
The properties are good for the skin. How coffee affects the skin. What to eat instead

The negative effects of smoking on the skin have long been confirmed by scientific studies and "live" examples of smokers who usually look older than their age. Smokers who never have a healthy complexion or radiant skin.

So what happens to our skin when we smoke? Why do smokers look older than their age?

How exactly does smoking affect the skin?

Our skin is daily exposed to hundreds of negative influences - malnutrition, environmental degradation, exhaust fumes, lack of sleep, diseases of internal organs. All these factors find their “reflection” on the skin of the face and body of a person, and if smoking is added to all this ...

Smoking causes aging and thinning of the skin, it dehydrates it, making it more dry and flabby and, at the same time, deprives the skin of the oxygen and nutrients it needs, which come with the blood.

And most of all, the “calling card” of a smoker suffers from smoking - his face. What is it, a typical face of a smoker?

The effect of smoking on the skin

The face is the most open part of the body, it is always open, both in the winter cold and in the summer heat. The skin of the face is constantly exposed to environmental factors, which include smoking. This is how cigarette smoke treats the skin of the face when smoking, which burns the upper layers of the epidermis, clogs the pores, interfering with normal breathing and sebum secretion, and also causes dryness and irritation of the skin.

As a result, the skin of the face becomes inflamed, acne and blackheads easily appear on it, and the regenerative abilities of the body are reduced due to the same smoking. After a few years of active smoking, the skin of the face becomes thinner, early wrinkles and age spots appear on it. Flabby skin sags, "providing" smokers with bags under the eyes and a double chin.

And these are only those changes that occur exclusively with the skin of the face due to the effects of smoking from the outside, but there is also an effect “from the inside”!

The effect of nicotine on the skin of a smoker

Nicotine causes constriction of small vessels and arterioles that penetrate all layers of the epidermis and provide nourishment and respiration to the skin. With vasospasm, the blood begins to experience oxygen starvation and a lack of nutrients, which worsens its regenerative abilities and slows down cell division. But the upper layers of the epidermis are constantly updated, which provides us not only with the healing of wounds and abrasions, but with fresh, elastic skin on the face and body.

Nicotine and other substances found in tobacco smoke activate a gene that triggers the synthesis of an enzyme that breaks down collagen fibers in the skin. Without collagen, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, it becomes thinner and drier, and wrinkles easily form on them.

The effect of tobacco smoke on the skin

The carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke replaces oxygen in the blood and the skin, like other organs, receives much less of it than is required. And in combination with narrowed vessels, the effect of oxygen starvation is doubled.

Other toxic substances that are part of tobacco smoke are converted in our body into free radicals - substances that cause cellular mutations and accelerate the natural processes of cell aging. Destruction of collagen, elastin, chronic lack of vitamin E and A, also provoked by smoking - all these consequences of smoking develop in every smoker for several years.

Another cosmetic "defect" of the smoker's skin is rosacea. The appearance of the vascular network on the face is associated with a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and thinning of the skin, through which capillaries become visible.

Possible consequences for the smoker

Healthy skin and delicate complexion in a smoker? Do not make me laugh. Unfortunately, flabbiness and dryness of the skin, the appearance of early wrinkles, spider veins and acne, these are far from all the consequences of smoking for the skin.

Much more dangerous can be the effect of cigarettes and nicotine on the skin with existing diseases, hereditary predisposition to them, or other risk factors.

Smoker's melanoma

Exposure to high temperatures, carcinogens in tobacco smoke, and free radicals from the breakdown of cigarette components can cause the development of melanoma, a malignant skin tumor. This oncological disease in smokers is 2 times more likely to metastasize to other organs and 2 times more likely to lead to death.

Cancer of the lip and oral mucosa

In addition to melanoma, smokers are at risk of lip cancer and cancer of the oral mucosa, the risk of getting these diseases in nicotine lovers is 77.5 times higher!

Vincent's disease

Another specific disease of a smoker is Vincent's disease, in which the skin of the gums becomes inflamed and begins to die. And what sensations the patient experiences and how dangerous it is, everyone can imagine for himself.

