
Sunflower oil of the first cold extraction. Sunflower oil - its use, benefits and harms. Is there any safe way to fry

Vegetable oils have firmly entered human life. They are actively used in cooking and cosmetology. Some of their species are a curiosity for us. But there is a type of vegetable oil that is in almost every kitchen - this is sunflower oil.

Description and characteristics of the product

Sunflower oil is obtained from the seeds of a flower from the Astrov family - the sunflower. It is a very common agricultural oilseed throughout the world.

The sunflower was introduced to Europe from North America and was first grown as an ornamental plant and later for its seeds.

Did you know? In England, there is a patent dating back to 1716, which describes the process of obtaining sunflower oil. But the large-scale production of this product began thanks to the simple serf Count Sheremetyev Daniil Bokarev. It was he who in 1829 invented a way to make sunflower oil. In 1833, the first oil mill began operating in Russia, and its production quickly took on an industrial scale.

Now there are several ways to produce sunflower oil and, according to them, it is divided into refined and unrefined.


This product is refined mainly to get rid of the specific taste and smell, so as not to interrupt the taste of the dish being prepared. It is also more suitable for frying and other heat treatments.

Two refinement methods are currently in use:

  • physical, in which adsorbents are used for cleaning;
  • chemical - alkalis are used. The most common cleaning method, usually using a petroleum product, hexane.
In the chemical method, sunflower seeds are mixed with hexane, which contributes to a better release of fat from the seeds. Then the oil product is removed with steam, and the remaining product is treated with alkali.

The resulting product then undergoes deodorization, in which it is purified with water vapor under vacuum.


The unrefined product is obtained from seeds without additional exposure, it can be obtained in several ways:

  • cold pressing. The prepared material is pressed using temperatures up to +40 °C. This is the most useful product that has retained all the vitamins and nutrients, but is stored the least;
  • hot pressing. Plant material is heated up to +120 °C, at such temperatures more fat is released and this prolongs the shelf life, but some of the nutrients are destroyed. Such a product has a taste of roasted seeds and a darker color;
  • extraction. A chemical solvent is used, which is then removed from the resulting product. This is the most productive and used way.
Unrefined varieties have a richer taste and smoke when frying.
On a product that is produced only by pressing, they put the marks "Top Grade", "First Grade". The shelf life of a high-quality unrefined version is no more than two months. Such oil has a darker yellow color than refined oil. At the same time, as well as refined, it can be purified, but more gentle. It is settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized, while retaining useful substances.

We study the composition

Any sunflower oil is almost 100% vegetable fats. The most useful composition of the high-oleic sunflower product, as it contains less Omega-6 and more Omega-3.


This product in 100 g contains the following vitamins:

  • - 41.08 mg;
  • - 5.4 mcg.

Did you know? The content of youth vitamin (E) in unrefined cold-pressed sunflower oil is much higher than in olive oil (12.1 mg per 100 g).


This product cannot boast of the presence of any mineral substances.

Fatty acid

The composition of 100 g of high oleic sunflower oil is represented by the following acids:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids - 83.689 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 9.859 g;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids - 3.798 g.
Monounsaturated fatty acids are:
  • - 82.63 g;
  • gadoleic (Omega-9) - 0.964 g;
  • palmitoleic - 0.095 g.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids include:
  • - 3.606 g;
  • - 0.192 g.
Saturated fats are stearic, palmitic, behenic, pentadecanoic and myristic fatty acids.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Sunflower oil, like any fat, belongs to high-calorie foods and contains 884 kcal per 100 g. Any sunflower oil is almost 100% vegetable fats.
Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) that are important for the body.

We study the benefits, harms and uses of refined oil

Refined oil has a longer shelf life (up to 18 months). It is used to produce margarine and other cooking oils, it is used in manufacturing for lubrication and insulation, for the manufacture of paints and varnishes, it can be used to fill kerosene lamps. It is used by the cosmetic (for the manufacture of soap, creams, etc.) and the pharmacological industry (therapeutic ointments).

