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The names for the son are beautiful and unusual. What name to choose for a boy. Beautiful Chechen names for boys

Below are Russian male names in a list:

Russian male names starting with the letter A:

August- majestic, great, sacred
Augustine(old) - summer
Avdey- servant of the god Yahweh, clergyman
Abner(old) - from French. avenir - coming, future
Averky- putting to flight
Averyan- putting to flight, invincible
Auxentius(old) - alien "xenos" growing
Aurore / Aurore (new) - the son of the morning dawn
Autonomous- independent, its own law
Agap- favorite
Agathon- virtuous, noble
Haggai- solemn, festive, fun
Adam- created from the dust of the earth
Adonis (old) - lord
Adrian- strong, mature
Azarius- God's help
Akim- statement, the Resurrection of the Lord
Alevtin(new) - alien to evil
Alexander(old) - protector of people
Alexei(old) - defender
Albert(new) - wise
Albin(new) - "white"
Alfred(new) - good advisor
Ambrose- owned by immortals, divine
Amos- loaded, carrying a load
Ananias- marked by the grace of God
Anastasiy(old) - resurrected
Anatoly(old) - eastern
Andrei- courageous, brave
Adrian- courageous, brave
Andron- courageous, brave
Andronicus- husbands winner
Anikey- historical name
Anikita- invincible
Anise/ Anisy(old) - sweet smelling
Anisim- execution, completion
Antip- enemy
Anton/ Anthony (old) - entering the battle
Antonin(old) - kind
Antoine(new) - Anton's foreign language reading
Apollinaris(old) - son of the sun
Apollo(old) - the sun god
Argent(new) - from the French. argent - silver
Arefy- vital
Aristarch(old) - head of the best
Arkady(old) - shepherd or "Resident of Arcadia"
Arsen(new) - courageous
Arseny- courageous, sublime
Artem- perfect health
Artyom/ Artemy(old) - unharmed
Artemy- unharmed, healthy
Arthur(new) - big as a bear
Arkhip- chief over horses
Askold- golden voice
Atheist(new) - not a believer
Afanasy(old) - immortal
Afinogen- descendant of Athena

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Bazhen- desired, beloved
Benedict(old) - blessed
Bohdan(glory) - given by God
Boeslav(glorious) - glorified in battle
Boleslav- great fame
Borimir(fame.) - fighting for peace
Boris- fighter, warrior
Borislav(glory) - fighting for glory
Boyan- fighter, violent
Bronislav(glorious) - glorious defender
Budimir(Old-Russian) - peace-loving
Bulat(new) - "strong"

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Vadim(old) - sowing confusion
Valentine- strong, healthy
Valery- to be strong, healthy
Valerian- to be strong, healthy
Walter(new) - managing people
Bartholomew- son of Tolmai
Vasiliy(old) - royal
Vasilko(noun. from Vasily) - Tsarevich
Vaclav- great fame
Velimir(glorious) - master of the world
Velislav(glorified) - glorified
Velor/ Velorius (new) - wealthy
Venedict- blessed
Benjamin- the son of the right hand (right hand), beloved son
Vincent- winner
Victor(old) - winner
Quiz- the winner.
Vilen(new) - short for V.I.LENin
Vissarion(old) - forest man
Vitaly(old) - vital
Vitold(slav.) - forest ruler
Vlad(fame) - owning
Vladilen(new) - similar to VLADimir LENin
Vladimir(old, glorious) - owning the world
Vladislav(old, glorious) - owning glory
Vladlen(new) - similar to VLADimir LENin
Vlas- sluggish, clumsy
Warrior(Old-Russian) - "warrior"
Vojislav(glorified) - "glorified in war"
Volodar(Old Church.) - "lord"
Voldemar/ Valdemar (new) - famous ruler
Volmir/ Volemir (slav.) - the ruler of the world
Vsevolod(old, old-Russian) - the ruler of the whole people
Everyone(slav.) - everyone is lovely
Vyacheslav(old, glorious) - more than once famous

Russian male names with the letter G:

Gabriel/ Gavrila/ Gavrilo/ Gavril(old) - divine warrior
Gavrila- divine warrior
Galaktion(old) - star
Harry/ Harry(new) - tolerant
Gideon- warrior
Helian/ Helium(new) - sunny
Genius(new) - "genius"
Gennady(old) - well-born
George(old) - farmer
Gerasim- venerable
Hermann(old) - native
Gertrude(new) - HERO OF LABOR
Gleb(old, old-Russian) - large, high
Gorimir(slav.) - "light world"
Gorislav(Slav.) - "bright glory"
Granite(new) - "solid"
Gregory(old) - not sleeping
Guriy- lion cub

Russian male names starting with the letter D:

David- favorite
Davyd/ David(old) - favorite
Damir(new) - peaceful
Dan(old) - moon god
Daniel/ Danila/ Danilo/ Danil(old) - "God's judgment"
Danila- my judge is God
Gift(new) - "gift"
December(new) - winter
Dementius- taming, pacifying
Demid- Zeus thought
Demyan- conquering
Denis(noun. from old. Dionysius) - the god of the vital forces of nature
Gerald(new) - a different reading of Harald
Joseph(new) - a different reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John(new) - another reading of Ivan
Dionysius/ Dionysus (old) - god of vegetation
Dmitry/ Demetrius (old) - god of fertility
Dobrynya(Old-Russian) - a good fellow
Donald(old) - master of the world
Donat(old) - strong
Dorotheus- God's gift

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Evgeny(old) - noble
Evgraf- well-written, well-blessed
Evdokim(old) - well celebrated
Evlampy- radiant
Yevsey- pious
Eustathius- stable
Evstigney- a good sign
Elizar- God helped
Elisha- saved by God
Emelyan- flattering
Epifan- prominent, noble
Eremey- exalted by God
Yermil- forest
Ermolay- people and Hermes
Erofey- sanctified by God
Eruslan(Old-Russian) - "lion"
Efim(old) - pious
Ephraim- prolific

Russian male names starting with the letter Ж:

Zhdan(Old-Russian) - waiting

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zakhar(old) - "God's memory"
Zinovy(old) - "Zeus's power"
Zory(new) - morning
Zosima- going on the road