Even episodic smoking is extremely harmful to the skin of the face and body in general, only by completely giving up cigarettes can one hope for a gradual return of health and a healthy complexion!

When it comes to acne, everyone knows that it appears because of what happens to us in everyday life. Sweat, dirty pillowcases, too harsh styling products can all be the cause of sudden breakouts. When the skin becomes wrinkled, everyone understands that this is an inevitable effect of aging. But do not think that only external factors affect the condition of the skin! In fact, the influence of the foods that make up your diet is no less significant. If you are diligent in taking care of yourself, but your face is still not in the best condition, it is quite possible that you are simply not eating right. Check out the list of foods that negatively affect your skin - by eliminating them from your diet, you can improve your appearance!

Dairy products can clog pores

If you can't imagine life without a glass of milk and cheese is your favorite food, the bad news is that dairy products are not good for your body. Moreover, they can be the cause of rashes. Dairy products contain certain hormonal components that can stimulate sebum production. The more the body produces it, the more likely it is to block pores, which can lead to breakouts. Surprisingly, skimmed milk is the worst for skin. If you can't cut them out completely, use soy or almond milk alternatives, which are better for your skin than cow's milk.

Salt can cause swelling

Salt does not cause acne, but it can cause other unwanted skin problems. For example, this is a swollen, inflamed face. Salt causes the body to accumulate water and creates swelling. Edema is especially noticeable in areas with thin skin, for example, in the area around the eyes. If you can't completely cut out salt, don't worry. Adding foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to your diet will keep your skin more hydrated and reduce inflammation. However, it is still worth controlling the amount of salt consumed - salted foods simply do not bring any benefit to the body.

Sugar makes you older

Everyone knows that sweets do not benefit the waist. It turns out that sugar has a negative effect on the skin. Foods rich in sugar affect the collagen in the skin, causing it to become tight and aging. If you're considering eating extra cookies, think about the wrinkles and loss of firmness associated with these foods. Do you want something sweet? It is better to eat fruits that contain antioxidants - they help fight the signs of aging. You will be able to get rid of cravings for sweets, and your skin will be very grateful to you!

Processed carbs are dangerous

The tastiest foods are always the most dangerous. For example, carbohydrates. Pasta, white bread, potatoes - all this negatively affects your health. There are "good" carbs and "bad" carbs. If we are talking about bad ones, then they have a high glycemic index, which means that they should be avoided to the maximum. Foods with a high glycemic index raise blood glucose levels, forcing the body to produce insulin to absorb that extra glucose. Insulin is accompanied by inflammation, which can be the cause of acne. Try to eat less dangerous carbohydrates - this will help you lose weight and get rid of rashes. It is better to choose whole grain bread instead of white and durum wheat pasta.

Potato chips age

Of course, potato chips are very tasty, but they are not at all good for the skin. Most types of chips are full of salt, which is the main cause of inflammation. In addition, chips are made from potatoes, so they fall into the category of processed carbohydrates - there is a high probability that they will cause breakouts. Chip packaging is a real disaster for your skin. Wrinkles and a tired look await you. Don't snack on potato chips if you want to keep your skin looking attractive.

Butter accelerates the appearance of wrinkles

There are different scientific data about how butter affects health, but one thing is clear for sure: it is a dairy product, and such products affect the skin negatively due to increased sebum production. In addition, butter not only causes acne, but also increases the risk of wrinkles. According to a study, people who eat a lot of butter and other dairy products are more likely to experience premature wrinkles than those who eat vegetables and olive oil. When you decide to cook something in a pan or want to make yourself a sandwich, it is better to try to find an alternative to butter - for example, you can fry in olive oil.

Seafood can cause acne

At first glance, protein-rich fish and seafood seem like a healthy option, except when cooked in oil. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing that seafood contains a lot of iodine. A diet rich in iodine can cause acne. Iodine causes inflammation on the skin, clogs pores and makes the skin red and uneven in color. This does not mean that you should give up seafood completely. It's just that people who are prone to acne should eat them no more than a few times a month, and not a few times a week. In this case, the amount of iodine will not exceed the norm and your skin will not be at risk of inflammation.

