
Resumption of lactation after a break. How to restore lactation. What is needed for stable lactation


Drink as much as you can. It can be special herbal preparations for improvement or regular tea. The daily amount of fluid consumed should be at least one and a half to two liters.

Remove all bottles. Many people think that it is a necessary attribute for anyone who will help and satisfy the sucking reflex. But it's not. Nipples were invented by man for convenience ... no, not a baby. Moms! A modern woman is busy not only caring for a child. As a rule, the whole life and even more lies on it. There is sorely not enough time to respond to every squeak of a child. Therefore, a woman finds a way out in a pacifier. The breast latch for suckling is different from the nipple latch. The baby gets used to the pacifier and cannot take the breast correctly. As a result, he fails to effectively suck out milk.

Attach the baby to the breast as often as possible. The hormone prolactin is responsible for milk production. The more often breast stimulation occurs, the more prolactin is produced. And the amount of milk depends on its quantity. Even if your chest seems to be empty, you still need to offer it to your child. A few sucking movements that he will make will contribute to the production of prolactin.

Supplement your baby with a spoon or syringe without a needle. Despite the fact that such feeding takes a lot of time and tires the mother, it saturates the child, but at the same time does not satisfy the sucking reflex. Therefore, after some time, the child will require a breast and will gladly try to suck something out of it. An even more convenient way to feed a hungry baby is the special SNS feeding system. The thinnest tubes extend from the container with the mixture, which are fixed near the mother's nipple. The baby suckles at the breast, and the mixture flows through the tubes. The advantage of this system is that, despite artificial feeding, the baby's sucking stimulates the mother's breast. Therefore, after a while, the mother will have more milk, and the amount of mixture consumed will be reduced. Gradually, supplementary feeding can be removed completely, the baby will not notice the transition to full breastfeeding.


An important condition: from the moment the mother began to offer the baby to breastfeed, pacifiers and bottles disappear from his life - each of these two items has a uniquely negative impact on the entire breastfeeding process at any stage. Here, in general terms, is the work that lies ahead for a mother who wants to restore the full breastfeeding of her or adopted child.

Helpful advice

Recovery of lactation. Often, when feeding is forced to be interrupted before the due date, the mother feels regret and sadness due to the fact that the baby is no longer receiving her milk. The reasons for the loss of breastfeeding can be different. Lactation can be restored. Moreover, lactation is possible in foster mothers, even those who have never managed to get pregnant, even if the uterus has been removed from women. The process of restoring breastfeeding is called relactation.

Parents begin to panic when lactation decreases in a nursing mother and immediately supplement the baby with a mixture.

This tactic is wrong: firstly, you should make sure that there is really little milk for the baby, try to find out the reason for the decrease in lactation; secondly, to take measures to restore it. After all, according to pediatricians, it is important to ensure breastfeeding at least until the baby is six months old.

If the baby is gaining weight well, mother's milk is enough for him.

Your pediatrician will help you figure this out. For this, different methods are used:

  • weight gain monitoring;
  • control weighing of the baby before breastfeeding and after it;
  • measurement of the volume of urine excreted per day.

Weight gain in infants depends on age: in the first months, the rate of weight gain will be higher than in subsequent months. With age, the child becomes more active, moves more, so he may gain less weight than in previous months. Past diseases, stressful situations and other factors can affect weight gain.

Pediatricians have tables of height and weight indicators for girls and boys, with which you can determine the lack of body weight of the baby, the lag in physical development. The doctor can calculate, according to the actual weight of the child, his daily need for milk and one-time (for one feeding). It is compared with the data obtained during the control weighing.

One of the objective methods for detecting a lack of milk for a child is to determine the amount of urine excreted. To do this, you need to collect all the diapers used per day and weigh them. Then take clean diapers in the same amount and determine their weight. The difference between the weight of used and clean diapers will be equal to the volume of daily diuresis (urine per day).