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim(new) - a different reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ignatius/ Ignat (old) - unknown
Igor(old, old-Russian) - defender of God
Ishmael- God will hear
Izot- life-giving, life-giving
Izyaslav- gained fame
Illarion- cheerful, joyful
Ilya- the fortress of the Lord
Innocent- innocent, blameless
Joseph- God's reward
Ipat- Supreme
Hypatius- Supreme
Hippolyte- unhitching the horse
Heraclius- glorified hero
Isaiah- the rescue
Isidore/ Sidor(old) - patron of fertility
July(new) - summer

Russian male names starting with the letter K:

Callistratus- beautiful warrior
Capiton- head
Carp- fruit
Kasian(noun from old. Cassian) - empty
Cyprian(old) - native of Cyprus or copper
Cyrus(old) - master
Kirill(old) - lord
Claudius(old) - lame or from the Claudian family
Clement(old) - gracious
Clementius- lord, lord
Klim- vine
Clement/ Klim (old) - condescending
Clement/ Clementius(Nar. from Clement) - meek
Colombia(new) - "dove"
Kondrat- quadrangular
Kondraty- a warrior carrying a spear
Konstantin- persistent, permanent
Roots- horn or dogwood berry
Cornil- horn
Cornelius- dogwood berry
Kuzma/ Kozma(noun. from old. Cosma) - decorated
Kupriyan(noun from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian male names with the letter L:

Laurel(old) - famous
Lawrence(old) - crowned with laurels
Ladislav- good fame
Lazarus(old) - "God's help"
Larion(nar. from Hilarion) - joyful
a lion(old) - "lion"
Leon- a lion
Leonard(new) - strong
Leonid(old) - son of a lion
Leonty(old) - lion
Longinus- long
Luke(old) - "happiness"
Lukyan/ Lucian (old) - happy
Luchezar- luminous, radiant
Love(Old Russian) - handsome
Luxen/ Lucian(new) - light


If you are just expecting a baby, then do not forget to track your condition on ours. This will allow you not to worry once again about this or that occasion. But don't forget - there are no perfect calendars! Each situation is individual and only a doctor can tell whether it is worth worrying or not.

Russian male names starting with the letter M:

Mauritius(old) - black
May(new) - warm heart
Maislav/ Maeslav(new) - famous in May
Makar/ Macarius (old) - happy
Max(new) - stately
Maxim(old) - stately
Maximilian/ Maximilian(old) - stately
Marian- sea
Mark- a hammer
Martyn- dedicated to Mars, warlike
Matvey- God's man
Methodius- tracking, searching
Mechislav- glorious sword
Milan- sweet
Mylene- sweet
Miliy(old) - cute
Miloneg(glory) - cute
Miloslav(glory) - glory is sweet
Mine- monthly, lunar
Myron(old) - kind
Mitrofan- found by the mother
Michael/ Mikhailo (old) - equal to God
Micah- equal to God
Modest(old) - shy
Moses(old) - extracted from water
Moky- mocker
Monolith(new) - unshakable
Mstislav- glorious avenger

Russian male names with the letter N:

Nazar/ Nazarius(old) - dedicated to God
Nathan(old) - gifted
Naum(old) - consolation
Neon(old) - shining
Neonil(old) - principled
Nestor/ Nester (old) - returned to his homeland
Nikandr(old) - winner of men
Nikanor- who saw the victory
Nikita- to win
Nikifor- victorious
Nicodemus- victory and people
Nikolay- victory of the people
Nikon- Victorious
Nifont- reasonable, judicious
North(new) - north (ny)

Russian male names starting with the letter O:

Ovid(old) - savior
Odysseus(new) - angry
Octavian(old) - (Roman) - eighth
Oktyabrin(new) - autumn
October(new) - autumn
Oleg(old, old-Russian) - saint
Olympius- the name of the sacred mountain Olympus
Onisim- execution, completion
Onufry- free
Orestes(old) - savage
Oscar(old) - "God's spear"
Ostap- stable

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Paul(old) - small
Palladium(old) - dedicated to Pallas Athena
Pankrat- the strongest, all-powerful
Panteleimon/ Panteley(old)
Panfil(old) - loving everyone
Paramon- reliable, loyal
Parfum- virgin, pure
Groin- broad-shouldered
Peresvet(Old-Russian) - light
Peter- stone, rock
Peter(old) - "rock" or "stone"
Pimen- shepherd, shepherd
Plato- broad-shouldered
Polycarp- fruitful
Porphyry- purple, crimson
Potap- mastered
Proclus- glory ahead of him
Prokhor(old) - choir leader

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Radium(new) - "radium"
Radislav(glory) - glad to glory
Radomir(glory) - glad to the world
Ratibor- warrior
Ratmir- protecting the world
Rodion- song to the lord
Novel- Roman; Roman
Rostislav- increasing fame
Ruben- ruby, blushing
Ruslan- a lion
Rurik- the glory of the king

Russian male names starting with the letter C:

Savva/ Sava(old) - desired
Savvaty- Saturday
Savely(old) - desired
Samson- sunny
Samuel- the name of God, God heard
Shine(new) - "light"
Svetlan(slav.) - light
Svetoslav(glory.) - "glory is light"
Svyatogor(Old Russian) - "holy mountain"
Svyatopolk(Old Russian) - "holy regiment"
Sevastian- highly esteemed
North(old) - "north"
Severin(old) - cold
Severyan/ Severian (old) - northern
Severyan(new) - north
Selivan- forest
Semyon- heard
Semyon(noun. from old. Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Seraphim(old) - fiery
Sergei(old) - highly esteemed
Sigismund(new) - ...
Sidor- the gift of Isis
Power- forest, wild
Sylvester- forest
Simon- heard
Socrates- retaining power
Solomon- peaceful
Sofron- sane, prudent
Spartacus- organizer, leader
Spiridon- box body
Steel/ Steel (new) - solid
Stanimir- peacemaker
Stepan/ Stephen (old) - "wreath"
Stoyan- strong

Russian male names starting with the letter T:

Taras(old) - restless
Tverdislav- solid glory
Creature-makes the world
Teimuraz(new) - analogue of Timur
Terenty- rubbing, shabby
Timofey- Who worships God
Timur- iron
Titus- honor, honor
Tikhon- successful
Tristan(old) - sad (tristia)
Trifon(old) - pampered
Trofim(old) - pet