In cooking

This option is great for culinary use. It does not smoke and does not foam when frying, it has a neutral taste and smell, it helps to preserve the taste of dishes. It is this oil that is used for deep-frying, frying, baking and any other heat treatment.

It is used for the manufacture of baby food, canning.

Important! When frying any fat, including vegetable origin, trans fats are formed, which contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, ischemia, various tumors, Alzheimer's disease and lead to hormonal disruptions. Therefore, fried foods are considered the most harmful. Most trans fats are found in recycled fats. Therefore, after each frying, it is recommended to change the oil.

For good health

Refined sunflower oil has a definite plus for health - it, like any other vegetable products, does not contain cholesterol and is more acceptable for people with high cholesterol than butter.

Vitamins in such a product are not stored, but there are fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) that the body needs for normal functioning. Their ratio is the most optimal in high-oleic varieties.

If the content of vitamins E, A, D and others is written on the package with a refined product, then this is an additive of synthesized vitamins. True, these vitamins are still destroyed during heat treatment.

Based on the refined version, various therapeutic ointments are made, both in pharmacology and in traditional medicine.

Can it be used in cosmetology

The refined product no longer contains vitamin E, which is so useful and important for skin and hair care, but artificially synthesized vitamins (E, A) can be added to it. The vegetable fats contained in it soften and moisturize dry skin, add shine to the hair, so it can be added to home cosmetics if there is no unrefined one on hand. In addition, the shelf life of products prepared from it is longer, so the cosmetic industry uses it. Often used for maceration, as the cheapest and most stable option.

It is never used in its pure form, it is added to cosmetics up to 10%.

We study the benefits, harms and uses of unrefined oil

The most useful sunflower oil is made by cold pressing. It retains all the beneficial properties and contains a shock dose of vitamin E, which is famous for its antioxidant properties. Fragrant, with the taste of sunflower seeds, the oil is perfect for many vegetable dishes, salads, marinades. Once opened, this oil will keep for only two months in the refrigerator. You can extend its shelf life by placing it in the freezer.

In cooking

This oil, during frying, strongly smokes and foams, while the dish cooked with it acquires its specific taste and smell. It also produces harmful trans fats.

But it is perfect for vegetable salads, marinades. They can be seasoned with cereals, soups, vegetable dishes. It goes well with salted herring and sauerkraut, boiled potatoes, salted and pickled mushrooms. This is a classic vinaigrette dressing.

Did you know? The sunflower got its name from the fact that its head with yellow petals turns after the sun. This behavior of plants is called heliotropism.

For good health

Vitamin E helps maintain youth, improves immunity, promotes reproductive functions, and reduces the likelihood of cancer. Together with the omega-fats that make up unrefined sunflower oil, it participates in metabolic processes, promotes growth, has a good effect on the cardiovascular system and the normal functioning of the central nervous system, and stimulates the liver.
It is enough for a person to consume one or two tablespoons of this herbal product per day for the normal functioning of the body.

Application in cosmetology

They like to use this species for the manufacture of home cosmetics. It contains a lot of vitamin E, which rejuvenates the skin and smoothes wrinkles, as well as fatty acids, perfectly moisturizing and softening it. It is most rational to use it in disposable home masks.

Great for dry and chapped skin. In winter, the owners of such skin can be helped by a procedure of oil compresses: a napkin soaked in warm sunflower oil is placed on a cleansed face and washed off with a decoction of linden in half an hour.

Cracked areas of the skin (feet, elbows, lips, etc.) are lubricated for healing with a mixture of 100 g of this unrefined product and the contents of a bottle of vitamin A purchased at a pharmacy.

Face masks
You can also make the following face masks:

  • for mature skin. In heated 50 ml of cream, add 30 g of fresh yeast, 1.5 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. of this vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and beat. Apply to face, neck and décolleté for half an hour;
  • for any skin type. In 3 st. l. with unrefined sunflower product add 1.5 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 50 ml of warm milk. Mix all components well and apply on cleansed face for 20 minutes;
  • for oily skin. Mix 2 tbsp. l. unrefined oil with a pinch of fine sea salt, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Keep on face and neck for 15 minutes.

