. Translucent medicine jars can be fixed on garland light bulbs;
    • white triangles with a red cross and/or a serpent with a bowl;
    • gloves, caps, masks hung out to dry;
    • any attributes against the background of triangles or silhouettes (print in mirror image, glue directly on the thread).


If you are planning a corporate event, a laconic postcard with the company logo will do. The text is semi-official, but friendly - after all, a holiday, and not a call to the carpet. Other ideas:

  • postcard in the form of a thematic attribute or body parts, if the party is specialized (oculists - eye, dentists - tooth);
  • bandage invitation. The packaging is a stylized sealed envelope that will need to be torn. Inside is a twisted sheet of paper with text (you can print a picture with the texture of the bandage);
  • vitamin box or container, inside a card + multi-colored dragee;

  • medical party invitation(guests are both doctors and patients):

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich, in gratitude for the impeccable work, the management gives you a ticket to the sanatorium " pill for boredom"! The wellness program includes life-giving infusions of the solution C2H5OH, anti-frown diet, anti-stress entertainment and more!


The dress code depends entirely on the format of the meeting. Even as part of a corporate party, options are possible: elegant outfits in a restaurant, comfortable clothes in nature, an informal costume party for staff. Let's take a closer look at the last option:

  • medical costumes for a party - the image of a doctor, orderly, nurse. Clothing can be both modest and very revealing. Rent or decorate with your own hands, for example, a purchased robe: shorten, sew on thematic symbols, put on stockings with garters. Accessories - a cap or beret, a fake thermometer sticking out of a pocket, a stethoscope dangling around the neck, a mask on the face;

Draw funny grimaces on masks, stenciled inscriptions on caps. Or hand out badges at the entrance: Dr. Ryumashkin, Nalivaiko, Smeshnetsky, Tostin, Half-litrologist.

  • patients in pajamas, bathrobes, sportswear and other comfortable home-style clothes. A syringe sticks out of one of the buttocks (a toy, of course), another has a bandaged head, the third generally looks like a mummy;
  • a surgeon in a blood-stained apron, a pathologist with the hand of some poor fellow sticking out of his pocket. Or a character costume: Hannibal Lector, Dr. Evil, Quinn, Doolittle, Aibolit, Watson, Zhivago, Bormental.

Huge pills, syringes, enemas, thermometers, surgical instruments, crutches (draw, cut and glue on a dense base) will come in handy to decorate the hall and photo shoot. Or toy attributes, if there is something suitable. On a large cardboard, you can depict an ambulance, cut out the windows - you get a tantamaresque.

Menu, serving

It is often written that at a medical party, the menu should be exceptionally healthy. But it's boring! Approach the preparation of the menu as for any other holiday - the tastes of the guests and the format of the event are in priority. But it’s worth thinking about the presentation in order to fit the treats into the medical style of the hall. Ideas:

  • decorate the skirt of a snow-white tablecloth and the corners of white napkins with thematic symbols to get away from the banal “surgical” sterility;

  • dishes are one-color, of the shade that is used in the design. It is desirable that trays, serving dishes, tongs, etc., be metal. You can decorate the dining area with silver balloons;
  • pour ketchup and other sauces into liquid soap dispensers (of course, new ones);
  • print plates for dishes, labels for alcohol: a mixture of happiness, antigrustin, vitamin deficiency, a gastroenterologist's nightmare, alcohol 96, a tranquilizer, an anesthetic "Seventh Heaven";

  • type alcoholic drinks into large syringes without a needle, put them in glasses / vases with their nose up - injections of joy;
  • looks cool (and is funny!) multi-colored jelly chilled in syringes;
  • desserts / drinks can be served in plastic containers for analysis, measuring cups, flasks, beakers;

  • nuts in yogurt and marshmallows will be cotton swabs, crispy sticks dipped in white chocolate will turn into ear sticks. Pills "Rasseshin" - a bright dragee in large transparent containers or, conversely, portioned in cups;
  • Decorate some menu items and the cake in a medical style: sprinkles, icing, mastic, picture toppers. You can bake cookies, pour chocolate, cut fruit and ham in the shape of hearts, crosses, flasks, patches.


As a rule, a medical corporate event is not complete without creative performances by the staff. The network has a huge number of thematic scenes with humor, laudatory, advertising, etc., there are plenty to choose from. But you should not get carried away - a solid amateur theater can tire guests.

An informal scenario for a medical party is easier to come up with. For example, passing an exam (competitions-tests), rest in a sanatorium (procedures), one day in the hospital No. age of the birthday person, medical commission (tests again), according to the plot of the film. The main idea is the same - maximum fun, fewer monologues from the presenter. We offer contests suitable for any medical style party scenario.

joke quiz

Distribute pens and pictures of a girl in a bikini to guests/teams. The host reads out the names of body parts, everyone puts numbers where this part is located. Compare with the template from the leader and determine who is closer to the truth.

  • Umbilicus (navel)
  • Glabella (space between the eyebrows)
  • Filtrum (vertical depression between upper lip and nose)
  • Tragus (triangular cartilage "in front" of the auricle)
  • Lunula (white crescent at the base of the nail)
  • Axilla (armpit)
  • cilia (eyelash)
  • Mamma (bust)
  • Mandible (lower jaw)

At a medical corporate party, choose contests that will not offend any of the guests. Those. only comic, without a hint of checking the level of professionalism. For example, bandaging your head correctly for speed is a bad idea, but you can bandage it with one hand while blindfolded.

Best laboratory assistant of the month

Relay for 2 or more teams, racing. Start - a can of orange juice, finish - an empty can. The first player takes a glass for analysis, pours juice into it and runs to the finish line, pours "analysis" into the team's container, runs back, passes the glass to the next player. Who is faster, who has more juice in the "finish" jar.

Target injection

With Styrofoam and a pattern glued on top (thin paper works best), make a peach-shaped target. In the role of a syringe - a dart. You need to get not to the center, but to the place where the injections are given. You can put a marker point for clarity.

General ward

Two teams, two "queues" and a pair of cardboard thermometers. You need to pass the thermometer from the first to the last player in the chain, holding the thermometer under your arm (without helping yourself with your hands, racing).

Boredom Prevention

Drink a certain drink from a test tube / measuring cup faster than rivals, pouring it into your mouth with a pipette. Team option - in the same way to drink alcohol from a common container.


Draw red crosses on the ping-pong balls, distribute 1 ball + douche to the guests. You need to drive your "ambulance" to the finish line before others, moving the ball forward with a stream of air (pressing on the pear). You can extinguish candles with water from a syringe, knock down paper figures.

Inflate gloves, who will burst first. Make mummies from a bandage at speed. Build towers from containers for analysis. Play pantomime or crocodile with honey. terms and attributes. Come up with medical-style toasts: I wish you stable well-being, acute happiness, recurring success, chronic health, incurable longevity!