This method is suitable for children of the first half of the year who do not receive any other food than mother's milk or drink. Diuresis, equal to 400-450 ml per day, is sufficient for normal weight gain.

If, nevertheless, it turns out that there is hypogalactia, and there is not enough milk for the baby, you should not panic. There is the possibility of relactation, that is, the restoration of the normal secretory function of the mammary glands with the help of a number of measures.

Reaction will allow:

  1. Save breastfeeding for the desired period.
  2. Return to breastfeeding if, for any reason, the baby was transferred to artificial or.
  3. Methods of relactation will also help in the case when a woman decides to breastfeed an adopted child.

Causes of reduced lactation

The reasons for the decrease in the production and release of breast milk can be different:

  1. Period. During the lactation period, a temporary (over 3 to 7 days) decrease in milk production is possible, caused by a physiological or some external cause affecting the mother's body. This condition is called a lactation crisis.
  2. In addition, there are also so-called critical periods, when it seems to the mother that there is not enough milk for the child. Most often they are noted at the age of the baby:
    • 3 months, when the mother stops feeling the flow of milk and explains this by insufficient production of it; in fact, it is enough for the baby, milk is secreted not in advance, but during sucking;
    • at the age of 7-8 months of the child, when less milk is sucked out (and therefore produced), since additional nutrition has been introduced -;
    • at 9 or 10 months, the mother associates a decrease in the rate of weight gain with a lack of milk in the breast, but in fact this is due to the increased motor activity of the baby;
    • a decrease in the amount of milk in the evening often also causes concern to the mother, although the daily volume of milk is almost constant - frequent breastfeeding will help solve this problem.
  3. The introduction of supplementary feeding before 6 days of lactation crisis. Experts believe that it is permissible for a baby to receive an insufficient amount of milk during a lactation crisis (that is, within 3-6 days). This will not affect his health and weight gain if the number of urination is not less than 6-8 times per day. So there is no need to fuss and rush to supplement the child with a mixture.
  4. Long intervals (including at night) between feedings. It is frequent attachment to the breast, sucking stimulates lactation. Experts recommend feeding the child at his first request, the manifestation of anxiety. Milk should not be saved for future use: the more it is sucked out by the child, the more it is produced.
  5. Drinking the baby with a bottle and pacifier: it is easier for the baby to suck on the nipple, so he begins to be lazy, sucks less milk from the breast. As a result, less is produced.
  6. Maternal anxiety and stress. They lead to a decrease in the mother's body oxytocin - the hormone responsible for the release of milk from the breast. As a result, it is more difficult for the baby to suck out milk, and in order for it to be sufficient, it will be necessary to apply the baby to the breast more often.
  7. Tiredness of a nursing mother, provided that she does all the housework, insufficient time for rest and night sleep, lack of walks in the fresh air. Significant physical activity can lead to a complete cessation of lactation.
  8. Hormonal disorders in the mother's body, which may be associated with a new pregnancy, the resumption of menstruation and other situations.
  9. Wrong. Inadequate or excessive fluid intake by her can also reduce lactation.

How to achieve relaxation

A sling will help to ensure continuous close contact between the baby and the mother, which is important for lactation.

If there is really not enough milk, you should not panic and rush to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. You should consult a pediatrician, find out with his help the cause of the decrease in lactation and, if possible, eliminate it. Then, under the guidance of a specialist, take measures to restore lactation, that is, for relactation. It is possible! This period can last from several days to several weeks.

To restore lactation, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The psychological climate in the family should be friendly and calm. A nursing mother should feel care and understanding, have the opportunity for sufficient rest. To calm and relax, a woman can use auto-training, music, aroma oils, and a bath.
  2. The close and uninterrupted contact between mother and baby, which is so important for good lactation, can be ensured by using a sling during the day and sleeping next to the mother at night.
  3. You should make sure that the baby is properly attached to the breast, in which the areola should be captured 2.5 cm from the nipple. Only in this case will effective stimulation of the secretory function of the mammary gland be achieved.
  4. Frequent, at the first manifestation of anxiety, breastfeeding is recommended, including at night. During suckling, prolactin is actively produced - the hormone responsible for lactation. In the daytime, the intervals between feedings (in the absence of anxiety of the child) should not exceed 3 hours, and at night - 6 hours.