Hair masks

Its use is excellent for the condition of the hair, use it in the following masks:

  • for dry hair. Grind two egg yolks with a teaspoon of calendula tincture, add 2 tbsp. l. unrefined oil. Rub everything and apply to your hair. Keep for 20-30 minutes under a plastic cap and wrapped, and then wash your hair with shampoo;
  • for all hair types. Mix 4 tbsp. l. unrefined oil product, juice of one lemon and 3-4 drops of lavender ether and apply the resulting mass to the hair for 20-30 minutes. After washing your hair with shampoo.

Sunflower oil as a way to lose weight

This product is considered one of the simplest, most natural and affordable means to combat extra pounds. For weight loss, it is recommended to choose an unrefined cold-pressed version, since it contains more beneficial trace elements than others.

The product promotes weight loss due to the following properties:

  • the fat contained in it does not settle on the walls of blood vessels, but, on the contrary, contributes to its removal;
  • activates the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • the fatty acids contained in this product contribute to the burning, as well as the removal of excess body fat;
  • linoleic acid during physical exertion helps to build and shape muscles;
  • normalizes metabolism in the human body, improves the activity of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
But you need to use this product carefully, as it has a high calorie content. For weight loss, the recommended dose is no more than 25 ml per day fresh. To reduce weight, it is good to use the unrefined version as a dressing for salads made from fresh vegetables, as well as from boiled beets. For weight loss, there is a buckwheat diet with the addition of this product.

Product selection rules

Almost every housewife in the kitchen can find sunflower oil in refined and unrefined form. This product is massively sold on the shelves of many stores in a wide range.

Did you know? The largest world producer of sunflower oil according to 2014 data is Ukraine (4400 thousand tons). Russia is slightly inferior to it - 4060 thousand tons. The rest of the top ten countries (Argentina, Turkey, France, etc.) lag far behind them in terms of production volumes.

What to pay attention to

When buying a quality product, you should pay attention to the following points:

What not to pay attention to

When buying this product, you do not need to pay attention to the following inscriptions, as this is more of an advertising move:

  • does not contain preservatives and dyes. In vegetable oil, chemical dyes or preservatives are almost never added. Such a product does not require their presence at all, since it already has a fairly long shelf life;
  • first spin. The unrefined version is always made during the first pressing of sunflower seeds, and in the refined form it is obtained using chemical processing methods;
  • contains vitamin E. Sunflower oil in any form contains this vitamin, but in a refined product it can be a small amount.

Harm and contraindications

Sunflower oil is a product of plant origin, so it cannot harm the human body. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to some of the elements that make up its composition in an unrefined form. It should be used in limited quantities due to its high calorie content. Excessive consumption of this product can also lead to an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Do not abuse it with obesity and a diseased pancreas.

Important! It is advisable not to exceed the daily norm of sunflower oil. It is no more than 30 g per day.

It is imperative to ensure that this food product is fresh, observe storage conditions, and also monitor the expiration date.

Sunflower or olive: which one to prefer?

Benefits of sunflower oil:

  • sold in any grocery store and more affordable;
  • the refined version is great for heat treatment;
  • the unrefined cold-pressed version contains much more vitamin E.
Benefits of olive oil:
  • includes more vitamin K;
  • it has a more beneficial ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 for the human body;
  • contains phytosterols that help lower cholesterol levels;
  • higher shelf life of the unrefined version.
In general, nutritionists do not see any special advantages of one product over another and recommend using both for the best benefit for the body.

More about oils

Along with sunflower oil in cooking and other areas, a person quite actively uses others: corn, olive, grape.


It is prepared from corn germ, which is 1/10 of the corn kernels. On the shelves of shops you can find only its refined version. It is suitable for heat treatment, has a neutral taste. It is used in medicine as a means of anti-sclerotic action.