Russian male names starting with the letter U:

Ulyan- owned by Julius
Ustin- fair

Russian male names starting with the letter F:

Thaddeus- a gift from God
Fadey/ Thaddeus(old) - "praise"
Februarylin(new) - winter
Fedor(old) - God's gift
Fedosiy- gift of the gods
Fedot- given by the gods
Felix(old) - successful
Feoktist- created by God
Feofan- the appearance of God
Ferapont- student, servant
Filaret- lover of virtue
Philemon(old) - favorite
Philip(old) - loving horses
Phlegont(old) - ...
Florenty(old) - blooming
Florentine- blossoming
Florenc(new) - blooming
Florin(new) - blooming
Fock- seal
Thomas- twin
Fortunat- happy
Photius- light, luminous
Frol(noun from old Flor) - blooming

Russian male names with the letter X:

Khariton(old) - benefactor
Harlampy- joyful light
Brave(Old-Russian) - brave
Christoph(old) - (Christopher) - carrying Christ
Christopher- confessing faith in Christ
Cheslav- Honor and glory

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Electron(new) - amber
Elbrus(new) - "mountain"
Emil- diligent
Emmanuel- God with us
Energy(new) - energetic
Erast- adorable
Ernst- serious, strict

Russian male names starting with the letter U:

Juvenal(old from Iuvenaly) - young
Eugene(new) - noble
Julian(old from Julian) - curly
Julius(old from Julius) - fluffy
Jupiter(new) - "jupiter"
Yuri(old, people from George) - farmer

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Jacob(old from Jacob) - imitating God
Jakub- next
Januarius(old from Iannuariy) - January
Jaromir(old, glorious) - "solar world"
Yaropolk(old, glorious) - "sunny"
Yaroslav(old, slav.) - "burning glory" or glorifying Yarilu, the ancient Slavic god

There is such an anecdote: - Elisha, son, you are not teased in the kindergarten? “Who’s going to tease?” Ostap? Eustathius? Arkhip? Prokop? Or maybe Naum? Indeed, you go into a group, and there is a thirtieth kingdom, and not a kindergarten. Parents recently (read, when the sharp-sighted eye of conscientious grandmothers from the Soviet Union ceased to follow) began to come up with unusual names for boys. And what - you name the ship, so it will float.

It is widely believed that a person needs a name in order to be his “individual discriminator”. Scientists refute this position with a variety of facts. For example, in Sweden in the 60s of the last century, the population was about 7 million. Of these, 381 thousand people bore the surname Anderson, 364 thousand people, Johanson, and 334 thousand Karlson. In Moscow at the same time in the telephone directory there were 90 thousand Ivanovs, of which a thousand were Ivanovich Ivanovs. The same name was widespread. This situation is realized in two ways: father and son or mother and daughter have the same name. Or a harsher version - siblings have the same name. For example, Tsar Ivan III had two siblings of Andrey, two daughters of Elena. In the Middle Ages, a canon named Jan Dlugash lived with the Poles in the city of Krakow. According to the surviving documents, 10 of his siblings had the same name. And in the Russian pre-revolutionary village, 25% of men bore the name Ivan, and what - a beautiful name for a boy.

Greatest and unscathed

Today, parents more and more often think about how to distinguish their child from the crowd, help him live a bright life, giving him an unusual name. Giving a rare name to a boy, no matter how punishing it sounds, is not uncommon today. The following list of unusually beautiful names for a boy will help to single out a son from classmates, and then classmates or colleagues:

  • Adam,
  • Arthur,
  • Adrian,
  • Bronislav,
  • Boleslav,
  • Benedict,
  • Walter,
  • Hermann,
  • Gordey,
  • Demyan,
  • David,
  • Elisha,
  • Zakhar,
  • Ignat,
  • Clement,
  • Christian,
  • Lubomyr,
  • Martin,
  • Nathan,
  • Orestes,
  • Oscar,
  • Plato,
  • Rudolf,
  • Stanislav,
  • Taras,
  • Felix,
  • Khariton,

In 2015, the Moscow Civil Registry Office registered the name Sevastopol for the first time. Also, in different cities, parents chose such rare and beautiful names for boys as:

  • Diamond,
  • Jazz,
  • Hector,
  • Kuzma,
  • Laurel,
  • Luke,
  • Radislav,
  • Radamir,
  • Dawn,
  • North,
  • Spartacus,
  • Fadey,
  • Jaromir.

At the same time, the most popular for many years in Russia are the names Alexander (meaning "defender"), Artem ("unharmed"), Maxim ("the greatest").

Recently, the tendency to call children forgotten Old Russian names has returned, primarily those that the church used to give: Zakhar, Platon, Savva, Demid, Lukyan, Miron, Ruslan, Rurik, Svyatoslav. This is really good for Russia in terms of compatibility with first and last names. A separate "caste" of these names is all those that end in "glory". In the XI-XIII centuries in Russia, these names mainly referred to the Rurikovich. The main thing is to teach the child, when he grows up, to pronounce the name clearly, otherwise he will be just Vyacheslav everywhere, and not some Boreslav or Miroslav. By the way, the now popular name of Milan is similar in meaning and origin to Miroslav, so you can call different-sex children like this - Miroslav and Milana.

Everything is clear with Russia - stability. In the USA, for example, the most popular names for boys are John, Robert, Richard, William. In England, popular modern names for boys are: Stephen, Paul, David, Mark, Alan. And in Germany - Ben, Luca, Paul, Lucas, Leon, Maximilian, Felix, Noah, David, Jan.

Interestingly, in some countries the number of names is not regulated at all. In the city of Purcell, Belgium, in 1972, the boy was given a name, consisting of the names of 22 players of the local football club. In Russia, the number of names is strictly limited. And it's good - it's easy to imagine what a riot of names our parents would have come up with in an attempt to create the most unusual names.

Life stories

It is interesting that many parents, who gave their sons rare and unusual names, found it difficult to tell how exactly they did it. Most either just read the dictionary of names, choosing almost at random, or said "it hit me in the head during pregnancy." It seems that few approach the choice thoroughly, study the meaning of the name, pronounce the name aloud, try on gentle sounds. But some moms did tell amazing stories.