Red meat is a controversial food

Like seafood, red meat seems to be a food that can benefit the body. It has a lot of protein that the body needs to survive, but at the same time, meat can cause acne and accelerate the aging process. Red meat contains carnitine, which can thicken the walls of blood vessels, which leads to premature aging. In addition, red meat is associated with increased levels of testosterone in the body, which can lead to increased skin cell growth and increased sebum production. As a result, the pores become blocked and acne appears. Try to control the consumption of such food in order to maintain attractiveness.

Alcohol makes the skin suffer

Of course, alcohol is not food. Nevertheless, its effect on the skin is so noticeable that it is worth mentioning it in this list. Alcohol causes dehydration. If you've ever had too much to drink, you probably know that feeling of dry mouth in the morning. Thirst torments the skin. When your skin dries out, you become more prone to wrinkles, dryness, and flaking. Toxins and free radicals that enter the body due to alcohol consumption lead to the destruction of collagen cells. All this leads to wrinkles and a less expressive skin tone.

What should you eat instead?

So, now you know about all the products that negatively affect your skin. You will probably think - what is worth eating? If you're looking for foods that are good for your skin, you should know that brightly colored fruits and vegetables work best. This color indicates a high content of antioxidants. Red grapefruit is better than pink, and red pepper is better than yellow. If you accompany proper nutrition with good skin care, you can achieve excellent results. You don't have to cut out unhealthy foods completely to keep your face smooth and clear.

Cigarette consumption affects not only health, but also appearance. An experienced smoker is easy to recognize by their earthy skin tone, early wrinkles and other external defects. After giving up cigarettes, the dermis gradually recovers, but with a long period of smoking, it is almost impossible to restore its former appearance without the help of cosmetologists.

What components of cigarettes are dangerous for the skin of the face

The main substance that harms the skin is nicotine. It affects the state of blood vessels, narrowing them, which disrupts the nutrition of the epidermis. With a lack of oxygen and nutrients, the skin quickly loses its elasticity and healthy color, wrinkles appear faster, and tissue regeneration slows down.

In addition, nicotine and other toxic substances destroy collagen, which is naturally produced in tissues. It is he who is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin, and with a lack of his face loses its shape and quickly ages. The skin becomes thinner and drier.

Cigarettes are harmful not only from the inside. Tobacco smoke on the face clogs the pores. Carbon dioxide replaces the oxygen in the blood, leaving the skin dehydrated. The effect is enhanced by constricted capillaries due to exposure to nicotine.

Skin deterioration from smoking

The face and hands are almost always exposed to the surrounding marks. Wind, dust, sun - they all leave their mark, often negative. And if smoking is added to this, even the most well-groomed skin will quickly deteriorate. What happens to the face of a smoker:

The longer the smoking experience, the more noticeable are the unpleasant changes in appearance. In addition to the skin, hair suffers, which fade and split, teeth and nails turn yellow.

How smoking affects the skin

Changes in complexion are small things compared to the trouble smoking causes over time.

Skin diseases that cannot be hidden with tonal means are difficult to treat and require mandatory medical intervention.

smoking and psoriasis

The causes of psoriasis have not yet been precisely established, but the factors that can provoke the disease are well known.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease and manifests itself especially clearly against the background of reduced immunity. The weakening of the defense system is exactly what happens when smoking.

According to statistics, psoriasis can occur in 20% of smokers with a ten-year experience. If a person consumes at least a pack of cigarettes for 20 years, the risk of getting sick rises to 60%. Harmful and passive inhalation of smoke. The disease can also occur in a non-smoking adult if his mother indulged in cigarettes during pregnancy.

smoker's acne

Acne on the face is a characteristic feature of a smoker. According to statistics, up to 42% of all who abuse cigarettes suffer from them. Women are especially susceptible to acne, while non-smokers suffer from acne several times less often in adulthood.