Olive oil is made from the fruits of the evergreen olive tree that grows in the subtropics. This tree was grown by the ancient Greeks, and now the main production of this product is concentrated in the Mediterranean. Even the unrefined version is stable and can be stored for up to a year.


It is obtained from grape seeds, mainly by hot extraction, the cold pressing method is very rare. Its production is usually concentrated in wineries. Used in cooking and cosmetics.

Sunflower vegetable oil is a useful component of any diet, including children's. In any form, it contains the omega-fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and unrefined it also contains a lot of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. In a word, this product is simply indispensable in every kitchen!

For Russians, sunflower oil is the most traditional vegetable oil. It is made from sunflower oil annual. This heat-loving and light-loving plant from southern Mexico has successfully taken root in Europe. Currently, sunflower plantations account for 70% of its world crops. Products extracted from the plant, including unrefined sunflower oil, have absorbed useful and nutritious substances concentrated by the sunflower from the surrounding nature.

In contact with


The product is obtained from annual sunflower seeds by cold or hot pressing and extraction. cold pressed is also called press. It can also be obtained at home. Hot pressing and extraction are carried out in oil mills. The production process consists of several stages:

  • preparation of raw materials (cleaning seeds from litter, hulling, separation of kernels and husks);
  • crushing kernels in rollers, getting "mint";
  • extraction from mint with a press;
  • dissolving the pulp obtained after pressing with the help of organic solvents;
  • distillation (extraction) of the oily substance from the solution and the solid residue (micelles and meal) in the extractor.

The spin derivative is subjected to settling or purification from related impurities (refining). There are several cleaning methods (chemical, physical, mechanical), as a result of which the color, smell, density and other qualities of the product change.

Unrefined oil has a rich dark yellow color.

In the manufacture of cold-pressed sunflower oil, heating is sometimes still used. Seed kernels passed through the rollers, the so-called. mint, are placed in baking pans and subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 45 ° C. Further, under high pressure, the juice of the seeds is released, which is then sent to sediment and storage.

When cold pressed, it is not allowed to use any chemical treatment, add preservatives and exceed the temperature above 45 ° C. Excessively overheated sunflower raw materials will give the product a burnt taste and smell, deprive it of many useful components. Sometimes manufacturers raise the heating temperature of raw materials to 90 ° C. With hot pressing, the pressing process is accelerated and the yield of the product increases, while with cold pressing, 20-30% of the oil component remains in the cake.

Unrefined cold-pressed varieties have a pleasant taste and aroma of roasted seeds, an oily substance gently envelops the mouth and throat when swallowed.

The presence of the inscription "Extra Virgin" on the label is a guarantee that this is an unrefined cold-pressed product.

How is it different from refined?

When starting cooking, housewives should understand the difference between refined sunflower oil and unrefined sunflower oil. The purified product has no smell and pronounced taste of seeds, therefore, when dressing salads and canned food, when roasting and adding to the dough, it does not affect the taste and smell of dishes. Refined varieties have a longer shelf life and are cheaper.

The difference between refined and unrefined sunflower oil is in the chemical composition. During the cleaning process, many useful substances are lost, which reduces the healing properties.

Unrefined sunflower oil in terms of useful qualities is not inferior to olive, soybean, corn.


The composition of unrefined sunflower oil includes a large amount of fatty acids. Their average molecular weight is about 290 atomic units. A large proportion belongs to omega-9-oleic (25-40%) and omega-6-linoleic (45-60%) acids. Also, the unrefined product contains palmitic, stearic, myristic, arachidic, omega-3-linolenic acids.

Unrefined varieties are famous for containing vitamins that have been preserved during the cold pressing process. So α-tocopherol (vitamin E substance) is contained in an amount of up to 70 mg / 100 g. In olive oil, this figure is up to 24 mg / 100 g.

It is a powerful neuroprotector and antioxidant, it protects cell membranes from breakage as a result of oxidation, stabilizes mitochondria, regulates metabolic processes and immunity, and reduces the risk of malignant tumors. Another important vitamin found in unrefined butter is K.