Mom Anastasia, son Bazhen:

I've always been interested in names, their meanings. When I found out about the pregnancy, I immediately decided for myself that the name would certainly be of Slavic origin, in my case - Old Russian. There were other options, but they disappeared on the same day they were proposed. I chose the name for my son, I read a lot about his origin, I like its meaning and sound. The name comes from the Old Russian verb "bazhat", which means "to desire, to want," that is, Bazhen is a desired child. The name was common in the Middle Ages in Russia. Affectionately I call Bazhenchik, abbreviated - Zhenya.

Mom Inna, son Gordey:

It turned out that I came up with a name for my son 16 years before the birth of Gordey. I worked as an assistant teacher in a children's sanatorium, and a boy named Gordey appeared in my group. He was ten years old and he looked like an angel: blue-eyed blond, very kind, well-mannered, and most importantly - smart beyond his years.

To my delight, my husband immediately liked my cherished name for his son. For the sake of order, we tried to look for other options, but nothing else suited us. Although I had a second name - Vasily, in the end it was Vasily that I married, and this option disappeared by itself.

It is interesting that in 16 years I have never met a person named Gordey, but now I know several small namesakes of my son, born in the last year and a half. So the name is no longer so rare.

Our Gordey was born not in Russia, but in Cyprus, where my family and I temporarily live. And it came as a surprise to me that the name of my son turned out to be difficult for the hearing and speech of foreigners. Cyprus is a country where children are very fond of. On the street, they constantly meet Gordey, play, talk and, of course, ask his name. Sometimes you have to repeat several times and answer clarifying questions: “No, not Harry. And not Gordon. " One of the son's diminutive names is pronounced easier: Gordy. And in our family we call him in the Russian manner - Gordyusha. This is how the name sounds cozy and homely.

Calling the boy an unusual name or not, of course, is exclusively a parental matter. He will be Yang, Sasha or Elisha - it is up to the parents to choose this, although the public may oppose. The main thing when choosing a name for a boy is to remember one extremely important thing: the name must be combined with the patronymic and surname. If the girl can still change her surname, then the boy, most likely, as named by his parents, will live his whole life.

Russian names are among the most beautiful and popular in the world. Choosing the right name for a boy is not easy, because each has its own origin story, corresponding meaning, and intended destiny.

Russian names for a boy are chosen depending on the month of birth, thus, introducing a part of seasonality and weather elements into the name.

Many are mistaken about the origins of Russian names: most of them are of Greek origin. Over the centuries, they were influenced by the Christian religion, after which they received a modern look.

Previously, the names reflected the qualities of people, physical disabilities, the order of the appearance of the child in the family. Christianity was the impetus for ousting old Russian names and replacing them with church Byzantine, ancient Roman, Syrian, each of which had its own inherent meaning.

By the 19th century, Old Russian names were rarely met and were practically forgotten, and Christian variants were adapted to the Russian pronunciation. For example, Diomedes became Demid. The October Revolution made a significant contribution to the ideology of naming, names appeared reflecting industrialization (Diesel, Rem), as well as heroes of foreign novels (Arnold, Alfred).

Only from the 30s of the 20th century did the familiar Vladimir, Ivan, Sergei return.

Clairvoyants believe that the destiny of a person is known from above from his birth. It is difficult to trust that for a person the life path has already been thought out. Materialists assert that “it is written in such a way”, which also tacitly speaks of hopelessness, but with a note that everyone creates his own destiny.

The starting point is the name given at birth, it cuts into the subconscious like a code and programs for certain actions, manifestations of the corresponding character traits. If a name sounds confident, a person with such a name subconsciously imbued with self-confidence and can achieve heights.

It happens that a person deliberately takes the step of changing his name, he is driven by the desire to move in a new direction. Thus, a person is trying to change his "code" and achieve success by using a different name. Some peoples, especially African ones, deliberately do not call themselves to anyone; they use names - amulets to repel ill-wishers.

In Russia, they also gave similar names, the purpose of which is to repel evil spirits:

  • Failure;
  • Dislike;
  • Ignorant;
  • Not good;
  • Trouble;
  • Try it.

Russian names for a boy should not be chosen from those worn by fathers. Because of this, there is a risk of developing difficult family relationships. Giving a "hereditary" name, the personality is weakened psychoenergetically. To name a son after a deceased relative is a possible repetition of his fate. Difficult names in pronunciation are a hindrance to easy communication.

For a pregnant woman, in order to make the right choice of a name, it is recommended to lie down comfortably and pronounce different options, listening to the baby in the womb. Reciprocal hesitation will tell you which version will not disturb the peace of mind and help him find himself in life.

Do I need to choose a name for a boy for a middle name

The name for a growing man is chosen based on the correct combination:

  1. Middle name length: a small name requires an elongated middle name and vice versa. Keeping a balance creates a respectful and easy-to-pronounce message to the person.
  2. Nationalities: a name with Russian origins is not combined with a patronymic of foreign origin. For example, the combination "Vasily Heraklionovich" is difficult to perceive by ear, has a sharp sound. You should not name the child in honor of foreign famous personalities (Bill Alexandrovich, Justin Yegorovich) in order to avoid ridicule in the future from peers.
  3. Melodies: a large concentration of consonants on the border of the combination causes irritation (Mark Stanislavovich). The version has a similar effect when the middle name begins with the letter that ends the name (Maxim Makarovich).
  4. Individuals: according to psychologists, naming a child by the father's name is a mistake, repeated use can affect both negatively and positively on the carrier, adopting the pros and cons. Also, this situation (Ivan Ivanovich) creates confusion in addressing family members.

The name is a reflection of the personality, enclosed in a set of letters and sounds, in order to avoid the accumulation of hissing and whistling sounds, it is recommended to initially approach with seriousness to the choice, and pronounce aloud the resulting chains from the full name.

How to choose a male name by date of birth of a child, zodiac sign

It is not easy to choose Russian names for a boy.

There are 2 ways to solve a complex issue, which is based on the day and month of birth:

  1. According to the church calendar.
  2. By belonging to the zodiac sign.

The first option assumes that the expectant mother looks at the date of birth of her son in the calendar, where all the revered saints on this day are indicated, it is believed that the chosen blessed one will protect the person all his life.