If the baby is weakened or premature, quickly gets tired when sucking the breast, then it should be applied to the breast in the daytime every hour, while changing the breast. At night, feedings are monitored with an alarm clock, but at least 3-4 feedings per night. You can also apply additional pumping after feeding to increase the flow of milk.

  1. Do not use to soothe or fall asleep a child. Instead, offer a breast, and let her “hang” on it as much as she wants - this only stimulates the production of milk. If you have to return breastfeeding to a child receiving artificial milk formulas, then they should not be given from a bottle with a nipple, but only from a spoon.

The Swiss company Medela produces a special device - the SNS system to provide additional feeding. It is a formula bottle that mom hangs upside down around her neck.

A thin capillary is attached to the neck of the bottle, which is attached next to the nipple of the mother's breast. The baby captures his mouth and when feeding. In this case, the child receives the mixture, but at the same time stimulates the production of breast milk.

This device is especially recommended in cases where lactation has completely stopped, or when the mother is trying to achieve lactation for feeding the adopted child. Due to the close contact between mother and child, the effectiveness of relactation is increased. As lactation is restored, the amount of the mixture is gradually reduced.

Sufficiency of saturation of the child is determined by the number of urination per day: if their number after 3-4 days is at least 12, then again you can reduce the portion of the mixture.

If a child receives a certain amount of the mixture upon reaching 6 months, then it is gradually replaced with the introduced supplementary feeding. And the mother continues to breastfeed as much as she wants. The best option is to carry out activities under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Medela (Switzerland) also produces a product called “soft spoon”: its handle is replaced by a bottle for the mixture, the neck of which looks like a silicone spoon. With light pressure on the bottle, a portion of the mixture enters the spoon.

The system is very convenient for feeding the baby during relactation, when feeding premature and weakened children. It eliminates the use of nipples, which often provoke breast rejection.

  1. Correction of the nutrition of a nursing mother can also help increase lactation. For this, there is no need to eat "more" food. To restore the production of breast milk will help products, which it is desirable for the mother to consume daily:
    • (up to 150 g);
    • cheese (50 g);
    • fermented milk products and milk (200 g);
    • meat (poultry, veal), fish (at least 200 g).

It is also necessary to ensure fluid intake of at least 2 liters per day (including soup, juices, milk, tea). Before each breastfeeding for 15 minutes. and after it it is recommended to drink a glass of tea with milk (preferably green) or a fermented milk product, infusion of wild rose.

What does traditional medicine offer

Do not neglect the advice of traditional medicine, which suggests using infusions and decoctions of plants and herbs that stimulate lactation:

  • nettles;
  • lemon balm;
  • dill;
  • anise;
  • cumin;
  • fennel;
  • young parsley;
  • hawthorn.

Plants for making herbal teas can be combined. It is recommended to drink them 3-4 r. in a day. It is only necessary to make sure that there is no allergy, to observe the reaction of the child during the day.

A few recipes for making lactose drinks:

  • Cumin infusion: 1 tsp. cumin seeds pour 250 ml of boiling milk and leave for 2 hours. Take 0.5 cup half an hour before feeding the baby.
  • Place 12 chopped walnuts in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk and leave for 2 hours. Take 20-30 min. before feeding 0.5 cups.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water 1-2 tsp. anise seeds, insist 1 hour. Drink ¼ cup in 20 minutes. before feeding.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. dry nettle grass and pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for half an hour. Take 50 ml each time after meals.
  • Pour 1 cup of hot boiled milk 3-4 tbsp. l. grated carrots, insist 2 hours, drink 1 glass 2 r. in a day.
  • To prepare a fruit drink from blackcurrant, you need to take 1 tbsp in a glass of boiled warm water. l. berries. Take up to 5 p. in a day.