Benefit for health

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil are due to its composition. The combination of vitamins and fatty acids allows it to have the following effects:

  • regulate fat metabolism, accelerate metabolism, as a result of which “bad” cholesterol and excess weight are reduced, regeneration of muscle and bone tissues is improved;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain (prevents degenerative changes, memory loss), strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce blood viscosity and the risk of blood clots;
  • help form cell membranes and nerve fibers;
  • improve liver function and digestion, eliminate constipation;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • prevent premature aging;
  • and nails;
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine and genitourinary systems.

Unrefined sunflower oil has not only benefits, but also harm, if consumed immoderately.

Which is more useful - refined or not?

Traditionally, the question of which sunflower oil is more useful, refined or unrefined, is answered by giving preference to the latter because of its greater naturalness. However, not all so simple.

Specific taste and smell are created due to the presence of impurities in the product - pigments, odorants, soaps, natural contaminants. With the systematic use of these substances can have a negative effect on the body.

In addition, the answer to the question of which sunflower oil is better, refined or not, depends on the purpose of its use. For frying, baking and canning with heat treatment, peeled varieties are preferable. They do not lose quality when heated, do not violate the taste and smell of cooked food. In addition, the shelf life of unrefined oil is much shorter. If the hostess makes a supply of food for a long time, it is better for her to prefer peeled varieties.

Is oil treatment effective?

Treatment with unrefined sunflower oil should be agreed with the doctor after a preliminary medical examination. An important point of any therapy is dosing. In the amount of 20-50 g (up to 3 tablespoons), the unrefined product has a therapeutic effect, in a larger dose it can have the opposite effect.

There are many recipes for healing mixtures of traditional medicine with the addition of olive or sunflower oil. For therapeutic agents, only the unrefined product is intended to be used. In some cases, it is helpful to just drink a spoonful of oil.

How to use?

In order not to harm your health, you should know how to use unrefined sunflower oil. You should not use it more than 20-50 g per day, so as not to disturb the lipid balance of the body and not gain excess weight. To achieve a healing effect, the intake must be regular.

Since the oil contains vitamins that are easily destroyed when heated, it makes no sense to use an expensive healing product when frying, baking and canning. Although there are recipes that recommend adding a lot of oil to the jar before seaming without subsequent sterilization. The most common and correct way to use an unrefined product is dressing vegetable salads.

Can you fry?

Choosing culinary recipes, housewives decide whether it is possible to fry in unrefined sunflower oil. If there is no other option, then as an exception, once, you can. It should be borne in mind that the vitamins will not be preserved, the taste and color of the oil will change, and the taste properties of the fried dish will also change. Some types of fish do not go well with the taste of unrefined varieties, and vegetable fried will spoil the taste of the soup.

Cooks need to clearly understand why it is impossible to fry in unrefined sunflower oil all the time. Substances dissolved in oil, when heated, change their structure, break down, turn into toxins and carcinogens.

Possible harm from use

The main point limiting the doses of unrefined varieties is high calorie content (890 kcal / 100 g) and the presence of a large amount of fat (99.9 g / 100 g). It is undesirable to eat more than 3 tablespoons a day. Otherwise, the fat balance of the body, the work of its internal organs and systems will be disturbed, weight will increase.

During the frying process, toxins that are harmful to the body can be formed. People suffering from chronic diseases (hypotension, blood incoagulability, gallbladder problems, etc.) should consult a doctor about the admissibility of using oil or reducing doses. With some anomalies of the body, the positive properties of the product turn into negative ones. There are cases of allergy to the ingredients of sunflower oil. In addition, the expired product will cause harm.

Shelf life and storage

The shelf life of unrefined sunflower oil, especially that which has not been mechanically refined, is rather short. It easily precipitates and has a cloudy color.

It should be clearly remembered how long unrefined sunflower oil is stored. After opening the package, the product should be used within a month. It should be stored in a glass container in a dark place at a temperature range of 5-25°C. If the color, smell and taste have changed, you should stop using the product.