It has also been established that existing skin problems in adolescence will not disappear anywhere in an adult if he smokes. It is impossible to get rid of smoker's acne with conventional cosmetics. Skin cleansing requires a holistic approach.

The link between smoking and HPV

The human papillomavirus (HPV) makes itself felt against the background of reduced immunity, so smokers are much more likely to become infected. HPV is a group of sexually transmitted viruses.

Often the presence of infection in the body is not visible until the person's immunity is normal. As soon as the work of the protective system is disrupted, HPV manifests itself in the form of warts, genital warts, and in rare cases leads to uterine cancer.

Important! With promiscuity, women who smoke are four times more likely to develop HPV than those who have never consumed cigarettes.

Dangerous effects of smoking

The risk of developing cancerous tumors in cigarette lovers increases dramatically. In addition to the lungs, the disease affects the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth.

You can avoid cancer only by completely giving up cigarettes, but even so, the body will take a long time to recover.


Triggers for skin cancer in smokers include:

  • high temperatures;
  • free radicals in cigarette smoke.

Carcinogens contained in tobacco lead to a genetic mutation of tissues at the cellular level, which provokes malignant changes in the skin.

In smokers, skin cancer develops twice as fast as in other people, and affects other tissues more severely. The risk of dying from cancer is doubled.

Cancer of the oral mucosa

Malignant lesions of the lips and mouth almost always occur only in smokers. With regular tobacco use, the risk of getting sick increases by almost 80 times. Quitting cigarettes alone can reduce your chances of getting cancer.

Vincent's disease

With this disease, characteristic of smokers, the gums become inflamed and gradually begin to die. All this is accompanied by terrible pain and the inability to eat and breathe normally. The suffering that the patient experiences can only be relieved with the help of potent medicines.

Solving skin problems associated with smoking

To restore the dermis, several methods are used. First of all, it is a drug therapy aimed at the treatment of skin diseases. If there are no diseases, cosmetic techniques are enough to help restore a healthy look to the face.

Medical methods

If skin diseases have become a consequence of smoking, first of all, drug therapy is directed to their treatment.
The specific type of drugs is selected only by the doctor after making an accurate diagnosis.

Self-medication can only exacerbate the problem instead of helping get rid of it. To restore the skin of the face after smoking, auxiliary preparations are also prescribed: vitamin-mineral complexes and agents that strengthen the immune system.

Cosmetic methods

You can get rid of problems not related to the disease by visiting a beautician's office. To cleanse the skin and restore a healthy color, several methods are used:

  1. Deep peeling. It is used to remove the upper layer of the epidermis, after which regenerative processes are activated in the skin as a response to aggressive exposure. Age spots disappear, the color evens out, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Biorevitalization. Injections with hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin, which moisturizes the epidermis and improves collagen synthesis. The face becomes more elastic and toned, and the color is uniform.
  3. Photorejuvenation. Eliminates spots and rosacea, evens out skin tone, making it taut and supple. The procedure is painless and effective. The full course consists of 6 sessions.

Each of the procedures has contraindications, so you must first consult with your doctor.

How skin changes after quitting smoking

As soon as the last cigarette is smoked, the removal of nicotine from the body already begins. The changes concern not only the internal state, but also the appearance. What happens to the skin when you quit cigarettes:

  1. In the first 12 hours, the respiratory function is restored, respectively, oxygen begins to flow into the tissues and internal organs in full. Blood rushes to the skin, the dermis receives enough nutrients to make the face look refreshed. However, the first changes are not visible to the eye. It takes time for the damaged epidermis to recover.
  2. During the first day, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and the concentration of carbon dioxide decreases markedly. During this time, the skin is sufficiently nourished to begin to cleanse itself of toxins. If there were acne, new ones will not appear or will arise in a much less pronounced form.
  3. 3-4 days after giving up cigarettes, most of the toxic substances are completely eliminated from the body. The smell from the mouth, unpleasant odor from the skin disappears. At this time, enhanced work of the sweat glands is possible, thus the body gets rid of the remnants of toxins.
  4. After seven days, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, which also affects the condition of the skin. The risk of acne is markedly reduced.
  5. Within a month, epidermal cells are renewed, the skin becomes natural and healthy.
  6. After 1.5 months, normal production of collagen and elastin begins, the skin becomes softer and smoother. The earthy tone of the face finally disappears, a healthy blush appears.