Many people are helped by eating a mixture of sour cream with dill (or cumin) seeds with bread at bedtime. To prepare it, take ½ liter of sour cream and 2 tbsp. l. seeds, boil for 2 minutes. over low heat, eaten warm. The effect is noted already after 3 days.

  • just before feeding, attach a warm towel to the breast;
  • receive a contrast shower twice a day, directing jets of water to the chest and massaging it lightly at the same time (clockwise), and then to the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades;
  • before going to bed, you can carry out therapeutic baths for the mammary glands: pour hot water into a large bowl and lower the chest into it, adding water as it cools; the procedure lasts 15 minutes, after which you should put on underwear and go to bed, avoiding hypothermia of the chest;
  • carry out light self-massage of the chest in circular motions clockwise for up to 3 minutes. (previously rub a few drops of castor oil in the palms of your hands);
  • perform a special exercise daily: take off your bra, stand on all fours with your head raised up, move around the apartment in this position for some time.

In cases where these measures are not enough, special lactagon medications (Apilak, Domperidone, etc.) can be used as prescribed by a doctor. The doctor may also prescribe UVI (ultraviolet irradiation of the mammary glands), ultrasound therapy.

Summary for parents

Traditional medicine offers mothers infusions and decoctions of various plants that help improve lactation. It is important to remember that any of them can be an allergen for an infant.

If you suspect a decrease in lactation, you should neither rush to switch to artificial mixtures, nor use lactogenic drugs on your own. You need to consult a pediatrician. You need to try to return breast milk (it is possible!), making sure that the baby does not have enough of it.

Breastfeeding by a baby is the most effective stimulator of milk production. Other methods play a supporting role. The work of relactation can be difficult, but it pays off in keeping the baby healthy.

Breastfeeding consultant Nina Zaichenko talks about how to determine if a baby is getting enough breast milk:

Breastfeeding consultant Nina Zaichenko talks about how to increase lactation:

Breastfeeding consultant Nina Zaichenko talks about how to switch from artificial or mixed feeding to breastfeeding:

“And your milk ran away” - there was such a month in my life when this one phrase could drive me crazy

No, my situation with the establishment of GV is far from the most difficult. My baby was not premature, had no health problems at birth, was not hospitalized for a long time apart from me, etc...

But - nevertheless, there were problems with lactation, and I think my experience can be useful to many.

My mistake, or rather, my "oversight" was that in the maternity hospital they handed the mixture to my child. I don’t know if this was the reason, but these few ml of the mixture caused him a terrible constipation - he pooped only at home, on the 4th day after birth.
And before that, all 3 days in the hospital he cried and suffered with his tummy

Of course, no one helped me and did not think to help, so I spent all 3 days without sleep.

There was colostrum immediately, but it was extremely small, the child was clearly not enough, he hung on his chest all the time. And when milk came on the 2nd day, it turned out that I had rather tight nipples - I couldn’t express a drop, and then, as it turned out, my son couldn’t suck this milk either - on the last (!) Day of my stay, the only adequate obstetrician ( who observed me while I was still in the hospital) was on duty in the postpartum department, and only she noticed that my baby was sucking and not swallowing anything!

My breasts simply burst from milk, I massaged it during feeding, made pumping movements, helped the baby as best I could, but he turned out to be a “weak sucker” and practically did not suck out anything (then, already at 2.5 months, an adequate neonatologist, to whom we turned already on another issue, I found a short frenulum of the tongue in him and cut it, but this was already after the happy ending)

He also rode at home. After that, he calmed down and slept. He sometimes slept for 5 hours without a break (if you remember, he spent the first 3 days of his life without sleep, like me). And fed less often, of course.
As a result, on the 3rd day after discharge from the hospital, milk began to disappear. The chest no longer "burst" - it just emptied ... and did not fill up at all.

I must say, it was a bit of hell ... because the hungry child was crying, I held him to my chest without interruption. My nipples were inflamed and very sore - I just screamed in pain when I fed ...