Cold pressed oil is an indispensable product in the daily diet of a healthy diet. Its benefit lies in the fact that at the time of manufacture it retains all the vitamins and minerals that are present in the raw material without the use of harmful impurities.


For cooking, there is a single technology of cold pressing, which ultimately gives the most tasty and healthy product. The result is an ingredient of the highest quality, which is used both for cosmetic purposes and in food. The oil perfectly preserves a considerable amount of trace elements, phospholipids, vitamins and acids. All this is achieved due to the fact that the structure of biological substances is not disturbed during production.

The process of such an extraction consists in pressing the necessary seed when the mass is heated to 45 degrees. It should be noted that this technology provides a smaller volume of raw materials obtained, when compared with other manufacturing options.

What is good for health?

To date, cold-pressed products have filled the shelves of supermarkets, but not everyone knows about their usefulness, and they prefer the gas station familiar to many.

In order to understand the need for the use of raw materials, you need to understand the technological process of its manufacture. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds and other ingredients are sent to a special press, after which juices are squeezed out of them under high pressure. In this regard, the temperature of the refueling mass rises.

It should be noted that even those who follow the raw food diet can safely use this product for food.

Thanks to this method of manufacture, it retains all the vitamin complexes inherent in a certain type of oil. It also contains amino acids and natural ones that are involved in the formation of cell membranes, and they, in turn, are responsible for the normalization of metabolism.

How to choose

It must be remembered that a real product at the time of production should not be chemically processed, as well as the introduction of various preservatives. The use of such supplements is very important for those who seek to improve their health and eat natural food. Based on the foregoing, when choosing, it is necessary to be guided by the presence of a pleasantly pronounced aroma, as well as a qualitatively different taste.

For example, the first cold pressing, as well as products of the same manufacturing method, deteriorate quickly enough, this confirms their naturalness. They have sediment and good turbidity. By adding these herbs to your diet, you can improve your health. When buying, you need to be careful, especially for raw foodists, as some manufacturers can increase the production temperature to 90 ˚С. With such processing, useful substances begin to disappear. A product that smells of burnt or burnt oil does not meet all production standards.


For manufacturing, you will need a screw oil mill, which should include a cold-pressed oil press. Such devices are of different types. The main difference is the amount of processed raw materials, as well as the output power. For small businesses, machines that process 6-10 tons of seeds per day are perfect. For larger firms, you need to choose devices with greater productivity.

What is the difference between cold and hot pressing

Today, a huge number of oil manufacturers have appeared on the market, as such products are becoming increasingly popular. Prices for these items vary greatly. It turns out that the label "unrefined" does not always mean that the oil is produced in compliance with all requirements and will bring the maximum health benefits. Processes can be divided into hot and cold pressing. The first type of production uses high temperatures, which in turn speeds up the production of the product. With this treatment, much more oil comes out than with the second option. By using a different kind of fabrication, a much more useful end result can be obtained. This technology makes it possible to obtain the highest quality product, which, in turn, costs more, because up to 30% of the oil remains in the cake.

Hot pressing reduces the amount of nutritional and beneficial properties. With flawless production, there should not be a sharp strong taste and aroma. Also, when swallowed, the oil pleasantly envelops the throat and leaves a light taste behind. In order to choose the right cold-pressed oil, you should pay attention to the inscription - Extra Virgin. The difference in quality and usefulness for the body is great, so the decision is up to everyone personally.


Production begins immediately after harvest, that is, the dates fall at the end of November - beginning of December. Berries need to be cleaned of twigs and leaves, and then washed thoroughly. Next, the fruits are crushed on stone millstones, and the resulting paste is well mixed and heated to a temperature of no more than 27 degrees. Then a traditional press or centrifuge is used, thus cold pressing the olive oil.

Oil can be distinguished by its fatty acid content. The smaller their number, the product is considered better and more expensive. The complexity of manufacturing is that these fruits, like many others, begin to oxidize in air, as well as when using very high temperatures. Therefore, in order to reduce this percentage, production should take place as quickly as possible.