The second method correlates the signs of the zodiac, giving it not only nominal characteristics, but also the qualities of a certain sign:

  • rams, 21.03-20.04, initiative and purposeful (Artem, Rostislav, Yuri);
  • born from late April to May 21 - stubborn but honest calves (Egor, Adam, Boris);
  • intellectually gifted twins born on 05.22-21.06 (Alexey, Valery, Gennady);
  • vulnerability and hypersensitivity are characteristic of crayfish June and July (Denis, Andrey, Efim);
  • boys - lionsthose born from the end of July to 23 August grow up as persistent, always striving for success, men (Zakhar, Prokhor, Rostislav);
  • those who started their lives from August 24 to September 22, virgins personify justice and purity (Herman, Nikita, Timofey);
  • striving for harmony is inherent scalesborn 23.09 - 22.10 (Mikhail, Victor, Oleg);
  • hardy and emotionally reserved scorpions born on 23.10-21.11 (Athanasius, Taras, Fedor);
  • archers - from November 22 to December 21 - boys with bright charisma, eager to change the world (Alexander, Peter, Timur);
  • persistent in the face of difficulties and responsible for life December and January ibex not afraid of loneliness (Plato, Arseny, Daniel);
  • changeable by nature aquarius, late January - early February, full of contradictions (Eugene, Vsevolod, Vitaly);
  • closing the chain of the zodiacs, fish are characterized by wisdom and responsiveness, but easily succumb to other people's influence (Maxim, Roman, Vasily).

Best Russian names for boys by season and month

Russian names for a boy are chosen depending on the month of birth, thus introducing a piece of seasonality and weather elements into the name. Winter children are endowed with talent, strength and determination. Characteristic contradictions and stubbornness coexist with the achievement of great heights. Family and personal life often does not work out due to disputes over trifles.

Spring boys grow up to be selfish and indecisive but gifted leaders. It is important that a person does not allow himself to be manipulated, but takes the initiative into his own hands. It is difficult for such people to get used to change. Among them are speakers, mathematicians and athletes. You can adjust your life path with a more "hard" name, which will protect you from adversity.

Born in the summer, they are ready to take risks, work hard to achieve success. Emotional and hot-tempered natures are courageous and active. Autumn gives your child wisdom, maturity and experience. Initially, boys are prudent and frugal. Principled men follow a well-defined path in work, and also show dedication in marriage.

January Adam, Artem, Vladimir, Danila, Emelyan, Elizar, Joseph, Ilya, Kirill,

Nikanor, Pavel, Peter, Prokhor, Prokop, Sebastian, Erast.

February Akim, Arkady, Vsevolod, Vlas, German, Grigory, Zakhar, Ivan, Ippolit,

Luke, Maximilian, Nicephorus, Porfiy, Pankrat, Roman, Felix, Theoktist.

March Andrey, Valery, Vyacheslav, Venedikt, Egor, Eugene, Mark, Nestor, Pavel,

Rostislav, Stepan, Trofim, Fedot.

April Artemon, Antip, Benjamin, Gabriel, Herman, Zakhar, Innokenty, Isaac,

Hypatius, Kondrat, Polycarp, Sofron, Samson, Titus, Terenty, Khariton.

May Alexey, Boris, Denis, Eremey, Joseph, Clement, Lazar, Lawrence,

Leonty, Modest, Nestor, Stepan, Sergei, Pimen, Paphnutiy, Pakhom.

June Alexander, Andrey, Vladimir, Egor, Elisey, Ivan, Irakli, Igor,

Ignatius, Nikita, Nazar, Sylvester, Christian, Khariton, Julian.

July Arseny, Victor, Galaktion, Herman, Ivan, Leonid, Nikodim, Samson,

Sergey, Stanislav, Tikhon, Terenty, Philip, Thomas.

August Arkady, Boris, Denis, Egor, Ermolai, Cornelius, Clement, Mitrofan,

Markel, Ostap, Prokhor, Semyon, Savva, Seraphim, Frol.

September {!LANG-e89066fcae922eac8682f7c43be386a2!}



October {!LANG-c786aa96b5a5a473f734b9b96aa631a7!}


{!LANG-64d77cb2db448a66ff8beab06e180071!} {!LANG-ab267dcf1b6bca9682ea1ac0d5bf2c2b!}



{!LANG-477f8a4601f2896d6150c86c11f7bc4c!} {!LANG-cebdc16a2b5df0bdaad928eb8b6f3f55!}







  • {!LANG-bd8cd2fdd8966117912befe3cceffca9!}
  • {!LANG-8f65b3a0a9518027a70a91fe33e53e6b!}
  • {!LANG-0845e3decf9326e971b319b7ec38bf3f!}
  • {!LANG-3a491ed7902340e668821d9a7e153609!}

  • {!LANG-a0e4e8e11a5573778369928f46ca9d28!}
  • {!LANG-884dd85157047c9b667494c387bc1f3c!}
  • {!LANG-9b447e81a94b2ed5461f68fd0729200f!}
  • {!LANG-a1051768074ba4e394245b04beebfdd1!}
  • {!LANG-0beaa4f2c4a6565647711f158404c323!}
  • {!LANG-bc159da263b7c7a92fe7c1f810454157!}
  • {!LANG-23d345123620fb833abe57297a937ec7!}

  • {!LANG-621f0f298e76f0a9f3d75cbd7147e6d9!}
  • {!LANG-7c895fa081855d430fef2d8d949976ed!}
  • {!LANG-11cc912b8e6d29a3b53feb8a3590b417!}
  • {!LANG-35dc88d6ef112f27d11ea8c4f81523d2!}
  • {!LANG-1d32fedc61839de329df9f607aac4428!}
  • {!LANG-dcc3a015f4f1d95f5c402bfc0f167d3e!}
  • {!LANG-fd5187163230abaafa4e760690f05ea7!}
  • {!LANG-95d7fc1b261e8501b306fcd1773a65d6!}
  • {!LANG-2066612cfe56cc0074f9aca3ce4afd02!}
  • {!LANG-435774f95250518b6b85a9a48c2a397f!}
  • {!LANG-3fd30059a32962a57be7ad337db1e651!}
  • {!LANG-84e6b481732618538409f82e27104ff8!}
  • {!LANG-0d595ca8ced1bec62b42c47b98a6dc56!}
  • {!LANG-ca5dbbd69e023264fbb13297626854bf!}