My parents used to shove the formula and make scandals about how cruel I was to be sick ...

The nipple pads helped a lot, the wounds healed in just a week. And bepanthen ointment + constant airing (yes, yes, I walked around the house with naked breasts, but what should I do)

I also had special silicone pads - milk collectors. While the child sucked from one breast, I mercilessly flowed from the other. When milk became worth its weight in gold, I collected leaking milk and fed it to the child with a syringe.

What else did I do.
1. First - apply to the chest as often as possible. She held it at the breast until she let go, contrary to the advice of the pediatrician, who convinced that 5-10 minutes was enough.

And yes - fed from both at once, if necessary! To both work as much as possible.
I understood that the child may not have enough strength to suck out a lot at once, so he can ask for food often and hang for a long time.

2. And yes, I did not wait until my chest was "filled"! it's an illusion. Apply even if it seems to you that it is empty - milk is produced in response to sucking, the more the child sucks - the more milk will be!
My here after the hospital slept a lot, but I did not wake up. And sucked the first month badly.
These are 2 reasons why my milk supply has drastically decreased.

As a result, I began to breastfeed every hour - one and a half (even in my sleep) - it became much better.

3. Be sure to feed at night! at least 3 times a night, especially the time from 3 am to 8 am. This is the most efficient time for the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production.

I set myself an alarm clock for 3 o'clock in the morning and then at 5:00 and 7:00 - and I put the child downright sleepy. Because how much the child eats at night - so much milk will arrive in the evening the next day.

The cycle "sucking - production" of prolactin is approximately 15 hours.

This means that how much the child "pumps" at, say, 3 o'clock in the morning - so much milk will be around 18:00 pm. And so on, in a circle.
Until I set up night feedings with an alarm clock, in the evening I regularly did not have enough milk.

4. Co-sleeping with the child helped.

Several advantages at once: you can feed almost all night, while getting enough sleep. After all, sleep is also very important for lactation, and jumping to the crib - feeding - laying down is too hard.
And, most importantly, closeness with a child additionally stimulates the production of hormones for lactation.

5. I categorically did not drink water, removed all the pacifiers - so that I sucked only at the breast. Even if he does not eat at the same time (because there is nothing), all the same, the nipples will be stimulated to produce more milk.

6. I didn’t finish feeding from the bottle - because the so-called “nipple confusion” can occur and the baby will refuse the breast, because it is easier to suck from the bottle.
In addition, the mechanism of sucking nipples and breasts is fundamentally different. If the baby “mixes up” and starts sucking the breast in the same way as the nipple, such sucking will be extremely ineffective and the likelihood of rejection of the “tasteless” breast will increase.

For all the time I 2 times supplemented him with a mixture from a syringe. When I was completely hungry and did not fall asleep. She gave 20 ml each: this was enough for the child to calm down, fall asleep and rest, but at the same time, so that he woke up in a couple of hours and took the breast.

7. And, as I said, he was a sluggish sucker. He really did not have enough strength to suck out the hind milk. Therefore, after feeding, I pumped additionally for some time. It was after, because he sucked the front one himself.

Pumping is considered unnecessary when lactation is established, but for me it was a necessary help in these couple of weeks.

Firstly, I then supplemented him with this milk (it turned out no more than 5-10 ml, but this also mattered), and secondly, additional breast stimulation.

Thirdly and most importantly: milk contains an enzyme that inhibits the synthesis of the next portion of milk. That is, the more milk remains in the breast after feeding, the more this inhibitory enzyme will be, and the more the production of the next portion of milk will be suppressed.
This is called the feedback principle, which is involved in the regulation of almost all of our vital hormones.

In general, these three weeks were an endless cycle of hugging-feeding-pumping-sleeping and feeding with a laptop at my side: I read kilometers of forums and articles - about the mechanism of lactation, advice from breastfeeding consultants, and, not least! - stories of the same mothers who successfully coped with the return of lactation!