Despite the fact that the skin is quite capable of recovering naturally, you can speed up this process with the help of vitamins and nourishing masks.

How to restore skin after smoking

If during smoking there were no serious skin diseases, you can do your face yourself at home. The skin needs to be regularly cleansed, nourished with nutrients and oxygen, and moisturized. It is important to protect the face from the effects of the external environment - wind, sun, frost, dust.


In order for the skin to be updated faster, peels and scrubs are needed. These products exfoliate dead skin cells, and gentle peeling is more than enough at home.

When choosing a tool, you need to consider what is an abrasive. Solid particles should not injure the skin and injure it even more. In home masks, the abrasives are:

As a basis for a scrub, you can use fruit and berry gruel, kefir, sour cream, wax.


Due to smoking, the skin loses a lot of water, so it is important to replenish the fluid balance in the body. What can be done:

  1. Wash regularly with cool water. Useful for morning routines, including green tea or diluted lemon juice. Such washing will improve skin tone and restore blood circulation.
  2. Drink more water. It is advisable to drink 2 liters of pure water per day.

Moisturizing masks and creams that can be purchased at the store or made by yourself will not be superfluous.


These substances are necessary to protect the skin from the damaging effects of unstable molecules. They appear as a result of decay products of various substances, exposure to the sun, stress, cigarette smoke. To prevent premature aging, antioxidants are needed, these include:

A large amount of antioxidants is found in citrus fruits, green tea, grape seeds. Creams containing glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10 are considered especially effective.


Everything eaten inevitably affects the condition of the skin. To improve the complexion after smoking, you should follow a diet:

  • exclude too fatty foods, fried and smoked;
  • give up sweets;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • exclude any sweet carbonated drinks and store juices;
  • do not eat dry food;
  • there should be at least 4 meals per day;
  • food should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Additional vitamins can be obtained by taking pharmaceutical preparations.

It is advisable to select multivitamin complexes after consulting a doctor based on the results of relevant tests in order to find out which vitamins and microelements the body lacks.

Sun protection

Ultraviolet ages the skin, provokes the appearance of age spots and can cause cancer. In the hot season, you need to protect your face from the scorching sun with hats and creams with a high UV filter. Solariums are not recommended.


Facial skin is able to recover on its own after smoking, but additional procedures will still be required to speed up the process. If the damage is caused by diseases, the skin cannot be restored without medical and cosmetic assistance.

The skin covers the entire human body and is the largest organ. In addition, it performs certain functions that are of great importance for our body. But there are 5 main factors that can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

  1. stress

First, let's recap what stress is. Stress - it is a strong stress to which the body is subjected as a result of certain emotional upheavals. Let's try to catch the connection between stress and the condition of our skin. The fact is that during stress in our body there is an active production of hormones. adrenaline and cortisol, which have a definite negative effect on the skin.

Under the action of adrenaline, the capillaries of the skin undergo spasm. For this reason, the blood begins to stagnate, which leads to the deprivation of its oxygen, as well as essential nutrients. As a result, the skin acquires a pale yellow color. In individual cases, in parallel with the spasm of small vessels of the skin, in areas in the neighborhood, their unexpected expansion occurs, already due to a neurological nature. It manifests itself as stagnant red spots on the skin.

As for cortisol, at the time of stress it is also hostile to our skin, namely, it provokes an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, the excess of which helps to start processes that change collagen molecules, and hence its properties. On the basis of such transformations, the skin becomes stiff, and the number of wrinkles on it inevitably grows. Cortisol slows down division and reproduction the most important connective tissue cells of the body - fibroblasts, which leads to inhibition of the nucleation of collagen fibers and disruption of their recovery. Against this background, the vulnerability of the skin of a mild degree, its protracted healing with various injuries, thinning and stretch marks are acquired.