{!LANG-36d7b3701401ceb1f659eeedd4872bc1!} {!LANG-03288131d4b8228e65af85dc1aadbd90!}{!LANG-883f20221e63d5054a700d1be2af0d5f!}




  • {!LANG-dfa53a3d3e675ed3a7620d4416b2c8e3!}
  • {!LANG-68fde7bf0ce9b23e7b45692c5d957b5a!}
  • {!LANG-f3a6805ffbb1c53b6710eee01c93b014!}
  • {!LANG-48a676c989e50a3238cfdaf16b03ed82!}
  • {!LANG-e9a75abbdf23a5db45932d6a72a6d2e3!}

  • {!LANG-5cb425d52d0bb98ee63ce655d45c9192!}
  • {!LANG-92f95abd098dc526555f2190432b40ea!}
  • {!LANG-2d93b9c6d3661ea686725da83018cae6!}
  • {!LANG-28a16ef60eaccdee4490188e755b814b!}
  • {!LANG-85467b3fe4233e7aaf4bb02f3f717322!}
  • {!LANG-f9ce19a44620d56e1c7c3993e642ae14!}
  • {!LANG-8575e2427783f08f91ff477d30b3d970!}
  • {!LANG-8b688b110e607e9e5052dec3da3c4e42!}
  • {!LANG-c9a13a26f8db6a1992ec63120743d258!}
  • {!LANG-60076a443c84329d41b7c854505ef6c2!}
  • {!LANG-e663d7ade5cf6933ea37a2803df684b3!}
  • {!LANG-ba826c2836022ec3cde98612d1682c5b!}

  • {!LANG-8128d5298ffd3c7ee94ece6a2da7f758!}
  • {!LANG-1d5aaa4d676447f57012c0a383a34a65!}
  • {!LANG-8e11a8522a1887c4019badad61d1efe2!}







{!LANG-30774f2c6a7b884266cf462dfd50855c!} {!LANG-ae43454333c2c4a0d0c04fcda5320610!}
Bazhen {!LANG-dc3dce0f8399029dd3a81f9cb12950ea!}
{!LANG-f98aabf598456b8d8573eff5831e6160!} {!LANG-591e36ea64ea8e8c8625010a5a1e25da!}
Gorislav {!LANG-00e0e4749ffb5b2e418f1647281a1389!}
{!LANG-8b410ec396c1fbcc0cf4e17fd0965691!} {!LANG-d2d74e61829020dee947077fc428cb50!}
Zhdan {!LANG-33bf1c1c0094147730c5db9ce12a933a!}
{!LANG-165f66e3e9b87bd87b5c1d12ff13961b!} {!LANG-888a01e73f19b10c09d1cf9d04fd9ec4!}
{!LANG-12c35e962af421eb1fadc1b15be7f1ff!} {!LANG-c7187a6971aef0a939734ab5821088b5!}
{!LANG-59899611d626010e82dcc8030970c1df!} {!LANG-b862e43d9b95e44c62d40e639bad8cd6!}
{!LANG-42504966cd6e50a643b15ac8cfa2f2a5!} {!LANG-bcecdff1e3b993e3857dfa36752e3a86!}
{!LANG-0caa081d86dd0b906fb9b515a1029f94!} {!LANG-7f687cff5570f4dfe8a65b6d716857a6!}
{!LANG-5e833bfe414d9ed46ae3349a569a75a5!} {!LANG-3a6b7377ef67e285773a45be13174f47!}
{!LANG-f549f2dfa6343761501e49d01ba6faac!} {!LANG-b669124ac2e22354a28f9be6cd4cbf49!}
{!LANG-50681a351b4f87982d5621f9511839a6!} {!LANG-71149f8d0af282ffbc34a429867826e5!}
{!LANG-d83091ba970333c9a20c016f527fdaca!} {!LANG-23fe6ba89492cb8561802ccc551127cd!}
Svetlan {!LANG-d824c5f753b288088089c06b7faa9eae!}
{!LANG-5c21679891dd1ba3d991542aad3f69f6!} {!LANG-e05feee134e9c33034dad321ef86bdc3!}
{!LANG-f958183e2b01405c9ae61c5f02457316!} {!LANG-3dd3d4efbad7468ffb22523e6d63578c!}
{!LANG-dd0f29a825116731d7e89ee005d0a58f!} {!LANG-566b15fecd8fa81c6071a9f26882d420!}
{!LANG-270fd28854ba51d2bb6b6d137d510f92!} {!LANG-50c23f0351b360aa4d313a6fe3098f49!}
{!LANG-a527d8b68a3029f7c8c3ef1bef2f6820!} {!LANG-301eb44f8903d1efb5d05a2629a0d1f4!}
{!LANG-cac9c89dd9f47047e59d4ad1eef1c2ab!} {!LANG-902b6fcdcf5e8350562d6db60dcab15f!}
{!LANG-3e3b327d5d2627e89022e458266b5c8c!} {!LANG-83955b4e761d92fd76457c2c74c1e4c7!}
{!LANG-6ac23dfba444f43ec4b3bbced68852f8!} {!LANG-1dfb6e6b4089e37ac27fdb2578e98041!}
{!LANG-9e63df3cf513c76cd5eb98f34fb3e2b0!} {!LANG-2c04588e867a12d08cd88de965257d66!}
{!LANG-186394d0cfa7429e43f3679aa0f9e2a1!} {!LANG-3ba300c08a0273d2a59d0436390f2d31!}
{!LANG-409cbde3df1a1b734ce412165718fdc6!} {!LANG-662fa7f9d033fe0d696e478a86053467!}
{!LANG-a2f4c14c857c4b65fc92640ee4307589!} {!LANG-261bdec45f0c79e8d2195a819dfaf13a!}
{!LANG-905fefc27b99ff91dbe3d108110e56cb!} {!LANG-e5a5fa19baeab2903dde41698e7fd4be!}
{!LANG-5c915a481c8de14e993a562e87210179!} {!LANG-54e622a574052c254b1949ffe0436ead!}
{!LANG-8a822d6d32fa632f345cc35c04169738!} {!LANG-e31df2337d35c58989a5b5b37c173033!}
{!LANG-20539db3c555159d833819a858339afb!} {!LANG-a6924743598128df0bce16355a602a88!}
{!LANG-8f70e90fa31fff298a32894aeeea8c1d!} {!LANG-2b5da357b8a1f7c1dae048c872154c0b!}
{!LANG-c7632eaddf2c2dda1ebb1bf5f7f41f6d!} {!LANG-f7050c66ae2fcbbbc3f5cdc36ebfb381!}
{!LANG-56a0df3e7b7b624cf0879f0cd2a95a74!} {!LANG-380c809be70112b510bddce3958faca7!}
{!LANG-15ef981b03311f55d280603221bec85a!} {!LANG-77adc00a3475768d4a381af0dcbe231a!}
Dobrynya {!LANG-d2d329792eac4fbb7a5f473195454988!}
{!LANG-c7eebf02a8c2038ea1ad15cd985a6d02!} {!LANG-92b7e371a4d70f5eca0537146025d85e!}
{!LANG-46d1e2e58583cca7a3d0537d25901eae!} {!LANG-133d6eb6ff0dd0949b5b0610b3211837!}
{!LANG-0c80dad79f4b86630cd7a0a89011141a!} {!LANG-a05cc94495d834e108f6ba8e7d9f28ca!}
{!LANG-3275e6e1b5f083ab405e2be51a545914!} {!LANG-e9be7ccaff8a8e716d1b01c3a8f67c18!}
{!LANG-69ed673133181da6a1e97c6454b5ef9c!} {!LANG-1f16cd528653c801f0cd957dab7e5ce6!}
{!LANG-4a693a905e405bae2f5af977592687bd!} {!LANG-7d10da1d4acb1d9e6abbc28ee318a775!}
{!LANG-a36c5b7e7d1f3e4c9b893e56b3e3e165!} {!LANG-fadf03a16b52ffe61971aefc0ff722da!}
Stoyan {!LANG-a14e23aa7aba861156b79cf1b71024c3!}
{!LANG-c0a0ac83419193c70b824ea45f834718!} {!LANG-605566a850f529779189bc7859237f1d!}