Now, after so many years, I decided to pick up this baton and write this post for those who are desperate and do not know what to do.
The AKEV website was very helpful. Competent and trustworthy professionals. Articles and information you can trust. After all, faith in the method is an extremely important factor in any healing.

So, in short, my actions are:
1. Apply every hour and a half.
2... even if the chest appears to be "empty"
3. Obligatory night feedings, especially from 3 to 8 - 2-3 feedings
4. Co-sleeping
5. Do not supplement, do not supplement, do not give a pacifier / bottle
6. Express if you can express something after feeding.
7. She gave every drop of her milk to a child. I even collected the one that flowed from the 2nd breast during feeding.

All these activities helped me return lactation to normal levels in 3 weeks.
Of course, this requires endurance and a huge return: constantly next to the child, constantly feed-feed-feed ...
But it was worth it! If in the first month we added 50 g (which cost me one war with relatives and pediatricians who insisted on the mixture and injections!), But in the 2nd month it was already + 900g, and in the 3rd - also 900!
The sucking muscles were trained, my milk flowed like water (yes, it was a very specific night when, after long “futile” attempts, I just woke up in a puddle), and after this short episode we fed happily ever after!

The history of our easy and effortless self-excommunication can be read here.

Now there is a growing number of women who decide to breastfeed their baby. Mom's milk is the most useful and valuable product for a child, and no mixture can replace it. In addition, in the process of breastfeeding, the necessary physical and emotional contact is established between the baby and mother.

But often women after childbirth or a certain period of feeding are faced with a problem when milk disappears or completely disappears. In fact, it is possible to restore lactation, even if there are a couple of drops of milk left in the breast. But many mothers do not know how to restore lactation, and what measures need to be taken.

To fix the problem, it's important to know what might be causing it. The reasons why milk disappears can be different. Recovery of lactation should begin with the elimination of the cause.

Weak lactation can be observed immediately after childbirth or during the so-called lactation crises, which can occur after one, two or three months of a baby's life, or even six months. Hormonal changes in a woman's body or the growth of a child and its increase in needs can cause a lactation crisis.

But milk production can also change for the worse for the following reasons:

  • insufficient number of attachments to the chest;
  • taking medications or the period after surgery;
  • prolonged separation of mother and baby;
  • improper attachment, which leads to a large swallowing of air;
  • depression or severe stress and worries of the mother.

Recovery of lactation: mental attitude and preparation

If your milk starts to disappear, then you should not give up. After all, many women managed to resume lactation, but you need to act correctly. The main thing is the psychological mood of the mother. The resumption of lactation requires a lot of time and effort from a woman.

A determined attitude is the first step to a successful result. If you follow simple rules, then the amount of milk produced can increase after a few days, but it will take at least 2 weeks for a full renewal. Mom will have to put aside all her affairs and devote herself completely to the child, so it is advisable to ask relatives for help.

The smaller the baby, the easier it is to return sufficient milk production. If the baby is more than 6 months old, then the recovery period may take up to 1-2 months.

Seek help from a lactation specialist. He will tell you how you need to act in a given situation, and how you need to act in order to normalize the GV. If there is no such specialist in your area, then talk to a mother who has a history of successful breastfeeding. Most likely, among your acquaintances there is such a woman.

The child is a great help in solving the problem.

If lactation has decreased or completely disappeared, seek help from your baby. Increase lactation will help frequent breastfeeding. Stop feeding on a schedule. Feed your baby every time he asks. If the child does not show much activity, then offer him the breast yourself. At first, this can be done every hour. Don't skip night feeds. If the baby does not wake up in the early morning hours, then wake him up and apply to the chest.