Cold pressed olive oil is considered very useful and is most often produced mechanically. In its composition, such an oil can formally contain up to 1% fatty acids, but such an indicator is inappropriate for serious companies. The most famous manufacturers tend to eliminate or reduce the presence of this component altogether.

This factor is due to the fact that the reaction begins to occur immediately at the time of removal of the fruit. The closer the press is, the better the final product is.


To obtain oil, you must use fresh seeds. Quality, first of all, will depend on the condition of the source material. Seeds must be oilseeds with a moisture content of no more than 6%, otherwise the product will turn out to be too watery. A significant role is played by the degree of maturation, as well as the heat and light received during the growing process.

Cold pressed is the most useful, it retains all the trace elements necessary for the body.

It contains the following vitamins:

  • A (improves vision well);
  • D (provides the exchange and absorption of calcium);
  • E (helps maintain youth, health, and is also considered a natural antioxidant);
  • K (ensures the correct operation of the system responsible for blood clotting).

Such a product improves the functioning of the liver and digestive system, fights early aging and strengthens the immune system. Its harm lies only in its high calorie content, therefore it is not customary to consume oil in large quantities.


Cold-pressed linseed oil is recommended for use in food, as well as in folk medicine and cosmetology. Its composition is simply unique and contains such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Before buying such a product, you should consult your doctor, as there are restrictions on the effects on health.

Beneficial features:

  • the level of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced;
  • cold-pressed oil is an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis, therefore it makes our life longer, as it prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • in its composition it has almost all B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • vitamin E contained in the oil is an indispensable antioxidant;
  • the product forms and improves immunity;
  • helps to absorb calcium;
  • stabilizes the level of fats;
  • useful for children
  • restores the strength of athletes after a hard workout;
  • recommended in the postoperative period;
  • well heals cuts and wounds;
  • stabilizes the endocrine system;
  • helps in losing weight;
  • used in diabetes mellitus, as it improves the absorption of insulin by the body.


Cold-pressed castor oil is extracted from a light yellow hue that does not form a film and does not dry out. It has a number of valuable properties. Very often used in cosmetology, as it perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin, smoothes wrinkles and prevents premature aging. It has excellent whitening properties, helps in the fight against freckles. Cold-pressed oil is also great for hair care, gives them shine and strengthens. Well stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, an indispensable remedy for dandruff.

Used for deep cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. It is considered the easiest assistant for weight loss, as well as for improving metabolism.


Cold pressed is characterized by significant antioxidant properties. The use of 1 tbsp. l. of this remedy covers the daily requirement for vitamin E. The extract is extracted from the bones of the fetus. Since they contain a large amount of chlorophyll, the final product has a greenish tint. Due to the presence in the composition of this component, when used, damaged tissues and mucous membranes heal, and also has a bactericidal effect.

The oil is very light and pleasant in taste, practically odorless. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and has a beneficial effect on it, for which it is often used in cosmetology. It is also important for medical purposes for the prevention of female and male problems in the genital area and oncology. Great for boosting immunity and overall health.

Can you fry?

Many are wondering if it is allowed to cook food using first cold pressed oil? Such an action, of course, is permissible, but at this moment the ingredient loses its unique taste and aroma, as well as its positive properties. It is too useful in its raw form for such a utilitarian application. Its bright taste is not combined with all products, for example, fish should not be cooked on it at all. Good quality oils that have a neutral flavor are great for frying. This product undergoes special processing and is suitable for such purposes, without losing all its useful properties.

In order not to be disappointed after purchasing the selected gas station, it is necessary to take into account some factors. At the time of purchase, you need to pay attention not only to the expiration date, which is very small, but also to the packaging. Since the product is afraid of light and quickly oxidizes, it must be in a dark glass container and be hermetically sealed. Another important point is its storage at home under the same conditions. After the expiration date, it is better not to use it for food, because this may affect the state of health.

Cold-pressed oil is significantly more expensive than chemically refined and processed products, and therefore you can be sure that manufacturers monitor the quality of their product and control the presence of fakes.