  • {!LANG-7f74659e9ef4a5635488f62a5b45b36a!}
  • {!LANG-41d8e3c21eb55dc509f4da95230150ac!}

  • {!LANG-8cba7d95718f914212f80f9cd192e75f!}
  • {!LANG-bc81184ec54677d9eeb73ce46b800643!}
  • {!LANG-8f3272a895d3dbf11a0a7acc0e0fb3b6!}
  • {!LANG-d2f1a0e896aff9da3dbe8593119edbe0!}
  • {!LANG-e9d2bb019a05f33d4c1bead70d62e753!}
  • {!LANG-206b384955f9ea05b7153ae4a848ebe2!}
  • {!LANG-e77d634d5be163fdda16038d66ae9cb6!}
  • {!LANG-d1d952b1dd0e69376d6d302fb699ce4d!}
  • {!LANG-e33cc9dcff4e3c7aeaa777e27b438e80!}
  • {!LANG-0034e998243ef41652b242a9315ea42f!}
  • {!LANG-e0bc8e7e08a2bf83467a24b04b7f7989!}
  • {!LANG-fa2482e32bcc6e8180c9bdfcd6ccea63!}






{!LANG-8711b48454646ca0c7d38138bcc05208!} {!LANG-33c62e2a35f30340ffd31f322564d532!}

















  • Alexander {!LANG-0b321f3150abafca493c05cc9ac98dad!}
  • Andrei {!LANG-56f7539d00e900a443ddb0401ee7e920!}
  • Artem {!LANG-82ee0fbaa0b1ffcd81b69697f3f33332!}
  • Vladislav {!LANG-dc1663e4150207dfa7f045a34f48d8dd!}
  • Daniel {!LANG-9ed04bc12b9463dde39ac6e961eb3095!}
  • Kirill {!LANG-095e9e75d5fa9875fd23334e52d9866f!}
  • Maxim {!LANG-8079b87b30f948f9a4b45d5c1f4e8692!}
  • Michael {!LANG-41ebcace8462cb1e5463cc0a9b55875a!}
  • Nikita {!LANG-c230b6f0c71f90a43c01e00af1f441ef!}
  • Rostislav {!LANG-738972b6bb70c666ddf8b4b0d28d5bd1!}
  • Stepan {!LANG-77811cdba1f90c15b1d2e51a359590b4!}
  • Yaroslav {!LANG-a088aa1d4c6d1479cd3ea2e33630bc2c!}




  1. {!LANG-c954fe5f48779b3eb20c05201388f1ff!} {!LANG-370ffec62719382a60b16c45a1d976a6!}
  2. {!LANG-a3e419e4d76a68092d4f556259389bf9!} {!LANG-893b5a9cf4bb3984634874f56e585911!}
  3. {!LANG-e82d68c7b9a55e45db5e2d22a7ad2175!} {!LANG-d08a76b5e16bcb00fb1e94df510e8187!}
  4. {!LANG-c9b4837a0c90d96e49aa4b2dba349411!} {!LANG-93bb4996a1b64ea0c5b57d10a5905821!}
  5. {!LANG-b68850f9e6eee4054d51bcfa36be2a3d!} {!LANG-183adf374b38accabbbf325ac7aaf34e!}
  6. {!LANG-3a7c3ff240c4505a4774dd9797c4da9d!} {!LANG-7d38a3c86007c524eb2cfaa3eacd0386!}
  7. {!LANG-f5fd9e2d36beca7617bc452b04a14123!} {!LANG-61d28dd50bfea0a3d3dd64d590ad5979!}
  8. {!LANG-db055b841c385fc894e21c384eb0fd29!} {!LANG-2b7e8ee1a38f7cd3c6328522ae9a63cb!}
  9. {!LANG-aca2dd456093a32e9913965528dc2856!} {!LANG-d0d8c5434063c91a91a69eaf42d983fe!}
  10. Nikolay {!LANG-5686be19c276e961039f6d18746f306e!}




  • {!LANG-8b3aba31e20ecd4e4bc1e1692bf60ddf!}
  • {!LANG-d97291511727428c58be256b74513e73!}
  • {!LANG-2c5f26177dc3f5f97a8cac2d72e2ad4d!}


  • {!LANG-f537d0d7a665dd6fe43592bec822aae7!}
  • {!LANG-58d5f754f61ccda7455cd56b51a9e81a!}