To increase the child's interest in the breast, follow these simple recommendations:

  • If your baby is feeding from a bottle, do not abruptly remove the bottle from the diet. Do it gradually. Each time, breastfeed your baby first, and then supplement with formula, but reduce the dose.
  • Stop giving your baby water and tea, which give a false feeling of hunger.
  • If the baby is not eating from a bottle, then give the rest of the expressed milk from a spoon.
  • Get rid of the pacifier. If the baby cries or sucks on the fist for more than five minutes, attach it to the breast.
  • To make it easier for the little one to suckle the breast, massage the mammary glands with a stream of warm shower before feeding. From this milk will not increase, it will be easier to leave. You can also do a special massage to speed up the flow of milk.

But most importantly, increase body contact with your child. Spend more time with him. Don't be afraid to pick him up. It is advisable to organize a joint night's sleep. During feedings, try to keep the mother's skin in contact with the baby's skin. The touch of the baby to the mother increases his interest in the breast. Feeling the constant smell of breast milk, the baby begins to look for the breast. But besides this, during bodily contact in the body of the mother, it produces prolactin, a hormone that is responsible for the production of milk.

Be prepared for the fact that the usual routine of the day will change. Due to the large amount of time devoted to the child, there may not be time for household chores at all, so enlist the support and help of relatives. It can be a husband, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother or other relative.

Pay enough attention to nutrition

One of the important steps in restoring lactation is proper nutrition. During this period, you need to forget about the scales, and eat in sufficient quantities. This does not mean at all that mom should eat without stopping. But skipping meals or limiting yourself to food is not worth it.

In addition, it is important that nutrition is correct and balanced. In the diet of a woman who resumes lactation, the following products must be present:

  • dairy products, including sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir and so on;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetables, in particular carrots;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts.

Proper nutrition will not only contribute to the resumption of lactation, but will also benefit the child's body.

Also, special attention should be paid to fluid intake. The amount of liquid drunk per day should reach 2 liters. It is advisable to drink teas and other drinks in the form of heat. Well helps to increase lactation tea with milk before feeding. With tea, you can eat a couple of walnuts.

A mother who wants to restore lactation can drink:

  • green tea;
  • Herb tea;
  • compote of fresh fruits or dried fruits;
  • fruit drink;
  • dill water.

Also be sure to drink clean drinking water. When calculating the amount of liquid drunk, it is advisable not to take into account the first courses, which must be present in the diet of a nursing mother. Chicken broth, as well as a variety of vegetable soups, has a beneficial effect.

Tranquility and relaxation are important supporting factors

During stress in the body, women produce substances that slow down the production of prolactin. This, in turn, slows down the process of resuming lactation. Mom should be calm, and not worry about trifles. Prolonged stress can lead to a complete loss of milk.

If, after giving birth, the mother fell into depression, then her relatives should help her overcome this problem by providing the necessary support. If the milk is gone, then a positive attitude and positive emotions will help to return it.

In addition, a woman should not forget about rest. Feeding requires a lot of strength and energy, which mothers should always have. Good sleep is one of the prerequisites for the resumption of lactation. The joint sleep of mother and child not only allows the woman to sleep well and relax, but also enhances the baby's craving for the breast. In this case, he suckles the breast before going to bed and immediately after waking up.

Folk remedies come to the rescue

If all the above methods do not give a quick result, then you can increase lactation with the help of herbal teas. Ready-made herbs can be bought at pharmacies or large stores. Lactation tea usually includes herbs that increase lactation, so milk comes after drinking. It can be:

  • nettle;
  • Dill seeds;
  • fennel;
  • dandelion.

You can also purchase herbs separately and make your own herbal teas. But, despite the fact that the herbs included in lactation tea are absolutely safe for the health of both the mother and the child, it is advisable to consult with a breastfeeding specialist before using it. This is due to the fact that some fees can be addictive, so it is not recommended to abuse them heavily.


Now mothers who wish to normalize milk production can use medications. In rare cases, these are hormonal drugs, the action of which is aimed at the production of prolactin. More often it is:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • biological additives.

They are not harmful, but before use, you still need to consult a doctor.

Instead of a conclusion

If the mother lost milk, then you do not need to be upset. Pay attention to your diet and drink enough fluids. Rest and sleep should be in full. Choose underwear made from natural fabrics that support the breasts, but do not press.