Moreover, under the influence of cortisol, the natural production of hyaluronic acid which is an excellent skin moisturizer. Plus, this hormone threatens the importance of the natural skin barrier, which allows moisture to evaporate more intensively. Along with these processes, sensitivity, including photosensitivity of the skin, increases significantly, conditions for its infection and inflammation appear, and dryness occurs.

An excess of this hormone stimulates the formation of fats, which leads to their accumulation in the organs and tissues of the body and increases the production of sebum.

At the time of emotional outbursts, a large amount of histamines (mediators of allergic reactions), which can cause a rash, small pimples, as well as an increase in skin sensitivity to all sorts of irritants.

Constant or prolonged tension during stress provokes cramps in the muscles of the face, therefore, the elastin fibers stretch more than they should, while the skin loses its elasticity.

Quite frequent phenomena that accompany stress are poor-quality sleep and / or its lack. According to the results of scientific studies, it has been proven that the restorative effect of sleep is necessary for the formation of new and renewal of old skin cells. This process is regulated sleep hormone melatonin. Unfortunately, the older a person becomes, the less actively melatonin is produced in his body. Accordingly, the more time we devote to sleep, the younger we will look. Otherwise, the skin tone decreases and there is a significant risk of folds and wrinkles on it.

  1. Ecology

It is known that the environmental situation in the whole country and the world is developing rather negatively. The presence of various kinds of pollution (exhaust gases, dust, smog, hard water, etc.) present in the environment also affects the condition of our skin. The most striking skin problems caused by the negative impact of the environment include:

  • pallor, lethargy and dryness,
  • loss of firmness and elasticity,
  • premature wrinkles,
  • blockage of pores
  • redness,
  • allergic manifestations.
  • I (Scandinavian)

Thin, light skin. Blond or red hair. Characterized by light eyes and the presence of freckles. Tolerance to ultraviolet radiation is minimal - a few minutes after irradiation, the skin burns (an inflammatory process occurs). There is no uniform tan. The use of sunscreen is a must.

  • II (light-skinned European)

Light skin and hair. Infrequently, freckles may occur. Eyes of light, gray, blue, green colors. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin burns easily. Achieving a noticeable natural tan is problematic. The use of s / s funds is also a prerequisite.

  • III (Central European)

Ivory skin. Dark and light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Skin tans easily. The tan is even. With prolonged exposure to the sun, it can burn. The use of s / s funds is necessary.

  • IV (Mediterranean)

Olive skin color. Dark brown, black hair. Dark brown, black eyes. The skin hardly burns. Sunburn occurs quickly and lasts for a long time. The use of s / s funds is necessary for prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation (not so much to prevent burns, but to prevent premature skin aging).

  • V (Asian)

Hazel, brown or yellow skin and black hair. The skin never burns. The tan is almost invisible due to the natural color of the skin. There is no need to use s / s funds.

  • VI (African)

Dark (black) skin, dark eyes and black hair. The skin also never burns. Natural skin protection from UV rays. There is no need to use s / s funds.

  • Over time, melanin tends to accumulate in our skin cells. Because of this, with age, small brown spots appear on it, resembling freckles. These are the so-called dark spots. Unfortunately, getting rid of them is almost impossible. Age spots increase age and make the skin color uneven.
  • UV is also known to increase the risk of skin cancer. Also, with regular use of sunbathing or visiting a solarium, small moles are often formed, which are benign neoplasms.
  1. Smoking

When smoking, the skin receives a double toxic blow: it suffers from cigarette smoke in principle and is saturated with the harmful components of this smoke when it is inhaled, while being absorbed into the blood and flowing through the blood vessels to skin cells and nerve endings.

While smoking nicotine (an alkaloid found in tobacco) provokes vasoconstriction, which leads to a violation of the supply of oxygen to the tissues. This leads to slow healing of skin lesions, as this process requires a good blood supply. Because of the negative effects of tobacco smoke, people who have this bad habit are most at risk of developing skin cancer and are more likely to relapse. Scars, respectively, in the postoperative period are delayed for a long time. Moreover, tobacco smoke contributes to the formation carboxyhemoglobin in the vessels, which leads to the final deterioration of skin respiration. An interesting fact is that constricted vessels remain in this state for up to 1.5 hours after smoking one cigarette. This suggests that a person who smokes every 1.5 hours creates conditions for constant oxygen starvation for his own skin.