{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-e445386519e6fcae3986d03d699a493d!}{!LANG-24ef23d1c14a5b24a79e0a9930056066!}


{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-701c8acdbc4371400e23a72070e31f8c!}{!LANG-2cd59ef363bade62f9cd56232758b568!}










  • Alexander
  • Andrei
  • Arkady
  • Bohdan
  • Vladlen
  • Vyacheslav
  • Hermann
  • Denis
  • Dmitry
  • {!LANG-413d24d2d475a57e40dac8331d4e8e96!}
  • {!LANG-05ec92662816f4c3beca55392c863406!}
  • Ilya
  • Konstantin
  • a lion
  • Leonid
  • Makar
  • Michael
  • Naum
  • Nikita
  • Rodion
  • Novel
  • Rostislav
  • {!LANG-c56131f5d5d4d618a7377cf8c3a98083!}
  • Spartacus
  • Semyon
  • Stepan
  • Tikhon
  • Philip
  • Julian
  • Yaroslav



  1. {!LANG-e32ae7899ebcbf5b900cc1d928120711!} {!LANG-079ec7dfa2d52fb15cc3e719137a671c!}
  2. Alexander {!LANG-2e311f443cb61fdb182083c67b240d4e!}
  3. Dmitry {!LANG-76f9d899101b6794f1b31e966ad5fc11!}
  4. Nikita {!LANG-14de4ae3e29b4c6932e5ee258ba5af82!}
  5. Ilya {!LANG-4cd11a0a03dcf8867d1f621828acd350!}



  • Adam {!LANG-b2a4ee4958496f8db3af1f8076a3bbeb!}
  • {!LANG-2ccd9c6bb4477bd191588fe97b2cec27!} {!LANG-6fb093506d7c822115258a29591b4f01!}
  • Anatoly {!LANG-d7a590367f39d1a886965dffa04cd6ce!}
  • Arkady {!LANG-5586ac3cb1f5402dd07dbc7ad9384433!}
  • Arseny {!LANG-34ca79265a978a4cc455df1f36a8b639!}
  • Vsevolod {!LANG-ffa4e935144fb7c2ac8f3678d6928cf4!}
  • {!LANG-386c99df0f612fe1e54a1499b2b8c9e4!} {!LANG-a8ba8c56c036ae43a147d159fe6d2dda!}
  • George {!LANG-ccdb17ee8bc1528973d82ec20c1d559c!}
  • Hermann {!LANG-b956e0ae0fef006e528dccbe686acdd2!}
  • David {!LANG-79342690f408c3f6f59b8e11471a12dd!}
  • Yevsey {!LANG-1cf2b38596a09c946cbdd85ca486a9d8!}
  • Efim {!LANG-5e640ca0a333a31cd018784fea6af8d0!}
  • Igor {!LANG-e5f2cb80c569e14f271feef489a868b2!}
  • {!LANG-efe2c9012e25f120822cb69cb6c4af9d!} {!LANG-c84e448f4aa939aec5ee1f106ca951a1!}
  • Kuzma {!LANG-ff46b0ea971f4c95eecbb35d3adcdc35!}
  • a lion {!LANG-b0e76c77e9ffce5da7f5d9a1a6eec43f!}
  • Naum {!LANG-d86fbb8d770690447f46f08af432c97f!}
  • Matvey {!LANG-a3005c1d5f788f9df255f7d91b9939de!}
  • Micah {!LANG-fa556f8a668cbc6449f5c80bc513bb14!}
  • Oleg {!LANG-05699a157262354f5cda135377fc854f!}
  • {!LANG-91bc69f284c7ad16498012db050fd600!} {!LANG-8e503a2ef6feb40748a422f754d49e27!}
  • Ruslan {!LANG-959f4e605a03fdb16368bd3f81d95984!}
  • {!LANG-3307154ed28b9e05e77fd7962098d8bb!} {!LANG-0e3e48f20fa3993071c628796bde8782!}
  • Savva {!LANG-0de4a90e2c2140d88af617729b36e90b!}
  • Sergei {!LANG-36b7203e1b41ba4f4180c519f0647cd1!}
  • Timofey {!LANG-3a860efb226abc56c668b7d0ffdfbc29!}
  • Timur {!LANG-7034fe8139c76a445e340b6c2ee3857d!}
  • Fedor {!LANG-28b0a4ed18f6fac5ea1096751c261571!}
  • Thomas {!LANG-315f91395be0f0ff1631b3c3d1f44ab7!}
  • Christopher {!LANG-3a860efb226abc56c668b7d0ffdfbc29!}
  • {!LANG-a60c3f63d1c88cbb8e5b2bd700a60f7b!} {!LANG-ea412a75cf86dc41df0e6f896e491b29!}
  • Emil {!LANG-0e6582f2863ef7f153796f325494da28!}
  • {!LANG-7cb59fa07867e054c652c92789765838!} {!LANG-51aab61b46972dedbf69d1944d8ecb49!}







  1. {!LANG-cf5d3c4785cb0cebcedbb7e1f73684bd!}
  2. {!LANG-c209e3ce6139d276a23376ce7a8e0a98!}
  3. {!LANG-5958a9e20eea503af9286f5bb63b12c9!}




  • {!LANG-b999a322740a4a5cf57513d0c529773c!}
  • {!LANG-1dd75bd9c1eacc61447b4737627486f2!}
  • {!LANG-a63b0c972c64fd26a301b4ddaa233402!}
  • {!LANG-fd623fdb6aab2f14baa0e2521f47d48a!}
  • {!LANG-7f0a755478b1ebb37566548895632013!}
  • {!LANG-9cb117486faa28f5146a66d6c4af5662!}
  • {!LANG-10ac5787d94856f9dd9d787a6618bc94!}
  • {!LANG-8236183da23118afc884793089e8be7b!}





  • {!LANG-a7d8b26bb75b3bf2a78162ce97281904!}
  • {!LANG-73ecd2ec40b08e02ac569c37303e58b2!}
  • {!LANG-e46883ba4c6ebb826c011fb18d283add!}
  • {!LANG-69e9c9528c8f2c7b969926001475bb64!}
  • {!LANG-09efa8d4526e2736a2e6b25ec41144fc!}
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