Vegetable oil can be considered with full confidence a unique product - it is a real storehouse of useful vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. However, not all oils can boast that they have retained all the nutrients obtained from nature. How useful a product is depends on the method of its production, which determines what composition will be obtained in the end.

To date, 3 methods for the production of vegetable oil are known: cold pressing, hot pressing and extraction. In the first case, the seed is simply loaded under the press and oil is pressed out of it. That is, all natural vitamins are preserved in their original form. In the second case, the raw material is heated to 105-120°C, which in turn deforms the molecule of linoleic acid, useful for all body systems, and it loses its vitamin role. The extraction process involves the presence of a solvent: most often hexane or gasoline is used in this capacity. Subsequently, these unnatural substances are naturally eliminated, but some of them still remain in the final product. It turns out that only when cold pressed, vegetable oil will be really useful - that is, the way it should have been originally. The product produced as a result of hot pressing and extraction is deprived of its biological value. Yes, it is suitable for cooking, in particular, for frying, but nothing more.

Many experts believe that prolonged consumption of oils produced by the second and third methods can lead to a decrease in immunity and a deficiency of essential fatty acids. Cold-pressed oil, on the contrary, will bring into the diet such valuable elements as vitamin E (“youth vitamin”), K, provitamin A, high oleic acid, etc. However, it cannot be said that vegetable oils can often be found on the shelves of Russian stores, produced by cold pressing. This is because very little product is released during this process, unlike extraction and hot pressing. In the company "Nikolaev and sons" more attention is paid to the qualitative composition of the product, rather than quantitative. Therefore, the high-oleic cold-pressed oil "Oley Lefkadia" retained all the useful vitamins and microelements that were in sunflower seeds. This oil is natural, biologically valuable, has an unaltered structure, amazing taste and smell.

By the way, it is interesting that in the USSR the production of cold-pressed vegetable oils was quite common. Such oil was made from specially bred varieties of sunflower at oil refineries in the Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine, and Moldova. But, as today, the yield was only 25-27%, the price was higher, so that cold pressing was gradually replaced by more profitable methods of obtaining oil.

How to determine that you have sunflower oil obtained by cold pressing?

  • We study the label. Usually such oil is labeled "Cold Pressed".
  • We sniff. The aroma of this oil is subtle, delicate, non-irritating.
  • We try. The taste is usually consistent with the taste of young sunflower seeds with a slight nutty flavor.
  • We look. The color of the oil should be clear, straw-gold.
  • Let's look again. In high oleic oil, you can notice a more viscous consistency.

And the most important rule - choose natural and healthy.

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Secrets of sunflower oil. Reading the label

When choosing sunflower oil, most consumers first of all look at the brand (familiar or unfamiliar) and the price. In general, this approach is quite logical, but it is not for nothing that the label contains other characteristics of the product, such as how the oil was made, whether it was unrefined or deodorized. In order to better navigate in specialized terms and every time not ...

I-ME Moscow offers you to buy exceptional quality oil. Pressed carefully, by cold pressing from raw seeds grown in Altai. Try it and see for yourself! You will be surprised how delicate and multifaceted taste such a seemingly simple and familiar product can have.

Sunflower oil is the main source of fat-soluble vitamin E. It is an excellent antioxidant that protects against heart disease. It supports the immune system and prevents aging. The most important component of sunflower oil are special unsaturated fatty acids - vitamin F. It is necessary for the functioning of liver cells, blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Sunflower oil occupies a significant place in the diet of every person. It is invisibly present in almost every dish and determines its taste and smell. That is why it is so important that the oil is truly healthy and tasty.

The production of sunflower oil in Russia is widespread, but it is by no means easy to find a really fresh and healthy product. In pursuit of profit, manufacturers often increase production volumes at the expense of product quality.

Keep in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Question answer

What is the difference between Trawa Raw Sunflower Oil and Lifestyle Sunflower Oil if they are both cold pressed?

Irina Danilova, I-ME Quality Service Specialist answers.