Smoking contributes to the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers, respectively, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is lost. With the constant puckering of the lips and squinting of the eyes under the influence of smoke, smokers develop wrinkles near the mouth, on the forehead and around the eyes. For those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, there is such information: the risk of noticeable and deep wrinkles is 5 times higher than in non-smokers, and their appearance occurs much earlier (sometimes with a difference of 20 years!). But the problems don't end with wrinkles. Often smokers are recognizable by the unhealthy condition of the skin of the face, which has a yellowish or gray tint and an expanded capillary network on the nose and cheeks. Their skin is rough and tough.

  1. Alcohol

There is one indisputable fact regarding alcohol: alcohol spoils the appearance of a person before there is a feeling of its effect on the body as a whole. Consider the negative impact of this factor on the condition of our skin.

  • Alcohol is known to dilate blood vessels. That is why initially a person has a seemingly harmless blush on his face. However, when alcohol is abused, gluing occurs in the blood red blood cells - erythrocytes, transporting oxygen and, as a result, oxygen starvation of skin cells. If several capillaries are clogged with erythrocyte clots at once, their rupture occurs due to blood pressure. For this reason, a purple vascular network and a bluish-red complexion appear.
  • After drinking alcohol, the liver begins to work intensively to process it, and the kidneys to remove decay products. It is for this reason that alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect. The result is significant dehydration. In this case, first of all, water leaves the subcutaneous fat. The skin becomes dry, dull, loses its former smoothness and earns the appearance of small wrinkles, as well as a more noticeable manifestation of existing ones.
  • Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages depletes the reserves of vitamins C and E, which help maintain collagen. Against this background, the contour of the face loses clarity, and in some areas the skin sags. In addition, alcohol reduces the ability of the skin to recover, so the regeneration period due to any damage lasts longer than it could be.
  • Alcohol also acts on the hormonal level, namely, it contributes to the restructuring of the hormonal background. In women, for example, the level of male sex hormones becomes higher, as a result of which the skin coarsens, the pores become pronounced. It should be noted that such consequences are very poorly amenable to cosmetic correction.
  • When alcohol consumption turns into alcohol abuse, the previously listed signs gain strength and new problems appear: for example, the function of the liver and kidneys suffers, and chronic pathologies of these and other organs appear. As for the skin, there are bags under the eyes, severe puffiness and puffiness of the face.

Useful tips to protect our skin from the influence of negative factors

1) A healthy lifestyle, including:

  • no bad habits (smoking, alcohol),
  • sound healthy sleep (preferably at the same time),
  • proper nutrition (eating foods rich in antioxidants),
  • avoiding stressful situations (if possible),
  • sports (mainly outdoors),
  • any trips outside the city (to nature).

2) Skin care with suitable cosmetic products (moisturizing creams, scrubs, peels, masks, etc.). If possible, it would be useful to visit a beautician. He will help determine your skin type, as well as photosensitivity and select cosmetics for individual care. Here are some tips for skin care in winter and summer:

  • In winter, you should very gently cleanse the skin, use products that have moisturizing and softening properties, since microcracks often appear on dry skin, which can cause infection. Although there is one big plus: in winter, especially in frosty weather, the air is very clean and all harmful microbes penetrate the skin to a lesser extent, and some of them simply die.
  • As for the summer period, at this time it is necessary to avoid clogging of pores and use light texture products. The same goes for sunscreen. For those who are going to tan: Purchase a quality tanning product with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and use it every day after showering. On the first day, sunbathe for 20 minutes and then gradually increase the amount of time you spend in the sun. Sunbathe in any summer headdress so as not to get sunstroke and not dry out the skin of the face and hair. Cover your shoulders when returning from the beach. Follow the recommended time for tanning, namely before 10:00 and after 16:00, when the sun's rays are soft enough, do not cause burns, the tan lies evenly, and the skin acquires a beautiful bronze tint.