But most importantly, give enough time to your child. Apply it to your chest more often. After the baby has fallen asleep, do not rush to get up, lie down with him and rest. Do not be lazy to get up after 4 am for feedings. At this time, the production of prolactin is activated, and you can’t miss it. Later, the child will get used to it and will wake you up on his own. And don't stop believing in success!

Prolactin is the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk.. During pregnancy, the amount of progesterone in a woman's body increases significantly, but after childbirth, everything changes. The content of progesterone in the blood decreases, and at the same time there is an increase in the hormone prolactin.

In the process of sucking the breast, the baby stimulates the nerve endings of the nipple. Impulses are sent to the brain (it is he who is responsible for the production of prolactin), and the hormone has a stimulating effect on the alveoli, where breast milk is formed.

Important! The largest amount of prolactin is produced at night. Therefore, experts say that it is night feedings that are the most saturated and complete.

Fading lactation is a serious problem that every woman can face. There are many reasons, but among them there are a number of main, most common.

When is relactation required?

The question of relactation may arise in a number of cases. Each family may be different, but there are several main reasons why breastfeeding should be stopped for a while and then started again.

Inhibiting factors

To accustom a child to the breast again and force the body to produce milk in full is a very difficult matter that cannot be solved in one day. As a rule, the longer the break, the more time it will take to relax. The main thing is to exclude factors that can slow down this process. Among them:

  • Psychological factor. Mom must believe in herself and her strength. Therefore, you should be patient and not go astray.
  • Lack of contact with the baby. If the reason for the termination of breastfeeding was in a long separation, then the contact between the mother and the child is minimized, which was established even during gestation. As a result, the need for maternal presence is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to take the child in your arms as often as possible, to cuddle and hug.
  • Baby's refusal to breastfeed. It is much easier for a child to get milk by sucking on a nipple from a bottle than to work with her mother's breast. Therefore, often after a break, the child refuses to breastfeed.
  • Negative family environment. Relactation is a labor-intensive process that will take all the time and effort from a woman, so they simply will not be left for household chores. In this case, it is very important that relatives provide maximum support to the woman and assistance in business.

There are many difficulties on the way to the return of breastfeeding, but perseverance, self-confidence and the support of loved ones will achieve the desired result.

How to resume GW?

Relactation includes a set of measures aimed not only at restoring milk production by the body, but also re-accustoming the child to breastfeeding.

breast stimulation

The baby has a genetic instinct to suck on the breast.. However, if there is no milk in it, then it is possible that he will refuse to take it after several attempts. To return lactation, it is necessary to have a stimulating effect on the breast.

  1. Attach the baby as often as possible. During the day - every hour and a half, at night - at least four times.
  2. Do not interfere with the contact of the child with the breast. If it stretches, in no case do not remove or hide it.
  3. Ensure proper nipple latching. It should be completely (2.5 cm from the base) in the mouth of the baby.
  4. Offer your baby both breasts at every feeding.
  5. Apply lactic acid. It can be chamomile, ginger or anise infusions. Warm tea is also good.
  6. Systematic pumping of both breasts after each feeding.

Baby feeding rules

In the process of relactation, it is very difficult to determine how much milk the baby has drunk., and as a result, the question arises about the amount of supplementary feeding with the mixture. Experts recommend feeding the child according to the scheme: breast (as much as he wants) - supplementary feeding (required from a spoon) - breast.

This method will allow you to have a stimulating effect on the breast, but at the same time the child will not remain hungry in case of a small amount of milk.

To understand whether the child has enough food, it is necessary not to put a diaper on him during the day and count the number of urination. Normal - 12 times. This indicates that he is full. On such a day, you can not give the baby water or other liquids. Only breast milk and formula.

Attention! After that, the volume of supplementary feeding should be reduced by 30% and the test should be repeated after 3 days. If the result is 12 urinations again, then the portion of the mixture can be reduced by another 25-30%.