04 Feb

It's probably no secret to anyone how important hormones are. Hormones are involved in the regulation of all body functions. Reproductive function depends on their level and ratio in the body, including not only reproduction, but growth and development, sexual desire, even appetite and mood! In general, our whole life, one way or another, is subject to hormones. In a normal female body, the hormones androgens (male) and estrogens (female) are present, but a woman, of course, has more estrogen.

Do hormones affect the health and beauty of our skin? Influence, and how!

First of all, it is worth noting that the condition of the skin changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle - this is due precisely to the level of hormones.

Androgens, considered "male hormones", are also present in women. The main representative of this group is testosterone. Male sex hormones androgens play a significant role in the functioning of the skin.

Active production of androgens during puberty leads to increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands and an increase in the rate of skin keratinization. In adulthood, on the contrary, the intensity of hormonal synthesis decreases, the regeneration of the skin layers slows down. Thus, androgens are directly related to age-related skin changes.

Immediately before menstruation, an increased level of steroid hormones, the precursors of androgens, is observed in the body. During this period, 70% of women develop acne.

Most androgens in the body are in an inactive state due to a special kind of proteins, the number of which decreases in the presence of hormonal pathologies, which has a very negative effect on the skin. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to diagnose this condition, since the concentration of hormones in the blood, which is the main indicator for analysis, does not increase.

Estrogens- sex hormones responsible for the female type of figure and character. There are three main hormones in this group - estradiol, estrone, estriol, the most active of which is estradiol.

The concentration of female hormones increases in the preovulatory phase, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. During this period, the skin responds very well to cosmetic procedures: masks, peels, facial cleansing. This is especially important when carrying out aggressive procedures (chemical peeling, etc.).

Follicle stimulating hormone, in short - FSH, is responsible for the formation of libido and helps the formation of estrogens, which positively affects the condition of the skin.

Progesterone- the hormone of pregnant women - in fact, it is produced not only in pregnant women. Throughout the childbearing period, this hormone, taking care of future possible offspring, “lays in reserve” fatty layers in the subcutaneous tissue and contributes to fluid retention in the body. Progesterone increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, leading to stagnation of blood and edema, and negatively affects the skin, reducing its elasticity. It also stimulates profuse sebum secretion. For this reason, in the second phase of the cycle, when the concentration of progesterone becomes maximum, the likelihood of inflammatory processes increases, and the skin looks bad. On the other hand, the need for moisturizing procedures and the use of products that protect the skin from harmful external influences is becoming less.

During this period, cosmetologists do not recommend visiting tanning salons and beaches because of the possibility of increased pigmentation. It is also not recommended to carry out aggressive procedures - cleansing, etc.

Edema caused by the action of this hormone can be relieved by limiting the intake of salt and fluids - it will be better if you stop taking any drinks at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Also, do not forget about regular cleansing procedures to prevent clogging of pores. And finally, in order to avoid the appearance of acne, these days it is better to give up sweet, starchy and fatty foods - it is recommended to turn to foods containing protein: fish, liver, legumes and nuts.

Prolactin- lactogenic hormone responsible for the formation of breast milk - is formed under the influence of stress and negative emotions. On the other hand, our resentment and tendency to cry is often a direct consequence of elevated prolactin levels.

Prolactin affects the skin condition negatively, releasing male hormones that spoil our appearance.

Oxytocin, produced in the postpartum period, can also be called the "hormone of love" - ​​it is responsible for the emergence of a feeling of tender affection. Oxytocin has a positive effect on the skin, stimulating immune processes and preventing pathogenic microflora from developing.

Serotonin- the "hormone of happiness", which is produced in large quantities in men during orgasm and causes feelings of pleasure and relaxation, - affects the skin negatively, accelerating the aging process in the body.

Do not forget about such an important component of our body as hormones - eat right, get checked regularly by an endocrinologist, and not only to maintain health for many years, but also so that your skin stays young and attractive longer, and you yourself - beautiful and desirable!